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T and B lymphocytes from human tonsils were separated by density gradient electrophoresis on the basis of their surface charge. The high-mobility cell fractions were found to be highly enriched in T lymphocytes with only very small proportions of B cells. In contrast, the low-mobility fractions were predominantly B lymphocytes, and had only 10 to 30% contamination of T cells. The intermediate-mobility fractions contained both T and B lymphocytes in approximately equal proportions. IgM-bearing lymphocytes, as well as cells with receptors for mouse erythrocytes, the Fc portion of IgG, and complement were found in the intermediate- and low-mobility fractions. T lymphocytes, prepared by E rosetting, were also electrophoresed by this method and found to be of higher mobility as compared with peripheral blood T lymphocytes. T cells with Fc receptors for IgM (Tμ) or IgA (Tα) were found to be considerably heterodisperse with regard to surface charge and were present in all fractions. The separated cell fractions were treated in vitro with various concentrations of concanavalin A and thereafter examined for Tμ, Tγ, and Tα phenotypes. Low concentrations of Con A (2.5 μg/ml) had no effect on cell surface phenotypes. However, higher concentrations of Con A (20μg/ml) significantly reduced the numbers of T cells having IgM receptors (Tμ), but failed to alter the expression of the Tγ phenotype. The latter finding contrasts to that observed with T cells from the peripheral blood where high concentrations of Con A increase the proportions of the Tγ cells. This study demonstrates that density gradient electrophoresis can be used for the separation and study of lymphocyte subpopulations from human tonsils.  相似文献   

The response to anti-allotype (anti-Ab4), Nocardia Water Soluble Mitogen (NWSM), pneumococcal polysaccharide type III (SSS III), and human Fc fragments of various purified and unfractionated rabbit spleen cell populations was determined in terms of 3H-thymidine up-take. B cells were isolated either from untreated suspensions of spleen cells or from suspensions from which adherent and phagocytic cells were removed. The purification factor was greater than the enhancement of 3H-thymidine uptake by anti-Ab4, NWSM, and SSS III as compared with the response of unfractionated spleen cells. It thus appears that a helper cell was involved: the mitogen response of purified B cells was enhanced by the addition of T cells. B subpopulations were separated by sedimentation or by rosetting, which allowed us to separate Fcgamma receptor-bearing cells from cells that did not possess this receptor. There were differences between cells responding to B mitogens not only in sedimentation velocity but also in the absolute number of cells. B cells bearing the Fcgamma receptor were less responsive to anti-Ab4 and more responsive to SSS III, NWSM, and human Fc than were B cells lacking the Fcgamma receptor.  相似文献   

A hemocyte surface membrane marker (BGH1) has been identified using hemocyte-specific monoclonal antibodies (mABs) generated by somatic cell fusion methods. The BGH1 epitope was expressed on a subpopulation of circulating, glass-adherent blood cells from two strains of the snail, Biomphalaria glabrata. Approximately 40% of the circulating hemocytes from the PR albino (M-line) B. glabrata strain were BGH1?, compared to a prevalence of 10% BGH1+ cells in the 10-R2 snail strain. When hemocytes were firmly attached and spread on a glass surface, BGH1+ cells were morphologically distinguishable from BGH1? cells by their ovoid shape and the presence of short, thin filopodial projections along the ectoplasmic border. In contrast, BGH1? hemocytes were more pleomorphic and possessed long, spike-like filopodia. Moreover, the BGH1 epitope was trypsin-resistant and retained its antigenic reactivity with probe mABs following fixation with paraformaldehyde or paraformaldehyde/MeOH. Fixation with glutaraldehyde, however, significantly reduced mAB binding to the BGH1 surface epitope. There was no apparent age-dependent expression of the BGH1 determinant since circulating hemocyte populations in very young (1–2 mm) to adult (10–12 mm) snails were composed of both BGH1+ and BGH1? subpopulations. Quantitative shifts in the prevalence of epitope-bearing hemocytes between the smallest snail size class (1–2 mm) and the larger snails (3–4 and 10–12 mm) are believed to be due to a differential production and/or release of BGH1? hemocytes within the blood circulation rather than a gradual age-related change in the expression of surface antigens on individual cells. Experiments designed to assess the in vitro phagocytic capability and lysosomal acid phosphatase (APase) activity of mAB-reactive hemocytes revealed that BGH1+ cells, when compared to those lacking the surface marker, were significantly reduced in both their phagocytic and APase-producing activities. Since the PR albino strain of B. glabrata possesses a higher proportion of BGH1? hemocytes and a lower total concentration of circulating cells than do snails of the 10-R2 strain, PR albino snails are thus potentially reduced in their natural capacity to mount cellular reactions against foreign materials.  相似文献   

L C Rainen  B D Stollar 《Biochemistry》1977,16(9):2003-2007
Rabbit antibodies to the triple-helical polynucleotide poly(A)-poly(U)-poly(I) were fractionated into three major antibody populations, each recognizing a different conformational feature of the triple-helical immunogen. Two distinct populations were purified from precipitates made with poly(A)-poly(U)-poly(U) and poly(A)-poly(I)-poly(I). The former reacted with double-stranded poly(A)-poly(U) or poly(I)-poly(C), and similar populations could be purified with either double-stranded form. The second population recognized the poly(A)-poly(I) region of the triple helix, and the third required all three strands for reactivity. These immunochemical studies suggest that the poly(A) and poly(U) have the same orientation in the triple-helicical poly(A)-poly(U)-poly(I) as in the double-helical poly(A)-poly(U), in which they have Watson-Crick base pairing.  相似文献   

In the present study we describe a novel functional cell surface molecule, designated as Kp43, which is expressed among leukocytes by NK cells, TCR-gamma/delta + T lymphocytes, and some CD8+ CD56+TCR-alpha/beta + T cell clones. The Kp43 Ag is a 70-kDa disulfide-linked dimer, which migrates in SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions as a single 43-kDa band. Two-color immunofluorescence staining of fresh PBL revealed that only a fraction of CD16+, and of TCR-gamma/delta + T lymphocytes expressed the Ag. The analysis of TCR-alpha/beta + T cell clones showed that a small proportion (2 out of 20) weakly expressed Kp43 together with the CD8 and CD56 molecules. By immunoperoxidase staining of different tissues the anti-Kp43, reactivity was detected exclusively in lymphoid organs, where a minority of scattered cells was stained, and in some liver sinusoidal cells. Essentially all NK cells acquired Kp43 when stimulated with a B lymphoblastoid cell line. By contrast, the pattern of distribution of Kp43 remained stable upon in vitro culture of T-gamma/delta lymphocytes, thus delineating two subsets according to its expression. In lymphokine-activated killer populations, obtained by culturing either PBL or NK cells with high concentration of IL-2, most CD16+ and CD56+ cells became Kp43+. The Kp43-specific mAb inhibited the IL-2-dependent proliferative response of cultured NK and TCR-gamma/delta + T cells without affecting their non-MHC-restricted cytotoxicity. The partial inhibitory effect, which was mediated as well by pepsin digested F(ab')2 fragments, was lost upon reduction to Fab. The anti-Kp43 mAb did not interfere with the specific binding of IL-2 to its surface receptors. Altogether the data point out that the Kp43 dimer is involved in the regulation of the IL-2-dependent proliferative response of NK cells and a subset of TCR-gamma/delta + T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

We have documented a single, specific binding site for [3H]pyrilamine on normal human T helper, T suppressor, B cells, and monocytes. The binding of the radioligand to its receptor is reversible with cold H1 antagonist, saturates at 40 to 60 nM, and binding equilibrium is achieved in 2 to 4 min. Using a computer program (Ligand), we calculated the dissociation constants, binding capacities, and numbers of receptors per cell for each of the different cell types. Monocytes were found to have the highest affinity (mean KD +/- SD; 3.8 +/- 4.8 nM) for [3H]pyrilamine, followed by T helper cells (KD = 5.0 +/- 6.6 nM), B cells (KD = 14.2 +/- 2.0 nM), and T suppressor cells (KD = 44.6 +/- 49.4 nM). T suppressor cells were found to express the higher number of H1 receptors per cell (35,697 +/- 15,468), followed by B cells (10,732 +/- 9060), T helper cells (6838 +/- 8167), and monocytes (5589 +/- 2266). The kinetics of binding for this radioligand was carried out in resting and mitogen-stimulated T cells over a 48-hr period. We found that the binding affinity for [3H]pyrilamine increased over the 48-hr period, whereas the number of receptors per T cell was essentially unchanged. In contrast, T cells stimulated with Con A or PHA were shown to have a greater than fourfold increase in the number of receptors per cell, whereas the binding affinity for [3H]pyrilamine decreased over the 48-hr period. Preincubation of T cells with unlabeled histamine before carrying out the radioligand binding assay resulted in a decrease in the binding affinity of the receptors to [3H]pyrilamine, but the number of receptors per cell did not change significantly. Although the function of H1 receptors on T cells, B cells, and monocytes has not been completely defined, this receptor has the potential of playing an important role in modulating the immune response.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody 4F2 recognizes a disulfide-linked ricin-binding glycoprotein complex (Mr congruent to 125,000) composed of a sialylated heavy subunit (Mr congruent to 85,000 on T cell lines) and an unsialylated light subunit (Mr congruent to 41,000). The antigen (T85,41) recognized by 4F2 on T cell lines is structurally distinct from the antigen (B93, 41) on B cell lines. The heavy subunits, but not the light subunits, from all T cell lines examined were uniformly smaller in size than the heavy subunits from several B cell lines. This reflects differences in carbohydrate rather than protein represent in B93,41 compared with T85,41, because both heavy subunits have a common unglycosylated form (p65) and a common partially glycosylated precursor form (p68). Among non-T, non-B hematopoietic cell lines, the monocytoid line U-937 expressed an antigen that resembles B93,41, whereas the erythroleukemic line K-562 expressed an antigen more similar to T85,41. 4F2 recognizes a protein determinant on the heavy subunit (with or without N-linked glycosylation) and also the unglycosylated heavy subunit retains the ability to associate with light subunit. The light subunit itself contains no detectable N-linked carbohydrate. Unlike the transferrin receptor, synthesis of the antigen recognized by 4F2 on the promyelocytic cell line HL-60 did not diminish upon dimethylsulfoxide-induced differentiation, and thus is not tightly correlated with cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The thymus is thought to be the primary central lymphoid organ in which T cells mature. Although thymic cortical and medullary compartments are distinct histologically, few antigens have been described that are absolutely acquired during the presumed intrathymic maturation pathway from cortical to medullary thymocytes. In this paper, we describe the acquisition during human intrathymic T cell maturation of a novel protein (p80) defined by a monoclonal antibody (A1G3). Although the p80-A1G3 antigen is distributed throughout the body and is not T cell specific, our study demonstrates that expression of p80-A1G3 antigen in normal human thymus is associated with thymocyte functional maturity and location in the thymus medulla. Moreover, in contrast to other markers of mature human T cells, the p80-A1G3 cell surface protein is not expressed on T6+ cortical thymocytes, and, therefore, is absolutely acquired by medullary thymocytes during T cell maturation. Thus, the p80-A1G3 antigen and the A1G3 antibody provide a heretofore unavailable system for the study of molecular events that transpire during the maturation of thymocytes.  相似文献   

TNF-alpha and lymphotoxin (LT or TNF-beta) are structurally related cytokines that share several proinflammatory and immunomodulatory activities. The shared biologic activities of TNF and LT have been attributed to their binding to a common cell surface receptor(s). We observed that rTNF enhanced the expression of MHC class I proteins on the human T cell hybridoma, II-23.D7, however LT was largely unable to regulate MHC expression. To determine the molecular basis of this disparity between LT and TNF the receptor binding characteristics of rTNF and rLT were investigated by direct and competitive radioligand assays on the II-23.D7 T hybridoma, and for comparison, anti-CD3 activated human T lymphocytes. Specific 125I-rTNF binding to the II-23.D7 line revealed a single class of sites with a Kd = 175 pM and 3000 sites/cell; anti-CD3 activated T cells exhibited specific TNF binding with similar properties. The relationship of receptor occupancy to the induction of MHC class I Ag yielded a hyperbolic curve indicating a complex relationship between rTNF binding and biologic response. LT appeared to function like a partial agonist in that rLT was 10- to 20-fold less effective than rTNF in competitively inhibiting 125I-rTNF binding on the II-23.D7 line. Scatchard type analysis revealed a single class of low affinity binding sites for 125I-rLT. No differences in the competitive binding activity of rTNF and rLT were observed on the anti-CD3-activated T cells. Receptors for rTNF and rLT were immunoprecipitated from the II-23.D7 and activated T cells with anticytokine antibodies after cross-linking of radioiodinated rTNF or rLT to intact cells by using chemical cross-linking reagents. Analysis of the cross-linked adducts by SDS-PAGE and autoradiography indicated a major adduct of 92 kDa for rTNF and 104 kDa for rLT. Enzymatic digestion with neuraminidase or V8 protease revealed a unique structure to these adducts consistent with the cross-linking of a single chain of cytokine to a cell surface glycoprotein. rTNF inhibited the formation of the 104-kDa adduct formed with 125I-rLT on the II-23.D7 line, indicating these two cytokines bind to the same receptor of approximately 80 kDa. These results suggest that the disparate activities of LT and TNF to induce MHC class I proteins on the II-23.D7 cells are, in part, associated with a modified state of a common receptor.  相似文献   

In the present report an in vitro method for obtaining a secondary human antibody response to a dog kidney cell vaccine against rabies virus (DKCV) is described. Cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from normal rabies-immune and nonimmune donors were stimulated in vitro by DKCV. The production of virus-specific antibody in supernatant fluids was monitored by ELISA. Antibody was produced by lymphocytes from rabies-immune individuals, whereas those of nonimmune subjects consistently failed to produce anti-rabies antibodies after in vitro stimulation with DKCV. The generation of the anti-rabies virus antibody response of lymphocytes stimulated with DKCV was shown to be an antigen-dependent, as well as an antigen-specific process. Optimal antigen-specific responses were observed at relatively low concentrations of antigen (10(-1) to 10(-2) micrograms/culture). At increasing concentrations of antigen in culture (greater than 1 microgram/culture), the anti-rabies virus response was suppressed. Antibody produced upon stimulation was capable of neutralizing rabies virus. The response to rabies virus requires T cell help because lymphocytes depleted of SE rosetting cells did not respond to an antigenic stimulus. Studies in which the same individuals were followed over time showed a sequential development of circulating B cell subsets. The system may provide a model for the study of human B cell differentiation in vivo and in vitro and may be valuable for testing the potency of rabies vaccines in vitro.  相似文献   

Human peripheral lymphocytes were fractionated into a variety of B-, T-, and O-cell fractions and were characterized with regard to several surface receptors. There was a strong correlation between the frequency of EAC receptor-positive cells and the percentage of complement membrane fluorescence (CMF)-stained cells following exposure to fresh human serum and subsequent staining with an anti-C3 conjugate. CMF staining did not diminish in C4-deficient or hypogammaglobulinemic serum, or in the presence of EDTA or EGTA-Mg2+, but was completely negative with C3-depleted normal human serum. In all likelihood, the staining is therefore due to the direct binding of C3 to preformed receptors on the lymphocyte surface. In addition to the surface Ig-positive B-cell fractions, C3 receptors were also detected on part of the O-cell population and on a proportion of the Fc receptor-positive T cells.  相似文献   

Small numbers of LN cells will produce many more cytotoxic lymphocytes on in vitro culture with allogeneic stimulator cells if spleen cells from nu/nu mice are also present throughout the culture period. All cytotoxic cells produced are T cells and arise from precursors in the LN component. The nude spleen component appears to be providing a required non-T cell which has been lost from the LN component through dilution. At least two active subpopulations of cells, differing in sedimentation velocity, adherence properties, radiation sensitivity, and antigen recognition properties can be identified in the nu/nu spleen. The first, the dominant activity in normal nu/nu spleen, is nonadherent, radiation sensitive, and can synergize with either syngeneic or allogeneic LN cells provided both are different from the same alloantigens in the stimulator population. The second, found in nu/nu spleen cells precultured with alloantigen, sediments more rapidly, is adherent, and radiation resistant, and need not be allogeneic to the stimulator cells to synergize with LN cells. The first subpopulation may give rise to the second.  相似文献   

Interferon (IFN) augments the cytotoxic function of natural killer (NK) and killer (K) cells. We have previously shown that all NK- and K-cell function resides in the HNK-1+ population of granular lymphocytes. The present experiments demonstrated that IFN significantly augmented the efficiency of purified HNK-1+ cells to perform both NK- and K-cell function. In contrast, HNK-1? cells could not lyse target cells even in the presence of IFN. IFN did not generate new HNK-1+ cells from the pool of HNK-1? cells. We then examined the possibility that IFN might induce the maturation of immature NK cells previously defined as having an HNK+T3+ phenotype and a paucity of cytoplasmic granules. However, no changes were observed either in the proportion of HNK-1+ cells expressing the T3 antigen or in the number of granules within each HNK-1+ cell even after an 18-hr incubation with IFN. While fresh HNK-1? cells lack NK-cell function, they can acquire NK-like activity without expressing the HNK-1 antigen after incubation with either alloantigens or mitogens. When incubated further with IFN, these alloantigen- or PHA-activated HNK-1? cells with NK-like activity demonstrated relatively little augmentation of their cytotoxicity. It is concluded that interferon exerts its influence on restricted subpopulations of cells, primarily HNK-1+ cells. Its mechanism appears to concern the cytotoxic event rather than influencing cellular maturation.  相似文献   

Human peripheral lymphocytes (PBL) upon stimulation with PWM proliferate and differentiate to IgM- and IgG-producing cells. The PWM-induced Ig production in B cells was dependent on T cells, and cell-free supernatant (CFS) obtained from PWM-stimulated PBL or T cell-rich fraction replaced T cell helper functions. The active substance(s) in CFS were most likely derived from T cells. The kinetic studies showed that the proliferation of B cells took place in advance of the final differentiation to Ig-producing cells and that T cells or T cell product(s) had to exist at the initiation of cultures in order to give the maximum helper effect. However, the final differentiation of B cells to Ig-producing cells was not dependent on T cells. The helper effect of T cells or T cell product(s) on PWM-induced proliferation and differentiation of B cells was exerted across the MHC barrier. This may make it possible to apply this experimental system to the assessment of quantitative and/or qualitative changes in human helper T cells in several immunologic diseases.  相似文献   

Recent reports have suggested that the T cell receptor for antigen is somehow involved in the cytotoxicity of natural killer (NK) cells. However, we now report that highly purified, freshly isolated large granular lymphocytes (LGL) from both the human and rat, as well as LGL cultured in the presence of recombinant IL 2, express only the 1.0 kb beta-chain mRNA. The lack of a 1.3 kb mRNA, indicative of a functional beta-chain rearrangement, strongly suggests that a functional T cell receptor beta-chain is absent in freshly isolated LGL, thus making it extremely unlikely that this molecule is involved in target cell recognition by NK cells. These results also suggest that LGL are derived from a lineage distinct from T cells or develop before a functional rearrangement of the T cell receptor beta-chain.  相似文献   

T cell-containing lymphoid populations produce a nonantigen-specific mediator(s) (NSM) which can replace T cell helper function in vitro in the response of B cells to sheep red blood cells (SRBC), but not to the hapten-protein conjugate, trinitrophenyl-keyhole limpet hemocyanin, (TNP-KLH). NSM produced under three conditions: 1) stimulation of KLH-primed cells with KLH; 2) allogeneic stimulation of normal spleen cells; and 3) stimulation of normal spleen cells with Con A (but not PHA) are indistinguishable on the basis of their biologic activity and m.w., estimated as 30 to 40,000 daltons by G-200 chromatography. Production of NSM is dependent on the presence of T cells. The action of NSM on B cells responding to SRBC in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol is unaffected by severe macrophage depletion. Extensive absorption of NSM with SRBC failed to remove its activity, confirming its nonantigen-specific nature.  相似文献   

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