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BACKGROUND: Neurons require contact with their target tissue in order to survive and make correct connections. The retrograde axonal transport of neurotrophins occurs after receptor-mediated endocytosis into vesicles at the nerve terminal. However, the mechanism by which the neurotrophin signal is propagated from axon terminal to cell body remains unclear. METHODS: Retrograde axonal transport was examined using the transport of I(125)-labeled neurotrophins from the eye to sympathetic and sensory ganglia. The phenomena was further studied by adding rhodamine-labeled nerve growth factor (NGF) to cultures of dissociated sympathetic ganglia and the movement of organelles followed with the aid of video microscopy. RESULTS: I(125)-labeled neurotrophins were transported from the eye to the sympathetic and sensory ganglia. A 100-fold excess of unlabeled neurotrophin, administered up to 4 h after the labeled material, completely prevented accumulation of labeled neurotrophin in the ganglia. The effect was specific for the labeled neurotrophin as administration of a high concentration of a different neurotrophin failed to inhibit the transport. In dissociated cultures, we found rapid binding of label, to surface membrane receptors, followed by an accumulation of labeled vesicles in the growth cone. Incubation of these cultures with unlabeled NGF led to a rapid loss of label in the growth cones. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that there is a pool of internalized neurotrophin, in vesicles in the nerve terminal, which is in rapid equilibrium with the external environment. It is from this pool that a small fraction of the neurotrophin-containing vesicles is targeted for retrograde transport. Potential models for this system are presented.  相似文献   

Rapid axonal transport was studied in sciatic nerve preparations of the amphibian Xenopus laevis maintained in vitro at 23.0 +/- 0.2 degrees C. A pulse of [35S]methionine-labeled material was allowed to move in the anterograde direction until encountering a lesion, at which a portion of the pulse reversed directions and moved in the retrograde direction. By constricting the nerve during the course of the experiment, it was possible to prevent continuous return of label from the lesion, thus creating a retrogradely moving pulse that contained a defined quantity of radiolabel. Movement of both the anterograde and the retrograde pulse were monitored continuously for up to 24 h using a position-sensitive detector of ionizing radiation. The front and the back edge of the anterograde pulse were found to move at the rates of (mm/day) 179.9 +/- 3.9 (+/- SEM) and 149.9 +/- 5.9, respectively, and the front and the back edge of the retrograde pulse moved at the rates of 155.8 +/- 11.3 and 84.6 +/- 2.9, respectively. By comparison of the quantity of label lost to the stationary phase to the quantity of label calculated to have been present in the anterograde pulse, it was determined that 0.068 +/- 0.009 of the anterograde pulse is lost to each 3.18-mm region of nerve. Comparison of the quantity of label calculated to have been present in the retrograde pulse to that in the anterograde pulse revealed that 0.057 +/- 0.014 of the retrograde pulse is lost to each 3.18-mm region of nerve. It is concluded that protein originating in the cell body and which reverses its direction of transport at a lesion can be lost from the retrograde axonal transport system.  相似文献   

Neuroinvasion of the CNS during orally acquired transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) may involve the transport of the infectious agent from the periphery to the CNS via the peripheral nerves. If this occurs within axons, the mechanism of axonal transport may be fundamental to the process. In studies of peripheral nerve we observed that the cellular prion protein (PrPc) is highly resistant to detergent extraction. The implication of this is an underestimation of the abundance of PrPc in peripheral nerve. We have developed nerve extraction conditions that enhance the quantification of the protein in nerve 16-fold. Application of these conditions to evaluate the accumulation of PrPc distal to a cut nerve now reveals that PrPc is retrogradely transported from the axon ending. These results provide a potential cellular mechanism for TSE infectivity to gain entry to the CNS from the periphery.  相似文献   

Functions of retrograde axonal transport   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Retrograde axonal transport conveys materials from axon to cell body. One function of this process is recycling of materials originally transported from cell body to axon. In motoneurons, 50% of fast-transported protein is returned. Reversal probably occurs mainly at nerve terminals and, for labeled proteins, is nonselective. Proteolysis is not required, although changes in tertiary protein structure may occur with a repackaging of molecules in organelles different from those in which they were anterograde-transported. A second function is transfer of information about axonal status and terminal environment. Premature reversal of transport adjacent to an axon injury may be a component of a signal that initiates cell body chromatolysis. Transport of target cell-derived molecules with trophic effects on the cell body is exemplified by nerve growth factor transport in neurons dependent on it, and is probably a widespread phenomenon in the developing nervous system. Disorders in retrograde transport or reversal occur in some experimental neuropathies, and certain viruses, as well as tetanus toxin, may gain access to the central nervous system by this route.  相似文献   

This paper is motivated by recent experimental research (Tang-Schomer et al. 2012) on the formation of periodic varicosities in axons after traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBI leads to the formation of undulated distortions in the axons due to their dynamic deformation. These distortions result in the breakage of some microtubules (MTs) near the peaks of undulations. The breakage is followed by catastrophic MT depolymerisation around the broken ends. Although after relaxation axons regain their straight geometry, the structure of the axon after TBI is characterised by the presence of periodic regions where the density of MTs has been decreased due to depolymerisation. We modelled organelle transport in an axon segment with such a damaged MT structure and investigated how this structure affects the distributions of organelle concentrations and fluxes. The modelling results suggest that organelles accumulate at the boundaries of the region where the density of MTs has been decreased by depolymerisation. According to the model, the presence of such damaged regions decreases the organelle flux by only about 12%. This provides evidence that axon degradation after TBI may be caused by organelle accumulation rather than by starvation due to insufficient organelle flux.  相似文献   

Optimal conditions for the measurement of phosphofructokinase activity in segments of rat sciatic nerve were established. It was found that maximal activity was obtained when the Triton X-100 concentration of the extraction buffer was 1% (v:v). Nerve segments could be stored at −80°C for at least 1 week without measurable loss of activity. The femoral portion of the sciatic nerve showed no proximo-distal bias in the distribution of phosphofructokinase activity and there were no differences in the activities of anatomically equivalent segments from contralateral nerves. Phosphofructokinase activity was subject to both anterograde and retrograde axonal transport as indicated by accumulation on both sides of a constriction applied to the sciatic trunk. Accumulation was progressive and appeared to be linear with time for at least 24 h. Linearity was lost at constrictions applied for 48 h. In experiments in which synchronous double ligations were applied to the nerve (9 mm apart), there was no redistribution of phosphofructokinase activity in the segment of nerve isolated between the two constrictions.  相似文献   

The uptake of macromolecules by nerve terminals which is followed by retrograde axonal transport seems to occur by two different mechanisms, a specific and a nonspecific one. The nonspecific uptake depends on the presence of macromolecules (e.g., horseradish peroxidase) in the vicinity of the nerve terminals at very high concentrations and is enhanced by neuronal activity. In contrast, the specific uptake and subsequent retrograde axonal transport becomes apparent at much lower concentrations of the appropriate macromolecules, depends on the affinity of these ligands for specific binding sites on the surface of the neuronal membrane, and is independent of neuronal activity. The fact that lectins and some bacterial toxins bind to specific membrane glycoproteins or glycolipids allows conclusions to be drawn regarding qualitative and even quantitative aspects of the composition of the plasma membrane of the nerve terminals. 125I-labelled nerve growth factor (NGF), tetanus toxin, cholera toxin, wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), ricin II, phytohemagglutinin (PHA), and concanavalin A (ConA) were injected into the anterior eye chamber of rats where they were taken up by adrenergic nerve terminals and transported retrogradely to the superior cervical ganglion. The saturation of the uptake-transport found for NGF, WGA, choleragenoid and an atoxic binding-fragment of tetanus toxin indicates that limited numbers of binding sites, which showed also different affinites, are present for each ligand on the membrane of the nerve terminals. Competition experiments showed that the binding sites for the ligands investigated are largely independent. Two different classes of binding sites (high affinity-low capacity and intermediate affinity-intermediate capacity) seem to be involved in the saturable retrograde axonal transport of NGF. In contrast, WGA seems to have only a single class of binding-uptake sites with high capacity and relatively low affinity. Strong evidence for positive cooperativity was obtained for the uptake and subsequent transport of the tetanus toxin fragment.  相似文献   

p-Phenylenediamine/pyrocatechol mixture (PPD-PC) was evaluated as a reagent for the ultracytochemical demonstration of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). HRP crystals were applied to the proximal stumps of the severed infraorbital nerves in rats. After 48 h the rats were sacrificed by perfusion, and the trigeminal ganglia ipsilateral to the severed nerves were processed for HRP cytochemistry and then prepared for electron microscopy. PPD-PC was rapidly oxidized in HRP-labeled neurons to form a dark brown-black osmiophilic reaction product which was more readily visible than the DAB product in the sections. This facilitated selection by light microscopy of areas in the epoxy wafers for ultrathin sectioning. In thin sections viewed under the electron microscope, the osmicated electron opaque PPD-PC reaction product was present in membrane-bound structures including smooth endoplasmic reticulum and granules of various sizes. The PPD-PC reaction product formed after 10-min incubation appeared to be more electron opaque than the DAB reaction product formed after 20 min. PPD-PC was found to be much less readily oxidized than DAB by endogenous hemoproteins. This methodology facilitated the ultracytochemical localization of HRP in neurons following retrograde axonal transport.  相似文献   

Movements of membrane-bounded organelles through cytoplasm frequently occur along microtubules, as in the neuron-specific case of fast axonal transport. To shed light on how microtubule-based organelle motility is regulated, pharmacological probes for GTP-binding proteins, or protein kinases or phosphatases were perfused into axoplasm extruded from squid (Loligo pealei) giant axons, and effects on fast axonal transport were monitored by quantitative video-enhanced light microscopy. GTP gamma S caused concentration-dependent and time-dependent declines in organelle transport velocities. GDP beta S was a less potent inhibitor. Excess GTP, but not GDP, masked the effects of coperfused GTP gamma S. The effects of GTP gamma S on transport were not mimicked by broad spectrum inhibitors of protein kinases (K-252a) or phosphatases (microcystin LR and okadaic acid), or as shown earlier, by ATP gamma S. Therefore, suppression of organelle motility by GTP gamma S was guanine nucleotide- specific and evidently did not involve irreversible transfer of thiophosphate groups to protein. Instead, the data imply that organelle transport in the axon is modulated by cycles of GTP hydrolysis and nucleotide exchange by one or more GTP-binding proteins. Fast axonal transport was not perturbed by AlF4-, indicating that the GTP gamma S- sensitive factors do not include heterotrimeric G-proteins. Potential axoplasmic targets of GTP gamma S include dynamin and multiple small GTP-binding proteins, which were shown to be present in squid axoplasm. These collective findings suggest a novel strategy for regulating microtubule-based organelle transport and a new role for GTP-binding proteins.  相似文献   

The kinematics of turnaround and retrograde axonal transport   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rapid axonal transport of a pulse of 35S-methionine-labelled material was studied in vitro in the sensory neurons of amphibian sciatic nerve using a position-sensitive detector. For 10 nerves studied at 23.0 +/- 0.2 degrees C it was found that a pulse moved in the anterograde direction characterized by front edge, peak, and trailing edge transport rates of (mm/d) 180.8 +/- 2.2 (+/- SEM), 176.6 +/- 2.3, and 153.7 +/- 3.0, respectively. Following its arrival at a distal ligature, a smaller pulse was observed to move in the retrograde direction characterized by front edge and peak transport rates of 158.0 +/- 7.3 and 110.3 +/- 3.5, respectively, indicating that retrograde transport proceeds at a rate of 0.88 +/- 0.04 that of anterograde. The retrograde pulse was observed to disperse at a rate greater than the anterograde. Reversal of radiolabel at the distal ligature began 1.49 +/- 0.15 h following arrival of the first radiolabel. Considerable variation was seen between preparations in the way radiolabel accumulated in the end (ligature) regions of the nerve. Although a retrograde pulse was seen in all preparations, in 7 of 10 preparations there was no evidence of this pulse accumulating within less than 2-3 mm of a proximal ligature; however, accumulation was observed within less than 5 mm in all preparations.  相似文献   

Cellular homeostasis in neurons requires that the synthesis and anterograde axonal transport of protein and membrane be balanced by their degradation and retrograde transport. To address the nature and regulation of retrograde transport in cultured sympathetic neurons, I analyzed the behavior, composition, and ultrastructure of a class of large, phase-dense organelles whose movement has been shown to be influenced by axonal growth (Hollenbeck, P. J., and D. Bray. 1987. J. Cell Biol. 105:2827-2835). In actively elongating axons these organelles underwent both anterograde and retrograde movements, giving rise to inefficient net retrograde transport. This could be shifted to more efficient, higher volume retrograde transport by halting axonal outgrowth, or conversely shifted to less efficient retrograde transport with a larger anterograde component by increasing the intracellular cyclic AMP concentration. When neurons were loaded with Texas red- dextran by trituration, autophagy cleared the label from an even distribution throughout the neuronal cytosol to a punctate, presumably lysosomal, distribution in the cell body within 72 h. During this process, 100% of the phase-dense organelles were fluorescent, showing that they contained material sequestered from the cytosol and indicating that they conveyed this material to the cell body. When 29 examples of this class of organelle were identified by light microscopy and then relocated using correlative electron microscopy, they had a relatively constant ultrastructure consisting of a bilamellar or multilamellar boundary membrane and cytoplasmic contents, characteristic of autophagic vacuoles. When neurons took up Lucifer yellow, FITC-dextran, or Texas red-ovalbumin from the medium via endocytosis at the growth cone, 100% of the phase-dense organelles became fluorescent, demonstrating that they also contain products of endocytosis. Furthermore, pulse-chase experiments with fluorescent endocytic tracers confirmed that these organelles are formed in the most distal region of the axon and undergo net retrograde transport. Quantitative ratiometric imaging with endocytosed 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6- trisulfonic acid showed that the mean pH of their lumena was 7.05. These results indicate that the endocytic and autophagic pathways merge in the distal axon, resulting in a class of predegradative organelles that undergo regulated transport back to the cell body.  相似文献   

The effects of systemically introduced neurotoxic solvents 2,5-hexanedione (2,5-HD) and 3,4-dimethyl-2,5-hexanedione (DMHD) on retrograde axonal transport (RT) of125I-labeled tetanus toxin (TT) was studied in rat and mouse sciatic nerves. The rate of retrograde transport of TT in control rat sciatic nerves was slightly higher (6.8±0.4 mm/h) than in mouse sciatic nerves (5.4±0.5 mm/h). A single high dose of 2,5-HD (1,000 mg/kg, i.p.) produced a time-dependent effect on RT in mouse sciatic nerves. 2,5-HD caused a gradual decrease in the velocity of RT (approximately 65% inhibition between 2.0–2.5 h) with a reversal to normal rate 3–5 h after the toxin administration. The effect of DMHD on RT was examined following semi-chronic treatment in rats. DMHD caused a significant decrease (approximately 50%) in the rate of TT transport, in addition, it produced weight loss and hind-limb paralysis.I had the good opportunity of being a member of Professor Alan N. Davison' research team during 1971–1977. This research paper is dedicated to his retirement.  相似文献   

The pattern of retrograde axonal transport of the target-derived neurotrophic molecule, nerve growth factor (NGF), correlates with its trophic actions in adult neurons. We have determined that the NGF-related neurotrophins, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), are also retrogradely transported by distinct populations of peripheral and central nervous system neurons in the adult. All three 125I-labeled neurotrophins are retrogradely transported to sites previously shown to contain neurotrophin-responsive neurons as assessed in vitro, such as dorsal root ganglion and basal forebrain neurons. The patterns of transport also indicate the existence of neuronal populations that selectively transport NT-3 and/or BDNF, but not NGF, such as spinal cord motor neurons, neurons in the entorhinal cortex, thalamus, and neurons within the hippocampus itself. Our observations suggest that neurotrophins are transported by overlapping as well as distinct populations of neurons when injected into a given target field. Retrograde transport may thus be predictive of neuronal types selectively responsive to either BDNF or NT-3 in the adult, as first demonstrated for NGF.  相似文献   

Taxol exerts a potent effect on the assembly and stability of cellular microtubules. In the present study this drug was injected into the facial nerve of mice, and its influence on retrograde axonal transport and on morphology of the facial nerve cell bodies was monitored. A reduction in the amount of retrogradely transported fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated wheat germ agglutinin from the peripheral field of innervation to neuronal perikarya was demonstrated by cytofluorometry. Transport was not completely blocked, since some degree of tracer accumulation was found in most neurons. Morphometric analysis was employed to determine the volume fraction of cells and cell nuclei as well as nucleolar size on micrographs of the facial nucleus. After facial nerve transection the reaction in nerve cell bodies was similar in taxol-injected animals and in animals not exposed to this substance. Furthermore, intraneural injection of taxol without prior nerve section resulted in nucleolar enlargement. The present data show that taxol-induced disturbances in microtubule organisation interferes with the retrograde axonal transport and suggest that changes associated with the retrograde nerve cell reaction may develop when the transfer of material from the peripheral field of innervation is disturbed.  相似文献   

Taxol exerts a potent effect on the assembly and stability of cellular micro tubules. In the present study this drug was injected into the facial nerve of mice, and its influence on retrograde axonal transport and on morphology of the facial nerve cell bodies was monitored. A reduction in the amount of retrogradely transported fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated wheat germ agglutinin from the peripheral field of innervation to neuronal perikarya was demonstrated by cytofluorometry. Transport was not completely blocked, since some degree of tracer accumulation was found in most neurons. Morphometric analysis was employed to determine the volume fraction of cells and cell nuclei as well as nucleolar size on micrographs of the facial nucleus. After facial nerve transection the reaction in nerve cell bodies was similar in taxol-injected animals and in animals not exposed to this substance. Furthermore, intraneural injection of taxol without prior nerve section resulted in nucleolar enlargement. The present data show that taxol-induced disturbances in microtubule organisation interferes with the retrograde axonal transport and suggest that changes associated with the retrograde nerve cell reaction may develop when the transfer of material from the peripheral field of innervation is disturbed.  相似文献   

In vitro studies have recently identified receptors and signal transduction systems for many neurotrophic factors. In vivo, however, target-derived factors act over distances that are too great to be accounted for by simple diffusion of factors or classical second messengers. The active translocation of neurotrophic factors from the axon to the cell body by receptor-mediated retrograde transport provides a means by which factors presented at distal sites may influence somal signal transduction. We hypothesize that retrograde transport of receptors and other receptor-associated proteins leads to signalling at the cell body.  相似文献   

Membrane-bound organelles move bidirectionally along microtubules in the freshwater ameba, Reticulomyxa. We have examined the nucleotide requirements for transport in a lysed cell model and compared them with kinesin and dynein-driven motility in other systems. Both anterograde and retrograde transport in Reticulomyxa show features characteristic of dynein but not of kinesin-powered movements: organelle transport is reactivated only by ATP and no other nucleoside triphosphates; the Km and Vmax of the ATP-driven movements are similar to values obtained for dynein rather than kinesin-driven movement; and of 15 ATP analogues tested for their ability to promote organelle transport, only 4 of them did. This narrow specificity resembles that of dynein-mediated in vitro transport and is dissimilar to the broad specificity of the kinesin motor (Shimizu, T., K. Furusawa, S. Ohashi, Y. Y. Toyoshima, M. Okuno, F. Malik, and R. D. Vale. 1991. J. Cell Biol. 112: 1189-1197). Remarkably, anterograde and retrograde organelle transport cannot be distinguished at all with respect to nucleotide specificity, kinetics of movement, and the ability to use the ATP analogues. Since the "kinetic fingerprints" of the motors driving transport in opposite directions are indistinguishable, the same type of motor(s) may be involved in the two directions of movement.  相似文献   

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