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Following invivo pulse labeling with [14C]ribose the specific radioactivities of mono- and polyadenosine diphosphoribose, NAD and adenine nucleotides were determined in livers of hypophysectomized Long Evans rats. These analyses were also performed after induction of growth with four successive daily injections of bovine growth hormone. As a consequence of brief treatment with growth hormone polyadenosine diphosphoribose content markedly diminished whereas its specific radioactivity increased. NAD concentration did not vary but its specific radioactivity increased similarly to that of the homopolymer. The steady state concentration of adenine nucleotides remained unchanged, except for ATP which decreased, and their specific radioactivities uniformly decreased.  相似文献   

The substrate analog β-chloro-l-alanine rapidly inactivates the pig heart alanine aminotransferase. Inactivation is dependent upon formation of an intermediate. The substrate alanine protects the enzyme by competing with the inhibitor for the formation of this intermediate. Halide and carboxylate anions accelerated the rate of inactivation once the enzyme-inhibitor complex was formed. This acceleration appears to mimic the action with the substrate, for the rate of exchange transamination between unlabeled alanine and labeled pyruvate is similarly accelerated. When labeled inhibitor was used, the inactive enzyme became labeled. The spectral changes which occur resemble, in many respects, those which occur with aspartate aminotransferase when its active-site lysine undergoes alkylation by β-chloroalanine. We conclude that chloroalanine fulfills the criteria for a “suicide substrate.”  相似文献   

The physical and chemical characterization of horse serum butyrylcholinesterase has been extended. The results show that the enzyme is a glycoprotein containing about 20% carbohydrate by weight. Mannose, glucosamine, galactose, and sialic acid are the sugar residues found. The extinction coefficient of butyrylcholinesterase, E1cm1% at 280 nm, was found to be 15.2 ± 0.3 by dry weight determination. The molecular weight of the protein in dilute phosphate buffer was determined to be (31.7 ± 1.2) × 104 by high speed equilibrium sedimentation with a redetermined partial specific volume of 0.723 ± 0.003 ml/g. Subunit molecular weights for the dissociated protein were found to be (7.9 ± 0.4) × 104 and (8.1 ± 0.1) × 104, respectively, in guanidine hydrochloride and in a solution at pH 11.8. The subunit molecular weight was also estimated to be (8.8 ± 0.2) × 104 by analytical sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis. This apparently higher subunit molecular weight from dodecyl sulfate gels is expected for glycoproteins containing significant amounts of carbohydrate. No free sulfhydryl group was detected, even though there are six half-cystines in each subunit. Therefore, it seems likely that there are three pairs of disulfide bonds per subunit. The available data indicate that native butyrylcholinesterase is a tetrameric glycoprotein consisting of subunits of equal molecular weight.  相似文献   

Kanamycin acetyltransferase acylates aminoglycoside antibiotics using acetyl-CoA, and thereby conveys bacterial resistance to several clinically important antibiotics, notably amikacin. The enzyme was quantitatively and reproducibly released from Escherichia coli W677 harboring plasmid pMH67 by a modified osmotic shock procedure (bacterial cells are incubated overnight in sucrose and again without sucrose before onset of osmotic shock). The enzyme was purified by dye-ligand chromatography on Affi-Gel Blue in addition to antibiotic affinity chromatography on neomycin-Sepharose-4B. The activity did not increase with subsequent chromatography on ion-exchange, hydrophobic, or molecular-exclusion gels. However, both dye-ligand and molecular-exclusion chromatography, as well as disc-gel electrophoresis, separated the purified enzyme equally into two active protein fractions. Based on the more active of the two forms, the purification was 112-fold with a specific activity of 1.9 IU/mg. The less-active form has an unusual absorbance spectrum, with a maximum near 255 nm, which cannot be explained by the amino acid composition. Chromatography of this form alone regenerated both forms, suggesting that the enzyme is noncovalently conjugated to an uncharged chromophore, such as a lipid. The purified enzyme has a very sharp pH optimum at 5.5 with a plateau on the alkaline side, but is most stable between pH 8.5 and 9.5. Data from electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and gel-filtration on Ultrogel AcA 44 are consistent with a tetrameric protein of 60-70,000 Da.  相似文献   

The effect of potassium cyanide on p-nitroanisole O-demethylation in perfused rat livers has been examined. Cyanide (2 mm), an inhibitor of cytochrome oxidase, diminished p-nitroanisole O-demethylation by 50–75% in perfused livers from normal and phenobarbital-treated rats, but had much less effect on hepatic microsomal p-nitroanisole O-demethylation. The inhibition was also observed in livers where the activity of the pentose phosphate shunt was abolished by pretreatment with 6-aminonicotinamide. Cyanide infusion decreased hepatic ATPADP ratios and cellular concentrations of glutamate, α-ketoglutarate, and isocitrate, but caused an increase in the NADPV+NADPH ratio. Rates of NADPH generation via the pentose phosphate shunt were unchanged by cyanide, and hepatic concentrations of glucose 6-phosphate were markedly increased by cyanide. Thus, inhibition of p-nitroanisole metabolism could not be explained solely by a direct interaction of cyanide with mixed-function oxidases or diminished NADPH generation via the pentose cycle. These data indicate that cyanide inhibits mixed-function oxidation in intact cells by diminishing the generation of NADPH from sources other than the pentose cycle. Further, these data are consistent with the hypothesis that some NADPH for mixed-function oxidation arises from cyanidesensitive mitochondrial sources.  相似文献   

The leaf NADP-malate dehydrogenase of Zea mays is rapidly activated when leaves are illuminated and inactivated in the dark. The present studies show that inactive enzyme isolated from darkened leaves was activated by dithiothreitol and that the active enzyme was rapidly inactivated by oxygen in dithiothreitol-free solutions. Following the fractionation of leaf extracts, both the activation and inactivation of NADP-malate dehydrogenase in vitro were partially or totally dependent upon a separate small molecular weight protein factor. Activation and inactivation were largely or solely dependent upon this factor at pH 8.0 or less, but apparently only partially factor dependent at pH 9.0. The factor was heat stable, inactivated by incubation with trypsin, and had a molecular weight of about 10,000. It was mostly associated with the chloroplasts of mesophyll cells.  相似文献   

Conformational studies of the unfolding of E. coli ribosome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
K P Wong  J M Dunn 《FEBS letters》1974,44(1):50-54

Heparin accelerates the rate of inhibition of thrombin by antithrombin III. Reduction of one of the three antithrombin disulfide bonds with dithiothreitol under mild conditions abolishes this rate-enhancing effect without affecting the rate of reaction in the absence of heparin. Alkylation of mildly reduced antithrombin III with [3H]iodacetic acid followed by digestion with cyanogen bromide yielded two major labeled peptides. The smaller peptide, containing Cys-422, was identified as extending from Gly-414 to the C-terminus, Lys-424. Our data are consistent with the larger labeled peptide being the one extending from Glu-104 to Met-243 and containing Cys-239. Cys-422 has been shown by others to be linked to Cys-239. These data indicate that the sensitive disulfide bond in antithrombin III extends between Cys-239 and Cys-422; the site at which thrombin cleaves the antithrombin III is between these two half-cystines.  相似文献   

A competitive binding procedure that can be used to determine either riboflavin or riboflavin-binding protein has been developed. Riboflavin-binding protein from chicken egg white binds tightly to DEAE-cellulose while free riboflavin does not. Stock [2-14C]riboflavin solutions, diluted with varying amounts of a standard unlabeled riboflavin solution or an unknown sample, are mixed with aporiboflavin-binding protein and washed through small DEAE-cellulose columns. The protein-bound riboflavin is batch eluted into scintillation vials, counted, and the unknown samples compared to a standard curve. This is a simple, rapid method for assaying riboflavin by isotope dilution. By a slight modification of the incubation conditions of this procedure, the degree of saturation and amount of riboflavin-binding protein can be determined. Data from both assays can be represented by linear plots in which slopes or intercepts correspond to unknown values. The principles presented here have been extended to the assay of biotin and avidin and should apply to other vitamins and vitamin-binding proteins.  相似文献   

The permeability characteristics of egg phosphatidylcholine (EPC) vesicles to Eu3+ has been examined by 31P-nmr, in various mixed lipid systems. It has been found that incorporation of small amounts of sodium taurocholate (NaTC) in the EPC vesicle greatly increased the vesicular permeability to Eu3+. Incorporation of cholesterol in the EPC vesicle significantly inhibits the ability of NaTC to induce permeability alterations in this mixed system. It has been reported that at low EPC:NaTC ratios (2:1-0.65:1), mixed micelles of the components are formed [N. A. Mazer, R. F. Kwasnick, M. C. Carey, and G. B. Benedek, 1977, in Micellization, Solubization, and Microemulsions (Mittal, K. L., ed.) Vol. 1, pp. 483-402, Plenum Press, New York]. By examination of the 31P-nmr linewidths of EPC, at various ratios of EPC:NaTC, it is possible to follow the decrease in size of the EPC vesicle, as it becomes incorporated into the smaller NaTC micelles. The 31P{1H} nuclear Overhauser enhancement of the simple EPC vesicle is not significantly different from this same parameter measured for EPC, when it exists in mixed micellar systems with NaTC. This indicates that there must be considerable internuclear head group interactions of EPC molecules in EPC-NaTC mixed micelles. This argues for sequestering of EPC in such micelles.  相似文献   

Eleven hybridoma clones which secrete monoclonal antibodies against purified rat liver alcohol dehydrogenase (EC were isolated. Antibodies (R-1-R-11) were identified by their ability to bind to immobilized pure alcohol dehydrogenase in an enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay, in which antibody R-9 showed the highest binding capacity. Except for R-1 and R-7, all antibodies inhibited catalytic activity of the enzyme isolated from inbred (Fischer-344) or outbred (Sprague-Dawley) strains (R-11 greater than R-9 greater than R-4 greater than R-6 greater than R-10 greater than R-8 greater than R-2 = R-3 = R-5). The inhibition of enzyme activity by antibodies was noncompetitive for ethanol and NAD+, and was dependent on antibody concentration and incubation time. Antibodies R-4, R-9, and R-11 were most effective when enzyme activity was assayed below pH 7.7-7.8, a condition thought to protonate the enzyme's active center. These three antibodies did not inhibit horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase activity, indicating their species specificity. Such antibodies will be useful to delineate structural and functional roles of rat liver alcohol dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Since none of the hormones which activate adenylate cyclase in other tissues have been found to activate adenylate cyclase or to induce tyrosine aminotransferase in cultured Reuber hepatoma cells (H35), despite the stimulatory effects of cyclic AMP derivatives on the latter enzyme, we tested the ability of cholera toxin to influence these processes. At low concentrations cholera toxin was found to mimic the ability of cyclic AMP derivatives to selectively stimulate the synthesis of the aminotransferase. Adenylate cyclase and protein kinase activity were also enhanced, but only after a lag period as in other systems. Specific phosphorylation of endogenous H1 histone was also shown to be increased by cholera toxin treatment. The increase in tyrosine aminotransferase activity is due to an increase in de novo synthesis as shown by radiolabeling experiments utilizing specific immunoprecipitation. The activity of another soluble enzyme induced by dibutyryl cyclic AMP, PEP carboxykinase, was also stimulated by exposure of H35 cells to cholera toxin. Combinations of cholera toxin and dexamethasone led to greater than additive increases in the activity of both the aminotransferase and carboxykinase. Close coupling of cyclic AMP production with protein kinase activation and enzyme induction was suggested by the observation that the ED50 values for the stimulation of adenylate cyclase, cyclic AMP production, protein kinase, and tyrosine aminotransferase activities were found to be the same (5–7 ng/ml) within experimental error. The results indicate that the adenylate cyclase system in H35 cells is functionally responsive and they support the suggestion that activation of protein kinase is functionally linked to induction of specific enzymes.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of proton uptake upon binding of NADH to porcine heart mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (l-malate: NAD+ oxidoreductase, EC has been investigated. The enzyme has been shown to exhibit a pH-dependent uptake of protons upon binding NADH at pH values from 6.0 to 8.5. Enzyme in which one histidine residue has been modified per subunit by the reagent iodoacetamide (E. M. Gregory, M. S. Rohrbach, and J. H. Harrison, 1971, Biochim. Biophys. Acta253, 489–497) was used to establish that this specific histidine residue was responsible for the uptake of a proton upon binding of NADH to the native enzyme. It has also been established that while there is no enhancement of the nucleotide fluorescence upon addition of NADH to the iodoacetamide-modified enzyme, NADH is nevertheless binding to the modified enzyme with the same stoichiometry as with native enzyme. The data are discussed in relation to the involvement of the essential histidine residue in the catalytic mechanism of “histidine dehydrogenases” recently proposed by Lodola et al. (A. Lodola, D. M. Parker, R. Jeck, and J. J. Holbrook, 1978, Biochem. J.173, 597–605) and the catalytic mechanism of “malate dehydrogenases” recently proposed by L. H. Bernstein and J. Everse (1978, J. Biol. Chem.253, 8702–8707).  相似文献   

The acid phosphatase activity that is increased in the spleens of patients with Gaucher's disease can be separated into two principal isoenzymes by chromatography on sulphopropyl-Sephadex. The acid phosphatase species that is resistant to inhibition by l-(+)-tartrate is retained by the cation-exchange resin while the tartrate-sensitive species passes through. We have isolated and characterized the tartrate-sensitive acid phosphatase (designated SPI) from the spleen of a patient with the adult (type 1) form of Gaucher's disease. SPI acid phosphatase, representing approximately 30 to 50% of the total acid phosphatase activity in a detergent (Triton X-100) extract of spleen tissue, has been purified approximately 400-fold to a specific activity of 48 units/mg of protein (substrate, 4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate). The final preparation of acid phosphatase contains at least two protein components—each with phosphatase activity—when analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at pH 8.9 or isoelectric focusing. SPI acid phosphatase exhibits a broad substrate specificity and catalyzes the hydrolysis of a variety of artificial and natural phosphate-containing compounds including p-nitrophenyl phosphate, α-naphthyl phosphate, phosphoenolpyruvate, and CMP. The enzyme is inhibited by l-(+)-tartrate, sodium fluoride, and ammonium molybdate and has the following properties: pH optimum, 4.5; Km on 4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate, 44 μm; pI, 3.8–4.1; Mr, 177,400; s20,w, 6.8.  相似文献   

The inhibition of thrombin by antithrombin-III involves formation of a 1:1 covalent complex between protease and inhibitor and concomitant cleavage of the antithrombin-III peptide chain after Arg-385. The resultant fragment remains connected to the complex via a disulfide bond. This complex spontaneously breaks down into a fragment of approximately 55,000 daltons and smaller peptides. Breakdown is prevented by the presence of hydroxylamine or diisopropylflurophosphate, or by denaturation with urea. It occurs even if the purified complex is treated with diisopropylflurophosphate prior to purification, and can be greatly accelerated by the presence of small amounts of active thrombin. The initial sites of proteolytic attack on the complex are after Arg-13 of the thrombin A chain and Arg-68 of the thrombin B chain. These data indicate that active thrombin can be released from the antithrombin-thrombin complex, and that thrombin becomes more susceptible to proteolytic attack when complexed with antithrombin.  相似文献   

The spleen in Gaucher's disease contains relatively large quantities of a heat-stable activator of the glucocerebrosidase of normal human tissues (Ho, M. W., and O'Brien, J. S. (1971) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA68, 2810–2813) that has been shown to be an 11,000 molecular weight acidic glycoprotein (Peters, S. P., et al. (1977) J. Biol. Chem.252, 563–573). In an effort to determine the subcellular location of the activator, a mannitol-sucrose homogenate of fresh, unfrozen spleen obtained from a 26-year-old patient with adult, nonneuropathic (Type 1) form of Gaucher's disease was subjected to subcellular fractionation. The tissue used in these experiments exhibited a β-glucocerebrosidase deficiency (11% of control tissue characteristic of Gaucher's disease. Mitochondrial and lysosomal fractions obtained by centrifugation of the spleen homogenate at 6900 and and 20,000g, respectively, contained greater than 80% of the recovered acid phosphatase and heat-stable glucocerebrosidase activator activities. In addition, 60% of the residual glucocerebrosidase activity was recovered in the mitochondrial and lysosomal fractions. The lysosomal and mitochondrial fractions were subjected to equilibrium sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Analysis of the sucrose gradient of the crude mitochondrial fraction demonstrated the mitochondrial marker enzyme (cytochrome oxidase) banding with a specific gravity of 1.19 g/ml, whereas the heat-stable activating factor banded in an acid phosphatase-rich fraction having a specific gravity of 1.12 g/ml. Sucrose gradient analysis of the crude lysosomal fraction obtained from differential centrifugation indicated the activating factor banding with a specific gravity of 1.12 g/ml. Coincident with the activating factor was glucocerebrosidase and acid phosphatase activity. Electron microscopic examination of fractions from each of the sucrose density gradients demonstrated that the glucocerebrosidase activating factor was located in the same acid phosphatase-rich fractions that contained the characteristic Gaucher deposits. Furthermore, when Gaucher deposits were isolated and purified independently by a sucrose gradient procedure, they were found to contain high concentrations of the heat-stable glucocerebrosidase activator. The specific activity of the glucocerebrosidase activating factor was approximately 15-fold greater in the extensively purified Gaucher deposits than in the crude extract of Gaucher spleen from which the deposits were isolated. These observations indicate that the heat-stable activator is associated with the storage deposits contained in lysosomes of the Gaucher cell.  相似文献   

Young adult male rats were fasted for 3 days, then fed a glucose-rich diet, ad libitum. At the end of the fasting period, the specific activity of liver glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase was decreased to 60% of control (nonfasted) levels. After 24 to 72 h of refeeding, the specific activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase increased seven- and twofold, respectively. During the fasting period, the liver lysosome fragility increased, as judged by increased release of bound acid phosphatase and β-N-acetylglucosammidase activity during standard homogenization. Three hours after feeding a carbohydrate-rich diet, a further increase in liver lysosomal fragility was observed that returned to control values prior to the induction of the dehydrogenases. Similarly, the susceptibility of liver lysosomes from fasted rats to increased fragility by the intraperitoneal injection of glucose or galactose was also observed. Prior starvation was not a requisite for labilization of lysosomal membranes by injected glucose, but induction of the pentose phosphate shunt dehydrogenase was not observed.In a group of 6-week old male rats fed a commercial pellet diet throughout, the injection of insulin caused no change in liver lysosomal fragility, though hypoglycemia resulted. Similar animals made diabetic by treatment with Streptozotocin and diabetic rats given insulin, showed no change in liver lysosmal fragility based on the percentage of free to total activities of β-N-acetylglucosaminidase, β-glucuronidase, β-galactosidase, and Cathespin D. However, when adult female rats were fasted for 24 h, then injected with sufficient insulin to produce hypoglycemia, liver lysosomal fragility, based on the release of β-N-acetylglucosaminidase during homogenization, increased nearly threefold. These studies demonstrate that stimulated lysosomal fragility can be initiated by refeeding fasted animals a carbohydrate-rich diet, by intraperitoneal injections of fasted rats with glucose or galactose, or by administering insulin alone to fasted rats. However, hyperglycemia induced by diabetogenic doses of Streptozotocin, or hypoglycemia induced in well-fed animals by insulin injection failed to elicit an enhanced liver lysosomal fragility. Whether induction of the enzymes of lipogenesis by rat liver is dependent upon a prior lysosomal membrane labilization remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The effect of dinitrophenol (52 μm), an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation, on p-nitroanisole O-demethylation in the perfused rat liver was examined. Dinitrophenol inhibited p-nitroanisole metabolism 70% in perfused livers from fasted, phenobarbital-treated rats, and 30% in livers from normal rats, but had no effect on this reaction in isolated microsomes. Rates of p-nitroanisole O-demethylation in livers from fed, phenobarbitaltreated rats were not inhibited by dinitrophenol unless the pentose phosphate shunt was first inhibited by 6-aminonicotinamide pretreatment. Dinitrophenol diminished cellular concentrations of ATP and NADPH 30 and 50%, respectively. Since mixed-function oxidation requires NADPH, these data are consistent with the hypothesis that dinitrophenol interrupts the synthesis and/or transfer of reducing equivalents from the mitochondria into the extramitochondrial space by interfering with energy-dependent NADPH synthesis and substrate shuttle mechanisms.In addition, dinitrophenol diminished conjugation reactions 57 and 89% in all metabolic states studied, most likely because it decreased UDP-glucose levels considerably (40 to 60%).  相似文献   

Two similar but distinct forms of α1-protease inhibitor (α1-PI) have been isolated and purified 120-fold to homogeneity from the plasma of female, white Swiss (Ha/ICR) mice. The two inhibitors can be separated by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose using a shallow NaCl gradient at pH 8.9 for elution. Because of their differing specificities for elastase and trypsin we have labeled the two inhibitors α1-PI(E) and α1-PI(T), respectively. The apparent Mr for both proteins, as estimated by gel exclusion chromatography, is approximately 53,000 daltons. However by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of SDS, α1-PI(T) has an apparent mr of 65,000 while the apparent mr of α1-PI(E) is 55,000. These results suggest differences in charge and carbohydrate composition. The two mouse inhibitors also have different AT-terminal amino acids. Like human α1-PI the mouse inhibitors form stable complexes with proteases. However they differed from human α1-PI in that they were not found to neutralize either human thrombin or plasmin. While α1-PI(E) inhibits bovine pancreatic trypsin, chymotrypsin, and porcine pancreatic elastase, α1-PI(T) is an effective inhibitor only of trypsin. Plasma levels of α1-PI(E) increase significantly 24 h after stimulation of the acute phase reaction while those of α1-PI(T) do not. Our data suggest that α1-PI(E) and α1-PI(T) are products of different genes.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein mRNAs increase dramatically during Xenopus development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The amount of messenger RNA per microgram of rRNA increases three- to fourfold during Xenopus early development. This increase is the same when measured by stimulation of in vitro protein synthesis or by poly(U) hybridization. The increase in mRNA per embryo therefore is approximately six- to eightfold since the ribosome content doubles between fertilization and the stage 41 tadpole. The amount of ribosomal protein mRNA, as assayed by in vitro protein synthesis, also increases dramatically during early development. This increase is much more pronounced than the general increase in mRNA content, i.e., there is a dramatic increase in the abundance as well as the amount of the ribosomal protein mRNA. Since ribosomal protein mRNAs are predominantly small mRNAs, the increase in ribosomal protein mRNA abundance contributes to the general decrease in the average size of pA+ RNA that occurs during early development in Xenopus.  相似文献   

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