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圈养草食性野生动物产生的大量粪便堆积容易造成环境污染,且处理耗时耗力。如果能筛选、利用粪食性金龟对草食性野生动物粪便进行处理,无疑具有一定的应用价值。本研究于2019年8和9月,以南京红山森林动物园3种圈养草食性野生动物,亚洲象(Elephas maximus)、黇鹿(Dama dama)和长颈鹿(Giraffa camelopardalis)的新鲜粪便为诱饵,在南京紫金山研究了粪便对粪食性金龟的引诱效果。本实验分为2个阶段,第1阶段采用更换陷阱法,第2阶段采用放置陷阱法,采用单因素方差分析(One-way ANOVA)对粪食性金龟诱捕数量进行检验。第1阶段更换陷阱法共引诱采集粪食性金龟4 597头,隶属于1科5属7种,优势种为中华嗡蜣螂(Onthophagus sinicus)和短亮凯蜣螂(Caccobius brevis),占总捕获量的比例分别为48.79%和30.95%。第2阶段放置陷阱法共引诱采集粪食性金龟3 512头,同样隶属于1科5属7种,物种与阶段1实验结果相同。粪食性金龟对3种野生动物粪便显示多食性特征,在3种粪便中取食活动的有效时间段主要集中在1~2 d内,活动时间较...  相似文献   

In this paper we address the effects of anthropogenic disturbance and replacement of Brazilian Coastal sandy vegetation (restingas) on dung beetles communities. We sampled dung beetles in the four main vegetative physiognomies of Guriri Island, Espírito Santo State: forest restinga, restinga Clusia, disturbed restinga (from burning events), and pastures. We placed four sets of two pitfall traps (baited with horse and human dung) in four independent areas of each vegetation type, and collected 14,534 individuals of 13 dung beetle species. Neither log10 of individuals nor log10 of species richness were good predictors of restinga disturbance. However, a significant amount of variation in dung beetle abundance and richness could be explained by bait type. Ordination of these sites using hybrid multidimensional scaling revealed a gradient of habitat disturbance from undisturbed restinga samples to pasture. Dung beetle communities along this gradient demonstrated a complete turnover in species composition, from restinga‐specialists to invasive and generalists species respectively. This complete turnover signals the local extirpation of forest‐adapted species in disturbed and converted areas. Only a single dung beetle species in preserved restingas is protected by Brazilian law (Dichotomius schiffleri). Given the extent of the clearing of restinga habitat, the conservation status of dung beetles associated with restinga forest gives cause for concern.  相似文献   

Wildlife as a source of microbial contamination is a food safety concern. Deer feces (scat) have been determined as a point source for Escherichia coli O157:H7 contamination of fresh produce. The ecological role of the scooped scarab (Onthophagus hecate (Panzer)), a generalist dung beetle species common in Maine blueberry fields, was explored as a biological control agent and alternatively as a pathogen vector between deer scat and food.A large-scale field survey of wildlife scat indicated that pathogenic E. coli O157:H7 was present, albeit at a low prevalence (1.9% of samples, n = 318), in the Maine lowbush blueberry agroecosystem. A manipulative field experiment verified that, should contact occur between deer scat and blueberry plants and fruit during the summer, contamination with E. coli O157:H7 can occur and persist for more than 72 h. For both the positive control and an experimental scat inoculation treatment, the levels of the bacterial population decreased over time, but at different rates (treatment x time interaction: F (1.9,18.8) = 358.486, P < 0.0001). The positive control inoculation, which resulted in a higher initial E. coli level on fruit, decayed at a faster rate than inoculation of fruit via scat in the experimental treatment.We conducted 2 laboratory studies to elucidate aspects of dung beetle feeding ecology as it relates to suppression of E. coli O157:H7 from deer scat to lowbush blueberry fruit. In both experiments, dung beetles buried the same amount of scat whether or not the scat was inoculated with the pathogen (F (1,6) = 0.001; P = 0.999 and (F (2,17) = 4.10, P = 0.147). Beetles feeding on E. coli inoculated deer scat were not found to vector the pathogen to fruit. In two studies, beetles lowered the amount of pathogenic E. coli persisting in soils compared to soils without beetles (F (2,9) = 7.757; P = 0.05 and F (2,17) = 8.0621, P = 0.004).Our study suggests that the dung beetle species, Onthophagus hecate, has the potential to contribute to the suppression of E. coli O157:H7 in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

The accurate sampling of communities is vital to any investigation of ecological processes and biodiversity. Dung beetles have emerged as a widely used focal taxon in environmental studies and can be sampled quickly and inexpensively using baited pitfalls. Although there is now a wealth of available data on dung beetle communities from around the world, there is a lack of standardisation between sampling protocols for accurately sampling dung beetle communities. In particular, bait choice is often led by the idiosyncrasies of the researcher, logistic problems and the dung sources available, which leads to difficulties for inter-study comparisons. In general, human dung is the preferred choice, however, it is often in short supply, which can severely limit sampling effort. By contrast, pigs may produce up to 20 times the volume. We tested the ability of human and pig dung to attract a primary forest dung beetle assemblage, as well as three mixes of the two baits in different proportions. Analyses focussed on the comparability of sampling with pig or human-pig dung mixes with studies that have sampled using human dung. There were no significant differences between richness and abundance sampled by each bait. The assemblages sampled were remarkably consistent across baits, and ordination analyses showed that the assemblages sampled by mixed dung baits were not significantly different from that captured by pure human dung, with the assemblages sampled by 10% and 90% pig mixes structurally most similar to assemblages sampled by human dung. We suggest that a 10:90 human:pig ratio, or similar, is an ideal compromise between sampling efficiency, inter-study comparability and the availability of large quantities of bait for sampling Amazonian dung beetles. Assessing the comparability of assemblage samples collected using different baits represents an important step to facilitating large-scale meta-analyses of dung beetle assemblages collected using non-standard methodology.  相似文献   

Ceroptera rufitarsis (Meigen) (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae) is a tiny fly phoretic on several roller dung beetles of the genus Scarabaeus L. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). We investigated the attractiveness of Scarabaeus sacer L. and S. cicatricosus Lucas both under field and laboratory conditions. Several cues potentially responsible for the host finding behavior were tested in order to determine the basis of attraction of Ceroptera rufitarsis to Scarabaeus beetles. Visual cues, especially host movements, constituted the main factor responsible for host finding behavior and host choice while chemical cues did not play any role in host discrimination.  相似文献   

Ellen Andresen 《Biotropica》2005,37(2):291-300
Dung beetles are important components of most terrestrial ecosystems. In tropical rain forests, dung beetle communities can be very rich in number of species and individuals, and they are known to be useful bioindicators of habitat disturbance. In contrast, very little is known about the organization of dung beetle communities in tropical dry forests. The aim of this study was to describe in detail the dung beetle community of a Mexican tropical dry forest and to assess the relative importance of rainfall seasonality and forest structure in affecting the temporal and spatial dynamics of this community. Dung beetles were captured with pitfall traps at the beginning of the rainy season, the middle of the rainy season, and the middle of the dry season, in two distinct forest types: deciduous forest (DF) and semideciduous forest (SDF) at the Estación de Biología Chamela. Both rainfall seasonality and forest structure affected the community organization of dung beetles. During both rainy periods, 14 species were captured, but only three during the dry season. Dung beetles captured during the dry season were only found in the SDF. When comparing the beginning and the middle of the rainy season, differences in abundance and guild structure were also observed between both periods and between forest types, but these differences were much less pronounced.  相似文献   

基于3龄幼虫首次描述了中国4种蜣螂幼虫的形态特征,分别是:捷氏凯蜣螂Caccobius jessoensis Harold、短亮凯蜣螂C.brevis Waterhouse、双顶嗡蜣螂Onthophagus bivertex Heyden和小驼嗡蜣螂0.gibbulus(Pallas)。文中列出了中国凯蜣螂和嗡蜣螂属幼虫分种检索表。标本保存在沈阳农业大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

Aphodius dung beetles produce substrate vibrations by means of an abdomino-alary stridulatory organ. Applying a method that allows the recording of Aphodius vibrations under natural conditions in a small amount of dung, the stridulatory behavior of Aphodius ater was investigated. Male A. ater are acoustically active, while females rarely stridulate. Males have a complex song, which consists of a series of different patterns that are displayed in a specific order over a considerable time when a female is encountered in the dung. Different populations show the same stridulatory patterns but individual variability is high and males display songs with differing complexity. It is hypothesized that females use the information within the song in the context of mate choice.  相似文献   

Biological diversity conservation within natural reserves has been prioritized, but conservation efforts outside protected areas (where most human activities take place) have been very little considered. In this scenario, an alternative agricultural practice that may reduce the impacts of fragmentation in outer landscapes is a perforation process, which involves conservation in agricultural fields surrounded by continuous forests. Such practices enhance the positive impact of ecological services on fields. In this study we analyzed the biological diversity state in perforation fields and their surrounding forests. The analysis was done using dung beetles as biological indicators. A nested pattern in dung beetles distribution was found, which ordered the surrounding continuous forest sites as the ones with the highest species richness, followed by the perforation fields, and placed the fragmentation practice fields (continuous agricultural fields surrounding forest patches) with the lowest one. Indicator species for perforation fields and surrounding continuous forests were chosen. In general, perforation practice fields differed in composition, based upon functional groups richness and identity; it also contained a higher species richness than the fragmentation practice. Agricultural practices that enhance biological diversity conservation such as perforation, should be recommended and considered in natural resource management by local communities in order to take advantage of ecological services that otherwise may be gradually lost.  相似文献   

Insects feeding on plant sap, blood, and other nutritionally incomplete diets are typically associated with mutualistic bacteria that supplement missing nutrients. Herbivorous mammal dung contains more than 86% cellulose and lacks amino acids essential for insect development and reproduction. Yet one of the most ecologically necessary and evolutionarily successful groups of beetles, the dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) feeds primarily, or exclusively, on dung. These associations suggest that dung beetles may benefit from mutualistic bacteria that provide nutrients missing from dung. The nesting behaviors of the female parent and the feeding behaviors of the larvae suggest that a microbiome could be vertically transmitted from the parental female to her offspring through the brood ball. Using sterile rearing and a combination of molecular and culture-based techniques, we examine transmission of the microbiome in the bull-headed dung beetle, Onthophagus taurus. Beetles were reared on autoclaved dung and the microbiome was characterized across development. A ~1425 bp region of the 16S rRNA identified Pseudomonadaceae, Enterobacteriaceae, and Comamonadaceae as the most common bacterial families across all life stages and populations, including cultured isolates from the 3rd instar digestive system. Finer level phylotyping analyses based on lepA and gyrB amplicons of cultured isolates placed the isolates closest to Enterobacter cloacae, Providencia stuartii, Pusillimonas sp., Pedobacter heparinus, and Lysinibacillus sphaericus. Scanning electron micrographs of brood balls constructed from sterile dung reveals secretions and microbes only in the chamber the female prepares for the egg. The use of autoclaved dung for rearing, the presence of microbes in the brood ball and offspring, and identical 16S rRNA sequences in both parent and offspring suggests that the O. taurus female parent transmits specific microbiome members to her offspring through the brood chamber. The transmission of the dung beetle microbiome highlights the maintenance and likely importance of this newly-characterized bacterial community.  相似文献   


Interaction between larvae can be a cause of mortality when scarabaeid larvae are concentrated in a confined volume of soil. Larvae of Costelytra zealandica (White), the New Zealand grass grub, were held for 30 days at population densities between 1 and 50 larvae per 200 ml of medium, and the effect of crowding on their survival and weight change was assessed. Larval density had no effect on survival in soil plus chopped sheep dung (3 :1), with up to 10 2nd‐instar larvae or 5 3rd‐instar larvae per 200 ml of medium. Larval survival and weight gain were increased by adding germinating ryegrass seed (Grasslands Ruanui) to the medium base, but the effect of density did not diminish. Weight gain of 3rd‐instar larvae decreased as their density increased. When the amount of germinating ryegrass seed in the medium was varied, there was no significant difference between the survival of larvae held in treatments with 5, 25, and 50 g of seed per litre of medium. Survival was significantly lower with 0 and 100 g of seed per litre of medium. It is concluded that, in rearing conditions, the final density of fully grown 3rd‐instar larvae should be a maximum of about 20 per litre of medium to prevent mortality caused by larval interaction—provided that adequate food is available.  相似文献   

In recent decades, pastoral abandonment has produced profound ecological changes in the Alps. In particular, the reduction in grazing has led to extensive shrub encroachment of semi-natural grasslands, which may represent a threat to open habitat biodiversity. To reverse shrub encroachment, we assessed short-term effects of two different pastoral practices on vegetation and dung beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea). Strategic placement of mineral mix supplements (MMS) and arrangement of temporary night camp areas (TNCA) for cattle were carried out during summer 2011 in the Val Troncea Natural Park, north-western Italian Alps. In 2012, one year after treatment, a reduction in shrub cover and an increase in bare ground cover around MMS sites was detected. A more intense effect was detected within TNCA through increases in forage pastoral value, and in the cover and height of the herbaceous layer. Immediately after treatment, changes in dung beetle diversity (total abundance, species richness, Shannon diversity, taxonomic and functional diversity) showed a limited disturbance effect caused by high cattle density. In contrast, dung beetle diversity significantly increased one year later both at MMS and TNCA sites, with a stronger effect within TNCA. Multivariate Regression Trees and associated Indicator Value analyses showed that some ecologically relevant dung beetle species preferred areas deprived of shrub vegetation. Our main conclusions are: i) TNCA are more effective than MMS in terms of changes to vegetation and dung beetles, ii) dung beetles respond more quickly than vegetation to pastoral practices, and iii) the main driver of the rapid response by dung beetles is the removal of shrubs. The resulting increase in dung beetle abundance and diversity, which are largely responsible for grassland ecosystem functioning, may have a positive effect on meso-eutrophic grassland restoration. Shrub encroachment in the Alps may therefore be reversed, and restoration of grassland enhanced, by using appropriate pastoral practices.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Like many other sub-social insects, Copris tripartitus Waterhouse requires parental care during the development period in the brood balls. Mass-rearing is achieved by using indoor rearing systems and adding more dung after taking away the brood balls containing eggs. Without parental care, larvae are often affected by desiccation, as well as by fungal or sciarid fly intrusion of the brood balls. This study developed a good substitute for brood ball rearing medium. A significantly greater number of progeny survived to adulthood from broods produced by beetles reared on vermiculite medium (90.69±10.98%) than on peat moss medium (44.82±13.92%). Results of the study suggest that to protect the brood balls from desiccation and to produce healthy adults, 15-20% moisture content vermiculite must be used as brood ball rearing medium for most species reared in the laboratory.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and identification of pathogenic bacteria obtained from haemolymph of Cyclocephala signaticollis larvae. Two pathogenic bacteria, a Bacillus thuringiensis and an Arthrobacter sp. caused 90–100% mortality to C. signaticollis in 4 days after hemocoel injection, suggesting they might be useful as biological control agents.  相似文献   

Possibilities to create an efficient network of areas for the conservation of Iberian dung-beetle biodiversity were investigated. Data were taken from BANDASCA, a 15,740 record dung-beetle database with information for 101,996 specimens. The greatest species richness and phylogenetic diversity are found in the Iberian Central System cordilleras, while those of range-size rarity are in the southernmost corner of the Iberian Peninsula and in the coastal plains of the Guadalquivir basin. Additionally, broad regional score trends of these variables reach a maximum in a smaller northeastern, and a larger southeastern region (Baetic and sub-Baetic mountains). Major Central and Southern Spain dung-beetle hotspots contain many of the UTM grid cells which delimit the near-minimum-set of areas hosting maximum dung-beetle biodiversity scores. They are viewed as the nucleus of a potential network of reserves. A UTM grid cell (30TXK1) where Onthophagus albarracinus, an endemic and demographically rare species inhabits the Sierra of Albarracín and Montes Universales, was detected as an irreplaceable area. Because of recent land use changes and rapid human-induced habitat transformation threatening dung-beetle fauna, caution should be taken not to recommend an in memoriam network of areas no longer hosting a fauna extinct today. The abandoning of traditional herding management in Europe threatens the preservation of grasslands where dung-feeding beetles play a major ecological role in maintaining pasture quality and livestock health. A return to more traditional herding methods would require stable dung-beetle populations. Any insect conservation planning in Spain would benefit from more biogeographical information for other insect groups.  相似文献   

Nitidulid beetles (Coleoptera) are considered to be serious pests of date palms throughout the world. They attack ripe fruit, causing it to rot, and damage is reflected in both reduced yield and lower fruit quality. The present study was aimed at an evaluation of the susceptibility to different sap beetles to entomopathogenic nematodes. We further tested nematode efficacy in pots filled with soil infested by third instar larvae of the two beetle species. In Petri dish assay, mortality levels of Carpophilus humeralis and C. hemipterus exposed to Heterorhabditis sp. IS-5 strain indicated that the latter is less susceptible to nematode infection. Exposure of both sap beetle species to different nematode strains gave moderate levels of mortality (35-65%) with the heterorhabditid strains HP88, IS-5 and IS-25. The IS-12 strain of Heterorhabditis sp. showed poor virulence (<35% mortality) against larvae of C. humeralis as well as larvae and pupae of C. humipterus. The nematode species S. riobrave showed moderate virulence (35-65%) mortality to larvae and pupae of S. humeralis as well as to larvae of C. hemipterus . Exposure of C. hemeralis to different concentrations of Heterorhabditis sp. IS-5 in pots containing soil resulted in high mortality (>65%). In contrast, the lower concentrations (500 and 1000 nematodes/pot) caused low mortality (35%) of C. hemipterus . Other heterorhabditid strains caused 95-100% mortality of C. humeralis in pot assay. The HP88 strain of H. bacteriophora and the Tx strain of Steinernema riobrave showed poor effectiveness. Incubation of different nematode strains with the C. humeralis larvae at high temperature (32 C) resulted in an increase in insect mortality with the IS-12 and IS-21 strains. Reduced mortality was recorded with the HP88 strain treatment at the higher temperature. The IS-5 and IS-12 strains were equally effective in all three soil types tested, whereas the IS-19 strain was more effective in the Almog type soil than in the others.  相似文献   

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