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Nuclear medicine hybrid imaging is a technological evolution of gamma camera scintigraphy or positron emission tomography imaging methods that are now often coupled with an anatomical imaging device, essentially a CT scanner. Following a large demand from the nuclear physicians themselves, but also from the French Nuclear Safety Authority, this guide is intended for the entire nuclear medicine community to integrate both the aspects of radiation protection related to coupled CT and those related to the quality of the CT images according to the clinical context.  相似文献   

The prevalence of dementia dramatically increases during ageing, and this puts a serious strain on the optimism brought by the continuous increase in life expectancy observed in most industrialised countries. Diseases that produce dementia are numerous, and the cognitive deficit results from lesions of various regions and from different mechanisms. This modulates the possible prediction, prevention and cure of dementia. Emphasis is put on the necessity of, and prerequisite for, efficient research in the field of dementia. Three paradigmatic dementing disorders are reviewed. Subacute spongiform encephalopathies (prion diseases) constitute a biological enigma and a public health concern. In Alzheimer's disease and vascular or mixed dementia, the clinical diagnosis is still imperfect, and this hinders research. Distinguishing and accurately identifying the various types of dementia is essential for understanding their mechanism and for developing efficient therapeutic strategies, preventive and curative. For such objectives, the study of human brain tissue will remain mandatory until non-invasive markers and additional models are available. Ethical reasons banish the use of cerebral biopsy and favour the promotion of autopsy.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural observations of the gills of the hydrothermal vent shrimp Rimicaris exoculata reveal that the epithelial cells contain numerous mitochondria clustered around unusual organelles (diameter of 0.7 to 2.5 microns) containing membrane stacks. These organelles were termed sulphide-oxidising bodies (SOBs) by structural analogy with organelles observed in the tissues of species adapted to sulphide-rich environments. Moreover, in the gills of R. exoculata, mitochondria display numerous electron-dense granules in their stroma. Such ultrastructural features suggest that sulphide detoxication may probably occur in the gills of R. exoculata. Comparable structures were also described in the gills of other hydrothermal vent species, as the alvinellid Pompeii worms that, as R. exoculata, are housing ectosymbiotic bacteria.  相似文献   

My professional lifetime has seen progress in the biomedical sciences that beggars belief. This has lead to astonishing advances in the ability to prevent and treat disease and, in the developed world at least, people live longer and healthier lives than ever before. Paradoxically, this has gone hand in hand with the growth of a vocal and influential anti-science lobby that not only rejects much modern science but is also deeply suspicious of new medical interventions. The prospect of cell therapy in the near or middle future is their current target especially where the use of embryonic stem cells or of cell nuclear transfer techniques is concerned. The prospect of cell therapy is welcomed with enthusiasm by patients with genetic and degenerative diseases who hope to benefit from them. On the other hand the whole idea is regarded as repugnant by the anti-science lobby. While some of this opposition is essentially luddite in nature, there are some more persuasive arguments raised particularly to any research than uses embryonic or foetal materials. These arguments will be examined critically. The moral problems of denying the sick the hope of effective treatments have to be weighed against those seen in the development of such treatments. (This article is closely based on an already published paper. P. Lachmann, Stem cell research: why is it regarded as a threat? An investigation of the economic and ethical arguments made against research with human embryonic stem cells. EMBO Rep. 2 (3) (2001) 165–168.)  相似文献   

Glioma incidence rates in the United States are near 20000 new cases per year, with a median survival time of 14.6 mo for high-grade gliomas due to limited therapeutic options. The origins of these tumors and their many subtypes remain a matter of investigation. Evidence from mouse models of glioma and human clinical data have provided clues about the cell types and initiating oncogenic mutations that drive gliomagenesis, a topic we review here. There has been mixed evidence as to whether or not the cells of origin are neural stem cells, progenitor cells or differentiated progeny. Many of the existing murine models target cell populations defined by lineage-specific promoters or employ lineage-tracing methods to track the potential cells of origin. Our ability to target specific cell populations will likely increase concurrently with the knowledge gleaned from an understanding of neurogenesis in the adult brain. The cell of origin is one variable in tumorigenesis, as oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes may differentially transform the neuroglial cell types. Knowledge of key driver mutations and susceptible cell types will allow us to understand cancer biology from a developmental standpoint and enable early interventional strategies and biomarker discovery.  相似文献   

O.L. Tulp  G.I. Meeker 《Steroids》1976,28(2):239-246
Studies were conducted to determine the fate of 15α-hydroxyprogesterone in human placental tissue. Tritiated 15α-hydroxyprogesterone was perfused through normal human placentas in situ at the time of Cesarean section and incubated with a 10,000x g microsomal supernate of the placenta in vitro. In both systems the substrate, but no additional metabolites were identified. These findings indicate that 15α-hydroxyprogesterone is not metabolized during its passage in the human term placenta, and suggests that because of its fetal origin clinical measurements of 15α-hydroxyprogesterone may provide a valuable index to the status of fetal viability.  相似文献   

I.C. Campbell  A. Todrick 《Life sciences》1976,18(10):1091-1097
4-Methyl-α-ethyl-tyramine and its 4, α-dimethyl analogue release 5-HT from human blood platelets invitro. At lower concentrations they inhibit the uptake of 5-HT into platelets. Tricyclic antidepressant drugs do not block 5-HT release by these compounds. On removal of the depletor, platelets recover their ability to take up 5-HT; platelets preloaded with exogenous 5-HT lose the same proportion of amine as those containing only endogenous 5-HT. Tetrabenazine behaves similarly, but its actions are partial, whereas those of the tyramines are more complete. The temperature dependence of spontaneous and drug-induced 5-HT release has been measured. The results are discussed in terms of the action of these drugs and with special reference to the use of human blood platelet as a model of a 5-HT-containing nerve ending.  相似文献   

Complete cytochrome b gene sequences allows, for the first time, establishing a nearly complete phylogeny among the Praomys group sensu lato. The genera Praomys, Mastomys and Stenocephalemys appear paraphyletic. Myomys is polyphyletic and this genus name probably needs to be restricted to its type species, M. verreauxii. The genera Zelotomys and Colomys appear as sister groups. Mastomys pernanus and Malacomys verschureni nest within the Praomys group, but their generic assignation must be further clarified. The genus Heimyscus appears closest to Praomys than to Hylomyscus. The different lineages probably result from an adaptive radiation at the end of the Miocene.  相似文献   

Cross-sections (thickness 10 microns) of whole autopsied left and right anterior tibialis muscles of seven young previously healthy right-handed men (mean age 23 years, range 18-32 years) were prepared for light-microscope enzyme histochemistry. Muscle cross-sectional area and total number of fibres, mean fibre size (indirectly determined) and proportion of the different fibre types (type 1 and type 2 on basis of myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase characteristics), in each muscle cross-section were determined. The analysis showed that the cross-sectional area of the left muscle was significantly larger (P less than 0.05), and the total number of fibres was significantly higher (P less than 0.05), than for the corresponding right muscle. There was no significant difference for the mean fibre size or the proportion of the two fibre types. The results imply that long-term asymmetrical low-level daily demands on muscles of the left and the right lower leg in right-handed individuals provide enough stimuli to induce an enlargement of the muscles on the left side, and that this enlargement is due to an increase in the number of muscle fibres (fibre hyperplasia). Calculations based on the data also explain why the underlying process of hyperplasia is difficult, or even impossible, to detect in standard muscle biopsies.  相似文献   

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