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A panel of thirteen monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) was assembled that reacts with surface antigens on eight of eleven Lactobacillus brewing spoilage organisms, including one or more of L. brevis, L. buchneri, L. casei-alactosus, L. plantarum, or unspeciated isolate(s). Immunoblotting was done to identify the antigens involved in Mab binding. Antigen stability in situ was tested by protease treatment and by surface antigen extraction of washed bacteria. Protease susceptibility of extracted surface antigens was also examined. In most cases, Lactobacillus surface antigens detected by the Mabs appear to be noncovalently bound proteins readily altered or removed from the bacterium by various environmental conditions. This research identifies brewing conditions that need to be tested to ascertain whether bacterial surface antigen-reactive Mabs can be used for the rapid, sensitive, and specific detection of Lactobacillus brewing spoilage organisms.  相似文献   

Improvements of Western blotting to detect monoclonal antibodies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A comparison of the effects of different factors on the sensitivity of Western blotting technique to detect monoclonal antibodies is described. The major improvements were obtained by: A) renaturating the antigen in the gel before transferring it in carbonate buffer at pH 10 onto nitrocellulose and B) using alkaline-phosphatase-conjugated second antibody instead of peroxidase-conjugated second antibody.  相似文献   

Nineteen monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) were isolated based on reactivity with disrupted Pectinatus cerevisiiphilus cells. All of the Mabs reacted with cells from which the outer membrane had been stripped by incubation with sodium dodecyl sulphate, suggesting the peptidoglycan (PG) layer was involved in binding. Mab reactivity with purified PG confirmed this. Epitope mapping revealed the Mabs in total recognize four binding sites on the PG. Mabs specific for each of the four sites also bound strongly to disrupted Pectinatus frisingensis, Selenomonas lacticifix, Zymophilus paucivorans, and Zymophilus raffinosivorans cells, but weakly to disrupted Megasphaera cerevisiae cells. No antibody reactivity was seen with disrupted cells of 11 other species of Gram-negative bacteria. These results confirm that a common PG structure is used by several species of anaerobic Gram-negative beer spoilage bacteria. These results also indicate that PG-specific Mabs can be used to rapidly detect a range of anaerobic Gram-negative beer spoilage bacteria, provided the bacterial outer membrane is first removed to allow antibody binding.  相似文献   

We identified conserved molecules (enzymes, peptides, cytokines) that might play a role in invertebrate innate immunity. We found these molecules by immunoserological and immunohistochemical methods in association with coelomocytes, leukocytes located in the coelomic cavity of the earthworm Eisenia foetida. We detected the enzyme Cu-Zn-superoxide-dismutase (SOD), cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-alpha, TNFalpha; transforming growth factor-alpha, TGFalpha; and alpha peptide hormone, thyreotrope stimulating hormone, TSH) in earthworm coelomocytes with monoclonal antibodies developed originally against human and/or mouse antigens. Three coelomocyte subpopulations were identified according to their form, size and granularity by microscopic and flow cytometric analysis. These cell populations showed different reactivity with antibodies against mammalian cell surface (CD) markers and different intracellular antigens. Two coelomocyte types showed cell surface positivity with anti-Thy-1 (CD90), CD24 and TNF-alpha antibodies. Strong cytoplasmic reaction was shown with anti-TNF-alpha and anti-SOD mAbs and a weaker but unambiguous reaction with thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in two cell populations. The third population was negative for all of the monoclonal antibodies. Our flow cytometric results were confirmed by confocal microscopy both on the cell surfaces and intracellularly.  相似文献   

We have developed culture conditions for human lymphocytes that support primary in vitro immune responses to protein Ag of either human or nonhuman origin. We now show that these primed B cells can be efficiently immortalized by fusion with a heterohybrid fusion partner to generate human, Ag-specific IgM or IgG antibody-producing heterohybridomas at a rate of 17 to 50 hybrids/10(6) lymphocytes fused. Approximately 50% of the Ig-secreting clones were stable with respect to Ig secretion. Levels of secretion attained with terminal cultures ranged from less than 1 to 100 micrograms/ml. Fusions of cells between 2 and 5 days after initiation of in vitro exposure to Ag produced more Ag-reactive and Ag-specific antibodies than fusions at 1 day or fusions performed after 5 days. Ag-reactive hybrids could be isolated at frequencies of 3 to 10%, depending on antigenicity of the immunogen. Foreign proteins, horse spleen ferritin, and a murine monoclonal Ig, induced higher percentages of Ag-reactive mAb than immunization with the human-derived ferritin. Ag-reactive IgG mAb were produced at relatively high frequency, depending on immunization conditions and the nature of the Ag. The strategy for identification of the best hybrids included early elimination of unstable hybridomas and of hybridomas producing broadly cross-reactive antibody, followed by evaluation of units of Ag reactivity/micrograms Ig. Ferritin-specific mAb selected according to these criteria showed immunocytochemical reactivity with ferritin-containing tissues and apparent affinities in the range of 10(7) to 10(8)/mol.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulins (Ig) in serum from barramundi vaccinated with bovine serum albumin (BSA) were purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation and affinity chromatography using BSA as the ligand. The BSA-binding activity of eluted putative Ig fractions was assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) before being pooled and characterised by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Double affinity purification did not improve the purity of the Ig preparation compared to single affinity purification. Barramundi Ig were injected into sheep to produce anti-Ig antisera which were assessed in an indirect ELISA as the secondary antibody to detect serum Ig in barramundi vaccinated with Cryptocaryon irritans theronts. Affinity-purified Ig induced a more specific reagent for use as secondary antibody in ELISA than did normal whole-barramundi sera. The heavy (H) chain of barramundi Ig had an apparent molecular weight of 70 kDa while that of the light (L) chain was 27 kDa in SDS-PAGE studies. Under non-reducing conditions 2 putative populations of Ig were identified, at 768 and 210 kDa. The N-terminal sequence of the barramundi Ig H chain showed 78% homology with channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus Ig H chain sequence.  相似文献   

Three methods were compared for detecting monoclonal antibodies against Narke japonica acetylcholine receptors as to the sensitivity of the detection and the convenience of operation. One of the methods involves the use of a microplate lid with 96 attached plugs that are immersed into opposite wells, and requires very simple operations. This method was found to be highly sensitive and could detect specific antibodies at levels of less than 150 pg/ml in the culture medium of hybridoma cells.  相似文献   

Three types of hybridomas were obtained by fusion of murine myeloma cells (NSI-1-Ag4-1) with splenocytes from mice immunized with human lymphoblastoid cells (RPMI-6410t line, acute myeloblastic leukemia). Hybridomas of the first type synthesize monoclonal antibodies Ma-1, which interact with 6410t-cells, but are not bound to the cells of human Burkitt lymphoma-Raji. Raji cells contain HLA-DRw5 and -DRw6 antigens on cell surface but there are no HLA-A2, -B7 and -B12 antigens (specific for 6410t). Thus, Ma-1 are probably derected against some of HLA antigens of loci A or B. Hybridomas of the second type synthesize Ma-2 antibodies which react with 6410t and Raji cells, but are not bound to peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). We suppose that Ma-2 antibodies to tumor specific antigens which have common antigen determinants both for Raji and RPMI-6410t cells. The third type of hybridomas synthesizes monoclonal antibodies Ma-3 reacting with all the three types of target cells: 6410t, Raji, and PBL. Ma-3 seems to be directed against human species-specific lymphocyte antigens which remained in 6410t and Raji cells.  相似文献   

Two new monoclonal antibodies to 3 beta-hydroxy-gibberellins are described. Monoclonal antibodies GA1-1 and GA1-2 were derived from immunizations with the hapten-protein conjugate gibberellin A1-17-KLH. Cross-reactivities with a panel of 43 gibberellins and gibberellin derivatives are compared with those of other anti-gibberellin monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

A Balb/c mouse was immunized with a crude soluble antigen of Opisthorchis viverrini adult worms (OVAA) over a period of 7 months. Spleen cells from the immune mouse were fused with Sp2/0 myeloma cells. Among the 264 tissue culture wells containing the fused cells, cells of 96 wells (36%) produced antibodies to the immunizing agent. Antibodies produced by cells in several wells reacted with antigens from other species of parasite. Cells of 17 wells produced antibodies specific only to OVAA, thus cells from three representative wells were cloned by limiting dilution. Hybrids obtained produced antibodies which could be classified according to their tissue specificities into three groups. The first group of antibodies reacted strongly to the worm integument and weakly with the muscles while those belonging to the second group reacted only to muscles of the worms. The monoclonal antibodies of the third group gave a positive reaction to both muscles and tegument.  相似文献   

Proliferation of filamentous fungi following ingress of oxygen to silage is an important cause of dry matter losses, resulting in significant waste. In addition, the production of mycotoxins by some filamentous fungi poses a risk to animal health through mycotoxicosis. Quantitative assessment of fungal growth in silage, through measurement of ergosterol content, colony-forming units or temperature increase is limiting in representing fungal growth dynamics during aerobic spoilage due to being deficient in either representing fungal biomass or being able to identify specific genera. Here, we conducted a controlled environment aerobic exposure experiment to test the efficacy of a monoclonal antibody-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect the proliferation of fungal biomass in six silage samples. We compared this to temperature which has been traditionally deployed in such experiments and on-farm to detect aerobic deterioration. In addition, we quantified ergosterol, a second marker of fungal biomass. After 8 days post-aerobic exposure, the ergosterol and ELISA methods indicated an increase in fungal biomass in one of the samples with a temperature increase observed after 16 days. A comparison of the methods with Pearson's correlation coefficient showed a positive association between temperature and ergosterol and both markers of fungal biomass. This work indicates that the technology has potential to be used as an indicator of microbial degradation in preserved forage. Consequently, if it developed as an on-farm technique, this could inform forage management decisions made by farmers, with the goal of decreasing dry matter losses, improving resource and nutrient efficiency and reducing risks to animal health.  相似文献   

Bacterial spoilage of wine and approaches to minimize it   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bacteria are part of the natural microbial ecosystem of wine and play an important role in winemaking by reducing wine acidity and contributing to aroma and flavour. Conversely, they can cause numerous unwelcome wine spoilage problems, which reduce wine quality and value. Lactic acid bacteria, especially Oenococcus oeni, contribute positively to wine sensory characters, but other species, such as Lactobacillus sp. and Pediococcus sp can produce undesirable volatile compounds. Consequences of bacterial wine spoilage include mousy taint, bitterness, geranium notes, volatile acidity, oily and slimy-texture, and overt buttery characters. Management of wine spoilage bacteria can be as simple as manipulating wine acidity or adding sulfur dioxide. However, to control the more recalcitrant bacteria, several other technologies can be explored including pulsed electric fields, ultrahigh pressure, ultrasound or UV irradiation, and natural products, including bacteriocins and lysozyme.  相似文献   

Abstract A panel of eight murine monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) was raised against the surface antigens of Aeromonas sobria isolated from a patient with diarrhoea. Antibodies to the LPS core and O-antigen and to protein antigens were generated. Three Mabs of the IgM isotype against either protein or LPS agglutinated 34/75 Aeromonas isolates from clinical and environmental sources. Similar numbers of A. hydrophila, A. sobria and A. caviae isolates were agglutinated. The Mabs were screened for their ability to inhibit A. sobria adhesion to HEp-2 cells, and haemagglutination (HA). Two Mabs directed against conformationally dependent epitopes on a 43-kDa protein blocked both functions. Of the anti-LPS Mabs one blocked adhesion only, and another blocked HA but not adhesion. Immunoprecipitation studies suggested that LPS-protein complexes may be involved in these potential virulence functions of A. sobria .  相似文献   

The present report provides evidence that whole goat anti-human immunoglobulin, unlike similar reagents produced in the rabbit, binds both to the same number of and the same individual cells as the F(ab')2 fragments of rabbit or goat anti-human immunoglobulin. These results suggest that goat IgG has a lower affinity for the Fc receptors of human lymphocytes and monocytes than rabbit IgG. Because of this property, whole goat antibodies against human immunoglobulin can be used as simple, convenient relatively inexpensive reagents for the routine detection of immunoglobulin on cell surfaces by immunofluorescence microscopy. The preparation of F(ab')2 fragments of anti-immunoglobulin, which are necessary when rabbit antibodies are used, does not appear to -e required if goat antibodies can be empolyed. This observation has multiple practival applications in cellular immunology.  相似文献   

A panel of eight murine monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) was raised against the surface antigens of Aeromonas sobria isolated from a patient with diarrhoea. Antibodies to the LPS core and O-antigen and to protein antigens were generated. Three Mabs of the IgM isotype against either protein or LPS agglutinated 34/75 Aeromonas isolates from clinical and environmental sources. Similar numbers of A. hydrophila, A. sobria and A. caviae isolates were agglutinated. The Mabs were screened for their ability to inhibit A. sobria adhesion to HEp-2 cells, and haemagglutination (HA). Two Mabs directed against conformationally dependent epitopes on a 43-kDa protein blocked both functions. Of the anti-LPS Mabs one blocked adhesion only, and another blocked HA but not adhesion. Immunoprecipitation studies suggested that LPS-protein complexes may be involved in these potential virulence functions of A. sobria.  相似文献   

We describe the use of an oligonucleotide construction as a hybridization probe to detect short noncontiguous regions of sequence identity. Oligonucleotides complementary to various portions of the conserved heptamer and nonamer sequences flanking immunoglobulin variable region genes at the 3' end were used in this model system. We show that short oligonucleotides alone (7 bp or 9 bp) cannot be used as hybridization probes, but a construction containing both conserved sequences linked by a bridge will hybridize. The bridge is formed by degenerate bases (any base potentially at each position) and serves to maintain the spacing originally present between heptamer and nonamer. We show that such a bridging oligonucleotide probe can be used for hybridization analysis both on Southern blots and in bacterial screening.  相似文献   

The glutathione S-transferases are a family of related detoxification enzymes that have been shown to conjugate numerous electrophiles to the common cellular thiol glutathione. We have generated a panel of monoclonal antibodies against the human pi class isozyme of this enzyme, and, in this report, we characterize the binding of these antibodies to the glutathione S-transferase antigen. Of the 10 monoclonal antibodies that we have isolated, 7 are able to recognize the native form of the enzyme while the remaining 3 are only able to bind to glutathione S-transferase pi in assays that partially denature the antigen, such as an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or a Western blot. We synthesized seven partial protein fragments and asked whether the monoclonal antibodies could bind to these fragments in an immunoprecipitation reaction. The antibodies that can bind the native form of the enzyme all bind to the carboxyl-terminal domain of the protein. Two antibodies are able to inhibit the glutathione S-transferase-catalyzed reaction noncompetitively against glutathione. Incubation of a 10-fold molar excess of either antibody over enzyme can inhibit the reaction by 50%. We have also used the same protein fragments of glutathione S-transferase pi to show that amino acids 1-77 retain the capacity to bind glutathione in a glutathione-agarose binding assay.  相似文献   

The murine coronavirus surface glycoprotein gene was expressed as a fusion protein in bacteria, and the expressed protein was used to generate S protein-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Three of the MAbs, 11F, 30B, and 10G, were able to neutralize virus infectivity, and two of them, 11F and 10G, were able to block virus-induced, cell-to-cell fusion. The binding sites of the 11F, 30B, and 10G MAbs were determined by Western immunoblotting and epitope mapping. The 11F and 30B MAbs bound to sites located, respectively, between amino acids 33 to 40 and 395 to 406 in the amino-terminal (S1) subunit of the S protein, and the 10G MAb bound to a site located between amino acids 1123 and 1137 in the carboxy-terminal (S2) subunit. These data define more precisely the interactions between the S1 and S2 subunits of the murine coronavirus S protein and provide further insights into its structure and function.  相似文献   

Organ-specific determinants expressed on the luminal surface of vascular endothelia are often unstable when cells are removed from their normal tissue environment and grown in culture. Unspecific endothelial cells of large vessel origin [e.g., bovine aorta (BAEC)] can be modulated to express and preserve such determinants when they are grown on the extracellular matrix of the desired organ. Lung matrix-modulated BAEC were used here to generate MAb against lung-specific vascular endothelia. Immunization was accomplished with outside-out membrane vesicles obtained by incubating BAEC monolayers grown on lung matrix with a low-strength paraformaldehyde solution. In four of the six fusions performed, this active immunization was preceded by passive immunization with mouse antiserum directed against membrane vesicles from BAEC grown on plastic. Among the growing hybrids, 7.6% secreted MAb that bound efficiently to both BAEC grown on lung-derived matrix and BAEC grown on plastic, while 3.5% (50) secreted MAb that bound primarily to BAEC grown on lung matrix. The fusion data show that only a passive/active immunization protocol yielded MAb directed against lung-specific endothelia. For example, MAb 6D3 and 5F5 selectively recognized endothelia from small- and medium-sized venules of bovine lungs, but failed to react with endothelial cells in other organs and tissues.  相似文献   

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