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The interaction between the c(11)ring and the gammaepsilon complex, forming the rotor of the Ilyobacter tartaricus ATP synthase, was probed by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy and in vitro reconstitution analysis. The results provide, for the first time, a direct and quantitative assessment of the stability of the rotor. The data indicated very tight binding between the c(11)ring and the gammaepsilon complex, with an apparent K(d) value of approximately 7.4nm. The rotor assembly was primarily dependent on the interaction of the cring with the gammasubunit, and binding of the cring to the free epsilon subunit was not observed. Mutagenesis of selected conserved amino acid residues of all three rotor components (cR45, cQ46, gammaE204, gammaF203 and epsilonH38) severely affected rotor assembly. The interaction kinetics between the gammaepsilon complex and c(11)ring mutants suggested that the assembly of the c(11)gammaepsiloncomplex was governed by interactions of low and high affinity. Low-affinity binding was observed between the polar loops of the cring subunits and the bottom part of the gamma subunit. High-affinity interactions, involving the two residues gammaE204 and epsilonH38, stabilized the holo-c(11)gammaepsilon complex. NMR experiments indicated the acquisition of conformational order in otherwise flexible C- and N-terminal regions of the gamma subunit on rotor assembly. The results of this study suggest that docking of the central stalk of the F(1)complex to the rotor ring of F(o) to form tight, but reversible, contacts provides an explanation for the relative ease of dissociation and reconstitution of F(1)F(o)complexes.  相似文献   

The atp operon of Ilyobacter tartaricus, strain DSM 2382, was completely sequenced using conventional and inverse polymerase chain reaction (i-PCR) techniques. It contains nine open reading frames that were attributed to eight structural genes of the F(1)F(o) ATP synthase and the atpI gene, which is not part of the enzyme complex. The initiation codons of all atp genes, except that of atpB coding for the a subunit, were identified by the corresponding N-terminal amino acid sequence. The hydrophobic a subunit was identified by MALDI mass spectrometry. The atp genes of I. tartaricus are arranged in one operon with the sequence atpIBEFHAGDC comprising 6,992 base pairs with a GC content of 38.1%. The F(1)F(o) ATP synthase of I. tartaricus has a calculated molecular mass of 510 kDa and includes 4,810 amino acids. The gene sequences and products reveal significant identities to atp genes of other Na(+)-translocating F(1)F(o) ATP synthases, especially in the F(o) subunits a and c which are directly involved in ion translocation.  相似文献   

The ATPase of Ilyobacter tartaricus was solubilized from the bacterial membranes and purified. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme revealed the usual subunit pattern of a bacterial F1Fo ATPase. The polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 56, 52, 35, 16.5, and 6.5 kDa were identified as the α, β, γ, , and c subunits, respectively, by N-terminal protein sequencing and comparison with the sequences of the corresponding subunits from the Na+-translocating ATPase of Propionigenium modestum. Two overlapping sequences were obtained for the polypeptides moving with an apparent molecular mass of 22 kDa (tentatively assigned as b and δ subunits). No sequence could be determined for the putative a subunit (apparent molecular mass, 25 kDa). The c subunits formed a strong aggregate with the apparent molecular mass of 50 kDa which required treatment with trichloroacetic acid for dissociation. The ATPase was inhibited by dicyclohexyl carbodiimide, and Na+ ions protected the enzyme from this inhibition. The ATPase was specifically activated by Na+ or Li+ ions, markedly at high pH. After reconstitution into proteoliposomes, the enzyme catalyzed the ATP-dependent transport of Na+, Li+, or H+. Proton transport was specifically inhibited by Na+ or Li+ ions, indicating a competition between these alkali ions and protons for binding and translocation across the membrane. These experiments characterize the I. tartaricus ATPase as a new member of the family of FS-ATPases, which use Na+ as the physiological coupling ion for ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

Transient electrical currents generated by the Na(+)-transporting F(o)F(1)-ATPase of Ilyobacter tartaricus were observed in the hydrolytic and synthetic mode of the enzyme. Two techniques were applied: a photochemical ATP concentration jump on a planar lipid membrane and a rapid solution exchange on a solid supported membrane. We have identified an electrogenic reaction in the reaction cycle of the F(o)F(1)-ATPase that is related to the translocation of the cation through the membrane bound F(o) subcomplex of the ATPase. In addition, we have determined rate constants for the process: For ATP hydrolysis this reaction has a rate constant of 15-30 s(-1) if H(+) is transported and 30-60 s(-1) if Na(+) is transported. For ATP synthesis the rate constant is 50-70 s(-1).  相似文献   

Heazlewood JL  Whelan J  Millar AH 《FEBS letters》2003,540(1-3):201-205
The FO portion of the mitochondrial ATP synthase contains a range of different subunits in bacteria, yeast and mammals. A search of the Arabidopsis genome identified sequence orthologs for only some of these subunits. Blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis separation of Arabidopsis mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes revealed intact F1FO, and separated F1 and FO components. The subunits of each complex were analysed by mass spectrometry and matched to Arabidopsis genes. In the F1FO complex a series of nine known subunits were identified along with two additional proteins matching the predicted products of the mitochondrial encoded orfB and orf25 genes. The F1 complex contained the five well-characterised F1 subunits, while four subunits in the FO complex were identified: subunit 9, d subunit, and the orfB and orf25 products. Previously, orfB has been suggested as the plant equivalent of subunit 8 based on structural and sequence similarity. We propose that orf25 is the plant b subunit based on structural similarity and its presence in the FO complex. Chimerics of orf25, orfB, subunit 9 and subunit 6 have been associated with cytoplasmic male sterility in a variety of plant species, our additional findings now place all these proteins in the same protein complex.  相似文献   


Of the two main sectors of the F-type ATP synthase, the membrane-intrinsic FO domain is the one which, during evolution, has undergone the highest structural variations and changes in subunit composition. The FO complexity in mitochondria is apparently related to additional enzyme functions that lack in bacterial and thylakoid complexes. Indeed, the F-type ATP synthase has the main bioenergetic role to synthesize ATP by exploiting the electrochemical gradient built by respiratory complexes. The FO membrane domain, essential in the enzyme machinery, also participates in the bioenergetic cost of synthesizing ATP and in the formation of the cristae, thus contributing to mitochondrial morphology. The recent enzyme involvement in a high-conductance channel, which forms in the inner mitochondrial membrane and promotes the mitochondrial permeability transition, highlights a new F-type ATP synthase role. Point mutations which cause amino acid substitutions in FO subunits produce mitochondrial dysfunctions and lead to severe pathologies. The FO variability in different species, pointed out by cryo-EM analysis, mirrors the multiple enzyme functions and opens a new scenario in mitochondrial biology.  相似文献   

The classical view of oxidative phosphorylation is that a proton motive force (PMF) generated by the respiratory chain complexes fuels ATP synthesis via ATP synthase. Yet, under glycolytic conditions, ATP synthase in its reverse mode also can contribute to the PMF. Here, we dissected these two functions of ATP synthase and the role of its inhibitory factor 1 (IF1) under different metabolic conditions. pH profiles of mitochondrial sub‐compartments were recorded with high spatial resolution in live mammalian cells by positioning a pH sensor directly at ATP synthase’s F1 and FO subunits, complex IV and in the matrix. Our results clearly show that ATP synthase activity substantially controls the PMF and that IF1 is essential under OXPHOS conditions to prevent reverse ATP synthase activity due to an almost negligible ΔpH. In addition, we show how this changes lateral, transmembrane, and radial pH gradients in glycolytic and respiratory cells.  相似文献   

Anti-apoptotic Bcl2 family proteins such as Bcl-x(L) protect cells from death by sequestering apoptotic molecules, but also contribute to normal neuronal function. We find in hippocampal neurons that Bcl-x(L) enhances the efficiency of energy metabolism. Our evidence indicates that Bcl-x(L)interacts directly with the β-subunit of the F(1)F(O)?ATP synthase, decreasing an ion leak within the F(1)F(O) ATPase complex and thereby increasing net transport of H(+) by F(1)F(O) during F(1)F(O) ATPase activity. By patch clamping submitochondrial vesicles enriched in F(1)F(O) ATP synthase complexes, we find that, in the presence of ATP, pharmacological or genetic inhibition of Bcl-x(L) activity increases the membrane leak conductance. In addition, recombinant Bcl-x(L) protein directly increases the level of ATPase activity of purified synthase complexes, and inhibition of endogenous Bcl-x(L) decreases the level of F(1)F(O) enzymatic activity. Our findings indicate that increased mitochondrial efficiency contributes to the enhanced synaptic efficacy found in Bcl-x(L)-expressing?neurons.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial ATP synthase is responsible for production of the majority of cellular ATP. Disorders of ATP synthase in humans can be caused by numerous mutations in both structural subunits and specific assembly factors. They are associated with variable pathogenicity and clinical phenotypes ranging from mild to the most severe mitochondrial diseases. To shed light on primary/pivotal functional consequences of ATP synthase deficiency, we explored human HEK 293 cells with a varying content of fully assembled ATP synthase, selectively downregulated to 15–80% of controls by the knockdown of F1 subunits γ, δ and ε. Examination of cellular respiration and glycolytic flux revealed that enhanced glycolysis compensates for insufficient mitochondrial ATP production while reduced dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential leads to elevated ROS production. Both insufficient energy provision and increased oxidative stress contribute to the resulting pathological phenotype. The threshold for manifestation of the ATP synthase defect and subsequent metabolic remodelling equals to 10–30% of residual ATP synthase activity. The metabolic adaptations are not able to sustain proliferation in a galactose medium, although sufficient under glucose-rich conditions. As metabolic alterations occur when the content of ATP synthase drops below 30%, some milder ATP synthase defects may not necessarily manifest with a mitochondrial disease phenotype, as long as the threshold level is not exceeded.  相似文献   

Establishment or maintenance of a persistent infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis requires the glyoxylate pathway. This is a bypass of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in which isocitrate lyase and malate synthase (GlcB) catalyze the net incorporation of carbon during growth of microorganisms on acetate or fatty acids as the primary carbon source. The glcB gene from M. tuberculosis, which encodes malate synthase, was cloned, and GlcB was expressed in Escherichia coli. The influence of media conditions on expression in M. tuberculosis indicated that this enzyme is regulated differentially to isocitrate lyase. Purified GlcB had K(m) values of 57 and 30 microm for its substrates glyoxylate and acetyl coenzyme A, respectively, and was inhibited by bromopyruvate, oxalate, and phosphoenolpyruvate. The GlcB structure was solved to 2.1-A resolution in the presence of glyoxylate and magnesium. We also report the structure of GlcB in complex with the products of the reaction, coenzyme A and malate, solved to 2.7-A resolution. Coenzyme A binds in a bent conformation, and the details of its interactions are described, together with implications on the enzyme mechanism.  相似文献   

Enumerations of tartrate-fermenting anaerobic bacteria with l-, d-, and m-tartrate as substrates revealed that l-tartrate fermenters outnumbered d- and m-tartrate fermenters by one to three orders of magnitude in all three anoxic environments studied. Highest numbers of tartrate-fermenting bacteria were found in freshwater creek sediments, less in polluted marine channels, and lowest numbers in anoxic sewage digestor sludge. Prevailing bacteria were isolated on every tartrate enantiomer. They all degraded tartrates via oxaloacetate. d- and m-tartrate-fermenting anaerobes were able to ferment l-tartrate as well, and were assigned to the genera Bacteroides, Acetivibrio, and Ilyobacter. l-Tartrate-fermenting anaerobes only utilized this enantiomer, and were characterized in more detail. Fermentation products on tartrate, citrate, pyruvate, and oxaloacetate were acetate, formate, and carbon dioxide. On fructose and glucose, also ethanol was formed. Freshwater isolates were Gram-positive cocci with large slime capsules, and were described as a new species, Ruminococcus pasteurii. Saltwater isolates were Gram-negative short rods, and were also described as a new species, Ilyobacter tartaricus. The guanosine-plus-cytosine content of the DNA was 45.2% and 33.1%, respectively.  相似文献   

The impact of the mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) on cellular physiology is well characterized. In contrast, the composition and mode of action of the permeability transition pore complex (PTPC), the supramolecular entity that initiates MPT, remain to be elucidated. Specifically, the precise contribution of the mitochondrial F1FO ATP synthase (or subunits thereof) to MPT is a matter of debate. We demonstrate that F1FO ATP synthase dimers dissociate as the PTPC opens upon MPT induction. Stabilizing F1FO ATP synthase dimers by genetic approaches inhibits PTPC opening and MPT. Specific mutations in the F1FO ATP synthase c subunit that alter C‐ring conformation sensitize cells to MPT induction, which can be reverted by stabilizing F1FO ATP synthase dimers. Destabilizing F1FO ATP synthase dimers fails to trigger PTPC opening in the presence of mutants of the c subunit that inhibit MPT. The current study does not provide direct evidence that the C‐ring is the long‐sought pore‐forming subunit of the PTPC, but reveals that PTPC opening requires the dissociation of F1FO ATP synthase dimers and involves the C‐ring.  相似文献   

F1FO ATP synthase, also known as complex V, is a key enzyme of mitochondrial energy metabolism that can synthesize and hydrolyze ATP. It is not known whether the ATP synthase and ATPase function are correlated with a different spatio-temporal organisation of the enzyme. In order to analyze this, we tracked and localized single ATP synthase molecules in situ using live cell microscopy. Under normal conditions, complex V was mainly restricted to cristae indicated by orthogonal trajectories along the cristae membranes. In addition confined trajectories that are quasi immobile exist. By inhibiting glycolysis with 2-DG, the activity and mobility of complex V was altered. The distinct cristae-related orthogonal trajectories of complex V were obliterated. Moreover, a mobile subpopulation of complex V was found in the inner boundary membrane. The observed changes in the ratio of dimeric/monomeric complex V, respectively less mobile/more mobile complex V and its activity changes were reversible. In IF1-KO cells, in which ATP hydrolysis is not inhibited by IF1, complex V was more mobile, while inhibition of ATP hydrolysis by BMS-199264 reduced the mobility of complex V. Taken together, these data support the existence of different subpopulations of complex V, ATP synthase and ATP hydrolase, the latter with higher mobility and probably not prevailing at the cristae edges. Obviously, complex V reacts quickly and reversibly to metabolic conditions, not only by functional, but also by spatial and structural reorganization.  相似文献   

The Na+ F1FO ATP synthase of the anaerobic, acetogenic bacterium Acetobacterium woodii has a unique FOVO hybrid rotor that contains nine copies of a FO-like c subunit and one copy of a VO-like c 1 subunit with one ion binding site in four transmembrane helices whose cellular function is obscure. Since a genetic system to address the role of different c subunits is not available for this bacterium, we aimed at a heterologous expression system. Therefore, we cloned and expressed its Na+ F1FO ATP synthase operon in Escherichia coli. A Δatp mutant of E. coli produced a functional, membrane-bound Na+ F1FO ATP synthase that was purified in a single step after inserting a His6-tag to its β subunit. The purified enzyme was competent in Na+ transport and contained the FOVO hybrid rotor in the same stoichiometry as in A. woodii. Deletion of the atpI gene from the A. woodii operon resulted in a loss of the c ring and a mis-assembled Na+ F1FO ATP synthase. AtpI from E. coli could not substitute AtpI from A. woodii. These data demonstrate for the first time a functional production of a FOVO hybrid rotor in E. coli and revealed that the native AtpI is required for assembly of the hybrid rotor.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial F1Fo-ATP synthase is a molecular motor that couples the energy generated by oxidative metabolism to the synthesis of ATP. Direct visualization of the rotary action of the bacterial ATP synthase has been well characterized. However, direct observation of rotation of the mitochondrial enzyme has not been reported yet. Here, we describe two methods to reconstitute mitochondrial F1Fo-ATP synthase into lipid bilayers suitable for structure analysis by electron and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Proteoliposomes densely packed with bovine heart mitochondria F1Fo-ATP synthase were obtained upon detergent removal from ternary mixtures (lipid, detergent and protein). Two-dimensional crystals of recombinant hexahistidine-tagged yeast F1Fo-ATP synthase were grown using the supported monolayer technique. Because the hexahistidine-tag is located at the F1 catalytic subcomplex, ATP synthases were oriented unidirectionally in such two-dimensional crystals, exposing F1 to the lipid monolayer and the Fo membrane region to the bulk solution. This configuration opens a new avenue for the determination of the c-ring stoichiometry of unknown hexahistidine-tagged ATP synthases and the organization of the membrane intrinsic subunits within Fo by electron microscopy and AFM.  相似文献   

The subunit analogous to the d-subunit of ATP synthase from bovine heart mitochondria was isolated from the purified yeast enzyme. Partial protein sequences were determined by direct methods. From this information, two oligonucleotide probes were constructed and used for screening a DNA genomic bank of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The sequence of yeast subunit d was deduced from the DNA sequence of ATP7 gene. Mature yeast subunit d is 173 amino acids long. Its NH2-terminal serine is blocked by an N-acetyl group, and the protein has no processed NH2-terminal sequence other than the removal of the initiator methionine. The protein is predominantly hydrophilic. The amino acid sequence is 22% identical and 44% homologous to bovine subunit d. A null mutant was constructed. The mutant strain was unable to grow on glycerol medium. The mutant mitochondria had no detectable oligomycin-sensitive ATPase activity, and the catalytic sector F1 was loosely bound to the membranous part. The mutant mitochondria did not contain subunit d, and the mitochondrially encoded hydrophobic subunit 6 was not present.  相似文献   

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