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李铁臣 《生物学杂志》2000,17(4):39-39,41
课堂讲授是教学的基本方法,高质量的课堂讲授,是提高教学效果的关键。本文提出从充分重视学生产学习主体的作用,调动学生学习的主动性;提高启发式教学质量,培养学生的思辨能力;以及吸引学生无意注意力,提高记忆效果三方面来提高课堂讲授的质量。并探讨了教师参加科学研究工作与课堂讲授效果之间的关系。  相似文献   

课堂提问是一种由教学目标决定的有目的有计划的重要教学手段 ,是一种教学技巧 ,也是一种教学艺术 ,是教师重要的教学基本功和教育素养。下面结合自己多年的教学实践 ,通过具体实例谈谈生物学课堂提问的几个重要类型。1 启发式提问这是在学生遇到疑难问题或较复杂的问题时 ,教师给学生以知识或方法上的启示 ,引发学生联想 ,沟通新旧知识之间或老方法与新问题之间的联系 ,从而产生顿悟的一种提问方式。启发不是代庖 ,要启而不露 ,启到学生的困惑点上 ,否则就会“启而不发”。例如 ,在夏至这天 ,假设下列地区温度相同且晴天 ,则同种植物有机…  相似文献   

“诱发探究”的倡导者、教育家施瓦布指出“如果要学生学习科学的方法 ,那么有什么学习比通过积极地投入到探究的过程中去更好呢 ?”探究性教学以发展探究思维为目标 ,以学科的基本结构为内容 ,以再发现为学习方法。它强调学生是“发现者”,激发学生对学科本身的兴趣 ,在教师指导下像科学家发现真理一样 ,通过学生自己探索、学习和实践活动 ,去发现规律 ,掌握基本的科学方法、提高能力。在教学结构序列上 ,主要体现在 :教师首先要为学生创设一个自主学习的环境 ,然后在教师指导下将启发、阅读、探究、点评、总结有机结合 ,从而让学生像科学…  相似文献   

合作学习是一种应用小组形式开展教学活动、使学生在学习过程中能够同时促进自身和他人学习的有效教学形式。提高高中生物课堂合作学习有效性需要作到:设置科学合理的探究课题;科学组织和控制合作学习;为学生安排适当的学习任务;科学合理开展教学评价。  相似文献   

课堂教学是实施素质教育的主渠道,也是知识传递、信息汇集、思想交流和继承创新的重要园地。因此,优化教学过程就是实施素质教育,提高学生学习能力和基本素质。通常认为教学顺序不同于讲授顺序,前者是遵循教材内容的学科逻辑顺序,主要考虑知识表述上的系统和简洁;而后者则要符合学生学习的心理发展,充分考虑到他们掌握知识的思维和行为方式,易于学生理解和掌握,进而调动他们学习的主动性、积极性和创造性,从而达到教会学生学习的目的。教师的备课过程,实际上就是一个编排知识讲授顺序和技巧的过程,即对教材的再创造。只有将教材…  相似文献   

"植物的光合作用"一章在植物生理学教材中占有相当的分量,其中很大一部分内容亦为本课程的重点与难点.我们从植物生理教学过程中体会到,要真正讲授好这部分内容很不容易,如何让学生在课堂上既全面又比较容易地掌握这方面的内容,是每个讲授植物生理学课程的教师都要面对的教学问题.我们总结了多年的植物生理学的教学经验,整理出一个深受本校学生欢迎的教学方法,即运用多媒体列表比较、归纳式的教学方法,现介绍出来供大家参考.  相似文献   

吴相钰 《植物学通报》2003,20(4):501-504
我 1 949年做助教 ,开始从事教学工作。其实我的教学经历应该从 1 941年秋季算起 ,那一年我是高二的学生。学校为了给初中功课差的同学补习 ,找了几个高中学生担任补习教师 ,当时分配我帮助他们补习数学。于是我回忆自己学习时困惑所在以及解决的过程 ,对他们进行讲解 ,结果相当成功。这一来我不但增强了信心 ,而且感到了乐趣。也许这就为我一生从事教学工作打下了基础。回想一生中教学工作的对象 ,除去大学的本科生和研究生外 ,实际上可以说从小学以上的水平无不包括。解放初期 ,扫除文盲 ,派出所组织了扫盲班 ,要我去当教员 ,对象是成年人…  相似文献   

合作学习是当今世界一种主流的教学理论和教学方法。本研究探讨讲授式教学和合作学习在医学检验技术专业临床生物化学检验课程中的应用效果。选取中南大学医学检验技术专业127名2018级和2019级本科生为研究对象,将讲授式教学作为对照组,合作学习作为实验组。采用学生主体评价模式、29个评价指标对两种教学方法进行评价。用Pearson相关进行两组间学生成绩相关性分析,用t检验比较两组间差异。结果显示,对照组和实验组的成绩分别为(72.6±9.3)分和(92.0±4.5)分,组间比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001)。Pearson相关分析结果显示,成绩呈正相关,相关系数r=0.46。学生评价课程的29个满意度指标中,有26个指标实验组的得分高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义。其他3个指标实验组的得分高于对照组,但是差异不具有统计学意义(P>0.05)。总之,合作学习有助于提升学生的高阶认知能力,并增加教师和学生对教学的投入。  相似文献   

充分设计生物课堂 提高学生学习兴趣   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏礼珍 《植物杂志》2010,(12):108-109
随着课程改革的深入发展,以学生为主体地位的教育观念越发根深蒂固,自主性教学、探究式教学、合作型教学等一批新理念层见迭出,怎样调动学生的学习主动性,怎样引导学生产生学习兴趣?已成为各个学科、各个领域讨论的热点,作为一名生物教师也面临着同样的挑战。  相似文献   

李远婷  安登第 《微生物学通报》2019,46(12):3491-3496
翻转课堂教学模式将知识传递的过程放在课前,因此在课堂上学生可以通过完成多种多样的交互活动实现对知识的内化。之前我们以"玩课网"平台对免疫学知识在课前传递进行了实践,已确保学生能高质量完成课前自学任务,本文主要研究免疫学课堂活动的设计、实施及评价。这种"教师为主导,学生为主体"的教学模式,不仅培养了学生的自主学习能力,而且实现了教育目标从识记、理解等初级阶段到应用、分析、评价、创造等高级阶段的转化。  相似文献   

浅议高中生物学课堂教学中“支架式教学法”的运用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了支架式教学的定义及其理论基础.初步探讨了高中生物学教学中支架式教学的形式,并用高中生物学课堂教学中的具体案例进一步阐释了支架式教学法。最后,提出了应用支架式教学法运用中应该注意的2个问题。  相似文献   

As scientists it is our duty to fight against obscurantism and loss of rational thinking if we want politicians and citizens to freely make the most intelligent choices for the future generations. With that aim, the scientific education and training of young students is an obvious and urgent necessity. We claim here that Hydra provides a highly versatile but cheap model organism to study biology at any age. Teachers of biology have the unenviable task of motivating young people, who with many other motivations that are quite valid, nevertheless must be guided along a path congruent with a 'syllabus' or a 'curriculum'. The biology of Hydra spans the history of biology as an experimental science from Trembley's first manipulations designed to determine if the green polyp he found was plant or animal to the dissection of the molecular cascades underpinning, regeneration, wound healing, stemness, aging and cancer. It is described here in terms designed to elicit its wider use in classrooms. Simple lessons are outlined in sufficient detail for beginners to enter the world of 'Hydra biology'. Protocols start with the simplest observations to experiments that have been pretested with students in the USA and in Europe. The lessons are practical and can be used to bring 'life', but also rational thinking into the study of life for the teachers of students from elementary school through early university.  相似文献   

The discovery that adult somatic cells can be reprogrammed into pluripotent cells by expressing a combination of factors associated with pluripotency holds immense promise for a wide range of biotechnological and therapeutic applications. However, some hurdles—such as improving the low reprogramming efficiencies and ensuring the pluripotent potential, genomic integrity and safety of the resulting cells—must be overcome before induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can be used for clinical purposes. Several groups have recently shown that key tumour suppressors—such as members of the p53 and p16INK4a/retinoblastoma networks—control the efficiency of iPSC generation by activating cell‐intrinsic programmes such as senescence. Here, we discuss the implications of these discoveries for improving the safety and efficiency of iPSC generation, and for increasing our understanding of different aspects of basic biology—such as the control of pluripotency or the mechanisms involved in the generation of cancer stem cells.  相似文献   

Functional Neuroanatomy is a course designed to help students learn the function and anatomy of the human nervous system. Historically, students have had difficulty with the spinal tract curricular unit and frequently resorted to memorization to "learn" the material. They performed poorly on exams and failed to demonstrate competence in the functional application of their knowledge. In an effort to improve learning and promote critical thinking in this course, the instructor revised the curriculum to include 1) shorter, less detailed lectures; 2) a set of practice problems that presented the spinal tracts in an applied context; and 3) a manipulative, which was composed of a magnetic bulletin board and a kit of magnets representing structures of the nervous system. Student learning, as assessed by summative exams, improved under the revised curriculum. Scores on knowledge, analytical, and synthesis questions were significantly higher than scores from previous classes using the traditional lecture curriculum (P < 0.05). This curricular protocol could potentially be applied to other topics where students resort to memorization and fail to comprehend concepts and processes.  相似文献   

There is a growing demand for enzymes with improved catalytic performance or tolerance to process‐specific parameters, and biotechnology plays a crucial role in the development of biocatalysts for use in industry, agriculture, medicine and energy generation. Metagenomics takes advantage of the wealth of genetic and biochemical diversity present in the genomes of microorganisms found in environmental samples, and provides a set of new technologies directed towards screening for new catalytic activities from environmental samples with potential biotechnology applications. However, biased and low level of expression of heterologous proteins in Escherichia coli together with the use of non‐optimal cloning vectors for the construction of metagenomic libraries generally results in an extremely low success rate for enzyme identification. The bottleneck arising from inefficient screening of enzymatic activities has been addressed from several perspectives; however, the limitations related to biased expression in heterologous hosts cannot be overcome by using a single approach, but rather requires the synergetic implementation of multiple methodologies. Here, we review some of the principal constraints regarding the discovery of new enzymes in metagenomic libraries and discuss how these might be resolved by using synthetic biology methods.  相似文献   

A large-enrollment, undergraduate cellular biology lecture course is described whose primary goal is to help students acquire skill in the interpretation of experimental data. The premise is that this kind of analytical reasoning is not intuitive for most people and, in the absence of hands-on laboratory experience, will not readily develop unless instructional methods and examinations specifically designed to foster it are employed. Promoting scientific thinking forces changes in the roles of both teacher and student. We describe didactic strategies that include directed practice of data analysis in a workshop format, active learning through verbal and written communication, visualization of abstractions diagrammatically, and the use of ancillary small-group mentoring sessions with faculty. The implications for a teacher in reducing the breadth and depth of coverage, becoming coach instead of lecturer, and helping students to diagnose cognitive weaknesses are discussed. In order to determine the efficacy of these strategies, we have carefully monitored student performance and have demonstrated a large gain in a pre- and posttest comparison of scores on identical problems, improved test scores on several successive midterm examinations when the statistical analysis accounts for the relative difficulty of the problems, and higher scores in comparison to students in a control course whose objective was information transfer, not acquisition of reasoning skills. A novel analytical index (student mobility profile) is described that demonstrates that this improvement was not random, but a systematic outcome of the teaching/learning strategies employed. An assessment of attitudes showed that, in spite of finding it difficult, students endorse this approach to learning, but also favor curricular changes that would introduce an analytical emphasis earlier in their training.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in practical teaching and the inconsistency of teacher quality in different regions in China, there is little empirical evidence for specific differences in teachers’ PCK in different districts in China. This study attempted to address this gap through analysis of practical teaching demonstrations by three pairs of biology teachers; each pair comprised one teacher from Beijing and one from Hebei province. The teaching content was the same for each pair, including a discussion of blood, blood type, and the heart. The practical teaching demonstration was videotaped for each teacher. Analysis of the PCK focused on one aspect: content structure. Analysis of the six lessons suggested that the Beijing biology teacher presented more structured biology terms than did the Handan biology teacher in each pair. The Beijing biology teachers also performed better in connecting the new knowledge with previously learned knowledge than Handan biology teachers. The current study contributes to the methods for capturing teachers’ PCK in classroom discourse, and it indicates specific differences between Handan and Beijing teachers in the ability to make connections in students’ knowledge.  相似文献   

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