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尖峰岭热带森林土壤C储量和CO2排放量的初步研究   总被引:82,自引:1,他引:81       下载免费PDF全文
 本文根据定位观测数据和有关历史资料,研究了海南岛尖峰岭林区主要森林土壤的有机C储量、热带山地雨林和半落叶季雨林凋落物的C储量和林地CO2的排放量、以及“刀耕火种”和砍伐森林等人类活动对土壤C的影响,对于进一步认识热带林的生态功能,弄清我国温室气体的排放量,正确评价中国森林在全球生物圈C平衡中的作用,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

尖峰岭热带山地雨林生态系统 碳平衡的初步研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
报道了我国海南岛目前保存面积较大、林分的组成和结构复杂的热带山地雨林生态系统的C素库和群落的CO2排放动态。通过在尖峰岭林区进行为期3a的研究,结果表明:热带山地雨林的碳素库主要有3个方面,即森林生物量中的C为234.3056t/hm2,森林凋落物现存量中的C为2.98t/hm2以及土壤层中的C为104.696t/hm2,合计为341.9816t/hm2。森林生态系统中的CO2平衡的基本动态为:每年用于群落总第一性生产力所同化的CO2总量为74.28t/hm2,其中42.69t/hm2的CO2又通过群落呼吸作用而释放出来,用于净第一性生产力为31.59t/hm2;另一方面,凋落物层每年通过呼吸而释放的CO2量为3.27t/hm2,土壤的释放(不包括根系的呼吸)量约为26.96t/hm2。收支相抵,热带山地雨林生态系统每年对大气中的CO2的固定量为1.366t/hm2,折合C为0.3725t/hm2。由此可见,恢复、发展和保护热带林生态系统是解决大气中CO2浓度升高、温室效应等全球性的生态问题的重要途径之一。  相似文献   

尖峰岭热带山地雨林C素库及皆伐影响的初步研究   总被引:40,自引:6,他引:40  
对海南岛尖峰岭热带山地雨林原始林和更新林的C素库以及皆伐对森林C素库影响的研究表明,尖峰岭热带山地雨林原始林的C素库总量为340.467t.hm^-2,其中植物C储量为232.791t.hm^-2土壤有机碳储量为104.696t.hm^-2,枯枝落叶层C储量为2.98t.hm^-2,更新林的C素库总量为258.966t.hm^-2其中植物C储量为150.203t.hm^-2,土壤有机C储量为105  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度倍增对植物暗呼吸的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以长期生长于350和700μmolCO_2·mol~(-1)空气的开顶式培养室的杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.)、紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)、玉米(Zea mays L.)等10种植物的离体成熟叶片或整株为材料,研究不同测定温度(15~35℃)下,CO_2浓度倍增对植物暗呼吸的影响。结果表明:在较低温度(15℃、20℃)下,CO_2浓度倍增对植物暗呼吸没有显著效应,在较高温度(30℃、35℃)下多数被测植物的暗呼吸显著增强。讨论了实验所得结果在未来全球气候变化中的可能的意义。  相似文献   

Zhao L  Zhou GY  Zhang DQ  Duan HL  Liu JX 《应用生态学报》2011,22(8):1949-1954
选取荷木、海南红豆、肖蒲桃、红鳞蒲桃和红锥 5 种南亚热带乡土树种构建混交群落,通过 5 年人为提高 CO2 浓度和氮输入试验,研究碳-氮交互作用对南亚热带主要乡土树种及群落的生物量积累与分配的影响. 结果表明: CO2 浓度升高及氮沉降对植物生物量的积累和分配的影响因树种不同而有显著差异. CO2 浓度升高和氮沉降对豆科植物生物量积累相对提高了 49. 3%和 71. 0%,且促进了阳生植物生物量的积累; 氮沉降能显著提高偏阴生植物生物量积累,但在 CO2 浓度升高条件下,其生物量积累低于对照. CO2 浓度升高抑制了阳生植物地下生物量的分配,但促进偏阴生植物地下生物量的分配. CO2 浓度升高、氮沉降以及碳-氮交互作用对南亚热带植物群落生物量积累均具有促进作用; CO2 浓度升高促进群落地下生物量积累,氮沉降显著提高其地上部分生物量分配. 在全球变化背景下,南亚热带林业固碳树种适宜选用海南红豆和红锥.  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度和温度升高对水稻叶片及群体光合作用的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
大气CO2浓度升高对植物光合作用的影响研究多集中在单叶水平,在高CO2及高温下对植物单叶及群体光合进行比较的研究少有报道,而群体水平的研究则是预测生态系统反应所不可缺少的。采用田间开顶式培养室研究了大气CO2浓度和温度升高对水稻(OryzasativaL.)叶片及群体光合作用的影响。发现CO2浓度和温度对水稻叶片光合作用有协同促进作用,而对群体光合作用的促进则随时间的推移而减弱;单叶光合受到的促进作用大于群体光合;叶面积指数只在营养生长期受到促进,冠层叶片含氮量受CO2影响降低。群体呼吸(包括茎杆)增加及冠层叶片早衰可能是后期CO2对群体光合促进作用下降的原因。  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高对植物根系的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物长期生长在CO2浓度不断升高的环境中,其结构和功能都将受到影响,这种影响不仅表现在植物的地上部分,同时也表现在植物的地下部分(根系),尤其是细根的长度、直径、产量、周转以及根与枝的分配模式等方面。植物根系结构和功能的改变影响植物地上部分和生态系统物质循环中的碳动态及土壤中碳库的变化。目前有关大气CO2浓度升高对根系动态影响的研究报道主要包括大气CO2浓度升高对根系结构(直径、分枝、长度、数量等)和根系生理(周转率、产量、碳分配模式等)的影响2个方面。目前,该领域研究还存在一些不足,例如在CO2浓度升高条件下,对植物根系内部的调控机制,以及由其引起的物质循环和能量流动的动态变化的了解较少;至今没有令人信服的证据说明大气CO2浓度升高使根系周转升高还是降低。今后应加强研究在CO2浓度升高条件下根系的周转变化和光合产物分配模式变化,CO2浓度升高和外界环境因素的共同作用对根系的影响,以及采用不同研究方法和研究对象在不同立地条件下开展升高CO2浓度对根系影响的对比研究等。  相似文献   

植物暗呼吸作用对大气CO2浓度升高的响应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
植物暗呼吸作用对CO2浓度升高的响应目前存在两种截然相反的观点:一种认为暗呼吸作用将随着CO2浓度的升高而下降,可能的原因有胞间CO2浓度升高、呼吸酶活性改变及暗固定CO2作用的加强等直接原因;另一种认为暗呼吸作用将随CO2浓度的升高而提高,影响因素可归结为碳水化合物含量增加、高CO2浓度刺激其他呼吸途径和生长加快等间接原因。由于目前国际上在实验手段、材料及呼吸作用表达方式等方面的不一致性,这些观点尚难定论,需要更多的实验数据来进一步验证。  相似文献   

氮沉降对土壤微生物的扰动可能会影响土壤的养分循环,然而关于中亚热带天然林土壤微生物及酶活性对氮沉降的响应鲜有报道。通过3 a的氮沉降模拟实验,研究中亚热带米槠天然林土壤的理化性质、土壤微生物量及土壤酶活性的响应。结果表明:氮沉降并未引起土壤的有机碳和总氮显著性变化;高氮(80 kg N hm~(-2)a~(-1))处理下,土壤p H下降,出现酸化现象;低氮(40 kg N hm~(-2)a~(-1))处理促进淋溶层(A层)中土壤纤维素分解酶(β-葡萄糖苷酶和纤维素水解酶)和木质素分解酶(多酚氧化酶和过氧化物酶)活性升高,同时促进土壤微生物生物量碳、氮的积累。冗余分析(RDA)表示,可溶性有机碳(DOC)是驱动A层土壤酶活性的重要环境因子;而在淀积层(B层),这4种酶活性并未发生显著性差异。施氮处理后,A、B层中土壤的酸性磷酸酶活性增加(P0.05)。研究表明:低水平氮沉降增加了土壤微生物生物量碳氮含量以及土壤有机碳分解相关酶活性,从而加速了土壤碳周转;这为未来氮沉降增长背景下,探索中亚热带天然林土壤碳源汇问题提供了依据。  相似文献   

陆地森林土壤是重要的大气甲烷(CH4)汇,大气氮(N)沉降增加对森林土壤CH4吸收速率影响突出。运用静态箱-气相色谱法对中亚热带天然林土壤CH4吸收速率对模拟N沉降的响应进行连续3a的观测;试验作3种N处理,分别为对照(CK,0 kg N·hm-2·a-1)、低氮(LN,50 kg N·hm-2·a-1)和高氮(HN,100 kg N·hm-2·a-1),每种处理重复3次,每个月采集气体1次,同时测定0—5 cm土壤温度和0—12 cm土壤含水量;分析不同N沉降水平土壤CH4吸收速率的差异、动态变化以及对土壤含水量和土壤温度响应,并探讨N沉降对土壤理化性质的影响。结果显示:天然林土壤(CK)平均CH4吸收速率为(-62.78±14.39)μg·m-2·h-1,LN和HN土壤平均CH4吸收速率分别下降了30.21%、7.24%,CK、LN和HN处理土壤CH4吸收速率季节变化趋势相似;观测期间土壤CH4吸收速率对LN响应达到显著水平(P0.05),对HN响应则不显著(P0.05);LN、HN处理前两年对土壤CH4吸收速率抑制作用均不显著(P0.05),但在第3年LN极显著降低了土壤CH4吸收速率(P0.01),HN处理对土壤CH4吸收速率的影响则在第3年表现为显著抑制作用(P0.05),表明土壤CH4吸收速率对N沉降的响应随着N沉降时间的持续呈抑制效应加剧的趋势。相关分析表明:CK与HN土壤CH4吸收速率与土壤温度和土壤含水量均有显著相关性(P0.05),但LN土壤CH4吸收速率仅与土壤含水量显著相关(P0.05),表明土壤含水量是控制各N沉降处理土壤CH4吸收速率动态的主要环境因子。此外,LN、HN处理下土壤pH均极显著降低(P0.01),但LN土壤pH极显著低于HN(P0.01);LN处理极显著提高了土壤C/N比(P0.01),HN处理则相反;LN和HN处理对土壤NH+4-N、NO-3-N、可溶性总N(TDN)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)、地面凋落物量、地下0—10 cm细根生物量影响均不显著(P0.05),表明一定时期内N沉降首先引起了土壤pH和土壤C/N比的显著变化。  相似文献   

Carbon Dioxide Exchange Between an Old-growth Forest and the Atmosphere   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Eddy-covariance and biometeorological methods show significant net annual carbon uptake in an old-growth Douglas-fir forest in southwestern Washington, USA. These results contrast with previous assumptions that old-growth forest ecosystems are in carbon equilibrium. The basis for differences between conventional biomass-based carbon sequestration estimates and the biometeorologic estimates are discussed. Annual net ecosystem exchange was comparable to younger ecosystems at the same latitude, as quantified in the AmeriFlux program. Net ecosystem carbon uptake was significantly correlated with photosynthetically active radiation and air temperature, as well as soil moisture and precipitation. Optimum ecosystem photosynthesis occurred at relatively cool temperatures (5°–10°C). Understory and soil carbon exchange always represented a source of carbon to the atmosphere, with a strong seasonal cycle in source strength. Understory and soil carbon exchange showed a Q10 temperature dependence and represented a substantial portion of the ecosystem carbon budget. The period of main carbon uptake and the period of soil and ecosystem respiration are out of phase, however, and driven by different climatic boundary conditions. The period of strongest ecosystem carbon uptake coincides with the lowest observed values of soil and ecosystem respiration. Despite the substantial contribution of soil, the overall strength of the photosynthetic sink resulted in the net annual uptake. The net uptake estimates here included two correction methods, one for advection and the other for low levels of turbulence.  相似文献   

我国东北天然林保护工程区森林植被的碳储量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以东北天然林保护工程区森林生态系统为对象,通过对其主要森林类型进行调查,探讨天保工程经营区划对森林植被固碳现状的影响,并结合已有的东北林区生物量与蓄积量数据库,建立了东北林区主要树种组的生物量-蓄积量回归模型,然后以第7次森林资源清查为基础,对东北天保工程区森林植被碳储量进行估算,以期为全国森林生物量的估算和天保工程的评估提供参考。结果表明,不同经营区之间(重点公益林、一般公益林和商品林)森林植被碳密度的差异并不显著,这可能与天然林保护工程实施初期经营区划的标准、样地的选择以及天保工程实施过程中粗放的管理方式有关。东北天保工程区森林植被碳储量为1045 Tg C,占东北、内蒙古三省森林植被总碳储量的68%;工程区以天然林为主,占工程区总植被碳储量的97%。工程区森林植被平均碳密度为41 Mg/hm2,较东北、内蒙古三省平均植被碳密度高14%;工程区植被碳密度随林龄的增加逐渐增大,由幼龄林的13 Mg/hm2到过熟林的63 Mg/hm2。因此,继续加强天然林保护工程的实施,提高其林分质量,这对未来我国森林碳汇潜力的增加和森林的可持续发展都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

海南霸王岭热带山地雨林森林循环与树种多样性动态   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
通过对海南岛霸王岭热带山地雨林的调查 ,研究了热带山地雨林树种多样性特征随森林循环的动态变化规律。结果表明 :( 1 )热带山地雨林森林循环不同阶段斑块在森林景观中所占的面积比例分别是 :林隙阶段 ( G)占 38.5 0 % ,建立阶段 ( B)占 2 8.5 0 % ,成熟阶段 ( M)占 2 7.0 0 % ,衰退阶段 ( D)占 6 .0 0 %。 ( 2 )热带山地雨林中乔木树种的密度随森林循环的变化趋势是由 G→B→M呈现出逐渐增加的趋势 ,以成熟阶段达到最大 ,而到衰退阶段又趋于下降。灌木树种则表现出 G阶段斑块的密度最大 ,B阶段的最小 ,从 B到 M有所增加 ,到 D又稍有下降。 ( 3)热带山地雨林中不同高度级和不同径级的树木的密度在森林循环的不同阶段表现出不同的增减趋势 ,其随森林循环过程呈现出的动态变化可能与不同阶段斑块内的空间、环境及物种生物学特性有关。 ( 4 )热带山地雨林中树木的平均胸径、平均高、平均胸高断面积、平均单株材积随森林循环过程呈现出不断增加的趋势 ,其中平均胸径和平均高随森林循环的变化较为平缓 ,而平均胸高断面积和平均单株材积之变化较为陡急。 ( 5 )热带山地雨林森林循环不同阶段的物种多样性指数不同 ,其中 G和 B阶段的物种丰富度和多样性指数值较接近 ,M阶段的物种丰富度达到最大 ,D阶段则最小。  相似文献   

Tropical dry forest is the most widely distributed land-cover type in the tropics. As the rate of land-use/land-cover change from forest to pasture or agriculture accelerates worldwide, it is becoming increasingly important to quantify the ecosystem biomass and carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools of both intact forests and converted sites. In the central coastal region of México, we sampled total aboveground biomass (TAGB), and the N and C pools of two floodplain forests, three upland dry forests, and four pastures converted from dry forest. We also sampled belowground biomass and soil C and N pools in two sites of each land-cover type. The TAGB of floodplain forests was as high as 416 Mg ha–1, whereas the TAGB of the dry forest ranged from 94 to 126 Mg ha–1. The TAGB of pastures derived from dry forest ranged from 20 to 34 Mg ha–1. Dead wood (standing and downed combined) comprised 27%–29% of the TABG of dry forest but only about 10% in floodplain forest. Root biomass averaged 32.0 Mg ha–1 in floodplain forest, 17.1 Mg ha–1 in dry forest, and 5.8 Mg ha–1 in pasture. Although total root biomass was similar between sites within land-cover types, root distribution varied by depth and by size class. The highest proportion of root biomass occurred in the top 20 cm of soil in all sites. Total aboveground and root C pools, respectively, were 12 and 2.2 Mg ha–1 in pasture and reached 180 and 12.9 Mg ha–1 in floodplain forest. Total aboveground and root pools, respectively, were 149 and 47 kg ha–1 in pasture and reached 2623 and 264 kg ha–1 in floodplain forest. Soil organic C pools were greater in pastures than in dry forest, but soil N pools were similar when calculated for the same soil depths. Total ecosystem C pools were 306. The Mg ha–1 in floodplain forest, 141 Mg ha–1 in dry forest, and 124 Mg ha–1 in pasture. Soil C comprised 37%–90% of the total ecosystem C, whereas soil N comprised 85%–98% of the total. The N pools lack of a consistent decrease in soil pools caused by land-use change suggests that C and N losses result from the burning of aboveground biomass. We estimate that in México, dry forest landscapes store approximately 2.3 Pg C, which is about equal to the C stored by the evergreen forests of that country (approximately 2.4 Pg C). Potential C emissions to the atmosphere from the burning of biomass in the dry tropical landscapes of México may amount to 708 Tg C, as compared with 569 Tg C from evergreen forests.  相似文献   

Xishuangbanna is a region located at the northern edge of tropical Asia. Biomass estimates of its tropical rain forest have not been published in English literature. We estimated forest biomass and its allocation patterns in five 0.185–1.0 ha plots in tropical seasonal rain forests of Xishuangbanna. Forest biomass ranged from 362.1 to 692.6 Mg/ha. Biomass of trees with diameter at 1.3 m breast height (DBH) ≥ 5 cm accounted for 98.2 percent of the rain forest biomass, followed by shrubs (0.9%), woody lianas (0.8%), and herbs (0.2%). Biomass allocation to different tree components was 68.4–70.0 percent to stems, 19.8–21.8 percent to roots, 7.4–10.6 percent to branches, and 0.7–1.3 percent to leaves. Biomass allocation to the tree sublayers was 55.3–62.2 percent to the A layer (upper layer), 30.6–37.1 percent to the B layer (middle), and 2.7–7.6 percent to the C layer (lower). Biomass of Pometia tomentosa, a dominant species, accounted for 19.7–21.1 percent of the total tree biomass. The average density of large trees (DBH ≥100 cm) was 9.4 stems/ha on two small plots and 3.5 stems/ha on two large plots, illustrating the potential to overestimate biomass on a landscape scale if only small plots are sampled. Biomass estimations are similar to typical tropical rain forests in Southeast Asia and the Neotropics.  相似文献   

中国森林植被碳库的动态变化及其意义   总被引:120,自引:0,他引:120  
利用1949年至1998年间7次森林资源清查资料,结合使用森林生物量实测资料,采用改良的生物量换算因子法,推算了中国50年来森林碳库和平均碳密度的变化,分析了中国森林植被的CO2源汇功能,结果表明,70年代中期以前,主要由于森林砍伐等人为作用,中国森林碳库和碳密度都是减少的,碳储量减少了0.62PgC(Pg=10^15g),年均减少约0.024PgC。之后,呈增加趋势。在最近的20多年中,森林碳库由70年代末期的4.38PgC增加到1998年的4.75PgC,共增加0.37PgC,年平均增加0.022PgC。这种增加主要由人工造林增加所致。20多年来,由于人工林增加导致碳汇增加0.45PgC,年平均增加吸收0.021PgC/a。人工林的平均碳密度也显增加,共增加了约一倍。这除了人工成林增多外,气温上升和CO2浓度施肥也可能是促进森林生长的重要因子。  相似文献   

Assisted natural regeneration (ANR) is a simple, low‐cost forest restoration method that can effectively convert deforested lands of degraded vegetation to more productive forests. The method aims to accelerate, rather than replace, natural successional processes by removing or reducing barriers to natural forest regeneration such as soil degradation, competition with weedy species, and recurring disturbances (e.g., fire, grazing, and wood harvesting). Compared to conventional reforestation methods involving planting of tree seedlings, ANR offers significant cost advantages because it reduces or eliminates the costs associated with propagating, raising, and planting seedlings. It is most effectively utilized at the landscape level in restoring the protective functions of forests such as watershed protection and soil conservation. ANR techniques are flexible and allow for the integration of various values such as timber production, biodiversity recovery, and cultivation of crops, fruit trees, and non‐timber forest products in the restored forest. This paper describes the steps of applying ANR and conditions under which it will be most effective. It also discusses ANR’s comparative advantages as well as some of its constraints.  相似文献   

By harvesting scattered large trees, selective logging increases light availability and thereby stimulates growth and crown expansion at early‐life stage among remnant trees. We assessed the effects of logging on total and merchantable bole (i.e., lowest branch at crown base) heights on 952 tropical canopy trees in French Guiana. We observed reductions in both total (mean, ?2.3 m) and bole (mean, ?2.0 m) heights more than a decade after selective logging. Depending on local logging intensity, height reductions resulted in 2–13 percent decreases in aboveground tree biomass and 3–17 percent decreases in bole volume. These results highlight the adverse effects of logging at both tree and stand levels. This decrease in height is a further threat to future provision of key environmental services, such as timber production and carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

尖峰岭热带山地雨林生态系统碳平衡的初步研究   总被引:44,自引:5,他引:39  
报道了我国海南岛目前保存面积较大,林分的组成和结构复杂的热带山地雨林生态系统的C素库和群落的CO2排放动态,通过在尖峰岭林区进行为期3a的研究,结果表明,热带山地雨林的碳素库主要有3个方面,即森林生物量中的C为234.3056t/hm^2,森林凋落的现存是中的C为2.98t/hm^2以及土壤层中的C为104.696t/hm^2,合计为341.9816t/hm^2,森林生态系统中的CO2平衡的基本动  相似文献   

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