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Bacterial chitosanases share weak amino acid sequence similarities at certain regions of each enzyme. These regions have been assumed to be important for catalytic activities of the enzyme. To verify this assumption, the functional importance of the conserved region in a novel thermostable chitosanase (TCH-2) from Bacillus coagulans CK108 was investigated. Each of the conserved amino acid residues (Leu64, Glu80, Glu94, Asp98, and Gly108) was changed to aspartate and glutamine or asparagine and glutamate by site-directed mutagenesis, respectively. Kinetic parameters for colloidal chitosan hydrolysis were determined with wild-type and 10 mutant chitosanases. The Leu64 Arg and Leu64 Gln mutations were essentially inactive and kinetic parameters such as V max and k cat were approximately 1/107 of those of the wild-type enzyme. The Asp98 Asn mutation did not affect the K m value significantly, but decreased k cat to 15% of that of wild-type chitosanase. On the other hand, the Asp98 srarr; Glu mutation affected neither K m nor k cat. The observation that approximately 15% of activity remained after the substitution of Asp98 by Asn indicated that the carboxyl side chain of Asp98 is not absolutely required for catalytic activity. These results indicate that the Leu64 residue is directly involved in the catalytic activity of TCH-2.  相似文献   

Deglycosylated yeast invertase is irreversibly inactivated by conduritol B epoxide (CBE), an active-site-directed reagent. The inactivated enzyme contained 0.8 mol of CBE/mol of invertase monomer suggesting that the inactivation results from the modification of a single amino acid residue. Peptic digestion of [3H]CBE-labeled invertase followed by reverse phase column chromatography yielded two labeled peptides, both located at the amino-terminal end of the enzyme. Sequence analyses of these peptides revealed that Asp-23 is the modified residue. The role of Asp-23 in the catalytic process was investigated by changing it to Asn using site-directed mutagenesis of the SCU2 gene. The mutant enzyme was basically inactive, confirming a role for Asp-23 in the catalytic process.  相似文献   

Tripeptidyl-peptidase II (TPP II) is a 138-kDa subtilisin-like serine peptidase forming high molecular mass oligomers of >1000 kDa. The enzyme participates in general protein turnover and apoptotic pathways, and also has specific substrates such as neuropeptides. Here we report the site-directed mutagenesis of amino acids predicted to be involved in catalysis. The amino acids forming the putative catalytic triad (Asp-44, His-264, Ser-449) as well as the conserved Asn-362, potentially stabilizing the transition state, were replaced by alanine and the mutated cDNAs were transfected into human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells. In clones stably expressing the mutant proteins, TPP II activity did not exceed the endogenous activity, thus confirming the essential role of the above amino acids in catalysis. Mutant and wild-type TPP II subunits co-eluted from a gel filtration column, suggesting that the subunits associate and that the native subunit conformation was retained in the mutants. Interestingly, the S449A and a H264A mutant enzyme affected the quaternary structure of the endogenously expressed TPP II, resulting in formation of an active, larger complex of >10,000 kDa.  相似文献   

We previously found a very large NAD-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase with approximately 170?kDa subunit from Janthinobacterium lividum (Jl-GDH) and predicted that GDH reaction occurred in the central domain of the subunit. To gain further insights into the role of the central domain, several single point mutations were introduced. The enzyme activity was completely lost in all single mutants of R784A, K810A, K820A, D885A, and S1142A. Because, in sequence alignment analysis, these residues corresponded to the residues responsible for glutamate binding in well-known small GDH with approximately 50?kDa subunit, very large GDH and well-known small GDH may share the same catalytic mechanism. In addition, we demonstrated that C1141, one of the three cysteine residues in the central domain, was responsible for the inhibition of enzyme activity by HgCl2, and HgCl2 functioned as an activating compound for a C1141T mutant. At low concentrations, moreover, HgCl2 was found to function as an activating compound for a wild-type Jl-GDH. This suggests that the mechanism for the activation is entirely different from that for the inhibition.  相似文献   

Pepstatin-insensitive carboxyl proteinases from Pseudomonas sp. (PCP) and Xanthomonas sp. (XCP) have no conserved catalytic residue sequences, -Asp*-Thr-Gly- (Asp is the catalytic residue) for aspartic proteinases. To identify the catalytic residues of PCP and XCP, we selected presumed catalytic residues based on their high sequence similarity, assuming that such significant sites as catalytic residues will be generally conserved. Several Ala mutants of Asp or Glu residues were constructed and analyzed. The D170A, E222A, and D328A mutants for PCP and XD79A, XD169A, and XD348A mutants for XCP were not converted to mature protein after activation, and no catalytic activity could be detected in these mutants. The specificity constants toward chromogenic substrate of the other PCP and XCP mutants, except for the D84A mutant of PCP, were similar to that of wild-type PCP or XCP. Coupled with the result of chemical modification (Ito, M., Narutaki, S., Uchida, K., and Oda, K. (1999) J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 125, 210-216), a pair of Asp residues (170 and 328) for PCP and a pair of Asp residues (169 and 348) for XCP were elucidated to be their catalytic residues, respectively. The Glu(222) residue in PCP or Asp(79) residue in XCP was excluded from the candidates as catalytic residues, since the corresponding mutant retained its original activity.  相似文献   

Alteration of catalytic properties of chymosin by site-directed mutagenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Artificial mutations of chymosin by recombinant DNA techniques were generated to analyze the structure--function relationship in this characteristic aspartic proteinase. In order to prepare the mutant enzymes in their active form, we established procedures for purification of correctly refolded prochymosin from inclusion bodies produced in Escherichia coli transformants and for its subsequent activation. Mutagenesis by linker insertion into cDNA produced several mutants with an altered ratio of milk clotting activity to proteolytic activity and a different extent of stability. In addition to these mutants, several mutants with a single amino acid exchange were also constructed by site-directed mutagenesis and kinetic parameters of these mutant enzymes were determined by using synthetic hexa- and octa-peptides as substrates. Exchange of Tyr75 on the flap of the enzyme to Phe caused a marked change of substrate specificity due to the change of kcat or Km, depending on the substrate used. Exchange of Val110 and Phe111 also caused a change of kinetic parameters, which indicates functional involvement of these hydrophobic residues in both the catalytic function and substrate binding. The mutant Lys220----Leu showed a marked shift of the optimum pH to the acidic side for hydrolysis of acid-denatured haemoglobin along with a distinct increase in kcat for the octa-peptide in a wide pH range.  相似文献   

The plant enzyme arbutin synthase isolated from cell suspension cultures of Rauvolfia serpentina and heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli is a member of the NRD1beta family of glycosyltransferases. This enzyme was used to prove, by site-directed mutagenesis, suggested catalytic domains and reaction mechanisms proposed for enzyme-catalyzed glycosylation. Replacement of amino acids far from the NRD domain do not significantly affect arbutin synthase activity. Exchange of amino acids at the NRD site leads to a decrease of enzymatic activity, e.g. substitution of Glu368 by Asp. Glu368, which is a conserved amino acid in glycosyltransferases located at position 2 and is important for enzyme activity, does not serve as the nucleophile in the catalytic centre as proposed. When it is replaced by Ala, the resulting mutant enzyme E368A exhibits comparable activity as found for E368D in respect to vanillin. Enzyme activities of wild-type and E368A towards several substrates were not affected at the same level. His360 at position 1 of NRD1beta glycosyltransferases occupies a more crucial role as expected. When it is exchanged against other basic amino acids such as Lys or Arg the enzyme activity decreases approximately 1000-fold. Replacement of His360 by Glu leads to a mutant enzyme (H360E) with an approximately 4000-fold lower activity compared with the wild-type. This mutein still produces a beta-glucoside, not an alpha-glucoside and therefore indicates that generation of the typical E-E motif of NRD1alpha glycosyltransferases does not convert a NRD1beta enzyme into a NRD1alpha enzyme. The presented data do not support several suggestions made in the literature about catalytic amino acids involved in the glycosyltransfer reaction.  相似文献   

The role of amino acid residues in the enzymatic activity of carboxylesterase from Arthrobacter globiformis was analyzed by diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP) labeling and site-directed mutagenesis. The electrospray ionization mass spectrometric (ESI-MS) analysis of the esterase, covalently labeled by DFP, showed stoichiometric incorporation of the inhibitor into the enzyme. The further comparison of endopeptidase-digested fragments between native and DFP-labeled esterase by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometric (FAB-MS) analysis as well as site-directed mutagenesis indicated that Ser59 in the consensus sequence Ser-X-X-Lys, which is conserved exclusively in penicillin-binding proteins and some esterases, served as a catalytic nucleophile. In addition, the results obtained from analysis of the mutants at position 62 suggested the importance of the basic amino acid side chain at this position, and suggested the significance of this residue acting directly as a general base rather than its involvement in the maintenance of the optimum hydrogen-bonding network at the active site.  相似文献   

本研究旨在利用理性设计的方法来提高来源于土曲霉Aspergillus terreus的酸性脂肪酶ATL的催化活力。通过同源比对,选择脂肪酶盖子区域和底物结合口袋域中的位点进行定点突变,得到8种ATL的突变脂肪酶。结果发现,盖子区域突变酶ATLLid与底物结合口袋域突变酶ATLV218W的催化活性显著提高。ATLLid和ATLV218W对底物对硝基苯酚月桂酸酯p-nitrophenyl laurate(p-NPL)的催化活性最高,k_(cat)值较ATL分别提高了39.37倍和50.79倍,k_(cat)/K_m值较ATL分别提高了2.85倍和8.48倍。与ATL相比,ATLLid和ATLV218W的热稳定性略有下降,最适p H为5.0,p H 4.0–8.0具有较好的稳定性,说明突变未对ATL的嗜酸耐酸特性产生影响。通过同源建模模拟及分子对接技术分析底物p-NPL与酶分子间的相互作用,解析了ATLLid和ATLV218W催化活性提高的机理。  相似文献   

Alteration of Asp181 in a nylon oligomer-degrading enzyme, 6-aminohexanoate-dimer hydrolase (EII) of Flavobacterium sp. KI72, to Asn and to Glu by site-directed mutagenesis increased Km values toward 6-aminohexanoate-dimer 4 times and 11 times, respectively. Replacement to His or to Lys caused complete loss of the activity (less than 0.02% of the activity of the EII enzyme). Thus, a single amino acid alteration at position 181 of the enzyme drastically affects the catalytic function.  相似文献   

Chen  Yu  Luo  Quan  Zhou  Wen  Xie  Zeng  Cai  Yu-Jie  Liao  Xiang-Ru  Guan  Zheng-Bing 《Applied microbiology and biotechnology》2017,101(5):1935-1944

Bacterial laccases are potential enzymes for biotechnological applications because of their remarkable advantages, such as broad substrate spectrum, various reactions, high thermostability, wide pH range, and resistance to strongly alkaline environments. However, the use of bacterial laccases for industrialized applications is limited because of their low expression level and catalytic efficiency. In this study, CotA, a bacterial laccase from Bacillus pumilus, was engineered through presumptive reasoning and rational design approaches to overcome low catalytic efficiency and thermostability. L386W/G417L, a CotA double-mutant, was constructed through site-directed mutagenesis. The catalytic efficiency of L386W/G417L was 4.3 fold higher than that of wild-type CotA-laccase, but the thermostability of the former was decreased than that of the latter and other mutants. The half-life (t 1/2) of wild-type and G417L were 1.14 and 1.47 h, but the half-life of L386W/G417L was only 0.37 h when incubating the enzyme at 80 °C. Considering the high catalytic efficiency of L386W/G417L, we constructed L386W/G417L/G57F, another mutant, to improve thermostability. Results showed that the half-life of L386W/G417L/G57F was 0.54 h when incubating the enzyme at 90 °C for 2 h with about 34% residual activity, but the residual activity of L386W/G417L was less than 40% when incubating the enzyme at 90 °C for 5 min. L386W/G417L was more efficient in decolorizing various industrial dyes at pH 10 than other mutants. L386W/G417L/G57F also exhibited an efficient decolorization ability. L386W/G417L/G57F is appropriate for biotechnological applications because of its high activity and thermostability in decolorizing industrial dyes. CotA-laccase may be further subjected to molecular modification and be used as an enhancer to improve decolorization efficiency for the physical and chemical treatment of dye wastewater.


Picornavirus 3C proteases (3Cpro) are cysteine proteases related by amino acid sequence to trypsin-like serine proteases. Comparisons of 3Cpro of hepatitis A virus (HAV) to those of other picornaviruses have resulted in prediction of active-site residues: histidine at position 44 (H44), aspartic acid (D98), and cysteine (C172). To test whether these residues are key members of a putative catalytic triad, oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis was targeted to 3Cpro in the context of natural polypeptide precursor P3. Autocatalytic processing of the polyprotein containing wild-type or variant 3Cpro was tested by in vivo expression of vaccinia virus-HAV chimeras in an animal cell-T7 hybrid system and by in vitro translation of corresponding RNAs. Comparison with proteins present in HAV-infected cells showed that both expression systems mimicked authentic polyprotein processing. Individual substitutions of H44 by tyrosine and of C172 by glycine or serine resulted in complete loss of the virus-specific proteolytic cascade. In contrast, a P3 polyprotein in which D98 was substituted by asparagine underwent only slightly delayed processing, while an additional substitution of valine (V47) by glycine within putative protein 3A caused a more pronounced loss of processing. Therefore, apparently H44 and C172 are active-site constituents whereas D98 is not. The results, furthermore, suggest that substitution of amino acid residues distant from polyprotein cleavage sites may reduce proteolytic activity, presumably by altering substrate conformation.  相似文献   

The catalytically essential amino acid, histidine 176, in the active site of Escherichia coli glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) has been replaced with an asparagine residue by site-directed mutagenesis. The role of histidine 176 as a chemical activator, enhancing the reactivity of the thiol group of cysteine 149, has been demonstrated, with iodoacetamide as a probe. The esterolytic properties of GAPDH, illustrated by the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate, have been also studied. The kinetic results favor a role for histidine 176 not only as a chemical activator of cysteine 149 but also as a hydrogen donor facilitating the formation of tetrahedral intermediates. These results support the hypothesis that histidine 176 plays a similar role during the oxidative phosphorylation of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate.  相似文献   

The roles of six conserved active carboxylic acids in the catalytic mechanism of Aspergillus saitoi 1,2-alpha-d-mannosidase were studied by site-directed mutagenesis and kinetic analyses. We estimate that Glu-124 is a catalytic residue based on the drastic decrease of kcat values of the E124Q and E124D mutant enzyme. Glu-124 may work as an acid catalyst, since the pH dependence of its mutants affected the basic limb. D269N and E411Q were catalytically inactive, while D269E and E411D showed considerable activity. This indicated that the negative charges at these points are essential for the enzymatic activity and that none of these residues can be a base catalyst in the normal sense. Km values of E273D, E414D, and E474D mutants were greatly increased to 17-31-fold wild type enzyme, and the kcat values were decreased, suggesting that each of them is a binding site of the substrate. Ca2+, essential for the mammalian and yeast enzymes, is not required for the enzymatic activity of A. saitoi 1,2-alpha-d-mannosidase. EDTA inhibits the Ca2+-free 1,2-alpha-d-mannosidase as a competitive inhibitor, not as a chelator. We deduce that the Glu-124 residue of A. saitoi 1,2-alpha-d-mannosidase is directly involved in the catalytic mechanism as an acid catalyst, whereas no usual catalytic base is directly involved. Ca2+ is not essential for the activity. The catalytic mechanism of 1,2-alpha-d-mannosidase may deviate from that typical glycosyl hydrolase.  相似文献   

The functional importance of a conserved region in a novel chitosanase from Bacillus sp. CK4 was investigated. Each of the three carboxylic amino acid residues (Glu-50, Glu-62, and Asp-66) was changed to Asp and Gln or Asn and Glu by site-directed mutagenesis, respectively. The Asp-66-->Asn and Asp-66-->Glu mutation remarkably decreased kinetic parameters such as Vmax and kcat to approximately 1/1,000 those of the wild-type enzyme, indicating that the Asp-66 residue was essential for catalysis. The thermostable chitosanase contains three Cys residues at positions 49, 72, and 211. The Cys-49-->Ser/Tyr and Cys-72-->Ser/Tyr mutant enzymes were as stable to thermal inactivation and denaturating agents as the wild-type enzyme. However, the half-life of the Cys-211-->Ser/Tyr mutant enzyme was less than 10 min at 80 degrees C, while that of the wild-type enzyme was about 90 min. Moreover, the residual activity of Cys-211-->Ser/Tyr enzyme was substantially decreased by 8 M urea; and it lost all catalytic activity in 40% ethanol. These results show that the substitution of Cys with any amino acid residues at position 211 seems to affect the conformational stability of the chitosanase.  相似文献   

A salt link buried in the domain interface of phosphoglycerate kinase has been implicated as being important in controlling the conformational transition from the open, or substrate-binding, to the closed, or catalytically competent, form of the enzyme. The residues contributing to the salt link are remote from the active site, but are connected to the substrate-binding sites through strands of beta-sheet. It has been suggested that these residues may also mediate sulphate and anion activation. These assumptions have been tested by examining the properties of a site-directed mutant (histidine-388----glutamine-388). The expression and overall structural integrity of the mutant, produced in yeast from a multicopy plasmid, remains essentially unaltered from the wild-type enzyme. However, the mutant enzyme has a kcat. reduced by 5-fold. The Km for ATP is lowered by 3-fold, and the Km for 3-phosphoglycerate is unaffected. The effects of sulphate on activity over a wide range of substrate concentrations appear to be the same for both the mutant and wild-type enzymes. These results lead to a reappraisal of the mechanistic role of the inter-domain histidine-glutamate interaction, as well as a refinement of the kinetic model of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Walia G  Gajendar K  Surolia A 《PloS one》2011,6(1):e15228
Dephosphocoenzyme A kinase performs the transfer of the γ-phosphate of ATP to dephosphocoenzyme A, catalyzing the last step of coenzyme A biosynthesis. This enzyme belongs to the P-loop-containing NTP hydrolase superfamily, all members of which posses a three domain topology consisting of a CoA domain that binds the acceptor substrate, the nucleotide binding domain and the lid domain. Differences in the enzymatic organization and regulation between the human and mycobacterial counterparts, have pointed out the tubercular CoaE as a high confidence drug target (HAMAP database). Unfortunately the absence of a three-dimensional crystal structure of the enzyme, either alone or complexed with either of its substrates/regulators, leaves both the reaction mechanism unidentified and the chief players involved in substrate binding, stabilization and catalysis unknown. Based on homology modeling and sequence analysis, we chose residues in the three functional domains of the enzyme to assess their contributions to ligand binding and catalysis using site-directed mutagenesis. Systematically mutating the residues from the P-loop and the nucleotide-binding site identified Lys14 and Arg140 in ATP binding and the stabilization of the phosphoryl intermediate during the phosphotransfer reaction. Mutagenesis of Asp32 and Arg140 showed catalytic efficiencies less than 5-10% of the wild type, indicating the pivotal roles played by these residues in catalysis. Non-conservative substitution of the Leu114 residue identifies this leucine as the critical residue from the hydrophobic cleft involved in leading substrate, DCoA binding. We show that the mycobacterial enzyme requires the Mg(2+) for its catalytic activity. The binding energetics of the interactions of the mutant enzymes with the substrates were characterized in terms of their enthalpic and entropic contributions by ITC, providing a complete picture of the effects of the mutations on activity. The properties of mutants defective in substrate recognition were consistent with the ordered sequential mechanism of substrate addition for CoaE.  相似文献   

Computer analysis has shown that a conserved amino acid sequence (Leu 160 to Lys 164) of rat liver uricase is also present in other enzymes with purine substrates. The significances of the amino acids in this sequence were studied by site-directed mutagenesis. Replacement of Lys 164 by Glu or Ile resulted in loss of uricase activity and decrease in binding of the competitive inhibitor xanthine. The far ultraviolet circular dichroic spectra of the mutant uricases were identical to that of the wild type protein, indicating that the replacement of Lys 164 by other amino acids did not result in serious modification of the conformation of uricase. These findings suggest that this amino acid is involved in the substrate-binding site of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The alpha-amino acid ester hydrolase from Acetobacter turbidans ATCC 9325 is capable of hydrolyzing and synthesizing the side chain peptide bond in beta-lactam antibiotics. Data base searches revealed that the enzyme contains an active site serine consensus sequence Gly-X-Ser-Tyr-X-Gly that is also found in X-prolyl dipeptidyl aminopeptidase. The serine hydrolase inhibitor p-nitrophenyl-p'-guanidino-benzoate appeared to be an active site titrant and was used to label the alpha-amino acid ester hydrolase. Electrospray mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry analysis of peptides from a CNBr digest of the labeled protein showed that Ser(205), situated in the consensus sequence, becomes covalently modified by reaction with the inhibitor. Extended sequence analysis showed alignment of this Ser(205) with the catalytic nucleophile of some alpha/beta-hydrolase fold enzymes, which posses a catalytic triad composed of a nucleophile, an acid, and a base. Based on the alignments, 10 amino acids were selected for site-directed mutagenesis (Arg(85), Asp(86), Tyr(143), Ser(156), Ser(205), Tyr(206), Asp(338), His(370), Asp(509), and His(610)). Mutation of Ser(205), Asp(338,) or His(370) to an alanine almost fully inactivated the enzyme, whereas mutation of the other residues did not seriously affect the enzyme activity. Circular dichroism measurements showed that the inactivation was not caused by drastic changes in the tertiary structure. Therefore, we conclude that the catalytic domain of the alpha-amino acid ester hydrolase has an alpha/beta-hydrolase fold structure with a catalytic triad of Ser(205), Asp(338), and His(370). This distinguishes the alpha-amino acid ester hydrolase from the Ntn-hydrolase family of beta-lactam antibiotic acylases.  相似文献   

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