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The study investigated spermicidal and antitrichomonas activities of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants with a view to generate new lead for development of dual-function spermicidal microbicides, which is an urgent global need. Fluoxetine, Sertraline, and Fluvoxamine exhibited both spermicidal and anti-STI (antitrichomonas) activities in vitro, whereas Paroxetine and Citalopram showed only the spermicidal activity. Fluoxetine exhibited better activity profile than the other antidepressant drugs with its spermicidal and antitrichomonas activities being comparable to that of the OTC contraceptive Nonoxynol-9. The non-detergent nature of Fluoxetine and a much lower spermicidal ED50 value (than N-9) may add considerably to its merit as a candidate for microbicidal contraceptive. Thus, the antidepressants exhibiting both spermicidal and antitrichomonas activities might provide useful lead for the development of novel, dual-function spermicidal contraceptives.  相似文献   

Two series of vanadocene complexes of the type (Cp′ = η5-C5H5, η5-C5H4Me; X = dicyanamide, tricyanomethanide, dicyanonitrosomethanide) were prepared by the reaction of appropriate vanadocene dichloride complex with alkali salt of non-linear pseudohalide. The bonding mode of pseudohalide ligands was determined by spectroscopic measurements and X-ray diffraction analyses.  相似文献   

Several compounds belonging to 2-isoxazolines (4,5a-c), isoxazoles (3,6a-c) and 1-amino-1-cycloalkyl-2-substituted phenyl ethanes (16-18,a-e) have been synthesised and found to possess spermicidal activity. Out of these a couple of compounds (5a and 6a) exhibit anti-HIV activity.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic effect of vanadocene dichloride (Cp2VCl2, 1) and its ring-substituted, (η5-C5H4Me)2VCl2 (2), (η5-C5Me5)2VCl2 (3), (η5-C5H4R)2VCl2 (4: R = MeOCH2CH2-, 5: R = 2-MeOC6H4CH2-, 6: R = 4-MeOC6H4CH2-) and ansa-bridged analogs Me2C(η5-C5H4)2VCl2 (7) and Me4C25-C5H4)2VCl2 (8) was investigated. Synthesis of two new methoxy-functionalized compounds (4 and 5) is described. They were characterized by spectroscopic methods and X-ray diffraction analysis. The cytotoxicity studies were performed with leukemic cells MOLT-4.  相似文献   

Hexamethylene bisacetamide (diacetyldiamino hexane) is a potent inducer of erythroid differentiation in murine erythroleukemia cells. Hexamethylene bisacetamide and the closely related pentamethylene bisacetamide were synthesized with radioactive labels in various portions of the molecule and the uptake, metabolism, and intracellular distribution determined. Bisacetamides are taken up by the cell; an intracellular concentration equal to the extracellular concentration is achieved by 6–8 h. Commitment to differentiation is not detected until at least 10 h after equilibration. Both uptake and commitment to differentiate are concentration and temperature dependent. The majority of the compound is deacetylated upon cell entry and the acetate portion incorporated nonspecifically into lipid and protein. Acetate competes with the incorporation of hexamethylene bisacetamide into protein and lipid, but does not affect inducing activity. The diamine portion of the molecule is detected only in the cytoplasm, in a trichloroacetic acid-soluble and acetylated form, whereas the acetate moiety is detected in both cytoplasm and nucleus and in both a trichloroacetic acid-soluble and insoluble form. The cellular uptake of diamines and bisacetamides (acetylated diamines) are similar, but acetylation of the diamine greatly increases inducing activity.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the mechanism of stress ulceration, which is mainly involved with the corpus mucosa of the stomach, the aerobic energy metabolism of the corpus mucosa of rats, rabbits and humans was investigated and compared with those of the antral mucosa as well as other organs such as heart, kidney and liver. The results showed that the activities of respiration and oxidative phosphorylation and the concentration of the respiratory chain components were far greater in the corpus mucosa than in the antral mucosa, the activities in the former being almost equal to that of the highly aerobic tissue, kidney cortex. Furthermore, the endogenous respiratory rate (in the absence of added substrate) was also much higher in the corpus mucosa than in the antral mucosa, indicating that oxygen demand at resting state (during the period of H+ secretion) is also higher in the corpus mucosa. We conclude that in the corpus mucosa of the stomach the aerobic energy metabolism is predominant. It is suggested that circulatory insufficiency may easily result in cell damage mainly of the corpus mucosa due to energy deficit.  相似文献   

Hexamethylene bisacetamide (diacetyldiamino hexane) is a potent inducer of erythroid differentiation in murine erythroleukemia cells. Hexamethylene bisacetamide and the closely related pentamethylene bisacetamide were synthesized with radioactive labels in various portions of the molecule and the uptake, metabolism, and intracellular distribution determined. Bisacetamides are taken up by the cell; an intracellular concentration equal to the extracellular concentration is achieved by 6-8 h. Commitment to differentiation is not detected until at least 10 h after equilibration. Both uptake and commitment to differentiate are concentration and temperature dependent. The majority of the compound is deacetylated upon cell entry and the acetate portion incorporated nonspecifically into lipid and protein. Acetate competes with the incorporation of hexamethylene bisacetamide into protein and lipid, but does not affect inducing activity. The diamine portion of the molecule is detected only in the cytoplasm, in a trichloroacetic acid-soluble and acetylated form, whereas the acetate moiety is detected in both cytoplasm and nucleus and in both a trichloroacetic acid-soluble and insoluble form. The cellular uptake of diamines and bisacetamides (acetylated diamines) are similar, but acetylation of the diamine greatly increases inducing activity.  相似文献   

Vanadium complexes with quinoline ligands (1b-g) and pyridinone ligands (2b-d) were synthesized, and the effect of the length and shape of alkyl chains on the antiproliferative activity toward U937 cells was studied. For the synthesis of the vanadium complexes, quinoline and pyridinone ligands were prepared and then treated with VOSO(4) or VO(acac)(2). The vanadyl(IV) complexes were characterized by IR, ESR, and UV-vis spectroscopy and elemental analyses. The antiproliferative activity of 1a-g toward U937 cells showed little dependence on the length and shape of the alkyl chain. In contrast, a good correlation was found between the IC(50) values and partition coefficients (logP) values of 2a-c. Among them, 2c showed the highest inhibitory activity, and its IC(50) value was smaller than that of cisplatin. The apoptosis-inducing ability of 2b and 2c was supported by annexin V-propidium iodide staining experiments and agarose gel electrophoresis analysis. Inhibitors of caspase-3, -8, and -9 did not affect the antiproliferative activity of 2c, indicating that the apoptosis induced by 2c was via a caspase-independent pathway.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to elucidate some of the effects of a synthetic progestagen and natural ovarian hormones on spermicidal activity in the sheep vagina. In the first experiment, parous ewes were treated for 17 days either intravaginally with medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP) or subcutaneously with progesterone. They were inseminated artificially either on the last day of progestagen treatment or during estrus after progestagen withdrawal. Their vulvovaginal junctions were ligated to prevent the loss of sperm cells by drainage to the exterior. Untreated control ewes were inseminated during either estrus or the luteal phase of the estrous cycle. The ewes were killed 22 hr. after insemination, their vaginas flushed, and intact sperm cells and tailless sperm heads counted. In the second and third experiments, some of the ewes were bilaterally ovariectomized and inseminated several weeks later. Other ewes were ovariectomized and given subcutaneous injections of estradiol, progesterone, or both hormones.In the first experiment, most sperm cells were recovered intact from estrous or luteal phase control ewes. The intravaginal administration of MAP increased both the breakage of sperm cells into heads and tails and the disappearance of sperm cells. The spermicidal effects of MAP were just as great in ewes inseminated on the last day of treatment. as in those inseminated during the ensuing estrus; these results indicated that the peak estrogen secretion that occurs near the beginning of estrus was not necessary for the intensification of spermicidal activity.In the second experiment, ovariectomized ewes were compared to estrous and luteal phase ewes in regard to vaginal spermicidal activity. Sperm breakage and disappearance occurred least in estrous ewes, to a somewhat greater degree in luteal phase ewes, and to the greatest extent in ovariectomized ewes. The results suggested that endogenous ovarian hormones, particularly those in estrous ewes, suppress spermicidal mechanisms in the vagina.In the third experiment, the administration of estradiol and progesterone to ovariectomized ewes prevented the increase in sperm cell disappearance. Neither hormone alone prevented the increase.  相似文献   

Apoptosis, a form of programmed cell death, is a critical defence mechanism against the formation and progression of cancer and acts by eliminating potentially deleterious cells without causing such adverse effects, as inflammatory response and ensuing scar formation. Therefore, targeting apoptotic pathways becomes an intriguing strategy for the development of chemotherapeutic agents. In last decades, marine natural products, such as sesterterpenoids, have played an important role in the discovery and development of new drugs. Interestingly, many of these compounds have a strong potential as anticancer drugs by inhibiting cell proliferation and/or inducing cell death. In the present study, we investigated the effects of scalaradial and cacospongionolide, two sesterterpenoids from Cacospongia scalaris and Fasciospongia cavernosa marine sponges, on the apoptotic signalling pathway in three different human tumoral cells. Results were obtained by using DNA fragmentation, comet and viability assays, quantification of the mitochondrial transmembrane potential and Western blot. The T47D (human breast carcinoma), A431 (human epidermoid carcinoma), HeLa (human cervix carcinoma) and HCT116 (human colon carcinoma) cells were incubated for 24 h with scalaradial or cacospongionolide. Treatment of T47D cells with scalaradial or cacospongionolide for 24 h brought about a significant increase in DNA migration as well as fragmentation. Moreover, incubation of HCT116 and HeLa cells with scalaradial or cacospongionolide for 24 h caused an increased expression of pro-apoptotic proteins. Furthermore, scalaradial or cacospongionolide, added to HCT116 and HeLa cells overnight, induced a significant and concentration-dependent loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential, an early apoptosis signalling event. These effects paralleled with those achieved with p50 and p65, NF-κB subunits, nuclear level. In conclusion, scalaradial and cacospongionolide, by determining human cancer cell apoptosis, may represent new promising compounds to inhibit cancer cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Rates of stepwise anation of cis-Cr(ox)2(H2O2) with SCN/N3, Cr(acac)2(H2O)2+ with SCN and Cr(atda)(H2O)2 with SCN have been investigated in weakly acidic aqueous solutions. Rate constants, kI and kII for the two steps in each system, are composite as kx = kx0+kxX[X] (x = I, II; X = SCN, N3). These rate constants have been evaluated also as the corresponding ΔH and ΔS values. The results obtained and the plausible Id mechanism seem to suggest Cr---OOC bond dissociation (hence a strongly negative ΔS) generating the transition state in each system with outer-sphere association forming the precursor complex in the X dependent paths.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein mRNA (G mRNA) of vesicular stomatitis virus is synthesized in the cytosol fraction of infected HeLa cells. Shortly after synthesis, this mRNA associates with 40S ribosomal subunits and subsequently forms 80S monosomes in the cytosol fraction. The bulk of labeled G mRNA is then found in polysomes associated with the membrane, without first appearing in the subunit or monomer pool of the membrane-bound fraction. Inhibition of the initiation of protein synthesis by pactamycin or muconomycin A blocks entry of newly synthesized G m RNA into membrane-bound polysomes. Under these circumstances, labeled G mRNA accumulates into the cytosol. Inhibition of the elongation of protein synthesis by cucloheximide, however, allows entry of 60 percent of newly synthesized G mRNA into membrane-bound polysomes. Furthermore, prelabeled G mRNA associated with membrane-bound polysomes is released from the membrane fraction in vivo by pactamycin or mucomycon A and in vitro by 1mM puromycin - 0.5 M KCI. This release is not due to nonspecific effects of the drugs. These results demonstrate that association of G mRNA with membrane-bound polysomes is dependent upon polysome formation and initiation of protein synthesis. Therefore, direct association of the 3' end of G mRNA with the membrane does not appear to be the initial event in the formation of membrane-bound polysomes.  相似文献   

Flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds widely distributed in the plant kingdom. Compelling research indicates that flavonoids have important roles in cancer chemoprevention and chemotherapy possibly due to biological activities that include action through anti-inflammation, free radical scavenging, modulation of survival/proliferation pathways, and inhibition of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Plant polyphenols including the green tea polyphenol (-)-epigallocatechin gallate or (-)-EGCG, and the flavonoids apigenin, luteolin, quercetin, and chrysin have been shown to inhibit proteasome activity and induce apoptosis in human leukemia cells. However, biotransformation reactions to the reactive hydroxyl groups on polyphenols could reduce their biological activities. Although methylated polyphenols have been suggested to be metabolically more stable than unmethylated polyphenols, the practical use of methylated polyphenols as cancer preventative agents warrants further investigation. In the current study, methylated and unmethylated flavonoids were studied for their proteasome-inhibitory and apoptosis-inducing abilities in human leukemia HL60 cells. Methylated flavonoids displayed sustained bioavailability and inhibited cellular proliferation by arresting cells in the G(1) phase. However, they did not act as proteasome inhibitors in either an in vitro system or an in silico model and only weakly induced apoptosis. In contrast, unmethylated flavonoids exhibited inhibition of the proteasomal activity in intact HL60 cells, accumulating proteasome target proteins and inducing caspase activation and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage. We conclude that methylated flavonoids lack potent cytotoxicity against human leukemia cells and most likely have limited ability as chemopreventive agents.  相似文献   

The radioactive isotopes of strontium, mainly (90)Sr, which are common fission products, may significantly contribute to the internal exposure of the population in case of their accidental release into the environment and transfer to the food chain. For (90)Sr, the internal radiation dose is significantly dependent on the fractional absorption of the ingested activity (f(1)-value). Human data on the absorption of dietary strontium and of soluble forms of the element give values ranging from about 0.15 to 0.45 (up to 1.0) for adults. The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) has adopted f(1)-values of 0.6 for children of less than 1 year of age, 0.4 for children between 1 and 15 years and 0.3 for adolescents above 15 years of age. This study was aimed at investigating how far these values correspond to the actual uptake of strontium from contaminated foodstuffs. A methodology is presented that has been developed for preparing foodstuffs intrinsically labelled with stable isotopes and that will be used in tracer kinetic investigations. The results show that cress and salad can be adequately labelled, i.e. a strontium concentration of 1.36+/-0.47 g per kg of cress (wet weight) and of 0.29+/-0.04 g per kg of salad (wet weight) may be obtained within 15 days and 24 days, respectively. For the biokinetic investigations on humans, applying stable isotopes of Sr as tracers, about 0.1-1 mg strontium is required per volunteer, i.e. a few grams of the edible parts of the labelled material are sufficient.  相似文献   

The respiratory and circulatory activities of patients who underwent carotid body resection (CBR) more than two decades ago were reviewed. No significant ventilatory response to continuous hypoxia was observed. However, in response to stimulation of peripheral chemoreceptors, transient hyperventilation occurred before hypoxemic blood arrived at the central nervous system (single-breath test), which indicated the presence of weak peripheral chemosensitivity. Because of this slight residual peripheral chemosensitivity, which was found shortly after the operation and apparently remained more or less unchanged for greater than 20 years, peripheral chemoreceptor activity, which has been reported in other animal species, does not seem to have returned. Delayed hypoxic hyperventilation reported in dogs and cats with CBR was not observed. Hypoxia significantly depressed the ventilatory response to CO2, but the delayed ventilatory depression with time that has been demonstrated in normal subjects did not occur. In our circulatory studies, hypoxia augmented the heart rate and slightly depressed the stroke volume and total peripheral resistance in the systemic circulation but induced no appreciable changes in arterial blood pressure or cardiac output. We used these results to partition the relative contributions to the overall circulatory response of carotid body stimulation, pulmonary inflation, and other modifying influences. From these calculations, it was inferred that the carotid body reflex plays a dominant role in vascular activities whereas the pulmonary inflation reflex dominates in cardiac activities in humans.  相似文献   

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