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Diversity was examined within a group of 79 isolates of Bradyrhizobium japonicum reactive to fluorescent antibodies (FAs) prepared against B. japonicum USDA 123. Analyses were by means of cross-adsorbed FAs, bacteriophage typing, and endonuclease restriction digest patterns. Serogroups 127 and 129 shared antigenic determinants with serogroup 123 but not with each other. Bacteriophage and DNA digest patterns reflected more common features between serogroups 123 and 127 than between 123 and 129. Serogroups 129 and 122 showed FA cross-reactivity. The term serocluster was proposed to reflect interrelationships observed among the serogroups.  相似文献   

Several soybean plant introduction (PI) genotypes have recently been described which restrict nodulation of Bradyrhizobium japonicum serocluster 123 in an apparently serogroup-specific manner. While PI 371607 restricts nodulation of strains in serogroup 123 and some in serogroup 127, those in serogroup 129 are not restricted. When DNA regions within and around the B. japonicum I-110 common nodulation genes were used as probes to genomic DNA from the serogroup strains USDA 123, USDA 127, and USDA 129, several of the probes differentially hybridized to the nodulation-restricted and -unrestricted strains. One of the gene regions, cloned in plasmid pMJS12, was subsequently shown to hybridize to 4.6-kilobase EcoRI fragments from DNAs from nodulation-restricted strains and to larger fragments in nodulation-unrestricted strains. To determine if the different hybridization patterns could be used to predict nodulation restriction, we hybridized pMJS12 to EcoRI-digested genomic DNAs from uncharacterized serocluster 123 field isolates. Of the 36 strains examined, 15 were found to have single, major, 4.6-kilobase hybridizing EcoRI fragments. When tested for nodulation, 80% (12 of 15) of the strains were correctly predicted to be restricted for nodulation of the PI genotypes. In addition, hybridization patterns obtained with pMJS12 and nodulation phenotypes on PI 371607 indicated that there are at least three types of serogroup 127 strains. Our results suggest that the pMJS12 gene probe may be useful in selecting compatible host-strain combinations and in determining the suitability of field sites for the placement of soybean genotypes containing restrictive nodulation alleles.  相似文献   

Of nine Bradyrhizobium japonicum serogroup 123 strains examined, 44% were found to be restricted for nodulation by cultivar Hill. Nodulation studies with soybean isoline BARC-2 confirmed that the soybean Rj4 allele restricts nodulation by the same serogroup 123 isolates. Immunological analyses indicated that B. japonicum strains in serogroups 123 and 31 share at least one surface somatic antigen.  相似文献   

Twenty recently obtained field isolates of Bradyrhizobium japonicum serogroup 123 were tested for their nodule mass production on the standard commercial soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Williams) and on two soybean plant introduction (PI) genotypes previously determined to restrict nodulation by strain USDA 123. Four of the field isolates showed similar restricted nodulation on the two genotypes, while all 20 isolates produced a normal amount of nodules on G. max cv. Williams. Serological analyses with adsorbed fluorescent antibodies showed that members of the 123 serotype ranked low in nodulation of the two PIs, in contrast to members of serotypes 127 and 129. Competition studies on the PIs indicated that isolates which were restricted were not competitive for nodule occupancy against strain USDA 110. However, unrestricted isolates of serogroup 123 were very competitive against USDA 110. On G. max cv. Williams, all serogroup 123 isolates tested were very competitive against USDA 110.  相似文献   

We previously reported the identification of a soybean plant introduction (PI) genotype, PI 417566, which restricts nodulation by Bradyrhizobium japonicum MN1-1c (USDA 430), strains in serogroup 129, and USDA 110 (P. B. Cregan, H. H. Keyser, and M. J. Sadowsky, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 55:2532-2536, 1989, and Crop Sci. 29:307-312, 1989). In this study, we further characterized nodulation restriction by PI 417566. Twenty-four serogroup 110 isolates were tested for restricted nodulation on PI 417566. Of the 24 strains examined, 62.5% were restricted in nodulation by the PI genotype. The remainder of the serogroup 110 strains tested (37.5%), however, formed significant numbers of nodules on PI 417566, suggesting that host-controlled restriction of nodulation by members of serogroup 110 is strain dependent. Analysis of allelic variation at seven enzyme-encoding loci by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis indicated that the serogroup 110 isolates can be divided into two major groups. The majority of serogroup 110 isolates which nodulated PI 417566 belonged to the same multilocus enzyme electrophoresis group. B. japonicum USDA 110 and USDA 123 were used as coinoculants in competition-for-nodulation studies using PI 417566. Over 98% of the nodules formed on PI 417566 contained USDA 123, whereas less than 2% contained USDA 110. We also report the isolation of a Tn5 mutant of USDA 110 which has overcome nodulation restriction conditioned by PI 417566. This mutant, D4.2-5, contained a single Tn5 insertion and nodulated PI 417566 to an extent equal to that seen with the unrestricted strain USDA 123. The host range of D4.2-5 on soybean plants and other legumes was unchanged relative to that of USDA 110, except that the mutant nodulated Glycine max cv. Hill more efficiently. While strain USDA 110 has the ability to block nodulation by D4.2-5 on PI 417566, the nodulation-blocking phenomenon was not seen unless strain USDA 110 was inoculated at a 100-fold greater concentration than the mutant strain.  相似文献   

Interactions of soybean with Bradyrhizobium japonicum 123 (serogroup 123) and 138 (serogroup c1) were used to examine the relationship between early infection rates, competition for nodulation, and patterns of nodule occupancy. Both strains formed more infections in autoclaved soil (sterile soil) than in untreated soil (unsterile soil). Inoculation did not increase numbers of infection threads in unsterile soil-grown plants, where infection of proximal portions of primary roots was complete by 5 days after planting. Both strains infected and nodulated at similar rates in sterile soil. Nodules were always clustered on the upper root system, regardless of inoculation and soil treatment. Sixty-seven percent of the nodules of uninoculated plants grown in unsterile soil were occupied by rhizobia belonging to serogroups other than 123 or c1. Inoculation with strain 123 or 138 increased occupancy by that strain at the expense of residency by other rhizobia. Eighty-three percent of all nodules on plants dually inoculated with both strains in sterile soil contained strain 138. The corresponding value for plants inoculated in unsterile soil was 31%. Neither inoculum strain dominated occupancy of first-formed nodules in unsterile soil. It appears that north central Missouri soil may not have populations of highly competitive serogroup 123 and that early infection and nodulation rates do not contribute to the competitive success of strain 138.  相似文献   

The root nodule locations of six Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains were examined to determine if there were any differences which might explain their varying competitiveness for nodule occupancy on Glycine max. When five strains were added to soybeans in plastic growth pouches in equal proportions with a reference strain (U.S. Department of Agriculture, strain 110), North Carolina strain 1028 and strain 110 were the most competitive for nodule occupancy, followed by U.S. Department of Agriculture strains 122, 76, and 31 and Brazil strain 587. Among all strains, nodule double occupancy was 17% at a high inoculum level (107 CFU pouch−1) and 2% at a low inoculum level (104 CFU pouch−1). The less competitive strains increased their nodule representation by an increase in the doubly occupied nodules at the high inoculum level. Among all strains, the number of taproot and lateral root nodules was inversely related at both the high and low inoculum levels (r = −0.62 and −0.69, respectively; P = 0.0001). This inverse relationship appeared to be a result of the plant host control of bacterial infection. Among each of the six strains, greater than 95% of the taproot nodules formed at the high inoculum density were located on 25% of the taproot length, the nodules centering on the position of the root tip at the time of inoculation. No differences among the six strains were observed in nodule initiation rates as measured by taproot nodule position. Taproot nodules were formed in the symbiosis before lateral root nodules. One of the poorly competitive strains (strain 76) occupied three times as many taproot nodules as lateral root nodules when competing with strain 110 (nodules were harvested from 4-week-old plants). Among these six wild-type strains of B. japonicum, competitive ability evidently is not related to nodule initiation rates.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity among 20 field isolates of Bradyrhizobium japonicum serogroup 123 was examined by using restriction endonuclease digestions, one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of total cell proteins, Southern hybridization analysis of nif and nod genes, and intrinsic antibiotic resistance profiles. All of the isolates were previously separated into three broad nodulation classes (low, medium, and high) based on their ability to form symbioses with specific soybean genotypes. Results of our studies indicate that there is a relationship between these three genotype-specific nodulation classes and groupings that have been made based on genomic DNA digestion patterns, sodium dodecyl sulfate-protein profiles, and Southern hybridizations to a nifHD gene probe. Intrinsic antibiotic resistance profiles and nodAB gene hybridizations were not useful in determining interrelationships between isolates and nodulation classes. Southern hybridizations revealed that two of the isolates had reiterated nod genes; however, there was no correlation between the presence of extra nodAB genes and the nodulation classes or symbiotic performance on permissive soybean genotypes. Hybridizations with the nif gene probe indicated that there is a relationship among serogroup, nodulation class, and the physical organization of the genome.  相似文献   

Rhizobiophage V, isolated from soil in the vicinity of soybean roots, was strongly lytic on Bradyrhizobium japonicum 123B (USDA 123) but only mildly lytic on strain L4-4, a chemically induced small-colony mutant of 123. Numerous bacteriophage-resistant variants were isolated from L4-4 infected with phage V; two were studied in detail and shown to be lysogenic. The two, L4-4 (V5) and L4-4 (V12), are the first reported examples of temperate-phage infection in B. japonicum. Phage V and its derivative phages V5 and V12 were closely related on the basis of common sensitivity to 0.01 M sodium citrate and phage V antiserum, phage immunity tests, and apparently identical morphology when examined by electron microscopy. However, the three phages differed in host range and in virulence. Lysogens L4-4 (V5) and L4-4 (V12) were immune to infection by phages V and V5 but not to infection by V12. Southern hybridization analysis confirmed the incorporation of phage V into the genomes of strains L4-4(V5) and L4-4(V12) and also demonstrated the incorporation of phage V into the genome of a phage V-resistant derivative of USDA 123 designated 123 (V2). None of the three lysogens, L4-4(V5), L4-4(V12), or 123B(V2), was able to nodulate soybean plants. However, Southern hybridization profile data indicated that phage V had not incorporated into any of the known B. japonicum nodulation genes.  相似文献   

It was previously demonstrated that there are no indigenous strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum forming nitrogen-fixing root nodule symbioses with soybean plants in arable field soils in Poland. However, bacteria currently classified within this species are present (together with Bradyrhizobium canariense) as indigenous populations of strains specific for nodulation of legumes in the Genisteae tribe. These rhizobia, infecting legumes such as lupins, are well established in Polish soils. The studies described here were based on soybean nodulation field experiments, established at the Poznań University of Life Sciences Experiment Station in Gorzyń, Poland, and initiated in the spring of 1994. Long-term research was then conducted in order to study the relation between B. japonicum USDA 110 and USDA 123, introduced together into the same location, where no soybean rhizobia were earlier detected, and nodulation and competitive success were followed over time. Here we report the extra-long-term saprophytic survival of B. japonicum strains nodulating soybeans that were introduced as inoculants 20 years earlier and where soybeans were not grown for the next 17 years. The strains remained viable and symbiotically competent, and molecular and immunochemical methods showed that the strains were undistinguishable from the original inoculum strains USDA 110 and USDA 123. We also show that the strains had balanced numbers and their mobility in soil was low. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing the extra-long-term persistence of soybean-nodulating strains introduced into Polish soils and the first analyzing the long-term competitive relations of USDA 110 and USDA 123 after the two strains, neither of which was native, were introduced into the environment almost 2 decades ago.  相似文献   

Application of 1-aminoocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid, an ethylene precursor, decreased nodulation of Macroptilium atropurpureum by Bradyrhizobium elkanii. B. elkanii produces rhizobitoxine, an ethylene synthesis inhibitor. Elimination of rhizobitoxine production in B. elkanii increased ethylene evolution and decreased nodulation and competitiveness on M. atropurpureum. These results suggest that rhizobitoxine enhances nodulation and competitiveness of B. elkanii on M. atropurpureum.  相似文献   

Bradyrhizobium strains isolated from the nonlegume Parasponia spp. formed a group of strains that were highly competitive for nodulation of P. andersonii when paired with strains isolated from legumes. Strains from legumes, including those of similar effectiveness to NGR231 and CP283, were not able to form nodules as single occupants on P. andersonii in the presence of Parasponia strains. However, NGR86, an isolate from Macroptilium lathyroides, jointly occupied one-third of the nodules formed with each of the three strains isolated from Parasponia spp. Time taken for nodules to appear may have influenced the outcome of competition, since CP283 and all isolates from legumes were slow to nodulate P. andersonii. Among the Parasponia strains, competitiveness for nodulation of P. andersonii was not associated with effectiveness of nitrogen fixation. The highly effective strain CP299 was a poor competitor when paired with the least effective strain NGR231. CP283 was the least competitive of the Parasponia strains but was still able to dominate nodules when paired with legume isolates. Dual occupancy was high, up to 67% when the inoculum contained CP299 and CP273. Both the Muc+ and Muc- types of CP283 form a symbiosis of similar effectiveness and were similarly competitive at high inoculation densities, but the Muc- form was more competitive at low inoculum densities. Both forms frequently occupied the same nodule. Bradyrhizobium strains isolated from Parasponia spp. may have specific genetic information that favor their ability to competitively and effectively infect plants in the genus Parasponia (Ulmaceae) outside the Leguminosae.  相似文献   

The influence of seed and soil inoculation on bradyrhizobial migration, nodulation, and N2 fixation was examined by using two Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains of contrasting effectiveness in N2 fixation. Seed-inoculated strains formed fewer nodules on soybeans (mostly restricted to the tap and crown roots within 0 to 5 cm from the stem base) than did bradyrhizobia distributed throughout the soil or inoculated at specific depths. Nodulation was greater below the depths at which bradyrhizobial cells were located rather than above, even though watering was done from below to minimize passive bradyrhizobial migration with percolating water. The most profuse nodulation occurred within approximately 5 cm below the point of placement and was generally negligible below 10 cm. These and other results suggest that bradyrhizobial migration from the initial point of placement was very limited. Nevertheless, the more competitive strain, effective strain THA 7, migrated into soil to a greater extent than the ineffective strain THA 1 did. Nitrogen fixation resulting from the dual-strain inoculations differed depending on the method of inoculation. For example, the amount of N2 fixed when both strains were slurried together onto the seed was about half that obtained from mixing the effective strain into the soil with the ineffective strain on the seed. The results indicate the importance of rhizobial distribution or movement into soil for nodulation, nodule distribution, strain competitiveness, and N2 fixation in soil-grown legumes.  相似文献   

Quantitative Study of Nodulation Competitiveness in Rhizobium Strains   总被引:13,自引:12,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We compared the nodulation competitiveness of three strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum by counting the number of nodules formed on faba bean plants after the application at sowing time of different concentrations of the strains to soils already containing Rhizobium strains of the same species. A relationship of type y = axn was found to exist between the ratio of the nodules formed by the applied inoculum strain to the nodules formed by the soil strains and the ratio of Rhizobium cells in the inoculum to the cells in the soil. This relationship was also confirmed in another competition experiment in which two R. meliloti strains of identical competitiveness were mixed in various proportions. The relationship can also be applied to the majority of results reported in the literature. Should it prove to be more widely applicable, it could be used to estimate the relative competitiveness of Rhizobium strains and thus predict the performance of an inoculum in a given soil.  相似文献   

Bradyrhizobium strains isolated in Europe from Genisteae and serradella legumes form a distinct lineage, designated clade II, on nodulation gene trees. Clade II bradyrhizobia appear to prevail also in the soils of Western Australia and South Africa following probably accidental introduction with seeds of their lupine and serradella hosts. Given this potential for dispersal, we investigated Bradyrhizobium isolates originating from a range of native New World lupines, based on phylogenetic analyses of nodulation (nodA, nodZ, noeI) and housekeeping (atpD, dnaK, glnII, recA) genes. The housekeeping gene trees revealed considerable diversity among lupine bradyrhizobia, with most isolates placed in the Bradyrhizobium japonicum lineage, while some European strains were closely related to Bradyrhizobium canariense. The nodA gene tree resolved seven strongly supported groups (clades I to VII) that correlated with strain geographical origins and to some extent with major Lupinus clades. All European strains were placed in clade II, whereas only a minority of New World strains was placed in this clade. This work, as well as our previous studies, suggests that clade II diversified predominately in the Old World, possibly in the Mediterranean. Most New World isolates formed subclade III.2, nested in a large “pantropical” clade III, which appears to be New World in origin, although it also includes strains originating from nonlupine legumes. Trees generated using nodZ and noeI gene sequences accorded well with the nodA tree, but evidence is presented that the noeI gene may not be required for nodulation of lupine and that loss of this gene is occurring.  相似文献   

Soil Bradyrhizobium populations limit nodule occupancy of soybean by symbiotically-superior inoculant strains throughout much of the American midwest. In this study, the competitiveness of indigenous populations of B. japonicum serocluster 123 from Waukegan and Webster soils was evaluated in growth pouches using a root-tip marking procedure. The native rhizobia were from soils incubated 0–8 h in soybean root exudate (SRE) or plant nutrient solution (PNS) prior to inoculation. Populations of serocluster 123 strains in soil and nodule occupancy by these strains were assessed using fluorescent antibodies prepared against B. japonicum USDA 123. There were no significant differences in populations that came from SRE or PNS incubated soils: both populations increased in number over the incubation period. Nodule occupancy by both populations in growth pouches was similar to that previously encountered in field studies with these two soils. With the Waukegan soil, the serocluster 123 population dominated nodulation forming 69 and 62% of taproot nodules above and below the root tip mark, respectively. However, for the more alkaline Webster soil, serocluster 123 strains were much less competitive, producing only 9 and 13%, respectively, of the nodules formed above and below the root tip mark. In growth pouches, soil populations of bradyrhizobia from the Webster soil produced significantly more nodules than those from the Waukegan soil, but both strains and a pure culture of USDA 110 had a similar distribution of nodules.  相似文献   

The displacement of indigenous Bradyrhizobium japonicum in soybean nodules with more effective strains offers the possibility of enhanced N2 fixation in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Our objective was to determine whether the wild soybean (G. soja Sieb. & Zucc.) genotype PI 468397 would cause reduced competitiveness of important indigenous B. japonicum strains USDA 31, 76, and 123 and thereby permit nodulation by Rhizobium fredii, the fast-growing microsymbiont of soybean. In an initial experiment, PI 468397 nodulated and fixed moderate amounts of N2 with USDA 31 and 76 but, despite the formation of nodules, fixed essentially no N2 with USDA 123. In contrast, PI 468397 formed a highly effective symbiosis with R. fredii strain USDA 193. In two subsequent experiments, Williams soybean and PI 468397 were grown in a pasteurized soil mixture or in soybean rhizobium-free soil and inoculated with both USDA 123 and USDA 193. In each experiment, more than 90% of the nodules of Williams contained USDA 123, while only a maximum of 2% were occupied with USDA 193. In contrast, in the two experiments, 16 and 11%, respectively, of the nodules produced on PI 468397 were occupied by USDA 123, while in both experiments 87% contained USDA 193. Thus, in relation to the cultivar Williams, which is commonly grown and used as a parent in soybean breeding programs in the United States, PI 468397 substantially reduced the competitive ability of B. japonicum strain USDA 123 in relation to R. fredii strain USDA 193.  相似文献   

Trehalose, a disaccharide accumulated by many microorganisms, acts as a protectant during periods of physiological stress, such as salinity and desiccation. Previous studies reported that the trehalose biosynthetic genes (otsA, treS, and treY) in Bradyrhizobium japonicum were induced by salinity and desiccation stresses. Functional mutational analyses indicated that disruption of otsA decreased trehalose accumulation in cells and that an otsA treY double mutant accumulated an extremely low level of trehalose. In contrast, trehalose accumulated to a greater extent in a treS mutant, and maltose levels decreased relative to that seen with the wild-type strain. Mutant strains lacking the OtsA pathway, including the single, double, and triple ΔotsA, ΔotsA ΔtreS and ΔotsA ΔtreY, and ΔotsA ΔtreS ΔtreY mutants, were inhibited for growth on 60 mM NaCl. While mutants lacking functional OtsAB and TreYZ pathways failed to grow on complex medium containing 60 mM NaCl, there was no difference in the viability of the double mutant strain when cells were grown under conditions of desiccation stress. In contrast, mutants lacking a functional TreS pathway were less tolerant of desiccation stress than the wild-type strain. Soybean plants inoculated with mutants lacking the OtsAB and TreYZ pathways produced fewer mature nodules and a greater number of immature nodules relative to those produced by the wild-type strain. Taken together, results of these studies indicate that stress-induced trehalose biosynthesis in B. japonicum is due mainly to the OtsAB pathway and that the TreS pathway is likely involved in the degradation of trehalose to maltose. Trehalose accumulation in B. japonicum enhances survival under conditions of salinity stress and plays a role in the development of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing root nodules on soybean plants.Rhizobia induce the formation of nodules on the roots of legume plants, in which atmospheric nitrogen is fixed and supplied to the host plant, thereby enhancing growth under nitrogen-limiting conditions. The symbiotic interaction between rhizobia and their cognate leguminous plants is important for agricultural productivity, especially in less developed countries. However, physiological stresses, such as desiccation and salinity, negatively affect these symbiotic interactions by limiting nitrogen fixation (44). The osmotic environment within the rhizosphere may affect root colonization, infection thread development, nodule development, and the formation of effective N2-fixing nodules (21). Moreover, when legume seeds are inoculated with appropriate rhizobial strains prior to planting in the field, the vast majority of nodules produced are often not formed by the inoculant bacteria but rather by indigenous strains in the soil (36). This is in part due to the death of inoculant strains from rapid seed coat-mediated desiccation. Therefore, improvement of the survival of rhizobia under conditions of physiological stresses may promote biological nitrogen fixation and enhance plant growth.Rhizobia synthesize and accumulate compatible solutes, including trehalose, in response to desiccation and solute-mediated physiological stresses (5, 21, 42). Trehalose, a nonreducing disaccharide with an α,α-1,1 linkage between the two glucose molecules, has been shown to protect cell membranes and proteins from stress-induced inactivation and denaturation (8, 23, 24). The relationship between trehalose accumulation and symbiotic phenotype is dependent on rhizobial species and host genotype. Suarez et al. (39) reported an increase in root nodule number and nitrogen fixation by Phaseolus vulgaris inoculated with a trehalose-6-phosphate synthase-overexpressing strain of Rhizobium etli. In contrast, trehalose accumulation in Rhizobium leguminosarum and Sinorhizobium meliloti cells did not result in an increase in nitrogen-fixing nodules but led to enhancement of competitiveness on clover and on certain alfalfa genotypes, respectively (1, 16, 20).Four trehalose biosynthetic pathways, mediated by OtsAB, TreS, TreYZ, and TreT, have been reported thus far for prokaryotes (8, 25). The OtsAB pathway results in the condensation of glucose-6-phosphate with UDP-glucose by trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (OtsA) to form trehalose-6-phosphate. Trehalose is subsequently formed from trehalose-6-phosphate by the action of trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase (OtsB). The TreS pathway involves a reversible transglycosylation reaction in which trehalose synthase (TreS) converts maltose, a disaccharide with α,α-1,4 linkage between the two glucose molecules, to trehalose. The third pathway, mediated by TreYZ, involves the conversion of maltodextrins into trehalose. The terminal α-1,1-glycosylic bond at the end of the maltodextrin polymer is hydrolyzed by maltooligosyltrehalose synthase (TreY), and trehalose is subsequently released from the end of the polymer via hydrolysis by maltooligosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase (TreZ). More recently, a trehalose glycosyltransferring synthase (TreT) was shown to catalyze the reversible formation of trehalose from ADP-glucose and glucose (25).In addition to biosynthesis, Gram-negative bacteria have also been reported to have trehalose degradation systems. Typically, trehalose is hydrolyzed into two glucose moieties by periplasmic and cytoplasmic trehalase enzymes, TreA and TreF, respectively (13, 15). However, Sinorhizobium meliloti also uses ThuA and ThuB for trehalose utilization (16).Bradyrhizobium japonicum, the root nodule symbiont of soybeans, accumulates trehalose in cultured cells and bacteroids (34, 35). Biochemical studies indicated that B. japonicum has three independent trehalose biosynthetic pathways involving trehalose synthase (TreS), maltooligosyltrehalose synthase (TreYZ), and trehalose-6-phosphate synthetase (OtsAB) (38). Sequence analysis of the B. japonicum USDA 110 genome identified the genes that encode these biosynthetic pathways: otsAB (bll0322 to bll0323), two homologs of treS (blr6767 and bll0902), and treYZ (blr6770 to blr6771), but not treT (17). Orthologous gene sequences to the trehalose degradation genes treA, treF, and thuAB have not been found in the genome of B. japonicum USDA 110. Cytryn et al. (6) reported that expression of otsA, treS (blr6767), and treY genes were highly induced by desiccation stress. Moreover, the concentrations of these three enzymes increased when B. japonicum was cultured in the presence of salt (38). Trehalose concentration in B. japonicum has been reported to increase due to desiccation stress (6), and this sugar is purported to act as an osmoprotectant. The addition of exogenously supplied trehalose has been reported to enhance the survival of B. japonicum in response to desiccation and salinity stresses (9, 37). Despite this information, little is known about how the various trehalose biosynthetic pathways modulate stress tolerance and symbiotic performance in B. japonicum.The purpose of this study was to examine the functional role(s) of the B. japonicum trehalose biosynthetic pathways on stress survival by constructing single, double, and triple mutants and by producing strains that overexpress the trehalose biosynthesis enzymes. Here we report on the relationship between trehalose accumulation and physiological responses to salinity and desiccation stresses in mutant and overexpression strains and that mutations in the trehalose biosynthesis pathways altered the symbiotic performance of B. japonicum USDA 110 on soybeans. Results of these studies indicate that trehalose accumulation in B. japonicum plays a prominent role in the saprophytic and symbiotic competence of this agriculturally important soil bacterium.  相似文献   

我国9个大豆(GlycinemaxL.Merr.)品种感染根瘤菌USDA110后,产生不同的结瘤数,低者在20个以下.高者在60个以上。赤豆、绿赤豆也可被感染结瘤,而豇豆、扁豆则不能。超结瘤大豆nts382作为接穗时能诱导我国大豆原结瘤数有45个的开育10号、原结瘤数有12个的大黄分别发生高结瘤。nts382作为砧木时,则不能表现超结瘤.表明超结瘤因子能传给我国大豆,反之存在于我国大豆中的限制超结瘤的因子也能传给nts382。nts382于NO3-环境中仍表现超结瘤的特点也能导入开育10号、大黄及赤豆根部,并使之在NO3-环境中结瘤。在NO3-环境中不能结瘤的开育10号作为接穗,nts382作为砧木的嫁接植株,于子叶生长阶段接受NO3-时,仍能结瘤,于真对生长时接受NO3-时.则不能结瘤,表明限制结瘤因子于真叶细胞中被诱导形成。  相似文献   

The effects of preexposure of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) roots to Rhizobium japonicum strains and subsequent establishment of other strains in the nodules were investigated by using combinations of effective strains (USDA 110 and USDA 138) and effective-ineffective strains (USDA 110 and SM-5). Strain USDA 110 was a better competitor than either USDA 138 or SM-5 on cultivars Lee and Peking. However, when either of the two less-competitive strains was inoculated into 2-day-old seedlings before USDA 110 was, their nodule occupancy increased significantly on both cultivars. With USDA 138 as the primary inoculum and USDA 110 delayed for 6, 48, and 168 h, the incidence of USDA 138 nodules increased on cultivar Peking from 6% (at zero time) to 28, 70, and 82% and on cultivar Lee from 17% (at zero time) to 32, 88, and 95% for the three time delays, respectively. Preexposure of 2-week-old roots of cultivar Lee to USDA 138 had essentially the same effect: the incidence of USDA 138 nodules increased from 23% at zero time to 89 and 97% when USDA 110 was delayed for 24 and 72 h, respectively. When the ineffective strain SM-5 was used as the primary inoculum, followed by USDA 110 72 h later, the percentage of nodules containing SM-5 increased from 7 to 76%. These results indicate that the early events in the nodulation process of soybeans are perhaps the most critical for competition among R. japonicum strains.  相似文献   

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