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膏桐花粉活力与柱头可授性及其生殖特性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用TTC法测定了膏桐花粉的活力和寿命,用联苯胺-过氧化氢法测定其柱头可授期,以套袋结果检测花粉活力与柱头可授性的变化,以研究柱头颜色变化与柱头可授性的关系以及开花式样对生殖成功的影响.结果表明:(1)膏桐雄花单花花期一般为2 d,花后0~9 h内花粉活力相对较高,24~33 h后花粉活力较低,48 h后花粉基本无活力.(2)膏桐雌花单花期为5~12 d,柱头可授性在花后1~4 d最强,5~8 d可授性开始逐渐降低,第9天基本失去可授性.(3)膏桐柱头表面无明显的渗出物,柱头的可授性与柱头颜色的变化相关,柱头绿色越多,柱头可授性越强;遇降雨时,少量雌花的花瓣展开而柱头仍呈球状,或者花瓣不展开而柱头先伸出,此时柱头可授性较差.(4)膏桐常表现为雄性先熟,尽管雌花数目较少,但开放速率较快,且集中在第3~5天开放,雌花开放完毕也仍有雄花未开放,为展开后的柱头留有较长时间等候昆虫传送花粉,为保障生殖成功提供了机会,但少数花序先开雌花,后开雄花,有支持异交而降低自交的倾向.  相似文献   

Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) is a multiple purpose plant with potential for biodiesel production and medicinal uses. It has been used for treatment of a wide spectrum of ailments related to skin, cancer, digestive, respiratory and infectious diseases. This review aims to provide an up-to-date survey of information available on botany, traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicity of J. curcas. Establishing a scientific basis that explains its ethnopharmacological uses in order to facilitate and guide future research. The review covers literature available from 1960 to 2012 collected from scientific journals, books and electronic searches such as Google scholar, Web of Science and ScienceDirect. Ethnomedicinal uses of J. curcas have been reported from many countries in Africa, Asia, South America and the Middle East for almost 100 different types of ailments. The phytochemical studies have shown the presence of many secondary metabolites including diterpeniods, sesquiterpenoids, alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, lignans, coumarins and cyclic peptides. Crude extracts and isolated compounds from J. curcas show a wide range of pharmacological activities, such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiviral, anticancer, antidiabetic, anticoagulant, hepatoprotective, analgesic and abortifacient effects. J. curcas has been a widely used source of medicine for decades in many cultures. The present review reveals that J. curcas is a valuable source of medicinally important molecules and provides convincing support for its future use in modern medicine.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of 56 samples of Jatropha curcas L. collected from Thailand and other countries was performed using the methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism (MSAP) technique. Nine primer combinations were used to generate MSAP fingerprints. When the data were interpreted as amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers, 471 markers were scored. All 56 samples were classified into three major groups: γ-irradiated, non-toxic and toxic accessions. Genetic similarity among the samples was extremely high, ranging from 0.95 to 1.00, which indicated very low genetic diversity in this species. The MSAP fingerprint was further analyzed for DNA methylation polymorphisms. The results revealed differences in the DNA methylation level among the samples. However, the samples collected from saline areas and some species hybrids showed specific DNA methylation patterns. AFLP data were used, together with methylation-sensitive AFLP (MS-AFLP) data, to construct a phylogenetic tree, resulting in higher efficiency to distinguish the samples. This combined analysis separated samples previously grouped in the AFLP analysis. This analysis also distinguished some hybrids. Principal component analysis was also performed; the results confirmed the separation in the phylogenetic tree. Some polymorphic bands, involving both nucleotide and DNA methylation polymorphism, that differed between toxic and non-toxic samples were identified, cloned and sequenced. BLAST analysis of these fragments revealed differences in DNA methylation in some known genes and nucleotide polymorphism in chloroplast DNA. We conclude that MSAP is a powerful technique for the study of genetic diversity for organisms that have a narrow genetic base.  相似文献   

The hierarchical mating system among and within fruits of Jatropha curcas was investigated in a base population using five microsatellite loci, employing mixed mating and correlated mating models. Open-pollinated fruits were collected from 15 randomly selected seed trees, sampling seven fruits per tree for a total of 21 seeds from each tree. We detected multilocus genotypes identical to the mother tree in 13 % of offspring, implying the occurrence of apomixis in J. curcas. The presumed apomictic individuals were excluded from the analysis of the remaining results. Evidence of substantial selfing was provided by the average multilocus outcrossing rate (t m?=?0.683), showing that the species exhibits a mixed mating system. The outcrossing rate showed a large variation among seed trees, ranging from 0.21 to 1.0, indicating that the species is not self-incompatible. Significant differences were detected between the multilocus and the single locus outcrossing rates (t m???t s?=?0.347) that suggested mating among related individuals, possibly because of the presence of individuals from the same progeny (sibs) in the base population. The multilocus paternity correlation was extremely high for the population (r p(m)?=?0.999), indicating that the progenies were manly composed of full-sibs. As a consequence of selfing and a high paternity correlation, the co-ancestry coefficient within the progeny was higher (Θ?=?0.369) than expected for panmictic populations. Our results indicated that J. curcas produces seeds asexually by apomixis and sexually by a mixed mating system, combining selfing and outcrossing.  相似文献   

We propose the new nothogenus, ×Cohnlophiaris Cetzal & Balam (Cohniella×Lophiaris) based on a natural intergeneric hybrid, ×Cohnlophiaris quintanarooensis Cetzal & Carnevali (Cohniella ascendens×Lophiaris oerstedii) from a locality in Quintana Roo, Mexico, which is here described and illustrated. The new nothospecies is vegetatively similar to C. ascendens but the flowers show intermediate characters between the putative parents. ×Cohnlophiaris quintanarooensis is similar to C. ascendens by having yellow petals and sepals with brown or reddish spots, transversely subquadrate central lobe, central keel parallel to the proximal and distal teeth, and pollinarium of Cohniella type. On the other hand, is it similar to L. oerstedii in the papillose abaxial surface of petals and sepals, the oblong lateral lobes of the labellum, the subquadrate column base, the pentagonal cavity stigmatic and the pink clinandrium. A key to diagnose the new intergeneric hybrid and its putative parents, a comparative figure and a map showing their geographical distribution are provided.  相似文献   

Feeding habits of seven cichlid species (Archocentrus octofasciatus, A. spilurus, "Cichlasoma" robertsoni, "C." synspilum, "C." urophthalmus, Petenia splendida, Thorichthys meeki) in Lake Caobas, southern Yucatan Peninsula, were studied. Samples were taken with enclosure and cast nets during the dry and rainy seasons of 1995 (day and night). The environment was characterized by measuring temperature, conductivity and pH. All individuals were below 41 mm SL (N = 281). Frequency of occurrence and prey abundance were analyzed. Main prey items were chironomids, mites, copepods, cladocerans, and ostracods. The cichlids fed mainly on zooplankton, with the partial exceptions of P. splendida (piscivore), "C." synspilum and A. spilurus (herbivores). A cluster analysis showed that the most similar trophic spectra were those of T. meeki, "C." robertsoni and "C." salvini, which were also the least diverse. "C." synspilum and A. spilurus had an intermediate distance between their diets and those of other species. The species with the most distinctive feeding composition were P. splendida (with the most diverse and equitable diet) and the omnivore A. octofasciatus (whose diet was the richest one). T. meeki showed quantitative diel, ontogenetic, and seasonal diet changes, but none between sexes. "C." robertsoni, "C." salvini and "C." synspilum differ in food habits in Caobas and in other localities, a fact that underscores the trophic adaptability of cichlids. Trophic overlap between cichlids in Caobas could imply absence of competition, perhaps because resources are abundant in the ecosystem.  相似文献   

小桐子花的性别与开花时间的相互关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对小桐子(Jatropha curcas L.)花序上小花的开花顺序和小花性别的观察,发现其聚伞花序中心花的性别与其开花时间相关联,同时还和周围其它小花的性别有很大的相关性.中心花若在整个花序开花的第一天开放,仅有23.2%的可能是雌花;若在第二天及以后开放,有85%以上的可能为雌花.而中心花的性别又与其它花的性别相关,中心花如为雌花,那么聚伞花序上的其它小花有80%的可能性为雌花;但中心花若为雄花,那么整个聚伞花序上将不会再有雌花.研究小桐子的开花行为及性别控制规律,对于进一步人工调控小桐子花的性别表达,提高小桐子的产量、培育高产稳产品种,具有重要的应用价值.  相似文献   

The crude methanol extract of Jatropha curcas leaves exhibited activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Mycobacterium phlei, Candida albicans, and Trichophyton mentagrophytes but was inactive against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In a bioassay-directed fractionation, two new phorbins were isolated and analysed by spectroscopic methods. Isolate 1 was characterized as an analogue of pheophytin b with a phytyl moiety containing three double bonds which are at positions P2/P3, P6/P7, and P10/P11. Compound 2 was characterized as methyl pheophorbide a with 132-OH and 17- and 17(1)-CH3 moieties. It is active against Serratia marcescens.  相似文献   

云南小桐子资源调查与评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对云南省小桐子(Jatropha curcas)资源分布、环境因子和种子相关性状展开了调查和分析,结果表明:所测居群的种子平均千粒重、出仁率、种仁含油率和种子含油率分别为567.9克、56.67%、61.78%和35.13%。居群间种子千粒重、出仁率、种仁含油率、种子含油率都有极显著的差异,丽江A、红河D、丽江C、丽江B和玉溪A等4个居群有较高开发利用价值。温度是影响云南省小桐子地理分布的主要限制因子,分布区的海拔高度和年均温有强负相关性。云南省最适合种植小桐子的地区是金沙江和元江流域的干热河谷地区,其次是临沧、保山、普洱、西双版纳等地的高温低海拔地区。本研究对云南省小桐子的研究和产业发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

麻疯树种子的发育、萌发和脱水耐性的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了麻疯树种子的形态和萌发能力的变化,温度和光照对种子萌发的影响以及种子脱水耐性的变化.结果表明:麻疯树种子在开花后58 d达到生理成熟期,此时种子的萌发率达到最大值;生理成熟期种子的适宜萌发温度范围为25~30℃,对脱水不敏感,且光照对种子的萌发率无显著影响.因此麻疯树种子是一种光中性的正常性种子.  相似文献   

The developmental changes in morphology and germinability of Jatropha curcas seeds, effects of temperature and light on seed germination , and changes in desiccation tolerance of mature seeds were studied in this paper. The results indicated that J. curcas seeds reached a physiological maturation at 58 days after anthesis, and that seed germination percentage reached a peak at physiological maturation, and then decreased. The optimal germination temperature was 25 to 30℃. J. curcas seeds were insensitive to dehydration at physiological maturation . There was not a notable effect of light on seed germination. Therefore, J. curcas seed was a non-photoblastic and orthodox seeds .  相似文献   

The growth rate of queen conch cultured in pens was studied from October 1993 to March 1994. Sixteen pens (50 m2 each, four pens per environment), were set in four environments: Thalassia, Thalassia-sand, Sand and Coral within a reef lagoon on Punta Gavilan and Banco Chinchorro. Twenty conchs were introduced in each pen (sizes: 100-120, 120-140, 140-160 and 160-180 mm shell length) and measured monthly to the nearest mm. Growth rate was assessed by two methods: a) shell marginal mean increase and b) the Gulland-Holt method considering all conch within pens. In the first method, the environment Sand had the highest growth (3.21 +/- 0.26 mm/month) at Punta Gavilan, whereas at Banco Chinchorro, highest growth was recorded in Coral (2.31 +/- 0.44 mm/month). Considering the second method, highest asymptotic length conch in Punta Gavilan occurred in Thalassia-sand (287.5 mm), whereas in Banco Chinchorro the highest asymptotic length was measured in Sand (318.1 mm). There were significant differences in growth between sites; juvenile growth is related with habitat quality mainly food availability.  相似文献   

小桐子(Jatropha curcas)种子含油率高,油脂组成适合于生产生物燃油,是制备航空生物燃油和生物柴油的理想原料。小桐子是一种雌雄同株植物,雌雄花着生于同一花序,其花序中雌花比例很低,可能是其种子产量低的主要原因之一。本文研究用不同浓度的赤霉素外源喷施处理小桐子花序芽对其花和种子发育的影响。结果表明:外源赤霉素处理能够诱导小桐子产生两性花,且处理浓度越高,两性花数量越多;随着两性花数量的增加,雌花数量相应越少,但雌花与两性花数量之和在各处理和对照之间差异不显著,这表明赤霉素诱导出的两性花可能来源于雌花。另外,高浓度(500~1500mg·L-1)的赤霉素处理会导致小桐子的种子不能正常发育, 表现为每个果实中的种子数量、大小、单粒种子重量、每个果序的种子重量以及种子的含油量都显著减少。这些结果有助于深入理解赤霉素在小桐子花器官形成及种子发育过程中所发挥的生理作用,为从分子水平上对小桐子进行遗传改良、提高其种子产量奠定基础。  相似文献   

In order to determine temporal and spatial distribution patterns of Callinectes sapidus, samplings were carried out during the cold-front (January-February), dry (May-June) and rainy (August-September, 2002) climatic seasons, in 30 sampling stations of Chetumal Bay, grouped in sectors A (14 stations), B (eight stations) and C (eight stations). In each sampling station crabs were collected from two transects parallel to the coast, each with three traps, separated by 30 m. Sediments were calcareous coarse and medium sand, white or lightly gray. A total of 1 031 specimens were collected. CPEU (Capture Per Effort Unit) differed spatially and temporally. Highest CPEU was found in sector C with 1.3 ind.trap(-1), and in the rainy season with 1.1 ind.trap(-1). Population was predominantly composed of male individuals. The male:female ratio was 15:1. Males and adults (group II) CPEU was significant different between sectors and climatic seasons. Both males and adults (group II) had a greater CPEU in sector C (1.2 ind.trap-) and in the rainy season (1.1 ind.trap(-1)). Abundance of female and juvenile individuals (group I) was low during the sampling period whereas group 0 juvenile individuals were not found. A greater relative frequency between sectors and climatic seasons were observed in 130-139 mm and 140-149 mm size interval (CW). C. sapidus occurred on sandy sediments in Chetumal Bay. Pearson product moment correlations exhibited significant relationships between CPEU and temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen. In Chetumal Bay, the spatial and temporal distribution of C. sapidus can be related to salinity, temperature, habitat quality, food availability, recruitment and reproduction events of individuals.  相似文献   

In Florida and Cuba the stone crab Menippe mercenaria (Say, 1818) is under strong fishing-pressure; nevertheless in the Mexican Caribbean it is considered as sub-utilized and poorly known resource. Artificial shelters ("condominios cubanos") were used to study relative abundance, age structure, claw length-carapace amplitude relation, and population in three seasons and four sectors at Bahía Ascension, Quintana Roo, Mexico. The abundance varied according to the sector and sampling season: population was higher in the south and during the north wind ("Nortes") season (January to March). The carapace amplitude was directly proportional to claw length (r2 = 0.83, 0.97 and 0.89; p < 0.05 in females, males and total, respectively). The results suggest that specimens with 37.5 and 67.5 mm of carapace amplitude are the most limited regarding refuge availability in the Bay.  相似文献   

对云南省两个不同地区膏桐(Jatropha curcas)种子形态特征,粗脂肪含量与环境因子关系开展研究,结果表明:湿热环境的景洪较干热环境的元谋膏桐种子成熟散布期提前,形态特征也优于元谋膏桐种子(P〈0.01);土壤有机质是影响膏桐种子粗脂肪积累最重要的因子,对膏桐种子粗脂肪积累起显著正效应;干旱胁迫也是影响膏桐种子粗脂肪积累的一个重要的限制因子;景洪膏桐种子粗脂肪含量、含水量较元谋膏桐种子更高,但粗脂肪含量与含水量比率较低(P〈0.01);具有较高粗脂肪含量的膏桐种子与其含水量的比率可能是植物对干旱胁迫适应的一种机制,其对物种的适应有着重要的生态学意义。  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of 158 individuals from eight semi-wild populations from Yunnan Province was estimated using ISSR method (8 primers). The results revealed an extraordinarily high level of genetic diversity ( at species level,percentage of polymorphic loci PPB = 91.04% , effective number of alleles Ne = 1.5244 , Nei′s (1973 ) gene diversity He= 0.3070, and Shannon′s information index Ho = 0 . 4618 ; at population level, PPB = 55. 04% , Ne = 1.3826, Nei′s (1973) gene diversity He = 0.2171, and Shannon′s information index Ho = 0.3178). The level of genetic differentiation between populations is lower than that among populations . The low level of genetic differentiation among populations was detected, based on Nei′s genetic diversity analysis (29.44%), and AMOVA (36.50%). There is no associations between geographical distance and genetic identity.We suggest that Jatropha curcas of Yunnan Province might not be introduced from the same place.  相似文献   

云南南部不同种源地小桐子遗传多样性的ISSR分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
应用ISSR分子标记方法对采自云南的8个居群的小桐子(Jatropha curcas)共158个个体进行遗传多样性分析。8个ISSR引物共扩增到了67个位点,其中61个是多态性位点。分析结果表明:(1)云南小桐子的遗传多样性水平很高。在物种水平上,平均每个位点的多态位点百分率PPB=91.04%,有效等位基因数Ne=1.5244,Nei′s基因多样性指数He=0.3070,Shannon多样性信息指数Ho=0.4618;在居群水平上,PPB=55.04%,Ne=1.3826,He=0.2171,Shannon多样性信息指数Ho=0.3178。(2)居群间的遗传分化低于居群内的遗传分化。基于Nei′s遗传多样性分析得出的居群间遗传多样性分化系数Gst=0.2944。AMOVA分析显示:云南小桐子的遗传变异主要存在于居群内,占总变异的63.50%,居群间的遗传变异占36.50%。(3)居群间的地理距离及遗传一致度并不存在相关性。鉴于以上指标,我们推测云南小桐子可能来自不同的地区。  相似文献   

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