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山西芦芽山自然保护区岩松鼠生态的初步观察 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
2000~2002年的4~10月,在山西芦芽山国家级自然保护区对岩松鼠(Sciurotamias davidianus)的生态进行了研究。表明该鼠的种群密度在全区为3.33只/km^2,5~7月为繁殖期,年繁殖1次,每胎产仔3~5只,产后48天小鼠与母鼠分居。岩松鼠喜食松籽及农作物种子,在食物组成中植物性食物占90.28%,动物性食物占9.72%。 相似文献
山西省芦芽山自然保护区鸟类补遗杜爱英山西省芦芽山自然保护区宁武036007刘焕金、张俊等(1982)对山西省芦芽山自然保护区的鸟类曾作过专项调查,共采录到鸟类12目32科116种。此后,刘焕金等(1986)对该地区鸟类的垂直分布进行了研究,并将本区鸟... 相似文献
1993-1995年,在芦芽山自然保护区对我国二重点保护物(BuboBubo)的生态进行了调查,在本地区ChiXiao栖于山地疏林、岩石灌丛及丘陵农田。每年3-6月繁殖,3月下旬产卵、每隔2-3d产卵一枚,每窝产卵2-4枚、孵卵期39d、孵化率88.89%。雏鸟被亲鸟抚育70d后离巢。本区ChiXiao食物以农林鼠类主。 相似文献
芦芽山自然保护区雀鹰繁殖习性肖文,李运生山西省芦芽山自然保护区宁武0360072.山西省生物研究所雀鹰(Accipiternisus)已被列入我国二级重点保护野生动物。我们于1992—1994年3—10月,在山西省芦芽山自然保护区,对雀鹰的繁殖习性进... 相似文献
1 工作方法依据普通翠鸟 (Alcedoatthis)的生物学特性 ,沿本区 3条主要河流梅洞河、圪洞河、汾河为调查路线 ,确定种群密度。 3年共调查 72km流水环境。于每年 5、6月进行 ,每月 4次 ,每条河流每周调查 1次 ,每次3km ,每次调查路线左右视区各 1 0 0m ,由 2人一组记录河流上空飞翔、河滩巨石上停息、正在取食和听到鸣声、河流附近土坎上、岩石上、堤坝上等站立的个体数量。确定其在本区的居留情况时 ,选定西马坊至榆木桥河流环境 ,在每年 3~ 4月和 9~ 1 0月 ,隔日观察 3小时为一次 ,统计其最早和最晚获见日期。表 1 普… 相似文献
山西芦芽山自然保护区山麻雀的生态资料 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
2000~2003年的4~10月在山西芦芽山国家级自然保护区,对山麻雀的生态进行了观察。结果表明,山麻雀在本区最早迁来为5月4日,最晚迁离为9月24日;繁殖前每公里遇见数为0.64只,繁殖后每公里遇见数0.79只。最早营巢期为6月1日,最早产卵期为6月9日,窝卵数4~6枚,最早孵化期为6月13日,孵化期12~13天,孵化率为84.44%;巢内育雏期为13~14天,巢外育雏期为8~9天,幼鸟成活率为86.84%,繁殖力为2.11只。食物中动物性食物占75.43%,植物性食物占24.60%。 相似文献
Population dynamics and food habits of the banded mongoose 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
JON P. ROOD 《African Journal of Ecology》1975,13(2):89-111
A population of approximately 100 banded mongooses living in six packs was studied for over 2 years in Rwenzori National Park, Uganda. The packs were relatively stable, cohesive social units composed of approximately equal numbers of males and females and varied in size from six to thirty-five adults and subadults. Breeding was synchronized within the packs with several females producing their litters at approximately the same time. The packs bred up to four times per year. Mortality of animals over 6 months old was approximately 10% annually. Less than 50% of juveniles survived to the age of 3 months. The banded mongoose feeds primarily on invertebrates, particularly millipedes and beetles. Ants, crickets, termites and earwigs are also important elements of the diet. Vertebrate remains were found in 12% of the droppings analysed. Although the pack forages as a unit each individual finds its own food. The mean home range size of five of the packs was 80-4 ha; the two largest packs had ranges exceeding 1 km2. The banded mongoose is strictly diurnal typically leaving a den in the hour following sunrise and returning a few minutes before sunset with a prolonged rest during the heat of the day. Dens were in termite mounds (usually in thicket clumps), erosion gullies, aardvark holes and occasionally in man-made structures. Most were used for only a few days and then abandoned but a few preferred dens were occupied for periods up to 54 days and re-used repeatedly. Interactions between packs were aggressive and appeared to function in spacing the packs. The result of an encounter depended upon pack size with larger packs dominating smaller ones; the area of occurrence did not appear to affect the outcome. Mating between packs was observed during aggressive encounters. Group life is of adaptive significance in protecting the individual from predators and in care of the young. The pack bunches around young mongooses when disturbed and also bunches to attack certain predators and competitors. One or more adults remain at the den to guard the young when the pack forages. 相似文献
芦芽山保护区白胸苦恶鸟的生态 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
白胸苦恶鸟 (Amauronisphoenicurus)为我国和日本两国政府共同保护的候鸟。我们于 1 996~ 1 998年的 5~ 8月 ,在山西芦芽山国家级自然保护区对白胸苦恶鸟的生态进行了观察 ,以期为环境监测和保护鸟类资源提供可靠的依据 ,现报道如下。1 工作区概况及方法芦芽山自然保护区位于山西省吕梁山北端 ,地处宁武、五寨、岢岚 3县交界 ,东经 1 1 1°50′~ 1 1 2°5′,北纬 3 8°3 5′~ 3 8°4 5′之间。境内森林繁茂 ,灌木丛生 ,水资源充沛。面积 3 2 1 8万亩 ,主峰芦芽山海拔2 772m。选定芦芽山河及汾河两岸的沼泽地段 ,… 相似文献
紫啸鸫 (Myiophoneuscaeruleus)为山地溪边生活的鸟类。 1 997~ 1 999年的 5至 9月作者在芦芽山保护区对紫啸鸫的繁殖生态作了观察。现将结果报道如下。1 自然概况及工作方法芦芽山自然保护区位于山西省吕梁山北端 ,地处宁武、五寨、岢岚三县交界 ,东经 1 1 1°50′~ 1 1 2°5′3 0″,北纬 3 8°3 5′4 0″~ 3 8°4 5′之间。境内森林繁茂 ,灌木丛生 ;总面积 3 2 . 1 8万亩 ,主峰芦芽山海拔 2772m ;年均温 4~ 7°C ,年降水 50 0~ 70 0mm ,无霜期 90~ 1 3 5天。工作过程中 ,我们事先选定三条调查路线 ,(圪洞… 相似文献
后河自然保护区珍稀植物群落主要种群结构及分布格局研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
利用方差均值比和修正的Clark-Evans最近邻体两种分布格局判定方法,对湖北省五峰县后河国家自然保护区1hmz固定样地中DBH≥5cm、重要值>2.5的26个树种的种群结构和分布格局类型进行了研究.结果表明,26个种群中有金钱槭、天师栗、白辛树、珙桐、领春木、水青树、连香树7种珍稀濒危植物种群和尖连蕊茶、君迁子、建始槭、曼青冈、鸡爪槭、桃叶黄杨、鹅耳枥等19种非珍稀濒危植物种群,7种珍稀植物种群中,除了2种个体较少的种群之外,1个种群为衰老型,其余4个种群均为增长型;3个种群呈随机分布类型,其余4个种群呈聚集分布类型,19个非珍稀植物种群中,1个种群为衰老型,6个种群为稳定型,其余12个种群为增长型;2个种群为随机分布类型,其余的17个种群为聚集分布类型.可见在26个种群中,以增长型种群居多(占66.7%),稳定型种群次之(占25.0%),衰老型种群最少(占8.3%);两种分布格局判定方法所得的结果较为一致,表现为种群的分布格局类型以聚集分布居多(占80.77%),随机分布和均匀分布较少。 相似文献
We assessed population structure and food habits of white crappie Pomoxis annuluris Rafinesque in Lake Carl Blackwell, a turbid reservoir in north-central Oklahoma, U.S.A. White crappie [ n = 8549; total length ( t.l. ) mean = 147 mm, s.d. = 28 mm, range = 73–445 mm] were collected with gillnets, frame nets, and hoop nets. Proportional stock density was 2, as 97% of the fish were under 200 mm t.l . Relative stock density was 96, 2, 1, and 1 for 'stock-quality', 'quality-preferred', 'preferred-memorable', and 'memorable-trophy' lengths. Total annual mortality rate was 54% for fish older than 2 years. Growth was poor and lower than the Oklahoma-Arkansas regional averages ( P <0.01). Relative weights were 79, 86, 106, 109, and 123 for fish in the stock-quality, quality-preferred, preferred-memorable, memorable-trophy, and trophy size categories. Ephemeroptera nymphs were an important dietary component for fish 150 mm t.l. or smaller. Gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum (Lesueur) was a major forage item, especially for fish greater than 150 mm t.l. ( P <0.01). Empirical information on prey availability indicates that the white crappie population is forage limited and that gizzard shad are not available in appropriate sizes or sufficient numbers to sustain the predator population. Poor fish condition, slow growth, and high mortality are probably the result of inadequate forage. 相似文献
山西芦芽山自然保护区金眶Heng繁殖生态 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1992-1995年的4-9月,在山西芦芽山自然保护区对金眶Heng(Charadrius dubius)繁殖生态进行观察,该鸟在在本区为夏候鸟,居留152-156天,栖息生境主要以河岸、沙滩、卵石间,种群数量为0.31只/km,5月下旬开始产卵,窝卵数3-4枚,孵化期18-19天,巢距水源18-33m。 相似文献