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1. Generalist fish species are recognised as important couplers of benthic and pelagic food‐web compartments in lakes. However, interspecific niche segregation and individual specialisation may limit the potential for generalistic feeding behaviour. 2. We studied summer habitat use, stomach contents and stable isotopic compositions of the generalist feeder Arctic charr coexisting with its common resource competitor brown trout in five subarctic lakes in northern Norway to reveal population‐level and individual‐level niche plasticity. 3. Charr and trout showed partial niche segregation in all five lakes. Charr used all habitat types and a wide variety of invertebrate prey including zooplankton, whereas trout fed mainly on insects in the littoral zone. Hence, charr showed a higher potential to promote habitat and food‐web coupling compared to littoral‐dwelling trout. 4. The level of niche segregation between charr and trout and between pelagic‐caught and littoral‐caught charr depended on the prevailing patterns of interspecific and intraspecific resource competition. The two fish species had partially overlapping trophic niches in one lake where charr numerically dominated the fish community, whereas the most segregated niches occurred in lakes where trout were more abundant. 5. In general, pelagic‐caught charr had substantially narrower dietary and isotopic niches and relied less on littoral carbon sources compared to littoral‐caught conspecifics that included generalist as well as specialised benthivorous and planktivorous individuals. Despite the partially specialised planktivorous niche and thus reduced potential of pelagic‐dwelling charr to promote benthic–pelagic coupling, the isotopic compositions of both charr subpopulations suggested a significant reliance on both littoral and pelagic carbon sources in all five study lakes. 6. Our study demonstrates that both interspecific niche segregation between and individual trophic specialisation within generalist fish species can constrain food‐web coupling and alter energy mobilisation to top consumers in subarctic lakes. Nevertheless, pelagic and littoral habitats and food‐web compartments may still be highly integrated due to the potentially plastic foraging behaviour of top consumers.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, kin-biased behavior of young browntrout (Salmo trutta) was observed. The aggressiveness shownby groups of familiar siblings (siblings reared together sincefertilization) and groups of unfamiliar siblings (siblings rearedapart since fertilization) was significantly lower comparedto that of mixed groups of two unrelated sibling groups (offspringof two different pairs of parents). The evolution of kin-biasedbehavior, as shown by a reduction in aggressiveness, is assumedto have evolved through a kin-selective mechanism.[Behav Ecol7: 445-450 (1996)]  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-linked microsatellite data and parental assignment data for a group of wild brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) provide evidence of closer spatial aggregation among fry sharing greater numbers of MHC class I alleles under natural conditions. This result confirms predictions from laboratory experiments demonstrating a hierarchical preference for association of fry sharing MHC alleles. Full-siblings emerge from the same nest (redd), and a passive kin association pattern arising from limited dispersal from the nest (redd effect) would predict that all such pairs would have a similar distribution. However, this study demonstrates a strong, significant trend for reduced distance between pairs of full-sibling fry sharing more MHC class I alleles reflecting their closer aggregation (no alleles shared, 311.5 ± (s.e.)21.03 m; one allele shared, 222.2 ± 14.49 m; two alleles shared, 124.9 ± 23.88 m; P<0.0001). A significant trend for closer aggregation among fry sharing more MHC class I alleles was also observed in fry pairs, which were known to have different mothers and were otherwise unrelated (ML-r = 0) (no alleles: 457.6 ± 3.58 m; one allele (422.4 ± 3.86 m); two alleles (381.7 ± 10.72 m); P<0.0001). These pairs are expected to have emerged from different redds and a passive association would then be unlikely. These data suggest that sharing MHC class I alleles has a role in maintaining kin association among full-siblings after emergence. This study demonstrates a pattern consistent with MHC-mediated kin association in the wild for the first time.  相似文献   

The toxicity of fluoride to brown trout fry (Salmo trutta) was tested using groups of 100 animals in tapwater containing 29 ppm calcium with sodium fluoride added. Resultts obtained were similar to published work on S. gairdnerii although, taking into account the ‘calcium effect’, it appears that the animals used in this investigation may be more sensitive.  相似文献   

Synopsis Brown trout (Salmo trutta) were more efficient than Arizona trout (Salmo apache) in eating brine shrimp at starlight (10–4 fL) light levels. Arizona trout required light levels moonlight (10–3 fL) to feed. In bright light (50 fL), brown trout utilized cover to a much greater extent in both field and laboratory. Our study indicates that factors other than competition for food or habitat are probably causing the displacement of Arizona trout by brown trout when browns are stocked into the native habitat of Arizona trout.  相似文献   

Life history and habitat use of Norwegian brown trout (Salmo trutta)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY. 1. Brown trout ( Salmo trutta) life history and habitat use were studied in two Norwegian rivers: the Vosso river system, western Norway, and the Søre Osa, eastern Norway.
2. Age-groups were partly segregated in feeding habitats, the youngest fish living mainly in running water and in the littoral zone of lakes, the older fish also exploiting pelagic waters and deeper epibenthic habitats. In a population with free access to and from the sea, some individuals smoltified and became sea-run migrants, performing yearly migrations to the coastal sea, whereas others stayed as freshwater residents throughout their entire life span.
3. Within local populations, females were larger and less variable in size than males. This was partly because females matured at an older age than males, partly because the sexes tended to exploit feeding habitats with different food and growth Conditions. Within age-groups, females were more pelagic and migrated more than males, whereas males were more confined to running water and epibenthic areas than females. In the pelagic zone, males were more abundant in near-surface water, and females more abundant in deeper areas. When exploiting the same feeding areas, the two sexes grew at the same rate. There therefore appears to be a connection between feeding habitat and the reproductive ecology of brown trout.  相似文献   

Epizootics in brown trout have been observed in the course of the last three years in a fish farm in the North West of the Fed. Rep. Germany. Only in 1988 sick fish exhibited the typical pathological signs as described for the viral hemorrhagic septicemia of trout. The virus isolated from moribund and healthy looking brown trout was identified as VHSV strain F1.


VHSV-F 1 bedingte Fischsterhen hei Bachforellen (Salmo trutta fario)
Fischsterben während der letzten drei Jahre bei unter teichwirtschaftlichen Bedingungen produzierten Bachforellen, wurden in einem Forellenzuchtbetrieb im Nord-Westen der Bundesrepublik Deutsch-land beobachtet. Während der ersten zwei Jahre (1986/1987) zeigten die Fische keine eindeutigen klinischen Symptome und waren virologisch und bakteriologisch negativ; 1988 zeigten die erkrankten Fische pathologisch anatomische Anzeichen, wie sie für die virale hämorrhagische Septikämie beschrieben worden sind. Das von kranken sowie von gesundaussehenden Bachforellen isolierte Virus wurde als VHSV-F1 identifiziert.


Epizooties causées par VHSV-F1 chez la truìte de rivière (Salmo trutta fario)
Des épizooties ont été observées au cours des trois dernières années chez la truite de rivière dans une aquaculture dans le nord-ouest de la R.F.A. C'est seulement en 1988 que les poissons montraient les signes pathologiques typiques décrits pour la septicémic hémorragique virale de la truite de rivière. Le virus isolé chez des truites moribondes et apparemment saines a été identifié comme étant VHSV, souche F1.  相似文献   

D. R. Swift 《Hydrobiologia》1962,20(3):241-247
Summary The annual and diurnal activity cycle for four naturally feeding brown trout separately confined in netting cages on the bed of Windermere is described. All the fish showed a similar annual cycle of maximum activity during May and June, one fish showing a second activity peak during the autumn. The fish also showed a similar diurnal activity rhythm of low activity during the night and increased activity during the day with a pronounced increase at dawn.The possible influence of light and temperature on the fishes activity is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Distribution, growth and movement of River Usk brown trout (Salmo trutta)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The River Usk catchment in South Wales supports mainly freshwater resident brown trout, with few anadromous fish. Electric fishing and netting revealed that age-class distribution differed between main river and tributary habitats, the latter environment acting as a nursery area for young fish. Few fry were found at main river sites. Age-class distribution also differed between tributary systems, and possible reasons are discussed. Trapping experiments indicated that trout move to main river habitat at 2+ yr. Lengths at age (back-calculated from scale reading) were similar for main river and tributary resident fish at 1 and 2 year, but main river fish were larger at 3 and 4 yr. This habitat shift and size difference is discussed with reference to current angling regulations.  相似文献   

Despite being genetically very closely related, the marble trout Salmo marmoratus and the brown trout Salmo trutta exhibit marked phenotypic differences, particularly with regard to skin pigmentation. Histological analysis of skin from the head and gill cover of differently aged individuals of the two species was carried out in order to characterize differences in skin structure. The basic structure of skin of the individuals studied corresponded with that described for other salmonids, though the head epidermis was somewhat thicker in S. marmoratus than in S. trutta, thickening with age in both species. Numerous secretory goblet cells and sporadic secretory sacciform cells were observed in the upper and middle part of the epidermis in both species. Melanophores were present in both species only in the dermis, and were bigger in S. marmoratus and present at lower average density than in S. trutta, and more or less constant across all age classes. In adult S. marmoratus with fully established marble pigmentation, light areas at low density with small (i.e. aggregated) melanophores were present, while in S. trutta melanophores were more uniformly distributed.  相似文献   

An analysis of Robertsonian polymorphism and variation in the number of active NORs has been carried out in several populations of brown trout (Salmo trutta) from Northwestern Spain. The karyotype of this species appears to be soundly established, and essentially no variation has been found in chromosome number. Interindividual and interpopulation variation in arm number was detected, with figures ranging between 100 and 102 among individuals, and between 100.10 and 100.80 among populations. This variation in arm number is solely attributable to the polymorphism of the short arm of the main NOR-bearing pair 11, which can appear from acrocentric to metacentric in different individuals. Most populations analyzed showed the standard distribution of active NORs previously observed in this species. The Miño drainage basin, and specially the Chamoso population, showed a multi-chromosomal distribution of active NORs, with several new locations, always telomeric. In most cases no concordance was observed between previously detected rDNA sites in S. trutta and the new Ag-NOR locations. This fact suggests a transposition mechanism rather than an activation of silent rDNA sites to explain this multichromosomal NOR pattern.  相似文献   

Size and frequency of occurrence of prey of brown trout Salmo trutta L. and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (L.) were recorded in 13 Norwegian lakes during 1973–1990. Piscivores usually comprised less than 5% of the total population. Arctic charr were less piscivorous than brown trout. Trout and charr became piscivorous at 13 and 16 cm length, respectively. These size thresholds were similar to those of other facultative piscivorous freshwater fish species. When present, three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus (L.), were preferred by all length groups of piscivorous brown trout and Arctic charr. Length of prey increased with increasing predator length, and the mean body length of prey was about 33 and 25% of predator length for trout and charr, respectively. Yearlings of charr were not recorded as prey.  相似文献   

The pathology and bacteriology of an aeromonad epidemic in the spawning population of brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) of the freshwater Loch Leven, Kinross, Scotland, is described, together with estimates of its quantitative effect on the stock of trout.  相似文献   

Initial feeding of brown trout was investigated under laboratory conditions. Fifty per cent feeding occurred when yolk constituted approximately 31% of total alevin dry weight, and feeding rate was positively correlated to developmental stage. The possible ecological implications of initial feeding are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated intra- and interspecific variation in swimming performance and related physiological parameters in two members of the salmonid family. For our comparisons, we sourced juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from one hatchery and a second strain of rainbow trout from another. The hatcheries maintain genetic stocks obtained several decades ago from very different environments. We tested competing hypotheses: that there would be greater interspecific (across species) variation or that there would be greater intraspecific (within species) variation, owing to regional adaptations. To test these hypotheses, individual and small schools of five fish were taken to fatigue using the critical swimming speed test (U(crit)), and three post-exercise physiological metrics, packed red cell volume (hematocrit), citrate synthase and lactate dehydrogenase activity, were assessed. The majority of the results in swimming performance and hematocrit support that intraspecific variation was greater than interspecific variation, i.e. the location had a stronger effect than did genus. Variation in lactate dehydrogenase activity supported neither intra- nor interspecific variation as determining factors. In sum, our findings suggest that the performance of different species of salmonids from the same locale can be more similar than those of the same species from different areas.  相似文献   

A decline in the growth rate of perch in Malham Tarn, Yorkshire, has occurred in recent times. This was found to coincide precisely with the resumption of stocking of brown trout, after a period of several years during which no stocking took place. In the absence of any other known correlating factor, it is suggested that the increase in population density of the trout may be responsible for the observed decline in perch growth.  相似文献   

In a challenging situation some animals respond by active avoidance, aggression and an activation of the sympathetic nervous system whereas others respond by immobility, low levels of aggression and a predominant adrenocortical stress response. When consistent over time and across situations such inter-individual differences in behavioural and physiological stress responses are referred to as stress coping strategies. In a previous study we reported the existence of two distinct stress coping strategies in a sea-ranched brown trout (Salmo trutta) population. Using the same method, we here show that four brown trout populations with different origin, but reared under identical conditions, differ in their endocrine stress response, behaviour during hypoxia and aggression. Further more, if individuals are classified as high- and low responsive based on post-stress blood plasma noradrenalin levels (indicator of sympathetic reactivity) the frequency distribution shows that populations with hatchery origin are biased towards having higher frequencies of high responsive individuals. However, the number of high responsive trout ranges from 14-48% in the different populations which shows that generally the frequency is biased towards lower levels of high responsive individuals. We discuss different frequency-dependent mechanisms that maintain multiple phenotypes in populations and speculate about differences in selection regime among the studied populations.  相似文献   

1. We tested the hypothesis that lifetime mortality patterns and their corresponding rates and causal factors differ among populations of stream‐living salmonids. To this end, we examined the lifetime mortality patterns of several successive cohorts of two stream‐living brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations in Spain and Denmark. 2. In the southern population, we observed a consistent two‐phase pattern, in which mortality was negligible during the first half of the lifetime and severe during the rest of the lifetime. In contrast, the northern population demonstrated a three‐phase pattern with an earlier phase varying from negligible to severe, followed by a second stage of weak mortality, and lastly by a third life stage of severe mortality. 3. Despite substantial differences in the mortality patterns between the two populations, the combined effect of recruitment (as a proxy of the density‐dependent processes occurring during the lifetime) and mean body mass (as a proxy of growth experienced by individuals in a given cohort) explained c. 89% of the total lifetime mortality rates across cohorts and populations. 4. A comparison with other published data on populations of stream‐living brown trout within its native range highlighted lifetime mortality patterns of one, two, three and four phases, but also suggested that common patterns may occur in populations that experience similar individual growth and population density.  相似文献   

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