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Natural colonizations across watersheds have been frequently proposed to explain the present distributions of many freshwater fish species. However, detailed studies of such potential watershed crossings are still missing. Here, we investigated potential postglacial watershed crossings of the widely distributed European bullhead (Cottus gobio L.) in two different areas along the Rhine–Rhône watershed using detailed genetic analysis. The main advantage of studying bullheads vs. other freshwater fish species is that their distribution has been lightly influenced by human activities and as such, interpretations of colonization history are not confounded by artificial transplantations. The genetic analyses of eight microsatellite loci revealed strong genetic similarities between populations of both sides of the Rhine–Rhône watershed in the Lake Geneva area, giving strong evidence for a natural watershed crossing of bullheads from the upper Rhine drainage into the Rhône drainage in the Lake Geneva area likely facilitated by the retreat of the glaciers after the last glacial maximum some 20 000 years ago. Populations from the Lake Geneva basin were genetically more similar to populations from across the watershed in the upper Rhine drainage than to populations further downstream in the lower Rhône. In contrast, populations from Belfort, an area, which was not covered by ice during the last glacial maximum, showed strong genetic differentiation between populations of the upper Rhine and Rhône drainages. Based on our results on the bullhead, we propose that glacial retreat may have eased the dispersal of numerous European freshwater fish species across several geological boundaries.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to delineateevolutionarily significant units (ESUs) andmanagement units (MUs) for the Europeanbullhead in Flanders (Belgium). Therefore, wedetermined the genetic interrelationshipsbetween 11 bullhead populations, using lengthvariation at 7 polymorphic microsatellite lociand sequence variation in the d-loop of themitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Despite therelatively small geographical scale of ourstudy, the analysis of the d-loop sequencesshows that the Flemish bullhead populationscontain 3 haplotype groups, which can beassigned to 3 previously described EuropeanmtDNA clades. Because of the importantdifferences between these clades, they may bedefined as evolutionarily significant units,which should be managed separately. Analysis ofmicrosatellite data reveals very high degreesof isolation between populations, with theexception of 3 pairwise comparisons whichinvolved adjacent populations. Our data suggestthat the 3 haplotype groups probably qualify asESUs, as they show phylogeographicdifferentiation for mtDNA variants as well assignificant divergence of allele frequencies atnuclear loci. However, one of these units,limited to a single population, may be ofCentral European origin. All populations of theScheldt basin meet the criteria for MUrecognition, since significantly differentmicrosatellite allele frequencies as well asprivate alleles are found. In contrast, geneticdifferentiation among the 3 populations of theMeuse basin is very low.  相似文献   

The feeding habits of the 0+ year class of two of the most common small fish species in the River Ouzel, Milton Keynes, stone loach, Noernacheilus bnrhafulus (L.), and bullhead, Coftus gobio L., are assessed throughout the first growing season and compared. Despite similarities in the diets of the two species, differences in feeding behaviour and in morphology, especially in gape, may serve to reduce interspecific competition by partitioning of food resources.  相似文献   

Histological and enzyme histochemical studies were carried out on the excretory kidney of the male bullhead ( Cottus gobio ). During the spawning season striking morphofunctional changes were observed in the second proximal segment of the kidney tubule. The tubular epithelium was greatly hypertrophied, strongly basophilic and produced a PAS-positive secretion. The enzyme histochemical pattern also changed conspicuously during this time: the alkaline phosphatase activity in the brush border was greatly reduced; the acid phosphatase and non-specific esterase activity in the cytoplasm was distinctly elevated.  相似文献   

Müller  Gabi  Ward  Paul I. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,364(2-3):183-188
An electrophoretic study of genetic variation at 11 loci was performedfor a population of European minnows, Phoxinus phoxinus (L.). Ten loci, EST-1 *, EST-2 * EST-3 *,GPD-1 *,GPD-2 *,GPI-1 *,GPI-2 *,MPI *,6PGD * and PGM * were polymorphic. IDH *wasmonomorphic. The mean number of heterozygotic loci over all 176 fish was 3.05 ± 0.104(SE). Observed mean heterozygosity was 0.28±0.058(SE) and expected mean heterozygosity was 0.27±0.054(SE). EST-2 *, EST-3 * andPGM * were not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Length,condition, parasite numbers or male breeding characters, i.e. red colorationand tubercles, were not influenced by single enzyme loci.  相似文献   

Specimens of Phoxinus phoxinus (L.) were collected over a period of a year from September 1967 to September 1968 from Frongoch Lake, Cardiganshire, Wales. Of a total of 650 fish examined for helminth parasites, 32 % were definitive hosts for Macrolecithus papilliger , and 16·5% for Neoechinorhynchus rutili (Müller), both parasites of the alimentary canal. All the fish examined were second intermediate host for Diplostomum phoxini (Faust) in the brain and 1·67% for Ligula intestinalis (L.) in the coelom. An increase in incidence of infestation with M. papilliger in spring and autumn and with N. rutili in summer were evident. The sex of the fish had no apparent effect on worm burden whereas size was more significant. There was a decrease in incidence of infestation with M. papilliger and an increase with N. rutili together with an increase in intensity of infestation with D. phoxini as the fish became larger. The latter species accumulated in the brain as the host increased in age.  相似文献   

Acoustic signals of Cottus gobio consist of knocking sounds produced as single pulses (48 ms) or as trains of 4–6 pulses (230 ms). Frequencies extend up to 3 kHz, but most sound energy is concentrated between 50 and 500 Hz in both sound types. Cottus gobio is solitary, maintains territories, and defends them by threat display, seldom by biting and fighting. Threatening consists of spreading gill covers and fins, darkening, and sound production. Calling is accompanied by a nodding movement of the head, during which the pectoral girdle and the skull are moved rapidly against each other. No difference in ability of sound production was observed between sexes, but males emitted significantly more sounds than females. In the laboratory an increase in vocalization activity was observed between night and day. An increase in the number of encounters and calls was noted when temperatures were raised from 8°C to 13°C. Sound production was registered throughout the year.  相似文献   

The problem of sexual inversion in the minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus (L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The incidence of sexual inversion in Phoxinus phoxinus has been studied by examining histologically (a) the gonads of 406 adult specimens caught from the wild during a period of 16 months, (b) the gonads of 168 adults kept in captivity in groups with an experimentally altered sex-ratio, and (c) the differentiation of the gonads in the fry.
All the adults had either testes or ovaries and no case of intersexuality was observed. For both testis and ovary, we recognized two phases, depending on the seasonal cycle: an active spring-summer phase, corresponding with the period of reproduction, and a quiescent autumn-winter phase. The ovaries showed an asynchrony in oocyte development, which is typical of species that spawn many times during the breeding season.
In P. phoxinus the ovaries are easily recognizable just one month after hatching and testes are well differentiated in 2-month-old fingerlings. Differentiation is, therefore, precocious and follows a pattern typical of gonochoristic species in which hermaphroditism never occurs.  相似文献   

The seasonal pattern and individual variation in reproductive success was studied in a population of the river bullhead, Cottus gobio L. Female fecundity and male reproductive success were correlated with body size. Large males were found to breed early in the season when most of the large females spawned. The diameter of eggs found in male nests indicates that females tend to mate with males larger than themselves. The analysis of stomach contents suggests that guarding males cannibalize some of their own eggs. During parental care, the rate of filial cannibalism increases as guarding male body condition deteriorates.  相似文献   

The effects of grouping on the growth and some components of the energy budget of the minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus (L.), were tested in the laboratory. No effects of grouping were detected on absorption efficiency, the proportion of food energy lost in nitrogenous excretion, maximum rate of food consumption and conversion efficiency. Grouping had no significant effect on either specific growth rate or the dry matter content of individual fish.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. In the River Frome, Dorset, this small cyprinid spawned from mid-April to early August and consequently some 0 group minnows did not develop scales until the following spring.
2. Most I group fish formed a summer hyaline band on their otoliths in a edition to the normal winter band.
3. Life-span was short with a winter age-structure of 67% 0 group, 32% I group and 1% II group fish with mean fork lengths of 29, 55 and 73 mm respectively.
4. In June, substantial numbers of I group fish reached reproductive size (50mm) and thereafter progressively replaced II group fish in the spawning shoals. Few II group males survived beyond June, few females beyond August.
5. Only half of I group minnows reached matutity. These were usually fish which had reached 30mm by the previous winter. Very few of these large I group fish survived to spawn the following year.
6. This differential mortality, together with the loss of condition and disappearance of II group fish during spawning, may indicate the cost of an extended high level of reproductive effort.
7. In this productive environment the life history of the minnow more closely resembles that of the small sympatric species Cottus gobio and Noemacheilus harhatulus than it does that of sympatric cyprinids.  相似文献   

The formation of parasite fauna in the bullhead Cottus gobio L. in different water bodies was examined. The largest number of parasite species including specific parasites was observed in the Onega and Ladoga lakes. It is suggested that the host and their parasites migrated namely from these water bodies to other part of the range of the bullhead.  相似文献   

A new species, Gyrodactylus onegensis sp. n., is described from gills of the freshwater sculpin Cottus gobio.  相似文献   

The European bullhead (Cottus gobio) is widely distributed across Europe, and within the UK is native to England and Wales, where it is protected under the Habitats Directive. In Scotland, however, the species is considered invasive and thriving populations are recorded in the Forth and Clyde river catchments, and the Ale Water in the Scottish Borders. The genetic identity of the Scottish populations has not been established. There is also debate about the status of the European bullhead and its validity as single species, a species complex with several unresolved species, or distinct different species in its European distribution range. There is therefore a need to determine the taxonomy and likely source of the novel Scottish populations. Genetic analyses using cytochrome oxidase 1 (COI) mitochondrial DNA sequences were undertaken on specimens from the Forth and Clyde catchments, and combined with the results of morphological characteristics to provide a comprehensive assessment of the taxonomic classification for Scottish bullheads. There was considerable variation in morphological characteristics between populations within Scotland and a wider range of variability than previously recorded for English populations. Genetically the Scottish populations were very closely related to English specimens, supporting the hypothesis of introduction directly from England to Scotland. In terms of broader relationships, Scottish specimens are genetically more closely related to the ostensible species Chabot fluviatile Cottus perifretum, which has been suggested as one of a complex of species across Europe. Morphologically they exhibit characteristics on the spectrum between C. perifretum and C. gobio. There is an urgent need for the clarification of the taxonomy of Cottus sp(p). to avoid confusion in future publications, legislation and management practices relating to bullheads throughout the UK and Europe.  相似文献   

A continuous observation apparatus was used to study the responses of Phoxinus phoxinus melanophores to illuminated black/white backgrounds and their reversal. The fish. Although confined, showed maximum melanosome dispersion (MI 5) and maximum melanosome aggregation (MI 1) when exposed to illuminated black and white backgrounds respectively. Melanophores affected by spinal nerve section showed full melanosome dispersion and the affected area appeared as a black band. The affected melanophores marginally and gradually aggregated their melanosomes if the fish was exposed to an illuminated white background for about a week. The responses of these melanophores to illuminated black and white backgrounds and their reversal indicates that the dispersal of their melanosomes in response to a black background is much faster than their aggregation in response to a white background. It is concluded that an active mechanism is involved and possible factors controlling it are discussed.  相似文献   

The accumulation and effects of 150 pg All-1 on minnows ( Phoxinus phoxinus L.) were studied in soft water at pH 7, 6 and 5. The fish were kept in a flow-through water system for up to 48 days. Addition of aluminium to the water resulted in poor appetite, passivity and a tendency for the fish to gather as far as possible from the aluminium inlet. The mortality was high at pH 5 and also after addition of aluminium at pH 6. Severe lesions were noted in the gills and olfactory organs after exposure to aluminium. The concentration of aluminium in the gills, liver and kidney was increased at low pH. A large proportion of the aluminium was located on the surface of the gill epithelium. The recovery capacity was pronounced when the aluminium exposure was terminated and the pH was increased from 5 to 7. No further mortality occurred and gill and olfactory organ structure returned to near normality in about 36 days.  相似文献   

The size distribution and numbers of oocytes were examined in samples of ovaries from two sites and in fish in tanks whose past spawning activities were known. In an upland stream in northern England Cottus gobio would seem to be an annual spawner, maturing a single batch of eggs each year. In a more productive stream in southern England, where the reproductive life is short, fish mature and lay a succession of batches of eggs during a long spawning season. The physiological and ecological implications of these characteristics are discussed.  相似文献   

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