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During the life cycle of heterothallic tetrapolar Agaricomycetes such as Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler, the mating type system, composed of unlinked A and B loci, plays a vital role in controlling sexual development and resulting formation of the fruit body. L. edodes is produced worldwide for consumption and medicinal purposes, and understanding its sexual development is therefore of great importance. A considerable amount of mating type factors has been indicated over the past decades but few genes have actually been identified, and no complete genetic structures of L. edodes B mating-type loci are available. In this study, we cloned the matB regions from two mating compatible L. edodes strains, 939P26 and 939P42. Four pheromone receptors were identified on each new matB region, together with three and four pheromone precursor genes in the respective strains. Gene polymorphism, phylogenetic analysis and distribution of pheromone receptors and pheromone precursors clearly indicate a bipartite matB locus, each sublocus containing a pheromone receptor and one or two pheromone precursors. Detailed sequence comparisons of genetic structures between the matB regions of strains 939P42, 939P26 and a previously reported strain SUP2 further supported this model and allowed identification of the B mating type subloci borders. Mating studies confirmed the control of B mating by the identified pheromone receptors and pheromones in L. edodes.  相似文献   

In the present study, the diversity of rumen methanogens in crossbred Karan Fries cattle was determined by constructing 16S rRNA and mcrA (methyl coenzyme-M reductase α subunit) gene libraries using specific primers. All thirteen OTUs or phylotypes from 16S rRNA library clustered with order Methanobacteriales, twelve of which aligned with Methanobrevibacter spp., whereas one OTU resemble with Methanosphaera stadtmanae. Out of eighteen OTUs identified from mcrA gene library, fifteen clustered with order Methanobacteriales, two resemble with Methanomicrobiales and remaining one grouped with Methanosarcinales. These results revealed that Methanobrevibacter phylotype was predominantly present in Karan Fries crossbred cattle fed on high fibrous diet containing wheat straw. Compared to 16S rRNA gene, mcrA gene OTUs clustered in three orders providing better insights of rumen methanogens diversity in cattle.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana APETALA3 (AP3) and Antirrhinum majus DEFICIENS (DEF) MADS box genes are required to specify petal and stamen identity. AP3 and DEF are members of the euAP3 lineage, which arose by gene duplication coincident with radiation of the core eudicots. In order to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying organ development in early diverging clades of core eudicots, we isolated and identified an AP3 homolog, FaesAP3, from Fagopyrum esculentum (buckwheat, Polygonaceae), a multi-food-use pseudocereal with healing benefits. Protein sequence alignment and phylogenetic analyses revealed that FaesAP3 grouped into the euAP3 lineage. Expression analysis showed that FaesAP3 was transcribed only in developing stamens, and differed from AP3 and DEF, which expressed in developing petals and stamens. Moreover, ectopic expression of FaesAP3 rescued stamen development without complementation of petal development in an Arabidopsis ap3 mutant. Our results suggest that FaesAP3 is involved in the development of stamens in buckwheat. These results also suggest that FaesAP3 holds some potential for biotechnical engineering to create a male sterile line of F. esculentum.  相似文献   

In this study, one of Doublesex genes from the common freshwater cladoceran Daphnia carinata, designated DapcaDsx1, was cloned using primers based on homologous sequences and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). qPCR was employed to quantify differences in DapcaDsx1 expression between the different sexual phases, with expression levels being higher in sexual females. The role of DapcaDsx1 in the reproductive transformation was further investigated in parthenogenetic-phase females and sexual-phase females using whole-mount in situ hybridization. This cellular localization study showed specific expression of DapcaDsx1 in the thoracic segments, second antenna and part of the ventral carapace. Higher expression levels were exhibited in sexual females compared to parthenogenetic females. This suggests that the DapcaDsx1 gene plays significant roles in switching modes of reproduction and during sexual differentiation.  相似文献   

Laboratory of genetics and physiology 2 (LGP2) is an actual detector and regulator during RNA viral infection in innate immunity. In this study, 5′-flanking region and all introns of LGP2 in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) were excavated. The genomic CiLGP2 (C. idella LGP2) was 8062 bp in length, with a 364 bp 5′-flanking region, twelve exons and eleven introns. Besides, the promoter activity of the upstream region before initiator codon was identified. By sequencing, six single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and one 20-bp insertion/deletion polymorphism were detected in CiLGP2. With a challenge experiment, the genotype and allele distributions of these seven polymorphisms were examined. Analytic result revealed only the − 1392 C/G, 494 A/T and 4403 C/T loci were significantly associated with the resistance/susceptibility to grass carp reovirus (GCRV) (P < 0.05). To further identify these correlations, another independent challenge test was performed. The analytic result based on the cumulative mortality demonstrated that the stock in − 1392 GG genotype was more susceptible to GCRV than that in CC genotype, while the stocks in 494 TT genotype and 4403 TT genotype were more resistant to GCRV than that in AA and CC genotype stocks, respectively (P < 0.05). Those significant SNPs might be potential gene markers for the future molecular selection of C. idella strains that are resistant to GCRV.  相似文献   

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