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Male orchid bees were collected by chemical baiting in four forest fragments in parks of the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. One thousand three hundred and twenty-five males belonging to 14 species were captured within one year. The capture data were compared through correlation tests. The data suggest that abundance of orchid bees tend to increase with fragment size, although no correlation between species richness and fragment size was obtained. The results presented herein suggest that forest fragments in a large city may be of importance concerning conservation of orchid-bee faunas.  相似文献   

In order to investigate phenological patterns and seasonal and geographic variations in the preference for fragrances of Euglossini males, monthly sampling was carried out from August 2007 to July 2009 in two coastal areas of Atlantic Forest in Ubatuba, northern coast of the state of São Paulo. Fourteen aromatic baits were used, 3 of them in the first year (August 2007 to July 2008) and the other 11 in the second year (August 2008 to July 2009). A total of 1,475 individuals from 22 species were collected. The highest frequency of the individuals of the majority of the sampled species occurred in the hot/super-humid season. However, Eulaema cingulata (Fabricius) showed peaks of abundance in the cold/less-humid season on Anchieta Island. Seasonal variation in fragrance choice by males was not registered. Males of El. cingulata showed preference for β-ionone on Anchieta Island and for benzyl acetate in the Picinguaba region, characterizing the single example of geographic variation in preference for scent baits we recorded.  相似文献   

This work aimed at describing and analyzing structural and temporal parameters of communities of Euglossina in remnants of lowland forest on tertiary tabuleiro in the north Rio de Janeiro state in areas with different conservation status and anthropic influences. Chemical bait traps were installed from November/04 to November/05, from 8 am to 3 pm, in two sub-areas (burned and preserved) of Mata do Carv?o (1053 ha) and Mata do Funil (135 ha). We collected 2,060 individuals of 11 species distributed in three genera in the burned sub-area, 894 individuals of nine species and three genera in the preserved sub-area and 1,115 individuals of 10 species distributed in four genera in Mata do Funil. The composition of species did not differ among the areas (MRPP, A = -0.015; P = 0.71). The diversity (H) obtained in the sub-area burned (H = 1.14) and preserved (H = 1.12) was significantly higher than that described for Mata do Funil (H = 0.98). Two peaks of abundance were observed, the larger one in the dry season. Great dominance of Euglosssa cordata (L.) (d = 0, 54) was observed in the sub-area burned and of Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier (d = 0, 55) in Mata do Funil; both species were favored for open or disturbed environments. The smaller fragment presented the lowest value of diversity, suggesting the effect of the lost of area on the community of Euglossina. Moreover, disturbed areas (burned) can be benefited if in connection with areas in better preservation condition.  相似文献   

Male orchid bees were attracted to chemical baits and collected in nine Atlantic Forest fragments in southeastern Brazil. Fragments differed in size and shape. Three additional sites were also sampled in a nearby large fragment. Three hypothetical core areas of each fragment were measured as the total area minus an area of 50, 100, and 200-m-wide perimeter. Abundance and richness were not correlated with either fragment size or ratio area/perimeter, but were positively correlated with the size of core areas. These results suggest that orchid bee conservation requires the preservation of the fragments with the largest possible core areas. Neither size nor shape alone (area/perimeter ratio) seemed to be good indicators of the value of a given fragment for sustaining diverse and abundant faunas of orchid bees.  相似文献   

The pollination effectiveness of the commercially reared bumble bee Bombus impatiens Cresson, was compared in field studies to the honey bee, Apis mellifera L., for lowbush blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium Ait. A preliminary study indicated that B. impatiens had potential as an alternative pollinator. In a 3-yr study, percentage fruit set, percentage harvested berries, berry weight, and seeds per berry were compared in blueberry fields stocked at 7.5 A. mellifera hives per hectare to 5, 7.5, or 10 B. impatiens colonies per hectare. Percentage of harvested berries (yield) was significantly higher in fields stocked with B. impatiens at 10 colonies per hectare. No other parameters measuring pollinator effectiveness were significantly different at 5, 7.5, or 10 colonies per hectare. Flower handling time was significantly faster for B. impatiens and it more frequently collected blueberry pollen. All parameters of pollinator effectiveness were similar for B. impatiens, A. mellifera, and native wild bees in a follow-up study. Overall, B. impatiens was a suitable alternative to A. mellifera.  相似文献   

Regulation of nest temperature is important to the fitness of eusocial insect colonies. To maintain appropriate conditions for the developing brood, workers must exhibit thermoregulatory responses to ambient temperature. Because nest-mate workers differ in task performance, thermoregulatory behavior provides an opportunity to test threshold of response models for the regulation of division of labor. We found that worker bumble bees ( Bombus bifarius nearcticus ) responded to changes in ambient temperature by altering their rates of performing two tasks – wing fanning and brood cell incubation. At the colony level, the rate of incubating decreased, and the rate of fanning increased, with increasing temperature. Changes in the number of workers performing these tasks were more important to the colony response than changes in workers' task performance rates. At the individual level, workers' lifetime rates of incubation and fanning were positively correlated, and most individuals did not specialize exclusively on either of these temperature-sensitive tasks. However, workers differed in the maximum temperature at which they incubated and in the minimum temperature at which they fanned. More individuals fanned at high and incubated at low temperatures. Most of the workers that began incubating at higher temperatures continued performing this task at lower temperatures, when additional nest-mates became active. The converse was true for fanning behavior. These data are consistent with a threshold of response model for thermoregulatory behavior of B. bifarius workers.  相似文献   

Male orchid bees were sampled with chemical baits monthly from July 1999 to April 2000 at six sites situated at different distances from the forest edge (0 to 4,000 m) at Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, the largest remnant of Atlantic Forest in the state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. The main goal of this study was to assess the abundance, richness, and the community structure of the orchid-bee fauna at different distances from the edge. In all, 1,183 males from 20 species were collected. Only minor and insignificant variation in richness and abundance were observed among the sites. Two dominant species, Euglossa analis Westwood (Hymenoptera: Apidae) and Eulaema cingulata (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera: Apidae), showed strongly opposing habitat associations: while males of the former were most collected in the interior of the forest, the latter was most found at or close to the edge. The responses of individual species, such as these, and not composite measures of richness and abundance, are more informative regarding forest integrity and edge effects.  相似文献   

Euglossini bees are among the main pollinators of plant species in tropical and subtropical forests in Central and South America. These bees are known as long-distance pollinators due to their exceptional flight performance. Here we assessed through microsatellite loci the gene variation and genetic differentiation between populations of four abundant Euglossini species populations sampled in two areas, Picinguaba (mainland) and Anchieta Island, Ubatuba, São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. There was no significant genetic differentiation between the island and mainland samples of Euglossa cordata (Fst = 0.008, P = 0.60), Eulaema cingulata (Fst = 0.029, P = 0.29) and Eulaema nigrita (Fst = 0.062, P = 0.38), but a significant gene differentiation between mainland and island samples of Euglossa stellfeldi (Fst = 0.028, P = 0.016) was detected. As expected, our results showed that the water body that separates the island from the mainland does not constitute a geographic barrier for these Euglossini bees. The absence of populational structuring of three out the four species studied corroborates previous reports on those bees, characterized by large populations, with high gene diversity and gene flow and very low levels of diploid males. But the Eg. stellfeldi results clearly point that dispersal ability is not similar to all euglossine bees, what requires the development of different conservationist strategies to the Euglossini species.  相似文献   

In the current literature, information is scarce on which part of the adult insect body is suitable for isolation of genomic DNA for genetic analysis based on DNA-markers. In this study, we evaluated RAPD profiles generated from total genomic DNA isolated from distinct body parts (head, legs, thorax + wings and abdomen) of 12 males of Euglossa pleosticta Dressler. From the total of bands analyzed, 9.0% did not show reproducibility. Percent variations of bands in each body segment were: 1.1% (head); 0.4% (legs); 0.8% (thorax/wings) and 6.7% (abdomen). The much higher variation (chi2(one sample) = 10.27; df = 1; P < 0.01) in the RAPD profiles obtained by using DNA isolated from abdomen of the euglossine males suggests that this body part of adult insects should be avoided in DNA extraction procedures. Conversely, the low variation among the RAPD profiles obtained from amplifications of genomic DNA extracted from head, legs and thorax/wings indicates that all these body parts of male bees are equally useful and secure for using in isolation and amplification procedures of total genomic DNA.  相似文献   

This paper presents a quantitative inventory of woody plants with DBH ≥ 5 cm in Turvo State park, a large remnant (17,500 ha) of seasonal deciduous Atlantic forest in Southern Brazil. The forest inventory was based on 141 sampling points (point centered quarter method). Seventy-eight species from 37 families were recorded, the density was 879 plants ha−1 and the basal area 25.12 m2 ha−1. Timber species of commercial value made up 35% of the species and 72% of the basal area. The ten most abundant species made up 52% of the species, and the ten species with highest basal area accounted for 48% of the total basal area and 12% of the species. Zoochory was the dominant mode of seed dispersal, representing 63% of species and 67% of the plant density. Nine percent of the species were pioneers, 56% were secondary species accounting for 62% of the total basal area, and 35% were opportunistic-climax species accounting for 54% of the plant density. Turvo park has exceptionally high biodiversity and is the last intact large remnant of the Alto-Uruguai river ecosystem. In addition to species richness and an abundance of high value timber species, this forest is of value for the rich genetic resources, and for medicinal and ornamental plants.  相似文献   

The stingless bee Melipona rufiventris is an important pollinator in several Brazilian ecosystems. Originally widely distributed in Minas Gerais (MG) state, this species is becoming very rare. Therefore this species was included in the endangered species list of MG. We used isoenzyme data for a better understanding of the genetic structure of several M. rufiventris colonies. Samples of 35 colonies were collected from 12 localities and evaluated by nine enzymatic systems, which yielded 17 loci. M. rufiventris genetic variation was found to be low, typical of an endangered species. The proportion of polymorphic loci was 5.88% in both ecosystems. Only Est-4 was polymorphic in colonies from the Forest and Mdh-1 in colonies from the Cerrado. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.0068 in the Cerrado to 0.0078 in the Forest. Despite this, enzyme electrophoretic analyses provided a good idea of the diversity between samples from Cerrado and Forest which reinforce the existence of two different forms of M. rufiventris in MG, one present in the Cerrado and the other in Forest. This information is of great importance for the conservation of, M. rufiventris in MG.  相似文献   

The number of Malpighian tubules in larvae and adults of bees is variable. Larvae of Apis mellifera L. have four Malpighian tubules, while adults have 100 tubules. In stingless bees, this number varies from four to eight. The objectives of this study were to provide characteristics of the Malpighian tubules as well as to quantify their number in larvae and adults of six species of Meliponinae, Melipona seminigra merrillae Cockerell, Melipona compressipes manaosensis Schwarz, Melipona rufiventris Lepeletier, Scaptotrigona Moure, Frieseomelitta Ihering, and Trigona williana Friese. Malpighian tubules were dissected from larvae and adults, measured, quantified, and maintained in microtubes with Dietrich??s solution. The numbers of Malpighian tubules were constant only for larvae of M. rufiventris (four and eight) and Scaptotrigona sp. (four). The most frequent number of tubules in the Melipona group was seven and eight in larvae, and 70 and 90 in adults. In the Trigona group were four and 20 to 40, for larvae and adults, respectively. The results showed differences in the number of Malpighian tubules among the species analyzed and also between the larvae and adults of the same species. Despite the variation observed, species of the group Melipona always have a larger number and longer Malpighian tubules in both larvae and adults as compared to the Trigona group, which may indicate an evolutionary trend of differentiation between these groups.  相似文献   

A total of 67 nests of Centris tarsata were obtained from wood trap-nests of different diameters, consisting of a linear series of brood cells built with sand mixed with oil. This species showed a preference for open habitats, since it occurred only in Swamp and Grassland areas and has never been found in the Araucaria forest. Nesting activity was bigger during the hot season, especially in December and January. The Sex ratio was of 1.48:1 (females/males), significantly different from 1:1. The females were larger than the males and these showed no dimorphism. Males were produced in the outermost cells and females in the innermost cells. C. tarsata presented a direct development without diapause in larval stage. They overwinter as adults. Development time was similar for males and females. Natural enemies are Bombyliidae Mesocheira bicolor, Coelioxys sp. and Meloidae.  相似文献   

Byrsonima rrassifolia (L.), a Neotropical malpighiaceous tree or treelet, has flowers that produce abundant lipids instead of nectar. Several species of Centris bees collect this oil. The floral oil shows variation between trees and can be separated into two types. One type is most common (11 of 14 samples) and consists of mono- and di-glycerides, some free fatty acids, a small amount of tri-glycerides and a trace of carbohydrate. The composition of the glycerides is predominantly (53–63%) esters of unsaturated 18C–22C fatty acids with the rest made up of 14C–18C saturated fatty acids. The second type of floral oil is similar to type one except that the samples contain large amounts of an unknown lipid more polar than the standards. Oil collected from the scopae of two representative Centris species, C. adanae and C. flavofasciata, was the same as the type one oil collected from B. rrassifolia floral elaiophores. The liquid provisions from the cells of several groundnesting Centris species was also found to be identical to B. crassifolia type one floral elaiophore oil with the exception of several minor ninhydrin positive compounds which may have been derived from the pollen which makes up part of the larval food provisions.  相似文献   

The mobility and dispersal of organisms affect population genetics and dynamics, and consequently affect persistence and the risk of extinction. Thus, it is important to understand how organisms move in the fragmented landscapes in order to manage populations and predict the effects of habitat changes on species persistence. This study evaluated the functional connectivity of an orchid bee (Eulaema atleticana Nemésio, 2009) with a high fidelity to forest habitats in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Corridor by analyzing genetic diversity, spatial genetic structure, and gene flow estimated from microsatellite and mitochondrial markers. Genetic diversity was not correlated with area of the forest fragments, or with forest isolation. At the mosaic scale, Eulaema atleticana showed no significant or low genetic differentiation, indicating genetic homogeneity among forest fragments. A previous field study indicated that Eulaema atleticana was one of the most sensitive Euglossina bees to forest fragmentation but the present molecular analyses demonstrates that current gene flow is sufficient to maintain genetic variability at the mosaic scale.  相似文献   

Partamona is a Neotropical genus of stingless bees that comprises 33 species distributed from Mexico to southern Brazil. These bees are well-adapted to anthropic environments and build their nests in several substrates. In this study, 66 colonies of Partamona helleri from five localities in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais (São Miguel do Anta, Teixeiras, Porto Firme, Viçosa and Rio Vermelho) were analyzed using nine microsatellite loci in order to assess their genetic variability. Low levels of observed (Ho = 0.099-0.137) and expected (H e = 0.128-0.145) heterozygosity were encountered and revealed discrete genetic differentiation among the populations (F ST = 0.025). AMOVA further showed that most of the total genetic variation (94.24%) in P. helleri was explained by the variability within local populations.  相似文献   

The antenna of Sphecodes bees were investigated as regards the type and distribution of the sensilla. Eleven species originating from Sweden were used. Totally 325 specimens were studied. The distribution of sensilla placodea and sensilla trichodea on the antennal segments were studied in the light stereomicroscope. One to three antennae per species were also examined by SEM. The following types of sensilla were found: s. placodea; pit organs; s. campaniformia; s. basiconica; s. trichodea A, B and CD; and setae. The distribution of sensilla, especially s. placodea and s. trichodea A, was found to be species-specific in the male sex and their diagnostic value in taxonomy is stressed. In the female sex no specific characteristics were found, although two groups could be distinguished.  相似文献   

We recorded stingless bee colony abundance and nesting habits in three sites with different anthropogenic activities in the Soconusco region of Chiapas, Mexico: (1) agroforestry (7 hacacao crop), (2) grassland (12?ha), and (3) urban area (3?ha). A total of 67 nests were found, representing five stingless bee species, Tetragonisca angustula angustula (Lepeletier), Trigona fulviventris (Guérin), Scaptotrigona mexicana (Guérin), Scaptotrigona pectoralis (Dalla Torre), and Oxytrigona mediorufa (Cockerell). The most abundant stingless bee in each site was T. angustula angustula (>50%). The primary tree species used by the bees were Ficus spp. (Moraceae, 37.8%) and Cordia alliodora (Boraginaceae, 13.5%). The nest entrance height of T. angustula angustula (96?±?19?cm) was different than the other species, and this bee was the only one that used all different nesting sites. Volatiles analyzed by gas chromatography from pollen collected by the stingless bees differed between bee species, but were highly similar in respect to the fragrances of the pollen collected by the same species at any site. Our data indicate that T. angustula angustula experienced low heterospecific and high intraspecific foraging overlap especially in the urban site. We observed cluster spatial distribution in grassland and in agroforestry sites. In the urban site, T. angustula angustula presented random distribution tended to disperse. Trigona fulviventris was the only overdispersed and solitary species.  相似文献   

By using artificial fragrances as baits, we studied richness, composition, abundance and seasonality of Euglossina species in two areas (forest and dune) in the Environmental Protection Area of the Mamanguape River Bar, State of Paraiba, Brazil, between August 2002 and July 2004. Bees were attracted with wads of absorbent paper containing each of the fragrances: benzyl acetate, ionone beta, skatole, eucalyptol, eugenol and vanillin, and captured with insect net. We collected a total of 3,132 males of nine species of Euglossina. On both areas, Euglossa cordata (L.) and Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier were present throughout the year and were the most abundant species in the forest and the first one was the most abundant specie at the dune. Concerning to the composition, the Atlantic Rainforest areas in Paraíba State were more similar among themselves, the same occurring to the dune areas in Paraíba and Bahia States. In the forest, Euglossina species showed higher seasonality, being more abundant during the drier period, specially E. cordata. At the dune, species were homogeneously distributed in the dry and rainy periods.  相似文献   

Euglossine bees are important pollinators of lowland Neotropical forests. Compared to disturbed habitats, undisturbed ones have been previously characterized by higher abundance and diversity of euglossine bees. Most past studies have relied on chemically baiting male bees at single sites within habitats. Over a two‐year period, we employed a repeated‐measures design in which we sampled bees at multiple sites within three different habitat types, reflecting a mosaic of human disturbance (farm, secondary forest, and old logged forest). After 22 monthly samples, a total of 2008 male bees were captured, representing 31 species in five genera: 1156 at the farm (57.6%, 21 spp.), 505 in the secondary forest (25.1%, 27 spp.), and 347 in the old logged forest (17.2%, 21 spp.). Eighty‐one percent of the bees captured belonged to the five most abundant species: Eulaema cingulata, El. chocoana, Euglossa hansoni, Eg. ignita, and Eg. imperialis. These species differed significantly in capture frequencies among habitats. Eulaema cingulata, El. chocoana, and Eg. ignita were captured most frequently at the farm, while Eg. imperialis was most abundant in the secondary forest. In contrast, Eg. hansoni, the sole short‐tongued species among the five, was equally abundant in the two forest habitats but occurred rarely on the farm. Additionally, habitats differed in bee composition. The high capture rates for long‐proboscis species at the farm may have been due to their ability to extract nectar from flowers with long floral tubes, which probably occurred at a greater density on the farmed land than in the adjacent forests.  相似文献   

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