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Seed availability may limit the size of granivorous bird populations, particularly in desert environments. Seasonal and annual fluctuations in the abundance of granivorous birds were studied at three sites in the Northern Monte Desert, Argentina. The way in which these changes were related to seed supply was also studied. Granivore abundance and biomass, as well as seed abundance, were greater in winter. Changes in total granivore abundance were mostly because of variations in numbers of the most mobile bird species, all of which were found to have similar patterns of variation in their abundance. Evidence suggests that during the non‐breeding season, the most mobile species are able to track patches of high seed availability over long distances, whereas the abundance of less vagile species largely depends on the local ecological conditions. Seed supply is a proximate factor that limits the abundance of granivorous birds in the Monte Desert during the winter, but does not limit species richness. Granivore abundance was not correlated with seed supply in spring.  相似文献   

The breeding ecology of the Great-crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus was investigated over four consecutive years (2009-2012) at Lake Tonga, north-east Algeria. In all four years, the egg-laying period was relatively short, spanning two months (end of March to end of May), and bimodal. Nests were mainly located in Phragmites australis, over water of substantial depth (178 ± 43?cm, N=209), far from the shore and in habitat with low vegetation cover (12.37 ± 7.67%, N=209). The overall clutch size was 3.73 ± 0.92 eggs (N=127) and it decreased marginally over time. The overall nesting success was 70.4% (N=209), with nest failure caused mainly by predation (65%) and flooding (23%). Breeding outcome was significantly and positively related to nest size, with bigger nests conferring better survival to eggs and young probably through affording better protection during spells of adverse weather. However, the benefits of bigger nests may be confounded by the age or intrinsic quality of birds. The location of nests in P. australis, rather than other vegetation types, increased nesting success marginally but significantly. Two cases of interspecific mixed clutches involving the Great-crested Grebe were recorded.  相似文献   

Food storage is an important adaptation of several animal species to the temporally variable or unpredictable food supplies that are typical of desert environments. In the present study, whether Eligmodontia typus and Graomys griseoflavus inhabiting sand dunes in the Monte desert displayed scatter‐hoarding was investigated. Both rodent species prepared surface caches by digging small holes (1–3 cm deep) in the soil. Caches were partially covered with sand and dry leaves, which meant that all of the cache sites at each station could be found. Most caches were found below shrubs, that is, in a sheltered microhabitat rather than near the food source. The mean distance between caches and seed sources was significantly higher than the mean distance from food sources to shrubs. The proportion of caches was significantly higher in shrubs with high safety cover. The adaptive significance of this foraging behaviour could be a competitive tactic for the rapid sequestering of food from a rich and ephemeral source. Such behaviour would reflect predation risk, which constitutes an important foraging cost in deserts, and could also influence plant community dynamics.  相似文献   

GREGORY J. ROBERTSON 《Ibis》1995,137(1):109-115
Nesting site selection and nesting success in Common Eiders Somateria mollissima were studied over a 3-year period (1991–1993) in the Mast River delta (58o24'N, 94o24'W), 40 km east of Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. Eiders preferentially nested on islands that had incubating Lesser Snow Geese Anser caerulescens caerulescens on them; this effect was also seen between years on the same islands. Eiders which nested on islands with geese had a reduced chance of having eggs taken by predators during egg-laying and had a greater chance of hatching once incubation had begun, independent of the number of other eiders nesting on the island. The distance to a goose nest was less in nests which did not lose eggs prior to incubation than in those which did, but there was no difference in the distance to a goose nest in eider clutches which did or did not hatch. Artificial eider eggs placed closer to goose nests had a lower probability of being predated than those placed farther away. Nests on islands farther up the river and farther from the mainland had higher nesting success, presumably because these nesting islands were inaccessible to Arctic Foxes Alopex lagopus.  相似文献   

Plant Ecology - Seeds and seedlings are the most critical stages of cacti life cycles. From the thousands of seeds produced in a reproductive season, only a small fraction successfully germinate,...  相似文献   

Abstract The fate of seeds during secondary dispersal is largely unknown for most species in most ecosystems. This paper deals with sources of seed output of Prosopis flexuosa D.C. (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae) from the surface soil seed‐bank. Prosopis flexuosa is the main tree species in the central Monte Desert, Argentina. In spite of occasional high fruit production, P. flexuosa seeds are not usually found in the soil, suggesting that this species does not form a persistent soil seed‐bank. The magnitude of removal by animals and germination of P. flexuosa seeds was experimentally analysed during the first stage of secondary dispersal (early autumn). The proportion of seeds removed by granivores was assessed by offering different types of diaspores: free seeds, seeds inside intact endocarps, pod segments consisting of 2–3 seeds, and seeds from faeces of one herbivorous hystricognath rodent, the mara (Dolichotis patagonum). The proportion of seeds lost through germination was measured for seeds inside intact endocarps, seeds inside artificially broken endocarps, and free seeds. Removal by ants and mammals is the main factor limiting the formation of a persistent soil seed‐bank of P. flexuosa: >90% of the offered seeds were removed within 24 h of exposure to granivores in three of four treatments. Seeds from the faeces of maras, on the other hand, were less vulnerable to granivory than were other types of diaspores. These results suggest that herbivory might be an indirect mechanism promoting seed longevity in the soil (and likely germination) by discouraging granivore attack. On the other hand, germination did not seem to have an important postdispersal impact on the persistence of P. flexuosa seeds in the soil. Both direct and indirect interactions between vertebrate herbivores and plants may foster P. flexuosa's seed germination in some South American arid zones.  相似文献   

Capsule A recently developed observer-effects model gives better estimates than the survival model.

Aims To compare the performance of the traditional survival model with that of an observer-effects model in estimating nesting success.

Methods We used survival data from 654 nests in a covariate-dependent extension of a maximum-likelihood estimator model to simultaneously estimate daily survival rate and observer effect on nesting success in four different sectors of a study site. Standard likelihood-ratio tests and Akaike's information criterion differences were used to compare model performances.

Results A significant (negative) observer effect was detected in one of four sectors of the study area, and was probably attributable to small mammal predators. Despite significantly higher predation risk during the laying period, there was a significant positive observer effect during the laying period, contrasting with a weak negative effect during the incubation period, suggesting that an observer's tracks around unattended nests reduced predation risk. Likelihood-ratio tests indicated a significantly better fit using the observer effects model versus the Mayfield survival model in four of six scenarios.

Conclusion The observer-effects model accounts for bias in estimates of nest survival rates, and is preferred over the survival model because the inclusion of observer effect as a variable does not over-parameterize the model.  相似文献   

Abstract An important aspect of arid regions is the spatial heterogeneity resulting from differences among plant communities. There are process differences among different vegetation patches increasing variability in the functioning of the ecosystem. The purpose of this study was to estimate granivory, by studying variation of seed removal rates among patches at the local scale and variation according to seed type. We carried out experiments during four seasons in three plant communities in the Monte Desert, Argentina: ‘peladal’, mesquite forest and creosotebush. Seed trays were offered to ants, birds and rodents. Two types of commercial seeds (sunflower and millet) were used. We found that seed removal rate was significantly different among plant communities, among taxa (birds, ants and murid rodents), and among seasons, and that removal rate was higher for sunflower. Seed removal rates by murid rodents were higher than by birds or ants, and occasionally as high as those found in other deserts. The heterogeneity of seed removal patterns at the local level was as strong as that found between continents. Further studies may show similar local heterogeneity in other deserts of the world.  相似文献   

Selective seed consumption by harvester ants may affect seed abundance and composition and, ultimately, plant communities. We evaluated the influence of seed size on preferences and diet of Pogonomyrmex mendozanus, P. rastratus, and P. inermis in the central Monte Desert, Argentina. In choice experiments with Pappophorum spp. seeds of different sizes, P. mendozanus and P. rastratus preferred large seeds, maximizing energy reward. P. inermis showed a less-marked preference for large seeds, which was probably due to morphological constraints imposed by its small body size. Under natural conditions, none of the three species selected larger Pappophorum spp. seeds probably because of high travel and handling costs. Seeds of intermediate size predominated in the diet of the three species but a slight size match was detected as P. mendozanus carried larger seeds than P. rastratus and this than P. inermis, matching body-size differences. Thus, ants probably maximize energy reward but face morphological restrictions and higher costs when carrying and holding large seeds. While seeds of intermediate size are the most vulnerable ones to ant predation, small seeds are favored, as they are abundant in the soil seed bank and lowly predated.  相似文献   

Most studies of ecological guilds consider guild membership as a fixed attribute of species, and the guild structure as a fixed attribute of a community. Consequently, almost no study tackled the examination of temporal changes in the guild structure of a particular assemblage. We used data on foraging patterns of central Monte desert birds to assess seasonal differences in resource use by resident species, and to examine seasonal changes in the guild structure of the assemblage. From 1993 until 1999, we quantified the use of foraging substrates, manoeuvres, and height strata, and the utilisation of plants by 18 bird species. Resident species showed different kinds of seasonal dynamics, from no noticeable to drastic changes in their foraging patterns. Seasonal changes in guild structure were remarkable. Only two guilds were present all year round (ground foragers and foliage foragers), although they suffered important species turnover. Three other guilds had a seasonal occurrence: graminivores (during the non-breeding season), arboreal herbivores, and aerial feeders (during the breeding season). Two species changed from one guild to another between seasons. Both presence–absence of migrant species, and changes in the feeding ecology of resident species had an influence on the temporal dynamics of guild structure. These factors appeared to be related with changing resource availability, especially with the birds’ ability for facing lean conditions through migration and with the opportunistic use of seasonally superabundant resources. Our results undermine the trust in studies in which guild structure was assessed irrespective of temporal variations. We show also that guild membership is not a fixed attribute of a species: we should rather evaluate the individuals’ resource use in a given moment to assign them to a guild, instead of obtaining a single measure purporting to represent a species’ fixed attribute.  相似文献   

Locomotion and Escape Modes in Rodents of the Monte Desert (Argentina)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Modes of locomotion and escape tactics are attributes that affect the structure of animal communities, promoting exploitation of different microhabitats and the coexistence of different species. Bipedal locomotion is considered to be more effective than a quadrupedal gait in escaping attacks by predators because it allows for higher speed, a faster response to attack, sudden changes of direction and better detection of aerial raptors. The aim of this study was to determine the type of locomotion used at the moment of escape by three rodent species of the Monte desert –Eligmodontia typus, Akodon molinae and Graomys griseoflavus. The study was carried out in three plant communities of the Ñacuñán Reserve (Mendoza). All three species showed differences in both mode of escape and locomotory pattern. Graomys griseoflavus exhibited the highest proportion of escapes using quadrupedal saltation. The mode of locomotion employed by E. typus varied according to the type of plant communities it inhabited. Those occurring at open sites (Medanal community) exhibited a greater propensity to jump during escapes than those from more sheltered habitats (Algarrobal community). Akodon molinae relied primarily on a quadrupedal gait when fleeing from predators, which would explain its greater dependence on plant cover. Therefore, the morphological and behavioural characteristics of these species are related to their mode of locomotion and the strategies they employ to diminish the risk of predation.  相似文献   

In the temperate desert of Argentina, the combined action of climatic and anthropogenic factors has contributed to the formation of a highly heterogeneous landscape. In the central region of the Monte desert, four small mammal species (Eligmodontia typus, Calomys musculinus, Akodon molinae and Graomys griseoflavus) coexist and show different habitat uses in response to spatial variability. Three main habitat types are present in the region: mesquite forest, the creosotebush community and sand dunes. These habitat types are present also in the surrounding grazing area.The objective of this study was to determine habitat quality for these species in a protected area (Reserve MaB Ñacuñán) and in the adjacent grazed area. For each species we estimated demographic parameters that are highly correlated to fitness in each habitat, and for both treatments (protected and grazed).We found that the protected area offered a higher quality habitat than the grazed area for all species, but principally A. molinae and G. griseoflavus. At a local scale, we found that A. molinae and C. musculinus clearly showed higher fitness in the more complex habitats as the creosotebush community and the mesquite forest. In contrast, for E. typus, open and simplest patches, such as sand dunes, were optimal for its survival and reproduction.  相似文献   

The wild boar (Sus scrofa) is an exotic agent of disturbance that arrived in the Ñacuñán Reserve of Argentina in the 1980s. When foraging, the wild boar overturns extensive areas of soil leaving them bare of vegetation. Knowledge is scarce about the boar's impact on vegetation composition and soil properties in the Monte Desert, Argentina. The objective of our study was to determine the short terms effects of wild boar rooting on vegetation and on soil physical, chemical and microbiological properties. Our results indicate that rooting activities significantly reduced the plant cover of herbs, perennial grasses and shrubs, and decreased plant richness and diversity. Disturbed soils showed less compaction, more moisture, a low C/N ratio, and high content of mineral nitrogen. These new soil characteristics could be responsible for a reduced plant cover and less soil bulk density, which could increase soil degradation by wind erosion.  相似文献   

The potential explosive seed dispersal under controlled conditions and the dispersal by ants in natural populations are compared between two diplochoric species: Jatropha hieronymi Kuntze and J. excisa Griseb. The seeds of J. hieronymi are more than eightfold heavier than J. excisa seeds, and were explosively dispersed considerably further distances, reaching a maximum of almost 18 m. The differences in explosive dispersal distances between the two species seem to depend on both carpel wall thickness of the fruit and aerodynamic shape of the seed. Seed removal by ants was positively correlated with the presence of the elaiosome and was higher for J. excisa (83.6%) than for J. hieronymi (31.6%). Seed size was the major factor affecting the removal by ants, as only large bodied ants were able to transport the large seeds of J. hieronymi. The larger size and the higher oleic acid content of the elaiosomes of J. hieronymi seeds had no influence on the observed removal rates by ants. In contrast, ants transported the J. hieronymi seeds further distances than J. excisa seeds. Jatropha hieronymi distances achieved by both dispersal modes are in the range of the furthest distances described for a diplochorous species. Finally, the possible advantages of this dispersal mode in arid zones are discussed.  相似文献   

A large number of protected areas worldwide have been impacted by biological invasions, threatening the biodiversity they aim to protect. The wild boar (Sus scrofa) is one of the most threatening invasive species in Argentina, already occupying many ecoregions, including the central Monte Desert. However, there are no studies regarding the use that wild boars make of this invaded biome and what factors (climate or landscape) determine or contribute to the establishment of this species. The objectives of this study were to assess habitat use of the wild boar at spatial and temporal scales in the central Monte Desert, and to assess if climatic factors influence its abundance. Our results show that, at habitat-level the wild boar exhibited preferences for a particular habitat (Larrea shrubland) for feeding. At microhabitat-level, we found a positive association between herb cover and wild boar presence. In addition, we found a strong and positive association between the number of days with low temperatures and the number of wild boar signs registered. Therefore, we consider that in the central Monte Desert, habitat selection by wild boars is most likely determined by a maximization of food intake and a minimization of exposure to high temperature.  相似文献   

Prosopis flexuosa trees in the Monte Desert grow in dune and inter-dune valleys, where the water table is located at 6–14 m depth. We asked whether trees in the dunes, which are less likely to access the water table, present a coarse surface root architecture that might favor the exploration / exploitation of dune resources, compensating for water table inaccessibility. We characterized the architecture of surface roots of valley and dune trees, together with the soil environment. The dune held 50 % less and deeper gravimetric soil water (along a 4 m profile), 3-times less organic matter, 2-times less available phosphorous, and a sharper contrast of ammonium and nitrate concentration between plant canopies and uncovered soil than the valley. Coarse surface roots of dune trees were highly branched and grew tortuously at 0.56?±?0.16 m depth before sinking downward near the tree crown, suggesting an intensive exploitation of the ephemeral, deep, and canopy-linked resources. In contrast, trees from the valley spread their profuse and less branched surface roots mainly horizontally at 0.26?±?0.08 m depth, several meters outside the crown probably exploring this resource-rich site. A model for the environmental control of root architecture together with potential ecological effects is discussed.  相似文献   

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