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Most ecological diversity indices summarize the information about the relative abundances of species without reflecting taxonomic differences between species. Nevertheless, in environmental conservation practice, data on species abundances are mostly irrelevant and generally unknown. In such cases, to summarize the conservation value of a given site, so‐called ‘taxonomic diversity’ measures can be used. Such measures are based on taxonomic relations among species and ignore species relative abundances. In this paper, bridging the gap between traditional biodiversity measures and taxonomic diversity measures, I introduce a parametric diversity index that combines species relative abundances with their taxonomic distinctiveness. Due to the parametric nature of the proposed index, the contribution of rare and abundant species to each diversity measure is explicit.  相似文献   

Taxonomic diversity indices have a number of desirable properties as indicators in the assessment of environmental quality, and have become an important measure in biodiversity studies. Macrobenthic taxonomic variations were studied in Bohai Bay, northern China, an area under threat from rapid human development. Four seasonal cruise datasets were collected between 2006 and 2007. Environmental conditions exhibited large fluctuations due to human development; nitrogen and phosphorus were the main environmental stressors. A total of 97 macrofauna taxa were identified belonging to 88 genera, 72 families, 36 orders, 14 classes, and nine phyla. Analysis of similarity indicated that there were significant assemblage differences across sampling stations as well as seasons. Four taxonomic indices, taxonomic diversity (Δ), taxonomic distinctness (Δ*), average taxonomic distinctness (Δ+), and variation in taxonomic distinctness (Λ+) were calculated using abundance data. Among the stations and seasons, there were greater variations in both Δ and Λ+ than in Δ* and Δ+. The funnel plot of Δ+ could identify disturbed stations to some extent, but was not always a strong indicator of disturbance. The Δ+ performance was better in autumn than in spring, but could not identify a disturbed station in autumn due to a low number of species. The efficiency of taxonomic distinctness may depend on taxa or the pollution indicators. Taxonomic distinctness indices can be effective at assessing environmental degradation when correctly applied; however, they are unsuitable for directly assessing environmental quality in a new area prior to efficiency testing.  相似文献   

Savannas are characterized by a sharp seasonality, in which the water shortage defines the community functioning. Hyperseasonal savannas, however, experience additionally waterlogging in the rainy season. Since waterlogging may cause local extinctions of intolerant species, we asked whether waterlogging constricts the phylogenetic structure of a hyperseasonal savanna. We studied a hyperseasonal cerrado, comparing it with a nearby seasonal cerrado, never waterlogged, in Emas National Park, central Brazil. In each vegetation form, we sampled all vascular plants by placing fifty 1-m2 quadrats in five surveys. We compared the phylogenetic structure of both vegetation forms, calculating their taxonomic distinctness, taxonomic diversity, expected taxonomic distinctness, and species, genus, and family similarities. The taxonomic distinctness of both cerrados was similar and the values of similarities were high, but taxonomic diversity and expected taxonomic distinctness were lower in the hyperseasonal cerrado than in the seasonal one. Assuming that phenotypic attraction is the major process organizing local communities, the waterlogging in hyperseasonal cerrado assembles phylogenetically unrelated species that have converged on similar habitat use. As a consequence, the habitat use of hyperseasonal cerrado species is a trait widespread in the phylogeny of seasonal cerrado. Waterlogging constrains the phylogenetic structure of the hyperseasonal cerrado, especially by reducing species diversity. In more ecological terms, we can only fully assess the phylogenetic structure of a community if we consider the species abundance.  相似文献   

1. The relationships between biological traits of macroinvertebrates and environmental characteristics were investigated in streams with contrasting physical, chemical or landscape level attributes. We used an ordination technique, RLQ analysis, which links an environmental table (R) with traits table (Q) through an abundance table (L) to investigate the relationship between habitat characteristics and biological traits.
2. A major environmental axis explaining the distribution of species and their distinctive biological features was obtained. This axis included variables of anthropogenic pressure (agricultural and urban uses) and natural variability (climatic and geologic) that are strongly intercorrelated in the study area, with a clear spatial component.
3. The attributes of species from frequently disturbed systems (small size, multivoltinism, diapause, ovoviviparity, etc.) were associated with semi-arid areas whereas traits common in more stable and favourable environments (large body size, semi-voltinism, isolated eggs, etc.) were found in upland forested areas.
4. The natural climatic variation was proposed as a disturbance axis of a theoretical habitat templet (driven by the intense hydrological disturbances typical of semi-arid streams), while anthropogenic pressure (mainly intensive agriculture) and high salinity, a natural consequence of geology, was proposed as an adversity axis. Different life-histories associated with contrasting environmental features were superimposed in this habitat templet.
5. The ecological–evolutionary scenario in which stream macroinvertebrates have evolved and by which their communities are organized, is closely linked to disturbance, environmental harshness and human pressure.  相似文献   

In 2006–2007, spatial variations of chironomid assemblages of a small chalky watercourse were investigated in the hilly region of Balaton Upland, Hungary. Samplings were carried out every three weeks at seven characteristically different sites along the whole length of the watercourse. Altogether 2966 specimens were collected and identified. The chironomid fauna of the stream was relatively rich with 40 taxa belonging to four subfamilies (eight Tanypodinae, one Prodiamesinae, 17 Orthocladiinae, 14 Chironominae). The lowest number of species and number of individuals was found at the spring, and the highest at the middle reach. Based on multivariate analysis the different sections of the creek were characterised by distinctive chironomid communities. Although longitudinal changes in the chironomid community of the Örvényesi creek were detectable due to changes in natural environmental factors, land-use changes also significantly influenced the chironomid community composition and diversity. The natural and anthropogenic effects were hardly distinguishable. Furthermore, we found that the response of different diversity indices to environmental variability was different. This draws attention to the difficulties in evaluating the relationships between stream communities and environmental variables using different diversity indices. The taxonomic diversity, which incorporates the taxonomical relationships between the specimens, proved to be one of the most useful diversity indices to characterise the stream chironomid assemblages.  相似文献   

Environmental filtering and spatial structuring are important ecological processes for the generation and maintenance of biodiversity. However, the relative importance of these ecological drivers for multiple facets of diversity is still poorly understood in highland streams. Here, we examined the responses of three facets of stream macroinvertebrate alpha diversity to local environmental, landscape‐climate and spatial factors in a near‐pristine highland riverine ecosystem. Taxonomic (species richness, Shannon diversity, and evenness), functional (functional richness, evenness, divergence, and Rao's Quadratic entropy), and a proxy of phylogenetic alpha diversity (taxonomic distinctness and variation in taxonomic distinctness) were calculated for macroinvertebrate assemblages in 55 stream sites. Then Pearson correlation coefficient was used to explore congruence of indices within and across the three diversity facets. Finally, multiple linear regression models and variation partitioning were employed to identify the relative importance of different ecological drivers of biodiversity. We found most correlations between the diversity indices within the same facet, and between functional richness and species richness were relatively strong. The two phylogenetic diversity indices were quite independent from taxonomic diversity but correlated with functional diversity indices to some extent. Taxonomic and functional diversity were more strongly determined by environmental variables, while phylogenetic diversity was better explained by spatial factors. In terms of environmental variables, habitat‐scale variables describing habitat complexity and water physical features played the primary role in determining the diversity patterns of all three facets, whereas landscape factors appeared less influential. Our findings indicated that both environmental and spatial factors are important ecological drivers for biodiversity patterns of macroinvertebrates in Tibetan streams, although their relative importance was contingent on different facets of diversity. Such findings verified the complementary roles of taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity, and highlighted the importance of comprehensively considering multiple ecological drivers for different facets of diversity in biodiversity assessment.  相似文献   

以厦门湾为研究区域,收集2014—2015年大型底栖动物的调查数据,计算了大型底栖动物的分类学多样性指数,分析了分类学多样性指数与传统生物多样性指数的相关性和依从性,并从多个角度探讨大型底栖动物的分类充分性。结果表明,厦门湾大型底栖动物分类多样性指数(Δ)介于6.04—83.71之间,平均值为68.26,站位分布不均匀;分类差异性指数(Δ~*)介于74.27—99.54之间,平均值为84.23;平均分类差异指数(Δ~+)、分类差异变异指数(Λ~+)的理论平均值分别为86.82、345.0,个别站位落在95%置信区间外,表明局部区域环境受到了一定程度扰动。Δ、Δ~*与Margalef指数、Pielou均匀度指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数呈显著相关,而Δ~+、Λ~+与传统多样性指数间无显著相关;分类学多样性指数可作为传统生物多样性指数的补充。种级、属级和科级的同一多样性指数间呈显著线性相关,拟合度较高(多数R2﹥0.9);根据三个分类水平站位的nMDS二维排序图、2-STAGE的相似性和聚类图,种级、属级和科级的群落结构一致性强,属级较种级丢失的信息约8%、科级为20%,因此在条件有限的情况下,大型底栖动物的监测与评价可根据实际的条件和需求适当将生物鉴定放宽至属水平。  相似文献   

Saline lakes are threatened all over the world and their conservation has been a key issue. Various diversity indices are available for ecological status assessments, however, with poorly explored relevance and applicability in saline, alkaline pans. Therefore, traditional diversity measures (species richness and Shannon diversity) and taxonomic distinctness indices (Average [AvTD] and Variance of Taxonomic Distinctness [VarTD]) were tested in more than 100 sampling sites of 39 soda pans in Central-Europe to find sufficient indicators of the ecological condition and simultaneously to facilitate their preservation according to the modern conservation practices. Results of the analyses showed that healthy soda pan ecosystems with high level of natural stress and reduced habitat heterogeneity are characterized by low diversity diatom assemblages. In soda pans where the stress can be extremely high from natural reasons, oligopoly of closely related species can develop: the average taxonomic distinctness appeared between genus and family level. The non-DNA-sequence based phylogenetic diversity measures (AvTD and VarTD), were generally sensitive to the trophic state of the lakes, in contrast to traditional diversity metrics, which were unequivocally indicative for the special physical and chemical parameters (e.g. conductivity, pH) of the soda pans. In some cases, when the response of the diversity measures for a given environmental variable (pH, temperature) overlapped, the AvTD was found to be a more precise indicator of the environmental changes (pH) than traditional ones. The decreasing tendency of the AvTD along the intensified natural impact may be explained by the long available time for the species to adapt to these special environments.  相似文献   

1. Macroinvertebrates were collected and physico‐chemical variables measured at 16 stream sites in Western Greenland during July 1999. Eight sites were located on Disko Island in an arctic oceanic climate and eight sites in the Kangerlussuaq area close to the icecap where the climate is arctic continental. The streams had different water sources (glacial, groundwater, snowmelt and lake water). 2. The streams showed pronounced differences in water temperature (2.2–17.3 °C), concentrations of suspended solids (0–2400 mg L?1), and conductivity (10–109 μS cm?1). Principal component analysis (PCA) analysis of the physico‐chemical variables separated the Disko Island sites into a distinct group, whereas the sites in the Kangerlussuaq area were more dispersed. 3. A total of 56 macroinvertebrate species were found, including 31 species of Chironomidae, the most abundant of which was Orthocladius thienemanni. Diamesa sp. was only the sixth most abundant chironomid taxon. Species composition varied between sites, and abundance varied from about 20 individuals m?2 in a glacier fed stream to more than 16 000 m?2 in a lake outlet. 4. The macroinvertebrate communities of the 16 streams were separated into five TWINSPAN groups reflecting water source, irrespective of region. Lake outlets and ground‐water‐fed streams had the highest species richness and abundance, temperature and bed stability, while glacier‐fed streams were characterized by low species richness, abundance, temperature, bed stability and high concentrations of suspended solids. Macroinvertebrate species richness was positively correlated with water temperature and negatively with bed stability. Conductivity was positively correlated with invertebrate abundance. 5. The results of this study suggest that the source of stream water can be used to predict invertebrate community composition in Greenlandic streams and thus the effects of changes in water balance and flow regime, and to identify sites of special conservation interest.  相似文献   

  1. Species distribution models often fail to predict observed patterns of species diversity, and this is because some species within a regional pool that are tolerant of conditions at a given location may nevertheless be absent from the local community. These missing species have been termed “dark diversity”. In the present study, we investigated which factors explain dark diversity among fish assemblages in Amazonian streams.
  2. We sampled 71 streams in areas with different types of land use within two river basins and estimated dark diversity from patterns of species co-occurrence, using Beals’ index, along environmental gradients. From this procedure, taxa are designated as dark diversity components when they are absent from a given stream, but often co-occur with the local species at other streams, indicating similar ecological requirements. We used generalised linear models both to determine whether environmental or landscape variables, connectivity, instream environmental heterogeneity or some combination of these factors explained dark diversity of fishes, and to evaluate whether ecomorphology is associated with the extent to which a species contributes to dark diversity and which specific traits contribute the most to explaining variation in dark diversity.
  3. Mean local diversity exceeded observed dark diversity. The magnitude of dark diversity was directly associated with the proportion of secondary forest in the immediate catchment and with the index of proximity to anthropogenic impact. Species that have high affinity for environments with higher current velocity, low swimming ability and that capture food mainly on the surface contributed more to dark diversity, which suggests that swimming ability, habitat preference and aspects related to diet are key predictors of the probability that a given species will be present at locations with suitable habitat.
  4. Our findings reinforce the idea that dark diversity results from interactions between species traits and environmental factors, including anthropogenic impacts. Understanding the interplay among environmental factors and species traits that contribute to dark diversity provides targets for improved ecosystem restoration and sustainability of native species assemblages.

Marine fish species checklists from six Chinese coastal waters were combined for the analysis of taxonomic diversity. The Genus-Family index (G-F index) ranged between 0.39 and 0.84, which generally indicated a decreasing trend with increasing latitude, with the exception of the southernmost area. Average taxonomic distinctness showed a slight increasing trend from northern to central study areas, but whether the taxonomic distinctness indices represent a latitudinal gradient of biodiversity requires further study. The multivariate analysis revealed a distinct latitudinal variation in fish assemblages. These results indicate that species checklist data are helpful in understanding the diversity distribution of fish species in the coastal zone. The potential of a species inventory should be exploited to fully understand biodiversity.  相似文献   

Aim The likelihood of a species successfully passing through all stages of the human‐mediated invasion process and becoming established at new locations is often determined by phenotypic characteristics. Among species, phenotypic similarity is negatively correlated with phylogenetic distance, but examples of independent evolution of traits in unrelated taxa do exist. Using marine bryozoans as model organisms we predict that, given the selectivity of the invasion process, the phylogenetic relatedness among established non‐indigenous species in a region is either higher or lower than that among the native assemblage, but not the same. Location Sixteen port and marina environments around New Zealand (the principal sites of establishment of most non‐indigenous bryozoans), and coastal habitats of the entire New Zealand coastline. Methods We use average taxonomic distinctness (avTD) as a measure of phylogenetic relatedness and taxonomic ‘breadth’ of species assemblages. We compare values of avTD between native and non‐indigenous bryozoan assemblages at two spatial scales and examine whether assemblages in port environments represent phylogenetically restricted and morphologically distinct subsets of the regional coastal bryofauna. Results At a nationwide and a local scale, the phylogenetic relatedness among non‐indigenous bryozoans was no different from that among members of the native assemblage. However, native bryozoans inhabiting port and marina environments had a significantly reduced taxonomic breadth and higher phylogenetic relatedness than the pool of ‘available’ native bryozoans from surrounding coastal habitats. Non‐indigenous species were on average six times more prevalent than native species in ports. There were no differences in morphological characteristics between native and non‐indigenous bryozoans from ports and natural environments. Main conclusion We found no evidence that a successful passage through the stages of the invasion process results in a taxonomically distinct non‐indigenous assemblage. However, patterns of relatedness among native and among non‐indigenous species may be influenced by the nature of the study environment.  相似文献   

Ensuring the provision of essential ecosystem services in systems affected by multiple stressors is a key challenge for theoretical and applied ecology. Trait‐based approaches have increasingly been used in multiple‐stressor research in freshwaters because they potentially provide a powerful method to explore the mechanisms underlying changes in populations and communities. Individual benthic macroinvertebrate traits associated with mobility, life history, morphology, and feeding habits are often used to determine how environmental drivers structure stream communities. However, to date multiple‐stressor research on stream invertebrates has focused more on taxonomic than on functional metrics. We conducted a fully crossed, 4‐factor experiment in 64 stream mesocosms fed by a pristine montane stream (21 days of colonization, 21 days of manipulations) and investigated the effects of nutrient enrichment, flow velocity reduction and sedimentation on invertebrate community, taxon, functional diversity and trait variables after 2 and 3 weeks of stressor exposure. 89% of the community structure metrics, 59% of the common taxa, 50% of functional diversity metrics, and 79% of functional traits responded to at least one stressor each. Deposited fine sediment and flow velocity reduction had the strongest impacts, affecting invertebrate abundances and diversity, and their effects translated into a reduction of functional redundancy. Stressor effects often varied between sampling occasions, further complicating the prediction of multiple‐stressor effects on communities. Overall, our study suggests that future research combining community, trait, and functional diversity assessments can improve our understanding of multiple‐stressor effects and their interactions in running waters.  相似文献   

太白红杉群落物种多样性与环境因子的关系   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
定量研究了太白红杉群落物种多样性与环境因子的关系,结果表明:(1)海拔与物种丰富度和种间相遇机率呈极显著的负相关;与Shannon指数、Simpson指数和Pielou指数表现为"中间高度膨胀"的规律,即中等海拔高度上多样性高而低海拔和高海拔多样性较低。(2)岩石裸露度与物种丰富度呈显著的负相关。(3)土壤含水量与物种丰富度呈极显著的正相关;与种间相遇机率呈先降后升的趋势。(4)环境因子与物种多样性逐步回归结果是:海拔和岩石裸露度与物种丰富度关系密切,其回归方程为:S=90.62-0.02E-14.14B(r=0.769,P<0.05)。  相似文献   



Large ‐ scale diversity patterns are generated by different but not mutually exclusive mechanisms. However, understanding of multiple facets of diversity and their determinants in the freshwater realm remains limited. Here, we characterized the geographical gradients, hotspots and spatial congruence of three facets of freshwater molluscan diversity and evaluated the relative importance of three different underlying mechanisms related to the energy, area/environmental heterogeneity and dispersal/historical hypotheses.




Species richness (SR), functional richness (FR) and taxonomic distinctness (TD, a proxy of phylogenetic diversity) were calculated for 212 drainage basins with a total of 313 molluscan species. Spatial congruence between the diversity facets was evaluated with Pearson correlation coefficient and overlap among hotspots. Multiple linear regression models and variation partitioning were used to assess the relative importance of different mechanisms.


Hotspots of SR and FR were mainly concentrated in the Yangtze River and Huai River basins, while high TD values were patchily distributed across China. We found extremely low spatial congruence between TD and both SR and FR, while there was relatively high concordance between SR and FR. All diversity facets were best explained by the dispersal/historical hypothesis with strong unique effects, followed by the factors related to the energy hypothesis. The area/ environmental heterogeneity hypothesis was only weakly supported.

Main conclusions

We found a potentially strong influence of dispersal limitation and evolutionary history on the geographical diversity gradients of Chinese molluscs. This finding contrasts with the general finding that energy‐related factors are the strongest correlates of diversity patterns at large spatial scales. Moreover, our results do not support the idea that using any one diversity component as a surrogate of the others in developing conservation strategies. Instead, an integrative approach embracing multiple facets of diversity should be adopted in the conservation of freshwater biodiversity.

Understanding the roles of ecological drivers in shaping biodiversity is fundamental for conservation practice. In this study, we explored the effects of elevation, conservation status, primary productivity, habitat diversity and anthropogenic disturbance (represented by human population density and birding history) on taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional avian diversity in a subtropical landscape in southeastern China. We conducted bird surveys using 1‐km transects across a total of 30 sites, of which 10 sites were located within a natural reserve. Metrics of functional diversity were calculated based on six functional traits (body mass, clutch size, dispersal ratio, sociality, diet and foraging stratum). We built simultaneous autoregression models to assess the association between the ecological factors and diversity of the local avian communities. Local avian diversity generally increased with increasing habitat diversity, human population density and primary productivity. We also detected phylogenetic and functional clustering in these communities, suggesting that the avian assemblages were structured mainly by environmental filtering, rather than interspecific competition. Compared with sites outside the natural reserve, sites within the natural reserve had relatively lower avian diversity but a higher level of phylogenetic heterogeneity.  相似文献   

人为干扰下的亚高山草甸功能多样性和功能冗余 人为干扰程度的加剧会引起植物群落物种多样性和功能多样性的改变,并降低生态系统的稳定性。较高水平的功能冗余对于物种损失引起的生态系统功能和稳定性的改变起到了重要的缓冲作用。然而,关于亚高山草甸植物群落功能冗余对干扰的响应的研究相对较少。本研究的目的是,确定人为干扰下不同退化程度的亚高山草甸,其植物群落功能多样性和功能冗余对干扰的响应特征,及不同物种对功能冗余的贡献程度及其在干扰梯度上的变化规律。研究区位于青藏高原东南缘玉龙雪山上的亚高山草甸。本研究识别出4类干扰强度(无干扰、弱干扰、中度干扰和重度干扰),测定了干扰梯度上的植物物种组成、土壤性质和5个关键的植物功能性状等指标,进一步计算了Simpson多样性指数、功能多样性指数(RaoQ)、功能冗余度、群落的植物功能性状加权平均值(CWM)以及物种水平的功能冗余等指数。研究结果表明,功能多样性和功能冗余在干扰梯度上呈现单峰变化规律,即二者分别在中度干扰、弱干扰下达到最大值。物种多样性在干扰梯度上整体呈下降趋势。随着干扰程度的增加,采取保守生长策略并具有相关性状特征(如较低比叶面积和较高的干物质含量)的物种的丰富度降低,采取资源获取策略并具有相关性状(如低矮植株、较高的比叶面积和较低的干物质含量)的物种增加。不同物种的功能冗余程度存在差异。值得注意的是,一些物种在群落中扮演着独特的功能角色,如无干扰梯度下的网脉橐吾(Ligularia dictyoneura)以及中度和重度干扰梯度下的滇西委陵菜(Potentilla delavayi)。  相似文献   

1. Taxonomic distinctness (or average taxonomic breadth) of a sample is a measure of diversity that has the great advantage of not being sensitive to variations in sampling effort, unlike measures of species richness. It can also be tested for departures from expectation and can thus be used to determine whether a site has suffered from a genuine loss of diversity. 2. Taxonomic distinctness or delta+ was measured using all insect species from three datasets obtained from running water habitats: reference or least disturbed sites from channel and bank habitats on rivers from the Australian state of Victoria; test sites distributed along a water quality gradient in Victoria and sites immediately below a series of dams in Victoria and New South Wales. The last two datasets comprised sites subject to a range of obvious disturbances. 3. At reference sites delta+ was generally within the range of expected values (95% confidence limits) for both habitats as would be anticipated for these essentially undisturbed sites. However, 13–14% of sites fell below the lower confidence limits. Sites in river basins with less cover of natural habitat had slightly but significantly lower delta+ values than those with more cover and these sites contributed to this anomaly. 4. Delta+ was inversely correlated with water quality (r = −0.54, P = 0.002) as measured by the first axis of a PCA of water quality variables. It was also inversely correlated with individual variables, such as turbidity and total phosphorous. 5. Delta+ was below expectation for 18 of the 19 dam sites and at 13 of these sites delta+ values were below the lower confidence limit. 6. Delta+ was a sensitive index of diversity that generally distinguished sites suffering from environmental disturbance. Only a few previous studies of river ecosystems have used delta+, which did not respond consistently to disturbance because either too few taxa at species or higher taxonomic levels were available or because longitudinal changes in species composition swamped the signal from delta+. Neither of these problems occurred with the current datasets. 7. Delta+ responded more readily to disturbance than number of species, perhaps because taxonomic distinctness reflects some of the multivariate nature of community samples, whereas number of species is blind to this aspect.  相似文献   

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