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To analyze the mechanism of integral membrane protein localization in the early Golgi apparatus of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we have used Och1p, a cis-Golgi mannosyltransferase. A series of influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) epitope-tagged fusion proteins was constructed in which invertase is appended to the Golgi-luminal carboxy terminus of full-length Och1p. Several constructs included a Kex2p cleavage site between the Och1p and invertase moieties to monitor transit to the Kex2p-containing TGN. Cells expressing an Och1p-invertase fusion do not secrete invertase, but those expressing an Och1p-Kex2p site-invertase fusion protein secrete high levels of invertase in a Kex2p-dependent manner. The Och1p-Kex2p site-invertase fusion protein is cleaved with a half-time of 5 min, and the process proceeds to completion. Before cleavage the protein receives glycosyl modifications indicative of passage through the medial- and trans-Golgi, therefore cleavage occurs after ordered anterograde transport through the Golgi to the TGN. Transit to distal compartments is not induced by the invertase moiety, since noninvertase fusion constructs encounter the same glycosyltransferases and Kex2p as well. The Och1p-HA moiety, irrespective of whether it is generated by cleavage of the fusion protein in the TGN or synthesized de novo, is degraded with a half-time of about 60 min. Thus, the half-time of degradation is 12-fold longer than the time required to reach the TGN. At steady state, de novo- synthesized and TGN-generated HA epitope-tagged Och1p reside in a compartment with a buoyant density identical to that of wild-type Och1p and distinct from that of the vacuole or the TGN. Finally, och1 null cells that express an Ochlp fusion construct known to rapidly encounter the TGN glycosylate invertase to the same extent as wild-type cells, indicating that they have phenotypically wild-type Och1p activity. These results lead us to propose a model for Och1p-HA localization that involves movement to distal compartments, at least as far as the TGN, followed by retrieval to the cis compartment, presumably by vesicular transport.  相似文献   

Assembly of the ER to Golgi SNARE complex requires Uso1p   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Uso1p, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein required for ER to Golgi transport, is homologous to the mammalian intra-Golgi transport factor p115. We have used genetic and biochemical approaches to examine the function of Uso1p. The temperature-sensitive phenotype of the uso1-1 mutant can be suppressed by overexpression of each of the known ER to Golgi v-SNAREs (Bet1p, Bos1p, Sec22p, and Ykt6p). Overexpression of two of them, BET1p and Sec22p, can also suppress the lethality of delta uso1, indicating that the SNAREs function downstream of Uso1p. In addition, overexpression of the small GTP-binding protein Ypt1p, or of a gain if function mutant (SLY1-20) of the t-SNARE associated protein Sly1p, also confers temperature resistance. Uso1p and Ypt1p appear to function in the same process because they have a similar set of genetic interactions with the v-SNARE genes, they exhibit a synthetic lethal interaction, and they are able to suppress temperature sensitive mutants of one another when overexpressed. Uso1p acts upstream of, or in conjunction with, Ypt1p because overexpression of Ypt1p allows a delta uso1 strain to grow, whereas overexpression of Uso1p does not suppress a delta ypt1 strain. Finally, biochemical analysis indicates that Uso1p, like Ypt1p, is required for assembly of the v-SNARE/t-SNARE complex. The implications of these findings, with respect to the mechanism of vesicle docking, are discussed.  相似文献   

The conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex is essential for establishing and/or maintaining the structure and function of the Golgi apparatus. The Golgi apparatus, in turn, has a central role in protein sorting and glycosylation within the eukaryotic secretory pathway. As a consequence, COG mutations can give rise to human genetic diseases known as congenital disorders of glycosylation. We review recent results from studies of yeast, worm, fly and mammalian COG that provide evidence that COG might function in retrograde vesicular trafficking within the Golgi apparatus. This hypothesis explains the impact of COG mutations by postulating that they impair the retrograde flow of resident Golgi proteins needed to maintain normal Golgi structure and function.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae many of the N-linked glycans on cell wall and periplasmic proteins are modified by the addition of mannan, a large mannose-containing polysaccharide. Mannan comprises a backbone of approximately 50 alpha-1,6-linked mannoses to which are attached many branches consisting of alpha-1,2-linked and alpha-1,3-linked mannoses. The initiation and subsequent elongation of the mannan backbone is performed by two complexes of proteins in the cis Golgi. In this study we show that the product of the MNN10/BED1 gene is a component of one of these complexes, that which elongates the backbone. Analysis of interactions between the proteins in this complex shows that Mnn10p, and four previously characterized proteins (Anp1p, Mnn9p, Mnn11p, and Hoc1p) are indeed all components of the same large structure. Deletion of either Mnn10p, or its homologue Mnn11p, results in defects in mannan synthesis in vivo, and analysis of the enzymatic activity of the complexes isolated from mutant strains suggests that Mnn10p and Mnn11p are responsible for the majority of the alpha-1, 6-polymerizing activity of the complex.  相似文献   

Cottam NP  Ungar D 《Protoplasma》2012,249(4):943-955
The Golgi apparatus is the central sorting and biosynthesis hub of the secretory pathway, and uses vesicle transport for the recycling of its resident enzymes. This system must operate with high fidelity and efficiency for the correct modification of secretory glycoconjugates. In this review, we discuss recent advances on how coats, tethers, Rabs and SNAREs cooperate at the Golgi to achieve vesicle transport. We cover the well understood vesicle formation process orchestrated by the COPI coat, and the comprehensively documented fusion process governed by a set of Golgi localised SNAREs. Much less clear are the steps in-between formation and fusion of vesicles, and we therefore provide a much needed update of the latest findings about vesicle tethering. The interplay between Rab GTPases, golgin family coiled-coil tethers and the conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex at the Golgi are thoroughly evaluated.  相似文献   

Posttranslational modification of yeast glycoproteins with alpha 1,3- linked mannose is initiated within a Golgi compartment analogous to the medial Golgi cisternae of higher eukaryotes. We have characterized the synthesis, posttranslational modification, and localization of the yeast alpha 1,3 mannosyltransferase (Mnn1p) using antibodies prepared against a segment of this protein expressed in bacteria. Mnn1p is initially synthesized as a 98.5-kD, type II integral membrane glycoprotein that is modified with both N- and O-linked oligosaccharides. It is subject to a slow, incremental increase in molecular mass that is dependent upon protein transport to the Golgi complex. Self-modification of Mnn1p with alpha 1,3 mannose epitopes, primarily on O-linked oligosaccharides, is at least partly responsible for the incremental increase in molecular mass. Mnn1p is a resident protein of the Golgi complex and colocalizes with guanosine diphosphatase to at least two physically distinct Golgi compartments by sucrose gradient fractionation, one of which may be a late Golgi compartment that also contains the Kex2 endopeptidase. Surprisingly, we found that a significant fraction of Mnn1p is mislocalized to the plasma membrane in a clathrin heavy chain temperature sensitive mutant while guanosine diphosphatase remains intracellular. A mutant Mnn1p that lacks the NH2-terminal cytoplasmic tail is properly localized to the Golgi complex, indicating that clathrin does not mediate Mnnlp Golgi retention by a direct interaction with the Mnn1p cytoplasmic tail. These results indicate that clathrin plays a broader role in the localization of Golgi proteins than anticipated.  相似文献   

Neo1p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an essential P-type ATPase and potential aminophospholipid translocase (flippase) in the Drs2p family. We have previously implicated Drs2p in protein transport steps in the late secretory pathway requiring ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) and clathrin. Here, we present evidence that epitope-tagged Neo1p localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi complex and is required for a retrograde transport pathway between these organelles. Using conditional alleles of NEO1, we find that loss of Neo1p function causes cargo-specific defects in anterograde protein transport early in the secretory pathway and perturbs glycosylation in the Golgi complex. Rer1-GFP, a protein that cycles between the ER and Golgi complex in COPI and COPII vesicles, is mislocalized to the vacuole in neo1-ts at the nonpermissive temperature. These phenotypes suggest that the anterograde protein transport defect is a secondary consequence of a defect in a COPI-dependent retrograde pathway. We propose that loss of lipid asymmetry in the cis Golgi perturbs retrograde protein transport to the ER.  相似文献   

Yeast Yip1p is a member of a conserved family of transmembrane proteins that interact with Rab GTPases. Previous studies also have indicated a role for Yip1p in the biogenesis of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-derived COPII transport vesicles. In this report, we describe the identification and characterization of the uncharacterized open reading frame YER074W-A as a novel multicopy suppressor of the thermosensitive yip1-4 strain. We have termed this gene Yip One Suppressor 1 (YOS1). Yos1p is essential for growth and for function of the secretory pathway; depletion or inactivation of Yos1p blocks transport between the ER and the Golgi complex. YOS1 encodes an integral membrane protein of 87 amino acids that is conserved in eukaryotes. Yos1p localizes to ER and Golgi membranes and is efficiently packaged into ER-derived COPII transport vesicles. Yos1p associates with Yip1p and Yif1p, indicating Yos1p is a novel subunit of the Yip1p-Yif1p complex.  相似文献   

A number of protein toxins from plants and bacteria take advantage of transport through the Golgi apparatus to gain entry into the cytosol where they exert their action. These toxins include the plant toxin ricin, the bacterial Shiga toxins, and cholera toxin. Such toxins bind to lipids or proteins at the cell surface, and they are endocytosed both by clathrin-dependent and clathrin-independent mechanisms. Sorting to the Golgi and retrograde transport to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are common to these toxins, but the exact mechanisms turn out to be toxin and cell-type dependent. In the ER, the enzymatically active part is released and then transported into the cytosol, exploiting components of the ER-associated degradation system. In this review, we will discuss transport of different protein toxins, but we will focus on factors involved in entry and sorting of ricin and Shiga toxin into and through the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

The Conserved Oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex is an eight-subunit (Cog1-8) peripheral Golgi protein involved in membrane trafficking and glycoconjugate synthesis. COG appears to participate in retrograde vesicular transport and is required to maintain normal Golgi structure and function. COG mutations interfere with normal transport, distribution, and/or stability of Golgi proteins associated with glycoconjugate synthesis and trafficking, and lead to failure of spermatogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster, misdirected migration of gonadal distal tip cells in Caenorhabditis elegans, and type II congenital disorders of glycosylation in humans. The mechanism by which COG influences Golgi structure and function is unclear. Immunogold electron microscopy was used to visualize the intraGolgi distribution of a functional, hemagglutinin epitope-labeled COG subunit, Cog1-HA, that complements the Cog1-deficiency in Cog1-null Chinese hamster ovary cells. COG was found to be localized primarily on or in close proximity to the tips and rims of the Golgi's cisternae and their associated vesicles and on vesicles and vesiculo-tubular structures seen on both the cis and trans-Golgi Network faces of the cisternal stacks, in some cases on COPI containing vesicles. These findings support the proposal that COG is directly involved in controlling vesicular retrograde transport of Golgi resident proteins throughout the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Golgi localization of glycosyltransferases requires a Vps74p oligomer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mechanism of glycosyltransferase localization to the Golgi apparatus is a long-standing question in secretory cell biology. All Golgi glycosyltransferases are type II membrane proteins with small cytosolic domains that contribute to Golgi localization. To date, no protein has been identified that recognizes the cytosolic domains of Golgi enzymes and contributes to their localization. Here, we report that yeast Vps74p directly binds to the cytosolic domains of cis and medial Golgi mannosyltransferases and that loss of this interaction correlates with loss of Golgi localization of these enzymes. We have solved the X-ray crystal structure of Vps74p and find that it forms a tetramer, which we also observe in solution. Deletion of a critical structural motif disrupts tetramer formation and results in loss of Vps74p localization and function. Vps74p is highly homologous to the human GMx33 Golgi matrix proteins, suggesting a conserved function for these proteins in the Golgi enzyme localization machinery.  相似文献   

Cortactin is an actin-binding protein that has recently been implicated in endocytosis. It binds directly to dynamin-2 (Dyn2), a large GTPase that mediates the formation of vesicles from the plasma membrane and the Golgi. Here we show that cortactin associates with the Golgi to regulate the actin- and Dyn2-dependent transport of cargo. Cortactin antibodies stain the Golgi apparatus, labelling peripheral buds and vesicles that are associated with the cisternae. Notably, in vitro or intact-cell experiments show that activation of Arf1 mediates the recruitment of actin, cortactin and Dyn2 to Golgi membranes. Furthermore, selective disruption of the cortactin-Dyn2 interaction significantly reduces the levels of Dyn2 at the Golgi and blocks the transit of nascent proteins from the trans-Golgi network, resulting in swollen and distended cisternae. These findings support the idea of an Arf1-activated recruitment of an actin, cortactin and Dyn2 complex that is essential for Golgi function.  相似文献   

The vesicle-tethering protein p115 functions in endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi trafficking. We explored the function of homologous region 2 (HR2) of the p115 head domain that is highly homologous with the yeast counterpart, Uso1p. By expression of p115 mutants in p115 knockdown (KD) cells, we found that deletion of HR2 caused an irregular assembly of the Golgi, which consisted of a cluster of mini-stacked Golgi fragments, and gathered around microtubule-organizing center in a microtubule-dependent manner. Protein interaction analyses revealed that p115 HR2 interacted with Cog2, a subunit of the conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex that is known another putative cis-Golgi vesicle-tethering factor. The interaction between p115 and Cog2 was found to be essential for Golgi ribbon reformation after the disruption of the ribbon by p115 KD or brefeldin A treatment and recovery by re-expression of p115 or drug wash out, respectively. The interaction occurred only in interphase cells and not in mitotic cells. These results strongly suggested that p115 plays an important role in the biogenesis and maintenance of the Golgi by interacting with the COG complex on the cis-Golgi in vesicular trafficking.  相似文献   

The Golgi apparatus is a central hub for both protein and lipid trafficking/sorting and is also a major site for glycosylation in the cell. This organelle employs a cohort of peripheral membrane proteins and protein complexes to keep its structural and functional organization. The conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex is an evolutionary conserved peripheral membrane protein complex that is proposed to act as a retrograde vesicle tethering factor in intra-Golgi trafficking. The COG protein complex consists of eight subunits, distributed in two lobes, Lobe A (Cog1-4) and Lobe B (Cog5-8). Malfunctions in the COG complex have a significant impact on processes such as protein sorting, glycosylation, and Golgi integrity. A deletion of Lobe A COG subunits in yeasts causes severe growth defects while mutations in COG1, COG7, and COG8 in humans cause novel types of congenital disorders of glycosylation. These pathologies involve a change in structural Golgi phenotype and function. Recent results indicate that down-regulation of COG function results in the resident Golgi glycosyltransferases/glycosidases to be mislocalized or degraded.  相似文献   



The Conserved Oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex is an eight-subunit assembly that localizes peripherally to Golgi membranes and is involved in retrograde vesicular trafficking. COG subunits are organized in two heterotrimeric groups, Cog2, -3, -4 and Cog5, -6, -7, linked by a dimeric group formed by Cog1 and Cog8. Dysfunction of COG complex in humans has been associated with new forms of Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation (CDG), therefore highlighting its essential role. In the present study, we intended to gain further insights into the evolution of COG subunits in vertebrates, using comparative analyses of all eight COG proteins.  相似文献   

The GTPase Arl3p is required to recruit a second GTPase, Arl1p, to the Golgi in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Arl1p binds to the GRIP domain, which is present in a number of long coiled-coil proteins or 'golgins'. Here we show that Arl3p is not myristoylated like most members of the Arf family, but is instead amino-terminally acetylated by the NatC complex. Targeting of Arl3p also requires a Golgi membrane protein Sys1p. The human homologues of Arl3p (Arf-related protein 1 (ARFRP1)) and Sys1p (hSys1) can be isolated in a complex after chemical cross-linking. This suggests that the targeting of ARFRP1/Arl3p to the Golgi is mediated by a direct interaction between its acetylated N terminus and Sys1p/hSys1.  相似文献   

The coiled‐coil Golgi membrane protein golgin‐84 functions as a tethering factor for coat protein I (COPI) vesicles. Protein interaction analyses have revealed that golgin‐84 interacts with another tether, the conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex, through its subunit Cog7. Therefore, we explored the function of golgin‐84 as the tether for COPI vesicles of intra‐Golgi retrograde traffic. First, glycosylic maturation of both plasma membrane (CD44) and lysosomal (lamp1) glycoproteins was distorted in golgin‐84 knockdown (KD) cells. The depletion of golgin‐84 caused fragmentation of the Golgi with the mislocalization of Golgi resident proteins, resulting in the accumulation of vesicles carrying intra‐Golgi soluble N‐ethylmaleimide‐sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) and cis‐Golgi membrane protein GPP130. Similar observations were obtained by diminution of the COG complex, suggesting a strong correlation between the two tethers. Indeed, COG complex‐dependent (CCD) vesicles that accumulate in Cog3 or Cog7 KD cells carried golgin‐84. Surprisingly, the interaction between golgin‐84 and another candidate tethering partner CASP (CDP/cut alternatively spliced product) decreased in Cog3 KD cells. These results indicate that golgin‐84 on COPI vesicles interact with the COG complex before SNARE assembly, suggesting that the interaction of golgin‐84 with COG plays an important role in the tethering process of intra‐Golgi retrograde vesicle traffic.  相似文献   

Protein glycosylation is one of the major biosynthetic functions occurring in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi compartments. It requires an amazing number of enzymes, chaperones, lectins and transporters whose actions delicately secure the fidelity of glycan structures. Over the past 30 years, glycobiologists hammered that glycan structures are not mere decorative elements but serve crucial cellular functions. This becomes dramatically illustrated by a group of mostly severe, inherited human disorders named congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG). To date, many types of CDG have been defined genetically and most of the time the defects impair the biosynthesis, transfer and remodeling of N-glycans. Recently, the identification of the several types of CDG caused by deficiencies in the conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex, a complex involved in vesicular Golgi trafficking, expanded the field of CDG but also brought novel insights in glycosylation. The molecular mechanisms underlying the complex pathway of N-glycosylation in the Golgi are far from understood. The availability of COG-deficient CDG patients and patients' cells offered a new way to study how COG, and its different subunits, could influence the Golgi N-glycosylation machinery and localization. This review summarizes the recent findings on the implication of COG in Golgi glycosylation. It highlights the need for a dynamic, finely tuned balance between anterograde and retrograde trafficking for the correct localization of Golgi enzymes to assure the stepwise maturation of N-glycan chains.  相似文献   

The involvement of GTP-binding proteins in the intracellular transport of the secretory glycoprotein alpha 1-antitrypsin was investigated in streptolysin O-permeabilized HepG2 cells. This permeabilization procedure allows ready access to the intracellular milieu of the membrane-impermeant, nonhydrolyzable GTP analog GTP gamma S. In streptolysin O-permeabilized HepG2 cells, the constitutive secretory pathway remains functional and is sensitive to GTP gamma S. Exposure of HepG2 cells to brefeldin A resulted in redistribution of Golgi-resident glycosyltransferases (including both alpha 2----3 and alpha 2----6 sialyltransferases) to the ER. This redistribution was sensitive to GTP gamma S. Our results suggest that GTP-binding proteins are involved in the regulation not only of the anterograde, but also of the retrograde, pathway.  相似文献   

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