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Understanding the mechanism by which prion infectivity is encoded by the misfolded protein PrPSc remains a high priority within the prion field. Work from several groups has indicated cellular cofactors may be necessary to form infectious prions in vitro. The identity of endogenous prion conversion cofactors is currently unknown, but may include polyanions and/or lipid molecules. In a recent study, we manufactured infectious hamster prions containing purified PrPSc, co-purified lipid, and a synthetic photocleavable polyanion. The polyanion was incorporated into infectious PrPSc complexes, and then specifically degraded by exposure to ultraviolet light. Light-induced in situ degradation of the incorporated polyanion had no effect on the specific infectivity of the samples as determined by end-point dilution sPMCA and scrapie incubation time assays. Furthermore, prion strain properties were not changed by polyanion degradation, suggesting that intact polyanions are not required to maintain the infectious properties of hamster prions. Here, we review these results and discuss the potential roles cofactors might play in encoding prion infectivity and/or strain properties.  相似文献   

Organic polyanions act as complexants of prion protein in soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The persistence of prions, the causative agents of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, in soil constitutes an environmental concern and substantial challenge. Experiments and theoretical modeling indicate that a particular class of natural polyanions diffused in soils and waters, generally referred to as humic substances (HSs), can participate in the adsorption of prions in soil in a non-specific way, mostly driven by electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bond networks among humic acid molecules and exposed polar protein residues. Adsorption of HSs on clay surface strongly raises the adsorption capacity vs proteins suggesting new experiments in order to verify if this raises or lowers the prion infectivity.  相似文献   


Within the mammalian prion field, the existence of recombinant prion protein (PrP) conformers with self-replicating (ie. autocatalytic) activity in vitro but little to no infectious activity in vivo challenges a key prediction of the protein-only hypothesis of prion replication – that autocatalytic PrP conformers should be infectious. To understand this dissociation of autocatalysis from infectivity, we recently performed a structural and functional comparison between a highly infectious and non-infectious pair of autocatalytic recombinant PrP conformers derived from the same initial prion strain.1 Noble GP, Wang DW, Walsh DJ, Barone JR, Miller MB, Nishina KA, Li S, Supattapone S. A Structural and Functional Comparison Between Infectious and Non-Infectious Autocatalytic Recombinant PrP Conformers. PLoS Pathog 2015; 11:e1005017; PMID:26125623; http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005017[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] We identified restricted, C-terminal structural differences between these 2 conformers and provided evidence that these relatively subtle differences prevent the non-infectious conformer from templating the conversion of native PrPC substrates containing a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor.1 Noble GP, Wang DW, Walsh DJ, Barone JR, Miller MB, Nishina KA, Li S, Supattapone S. A Structural and Functional Comparison Between Infectious and Non-Infectious Autocatalytic Recombinant PrP Conformers. PLoS Pathog 2015; 11:e1005017; PMID:26125623; http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005017[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] In this article we discuss a model, consistent with these findings, in which recombinant PrP, lacking post-translational modifications and associated folding constraints, is capable of adopting a wide variety of autocatalytic conformations. Only a subset of these recombinant conformers can be adopted by post-translationally modified native PrPC, and this subset represents the recombinant conformers with high specific infectivity. We examine this model's implications for the generation of highly infectious recombinant prions and the protein-only hypothesis of prion replication.  相似文献   

We consider a model for the polymerization (fragmentation) process involved in infectious prion self-replication and study both its dynamics and non-zero steady state. We address several issues. Firstly, we extend a previous study of the nucleated polymerization model [M.L. Greer, L. Pujo-Menjouet, G.F. Webb, A mathematical analysis of the dynamics of prion proliferation, J. Theoret. Biol. 242 (2006) 598; H. Engler, J. Pruss, G.F. Webb, Analysis of a model for the dynamics of prions II, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 324 (2006) 98] to take into account size dependent replicative properties of prion aggregates. This is achieved by a choice of coefficients in the model that are not constant. Secondly, we show stability results for this steady state for general coefficients where reduction to a system of differential equations is not possible. We use a duality method based on recent ideas developed for population models. These results confirm the potential influence of the amyloid precursor production rate in promoting amyloidogenic diseases. Finally, we investigate how the converting factor may depend upon the aggregate size. Besides the confirmation that size-independent parameters are unlikely to occur, the present study suggests that the PrPsc aggregate size repartition is amongst the most relevant experimental data in order to investigate this dependence. In terms of prion strain, our results indicate that the PrPsc aggregate repartition could be a constraint during the adaptation mechanism of the species barrier overcoming, that opens experimental perspectives for prion amyloid polymerization and prion strain investigation.  相似文献   

Baskakov IV 《The FEBS journal》2007,274(3):576-587
The discovery of prion disease transmission in mammals, as well as a non-Mendelian type of inheritance in yeast, has led to the establishment of a new concept in biology, the prion hypothesis. The prion hypothesis postulates that an abnormal protein conformation propagates itself in an autocatalytic manner using the normal isoform of the same protein as a substrate and thereby acts either as a transmissible agent of disease (in mammals), or as a heritable determinant of phenotype (in yeast and fungus). While the prion biology of yeast and fungus supports this idea strongly, the direct proof of the prion hypothesis in mammals, specifically the reconstitution of the disease-associated isoform of the prion protein (PrP(Sc)) in vitro de novo from noninfectious prion protein, has been difficult to achieve despite many years of effort. The present review summarizes our current knowledge about the biochemical nature of the prion infectious agent and structure of PrP(Sc), describes potential strategies for generating prion infectivity de novo and provides some insight on why the reconstitution of infectivity has been difficult to achieve in vitro. Several hypotheses are proposed to explain the apparently low infectivity of the first generation of recently reported synthetic mammalian prions.  相似文献   

The scrapie isoform of the prion protein, PrP(Sc), is the only identified component of the infectious prion, an agent causing neurodegenerative diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Following proteolysis, PrP(Sc) is trimmed to a fragment designated PrP 27-30. Both PrP(Sc) and PrP 27-30 molecules tend to aggregate and precipitate as amyloid rods when membranes from prion-infected brain are extracted with detergents. Although prion rods were also shown to contain lipids and sugar polymers, no physiological role has yet been attributed to these molecules. In this work, we show that prion infectivity can be reconstituted by combining Me(2)SO-solubilized PrP 27-30, which at best contained low prion infectivity, with nonprotein components of prion rods (heavy fraction after deproteination, originating from a scrapie-infected hamster brain), which did not present any infectivity. Whereas heparanase digestion of the heavy fraction after deproteination (originating from a scrapie-infected hamster brain), before its combination with solubilized PrP 27-30, considerably reduced the reconstitution of infectivity, preliminary results suggest that infectivity can be greatly increased by combining nonaggregated protease-resistant PrP with heparan sulfate, a known component of amyloid plaques in the brain. We submit that whereas PrP 27-30 is probably the obligatory template for the conversion of PrP(C) to PrP(Sc), sulfated sugar polymers may play an important role in the pathogenesis of prion diseases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: When a cell is infected with scrapie prions, newly synthesized molecules of the prion protein PrP(C) are expressed at the cell surface and may subsequently be converted to the abnormal form PrP(Sc). In an experimental scrapie infection of an animal, the initial innoculum of PrP(Sc) is cleared relatively rapidly, and the subsequent propagation of the infection depends on the ability of infected cells to convert uninfected target cells to stable production of PrP(Sc). The mechanism of such cell-based infection is not understood. RESULTS: We have established a system in dissociated cell culture in which scrapie-infected mouse SMB cells are able to stably convert genetically marked target cells by coculture. After coculture and rigorous removal of SMB cells, the target cells express PrP(Sc) and also incorporate [35S]methionine into PrP(Sc). The extent of conversion was sensitive to the ratio of the two cell types, and conversion by live SMB required 2500-fold less PrP(Sc) than conversion by a cell-free prion preparation. The conversion activity of SMB cells is not detectable in conditioned medium and apparently depends on close proximity or contact, as evidenced by culturing the SMB and target cells on neighboring but separate surfaces. SMB cells were killed by fixation in aldehydes, followed by washing, and were found to retain significant activity at conversion of target cells. CONCLUSIONS: Cell-mediated infection of target cells in this culture system is effective and requires significantly less PrP(Sc) than infection by a prion preparation. Several lines of evidence indicate that it depends on cell contact, in particular, the activity of aldehyde-fixed infected cells.  相似文献   

PrPSc, an abnormal isoform of PrPC, is the only known component of the prion, an agent causing fatal neurodegenerative disorders such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). It has been postulated that prion diseases propagate by the conversion of detergent-soluble and protease-sensitive PrPC molecules into protease-resistant and insoluble PrPSc molecules by a mechanism in which PrPSc serves as a template. We show here that the chemical chaperone dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) can partially inhibit the aggregation of either PrPSc or that of its protease-resistant core PrP27-30. Following Me2SO removal by methanol precipitation, solubilized PrP27-30 molecules aggregated into small and amorphous structures that did not resemble the rod configuration observed when scrapie brain membranes were extracted with Sarkosyl and digested with proteinase K. Interestingly, aggregates derived from Me2SO-solubilized PrP27-30 presented less than 1% of the prion infectivity obtained when the same amount of PrP27-30 in rods was inoculated into hamsters. These results suggest that the conversion of PrPC into protease-resistant and detergent-insoluble PrP molecules is not the only crucial step in prion replication. Whether an additional requirement is the aggregation of newly formed proteinase K-resistant PrP molecules into uniquely structured aggregates remains to be established.  相似文献   

Normal cellular and abnormal disease-associated forms of prion protein (PrP) contain a C-terminal glycophosphatidyl-inositol (GPI) membrane anchor. The importance of the GPI membrane anchor in prion diseases is unclear but there are data to suggest that it both is and is not required for abnormal prion protein formation and prion infection. Utilizing an in vitro model of prion infection we have recently demonstrated that, while the GPI anchor is not essential for the formation of abnormal prion protein in a cell, it is necessary for the establishment of persistent prion infection. In combination with previously published data, our results suggest that GPI anchored PrP is important in the amplification and spread of prion infectivity from cell to cell.Key words: prion, GPI anchor, PrP, prion spread, scrapieIn transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE or prion diseases) such as sheep scrapie, bovine spongiform encephalopathy and human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, normally soluble and protease-sensitive prion protein (PrP-sen or PrPC) is converted to an abnormal, insoluble and protease-resistant form termed PrP-res or PrPSc. PrP-res/PrPSc is believed to be the main component of the prion, the infectious agent of the TSE/prion diseases. Its precursor, PrP-sen, is anchored to the cell surface at the C-terminus by a co-translationally added glycophosphatidyl-inositol (GPI) membrane anchor which can be cleaved by the enzyme phosphatidyl-inositol specific phospholipase (PIPLC). The GPI anchor is also present in PrP-res, but is inaccessible to PIPLC digestion suggesting that conformational changes in PrP associated with PrP-res formation have blocked the PIPLC cleavage site.1 Although the GPI anchor is present in both PrP-sen and PrP-res, its precise role in TSE diseases remains unclear primarily because there are data to suggest that it both is and is not necessary for PrP-res formation and prion infection.In tissue culture cells infected with mouse scrapie, PrP-res formation occurs at the cell surface and/or along the endocytic pathway24 and may be dependent upon the membrane environment of PrP-sen. For example, localization via the GPI anchor to caveolae-like domains favors PrP-res formation5 while substitution of the GPI anchor addition site with carboxy termini favoring transmembrane anchored PrP-sen inhibits formation of PrP-res.5,6 Other studies have shown that localization of both PrP-sen and PrP-res to lipid rafts, cholesterol and sphingolipid rich membrane microdomains where GPI anchored proteins can be located, is important in PrP-res formation.69However, there are also data which suggest that such localization is not necessarily essential for PrP-res formation. Anchorless PrP-sen isolated from cells by immunoprecipitation or wild-type PrP-sen purified by immunoaffinity column followed by cation exchange chromatography are efficiently converted into PrP-res in cell-free systems.10,11 Furthermore, recombinant PrP-sen derived from E. coli, which has no membrane anchor or glycosylation, can be induced to form protease-resistant PrP in vitro when reacted with prion-infected brain homogenates.1214 Finally, in at least one instance, protease-resistant recombinant PrP-res generated in the absence of infected brain homogenate was reported to cause disease when inoculated into transgenic mice.15The data concerning the role of the PrP-sen GPI anchor in susceptibility to TSE infection are similarly contradictory. Transgenic mice expressing anchorless mouse PrP-sen are susceptible to infection with mouse scrapie and accumulate both PrP-res and prion infectivity.16 Thus, the GPI anchor is clearly not needed for PrP-res formation or productive TSE infection in vivo. However, we recently published data demonstrating that, in vitro, anchored PrP-sen is in fact required to persistently infect cells.17 Given that anchorless PrP-sen is not present on the cell surface but is released into the cell medium, we speculated that the differences between the in vitro and in vivo data were related to the location of PrP-res formation. In the mice expressing anchorless PrP-sen, environments conducive to PrP-res formation are present in certain areas of the complex extracellular milieu of the brain where anchorless, secreted PrP-sen can accumulate and come into contact with PrP-res from the infectious inoculum. Since similar environments are missing in vitro, any PrP-res formation in cells expressing anchorless PrP-sen must be cell-associated. While this explanation addresses how extracellular PrP-res could be generated in an unusual transgenic mouse model of TSE infection, it does not really help to define how the GPI anchor is involved in normal prion infection of a cell.As with other infectious organisms such as viruses, TSE infection can be roughly divided into three steps: uptake, replication and spread. Over the last several years, data derived from new techniques as well as new cell lines susceptible to prion infection have increased our knowledge of some of the basic events that occur during each of these steps. In order to try to tease out the role of the GPI anchor in normal TSE pathogenesis, it is therefore useful to consider the process of TSE infection of a cell and how the GPI anchor might be involved in each stage.In a conventional viral infection, binding and uptake of the virus is essential to establish infection. Studying PrP-res uptake has been complicated by the lack of an antibody that can specifically distinguish PrP-res from PrP-sen in live cells and by the difficulty of detecting the input PrP-res from the PrP-res made de novo by the cell. Recently, however, several groups have been able to study PrP-res uptake using input PrP-res that was either fluorescently labeled1820 or tagged with the epitope to the monoclonal antibody 3F4,21 or cell lines that express little or no PrP-sen.19,2123 The data show that PrP-res uptake is independent of scrapie strain or cell type but is influenced by the PrP-res microenvironment as well as PrP-res aggregate size.21 Importantly, these studies demonstrated that PrP-sen expression was not required.19,2123 Given these data, it is clear that GPI anchored PrP-sen is not involved in the initial uptake of PrP-res into the cell.The next stage of prion infection involves replication of infectivity which is typically assayed by following cellular PrP-res formation. Once again, however, the issue of how to distinguish PrP-res in the inoculum from newly formed PrP-res in the cells has made it difficult to study the early stages of prion replication. To overcome this difficulty, we developed a murine tissue culture system that utilizes cells expressing mouse PrP-sen tagged with the epitope to the 3F4 antibody (Mo3F4 PrP-sen).24 Wild-type mouse PrP does not have this epitope. As a result, following exposure to an infected mouse brain homogenate, de novo PrP-res formation can be followed by assaying for 3F4 positive PrP-res. Our studies showed that there were two stages of PrP-res formation: (1) an initial acute burst within the first 96 hours post-infection that was cell-type and scrapie strain independent and, (2) persistent PrP-res formation (i.e., formation of PrP-res over multiple cell passages) that was dependent on cell-type and scrapie strain and associated with long-term infection.24 Acute PrP-res formation did not necessarily lead to persistent PrP-res formation suggesting that other cell-specific factors or processes are needed for PrP-res formation to persist.24When cells expressing Mo3F4 PrP-sen without the GPI anchor (Mo3F4 GPI-PrP-sen) were exposed to mouse scrapie infected brain homogenates, GPI negative, 3F4 positive PrP-res (Mo3F4 GPI-PrP-res) was detected within 96 hours indicating that acute PrP-res formation had occurred.17 Thus, despite the fact that Mo3F4 GPI-PrP-sen is not expressed on the cell surface16 (Fig. 1A), it was still available for conversion to PrP-res. These results are consistent with data from cell-free systems and demonstrate that, at least acutely, membrane anchored PrP is not necessary for PrP-res formation in a cell.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Persistent infection of cells in vitro requires the expression of GPI-anchored cell surface PrP-sen. PrP knockout cells (CF10)21 were transduced with 3F4 epitope tagged mouse PrP-sen (Mo3F4), 3F4 epitope tagged mouse PrP-sen without the GPI anchor (Mo3F4 GPI-), or Mo3F4 GPI-PrP-sen plus wild-type, GPI anchored mouse PrP-sen (MoPrP). The cells were then exposed to the mouse scrapie strain 22L and passaged. (A) The presence of 3F4 epitope tagged, cell surface mouse PrP-sen was assayed by FACS analysis of fixed, non-permeabilized cells. CF10 cells expressing the following mouse PrP-sen molecules were assayed: Mo3F4 (solid line); Mo3F4 GPI (dashed line); Mo3F4 GPI + MoPrP (dotted and dashed line); Mo3F4 GPI + MoPrP infected with 22L scrapie (dotted line). Only cells expressing Mo3F4 PrP-sen were positive for cell surface, 3F4 epitope tagged PrP. (B) Persistent infection was analyzed by inoculating the cells intracranially into transgenic mice overexpressing MoPrP (Tga20 mice). Only cells expressing anchored mouse PrP-sen were susceptible to scrapie infection. Cells expressing anchorless mouse PrP-sen did not contain detectable infectivity in either the cells or the cellular supernatant (data not shown). Data in (B) are adapted from McNally 2009.17In terms of persistent PrP-res formation, however, our data suggest that the GPI anchor is important. Despite an initial burst of PrP-res formation within the first 96 hours post-infection, Mo3F4 GPI-PrP-res was not observed following passage of the cells nor did the cells become infected. This effect was not due either to resistance of the cells to scrapie infection or to an inability of the scrapie strain used to infect cells. When the same cells expressed anchored Mo3F4 PrP-sen and were exposed to the same mouse scrapie strain, both acute and persistent PrP-res formation were detected and the cells were persistently infected with scrapie (Fig. 1B).17 Taken together, these data demonstrate that cells expressing anchorless PrP-sen do not support persistent PrP-res formation. Furthermore, the data strongly suggest that GPI-anchored PrP-sen is required during the transition from acute to persistent scrapie infection. In support of this hypothesis, the resistance of cells expressing Mo3F4 GPI-PrP-sen to persistent prion infection could be overcome if wild-type GPI anchored PrP-sen was co-expressed in the same cell. When both forms of PrP-sen were expressed, anchored and anchorless forms of PrP-res were made and the cells became persistently infected (Fig. 1B).17 Thus, the data suggest that GPI anchored PrP is necessary to establish prion infection within a cell.How could GPI membrane anchored PrP be involved in the establishment and maintenance of persistent prion infection? Several studies have suggested that the GPI anchor is needed to localize PrP-sen to specific membrane environments where PrP-res formation is favored.58 However, if this localization was essential for PrP-res formation, GPI-PrP-sen would presumably never form PrP-res. Lacking the GPI anchor, it would not be in the correct membrane environment to support conversion. As a result, neither acute nor persistent prion infection could occur. This is obviously not the case. Transgenic mice expressing only anchorless PrP-sen generate PrP-res and can be infected with scrapie even though (1) flotation gradients showed that anchorless PrP-sen was not in the same membrane environment as anchored PrP-sen and, (2) flow cytometry analysis demonstrated that anchorless PrP-sen was not present on the cell surface.16 Thus, the GPI anchor is not needed to target PrP-sen to a conversion friendly membrane environment.Consistent with the idea that the GPI anchor is not essential for PrP-res formation, in our studies anchorless PrP-sen could form PrP-res in cells acutely infected with scrapie despite the fact that it is processed differently than anchored PrP-sen, is not present on the cell surface (Fig. 1A), and is secreted.17 Persistent formation of anchorless PrP-res only occurred when both anchored and anchorless forms of PrP were expressed in the same cell.17 For this to happen both types of PrP must share a cellular compartment where PrP-res formation occurs, presumably either on the cell surface or in a specific location along the endocytic pathway2,3 such as the endosomal recycling compartment.4 Analysis of infected and uninfected cells co-expressing Mo3F4 GPI-PrP-sen and wild-type PrP-sen demonstrated that Mo3F4 GPI-PrP-sen was not present on the cell surface (Fig. 1A). Thus, it is unlikely that GPI-PrP-res formation is occurring on the cell surface. We speculate that the anchored form of PrP-res encounters anchorless PrP-sen along either a secretory or endocytic pathway, allowing for the formation of anchorless PrP-res. Regardless of the precise location, the in vitro and in vivo data strongly suggest that the role of the anchor in persistent prion infection is not simply to localize PrP-sen to an environment compatible with PrP-res formation.However, the data are consistent with the idea that GPI anchored PrP is absolutely essential for the establishment of persistent infection in vitro. This is likely related to the spread of infectivity within a culture that is necessary for maintaining a persistent infection over time. Evidence suggests that PrP-res can be transferred between cells in a variety of ways including mother-daughter cell division,25 cell-to-cell contact26,27 and exosomes.28 Tunneling nanotubes have also been hypothesized to be involved in intercellular prion spread19 and recent data suggest that spread can occur via these structures.20 Any of these processes could involve the cell-to-cell transfer of PrP-res in membrane containing particles as has been observed in cell-free7 and cell-based systems.29 If cell-to-cell contact were required, for example via simple physical proximity or perhaps tunneling nanotubes,19,20 then the conversion of cell surface PrP-sen on the naïve cell by cell surface PrP-res on the infected cell would transfer infection to the naïve cell. In this instance, GPI membrane anchored, cell surface PrP-sen would be essential as it would allow for PrP-res formation on the cell surface. If spread is via cell division, then GPI-anchored, cell surface PrP-sen would be important for its role as a precursor to PrP-res formation.2 In this instance, cell surface PrP-sen would be an essential intermediate in the continuous formation of PrP-res necessary for the accumulation and amplification of PrP-res within the cell. It would also help to cycle PrP between the cell surface and intracellular compartments where PrP-res can be formed.4 In either case, GPI-anchored PrP-sen would facilitate the accumulation of intracellular PrP-res to high enough levels to maintain both persistent infection in the mother cell and enable the transfer of organelles containing sufficient PrP-res to initiate infection in the daughter cell. Thus, we would suggest that efficient spread of infectivity requires not just the passive transfer of PrP-res from cell-to-cell but the concurrent initiation of conversion and amplification of PrP-res via cell surface, GPI anchored PrP-sen.In vivo, several lines of evidence suggest that the spread of scrapie infectivity also requires de novo PrP-res formation in the recipient cell and not simply transfer of PrP-res from one cell to another. For example, when neurografts from PrP expressing mice were placed in the brains of PrP knockout mice and the mice were challenged intracranially with scrapie, the graft showed scrapie pathology, but the surrounding tissue did not.30 Furthermore, PrP-res from the graft migrated to the host tissue demonstrating that simple transfer of PrP-res was not sufficient and that PrP-sen expression was required for the spread of scrapie pathology.30 In fact, these mice did not develop scrapie pathology following peripheral infection even when peripheral lymphoid tissues were reconstituted with PrP-sen expressing cells.31 Even though PrP-sen expressing cells were present in both the brain and spleen, in order for infectivity to spread from the lymphoreticular system to the central nervous system PrP-sen expression was also required in an intermediate tissue such as peripheral nerve.31,32 Given that PrP-res uptake and trafficking do not require PrP-sen, the most obvious explanation for the requirement of PrP-sen in contiguous tissues is that de novo PrP-res formation in naïve cells is necessary for (1) infectivity to move from cell to cell within a tissue and, (2) infectivity to move from tissue to tissue.Another study demonstrated that peripheral expression of heterologous mouse PrP significantly increased the incubation time and actually prevented clinical disease in the majority of transgenic mice expressing hamster PrP in neurons of the brain.33 Once again, if simple transfer and uptake of PrP-res were sufficient for spread, the presence of heterologous PrP molecules should not interfere because cellular uptake of PrP-res is independent of PrP-sen expression.19,2123 Clinical disease in these mice was likely prevented by the heterologous PrP molecule interfering with conversion of PrP-sen to PrP-res suggesting that prevention of de novo PrP-res formation inhibits spread of PrP-res and infectivity. These in vivo data, when combined with our recent in vitro data,17 provide evidence to support the importance of cell surface, and by extension GPI-anchored, PrP in the spread of prion infection.Our data demonstrate that the GPI anchor plays a role in the establishment of persistent scrapie infection in vitro. In our tissue culture system,21 as well as others where spread of infectivity by cell to cell contact appears to be limited,25,34 the role of GPI anchored PrP-sen would be to amplify PrP-res to enable the efficient transfer of infectivity from mother to daughter cell. In cell systems where spread of prion infectivity may require cell to cell contact,26,27 we propose that the role of GPI anchored PrP-sen is to facilitate the spread of prion infection via a chain of conversion from cell-to-cell, a “domino” type spread of infection that has been previously hypothesized.35,36In vivo, such a mechanism might explain why neuroinvasion does not necessarily require axonal transport32,37,38 and can occur independently of the axonal neurofilament machinery.39 It would likely vary with cell type27 and be most important in areas where infectivity is transferred from the periphery to the nervous system as well as in areas where cell division may be limited. It is also possible, if the location of PrP-res formation differs for different scrapie strains,40 that the relative importance of a domino-like spread of infectivity in vivo would vary with the scrapie strain.Of course, spread of infectivity via a “wave” of GPI anchored, PrP mediated conversion would not preclude the spread of infectivity by other intracellular means such as axonal transport (reviewed in ref. 41). Furthermore, spread of infectivity may still also occur extracellularly such as in the unique case of mice which express anchorless PrP-sen,16 where our in vitro data would suggest that the cells themselves are not infected. In such a case, spread would require neither GPI anchored PrP-sen nor amplification of PrP-res in cells but would likely occur via other means such as blood41 or interstitial fluid flow.42  相似文献   

In transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE or prion diseases) such as sheep scrapie, bovine spongiform encephalopathy and human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, normally soluble and protease-sensitive prion protein (PrP-sen or PrPC) is converted to an abnormal, insoluble and protease-resistant form termed PrP-res or PrPSc. PrP-res/PrPSc is believed to be the main component of the prion, the infectious agent of the TSE/prion diseases. Its precursor, PrP-sen, is anchored to the cell surface at the C-terminus by a co-translationally added glycophosphatidyl-inositol (GPI) membrane anchor which can be cleaved by the enzyme phosphatidyl-inositol specific phospholipase (PIPLC). The GPI anchor is also present in PrP-res, but is inaccessible to PIPLC digestion suggesting that conformational changes in PrP associated with PrP-res formation have blocked the PIPLC cleavage site. Although the GPI anchor is present in both PrP-sen and PrP-res, its precise role in TSE diseases remains unclear primarily because there are data to suggest that it both is and is not necessary for PrP-res formation and prion infection.  相似文献   

1. Diversity begets diversity. Numerous published positive correlations between environmental heterogeneity and species diversity indicate ubiquity of this phenomenon. Nonetheless, most assessments of this relationship are phenomenological and provide little insight into the mechanism whereby such positive association results. 2. Two unresolved issues could better illuminate the mechanistic basis to diversity begets diversity. First, as environmental heterogeneity increases, both productivity and the species richness that contributes to that productivity often increase in a correlated fashion thus obscuring the primary driver. Second, it is unclear how species are added to communities as diversity increases and whether additions are trait based. 3. We examined these issues based on 31 rodent communities in the central Mojave Desert. At each site, we estimated rodent species richness and characterized environmental heterogeneity from the perspectives of standing primary productivity and number of seed resources. We further examined the phylogenetic structure of communities by estimating the mean phylogenetic distance (MPD) among species and by comparing empirical phylogenetic distances to those based on random assembly from a regional species pool. 4. The relationship between rodent species diversity and environmental heterogeneity was positive and significant. Moreover, diversity of resources accounted for more unique variation than did total productivity, suggesting that variety and not total amount of resource was the driver of increased rodent diversity. Relationships between environmental heterogeneity and phylogenetic distance were negative and significant; species were significantly phylogenetically over-dispersed in communities of low environmental heterogeneity and became more clumped as environmental heterogeneity increased. 5. Results suggest that species diversity increases with environmental heterogeneity because a wider variety of resources allow greater species packing within communities.  相似文献   

Little is currently known about the biochemical mechanism by which induced prion protein (PrP) conformational change occurs during mammalian prion propagation. In this study, we describe the reconstitution of PrPres amplification in vitro using partially purified and synthetic components. Overnight incubation of purified PrP27-30 and PrPC molecules at a molar ratio of 1:250 yielded approximately 2-fold baseline PrPres amplification. Addition of various polyanionic molecules increased the level of PrPres amplification to approximately 10-fold overall. Polyanionic compounds that stimulated purified PrPres amplification to varying degrees included synthetic, homopolymeric nucleic acids such as poly(A) and poly(dT), as well as non-nucleic acid polyanions, such as heparan sulfate proteoglycan. Size fractionation experiments showed that synthetic poly(A) polymers must be >0.2 kb in length to stimulate purified PrPres amplification. Thus, one possible set of minimal components for efficient conversion of PrP molecules in vitro may be surprisingly simple, consisting of PrP27-30, PrPC, and a stimulatory polyanionic compound.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that host prion protein (PrP) converts into an infectious prion form rests on the observation that infectivity progressively decreases in direct proportion to the decrease of PrP with proteinase K (PK) treatment. PrP that resists limited PK digestion (PrP-res, PrP(sc)) has been assumed to be the infectious form, with speculative types of misfolding encoding the many unique transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) agent strains. Recently, a PK sensitive form of PrP has been proposed as the prion. Thus we re-evaluated total PrP (sensitive and resistant) and used a cell-based assay for titration of infectious particles. A keratinase (NAP) known to effectively digest PrP was compared to PK. Total PrP in FU-CJD infected brain was reduced to ≤0.3% in a 2 h PK digest, yet there was no reduction in titer. Remaining non-PrP proteins were easily visualized with colloidal gold in this highly infectious homogenate. In contrast to PK, NAP digestion left 0.8% residual PrP after 2 h, yet decreased titer by >2.5 log; few residual protein bands remained. FU-CJD infected cells with 10× the infectivity of brain by both animal and cell culture assays were also evaluated. NAP again significantly reduced cell infectivity (>3.5 log). Extreme PK digestions were needed to reduce cell PrP to <0.2%, yet a very high titer of 8 logs survived. Our FU-CJD brain results are in good accord with the only other report on maximal PrP destruction and titer. It is likely that one or more residual non-PrP proteins may protect agent nucleic acids in infectious particles.  相似文献   

The mouse-adapted scrapie prion strain RML is one of the most widely used in prion research. The introduction of a cell culture-based assay of RML prions, the scrapie cell assay (SCA) allows more rapid and precise prion titration. A semi-automated version of this assay (ASCA) was applied to explore a range of conditions that might influence the infectivity and properties of RML prions. These include resistance to freeze-thaw procedures; stability to endogenous proteases in brain homogenate despite prolonged exposure to varying temperatures; distribution of infective material between pellet and supernatant after centrifugation, the effect of reducing agents and the influence of detergent additives on the efficiency of infection. Apparent infectivity is increased significantly by interaction with cationic detergents. Importantly, we have also elucidated the relationship between the duration of exposure of cells to RML prions and the transmission of infection. We established that the infection process following contact of cells with RML prions is rapid and followed an exponential time course, implying a single rate-limiting process.  相似文献   

Prions represent a class of universally fatal and transmissible neurodegenerative disorders that affect humans and other mammals. The prion agent contains a pathologically aggregated form of the host prion protein that can transmit infectivity without any bacterial or viral component and is thus difficult to inactivate using disinfection protocols designed for infectious microorganisms. Methods for prion inactivation include treatment with acids, bases, detergents, bleach, prolonged autoclaving and incineration. During these procedures, the sample is often either destroyed or damaged such that further analysis for research purposes is compromised. In this study we show that a straightforward denaturation and in-gel protease digestion protocol used to prepare prion-infected samples for mass spectroscopy leads to the loss of at least 7 logs of prion infectivity, yielding a final product that fails to transmit prion disease in vivo. We further show that the resultant sample remains suitable for mass spectrometry-based protein identifications. Thus, the procedure described can be used to prepare prion-infected samples for mass spectrometry analysis with greatly reduced biosafety concerns.  相似文献   

Prions are composed solely of the disease-causing prion protein (PrPSc) that is formed from the cellular isoform PrPC by a posttranslational process. Here we report that short phosphorothioate DNA (PS-DNA) oligonucleotides diminished the levels of both PrPC and PrPSc in prion-infected neuroblastoma (ScN2a) cells. The effect of PS-DNA on PrP levels was independent of the nucleotide sequence. The effective concentration (EC50) of PS-DNA required to achieve half-maximal diminution of PrPSc was approximately 70 nM, whereas the EC50 of PS-DNA for PrPC was more than 50-fold greater. This finding indicated that diminished levels of PrPSc after exposure to PS-DNA are unlikely to be due to decreased PrPC levels. Bioassays in transgenic mice demonstrated a substantial diminution in the prion infectivity after ScN2a cells were exposed to PS-DNAs. Whether PS-DNA will be useful in the treatment of prion disease in people or livestock remains to be established.  相似文献   

Background information. TSEs (transmissible spongiform encephalopathies) are neurodegenerative disorders affecting humans and animals. PrPSc, a conformationally altered isoform of the normal prion protein (PrPC), is thought to be the pathogenic agent. However, the biochemical composition of the prion agent is still matter of debate. The potential transmission risk of the prion agent through biological fluids has been shown, but the development of competitive diagnostic tests and treatment for TSEs requires a more comprehensive knowledge of the agent and the cellular mechanisms by which it is disseminated. With this aim, we initiated characterization of the prion agent and the pathways by which it can be propagated using the cellular model system neuroblastoma (N2a). Results. The present study shows that N2a cells infected with scrapie release the prion agent into the cell culture medium in association with exosome‐like structures and viral particles of endogenous origin. We found that both prion proteins and scrapie infectivity are mainly associated with exosome‐like structures that contain viral envelope glycoprotein and nucleic acids, such as RNAs. Conclusions. The dissemination of prions in N2a cell culture is mediated through the exosomal pathway.  相似文献   

Wang F  Zhang Z  Wang X  Li J  Zha L  Yuan CG  Weissmann C  Ma J 《Journal of virology》2012,86(3):1874-1876
Whether a genetic informational nucleic acid is required for the infectivity of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies is central to the debate about the infectious agent. Here we report that an infectious prion formed with bacterially expressed recombinant prion protein plus synthetic polyriboadenylic acid and synthetic phospholipid 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylglycerol is competent to infect cultured cells and cause prion disease in wild-type mice. Our results show that genetic informational RNA is not required for recombinant prion infectivity.  相似文献   

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