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Improved winter cold tolerance is widespread among small passerines resident in cold climates and is generally associated with elevated summit metabolic rate (Msum=maximum thermoregulatory metabolic rate) and improved shivering endurance with increased reliance on lipids as fuel. Elevated Msum and improved cold tolerance may result from greater metabolic intensity, due to mass-specific increase in oxidative enzyme capacity, or increase in the masses of thermogenic tissues. To examine the mechanisms underlying winter increases in Msum, we investigated seasonal changes in mass-specific and total activities of the key aerobic enzymes citrate synthase (CS) and β-hydroxyacyl CoA-dehydrogenase (HOAD) in pectoralis, supracoracoideus and mixed leg muscles of three resident passerine species, black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus), house sparrow (Passer domesticus), and white-breasted nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis). Activities of CS were generally higher in winter than in summer muscles for chickadees and house sparrows, but not nuthatches. Mass-specific HOAD activity was significantly elevated in winter relative to summer in all muscles for chickadees, but did not vary significantly with season for sparrows or nuthatches, except for sparrow leg muscle. These results suggest that modulation of substrate flux and cellular aerobic capacity in muscle contribute to seasonal metabolic flexibility in some species and tissues, but such changes play varying roles among small passerines resident in cold climates.  相似文献   

Improved winter cold tolerance is widespread among small birds overwintering in cold climates and is associated with improved shivering endurance and elevated summit metabolic rate (Msum). Phenotypic flexibility resulting in elevated Msum could result from either increased skeletal muscle mass (perhaps with support from similar adjustments in “nutritional organs”) and/or cellular metabolic intensity. We investigated seasonal changes in body composition of three species of passerine birds resident in cold winter climates, all of which show large seasonal variations in Msum (>25%); white-breasted nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis), black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus), and house sparrow (Passer domesticus). All three species displayed significant winter increases in pectoralis and heart masses, and supracoracoideus mass also increased in winter chickadees. Gizzard mass increased in winter for all three species, but masses of other nutritional organs did not vary consistently with season. These data suggest that winter increases in pectoralis and heart masses are important contributors to elevated thermogenic capacity and cold tolerance, but seasonal variation in nutritional organ masses, other than gizzard, which is likely associated with dietary changes, are not universally associated with seasonal phenotypes. The winter increases in pectoralis and heart masses are consistent with data from other small passerines showing marked seasonal changes in cold tolerance and support the Variable Maximum Model of seasonal phenotypic flexibility, where physiological adjustments that promote improved cold tolerance, also result in elevated Msum.  相似文献   

In some birds, males defend two spatially separated territories and attract females to each one in turn. it has been proposed that this behaviour, referred to as polyterritoriality, allows males to conceal their marital status, thereby deceiving females into accepting polygyny against their best interests. The deception hypothesis has gained general acceptance as an explanation for polyterritoriality in birds, but until recently the empirical basis for the hypothesis rested almost entirely on studies of Swedish populations of the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). New findings, emerging from further studies of the pied flycatcher and of other species, suggest several alternative selection pressures that may have favoured polyterritoriality.  相似文献   

Summary Brood-rearing passerine birds often have sparse lipid reserves coupled with potentially high energy demands. This may necessitate increased fasting protein catabolism; however, the largest source of protein, flight muscle, must be maintained. This problem was examined in the horned lark (Eremophila alpestris), a 28-g passerine. Overnight fasting caused significant depletion of protein in flight muscle and liver, but not in other muscle groups. Proteolytic enzyme activity of the flight muscle doubled during fasting. Biochemical and ultrastructural studies revealed that protein was depleted disproportionately from the sarcoplasm of flight muscle cells. Fasting caused a reduction in the protein-specific glycolytic capacity of flight muscle tissue. Oxidative capacity of the flight muscle, as measured by both in vivo and in vitro assays, was not significantly affected. The disproportionate catabolism of flight muscle sarcoplasmic protein may be due to a greater susceptibility to proteolysis, and not necessarily because it represents a source of redundant storage protein.Abbreviations BMR basal metabolic rate - GPDH alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase - mATPase myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase - SDH succinate dehydrogenase - STPD standard temperature pressure dry  相似文献   

Body frontal area in passerine birds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Projected body frontal area is used when estimating the parasite drag of bird flight. We investigated the relationship between projected frontal area and body mass among passerine birds, and compared it with an equation based on waterfowl and raptors, which is used as default procedure in a widespread software package for flight performance calculations. The allometric equation based on waterfowl/raptors underestimates the frontal area compared to the passerine equation presented here. Consequently, revising the actual frontal areas of small birds will concomitantly change the values of the parasite drag coefficient. We suggest that the new equation     (m2) where m B is body mass (kg) should be used when a value of frontal area is needed for passerines.  相似文献   

This study investigated the postexercise metabolism of six species of free-living, night-migrating passerine birds (European robin, pied flycatcher, wheatear, redstart, blackcap, and garden warbler). The birds were caught during autumn migration out of their nocturnal flight, and their metabolism changed from a fasting, highly active state to a fasting, resting state. Concentrations of six plasma metabolites of the fat, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism were measured during up to 10 h of recovery time. The metabolic changes indicated a biphasic pattern: (a) a quick first response to the reduced energy demands during the first 20 min of recovery, suggested by an increase and subsequent decrease of free fatty acid levels, and (b) subsequently, a postexercise ketosis and a reduction of lipolysis and proteolysis, suggested by high beta-hydroxy-butyrate and low free fatty acid, glycerol, triglyceride, and uric acid levels. This metabolic pattern differs from that of humans and rats, in which ketosis starts immediately postexercise or is absent in trained subjects. Since migrating birds are naturally adapted to endurance exercise, it is hypothesized that the high and long-lasting postexercise ketosis does not evoke physiological problems (such as hypoglycemia) but, by contrast, increases the ability of birds to rely on lipids, to a very high extent, during and after flight and decreases the dependence on glucose and glucogenic amino acids. Differences between species in fat stores and metabolic pattern support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Despite their status as the most speciose group of terrestrial vertebrates, birds exhibit the smallest and least variable genome sizes among tetrapods. It has been suggested that this is because powered flight imposes metabolic constraints on cell size, and thus on genome size. This notion has been supported by analyses of genome size and cell size versus resting metabolic rate and other parameters across birds, but most previous studies suffer from one or more limitations that have left the question open. The present study provides new insights into this issue through an examination of newly measured genome sizes, nucleus and cell sizes, body masses and wing parameters for 74 species of birds in the order Passeriformes. A positive relationship was found between genome size and nucleus/cell size, as well as between genome size and wing loading index, which is interpreted as an indicator of adaptations for efficient flight. This represents the single largest dataset presented for birds to date, and is the first to analyse a distinctly flight-related parameter along with genome size using phylogenetic comparative analyses. The results lend additional support to the hypothesis that the small genomes of birds are indeed related in some manner to flight, though the mechanistic and historical bases for this association remain an interesting area of investigation.  相似文献   

Sperm velocity is one of the main determinants of the outcome of sperm competition. Since sperm vary considerably in their morphology between and within species, it seems likely that sperm morphology is associated with sperm velocity. Theory predicts that sperm velocity may be increased by enlarged midpiece (energetic component) or flagellum length (kinetic component), or by particular ratios between sperm components, such as between flagellum length and head size. However, such associations have rarely been found in empirical studies. In a comparative framework in passerine birds, we tested these theoretical predictions both across a wide range of species and within a single family, the New World blackbirds (Icteridae). In both study groups, sperm velocity was influenced by sperm morphology in the predicted direction. Consistent with theoretical models, these results show that selection on sperm morphology and velocity are likely to be concomitant evolutionary forces.  相似文献   

Differences in single-copy nuclear-DNA sequences among 13 species of passerine birds were measured using DNA-DNA hybridization. A matrix of pairwise dissimilarity values (delta mode distances) was constructed from analysis of fitted thermal dissociation curves. A least-squares method of phylogenetic estimation was used to construct two topologies from the distance matrix, one constraining branch lengths of sister taxa to be equal and the other permitting such lengths to vary. These topologies were identical in the pattern of branching of taxa, and the difference in their sums of squares was not statistically significant, suggesting that rates of DNA evolution in sister groups of nine- primaried oscines are equal. A nonparametric test for nonrandom variation in distances of sister groups to outgroup taxa revealed no statistically significant deviation from random variation that would be expected as a result of measurement error. However, the level of measurement error was such that rates of DNA evolution in sister taxa could vary by as much as 10% without being detected with the statistical methods used here.   相似文献   

Spermatozoa exhibit considerable interspecific variability in size and shape. Our understanding of the adaptive significance of this diversity, however, remains limited. Determining how variation in sperm structure translates into variation in sperm performance will contribute to our understanding of the evolutionary diversification of sperm form. Here, using data from passerine birds, we test the hypothesis that longer sperm swim faster because they have more available energy. We found that sperm with longer midpieces have higher levels of intracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP), but that greater energy reserves do not translate into faster-swimming sperm. Additionally, we found that interspecific variation in sperm ATP concentration is not associated with the level of sperm competition faced by males. Finally, using Bayesian methods, we compared the evolutionary trajectories of sperm morphology and ATP content, and show that both traits have undergone directional evolutionary change. However, in contrast to recent suggestions in other taxa, we show that changes in ATP are unlikely to have preceded changes in morphology in passerine sperm. These results suggest that variable selective pressures are likely to have driven the evolution of sperm traits in different taxa, and highlight fundamental biological differences between taxa with internal and external fertilization, as well as those with and without sperm storage.  相似文献   

Social mating systems and extrapair fertilizations in passerine birds   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Two alternative hypotheses have been proposed to explain howsocial and genetic mating systems are interrelated in birds.According to the first (male trade-off) hypothesis, socialpolygyny should increase extrapair fertilizations because whenmales concentrate on attracting additional social mates, theycannot effectively protect females with whom they have already paired from being sexually assaulted. According to the second(female choice) hypothesis, social polygyny should decreaseextrapair fertilizations because a substantial proportion offemales can pair with the male of their choice, and males caneffectively guard each mate during her fertile period. To discriminatethese alternatives, we comprehensively reviewed informationon social mating systems and extrapair fertilizations in temperatezone passerine birds. We found significant inverse relationshipsbetween proportions of socially polygynous males and frequenciesof extrapair young, whether each species was considered asan independent data point (using parametric statistics) orphylogenetically related species were treated as nonindependent (using contrasts analyses). When social mating systems weredichotomized, extrapair chicks were twice as frequent in monogamousas in polygynous species (0.23 vs. 0.11). We hypothesize thatin socially polygynous species, (1) there is less incentivefor females and males to pursue extrapair matings and (2) femalesincur higher costs for sexual infidelity (e.g., due to physical retaliation or reduction of paternal efforts) than in sociallymonogamous species.  相似文献   

Cross-species amplification of microsatellite primers in passerine birds   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Developing species specific microsatellite primers can be avoidedby using existing markers which amplify across species. However,for passerines, such cross-species markers are mostly lackingand few guidelines exist for selecting them from the wide rangeof existing markers. Here cross-species amplification tests of 40microsatellite primers in 13 passerine species show an increasein probability of amplification and polymorphism with decreasingphylogenetic distance. Primers which successfully amplified inmany species had a higher chance to be polymorphic. However,since the amplification success, across a broad range of species,of particular primersets remains difficult to predict it iscrucial to identify such markers empirically. Here we describesuch widely applicable bird (passerines) microsatellite markers.  相似文献   


It is well established that the nutrient and energy requirements of birds increase substantially during moult, but it is not known if these increased demands affect their aerobic capacity. We quantified the absolute aerobic scope of house and Spanish sparrows, Passer domesticus and P. hispaniolensis, respectively, before and during sequential stages of their moult period. The absolute aerobic scope (AAS) is the difference between maximum metabolic rate (MMR) during peak locomotor activities and minimum resting metabolic rate (RMRmin), thus representing the amount of aerobic power above that committed to maintenance needs available for other activities. As expected, RMRmin increased over the moult period by up to 40 and 63% in house and Spanish sparrows, respectively. Surprisingly, the maximum metabolic rates also decreased during moult in both species, declining as much as 25 and 38% compared with pre-moult values of house and Spanish sparrows, respectively. The concurrent changes in RMRmin and MMR during moult resulted in significant decreases in AAS, being up to 32 and 47% lower than pre-moult levels of house and Spanish sparrows, respectively, during moult stages having substantial feather replacement. We argue that the combination of reduced flight efficiency due to loss of wing feathers and reduced aerobic capacity places moulting birds at greater risk of predation. Such performance constraints likely contribute to most birds temporally separating moult from annual events requiring peak physiological capacity such as breeding and migration.


Behavioural flexibility and invasion success in birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Behavioural flexibility has long been thought to provide advantages for animals when they invade novel environments. This hypothesis has recently received empirical support in a study of avian species introduced to New Zealand, but it remains to be determined whether behavioural flexibility is a general mechanism influencing invasion success. In this study, we examined introduction success of 69 bird species in different regions of the world as a function of their degree of behavioural flexibility. Specifically, we predicted that species with relatively large brains and a high frequency of foraging innovations in their area of origin should show a higher probability of establishing themselves where they were introduced than species with small brains and low innovation frequencies. An analysis with general linear modelling (GLM) supported the prediction for relative brain size, even when controlling for phylogenetic biases and potential confounding variables. The only covariates that remained with relative brain size were plumage dimorphism, human commensalism and nest site. A pairwise comparison of closely related species also revealed that successful invaders showed a higher frequency of foraging innovations in their region of origin. This result held even when differences in research effort between species were considered. Overall, the results confirm and generalize the hypothesis that behavioural flexibility is a major determinant of invasion success in birds.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 94 coal tits (Parus ater), 56 great tits (Parus major) and 219 pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca), caught between 1993 and 2002 at two localities in Lower Saxony, Germany, were examined for haemosporidian infection by parasite-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A simple PCR targeting the 18 SSU rRNA gene of the parasites was used for rapid screening of the samples and generated a total infection prevalence of 20.6% (76/369): 6.8% (n = 15) of the pied flycatchers, 19.1% (n = 18) of the coal tits and 76.8% (n = 43) of the great tits were infected. The positive specimens were re-examined by a cytochrome b gene-directed nested PCR producing significantly longer DNA fragments (approx. 520 bp) that were sequenced and analysed against GenBank-deposited nucleotide sequences. In various numbers (once to 30 times), a total of 13 parasitic DNA sequences differing from 2.9 to 8.5% (13–45 nucleotides) were demonstrated in the three bird species. Due to similarities of 98–100% with GenBank entries, 11 sequences could be assigned to Plasmodium sp. and two to the genus Haemoproteus. In summary, 57 birds were infected with Plasmodium and 19 with Haemoproteus, corresponding to 15.4 and 5.1% of all birds examined, and to 75 and 25% of all birds tested positive. As the only defined species, Haemoproteus majoris was identified in 17 great tits.  相似文献   

Robert W.  Warner 《Journal of Zoology》1972,168(3):381-393
The macroscopical structure of the organ of voice in songbirds has long been known, but detailed information on the microscopical anatomy of the syrinx has generally been lacking. Observations based largely on macroscopical evidence have led to a number of erroneous interpretations of function of various syringeal components, and lacking microscopical information, the vocal mechanism of birds cannot be adequately understood.
A wide variety of passeriform bird syrinxes have been studied by means of serial sections. Although there is much less variation in syringeal anatomy amongst songbirds than there is in the other orders of birds, and although all songbird syrinxes conform to the same basic pattern, there is nevertheless marked variation in various syringeal components between different passerine groups. Variations in syringeal structure within families Corvidae ( Corvus corone, C. frugilegus ), Sturnidae ( Sturnus vulgaris, Gracula religiosa ), Turdidae ( Turdus merula, Erithacus rubecula ), Hirundinidae ( Delichon urbica ), Ploceidae ( Passer domesticus ) and Paridae ( Parus major, Aegithalos caudatus ) are described and discussed. The significance of these findings in relation to bird sound production is discussed.  相似文献   

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