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Three types of alpha-complementation plasmid vectors were constructed which contain a chloramphenicol- or kanamycin-resistance (CmR or KmR) gene and polylinker cloning sites within the coding region of lacZ'. These vectors are essentially based on high- or low-copy-number replicons. The low-copy-number vectors, 3.61 kb in size, confer CmR and contain the pSC101 replicon and pUC8-/pUC9-type polylinker. On the other hand, the high-copy-number vectors, 2.21 to 2.68 kb in size, confer either CmR or KmR, and contain the pBR322 replicon and pUC18-/pUC19-type or other modified polylinkers. All cloning sites except HindIII and SmaI sites in the KmR vectors are unique in each plasmid. Since almost all frequently used plasmid vectors confer ampicillin resistance, these vectors may be useful to simplify the subcloning/DNA joining experiments due to unnecessity of radioisotope labelling, size fractionation and purification of foreign DNA segments.  相似文献   

A M Myers  A Tzagoloff  D M Kinney  C J Lusty 《Gene》1986,45(3):299-310
We report yeast/Escherichia coli shuttle vectors suitable for fusing yeast promoter and coding sequences to the lacZ gene of E. coli. The vectors contain a region of multiple unique restriction sites including EcoRI, KpnI, SmaI, BamHI, XbaI, SalI, PstI, SphI and HindIII. The region with the unique cloning sites has been introduced in both orientations with respect to lacZ and occurs proximal to the eighth codon of the gene. All the restriction sites have been phased to three different reading frames. Two series of vectors have been constructed. The first series (YEp) has two origins of replication (ori), i.e., of the yeast 2 mu circle and of the ColE1 plasmid of E. coli, and can therefore replicate autonomously in both organisms. These shuttle vectors also have the ApR gene of E. coli and either the yeast LEU2 or URA3 genes to allow for selection of both E. coli and yeast transformants. The second series of vectors (YIp) are identical in all respects to the YEp vectors except that they lack the 2 mu ori. The YIp vectors can be used to integrate lacZ fusions into yeast chromosomal DNA. None of the vectors express beta-galactosidase (beta Gal) in yeast or E. coli in the absence of inserted yeast promoter sequences. The 5'-nontranslated sequences and parts of the coding sequences of various yeast genes have been cloned into representative lacZ fusion vectors. In-frame gene fusions can be detected by beta Gal activity when either yeast or E. coli clones are plated on media containing XGal indicator. Quantitative determinations of promoter activity were made by colorimetric assay of beta Gal activity in whole cells. Fusion of the yeast CYC1 gene to lacZ in one of the vectors allowed detection of regulated expression of this gene when cells were grown under conditions of catabolite repression or derepression.  相似文献   

We describe the construction and use of two classes of cDNA cloning vectors. The first class comprises the lambda EXLX(+) and lambda EXLX(-) vectors that can be used for the expression in Escherichia coli of proteins encoded by cDNA inserts. This is achieved by the fusion of cDNA open reading frames to the T7 gene 10 promoter and protein-coding sequences. The second class, the lambda SHLX vectors, allows the generation of large amounts of single-stranded DNA or synthetic cRNA that can be used in subtractive hybridization procedures. Both classes of vectors are designed to allow directional cDNA cloning with non-enzymatic protection of internal restriction sites. In addition, they are designed to facilitate conversion from phage lambda to plasmid clones using a genetic method based on the bacteriophage P1 site-specific recombination system; we refer to this as automatic Cre-loxP plasmid subcloning. The phage lambda arms, lambda LOX, used in the construction of these vectors have unique restriction sites positioned between the two loxP sites. Insertion of a specialized plasmid between these sites will convert it into a phage lambda cDNA cloning vector with automatic plasmid subcloning capability.  相似文献   

Construction of coliphage lambda Charon vectors with BamHI cloning sites   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
D L Rimm  D Horness  J Kucera  F R Blattner 《Gene》1980,12(3-4):301-309

Plasmids of the pFPCP series have been constructed, containing the whole gene for the filamentous phage main coat protein or its regulatory elements along with unique restrictase sites.  相似文献   

D Y Thomas  G Dubuc  S Narang 《Gene》1982,19(2):211-219
The construction of a series of Escherichia coli plasmid vectors suitable for assaying the effects of gene control signals fused with the E. coli lacZ gene is reported. A synthetic deoxyoligonucleotide dodecamer 5'-CATGAATTCATG GTACTTAAGTAC-5' containing two translation initiation codons (ATG) separated by an EcoRI site was ligated with a lacZ gene derivative which lacks the codons for the first eight amino acids in plasmid pMC1403 (Casadaban et al., 1980). Two ribosome-binding sequences were synthesised and inserted into the EcoRI site before an ATG, and the effects of these sequences on lacZ gene expression in vivo measured by assaying beta-galactosidase activity. The E. coli ribosomal RNA gene (rrnB) promoter, the tetracycline resistance gene promoter, and a lambda phage promoter were cloned using these plasmids. The plasmids are 9.9 kb in size, have ampicillin resistance as a selectable marker and are generally useful for the detection and in vivo assay of gene control regions.  相似文献   

T Frebourg  O Brison 《Gene》1988,65(2):315-318
We have constructed two vectors, pGCAT-A and pGCAT-C, designed to facilitate the construction of recombinant plasmids containing the bacterial gene (cat) coding for chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) under the control of eukaryotic promoter and/or enhancer elements. The cat gene was inserted downstream from a multiple cloning site (MCS) region with eleven unique restriction sites. The MCS region is in opposite orientation in the two vectors. The CAT activity of control extracts from cells transfected with pGCAT-A or pGCAT-C is very low. Insertion of the viral SV40 early promoter into one of the sites of the MCS region of pGCAT-A or pGCAT-C results in a 30- to 400-fold stimulation of the CAT activity.  相似文献   

The versatility of insertional inactivation of β-galactosidase activity for subcloning and sequencing has been enhanced by combining a chemically synthesized oligonucleotide which specifies nine 6-bp-cutter restriction sites including BglII, XhoI, NruI, ClaI, SacI and EcoRV in various configurations with existing polylinkers to create a set of highly versatile cloning sites. These improved polylinkers have been inserted into plasmids (the pICs) for routine cloning of double-stranded DNA, and into chimeric phage/plasmids (the pICEMs) for biological production of single stranded DNA. The most versatile Polylinker specifies 17 restriction sites in the β-galactosidase α-complementing gene fragment. One of the new polylinkers was inserted into M 13 DNA to produce a vector (M13mIC7) with nine cloning sites.  相似文献   

K Talmadge  W Gilberg 《Gene》1980,12(3-4):235-241
We have constructed a series of plasmids with unique PstI restriction sites within or near the pre-penicillinase signal sequence for protein secretion. To do this, we devised a rapid, simple method to eliminate undesirable unique restriction sites within plasmids while maintaining antibiotic resistance. We thus obtained a plasmid with a conveniently located, unique HincII site in the penicillinase gene of plasmid pBR322 which was used to generate, with BAL 31 exonuclease, deletions extending into the region encoding the signal sequence. DNA inserted into these plasmids can be translated in all three reading frames both including signal sequence, or starting immediately beyond it.  相似文献   

Abstract Derivatives of an IncW incompatibility plasmid with a low copy number are described which can be used for gene cloning or for analysing gene expression in conditions similar to those found in the host chromosome. Gene expression can be monitored after construction of operon or protein fusions with the lacZYA operon and measurement in Escherichia coli of the β-galactosidase activity.  相似文献   

K Abremski  R Hoess 《Gene》1983,25(1):49-58
The bacteriophage lambda Xis protein is one of the proteins required for site-specific excisive recombination by which the lambda prophage is excised from the Escherichia coli bacterial chromosome. We cloned the lambda xis gene under the control of several prokaryotic promoters to obtain a sufficient source of the protein for biochemical studies. Our results demonstrate that E. coli lac promoter and lambda pL promoter fusions to the xis gene produce high levels of Xis protein. Induction of the expression vectors results in a 10- to 50-fold increase in Xis activity. In addition, one of these plasmids allows the control of xis expression in vivo.  相似文献   

A 66164-bp cryptic plasmid, pEIB1, was isolated from strain Vibrio anguillarum MVM425 and sequenced. A plasmid carrying a 1089-bp fragment, containing the minimal replication region of pEIB1, a kanamycin-resistance marker and an l-arabinose promoter, designated pEC, was maintained as a high copy plasmid in E. coli and stably inherited in the absence of antibiotic selection. Significantly, pEC was compatible with the widely used ColE1, pSC101 and p15A replicons making it a useful tool for a dual-plasmid expression system.  相似文献   

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