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Fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytologic findings were compared with the results of conventional histology in a series of primary bone lesions to determine the diagnostic accuracy of FNA cytology. The series included 12 osteogenic sarcomas, 4 Ewing's sarcomas, 3 chordomas, 3 myelomas, 2 chondrosarcomas, 2 undifferentiated sarcomas and 1 case each of normal bone and marrow elements, lymphoma and giant-cell tumor. All aspirates yielded adequate material for smear diagnosis, and all 29 cases were correctly identified as benign or malignant by cytology. In 19 cases (66%), specific cytologic diagnoses were rendered and histologically confirmed. This series is compared with other published series of bone aspirations in terms of technique, accuracy and ability to obtain diagnostic material. The importance of technique, radiographic investigations and experience in performing the aspirations in achieving a high diagnostic yield is emphasized.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in combination with radiological examination has recently gained clinical recognition for evaluating skeletal lesions. We evaluated our experience with the use of FNA in diagnosing bone lesions with emphasis on areas of difficulty and limitations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Over a period of 5 years FNA was performed in 66 cases of bone lesions. Aspirations were done by cytopathologists using 22-gauge needle. Out of 66 cases unsatisfactory aspirate was obtained in 12 cases. Cytohistological correlation was available in 19 cases. RESULTS: Adequate aspirates were categorized into neoplastic (27 cases) and non-neoplastic (27 cases) lesions. Of the 27 neoplastic aspirates, 20 were malignant (12 primary, 8 metastatic deposits) and 7 were benign. In the malignant group osteosarcoma was correctly diagnosed in 3 cases while other 3 were labeled as sarcoma NOS because of lack of osteoid. Metastatic deposits were sub-typed in 6 cases; from renal cell carcinoma (3 cases), proststic adenocarcinoma, follicular carcinoma thyroid, and squamous cell carcinoma. Neoplastic group comprised of 6 cases of cysts and 21 cases of chronic osteomyelitis. Thirteen cases were diagnosed as tuberculous osteomyelitis. CONCLUSIONS: FNA is a frequent indication in metastases in the bone where distinct cytologic features can even identify an unknown primary. However, diagnosis of primary tumours of the bone is limited by precise subtyping of the tumours. FNA has emerged as a cost effective tool for initial diagnosis of both neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions of the bone.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the diagnostic value of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in ovarian lesions. STUDY DESIGN: Sixty-two fine needle aspirations of varied ovarian masses were performed between January 2000 and February 2003. Aspiration material was obtained from fresh tissues at the time of frozen section before dissection of the specimens. The slides were evaluated by a pathologist who was blinded to the gross findings and histopathologic diagnosis. RESULTS: A total of 62.9% of cases were assessed as malignant and 30.6% as benign. Two false positive and 2 false negative cases occurred. In our series the overall sensitivity and specificity were 95.1% and 90.4%, respectively. Seven benign and 15 malignant lesions could be subclassified specifically. CONCLUSION: We studied excised specimens, but since ovarian masses are reachable by laparoscopically and ultrasonographically guided aspiration, FNAC can be used for diagnoses of these lesions. If a multidisciplinary approach can be carried out in patients with ovarian lesions, cytopathologic interpretation can provide optimum benefits.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration cytology of bone tumors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To study the role of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in the diagnosis of bone tumors and its impact on therapeutic decisions. STUDY DESIGN: A group of 122 cases of bone tumor were evaluated by FNAC. Detailed diagnoses were compared with the available histology. RESULTS: Diagnostic accuracy of FNAC was 90.5% in this study. FNAC could differentiate between various round cell tumors such as Ewing's sarcoma and myeloma, among various giant cell-rich lesions of bone and between the benign and malignant chondroid bone tumors. Some uncommon variants were also correctly diagnosed. In metastatic bone tumors, the source of primary malignancy could not be indicated in the majority (52.9%) because of the poorly differentiated morphology. Osteoid or osteoid-like material was demonstrable in 63.6% cases of osteogenic sarcoma. A case of chondroblastic osteogenic sarcoma that was reported as chondrosarcoma was the only diagnostic error in the study. FNAC obviated the need of open biopsy in 63.8% patients, and therapeutic decisions were made according to the cytologic diagnoses. CONCLUSION: FNAC plays an important role in the early diagnosis of bone tumors by its accuracy, ease of use and rapidity and is helpful in making the therapeutic decisions.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration cytology of salivary gland lesions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eighty-eight fine needle aspirates from 79 salivary gland lesions in 77 patients were examined. The overall diagnostic sensitivity was 84% and the specificity 98.41%. When the 14 unsatisfactory specimens were excluded the sensitivity rose to 95.45%. Correct identification of the disease process was possible in nearly 80% of cases with a final benign diagnosis. The histological tumour type was correctly predicted in 75% of the malignancies. In the others the cytological diagnosis was anaplastic malignant neoplasm.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the usefulness of fine needle aspiration (FNA) of the vaginal cuff in various lesions in the female genital tract. STUDY DESIGN: Twenty-six FNAs of vaginal cuff lesions were performed at our institution from 1994 to 1998. All cases were reviewed. Data on clinical histories and follow-up, if available, were collected. Histologic material was reviewed. Fourteen gynecologic (cervicovaginal) smears performed on these patients within six months prior to the FNA were also reviewed. RESULTS: Two of twenty-six (7.7%) FNAs were non-diagnostic due to poor cellular yield. Four lesions were classified as benign (16.7%). The remaining 20 FNAs were classified as malignant (83%) and were consistent with the clinical history in all cases. CONCLUSION: The results show that FNA of the vaginal cuff appears to be a simple and accurate procedure for detecting benign and malignant lesions of the female genitourinary tract. Clinical indications, cytologic techniques and potential pitfalls are identical to those of FNAs at other sites.  相似文献   

N. Gupta, A. Rajwanshi, L. K. Dhaliwal, N. Khandelwal, P. Dey, R. Srinivasan and R. Nijhawan
Fine needle aspiration cytology in ovarian lesions: an institutional experience of 584 cases Objective: To assess the diagnostic value of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in ovarian lesions. Methods: This was a retrospective study of ultrasound‐guided (US) FNAC of 584 ovarian lesions from January 1998 to July 2010. The lesions were categorized into non‐neoplastic lesions, neoplastic lesions and inadequate aspirates. The results were compared with the corresponding histopathology whenever available. Results: Of the 584 lesions, 180 (30.8%) were reported as non‐neoplastic (48 non‐specific inflammation, 11 tuberculosis, 63 functional cysts and 58 endometriotic cysts), 249 (42.6%) as neoplastic (81 benign lesions/tumours and 168 malignant) and 155 (26.5%) as inadequate. Based on the subsequent histopathology, which was available in 121 (20.7%), the cases were divided into those that were concordant and discordant. Concordant cases comprised 92/121 (76%), including 28 non‐neoplastic lesions (seven non‐specific inflammation, nine functional cysts and 12 endometriotic cysts), 42 surface epithelial tumours (13 benign and 29 malignant), 10 germ cell tumours (five mature cystic teratomas and five mixed germ cell tumours), seven sex‐cord stromal tumours (three granulosa cell tumours, one sclerosing stromal tumour, one strümal leutoma, one Sertoli Leydig cell tumour and one malignant Sertoli cell tumour) and five miscellaneous lesions (one plasma cell tumour, two leiomyosarcomas and two cases of necrosis). Discordant cases comprised 29/121 (24%) (21were inconclusive or inadequate on cytology), including four endometriotic cysts, 14 surface epithelial tumours (one cystadenofibroma, one borderline mucinous tumour and 12 carcinomas), five germ cell tumours (two immature teratomas and three mature cystic teratomas), two thecomas, one fibroma, one sclerosing stromal tumour, one fibrosarcoma and one myxoma. FNAC sensitivity for a diagnosis of malignancy was 85.7%, specificity 98.0%, positive predictive value 97.7%, negative predictive value 87.7% and accuracy 92.0%, if 21 inconclusive/inadequate FNACs were excluded; with the latter taken as false negatives, sensitivity was 73.7% and accuracy 76.0%. Conclusion: FNAC has a high specificity for diagnosis of ovarian/adnexal lesions but greater experience is required for the accurate subtyping of neoplasms and sensitivity is limited by inconclusive/inadequate results.  相似文献   

A lipoblastoma, an uncommon tumor of childhood that can be mistaken for a liposarcoma, was preoperatively diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology. The characteristic features on the cytologic smears were the presence of immature fat cells in the form of spindle-shaped cells, stellate cells and vacuolated lipoblasts along with lipocytes. The cytologic diagnosis was confirmed by histologic study of the excised tumor.  相似文献   

In 42 fine needle aspirations (FNA), the cytologic findings were interpreted as either suppurative or granulomatous inflammation. The majority of these FNAs were performed in patients with a known history of malignancy in whom recurrent or residual malignancy was suspected clinically. In 13 cases, a specific microbiologic diagnosis was made on the basis of the aspirate, either by cytology or by culture. In the remaining 29 cases, no specific diagnosis was possible. Open biopsies were later performed in 9 of the 29 cases, revealing the presence of actinomycosis of the parotid in one case and of carcinoma of the breast in a second. Five additional patients in whom only inflammation was diagnosed on the aspirate subsequently proved to have tumor at the FNA site. FNA therefore is not absolutely reliable for the exclusion of malignancy and requires correlation with other data and appropriate follow-up. Aspiration did, however, rapidly provide solutions to otherwise confusing clinical problems in the majority of instances.  相似文献   

Ng WK 《Acta cytologica》2002,46(3):507-512
OBJECTIVE: To describe the fine needle aspiration cytology findings of apocrine carcinoma of breast and correlate them with the histologic appearance. STUDY DESIGN: The author reviewed the fine needle aspiration cytology findings of two cases of pure apocrine carcinoma of the breast in the files of Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital during a three-year period, 1998-2000. RESULTS: The cytologic findings in both cases were similar. The smears were of moderate to high cellularity, consisting of predominantly dispersed or loosely cohesive tumor cells in a focally granular background. The carcinoma cells contained abundant, dense to granular cytoplasm; round or oval and sometimes eccentrically located nuclei; a smooth nuclear outline; evenly dispersed chromatin; and solitary macronucleoli. The cell borders were mostly discrete. In contrast to benign apocrine cells, the malignant cells showed nuclear overlapping, more frequent nuclear pleomorphism, increased nuclear/cytoplasmic ratios and occasional mitotic figures. Histologic examination of the excised specimens showed extensive, solid apocrine carcinoma in situ with focal stromal invasion. CONCLUSION: Apocrine carcinoma, a subtype of breast carcinoma characterized mainly by its cytologic features, needs to be distinguished from benign apocrine lesions or other eosinophilic and granular cell tumors of the breast. Recognition of the subtle cytologic differences renders a definitive preoperative diagnosis possible.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To define diagnostic cytomorphologic features of reactions in leprosy. STUDY DESIGN: Part-retrospective, part-prospective, single-blind, controlled study of the applicability of fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of reactions in leprosy. Cytomorphologic features were compared in 42 clinically diagnosed patients with reactions in leprosy with those in a control group of patients with nonreactional leprosy. The study groups included type 1 and type 2 reactions in 35 and 9 patients, respectively. May-Grünwald-Giemsa and Ziehl-Neelsen staining methods were employed. RESULTS: Statistically significant (P < .01) cytomorphologic features of type 1 reaction were the presence of fragments of collagen and elastin; giant cells; giant cells exhibiting elastin phagocytosis; loose, epithelioid cell granulomas; and fibroblasts. Type 2 reaction was characterized in aspirates by the presence of an abundance of neutrophils in a background of lepromatous leprosy (P < .01). CONCLUSION: Criteria that are used in histopathology for the diagnosis of leprosy reactions can be applied satisfactorily to cytologic smears. A good correlation between clinical diagnosis and cytomorphology can be achieved. Multiple-site aspirates from the skin, nerve and lymph nodes are helpful in substantiating the diagnosis.  相似文献   

The cytologic features of a case of hepatoblastoma diagnosed by fine needle aspiration (FNA) in an 18-month-old female infant are described. A mass detected in the left lobe of the liver on routine examination was subjected to FNA. The distinctive cytologic findings included malignant cells in small clusters and in acinar arrangements. Some of the acinar structures had bile plugs. Fat vacuoles were present within the cytoplasm of some of the malignant cells. Immature hematopoietic cells were also present.  相似文献   

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