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Carbonyl and oxidative stress play important roles in the development of diabetic complications and have been shown to be augmented by various natural compounds and pharmacological agents. Nuts are a rich source of bioactive compounds and antioxidants and various beneficial health effects of nuts have been reported. This study was conducted to evaluate the cytoprotectiveness of various nut extracts and bioactive compounds found in nuts for decreasing cytotoxicity, lipid peroxidation and protein carbonylation in cell toxicity models of diabetes-related carbonyl (glyoxal) and oxidative stress (hydroperoxide). Methanol, ethyl acetate or water were used to prepare crude hazelnut and walnut extracts, which were then used to screen for in vitro cytoprotection of freshly isolated rat hepatocytes against these toxins. The order of protection by nut extracts against hydroperoxide induced cell death was: walnut methanolic extract>walnut aqueous extract>lipophilic walnut extract>hazelnut aqueous extract>hazelnut methanolic extract whereas the lipophilic hazelnut extract did not protect against cell death. The order of protection against lipid peroxidation was the same except for the hazelnut methanolic extract, which prevented lipid peroxidation better than the hazelnut aqueous extract. Catechin, epicatechin and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) were investigated for possible protective effects against carbonyl stress cell death and protein carbonylation in hepatocytes. Catechin protected against glyoxal induced cell death and protein carbonylation, and even elicited protection when added to hepatocytes 30 min after the addition of glyoxal. When catechin and epicatechin were compared for protectiveness against glyoxal induced carbonyl stress in hepatocytes, epicatechin protected more effectively than catechin against cell death and protein carbonylation at 120 min. Both compounds also elicited better protection when premixed with glyoxal before addition to hepatocytes, compared to not premixing with glyoxal. Our results suggest (a) that bioactive nut constituents in the non-lipophilic extracts were more effective than lipophilic extracts for cytoprotection against hydroperoxide induced oxidative stress, (b) catechin compounds under physiological conditions were likely effective at preventing glyoxal cytotoxicity by trapping glyoxal or reversing early stage carbonylation (Schiff base formation).  相似文献   

Yeasts lacking cytoplasmic superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD) activity are permanently subjected to oxidative stress. We used two-dimensional PAGE to examine the proteome pattern of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains lacking Cu,Zn-SOD. We found a new stable form of alkyl hydroperoxide reductase 1 (Ahp1) with a lower isoelectric point. This form was also present in wild type strains after treatment with tert-butyl hydroperoxide. In vitro enzyme assays showed that Ahp1p had lower specific activity in strains lacking Cu,Zn-SOD. We studied three mutants presenting a reduced production of the low pI variant under oxidative stress conditions. Two of the mutants (C62S and S59D) were totally inactive, thus suggesting that the acidic form of Ahp1p may only appear when the enzyme is functional. The other mutant (S59A) was active in vitro and was more resistant to inactivation by tert-butyl hydroperoxide than the wild type enzyme. Furthermore, the inactivation of Ahp1p in vitro is correlated with its conversion to the low pI form. These results suggest that in vivo during some particular oxidative stress (alkyl hydroperoxide treatment or lack of Cu,Zn-SOD activity but not hydrogen peroxide treatment), the catalytic cysteine of Ahp1p is more oxidized than cysteine-sulfenic acid (a natural occurring intermediate of the enzymatic reaction) and that cysteine-sulfinic acid or cysteine-sulfonic acid variant may be inactive.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that in marginal thiamin deficiency intracellular alpha-oxoaldehydes form macromolecular adducts that could possibly be genotoxic in colon cells; and that in the presence of oxidative stress these effects are augmented because of decreased detoxification of these aldehydes. We have demonstrated that reduced dietary thiamin in F344 rats decreased transketolase activity and increased alpha-oxoaldehyde adduct levels. The methylglyoxal protein adduct level was not affected by oral glyoxal or methylglyoxal in the animals receiving thiamin at the control levels but was markedly increased in the animals on a thiamin-reduced diet. These observations are consistent with our suggestion that the induction of aberrant crypt foci with marginally thiamin-deficient diets may be a consequence of the formation of methylglyoxal adducts.  相似文献   

Sulfhydryl groups are important to avoid oxidative damage to the cell. In RBC, tert-butyl hydroperoxide (tert-BOOH) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) are capable of oxidizing heme and promoting lipid peroxidation. H2O2 caused greater oxidation of heme than tert-BOOH, although the oxidation of sulfhydryl groups was similar. Geochelone carbonaria Hb, a rich sulfhydryl protein, inhibited the TBA-reactive substances formation of human erythrocytes exposed to tert-BOOH by about 30%; this decrease was smaller with Geochelone denticulata Hb. Sulfhydryl reagents diminished the number of reactive sulfhydryl groups in the G. carbonaria Hb resulting in a decrease of its antioxidant power, suggesting the involvement of sulfhydryls of Hb in the protection against lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

Mammalian aldehyde dehydrogenase 7A1 (ALDH7A1) is homologous to plant ALDH7B1 which protects against various forms of stress such as increased salinity, dehydration and treatment with oxidants or pesticides. Deleterious mutations in human ALDH7A1 are responsible for pyridoxine-dependent and folinic acid-responsive seizures. In previous studies, we have shown that human ALDH7A1 protects against hyperosmotic stress presumably through the generation of betaine, an important cellular osmolyte, formed from betaine aldehyde. Hyperosmotic stress is coupled to an increase in oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation (LPO). In this study, cell viability assays revealed that stable expression of mitochondrial ALDH7A1 in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells provides significant protection against treatment with the LPO-derived aldehydes hexanal and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4HNE) implicating a protective function for the enzyme during oxidative stress. A significant increase in cell survival was also observed in CHO cells expressing either mitochondrial or cytosolic ALDH7A1 treated with increasing concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) or 4HNE, providing further evidence for anti-oxidant activity. In vitro enzyme activity assays indicate that human ALDH7A1 is sensitive to oxidation and that efficiency can be at least partially restored by incubating recombinant protein with the thiol reducing agent β-mercaptoethanol (BME). We also show that after reactivation with BME, recombinant ALDH7A1 is capable of metabolizing the reactive aldehyde 4HNE. In conclusion, ALDH7A1 mechanistically appears to provide cells protection through multiple pathways including the removal of toxic LPO-derived aldehydes in addition to osmolyte generation.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is detrimental to sperm function and a significant factor in the etiology of male infertility. Present study evaluates the effect of ter butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP)-induced oxidative stress on the spermatogenic process and cell number in the seminiferous tubules. Intraperitoneal injection of TBHP (84 μmol TBHP/100 g body weight) for 2 weeks to male Balb/c mice resulted in enhanced lipid peroxidation (P < 0.0001) decrease in reduced glutathione (P < 0.0001) and increase in the oxidized glutathione levels (P = 0.007) in the testis. Status of spermatogenesis after the treatment was assessed by the quantitative methods of germ cell evaluation in the seminiferous tubules. A significant decrease in the number of young spermatids (P = 0.0003) and pachytene cells (P = 0.022) was observed. A marked reduction was also seen in the mature spermatid number (P < 0.0001). An increase in testicular mRNA levels of redox-regulated cjun (P = 0.008) and cfos (P = 0.0006) subunits of activator protein 1 (AP1) was observed after TBHP treatment. Evaluation of AP1 regulated antioxidant enzymes in the testis revealed an increase in γ-glutamyl cysteine synthetase (GCS) mRNA expression (P = 0.001). These results suggest a potential role of AP1 in oxidative stress-mediated meiotic and post meiotic changes in the spermatogenic process and regulation of cell number in male reproductive system.  相似文献   

The pre-hemolytic mechanism induced by free radicals initiated from water-soluble 2,2'-azobis (2-amidinopropane) hydrochloride (AAPH) and its reversal by genistein was investigated in human erythrocytes. The time course of K+ efflux compared to the occurrence of hemolysis suggests that AAPH-induced hemolysis occurs indirectly via pore formation and band 3 oxidation as expected. However, genistein inhibited hemolysis, LDH release and membrane protein oxidation but not K+ efflux. This indicated that erythrocyte protein oxidation possibly in the hydrophobic core plays a significant role in the membrane pre-hemolytic damage. Chemiluminescence (CL) analysis carried out in non-lysed erythrocytes treated with AAPH showed a dramatic increase in CL indicating both reduced levels of antioxidants and increased membrane lipid peroxide. The V0 value was also increased up to 6 times, denoting a high degree of membrane peroxidation very early in erythrocyte membrane damage. The whole process was inhibited by genistein in a dose-dependent manner. These results indicate that the genistein inhibited both hemolysis and pre-hemolytic damage and also hindered membrane lipid peroxide formation and protein oxidation. In addition, it is suggested that pre-hemolytic damage is mediated mainly by the oxidation of both phospholipid and protein located in the deeper hydrophobic region of the membrane.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Free radical scavengers can protect against the genotoxicity induced by chemical carcinogens by decreasing oxidative stress. The protective effect of the antioxidant melatonin was studied in the kidney and liver of rats treated with the kidney-specific carcinogen potassium bromate (KBrO(3)). The major endpoint of oxidative damage measured in this report was lipid peroxidation. METHODS: Four groups of male rats (controls, melatonin-injected [10 mg/kg x4], KBrO(3)-injected [100 mg/kg], and melatonin+-KBrO(3)) were used in the current study. The concentrations of malondialdehyde (MDA) were assayed as an index of oxidatively damaged lipid in the kidney and liver. RESULTS: Twenty-four hours after KBrO(3) administration, MDA levels were significantly increased in the kidney while the increase in the liver was not statistically significant compared to levels in control rats. The percentage increases in lipid peroxidation products were 32.8% and 12.6% for the kidney and liver, respectively. In rats given melatonin 30 minutes before KBrO(3), and three more times after KBrO(3) (i.e., every 6 hours), the increase in MDA levels was reduced in the kidney. Histopathological examination demonstrated marked changes in the structure of the kidney and slight changes in the liver. In the kidney, microscopic examination revealed atypical tubules, atypical hyperplasia, hyaline droplet degeneration, necrotic changes and stratified squamous cell metaplasia. Again, melatonin treatment inhibited the tissue damage associated with KBrO(3) administration. CONCLUSION: These results show that melatonin as an antioxidant and free radical scavenger can prevent oxidative stress induced by the carcinogen KBrO(3).  相似文献   

A method based on the measurement at room temperature of tryptophan phosphorescence (RTTP) gives the unique possibility to investigate the dynamic structure of membrane proteins without their isolation from cells. This method was used to study the influence of tert- butyl hydroperoxide (t -BHP) on Chinese hamster fibroblasts. The treatment of fibroblasts with t -BHP in a concentration range of 0. 5-2 m m for 60 min caused an increase of frequency and amplitude of membrane protein motions with lifetimes of hundreds miliseconds (a decrease of RTTP tau(2)). In parallel, cell viability was studied by trypan blue exclusion test and the content of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances was measured in cells. The dependences of the RTTP tau(2)and cell viability on t -BHP concentration were similar. Contrary to this, t -BHP did not induce the activation of lipid peroxidation processes in cells. This indicates that cell death is connected with the excessive increase of intramolecular dynamics of membrane proteins during t -BHP action.  相似文献   

In neurons, DNA is prone to free radical damage, although repair mechanisms preserve the genomic integrity. However, activation of the DNA repair system, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP-1), is thought to cause neuronal death through NAD+ depletion and mitochondrial membrane potential (delta psi(m)) depolarization. Here, we show that abolishing PARP-1 activity in primary cortical neurons can either enhance or prevent apoptotic death, depending on the intensity of an oxidative stress. Only in severe oxidative stress does PARP-1 activation result in NAD+ and ATP depletion and neuronal death. To investigate the role of PARP-1 in an endogenous model of oxidative stress, we used an RNA interference (RNAi) strategy to specifically knock down glutamate-cysteine ligase (GCL), the rate-limiting enzyme of glutathione biosynthesis. GCL RNAi spontaneously elicited a mild type of oxidative stress that was enough to stimulate PARP-1 in a Ca2+-calmodulin kinase II-dependent manner. GCL RNAi-mediated PARP-1 activation facilitated DNA repair, although neurons underwent delta psi(m) loss followed by some apoptotic death. PARP-1 inhibition did not prevent delta psi(m) loss, but enhanced the vulnerability of neurons to apoptosis upon GCL silencing. Conversely, mild expression of PARP-1 partially prevented to GCL RNAi-dependent apoptosis. Thus, in the mild progressive damage likely occur in neurodegenerative diseases, PARP-1 activation plays a neuroprotective role that should be taken into account when considering therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Vascular endotheliocytes BAE-2 underwent the gradually proceeding cell death until 48 h after reoxygenation (Reox) following 3 h anoxia (Anox), but protected by pre-Anox administration with L-ascorbic acid (Asc)-2-O-phosphate (Asc2P), an autooxidation-resistant Asc derivative, but not by Asc itself. This cytoprotection with Asc2P was achieved in a glucose (Glc)-lacking buffer more advantageously than in a Glc-containing buffer where less efficiency had been demonstrated for Asc entry into BAE-2 cells than in a Glc-lacking buffer. Superoxide anion radicals were detected explosively in the extracellular space at 2-5 min after Reox following the Anox treatment of HUVE endotheliocytes, and were thereafter retained at levels as high as approximately one-half of the maximum level until 60 min after Reox, as shown by cytochrome c reduction assay. Superoxide anions at 3 and 60 min after Reox were suppressed by pre-Anox administration with Asc2P, but not with Asc or dehydro-Asc, and were not suppressed by post-Anox administration with Asc2P; the cytoprotection may need the intracellular accumulation of the ROS-scavenging effector Asc that is converted from Asc2P until 3 min after Reox. The ROS-generator tert-butylhydroperoxide (t-BuOOH) also induced both the diminished cell viability and nuclear DNA strand cleavages of BAE-2 endotheliocytes, which were also protected dose-dependently with Asc2P. The cytoprotection was attributed to reduction of intracellular ROS including hydroperoxide and hydrogen peroxide with Asc2P as shown by fluorometry with the redox indicator CDCFH-DA. Thus Anox/Reox-induced cell death can be prevented by Asc2P that suppresses ROS-generation immediately after Reox following Anox more efficiently in the intracellular sphere rather than in the extracellular space.  相似文献   

It has been indicated that high fat diet is a risk factor of the pancreatic cancer by epidemiological studies. We examined whether the oxidized soybean oil (ox-oil) express the synergistic effect on the formation of 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) in nuclear DNA of hamster pancreas induced by N-Nitrosobis(2-oxopropyl)amine (BOP) and whether the green tea catechins (GTC) suppressed it. Ox-oil was prepared by air oxidation, and the content of lipid hydroperoxide was 6.22 mg/ml. Hamsters were administered 0.3 ml of ox-oil/day orally for 4 weeks before BOP treatment. GTC was given ad libitum as a 0.1% aqueous solution. Four hours after subcutaneous administration of BOP, hamsters were sacrificed, and the contents of 8-oxodG were measured in nuclear DNA of pancreas and liver. The 8-oxodG content in the pancreas was increased by BOP and/or ox-oil administration. However, it was not suppressed by an intake of GTC. In the liver, though the content of 8-oxodG was increased by ox-oil, it tended to suppress the rise of 8-oxodG by a GTC intake. These results suggested that the long term intake of ox-oil might have the possibility to induce carcinogenesis in hamster pancreas and liver, and an intake of GTC might have the beneficial effect on liver.  相似文献   

Unravelling the mechanisms underlying desiccation tolerance is crucial in order to understand the position of algal species in the intertidal zone. The alga Porphyra columbina lives in the uppermost part of the rocky intertidal zones around the world and was selected as a model for this study. Naturally desiccated plants were collected during low tide and studied for morphological changes, oxidative burst induction, biomolecule oxidation, antioxidant responses, and photosynthetic status. Naturally hydrated plants collected during high tides were used for comparative purposes. In addition, changes induced by desiccation were assessed in vitro and the capacity to recover from desiccation was determined by rehydrating the fronds in seawater. The global results show that desiccation induces morphological and cellular alterations accompanied by a loss of ~96% of the water content. Overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was induced by desiccation and two peaks of H(2)O(2) were detected at 1 and 3 h of desiccation. However, during in vitro rehydration post-desiccation, the ROS quickly returned to the basal levels. At the biomolecular level, only a low production of oxidized proteins was recorded during desiccation, whereas the activity of diverse antioxidant enzymes increased. However, this activity diminished to near basal levels during rehydration. The photosynthetic efficiency (F(v)/F(m)) during desiccation declined by 94-96% of the values recorded in hydrated plants. This reduction was generated by the low levels of trapped energy flux per cross-section (TRo/CS), electron transport flux per CS (ETo/CS), and density of reaction centres (RC/SCo) as well as the chlorophyll content. The inverse pattern was observed for the levels of phycocyanin and phycoerythrin content. F(v)/F(m) and the photosynthetic indicators were restored to normal levels after only 5 min of rehydration. The results indicate that desiccation in P. columbina causes overproduction of ROS that is efficiently attenuated. The morphological and photosynthetic changes could be operating as tolerance mechanisms due to the fact that these responses principally prevent biomolecular alteration and cellular collapse. Thus, the activation of different physiological mechanisms helps to explain the high tolerance to desiccation of P. columbina and, at least in part, the position of this species at the highest level in the intertidal zone.  相似文献   

The ahp genes encoding the two proteins (F52a and C22) that make up an alkyl hydroperoxide reductase were mapped and cloned from Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli. Two classes of oxidant-resistant ahp mutants which overexpress the two proteins were isolated. ahp-1 was isolated in a wild-type background and is dependent on oxyR, a positive regulator of defenses against oxidative stress. ahp-2 was isolated in an oxyR deletion background and is oxyR independent. Transposons linked to ahp-1 and ahp-2 or inserted in ahp mapped the genes to 13 min on the S. typhimurium chromosome, 59% linked to ent. Deletions of ahp obtained in both S. typhimurium and E. coli resulted in hypersensitivity to killing by cumene hydroperoxide (an alkyl hydroperoxide) and elimination of the proteins F52a and C22 from two-dimensional gels and immunoblots. ahp clones isolated from both S. typhimurium and E. coli complemented the cumene hydroperoxide sensitivity of the ahp deletion strains and restored expression of the F52a and C22 proteins. A cis-acting element required for oxyR-dependent, rpoH-independent heat shock induction of the F52a protein was present at the S. typhimurium but not the E. coli ahp locus.  相似文献   

Objective: The present study was designed to investigate the chemoprotective efficacy of an L-cysteine-based oxovanadium (IV) complex, namely, oxovanadium (IV)-L-cysteine methyl ester complex (VC-IV) against cisplatin (CDDP)-induced renal injury in Swiss albino mice.

Methods: CDDP was administered intraperitoneally (5 mg/kg body weight) and VC-IV was administered orally (1 mg/kg body weight) in concomitant and 7 days pre-treatment schedule.

Results: CDDP-treated mice showed marked kidney damage and renal failure. Administration of VC-IV caused significant attenuation of renal oxidative stress and elevation of antioxidant status. VC-IV also significantly decreased serum levels of creatinine and blood urea nitrogen, and improved histopathological lesions. Western blot analysis of the kidneys showed that VC-IV treatment resulted in nuclear translocation of nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) through modulation of cytosolic Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1. Thus, VC-IV stimulated Nrf2-mediated activation of antioxidant response element (ARE) pathway and promoted expression of ARE-driven cytoprotective proteins, heme oxygenase 1 and NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1, and enhanced activity of antioxidant enzymes. Interestingly, VC-IV did not alter the bioavailability and renal accumulation of CDDP in mice.

Discussion: In this study, VC-IV exhibited strong nephroprotective efficacy by restoring antioxidant defense mechanisms and hence may serve as a promising chemoprotectant in cancer chemotherapy.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were the changes of antioxidative key enzyme activities under stress conditions induced by a peroxidizing herbicide using photoheterotrophi-cally grown, suspension-cultured soybean celts ( Glycine max L.). Within two days, 50 to 500 n M oxyfluorfen. a p-nitrodiphenyl ether herbicide, caused up to 100% inhibition of growth, while simultaneously, the chlorophyll was 25% to completely bleached. The major cellular antioxidants ascorbate and glutathione showed different responses. Under stress conditions with more than 250 n M oxyfluorfen, the cellular ascorbate- concentration was halved, whereas dehydroascorbate remained roughly constant. The glutathione content (approximately one-fifth of that of ascorbate in untreated control cells) increased nearly 3-fold in the presence of 250 n M oxyfluorfen. Under this condition, oxidized glutathione was 5 times above the control level. The specific activities of selected enzymes participating in cellular defence, namely ascor-bate peroxidase, glutathione reductase, rnonodehydroascorbate reductase. peroxidase and catalase increased by 40 to 70% with oxyfluorfen concentrations between 50 and 500 n M , while dehydroascorbate reductase showed a significant decrease. Glutathione transferase activity even increased 6-fold under oxyfluorfen stress.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the cytotoxicity and oxidative stress induced by native and active bentonite particles (BPs) on human B lymphoblast cells using seven assays. Our results showed that the order of cytotoxicity was: active BPs > native BPs > quartz particles (DQ-12) > gypsum, according to the IC50 values in CCK-8 assay and neutral red uptake (NRU) assay. The lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage, the proportions of early apoptotic cells, the reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, the superoxide dismutase (SOD) inhibition and the malondialdehyde (MDA) release in the native and active BPs groups were significantly higher than those in the gypsum and DQ-12 groups (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). Moreover, the cytotoxicity of active BPs with higher adsorption capacity of phenol was higher than that of native BPs with relatively lower adsorption capacity of phenol. The oxidative stress induced by active BPs was significantly higher than that induced by native BPs (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). The water-soluble fractions of BPs did not induce the cytotoxicity and ROS generation. These findings indicated that active and native BPs could induce significantly the cytotoxic effects and oxidative stress on human B lymphoblast cells in vitro. The cytotoxic difference between active BPs and native BPs may be associated with the adsorption capacity of BPs and oxidative stress induced by BPs to a certain extent. The insoluble particle fractions may play a main role in the cytotoxic effects and oxidative stress induced by BPs.  相似文献   

The chemopreventive potential of cycloartenol on benzoyl peroxide and UVB radiation-induced cutaneous tumor promotion markers and oxidative stress in murine skin is assessed. Benzoyl peroxide treatment (20 mg/animal/0.2 ml acetone) and UVB radiation (0.420 J/m(2)/s) caused a decrease in the activities of cutaneous antioxidant enzymes namely, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, phase II metabolizing enzyme such as glutathione-S-transferase and quinone reductase and depletion in the level of cutaneous glutathione. There was also enhancement in cutaneous microsomal lipid peroxidation, xanthine oxidase activity, [(14)C]-ornithine decarboxylase activity and [(3)H]-thymidine incorporation into cutaneous DNA. Cycloartenol was topically applied prior to the application of benzoyl peroxide at dose levels of 0.2 mg and 0.4 mg/kg body weight in acetone, which resulted in significant inhibition of epidermal ornithine decarboxylase activity and DNA synthesis (P < 0.001). There was also significant reduction of lipid peroxidation and xanthine oxidase activity (P < 0.001). In addition, the depleted levels of glutathione, inhibited activities of antioxidant and phase II metabolizing enzymes, were also recovered to a significant level (P < 0.001). The data indicate that cycloartenol is an effective chemopreventive agent in skin carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

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