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Complex sphingolipids in yeast are known to function in cellular adaptation to environmental changes. One of the yeast complex sphingolipids, mannosylinositol phosphorylceramide (MIPC), is produced by the redundant inositol phosphorylceramide (IPC) mannosyltransferases Csg1 and Csh1. The Ca2+-binding protein Csg2 can form a complex with either Csg1 or Csh1 and is considered to act as a regulatory subunit. However, the role of Csg2 in MIPC synthesis has remained unclear. In this study, we found that Csg1 and Csh1 are N-glycosylated with core-type and mannan-type structures, respectively. Further identification of the glycosylated residues suggests that both Csg1 and Csh1 exhibit membrane topology with their C termini in the cytosol and their mannosyltransferase domains in the lumen. After complexing with Csg2, both Csg1 and Csh1 function in the Golgi, and then are delivered to the vacuole for degradation. However, uncomplexed Csh1 cannot exit from the endoplasmic reticulum. We also demonstrated that Ca2+ stimulates IPC-to-MIPC conversion, because of a Csg2-dependent increase in Csg1 levels. Thus, Csg2 has several regulatory functions for Csg1 and Csh1, including stability, transport, and gene expression.  相似文献   

Jing Yan  Di Zhang  Huili Shi  Keke Huo 《FEBS letters》2010,584(15):3275-3278
The SCY1-like 1 binding protein 1 (SCYL1-BP1) protein was identified as an interacting partner of E3 ligase p53-induced RING H2 protein (Pirh2) and mouse double minute gene number 2 (MDM2) by yeast two-hybrid screening. Further investigation suggested there are two interactions involved in different mechanisms. SCYL1-BP1 can be ubiquitinated and degraded by Pirh2 but not by MDM2, which suggests that SCYL1-BP1 can be regulated by Pirh2. On the other hand, while SCYL1-BP1 binds to ubiquitin E3 ligase MDM2, it promotes MDM2 self-ubiquitination and results in a reduction of MDM2 protein level.

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MINT-7904819, MINT-7904837, MINT-7904806, MINT-7904715: MDM2 (uniprotkb:Q00987) physically interacts (MI:0915) with SCYL1-BP1 (uniprotkb:Q5T7V8) by anti tag coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0007)MINT-7904857, MINT-7904899: SCYL1-BP1 (uniprotkb:Q5T7V8) physically interacts (MI:0915) with MDM2 (uniprotkb:Q00987) by anti bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006)  相似文献   

The high-mobility group A (HMGA) proteins are a family of non-histone chromatin factors, encoded by the HMGA1 and HMGA2 genes. Several studies demonstrate that HMGA proteins have a critical role in neoplastic transformation, and their overexpression is mainly associated with a highly malignant phenotype, also representing a poor prognostic index. Even though a cytoplasmic localization of these proteins has been previously reported in some highly malignant neoplasias, a clear role for this localization has not been defined. Here, we first confirm the localization of the HMGA1 proteins in the cytoplasm of cancer cells, and then we report a novel mechanism through which HMGA1 inhibits p53-mitochondrial apoptosis by counteracting the binding of p53 to the anti-apoptotic factor Bcl-2. Indeed, we demonstrate a physical and functional interaction between HMGA1 and Bcl-2 proteins. This interaction occurs at mitochondria interfering with the ability of p53 protein to bind Bcl-2, thus counteracting p53-mediated mitochondrial apoptosis. This effect is associated with the inhibition of cytochrome c release and activation of caspases. Consistent with this mechanism, a strong correlation between HMGA1 cytoplasmic localization and a more aggressive histotype of thyroid, breast and colon carcinomas has been observed. Therefore, cytoplasmic localization of HMGA1 proteins in malignant tissues is a novel mechanism of inactivation of p53 apoptotic function.  相似文献   

Yeast mitochondrial fission is a multistep process during which the dynamin-related GTPase, Dnm1p, assembles into punctate structures that associate with the outer mitochondrial membrane and mediate mitochondrial division. Steps in the Dnm1p-dependent process of fission are regulated by the actions of the WD repeat protein, Mdv1p, and the mitochondrial outer membrane protein, Fis1p. Our previous studies suggested a model where Mdv1p functions to regulate fission at a post-Dnm1p assembly step and Fis1p functions at two distinct steps, at an early point, to regulate Dnm1p assembly, and later, together with Mdv1p, to facilitate Dnm1p-dependent mitochondrial fission. To test this model, we have examined the physical and functional relationship between Mdv1p and Fis1p and present genetic, biochemical, and two-hybrid data indicating that a Fis1p-Mdv1p complex is required to regulate mitochondrial fission. To further define the role of Mdv1p in fission, we examined the structural features of Mdv1p required for its interactions with Dnm1p and Fis1p. Data from two-hybrid analyses and GFP-tagged domains of Mdv1p indicate that it contains two functionally distinct domains that enable it to function as a molecular adaptor to regulate sequential interactions between Dnm1p and Fis1p and catalyze a rate-limiting step in mitochondrial fission.  相似文献   

We earlier identified the GTPBP1 gene which encodes a putative GTPase structurally related to peptidyl elongation factors. This finding was the result of a search for genes, the expression of which is induced by interferon-gamma in a macrophage cell line, THP-1. In the current study, we probed the expressed sequence tag database with the deduced amino acid sequence of GTPBP1 to search for partial cDNA clones homologous to GTPBP1. We used one of the partial cDNA clones to screen a mouse brain cDNA library and identified a novel gene, mouse GTPBP2, encoding a protein consisting of 582 amino acids and carrying GTP-binding motifs. The deduced amino acid sequence of mouse GTPBP2 revealed 44.2% similarity to mouse GTPBP1. We also cloned a human homologue of this gene from a cDNA library of the human T cell line, Jurkat. GTPBP2 protein was found highly conserved between human and mouse (over 99% identical), thereby suggesting a fundamental role of this molecule across species. On Northern blot analysis of various mouse tissues, GTPBP2 mRNA was detected in brain, thymus, kidney and skeletal muscle, but was scarce in liver. Level of expression of GTPBP2 mRNA was enhanced by interferon-gamma in THP-1 cells, HeLa cells, and thioglycollate-elicited mouse peritoneal macrophages. In addition, we determined the chromosomal localization of GTPBP1 and GTPBP2 genes in human and mouse. The GTPBP1 gene was mapped to mouse chromosome 15, region E3, and human chromosome 22q12-13.1, while the GTPBP2 gene is located in mouse chromosome 17, region C-D, and human chromosome 6p21-12.  相似文献   

Genes newly identified as regulated by glucocorticoids in murine thymocytes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Glucocorticoids induce dramatic biochemical and morphological changes in lymphocytes through an unknown process that requires RNA and protein synthesis. In order to identify genes involved in this response, we previously isolated 11 cDNA clones from the murine WEHI-7TG thymoma cell line that correspond to mRNAs induced by glucocorticoids. We now report the isolation of two new cDNA clones whose gene expression is regulated by glucocorticoids in WEHI-7TG cells. We further characterize the two new cDNA clones, as well as those described previously, by examining the response of each of the corresponding mRNAs to glucocorticoids in murine thymocytes. With the exception of two, all cDNAs correspond to genes that are induced by glucocorticoids in murine thymocytes within 4 h of treatment. We previously identified two of the cDNAs as the mouse VL30 retrovirus-like element and the mouse homolog of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan core protein. We have now identified four additional cDNA clones that correspond to the genes for calmodulin, mitochondrial phosphate carrier protein, immunoglobulin (Ig)-related glycoprotein (GP-70), and the 70 kilodalton autoantigen for Lupus and Graves diseases. Two other cDNA clones represent previously undescribed genes: one shares a high similarity to known sequences for the family of G-protein-coupled receptors and the other to a human placental-specific protein, PP11. Another cDNA appears to contain sequences for an unknown gene and the remnants of a mouse transposon. ETn. The remaining clones represent new, unidentified genes induced by glucocorticoids in murine thymocytes and in the WEHI-7TG cell line.  相似文献   

We have found that dietary protein markedly induced pancreatic serine protease activity via a mechanism independent of luminal trypsin activity in pancreaticobiliary-diverted (PBD) rats. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of dietary protein on the synthesis of trypsinogen isoforms by comparing in vivo incorporation of [35S] L-methionine into isoform proteins in PBD and sham-operated rats. A small duodenal segment including the ampulla of Vater was sectioned and transposed to the upper ileum with end-to-side anastomosis (PBD) or duodenal transection was followed by reanastomosis (sham) in male Sprague-Dawley rats. After recovery, PBD and sham rats were fed a 25% or 60% casein-sucrose-based diet (NC or HC) for 14 days. Rats were then intravenously injected with [35S] L-methionine (15 MBq/kg body weight) 30 mins before being sacrificed for analysis of pancreatic enzymes by two-dimensional SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. By using electrophoresis with narrow range of isoelectric focusing (pI 4.5-5.5), five trypsinogen 2 (2-x) isoform spots were identified using both [35S] incorporation and Coomassie brilliant blue (CBB) staining in PBD rats, but not in sham rats. N-terminal sequences of these trypsinogen 2-x spots were identical to known rat trypsinogen 2 with the exception that the third valine was changed to isoleucine in one isoform. In PBD rats, feeding of HC specifically increased the [35S] and CBB intensities of these trypsinogen 2-x isoforms and trypsinogen 3. The degree of induction of the five trypsinogen 2-x molecules by HC varied greatly. Trypsinogen 1 and 4, which are the major trypsinogens in normal rats, showed no changes. We conclude that increases in synthesis of a few newly identified trypsinogen 2-x isoforms mainly contribute to the induction of trypsin activity in the pancreas by HC in PBD rats.  相似文献   

The activation of p70s6k is associated with multiple phosphorylations at two sets of sites. The first set, S411, S418, T421, and S424, reside within the autoinhibitory domain, and each contains a hydrophobic residue at -2 and a proline at +1. The second set of sites, T229 (in the catalytic domain) and T389 and S404 (in the linker region), are rapamycin sensitive and flanked by bulky aromatic residues. Here we describe the identification and mutational analysis of three new phosphorylation sites, T367, S371, and T447, all of which have a recognition motif similar to that of the first set of sites. A mutation of T367 or T447 to either alanine or glutamic acid had no apparent effect on p70s6k activity, whereas similar mutations of S371 abolished kinase activity. Of these three sites and their surrounding motifs, only S371 is conserved in p70s6k homologs from Drosophila melanogaster, Arabidopsis thaliana, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, as well as many members of the protein kinase C family. Serum stimulation increased S371 phosphorylation; unlike the situation for specific members of the protein kinase C family, where the homologous site is regulated by autophosphorylation, S371 phosphorylation is regulated by an external mechanism. Phosphopeptide analysis of S371 mutants further revealed that the loss of activity in these variants was paralleled by a block in serum-induced T389 phosphorylation, a phosphorylation site previously shown to be essential for kinase activity. Nevertheless, the substitution of an acidic residue at T389, which mimics phosphorylation at this site, did not rescue mutant p70s6k activity, indicating that S371 phosphorylation plays an independent role in regulating intrinsic kinase activity.  相似文献   

Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM1) regulates intestinal immunological homeostasis. However, precise expression patterns of CEACAM1 isoforms remain poorly understood in the intestinal epithelia. Focusing on the small intestinal epithelium of BALB/c mice, we identified three novel splice variants encoding CEACAM1a-2, -2C1, and -4C1 by RT-PCR. CEACAM1a-2, -2C1, and -4C1 demonstrated secretory properties by transfection experiments in vitro. Among them, CEACAM1a-4C1 was the major secreted isoform in vivo due to the soluble/secreted CEACAM1a with a frameshift sequence in the C-terminus, specific for CEACAM1a-2C1 and -4C1. CEACAM1a-4C1 was capable of binding murine hepatitis virus (MHV) and was detected at approximately 120 kDa in the small intestinal secretions. Neutralizing effects of the soluble CEACAM1a on MHV infectivity in vitro were demonstrated by using recombinant CEACAM1a-4C1. Our data suggest an intrinsic mechanism operated by free CEACAM1 for surveillance of pathogens and maintenance of homeostasis in the intestine.  相似文献   

Expression of the endothelial cell-specific molecule (ESM)-1 was originally identified in lung and kidney endothelial cells, where its expression is regulated by cytokines. In vitro, ESM-1 interferes with the molecular mechanisms of immune cell migration by binding to adhesion molecules. In this study, we have explored the expression of ESM-1 in isolated human adipocytes and in rat adipose tissue depots. Human primary adipocytes were cultivated after collagenase digestion and used for in vitro incubation studies. Adipocytes were also isolated from different fat depots of Sprague-Dawley rats. Gene expression was quantified by TaqMan RT-PCR using specific human and rat ESM-1 primers. The cellular localisation of ESM-1 was determined by confocal microscopy using a specific antibody. ESM-1 expression in human adipocytes was stimulated by phorbol ester, an activator of protein kinase C, and by retinoic acid, an activator of nuclear receptors. The maximum increase in gene expression was 3.2-fold after 72 h treatment with phorbol ester and 4.6-fold after 72 h treatment with retinoic acid. The highest expression was found in subcutaneous rat adipose tissue - two-fold compared to epididymal and six-fold compared to intrascapular brown adipose tissue. As obesity is related to systemic inflammation (examplified by increased circulating levels of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6), the formation of ESM-1 in adipocytes and its activation by protein kinase C may play a role in the regulation of inflammatory processes.  相似文献   

Bax inhibitor-1 (BI-1) is a widely conserved cell death suppressor localized in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Our previous results revealed that Arabidopsis BI-1 (AtBI-1) interacts with not only Arabidopsis cytochrome b 5 (Cb5), an electron transfer protein, but also a Cb5-like domain (Cb5LD)-containing protein, Saccharomyces cerevisiae fatty acid 2-hydroxylase 1, which 2-hydroxylates sphingolipid fatty acids. We have now found that AtBI-1 binds Arabidopsis sphingolipid Δ8 long-chain base (LCB) desaturases AtSLD1 and AtSLD2, which are Cb5LD-containing proteins. The expression of both AtBI-1 and AtSLD1 was increased by cold exposure. However, different phenotypes were observed in response to cold treatment between an atbi-1 mutant and a sld1sld2 double mutant. To elucidate the reasons behind the difference, we analyzed sphingolipids and found that unsaturated LCBs in atbi-1 were not altered compared to wild type, whereas almost all LCBs in sld1sld2 were saturated, suggesting that AtBI-1 may not be necessary for the desaturation of LCBs. On the other hand, the sphingolipid content in wild type increased in response to low temperature, whereas total sphingolipid levels in atbi-1 were unaltered. In addition, the ceramide-modifying enzymes AtFAH1, sphingolipid base hydroxylase 2 (AtSBH2), acyl lipid desaturase 2 (AtADS2) and AtSLD1 were highly expressed under cold stress, and all are likely to be related to AtBI-1 function. These findings suggest that AtBI-1 contributes to synthesis of sphingolipids during cold stress by interacting with AtSLD1, AtFAH1, AtSBH2 and AtADS2.  相似文献   

Modulation of Immune check point regulators, especially the PD-1/PD-L1 axis, plays a critical role in successful management of a small proportion of lung cancer patients, but not so effective in the rest of lung cancer patients. A better understanding of immunotherapy non-responsive or resistant patients therefore warranted for future development of novel therapeutics. The newly identified regulator CMTM6 (CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 6) has been reported to serves as the stabilizer of PD-L1 and enhances the inhibitory effect of PD-L1 on immune system in both cell line and animal models, but its clinical relevance associated with PD-L1 is unknown and the current study is designed to address this question. The study using immunohistochemistry demonstrated that CMTM6 positivity from 15 out of 19 types of cancers with our in-house tissue microarray, and PD-L1 expression is always found only in CMTM6 positive cancers. CMTM6 and PD-L1 expression were analyzed in 81 lung cancer patient sample, and we observed that CMTM6 expression correlated with cancer histotypes and inversely correlated with cancer metastases, but not with patients’ age and gender. No PD-L1 expression was observed in negative CMTM6 samples. Higher expression PD-L1 is also associated with higher CMTM6 expression. In summary, CMTM6 expression is associated with PD-L1 expression, as well as lung cancer histotypes and metastasis. The results thus for the first time confirmed earlier reports on CMTM6/PD-L1 connection, from a clinical aspect of analysis.  相似文献   

G‐protein‐coupled receptor (GPCR) kinase 2 interacting protein‐1 (GIT1) is a scaffold protein expressed in various cell types including neurons, endothelial, and vascular smooth muscle cells. The GIT1 knockout (KO) mouse has a pulmonary phenotype due to impaired endothelial function. Because GIT1 is tyrosine phosphorylated by Src kinase, we anticipated that GIT1 KO should have a bone phenotype similar to Src KO. Microcomputed tomography of the long bones revealed that GIT1 KO mice have a 2.3‐fold increase in bone mass compared to wild‐type controls. Histomorphometry showed increased trabecular number and connectivity suggesting impaired bone remodeling. Immunoblot analysis of GIT1 expression showed that it was expressed in both osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Osteoblast activity and function assayed by alkaline phosphatase, mineral nodule formation, and in vivo calcein labeling were normal in GIT1 KO mice suggesting that the observed increase in bone mass was due to an osteoclast defect. GIT1 KO bone marrow cells differentiated into multinucleated osteoclasts, but had defective bone resorbing function on dentin slices. This defect was likely caused by loss of podosome belt based on immunofluorescence analysis and previous studies showing that GIT1 is required for podosome formation. Furthermore, we found that GIT1 was a regulator of receptor activator of NFκB (RANK) signaling since it was tyrosine phosphorylated in a Src‐dependent manner and was required for phospholipase C‐γ2 phosphorylation. These data show that GIT1 is a key regulator of bone mass in vivo by regulating osteoclast function and suggest GIT1 as a potential target for osteoporosis therapy. J. Cell. Physiol. 225: 777–785, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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