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Microcosm studies were conducted under nitrate-reducing conditions with diesel fuel-contaminated aquifer material from a site treated by in situ bioremediation. In the microcosms, the consumption of nitrate and the production of inorganic carbon were strongly stimulated by the addition of the isoprenoid alkane pristane (2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadecane). Within 102 days enrichment cultures degraded more than 90% of the pristane supplied as coatings on reticulated sinter glass rings. The study demonstrates that pristane can no longer be regarded as recalcitrant under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Dechlorination studies were conducted using microbial cultures developed in a fluidized-bed reactor (FBR) that dechlorinates pentachlorophenol (PCP) to 3,4-dichlorophenol (3,4-DCP) and 4-monochlorophenol (4-MCP). Electron donor experiments demonstrated that lactate, propionate, and H2 can serve as electron donors for chlorophenol (CP) dechlorination in mixed, anaerobic, PCP-enriched cultures. Dechlorination did not proceed in the absence of an electron donor. Acetate, which resulted in little H2 production, was a poor electron donor. The results of inhibition studies using vancomycin and 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid implicate members of the domain bacteria in the dechlorination of CPs, whereas methanogens do not appear to be involved in dechlorination. Brief heat treatment (80°C for 90 min) of the FBR enrichment cultures implicated endospore formers in the dechlorination of CPs, primarily at the ortho position, where PCP was dechlorinated to 3,4,5-trichlorophenol (3,4,5-TCP) (the sole TCP detected) and subsequently to 3,4-DCP. Both lactate and H2 served as electron donors in the heat-and oxygen-treated cultures. In contrast, a lactate-fed anaerobic spread-plate enrichment culture exhibited solely meta-dechlorination, where PCP dechlorinated solely to 2,4,6-TCP. The separation of ortho- and meta-specific dechlorination reactions provides evidence that PCP dechlorination in the FBR enrichment culture was catalyzed by at least the following two separate groups of CP-dechlorinating bacteria: one meta-dechlorinating group and one primarily ortho-dechlorinating group.  相似文献   

16S rRNA gene libraries from the lithoautotrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing, nitrate-reducing enrichment culture described by Straub et al. (K. L. Straub, M. Benz, B. Schink, and F. Widdel, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62:1458-1460, 1996) were dominated by a phylotype related (95% 16S rRNA gene homology) to the autotrophic Fe(II) oxidizer Sideroxydans lithotrophicus. The libraries also contained phylotypes related to known heterotrophic nitrate reducers Comamonas badia, Parvibaculum lavamentivorans, and Rhodanobacter thiooxidans. The three heterotrophs were isolated and found to be capable of only partial (12 to 24%) Fe(II) oxidation, suggesting that the Sideroxydans species has primary responsibility for Fe(II) oxidation in the enrichment culture.A variety of microorganisms oxidize Fe(II) with nitrate under anaerobic, circumneutral pH conditions (29) and may contribute to an active microbially driven anoxic Fe redox cycle (1, 27-29, 31, 32). Straub et al. (28) obtained the first Fe(II)-oxidizing, nitrate-reducing (enrichment) culture capable of fully autotrophic growth by a reaction such as 5Fe2+ + NO3 + 12H2O → 5Fe(OH)3 + 0.5N2 + 9H+. This process has since been demonstrated in detail with the hyperthermophilic archaeon Ferroglobus placidus (9) and with the mesophilic Proteobacteria Chromobacterium violacens strain 2002 (34) and Paracoccus ferrooxidans strain BDN-1 (16). Nitrate-dependent Fe(II) oxidation in the presence of fixed carbon has been documented for Dechlorosoma suillum strain PS (4), Geobacter metallireducens (7), Desulfitobacterium frappieri (23), and Acidovorax strain BoFeN1 (15). In addition to oxidizing insoluble Fe(II)-bearing minerals (33), the enrichment culture described by Straub et al. (28) is the only autotrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing, nitrate-reducing culture capable of near-complete oxidation of uncomplexed Fe(II) with reduction of nitrate to N2. During Fe(II) oxidation, F. placidus reduces nitrate to nitrite, which may play a significant role in overall Fe(II) oxidation. Although both C. violacens and Paracoccus ferrooxidans reduce nitrate to N2, C. violacens oxidizes only 20 to 30% of the initial Fe(II), and P. ferrooxidans uses FeEDTA2− but not free (uncomplexed) Fe(II) in medium analogous to that used for cultivation of the enrichment culture described by Straub et al. (28). The enrichment culture described by Straub et al. (28) is thus the most robust culture capable of autotrophic growth coupled to nitrate-dependent Fe(II) oxidation available at present. The composition and activity of this culture was investigated with molecular and cultivation techniques. The culture examined is one provided by K. L. Straub to E. E. Roden in 1998 for use in studies of nitrate-dependent oxidation of solid-phase Fe(II) compounds (33) and has been maintained in our laboratory since that time.  相似文献   

Thermophilic oleate-degrading bacteria were enriched in mineral medium in association withMethanobacterium thermoautotrophicum . The enrichment culture also produced methane from linear saturated fatty acids (two to 18 carbon atoms), and fermented crotonate to acetate and butyrate, with a stoichiometry similar to that reported forSyntrophomonaswolfei . Two thermophilic, anaerobic members of the domain Bacteria were isolated and phylogenetically characterised as Coprothermobacter proteolyticus and Anaerobaculum thermoterrenum. Amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis of the members of the domain Bacteria in the enrichment culture showed that there were three dominant restriction patterns, two of which corresponded to those of the isolated non-syntrophic organisms. The sequence of the third pattern clustered with a group of bacteria that degrade C4 and higher fatty acids in syntrophic association. However, it diverged considerably from the closest thermophilic relatives, Syntrophothermus lipocalidus and Thermosyntropha lipolytica, indicating the presence of a new thermophilic long-chain fatty acid-degrading bacterium in the enrichment culture.  相似文献   

Monoaromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) are widespread contaminants in groundwater. We examined the anaerobic degradation of BTEX compounds with amorphous ferric oxide as electron acceptor. Successful enrichment cultures were obtained for all BTEX substrates both in the presence and absence of AQDS (9,10-anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonic acid). The electron balances showed a complete anaerobic oxidation of the aromatic compounds to CO2. This is the first report on the anaerobic degradation of o-xylene and ethylbenzene in sediment-free iron-reducing enrichment cultures.  相似文献   

We identified trace metabolites produced during the anaerobic biodegradation of H26- and D26-n-dodecane by an enrichment culture that mineralizes these compounds in a sulfate-dependent fashion. The metabolites are dodecylsuccinic acids that, in the case of the perdeuterated substrate, retain all of the deuterium atoms. The deuterium retention and the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry fragmentation patterns of the derivatized metabolites suggest that they are formed by C—H or C—D addition across the double bond of fumarate. As trimethylsilyl esters, two nearly coeluting metabolites of equal abundance with nearly identical mass spectra were detected from each of H26- and D26-dodecane, but as methyl esters, only a single metabolite peak was detected for each parent substrate. An authentic standard of protonated n-dodecylsuccinic acid that was synthesized and derivatized by the two methods had the same fragmentation patterns as the metabolites of H26-dodecane. However, the standard gave only a single peak for each ester type and gas chromatographic retention times different from those of the derivatized metabolites. This suggests that the succinyl moiety in the dodecylsuccinic acid metabolites is attached not at the terminal methyl group of the alkane but at a subterminal position. The detection of two equally abundant trimethylsilyl-esterified metabolites in culture extracts suggests that the analysis is resolving diastereomers which have the succinyl moiety located at the same subterminal carbon in two different absolute configurations. Alternatively, there may be more than one methylene group in the alkane that undergoes the proposed fumarate addition reaction, giving at least two structural isomers in equal amounts.  相似文献   

Sediments from the sulfate-reduction zone of a petroleum-contaminated aquifer, in which benzene persisted, were inoculated with a benzene-oxidizing, sulfate-reducing enrichment from aquatic sediments. Benzene was degraded, with apparent growth of the benzene-degrading population over time. These results suggest that the lack of benzene degradation in the sulfate-reduction zones of some aquifers may result from the failure of the appropriate benzene-degrading sulfate reducers to colonize the aquifers rather than from environmental conditions that are adverse for anaerobic benzene degradation.  相似文献   

A strictly anaerobic enrichment culture was obtained with p-xylene as organic substrate and sulfate as electron acceptor from an aquifer at a former gasworks plant contaminated with aromatic hydrocarbons. p-Xylene was completely oxidized to CO2. The enrichment culture depended on Fe(II) in the medium as a scavenger of the produced sulfide. 4-Methylbenzylsuccinic acid and 4-methylphenylitaconic acid were identified in supernatants of cultures indicating that degradation of p-xylene was initiated by fumarate addition to one of the methyl groups. Therefore, p-xylene degradation probably proceeds analogously to toluene degradation by Thauera aromatica or anaerobic degradation pathways for o- and m-xylene.  相似文献   

Anaerobic degradation of 2-methylnaphthalene was investigated with a sulfate-reducing enrichment culture. Metabolite analyses revealed two groups of degradation products. The first group comprised two succinic acid adducts which were identified as naphthyl-2-methyl-succinic acid and naphthyl-2-methylene-succinic acid by comparison with chemically synthesized reference compounds. Naphthyl-2-methyl-succinic acid accumulated to 0.5 μM in culture supernatants. Production of naphthyl-2-methyl-succinic acid was analyzed in enzyme assays with dense cell suspensions. The conversion of 2-methylnaphthalene to naphthyl-2-methyl-succinic acid was detected at a specific activity of 0.020 ± 0.003 nmol min−1 mg of protein−1 only in the presence of cells and fumarate. We conclude that under anaerobic conditions 2-methylnaphthalene is activated by fumarate addition to the methyl group, as is the case in anaerobic toluene degradation. The second group of metabolites comprised 2-naphthoic acid and reduced 2-naphthoic acid derivatives, including 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-naphthoic acid, octahydro-2-naphthoic acid, and decahydro-2-naphthoic acid. These compounds were also identified in an earlier study as products of anaerobic naphthalene degradation with the same enrichment culture. A pathway for anaerobic degradation of 2-methylnaphthalene analogous to that for anaerobic toluene degradation is proposed.  相似文献   

A fermentative enrichment culture (designated DHM-1) was developed that is capable of cometabolically biotransforming high concentrations of chloroform (CF) to nontoxic end products. Two Pantoea spp. were isolated from DHM-1 that also possess this dechlorination capability. Following acclimation to increasing levels of CF, corn syrup-grown DHM-1 was able to transform over 500 mg/liter CF in the presence of vitamin B12 (approximately 3% of CF on a molar basis) at a rate as high as 22 mg/liter/day in a mineral salts medium. CO, CO2, and organic acids were the predominant biodegradation products, suggesting that hydrolytic reactions predominate during CF transformation. DHM-1 was capable of growing on corn syrup in the presence of high concentrations of CF (as may be present near contaminant source zones in groundwater), which makes it a promising culture for bioaugmentation. Strains DHM-1B and DHM-1T transform CF at rates similar to that of the DHM-1 enrichment culture. The ability of these strains to grow in the presence of high concentrations of CF appears to be related to alteration of membrane fluidity or homeoviscous and homeophasic adaptation.Chloroform (CF) is a toxic organic compound that is frequently detected in groundwater. In the 2007 “CERCLA Priority List of Hazardous Substances,” CF ranks eleventh overall and is the third highest among chlorinated organics after vinyl chloride and polychlorinated biphenyls (4). When present at hazardous waste sites, CF is often a focal point for evaluating the feasibility of bioremediation, since it is toxic to many obligate anaerobic prokaryotes (44). For example, 1 mg/liter of CF completely inhibited dechlorination of tetrachloroethene (PCE) by a chlororespiring anaerobic isolate (32). Inhibition of reductive dechlorination of chloroethenes by CF is a general problem for sites cocontaminated with CF, which can only be overcome by first removing the CF (6).In spite of major recent advances in bioremediation of chlorinated organic compounds, treatment of CF, especially at high concentrations (e.g., >100 mg/liter), remains challenging. Although aerobic biotransformation of CF is possible (e.g., cometabolism by a butane-grown strain) (14), CF is more difficult to cometabolize than trichloroethene (42). Biotransformation of CF by mixed or pure cultures under methanogenic (5, 21) and sulfate-reducing (20) conditions has been reported, however, only at low-mg/liter CF concentrations.Corrinoids such as vitamin B12 (i.e., cyanocobalamin) are effective catalysts for increasing the rate of halomethane biotransformation under anaerobic conditions. Addition of vitamin B12 also shifts the pathway away from reductive dechlorination and toward hydrolytic and substitutive reactions, forming CO, CO2, and organic acids as the major products (8, 23, 24). With low levels of B12 added (3 to 5% molar ratios of CF), an enrichment culture grown on dichloromethane (DCM) as the sole substrate (8) and a lactate-grown sulfate-reducing enrichment culture (18) were able to biotransform up to 260 mg/liter and 270 mg/liter CF, respectively. However, use of a DCM-grown culture is not feasible for in situ bioremediation since DCM is also a regulated contaminant and the culture grows well only at 35°C. A major drawback with using a lactate-grown culture is the accumulation of DCM during CF transformation. Organohalide respiration of CF by a Dehalobacter population was recently reported (19), although DCM is the end product. Further treatment of the DCM would be necessary for bioremediation to be successful, although bioaugmentation cultures for this purpose are not yet available. It is apparent that a strategy for bioremediation of high concentrations of chloroform is still lacking.In a recent microcosm study using soil and groundwater from an industrial site, we demonstrated that bioaugmentation is a technically feasible remediation strategy for high concentrations of chloroform as well as carbon tetrachloride (CT) and trichlorofluoromethane (35). High rates of transformation were achieved with a fermentative enrichment culture that grows on corn syrup, supplemented with B12 (1.3 to 1.4 mol%). The objectives of this study were to characterize the fermentative culture in terms of its maximum rate of CF transformation, its dependence on B12 for transformation of CF, and its ability to grow on corn syrup in the presence of CF; to identify the transformation products from CF; to isolate and identify the microbes in the enrichment culture that are responsible for CF biotransformation; and to investigate the adaptation mechanisms used by the isolates to tolerate the toxicity of high concentrations of CF.  相似文献   

In previous studies, three different strains (BrG1, BrG2, and BrG3) of ferrous iron-oxidizing, nitrate-reducing bacteria were obtained from freshwater sediments. All three strains were facultative anaerobes and utilized a variety of organic substrates and molecular hydrogen with nitrate as electron acceptor. In this study, analyses of 16S rDNA sequences showed that strain BrG1 was affiliated with the genus Acidovorax, strain BrG2 with the genus Aquabacterium, and strain BrG3 with the genus Thermomonas. Previously, bacteria similar to these three strains were detected with molecular techniques in MPN dilution series for ferrous iron-oxidizing, nitrate-reducing bacteria inoculated with different freshwater sediment samples. In the present study, further molecular analyses of these MPN cultures indicated that the ability to oxidize ferrous iron with nitrate is widespread amongst the Proteobacteria and may also be found among the Gram-positive bacteria with high GC content of DNA. Nitrate-reducing bacteria oxidized ferrous iron to poorly crystallized ferrihydrite that was suitable as an electron acceptor for ferric iron-reducing bacteria. Biologically produced ferrihydrite and synthetically produced ferrihydrite were both well suited as electron acceptors in MPN dilution cultures. Repeated anaerobic cycling of iron was shown in a coculture of ferrous iron-oxidizing bacteria and the ferric iron-reducing bacterium Geobacter bremensis. The results indicate that iron can be cycled between its oxidation states +II and +III by microbial activities in anoxic sediments.  相似文献   

Anaerobic, nitrate-dependent microbial oxidation of ferrous iron was recently recognized as a new type of metabolism. In order to study the occurrence of three novel groups of ferrous iron-oxidizing, nitrate-reducing bacteria (represented by strains BrG1, BrG2, and BrG3), 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes were developed. In pure-culture experiments, these probes were shown to be suitable for fluorescent in situ hybridization, as well as for hybridization analysis of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) patterns. However, neither enumeration by in situ hybridization nor detection by the DGGE-hybridization approach was feasible with sediment samples. Therefore, the DGGE-hybridization approach was combined with microbiological methods. Freshwater sediment samples from different European locations were used for enrichment cultures and most-probable-number (MPN) determinations. Bacteria with the ability to oxidize ferrous iron under nitrate-reducing conditions were detected in all of the sediment samples investigated. At least one of the previously described types of bacteria was detected in each enrichment culture. MPN studies showed that sediments contained from 1 × 105 to 5 × 108 ferrous iron-oxidizing, nitrate-reducing bacteria per g (dry weight) of sediment, which accounted for at most 0.8% of the nitrate-reducing bacteria growing with acetate. Type BrG1, BrG2, and BrG3 bacteria accounted for an even smaller fraction (0.2% or less) of the ferrous iron-oxidizing, nitrate-reducing community. The DGGE patterns of MPN cultures suggested that more organisms than those isolated thus far are able to oxidize ferrous iron with nitrate. A comparison showed that among the anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria, organisms that have the ability to oxidize ferrous iron also account for only a minor fraction of the population.  相似文献   

A multiheme protein having hydrazine-oxidizing activity was purified from enriched culture from a reactor in which an anammox bacterium, strain KSU-1, was dominant. The enzyme has oxidizing activity toward hydrazine but not hydroxylamine and is a 130-kDa homodimer composed of a 62-kDa polypeptide containing eight hemes. It was therefore named hydrazine-oxidizing enzyme (HZO). With cytochrome c as an electron acceptor, the Vmax and Km for hydrazine are 6.2 ± 0.3 μmol/min · mg and 5.5 ± 0.6 μM, respectively. Hydrazine (25 μM) induced an increase in the proportion of reduced form in the spectrum, whereas hydroxylamine (500 μM) did not. Two genes coding for HZO, hzoA and hzoB, were identified within the metagenomic DNA from the culture. The genes encode the same amino acid sequence except for two residues. The sequences deduced from these genes showed low-level identities (<30%) to those of all of the hydroxylamine oxidoreductases reported but are highly homologous to two hao genes found by sequencing the genome of “Candidatus Kuenenia stuttgartiensis” (88% and 89% identities). The purified enzyme might therefore be a novel hydrazine-oxidizing enzyme having a critical role in anaerobic ammonium oxidation.  相似文献   

Enrichment of an Endosulfan-Degrading Mixed Bacterial Culture   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
An endosulfan-degrading mixed bacterial culture was enriched from soil with a history of endosulfan exposure. Enrichment was obtained by using the insecticide as the sole source of sulfur. Chemical hydrolysis was minimized by using strongly buffered culture medium (pH 6.6), and the detergent Tween 80 was included to emulsify the insecticide, thereby increasing the amount of endosulfan in contact with the bacteria. No growth occurred in control cultures in the absence of endosulfan. Degradation of the insecticide occurred concomitant with bacterial growth. The compound was both oxidized and hydrolyzed. The oxidation reaction favored the alpha isomer and produced endosulfate, a terminal pathway product. Hydrolysis involved a novel intermediate, tentatively identified as endosulfan monoaldehyde on the basis of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and chemical derivatization results. The accumulation and decline of metabolites suggest that the parent compound was hydrolyzed to the putative monoaldehyde, thereby releasing the sulfite moiety required for growth. The monoaldehyde was then oxidized to endosulfan hydroxyether and further metabolized to (a) polar product(s). The cytochrome P450 inhibitor, piperonyl butoxide, did not prevent endosulfan oxidation or the formation of other metabolites. These results suggest that this mixed culture is worth investigating as a source of endosulfan-hydrolyzing enzymes for use in enzymatic bioremediation of endosulfan residues.  相似文献   

Permeabilized cells of a highly enriched, toluene-mineralizing, methanogenic culture catalyzed the addition of toluene to fumarate to form benzylsuccinate under anaerobic conditions. The specific in vitro rate of benzylsuccinate formation was >85% of the specific in vivo rate of toluene consumption. This is the first report of benzylsuccinate synthase activity in a methanogenic culture; the activity has previously been reported to occur in denitrifying, sulfate-reducing, and anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the mother cell and bud are connected by a narrow neck. The mechanism by which this neck is closed during cytokinesis has been unclear. Here we report on the role of a contractile actomyosin ring in this process. Myo1p (the only type II myosin in S. cerevisiae) forms a ring at the presumptive bud site shortly before bud emergence. Myo1p ring formation depends on the septins but not on F-actin, and preexisting Myo1p rings are stable when F-actin is depolymerized. The Myo1p ring remains in the mother–bud neck until the end of anaphase, when a ring of F-actin forms in association with it. The actomyosin ring then contracts to a point and disappears. In the absence of F-actin, the Myo1p ring does not contract. After ring contraction, cortical actin patches congregate at the mother–bud neck, and septum formation and cell separation rapidly ensue. Strains deleted for MYO1 are viable; they fail to form the actin ring but show apparently normal congregation of actin patches at the neck. Some myo1Δ strains divide nearly as efficiently as wild type; other myo1Δ strains divide less efficiently, but it is unclear whether the primary defect is in cytokinesis, septum formation, or cell separation. Even cells lacking F-actin can divide, although in this case division is considerably delayed. Thus, the contractile actomyosin ring is not essential for cytokinesis in S. cerevisiae. In its absence, cytokinesis can still be completed by a process (possibly localized cell–wall synthesis leading to septum formation) that appears to require septin function and to be facilitated by F-actin.  相似文献   

Anaerobic cometabolic conversion of benzothiophene was studied with a sulfate-reducing enrichment culture growing with naphthalene as the sole source of carbon and energy. The sulfate-reducing bacteria were not able to grow with benzothiophene as the primary substrate. Metabolite analysis was performed with culture supernatants obtained by cometabolization experiments and revealed the formation of three isomeric carboxybenzothiophenes. Two isomers were identified as 2-carboxybenzothiophene and 5-carboxybenzothiophene. In some experiments, further reduced dihydrocarboxybenzothiophene was identified. No other products of benzothiophene degradation could be determined. In isotope-labeling experiments with a [13C]bicarbonate-buffered culture medium, carboxybenzothiophenes which were significantly enriched in the 13C content of the carboxyl group were formed, indicating the addition of a C1 unit from bicarbonate to benzothiophene as the initial activation reaction. This finding was consistent with the results of earlier studies on anaerobic naphthalene degradation with the same culture, and we therefore propose that benzothiophene was cometabolically converted by the same enzyme system. Groundwater analyses of the tar-oil-contaminated aquifer from which the naphthalene-degrading enrichment culture was isolated exhibited the same carboxybenzothiophene isomers as the culture supernatants. In addition, the benzothiophene degradation products, in particular, dihydrocarboxybenzothiophene, were significantly enriched in the contaminated groundwater to concentrations almost the same as those of the parent compound, benzothiophene. The identification of identical metabolites of benzothiophene conversion in the sulfate-reducing enrichment culture and in the contaminated aquifer indicated that the same enzymatic reactions were responsible for the conversion of benzothiophene in situ.  相似文献   

A microbial enrichment culture from marine sediment was able to grow on hexadecan-2-one as the sole source of carbon and energy under sulfate-reducing conditions. Oxidation of the ketone involved carboxylation reactions and was coupled to sulfide production. This enrichment culture also grew on 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-one.  相似文献   

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