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The catalytic properties of trypsin immoblized on silochrome were studied in a flow reactor with replacement. The hydrolysis of methyl ester N-n-tosyl-L-arginine obeys the Michaelis--Menten kinetics. The apparent K'm value for the system with immobilized trypsin is considerably lower than for native trypsin. The K'm value was decreased with an increase in the rate of the substrate flow through the reactor or when smaller-sized silochrome granules were used. It is assumed that the apparent K'm value for the immobilized system is due to diffusion. The effects of diffusion on the catalytic properties of the immobilized enzyme were estimated.  相似文献   

1. A cyclic hexapeptide, cyclo(-Gly2-Phe2-Gly-Lys-), and the corresponding open-chain hexapeptides, Gly2-Phe2-Gly-Lys and Phe-Gly-Lys-Gly2-Phe, have been synthesized and their susceptibilities to the hydrolytic action of pepsin and trypsin were determined. 2. The cyclic peptide was hydrolyzed slowly by trypsin to a hexapeptide Gly2-Phe2-Gly-Lys, the value of the Michaelis constant for this reaction being Km equals 0.00022 M. 3. The cyclic peptide was not cleaved by pepsin at all, but Gly2-Phe2-Gly-Lys was hydrolyzed rapidly at a Phe-Phe bond; Km equals 0.0091 M. 4. The cyclic peptide inhibits the hydrolysis of Gly2-Phe2-Gly-Lys by pepsin in a linear non-competitive manner, the value of the inhibition constant being Ki equals 0.004 M.  相似文献   

Three N-terminal basic residues of Tn5 transposase, which are associated with proteolytic cleavages by Escherichia coli proteinases, were mutated to glutamine residues with the goal of producing more stable transposase molecules. Mutation of either arginine 30 or arginine 62 to glutamine produced transposase molecules that were more stable toward E. coli proteinases than the parent hyperactive Tn5 transposase, however, they were inactive in vivo. In vitro analysis revealed these mutants were inactive, because both Arg(30) and Arg(62) are required for formation of the paired ends complexes when the transposon is attached to the donor backbone. These results suggest Arg(30) and Arg(62) play critical roles in DNA binding and/or synaptic complex formation. Mutation of lysine 40 to glutamine did not increase the overall stability of the transposase to E. coli proteinases. This mutant transposase was only about 1% as active as the parent hyperactive transposase in vivo; however, it retained nearly full activity in vitro. These results suggest that lysine 40 is important for a step in the transposition mechanism that is bypassed in the in vitro assay system, such as the removal of the transposase molecule from DNA following strand transfer.  相似文献   

Phenylthiazolones (PTAs) of arginine and its homologs and analogs, homoarginine, norarginine (alpha-amino-gamma-guanidinobutyric acid), canavanine, and gamma-hydroxyarginine, were prepared. A steady-state kinetic analysis of the trypsin [EC]-catalyzed hydrolysis reactions was carried out and the kinetic parameters for these internal thioesters were compared with those for normal linear ester substrates. PTA-gamma-hydroxyarginine was so labile that hydrolysis by the enzyme could not be followed. PTA-arginine has a specificity constant (Kcat/Km) comparable to that for the Nalpha-unblocked arginine ester substrate, though the value is about 0.1% of that for a specific ester substrate, Nalpha-tosylarginine methyl ester. PTA derivatives of canavanine and homoarginine were hydrolyzed with Kcat/Km walues of the same order of magnitude as that for PTA-arginine. However, PTA-noraginine was much less susceptible to tryptic hydrolysis that PTA-homoarginine, while the linear esters of norarginine are known to be more susceptible than those of homoarginine.  相似文献   

Human NUDT5 (hNUDT5) hydrolyzes various modified nucleoside diphosphates including 8-oxo-dGDP, 8-oxo-dADP and ADP-ribose (ADPR). However, the structural basis of the broad substrate specificity remains unknown. Here, we report the crystal structures of hNUDT5 complexed with 8-oxo-dGDP and 8-oxo-dADP. These structures reveal an unusually different substrate-binding mode. In particular, the positions of two phosphates (α and β phosphates) of substrate in the 8-oxo-dGDP and 8-oxo-dADP complexes are completely inverted compared with those in the previously reported hNUDT5–ADPR complex structure. This result suggests that the nucleophilic substitution sites of the substrates involved in hydrolysis reactions differ despite the similarities in the chemical structures of the substrates and products. To clarify this hypothesis, we employed the isotope-labeling method and revealed that 8-oxo-dGDP is attacked by nucleophilic water at Pβ, whereas ADPR is attacked at Pα. This observation reveals that the broad substrate specificity of hNUDT5 is achieved by a diversity of not only substrate recognition, but also hydrolysis mechanisms and leads to a novel aspect that enzymes do not always catalyze the reaction of substrates with similar chemical structures by using the chemically equivalent reaction site.  相似文献   

Both an increase in the bulkiness of the leaving group and the presence of aliphatic alcohols produce a rate enhancement in the trypsin hydrolysis of acetyl-l-Lys p-acyl anilides. The effects are not due to the electronic nature of p substituents and the better the substrate, the lower the degree of activation by aliphatic alcohols. These favorable steric effects are interpreted as providing evidence for the location of the secondary binding site and its operation as regulatory site in the hydrolysis of low molecular substrates by trypsin.  相似文献   

We examined exercise-induced changes in indicator-dilution estimates of the angiotensin-converting enzyme first-order kinetic parameter, the ratio of a normalized maximal enzymatic conversion rate to the Michaelis constant (Amax/Km), which, under stable enzymatic conditions, will vary with the pulmonary vascular surface area accessible to vascular substrate, the extravascular lung water (an index of the proportion of lung tissue perfused), and the central blood volume (from pulmonary trunk to aorta). Experiments were performed in 10 mongrel dogs at rest and through two increasing levels of treadmill exercise, with the use of two vascular space tracers (labeled erythrocytes and albumin), a water space tracer ([1,8-14C]-octanediol), and a vascular endothelium surface area marker, benzoyl-Phe-Gly-Pro ([3H]BPGP), which is a pharmacologically inactive angiotensin-converting enzyme substrate. The exercise-induced increase in cardiac output was accompanied by a linear increase in central blood volume, and dilutional extravascular lung water rapidly increased to an asymptotic proportion close to 100% of postmortem vascular lung water. There was an average 55% [3H]BPGP hydrolysis, which did not vary with flow, and the computed Amax/Km increased linearly with exercise. We conclude that exercise results in complete lung tissue recruitment and increases the pulmonary vascular surface area available for BPGP hydrolysis linearly with flow, so that pulmonary vascular recruitment continues after full tissue recruitment.  相似文献   

Heat shock or arsenite treatment alter the pattern of histone methylation in Drosophila cells. Both types of stress induce a rapid increase in the methylation level of histone H2B. The methylated amino acid residue of H2B has been identified by thin layer chromatography and electrophoresis as methylproline and is located at the N-terminal end of H2B. Heat shock also induces a decrease in the level of methylation of histone H3. Under normal growth temperature conditions, histone H3 is shown to be methylated on lysine residues. However under heat shock conditions, there is a decrease in the extent of methylation of lysine residues and the appearance of new methylation on arginine residues in H3. These new heat shock-induced methylated residues have been identified as the symmetrical and asymmetrical forms of dimethylarginine. The methylated amino acid residue of histone H4 is lysine with mono-, di-, and trimethyl forms found in both control and heat or chemically stressed cells. These stress-induced changes in the methylation level of the N-terminal proline residue of histone H2B and shift in the methylation sites of histone H3 may be involved in the restructuration of chromatin accompanying the inactivation of normal genes in response to stress. Moreover, we suggest that the hypermethylation of H2B may also be involved in its protection from increased ubiquitin-mediated proteolytic activity under these conditions of cellular stress.  相似文献   

The influence of variation of the phospholipid composition in model membranes composed of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine on the hydrolysis of these phospholipids by rat liver mitochondrial phospholipase A2 was investigated. With the pure phospholipids, phosphatidylethanolamine was hydrolyzed over 30-times faster than phosphatidylcholine. Upon increasing the mole percentage of phosphatidylethanolamine in mixtures, a gradual, though non-linear, increase in the initial rate of hydrolysis of this phospholipid was observed. By contrast, phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis remained constant up to about 50 mol% phosphatidylethanolamine, whereafter a sudden fall-off of activity was observed. This drop in the hydrolysis rate coincided with a transition of the phospholipid structure from bilayer to an as yet unidentified organization characterized by an isotropic signal in the 31P-NMR spectra recorded in the presence of Ca2+. The occurrence of this phase was clearly dependent on Ca2+, since mixtures with identical composition in the absence of Ca2+ remained largely in bilayer configuration. That the structure adopted by phospholipids is of importance for their susceptibility to attack by this intracellular phospholipase A2 became evident also in studies with the single phospholipids in the absence or presence of Triton X-100 above the critical micellar concentration. While phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis was inhibited in mixed micelles as compared to its bilayer organization, the hydrolysis of phosphatidylethanolamine in mixed micelles was 3-fold that in the hexagonal HII phase.  相似文献   

The preparation of novel immobilized and stabilized derivatives of trypsin is reported here. The new derivatives preserved 80% of the initial catalytic activity toward synthetic substrates [benzoyl-arginine p-nitroanilide (BAPNA)] and were 50,000-fold more thermally stable than the diluted soluble enzyme in the absence of autolysis. Trypsin was immobilized on highly activated glyoxyl-Sepharose following a two-step immobilization strategy: (a) first, a multipoint covalent immobilization at pH 8.5 that only involves low pK(a) amino groups (e.g., those derived from the activation of trypsin from trypsinogen) is performed and (b) next, an additional alkaline incubation at pH 10 is performed to favor an intense, additional multipoint immobilization between the high concentration of proximate aldehyde groups on the support surface and the high pK(a) amino groups at the enzyme surface region that participated in the first immobilization step. Interestingly, the new, highly stable trypsin derivatives were also much more active in the proteolysis of high molecular weight proteins when compared with a nonstabilized derivative prepared on CNBr-activated Sepharose. In fact, all the proteins contained a cheese whey extract had been completely proteolyzed after 6 h at pH 9 and 50°C, as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Under these experimental conditions, the immobilized biocatalysts preserve more than 90% of their initial activity after 20 days. Analysis of the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the best immobilized trypsin derivative showed a surface region containing two amino terminal groups and five lysine (Lys) residues that may be responsible for this novel and interesting immobilization and stabilization. Moreover, this region is relatively far from the active site of the enzyme, which could explain the good results obtained for the hydrolysis of high-molecular weight proteins.  相似文献   

1, 2-Cyclohexanedione reacts specifically with the guanidino group of arginine or arginine residues at pH 8 to 9 in sodium borate buffer in the temperature range of 25-40 degrees. The single product, N-7, N-8-(1,2-dihydroxycyclohex-1,2-ylene)-L-arginine (DHCH-arginine) is stable in acidic solutions and in borate buffers (pH 8 to 9). DHCH-Arginine is converted to N-7-adipyl-L-arginine by periodate oxidation. The structures of the two compounds were elucidated by chemical and physicochemical means. Arginine or arginyl residues can be regenerated quantitatively from DHCH-arginine by incubation at 37 degrees in hydroxylamine buffer at pH 7.0 FOR 7 TO 8 hours. Analysis of native egg white lysozyme and native as well as oxidized bovine pancreatic RNase, which were treated with cyclohexanedione, showed that only arginine residues were modified. The utility of the method in sequence studies was shown on oxidized bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A. Arginine modification was complete in 2 hours at 35 degrees in borate buffer at pH 9.0 with a 15-fold molar excess of the reagent. The derived peptides showed that tryptic hydrolysis was entirely limited to peptide bonds involving lysine residues, as shown both by two-dimensional peptide patterns and by isolation of the resulting peptides. The stability of DHCH-arginyl residues permits isolation of labeled peptides.  相似文献   

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