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Huntington disease in Georgia: age at onset.   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Age at onset of motor symptoms was collected on 611 persons affected with Huntington disease (HD) among 3,201 persons "at risk" in 108 kindreds. Life-table estimates correcting for truncated intervals of observation (censoring) produced a median age at onset 5 years older than the observed mean. Risk estimates of HD onset for persons at risk, as calculated by life-table methods, were significantly higher for older ages than were estimates based on the observed distribution of onsets. Age-specific incidence was found to be highest at age 35-64 years, a considerably older age interval than suggested by previous estimates. The offspring of affected males had significantly younger onset than did offspring of affected females, and a trend suggesting and excess of paternal descent among juvenile-onset cases was present. Life-table analysis is contrasted with analyses of (a) the observed distribution of age at onset and (b) remote cohorts age 63 or older at the time of data collection. The implications for risk prediction, genetic counseling, and genetic analysis of HD are discussed.  相似文献   

A genetic model for age at onset in Huntington disease.   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Although numerous investigators have confirmed excess paternal transmission among juvenile-onset cases of Huntington disease (HD), there are conflicting reports that the late-onset form is inherited more often from the mother than from the father. Results from a survey of age at onset and age at death in 569 patients corroborate earlier findings of delayed onset of HD among offspring of affected mothers at both ends of the onset-age spectrum: 23 of 28 juvenile-onset offspring had affected fathers, and there were 1.6 times more late-onset offspring born to affected mothers than to affected fathers. These patterns, together with data that link age-at-onset variability to familial longevity trends, suggest a model where age at onset is governed, generally, by a set of independently inherited aging genes, but expression of the HD gene may be significantly delayed in individuals who possess a particular maternally transmitted factor.  相似文献   

Maternal factors in onset of Huntington disease.   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Analyses of father-offspring and mother-offspring similarity in onset age suggest that nuclear genes account for a significant portion of the modification of onset age in Huntington disease. The effects of non-nuclear modifiers are supported by the finding that the offspring of affected women have significantly older mean ages of onset than offspring of affected men irrespective of the onset age in the parent. The absence of increased father-daughter similarity indicates that modification is not X-linked. The absence of reproductive advantage for late-onset individuals and the absence of a multigenerational maternal-lineage effect suggest that the modifying effect of the sex of the affected parent occurs in a single parental generation. Offspring of affected women with onset between ages 35 and 49 had a significantly older mean onset age than their mothers. This suggests that a protective effect may be conferred upon the offspring of affected women.  相似文献   

It is well recognized that age at onset of Huntington disease (HD) is strongly influenced by the sex of the affected parent, and this has lead to suggestions that genetic imprinting or maternal specific factors may play a role in the expression of the disease. This study evaluated maternal and paternal ages, birth order, parental age at onset, and sex of the affected parent and grandparent in 1,764 patients in the National HD Roster by using linear-regression techniques which incorporated a weighted least-squares approach to accommodate the correlation among siblings. It was found that paternal age is negatively associated with age at onset of HD, particularly among subjects who inherit the mutant gene from grandfathers. Apparent associations between age at onset and birth order and between age at onset and maternal age were not significant after adjustment for paternal age. The paternal age effect is strongest among juvenile-onset cases and individuals with anticipation of greater than or equal to 10 years, although it is detectable across the entire age-at-onset distribution. The tendency for older fathers, including those not transmitting the HD gene, to have affected offspring with early-onset disease may be consistent with a gene imprinting mechanism involving DNA methylation. Because paternal age in unaffected fathers is also a significant determinant of age at onset, methylation in this context might involve HD modifier genes or the normal HD allele.  相似文献   

Data from the Research Roster for Huntington Disease Patients and Families were used to assess the hypothesis that juvenile onset in Huntington disease is determined by an X-linked recessive modifying gene in the affected parent. The observed proportion of affected fathers to affected mothers who had such offspring was not compatible with this hypothesis. Furthermore, neither the excess of affected grandfathers nor the existence of juvenile-onset and adult-onset cases within a sibship would be predicted by this model. We also rejected a more general hypothesis that a major change in gene expression across generations, measured by the presence of juvenile onset and/or major anticipation, is determined by an X-linked modifier. However, the inheritance of a propensity toward juvenile onset via the affected male line could be due to an abnormal pattern of paternal genomic imprinting.  相似文献   

Huntington disease (HD) is caused by the expansion of a CAG repeat within the coding region of a novel gene on 4p16.3. Although the variation in age at onset is partly explained by the size of the expanded repeat, the unexplained variation in age at onset is strongly heritable (h2=0.56), which suggests that other genes modify the age at onset of HD. To identify these modifier loci, we performed a 10-cM density genomewide scan in 629 affected sibling pairs (295 pedigrees and 695 individuals), using ages at onset adjusted for the expanded and normal CAG repeat sizes. Because all those studied were HD affected, estimates of allele sharing identical by descent at and around the HD locus were adjusted by a positionally weighted method to correct for the increased allele sharing at 4p. Suggestive evidence for linkage was found at 4p16 (LOD=1.93), 6p21–23 (LOD=2.29), and 6q24–26 (LOD=2.28), which may be useful for investigation of genes that modify age at onset of HD.  相似文献   

We evaluated the hypothesis that Huntington disease (HD) is influenced by the normal HD allele by comparing transmission patterns of genetically linked markers at the D4S10 locus in the normal parent against age at onset in the affected offspring. Analysis of information from 21 sibships in 14 kindreds showed a significant tendency for sibs who have similar onset ages to share the same D4S10 allele from the normal parent. Affected sibs who inherited different D4S10 alleles from the normal parent tended to have more variable ages at onset. These findings suggest that the expression of HD is modulated by the normal HD allele or by a closely linked locus.  相似文献   

Many genetic diseases shorten the lives of people who have them. Hence, it makes sense to speak of years of life lost due to cystic fibrosis or sickle-cell anemia or numerous other genetic disorders. In conventional practice, years of life lost is calculated for causes of death only, but a genetic disease is better understood as a risk-altering state or condition: it acts not at the time of death only but from birth onwards. Therefore, we must reformulate the concept of years of life lost before applying it to genetic conditions. This has already been done for congenital genetic diseases. This paper extends the reformulation to diseases with delayed onset. Huntington disease (HD) is used as an example.  相似文献   

Homozygote for Huntington disease.   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Four offspring of three different Huntington disease (HD) affected x affected matings were assessed by genetic linkage analysis for possible homozygosity. One individual was found to have a 95% likelihood of being an HD homozygote. The homozygote individual had an age at onset and symptoms which were similar to those of affected HD heterozygote relatives, including some with younger onset. This confirms the observation of Wexler et al. that in HD the homozygote is not more severely afflicted than the heterozygote.  相似文献   

I recall it as vividly as though it had occurred but yesterday. It made a most enduring impression upon my boyish mind which was my very first impulse to choosing chorea as my virgin contribution to medical lore. Driving with my father through a wooded road leading from East Hampton to Amagansett we suddenly came upon two women, mother and daughter, both tall and thin, almost cadaverous, both bowing, twisting, grimacing. I stared in wonderment, almost in fear. What could it mean? My father paused to speak with them and we passed on. Then my Gamaliel-like instruction began; my medical education had its inception. From this point on, my interest in the disease has never wholly ceased. [George Huntington, at 59, recalling how at the age of 8 years he first saw Huntington disease while traveling with his physician father on his professional rounds in 1858].  相似文献   

In addition to the pathogenetic CAG repeat expansion other genetic factors play a significant role in determining age at onset (AO) in Huntington disease (HD), e.g. variations in the NR2A and NR2B glutamate receptor subunit genes (GRIN2A, GRIN2B). In order to expand these findings we fine-mapped a larger HD patient panel (n = 250) using densely spaced markers flanking the originally associated SNPs in GRIN2A and GRIN2B. In GRIN2A association fine-mapping based on eight additional SNPs confirmed intron 2 as the region of strongest association. In GRIN2B fine-mapping with seven additional SNPs consolidated C2664T as causal genetic variation. Gender stratification of patients revealed differences in the variability in AO attributable to the CAG repeat number and highly significant differences in the AO association with the C2664T and rs8057394/ rs2650427 variations. Addition of the corresponding genotype variations to the effect of CAG repeat lengths resulted in a significant increase of the R 2 values only in females. The sex-specific effect for C2664T is underscored by differences in the genotype and allele frequencies observed for female versus male HD patients (P = 0.01) caused by decreased CC frequency in females. Overall, female HD patients homozygous for the CC genotype tended to have later AO compared to the other two genotypes. Stratification of the results by presumed menopausal status demonstrated that the significant findings were predominantly observed in pre-menopausal patients. We speculate that altered hormone levels herald protective effects of this genotype. Together, GRIN2A and GRIN2B genotype variations explain 7.2% additional variance in AO for HD.  相似文献   

Skin fibroblasts in Huntington disease.   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We previously reported that skin fibroblasts with Huntington disease (HD) grew to higher maximal densities and, at early culture passages, attained more population doublings per week than did fibroblasts from control individuals. We also noted that HD cells were smaller and that larger colonies developed from single cells. In view of discrepant results reported from replications of the above studies, we undertook extensive blind studies with 10 coded pairs of HD and control cells in which all the skin biopsies were obtained by the same method, and the HD and control cells were grown identically at all times. No significant differences were found between HD and control cells in any of the above parameters in the current study. Some of the possible reasons for our failure to reproduce the previous results are discussed, chief among them may be the different treatment to which the HD and control cells might have been subjected prior to coming to our hands and the utilization of skin samples from different regions of the body.  相似文献   

The incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) increases with age and early onset indicates an increased likelihood for genetic predisposition for this disease. The somatic genetics of tumor development in relation to patient age remains mostly unknown. We have examined the mutation status of five known cancer critical genes in relation to age at diagnosis, and compared the genomic complexity of tumors from young patients without known CRC syndromes with those from elderly patients. Among 181 CRC patients, stratified by microsatellite instability status, DNA sequence changes were identified in KRAS (32%), BRAF (16%), PIK3CA (4%), PTEN (14%) and TP53 (51%). In patients younger than 50 years (n = 45), PIK3CA mutations were not observed and TP53 mutations were more frequent than in the older age groups. The total gene mutation index was lowest in tumors from the youngest patients. In contrast, the genome complexity, assessed as copy number aberrations, was highest in tumors from the youngest patients. A comparable number of tumors from young (<50 years) and old patients (>70 years) was quadruple negative for the four predictive gene markers (KRAS-BRAF-PIK3CA-PTEN); however, 16% of young versus only 1% of the old patients had tumor mutations in PTEN/PIK3CA exclusively. This implies that mutation testing for prediction of EGFR treatment response may be restricted to KRAS and BRAF in elderly (>70 years) patients. Distinct genetic differences found in tumors from young and elderly patients, whom are comparable for known clinical and pathological variables, indicate that young patients have a different genetic risk profile for CRC development than older patients.  相似文献   

Huntington’s disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder associated with CAG repeat expansion. We measured transglutaminase (TGase) activity in lymphocytes from 35 HD patients and from healthy individuals to ascertain whether it was altered in this condition. TGase activity was above maximum control levels in 25% of HD patients; it was correlated with the age of the patient and inversely correlated with the CAG repeat length. These results suggest that: (1) HD could be biochemically heterogeneous, and (2) the length of the CAG repeat expansion/TGase ratio could be important in the manifestation of HD. Received: 25 March 1996 / Revised: 23 June 1996  相似文献   

Juvenile Huntington disease   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

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