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Towards new enzymes for biofuels: lessons from chitinase research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Enzymatic conversion of structural polysaccharides in plant biomass is a key issue in the development of second generation ('lignocellulosic') bioethanol. The efficiency of this process depends in part on the ability of enzymes to disrupt crystalline polysaccharides, thus gaining access to single polymer chains. Recently, new insights into how enzymes accomplish this have been obtained from studies on enzymatic conversion of chitin. First, chitinolytic microorganisms were shown to produce non-hydrolytic accessory proteins that increase enzyme efficiency. Second, it was shown that a processive mechanism, which is generally considered favorable because it improves substrate accessibility, might in fact slow down enzymes. These findings suggest new focal points for the development of enzyme technology for depolymerizing recalcitrant polysaccharide biomass. Improving substrate accessibility should be a key issue because this might reduce the need for using processive enzymes, which are intrinsically slow and abundantly present in current commercial enzyme preparations for biomass conversion. Furthermore, carefully selected substrate-disrupting accessory proteins or domains might provide novel tools to improve substrate accessibility and thus contribute to more efficient enzymatic processes.  相似文献   

We use computational simulations to compare the impact response of different football and U.S. Army helmet pad materials. We conduct experiments to characterise the material response of different helmet pads. We simulate experimental helmet impact tests performed by the U.S. Army to validate our methods. We then simulate a cylindrical impactor striking different pads. The acceleration history of the impactor is used to calculate the head injury criterion for each pad. We conduct sensitivity studies exploring the effects of pad composition, geometry and material stiffness. We find that (1) the football pad materials do not outperform the currently used military pad material in militarily relevant impact scenarios; (2) optimal material properties for a pad depend on impact energy and (3) thicker pads perform better at all velocities. Although we considered only the isolated response of pad materials, not entire helmet systems, our analysis suggests that by using larger helmet shells with correspondingly thicker pads, impact-induced traumatic brain injury may be reduced.  相似文献   

It has been argued that about 4–5% of male adults suffer from infertility due to a genetic causation. From studies in the fruitfly Drosophila, there is evidence that up to 1500 recessive genes contribute to male fertility in that species. Here we suggest that the control of human male fertility is of at least comparable genetic complexity. However, because of small family size, conventional positional cloning methods for identifying human genes will have little impact on the dissection of male infertility. A critical selection of well-defined infertility phenotypes in model organisms, combined with identification of the genes involved and their orthologues in man, might reveal the genes that contribute to human male infertility.  相似文献   

The golden paper wasp is a social insect whose colony members have the remarkable ability to recognise each others' faces. New research shows that this species is singularly skilled at learning about faces, opening interesting perspectives on convergent evolution of specialist cognitive abilities in insects and vertebrates.  相似文献   

Ptashne M 《Current biology : CB》2006,16(12):R459-R462
A recent experiment has replaced Cro, a crucial component of lambda's genetic switch, with the lac repressor (plus two lac operators). The resulting hybrid phage is viable, but a subtle phenotypic defect explains a puzzle concerning the workings of the switch.  相似文献   

The recent discovery that many cancer cells have centrosomal abnormalities suggests a link between centrosomes and cancer. Members of the transforming acidic coiled-coil (TACC) family of proteins have been implicated in cancer and are concentrated at centrosomes, where they regulate microtubule stability. I discuss a model of how the TACC proteins might contribute to cancer. This model predicts that defects in TACC function can make important contributions to the development of cancer but are unlikely to be the primary cause of cancer. The model might also apply to several other centrosomal proteins that have been linked to cancer.  相似文献   



The multi-arm multi-stage (MAMS) trial is a new paradigm for conducting randomised controlled trials that allows the simultaneous assessment of a number of research treatments against a single control arm. MAMS trials provide earlier answers and are potentially more cost-effective than a series of traditionally designed trials. Prostate cancer is the most common tumour in men and there is a need to improve outcomes for men with hormone-sensitive, advanced disease as quickly as possible. The MAMS design will potentially facilitate evaluation and testing of new therapies in this and other diseases.


STAMPEDE is an open-label, 5-stage, 6-arm randomised controlled trial using MAMS methodology for men with prostate cancer. It is the first trial of this design to use multiple arms and stages synchronously.


The practical and statistical issues faced by STAMPEDE in implementing MAMS methodology are discussed and contrasted with those for traditional trials. These issues include the choice of intermediate and final outcome measures, sample size calculations and the impact of varying the assumptions, the process for moving between trial stages, stopping accrual to each trial arm and overall, and issues around perceived trial complexity.


It is possible to use the MAMS design to initiate and undertake large scale cancer trials. The results from STAMPEDE will not be known for some years but the lessons learned from running a MAMS trial are shared in the hope that other researchers will use this exciting and efficient method to perform further randomised controlled trials.

Trial registration

ISRCTN78818544, NCT00268476  相似文献   

A study group of paediatric endocrinologists was established in Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia and Slovakia in order to investigate various aspects in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Five hundred and ninety-eight patients with CAH who were diagnosed between 1969 and 1998 were included in order to analyze the following questions. Epidemiological data: There were significantly fewer males (43%) than females (57%), and the percentage of males did not increase during the observation period. Salt wasters (SW) totalled 64.7%, whereas 35.3% had simple virilizing (SV) CAH. Diagnosis was established significantly later in boys than in girls (median of 26 vs. 13 days for SW, p < 0.0001; 1,817 vs. 1,010 days for SV, p < 0.03). Mortality in the general population was significantly lower than in CAH siblings (1.8% vs. 7.0%, p < 0.0001) or in SW children (2.2% vs. 11.3%, p < 0.0001). According to our calculation with the present clinical diagnostic criteria in Central Europe, from 40 expected CAH patients/year, 2-2.5 SW, and one female and four male SV patients will not be diagnosed. Auxological data: Growth data from 341 patients were analyzed retrospectively. Percentiles were constructed in a longitudinal/cross-sectional study and pubertal growth was described in a longitudinal analysis. Growth of SW patients was impaired in early childhood (0-3 years), but followed a normal course until puberty. In contrast, SV children had a normal growth pattern during early childhood, but were above the standard thereafter. The pubertal growth spurt was of normal magnitude in boys and girls, but started too early. Final height was reduced compared with both standard and target heights. There was no correlation between final height and age of starting treatment or the year of birth. Bone age was accelerated in both CAH types, but more so in SV patients. Molecular genetics: Three hundred and fifty-six patients were investigated for 11-14 of the most frequent mutations by direct allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and/or PCR followed by sequence-specific oligonucleotide, single strand chain polymorphism and restriction fragment length polymorphism. In the group as a whole, we most frequently found the Intron 2 splice mutation (30.8%) or a deletion/conversion (28.5%). The Intron 2 mutation was most frequent in the Hungarian population, whereas deletions/conversions were found more frequently in Slovenians. The other mutations had a similar distribution to those seen in other populations. Genotype-phenotype correlation confirms previous reports.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to describe a new numerical-experimental method to determine the stiffness of a conceptual proximal femoral prototype. The methodology consists of the comparison of the numerical and experimental displacement distributions of the prosthesis loaded as a cantilever beam to validate a design concept: controlled stiffness prosthesis. The manufactured prototype used to test the applicability of the numerical-experimental procedure integrates a stiff metal core bonded to a composite material made of an epoxy resin reinforced with carbon-glass braided pre-forms. The prosthesis with an embedded controlled stiffness concept was obtained by varying the geometry of the core with the composite layer thickness.  相似文献   

The mechanisms orchestrating spatial cell division control remain poorly understood. In animal cells, the position of the mitotic spindle dictates cleavage furrow placement, and thus plays a key role in governing spatial relationships between resulting daughter cells. The one-cell stage Caenorhabditis elegans embryo is an attractive model system to investigate the mechanisms underlying spindle positioning in metazoans. In this review, the experimental advantages of this model system for an in vivo dissection of cell division processes are first discussed. Next, three lines of experiments that were conducted to dissect the mechanisms governing spindle positioning in one-cell stage C. elegans embryos are summarized. First, localized laser micro-irradiations were utilized to identify the forces acting on spindle poles during anaphase. This work revealed that there is a precise imbalance of pulling forces acting on the two spindle poles, with the forces acting on the posterior spindle pole being in slight excess, thus explaining the asymmetric spindle position achieved by the end of anaphase. Second, an RNAi-based functional genomic screen was carried out to identify novel components required for generating these pulling forces. This uncovered that gpr-1/gpr-2, which encode GoLoco-containing proteins, as well as the previously identified Ga subunits goa-1/gpa-16, are required for generation of pulling forces on the spindle poles. Third, the zyg-8 locus was identified by mutational analysis to play a distinct role during anaphase spindle positioning. zyg-8 was found to encode a protein related to human Doublecortin, which is affected in patients with neuronal migration disorders. Moreover, ZYG-8 is a microtubule-associated protein that stabilizes microtubules against depolymerization. Together, these experimental approaches contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms orchestrating spatial cell division control in metazoan organisms.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that genetic manipulation is an essential adjunct of studies of microbial physiology, many important bacterial species are still not accessible to genetic manipulation. In many cases, the people who know the organism best and have studied its physiology extensively have little experience with genetic techniques and are uncertain how to set up a new system. In this article, we describe what we have learned in the process of developing a genetic system for Bacteroides spp. and helping to develop genetic tools for two related species of bacteria: Porphromonas gingivalis and Prevotella ruminicola. We discuss the relative usefulness of different types of genetic tools and make some suggestions about how to construct them.  相似文献   

I suggest five research paradigms fundamental in the mathematical sciences that seem relevant to the hunt for explanations of genetic susceptibility to complex diseases. I discuss a few ways in which these paradigms are, or are not, currently being followed in complex disease genetics. This essay is intended to provoke discussion and not to resolve any problems. It represents a written version of remarks that I made as “Discussant’’ at a session at the 1997 National Institutes of Health Research Festival.  相似文献   

Responding to agricultural bioterrorism with pathogenic agents that are communicable from animals to humans (zoonotic diseases) requires effective coordination of many organizations, both inside and outside of government. Action must be simultaneously taken to address public health concerns, respond to the agricultural dimensions of the event, and carry out the necessary law enforcement investigation. As part of a project focused on examining public health preparedness in Georgia, an exercise was carried out in July 2005 examining the intentional introduction of avian influenza (H5N1) in commercial poultry operations. The attack scenario, which was written to occur during an already severe human influenza season, enabled exploration of a range of issues associated with public health preparedness for major disease outbreaks including pandemic influenza, coordination of a multiagency response operation at multiple levels of government, and effective management of interdisciplinary response activities. The exercise is described and broader policy lessons regarding preparedness planning are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies of microbial superantigens that target large clonal sets of B cells through conserved antigen-receptor-variable-region sites are providing new insights into the mechanisms of B-cell activation-induced cell death. These investigations have shown differences between the clonal regulation of follicular B cells (B2 cells) and the innate-like marginal-zone B cells and B1 cells, and have also shown how B-cell superantigens can affect specialized host defences against infection. Agents designed to emulate the properties of B-cell superantigens might also provide new approaches for the treatment of B-cell-mediated autoimmune and neoplastic diseases.  相似文献   

Hibernation in the tropics: lessons from a primate   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The Malagasy primate Cheirogaleus medius hibernates in tree holes for 7 months, although ambient temperatures during hibernation rise above 30°C in their natural environment. In a field study we show that during hibernation the body temperature of most lemurs fluctuates between about 10°C and 30°C, closely tracking the diurnal fluctuations of ambient temperature passively. These lemurs do not interrupt hibernation by spontaneous arousals, previously thought to be obligatory for all mammalian hibernators. However, some lemurs hibernate in large trees, which provide better thermal insulation. Their body temperature fluctuates only little around 25°C, but they show regular arousals, as known from temperate and arctic hibernators. The results from this study demonstrate that maximum body temperature is a key factor necessitating the occurrence of arousals. Furthermore, we show that hibernation is not necessarily coupled to low body temperature and, therefore, low body temperature should no longer be included in the definition of hibernation.  相似文献   

Mammals that hibernate experience extreme metabolic states and body temperatures as they transition between euthermia, a state resembling typical warm blooded mammals, and prolonged torpor, a state of suspended animation where the brain receives as low as 10% of normal cerebral blood flow. Transitions into and out of torpor are more physiologically challenging than the extreme metabolic suppression and cold body temperatures of torpor per se. Mammals that hibernate show unprecedented capacities to tolerate cerebral ischemia, a decrease in blood flow to the brain caused by stroke, cardiac arrest or brain trauma. While cerebral ischemia often leads to death or disability in humans and most other mammals, hibernating mammals suffer no ill effects when blood flow to the brain is dramatically decreased during torpor or experimentally induced during euthermia. These animals, as adults, also display rapid and pronounced synaptic flexibility where synapses retract during torpor and rapidly re-emerge upon arousal. A variety of coordinated adaptations contribute to tolerance of cerebral ischemia in these animals. In this review we discuss adaptations in heterothermic mammals that may suggest novel therapeutic targets and strategies to protect the human brain against cerebral ischemic damage and neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

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