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浮游甲壳类定量采样计数方法评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1引言浮游生物是养殖鱼类特别是滤食性鱼类的主要饵料,同时又是评价水生态系统质量优劣的重要指标.在大水面增养殖研究中,常常通过水体中浮游生物的采样分析,计算水体生物生产力.而在池塘生态系统中则又常常借助于浮游生物的采样分析来判定养鱼水质,决定增施饵肥料...  相似文献   

The English umbrella net is a new-design vertical closing netdeveloped to sample zooplankton populations in under-ice environments.Operating on the principle of an umbrella, this wide-mouth netfits through a hole drilled in sea ice and expands below theice to sample the water column. A messenger-activated releasecloses the net for a discrete sample and collapses the frameso that it can be retrieved back through the hole in the ice.Nets of this design were used for extensive sampling on Fletcher'sIce Island (T-3) in the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

Simultaneous and sequential tests of pump sampling equipment showed that sampling mortality of Lake Michigan zooplankton collected from the cooling water intake of a nuclear power plant was dependent on the sampling method used. Two sampling devices and two pump types were tested to determine which combination resulted in the lowest sampling mortality. An in-line filter trap located on the suction side of the pump provided the lowest sampling mortality. Higher sampling rates were achieved with a centrifugal pump without increasing sampling mortality.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to evaluate Microcystis as food for zooplankton in Lake Kasumigaura, and the following results were obtained. (1) Moina micrura (Cladocera) showed little growth and no reproduction when the animal was reared with Microcystis cultured in the laboratory. The animal did not grow nor reproduce well when Chlorella was mixed with Microcystis as food. (2) Moina micrura assimilated Microcystis much less than Chlorella when the animal fed on single species of Microcystis or a mixture with Chlorella. (3) Microcystis collected from Lake Kasumigaura could not be utilized by Moina micrura even though the colonies were broken up into edible sizes. However, the alga turned into utilizable food when it was decomposed. (4) No inhibitors of Moina micrura population growth could be found in the non-filtered water of Lake Kasumigaura where Microcystis was blooming heavily. Decomposed Microcystis seemed to be utilized by zooplankton as an important food source in Lake Kasumigaura.  相似文献   

Aims:  To determine the efficiency of various ultrafiltration cartridges (UFC) in concentrating test micro-organisms from drinking water.
Methods and Results:  Replicate drinking water samples from three potable water supplies were dosed with Bacillus anthracis Sterne, Francisella tularensis LVS, Yersinia pestis CO92, bacteriophages MS2 and phi-X174, and Cryptosporidium parvum. The test micro-organisms were dosed together in 100 l of water, which was then recirculated through one of five different UFC until the retentate volume was reduced to c. 500 ml. The micro-organisms were assayed before and after ultrafiltration concentration and per cent recoveries were calculated. There were nine statistically significant differences among pairs of filters out of a possible 180 different combinations of UFC, test micro-organisms, and water types.
Conclusions:  No filter consistently performed better or worse than the others for each test micro-organism in all water samples tested.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This study provides performance data on the ability of several different UFC to concentrate a panel of test micro-organisms from three sources of potable water. Water utilities and first responders may use these data when selecting UFC for use in emergency response protocols. This study also provides additional data as to the efficacy of ultrafiltration for recovering bacteria, virus-like particles, and protozoan oocysts from water samples.  相似文献   

The relative efficiencies of two sizes of a standpipe corer were evaluated. The size composition of the gravel sampled by the corer was very similar to that (below the opening size of the core chamber) of the streambed. The small corer (25 cm3 sample size) produced a mean overestimate of total numbers of only 19% even in highly heterogeneous gravels. Most of the taxa commonly in the substrates sampled did not escape from the corer. A few rare taxa were consistently over- or under-estimated and possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

Short-term zooplankton samples were collected in a lagoon ofthe Po River Delta (Sacca del Canarin) over a 24-h cycle inAugust 1981. The biocoenosis was mainly represented by taxa(especially copepods) coming into the lagoon from the sea and,to a lesser extent, by autochthonous zooplankton (gastropod,cirripede and decapod larvae). Density fluctuations of sometaxa were found to be greatly influenced by hydro dynamic factors,in particular by the tidal currents. A daily balance of inputand output through one of the two mouths connecting the lagoonto the sea was calculated for different taxa; quantitative estimatesof zooplankton exchanges between lagoon and sea due to tidaltransportation were obtained.  相似文献   

An artificial arterial system for pumping hearts   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

The applicability of a pump method for field surveys of hyporheos was investigated for taxon-specific collection bias by comparing a pump method with a core method in a shore area of the lower reach of Kizu River in Japan. A sampling bias index for the first 10 l of pump samples compared with 10 l hyporheic water (equivalent) core samples showed that the pump method underestimated the abundance of most taxa, except for the heliozoan Centrohelida. Animals were classified into three groups based on body size and sampling bias index; animals with small bodies and high sampling bias indices generally had flatness indices near 1.0. The animals were also classified into three groups based on patterns of reduction in serial fraction values in consecutive pumpings. Although Crustacea tended to be overrepresented in the pump samples, relative densities among them were comparable to those in the core samples, except for harpacticoid copepods. Animals with an intermediate reduction pattern had a similar relative abundance in the 50-l pump and 1,000-cm3 core samples, except for Crustacea and Centrohelida. The results suggest that by using an adequate taxon-dependent volume of water, the pump method is useful for examining the community composition of hyporheic fauna.  相似文献   

The search for biological surrogate groups has been an active and contentious area of research. A surrogate group is defined as one that allows researchers to detect a known spatial and temporal environmental gradient and to represent the responses of other biological groups to those gradients. Using spatiotemporal zooplankton data from a near-pristine floodplain (the Araguaia River floodplain in Central Brazil), we first assessed the capacity of four zooplankton assemblages (Cladocera, Copepoda, Rotifera and Protozoa) to depict the effects of flooding. Second, we evaluated whether, during each hydrological period, ordination patterns derived from an assemblage matched those patterns shown by a second assemblage and by the environmental dataset. All four assemblages satisfactorily detected the environmental differences caused by the flood event. Most pairs of assemblages were significantly concordant. Additionally, the ordination patterns generated by these assemblages matched those generated by the environmental data. These results suggest that the patterns of concordance were mediated by similar responses to environmental gradients. However, the strengths of concordance between the assemblages, albeit significant, were low. Our results suggest the potential for use of the surrogacy approach in monitoring hydrological changes. However, due to the low strengths of concordance, the biodiversity pattern revealed by a specific assemblage is unlikely to be a good predictor of another. We also highlighted that conducting a formal meta-analysis on strengths of concordance between assemblages would be a promising avenue for further research.  相似文献   

Recent advances in robotic technologies provide new opportunities to conduct high-resolution sampling of patchily distributed zooplankton and associated environmental variables. We used two robots and molecular probes to assess the temporal and spatial variability of zooplankton in water samples obtained from Monterey Bay, California. The Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) Dorado is a mobile platform that carries ten, 1.8-L bottles ("Gulpers") capable of rapidly acquiring discrete seawater samples, and an extensive sensor suite for gathering contextual environmental data during day-long expeditions. Molecular assays were conducted ex situ at a shore-based laboratory. In contrast, the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) was deployed as a stationary (moored) device capable of repeatedly “sipping” water to conduct in situ molecular assays and record environmental data during month-long deployments. Molecular analyses were conducted with the sandwich hybridization assay (SHA), which employed 18S ribosomal RNA oligonucleotide probes designed to detect calanoid and podoplean copepods, and the larvae of barnacles, mussels, polychaete worms, brachyuran crabs, and invasive green crabs (Carcinus maenas). Both the stationary and mobile sampling protocols revealed the greatest zooplankton diversity and abundance in relatively warm waters, higher in chlorophyll and lower in salinity and nitrate. Diversity and abundance were least in recently upwelled waters with the inverse conditions. High-resolution sampling revealed that while calanoid copepods were generally associated with elevated chlorophyll, they were most abundant in upwelling fronts, in some cases. These narrow features appear to provide favorable conditions for the growth and aggregation of certain zooplankton.  相似文献   

Data on the abundance and biomass of zooplankton off the northwesternPortuguese coast, separately estimated with a Longhurst–HardyPlankton Recorder (LHPR) and a Bongo net, were analysed to assessthe comparative performance of the samplers. Zooplankton wascollected along four transects perpendicular to the coast, deploymentsalternating between samplers. Total zooplankton biomass measuredusing the LHPR was significantly higher than that using theBongo net. Apart from Appendicularia and Cladocera, abundancesof other taxa (Copepoda, Mysidacea, Euphausiacea, Decapoda larvae,Amphipoda, Siphonophora, Hydromedusae, Chaetognatha and Fisheggs) were also consistently higher in the LHPR. Some of thesedifferences were probably due to avoidance by the zooplanktonof the Bongo net. This was supported by a comparative analysisof prosome length of the copepod Calanus helgolandicus sampledby the two nets that showed that Calanus in the LHPR sampleswere on average significantly larger, particularly in day samples.A ratio estimator was used to produce a factor to convert Bongonet biomass and abundance estimates to equate them with thosetaken with the LHPR. This method demonstrates how results fromcomplementary zooplankton sampling strategies can be made moreequivalent.  相似文献   

This paper describes a deck-mounted pumping system developed for collecting discrete, sequential plankton and water samples while also providing a continuous record of sampling depth, water temperature, turbidity and in vivo chlorophyll. It includes some results obtained with the equipment during a study of factors influencing the horizontal distribution of crustacean plankton in the lake Windermere.  相似文献   

The role of virus infection in a simple phytoplankton zooplankton system   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Many planktonic species show spectacular bursts ("blooms") in population density. Though viral infections are known to cause behavioural and other changes in phytoplankton and other aquatic species, yet their role in regulating the phytoplankton population is still far from being understood. To study the role of viral diseases in the planktonic species, we model the phytoplankton-zooplankton system as a prey-predator system. Here the prey (phytoplankton) species is infected with a viral disease that divides the prey population into susceptible and infected classes, with the infected prey being more vulnerable to predation by the predator (zooplankton). The dynamical behaviour of the system is investigated from the point of view of stability and persistence both analytically and numerically. The model shows that infection can be sustained only above a threshold of force of infection, and, there exists a range in the infection rate where this system shows "bloom"-like stable limit cycle oscillations. The time series of natural "blooms" with different types of irregular oscillations can arise in this model simply from a biologically realistic feature, i.e., by the random variation of the epidemiological parameter (rate of infection) in the infected prey population. The difference in mean strength of infection alone can lead to the different types of patterns observed in natural planktonic blooms.  相似文献   

Regardless of how they were killed, dead ice algae were lessdesirable as food to several arctic copepods (Pseudocalanussp., Calanus glaciahs, Metridia longa) than living ice algae.For Pseudocalanus, the only species tested, the presence ofdead ice algae also depressed respiration and ammonia-excretionrates. In the short run, food quality (i.e. whether living ordead) had a greater effect on copepod metabolism than food quantity.Pre-conditioning for 48 h, and conditions in the natural environmentto which the animals had become acclimated, also had a markedeffect on their metabolic performance, but did not mask theeffect of morbidity in the food supply. We conclude that deadalgae should not be used as a substitute ration for living foodin certain types of metabolic experiments without prior comparisonof suitability.  相似文献   

Traps made by rectangular pieces of 3 mm thick corrugated cardboard of four different sizes, 200 by 140 (A), 140 by 100 (B), 100 by 70 (C), and 200 by 40 mm (D), were evaluated as a sampling device for the chicken mite, Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer). Mites were trapped during 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 d, respectively, in a poultry house heavily infested with the parasite. Significantly greater numbers of mites were collected by trap B. Additionally, significantly more mites were collected during the sampling periods 6-10 d than by 2 and 4 d. However, with regard to trap size and sampling period, trap C, used for 2 d, collected significantly more mites per day and trap area than any of the other traps. Therefore, such a trap was suggested for monitoring population trends of chicken mites in poultry houses. The larger traps contained significantly higher numbers of mites per trap and may therefore be feasible to use in alternative, nonchemical control programs. Optimum sample size, or number of traps required to monitor population trends of D. gallinae, was also calculated. At a relative variability of 20%, and at densities of 2,000-20,000 mites per trap, approximately 11-16 of trap B and 11-19 of trap C would be adequate to monitor mites.  相似文献   

I. J. Hodgkiss 《Hydrobiologia》1977,52(2-3):197-205
Simultaneous collections of zooplankton were made at four stations in the Plover Clove Reservoir using Friedinger sampling bottles and vertical Nakai plankton net hauls. Comparison of the results obtained revealed certain obvious numerical and spatial anomalies, and it is suggested that these result from inherent characteristics of the two types of apparatus together with behavioural responses and physical attributes of the individual zooplankton species. Statistical correlation between these two methods was generally good in terms of the seasonal patterns of distribution of the population, but in terms of depth distribution and the relative abundance of the individual species of the population few significant correlations resulted. It is therefore suggested that unless merely seasonal trends are required, it is advisable to use more than one sampling apparatus to obtain valid data concerning the overall dynamics of such a zooplankton population.Department of Botany, University of Hong Kong  相似文献   

Bacteria as a source of phosphorus for zooplankton   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The utilization of bacterial phosphorus in zooplankton metabolism was investigated using radio-phosphorus labelled natural bacteria as food source for zooplankton in feeding experiments. Incorporation of labelled bacteria was clearly related to the species' ability to graze on bacteria, with the cladoceran Daphnia reaching the highest biomass-specific activity and the copepod Acanthodiaptomus the lowest. Within Daphnia, juveniles had a higher biomass-specific uptake of phosphorus than adults. This was presumably caused by higher growth rates of the juveniles rather than age-specific differences in the ability to feed on bacteria, supported by the observation that the juveniles had the highest specific P-content. Retention of ingested 32P from labelled particles exceeded 80%, indicating higher assimilation efficiencies on phosphorus compared with carbon. In the investigated humic lake, approximately 75% of the phosphorus in grazable particles was bound in bacterial cells, making bacteria the most important source of P to the bacterivore zooplankton species.  相似文献   

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