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L. Lach 《Insectes Sociaux》2005,52(3):257-262
Summary. Plant and insect exudates are known to play a key role in structuring tropical ant communities, but less is known about the utilization of these resources in communities dominated by invasive ants. Invasive ants are thought to require large amounts of carbohydrates such as honeydew or nectar to maintain their high abundances. Invasive ants that consume floral nectar may compete with legitimate floral visitors through interference or exploitation competition. I compared the nectar-thieving behavior of three widespread invasive ant species: long-legged ants (Anoplolepis gracilipes), Argentine ants (Linepithema humile), and big-headed ants (Pheidole megacephala) in inflorescences of the native Hawaiian ‘ōhi’a tree, an important food source for native fauna. A. gracilipes was least likely to leave inflorescences unvisited and visited inflorescences in higher numbers than both L. humile and P. megacephala. A. gracilipes and L. humile visited more flowers in an inflorescence and were less likely to retreat from a flower with a competitor than P. megacephala. A. gracilipes was able to take 5.5 and 11.3 times the amount of nectar than L. humile and P. megacephala, respectively. Thus, A. gracilipes may be effective at both interference and exploitation competition against other nectarivores, L. humile may be effective at interference competition, and P. megacephala may be relatively weak at both types of competition against other nectarivores. Ascertaining the competitive abilities of invasive ants against legitimate floral visitors will be especially important in agricultural and other systems that are nectar or pollinator limited.Received 6 December 2004; revised 13 January 2005; accepted 14 January 2005.  相似文献   

When populations of native predators are subsidized by numerically dominant introduced species, the structure of food webs can be greatly altered. Surprisingly little is known, however, about the general factors that influence whether or not native predators consume introduced species. To learn more about this issue, we examined how native pit-building ant lions (Myrmeleon) are affected by Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) invasions in coastal southern California. Compared to areas without L. humile, invaded areas contained few native ant species and were deficient in medium-sized and large bodied native ants. Based on these differences, we predicted that Argentine ants would negatively affect ant lion larvae. Contrary to this expectation, observational surveys and laboratory growth rate experiments revealed that Myrmeleon were heavier, had longer mandibles, and grew more quickly when their main ant prey were Argentine ants rather than native ants. Moreover, a field transplant experiment indicated that growth rates and pupal weights were not statistically different for larval ant lions reared in invaded areas compared to those reared in uninvaded areas. Argentine ants were also highly susceptible to capture by larval Myrmeleon. The species-level traits that presumably make Argentine ant workers susceptible to capture by larval ant lions—small size and high activity levels—appear to be the same characteristics that make them unsuitable prey for vertebrate predators, such as horned lizards. These results underscore the difficulties in predicting whether or not numerically dominant introduced species serve as prey for native predators.  相似文献   

Holway DA  Suarez AV 《Oecologia》2004,138(2):216-222
The success of some invasive species may depend on phenotypic changes that occur following introduction. In Argentine ants ( Linepithema humile) introduced populations typically lack intraspecific aggression, but native populations display such behavior commonly. We employ three approaches to examine how this behavioral shift might influence interspecific competitive ability. In a laboratory experiment, we reared colonies of Forelius mccooki with pairs of Argentine ant colonies that either did or did not exhibit intraspecific aggression. F. mccooki reared with intraspecifically non-aggressive pairs of Argentine ants produced fewer eggs, foraged less actively, and supported fewer living workers than those reared with intraspecifically aggressive pairs. At natural contact zones between competing colonies of L. humile and F. mccooki, the introduction of experimental Argentine ant colonies that fought with conspecific field colonies caused L. humile to abandon baits in the presence of F. mccooki, whereas the introduction of colonies that did not fight with field colonies of Argentine ants resulted in L. humile retaining possession of baits. Additional evidence for the potential importance of colony- structure variation comes from the Argentine ants native range. At a site along the Rio de la Plata in Argentina, we found an inverse relationship between ant richness and density of L. humile (apparently a function of local differences in colony structure) in two different years of sampling.  相似文献   

Invasive ants are a significant conservation concern and can have far-reaching effects in ecosystems they invade. We used the experimental control of ant numbers on two pairs of small (<5 ha) offshore islets dominated by either the big-headed ant, Pheidole megacephala or the tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata to investigate the influence of these species on seabird hatching success, fledging success and weight. Limited unpublished observations of both ant species attacking nesting seabirds exist, but the frequency of attacks or how they affect seabird growth and survival are unknown. Island-wide treatments with hydramethylnon resulted in the eradication of P. megacephala and the temporary reduction of S. geminata densities. No difference in hatching success, growth, or fledging success of Wedge-tailed Shearwaters (Puffinus pacificus), a common colonial nesting seabird in the Hawaiian Islands was observed on the pair of islets dominated by P. megacephala. On islets dominated by S. geminata, ant control resulted in a temporary increase in fledging success. Injury frequency increased dramatically on the untreated islet (8.3–100%) while remaining the same on the treated islet (27–38%). Severely injured chicks (i.e., chicks that lost >20% of tissue on their feet) weighed significantly less than uninjured chicks and did not fledge. It is unclear if the chicks were being preyed upon or stung in defense of nearby ant colonies. Radical changes in invasive ant populations have been noted, and booming ant populations could cause short-term, but widespread damage to seabird colonies. The negative effects of invasive ants on seabirds may be difficult to detect, and therefore unknown or underestimated throughout the world where the two groups overlap.  相似文献   

To assess the importance of competition in the advance of invasive species, bait stations have been used to determine the dominance hierarchy of a community of native ants in Doñana National Park, southern Spain, and the status of the introduced species Linepithema humile (Argentine ant). Some native species, e.g. Cataglyphis floricola or Camponotus pilicornis, seem to be subordinate, i.e. occupy a low position in the competitive hierarchy; some are dominant (e.g. Pheidole pallidula), and others (e.g. Aphaenogaster senilis) occupy an intermediate position in the hierarchy. The Argentine ant is a competitively dominant species, because of its aggressive behavior and relative abundance. Irrespective of their position in the dominance hierarchy, L. humile and some native species adopt what games theory terms “the bourgeois strategy” during agonistic encounters with other species. Lone workers tend to be submissive in encounters whereas workers in the presence of other colony members are aggressive. L. humile was the only species which aggressively displaced large numbers of ants of other species from the bait. L. humile also expanded its range in the course of the experiment, displacing native species from parts of the study area.  相似文献   

Summary The relation between ant-plant specificity and the use of host plants as a resource was investigated in the facultative, myrmecophytic orchid, Caularthron bilamellatum (Rchg.f.) Schult. Using stable isotopes, we determined the portion of the ants' diets derived from host plants. We documented that six ant species inhabiting the orchid: (1) derived nutritional benefit from host orchids, and (2) had species-specific levels of extrafloral nectar use. Proportionate contribution of extrafloral nectar to ant diets ranged from 11 to 48%. These results demonstrate extreme interspecific differences in the nutritional benefits received by ants from host orchids. Interspecific differences in nutritional benefits from orchid nectar may be affected by colony size, nutritional needs, behavioral ecology of the ants, and the abundance of alternate food sources.  相似文献   

Honeydew collection performed by the invasive ant Lasius neglectus and by the native ant L. grandis was compared. The invasive ant collected 2.09 kg of honeydew per tree while the native ant collected 0.82 kg. The aphid Lachnus roboris was visited by both ant species. In holm oaks colonized by L. neglectus, aphid abundance tended to increase and its honeydew production increased twofold. The percentage of untended aphids was lower in holm trees occupied by L. neglectus. As tending ants also prey on insects, we estimated the percentage of carried insects. The native ant workers carried more insects than the invasive ant. Both ant species preyed mainly on Psocoptera and the rarely tended aphid, Hoplocallis picta. We conclude that the higher honeydew collection achieved by L. neglectus was the consequence of (1) its greater abundance, which enabled this ant to tend more Lachnus roboris and (2) its greater level of attention towards promoting an increase of honeydew production. Handling editor: Heikki Hokkanen  相似文献   

The Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is an invasive species that disrupts the balance of natural ecosystems by displacing indigenous ant species throughout its introduced range. The mechanisms by which Argentine ants effectively compete against native ant species have been previously addressed in field studies that centered on interference and exploitation competition at baits and mainly examined the colony-level performance of Argentine ants. Detailed behavioral observations explaining the basis for the strong competitive ability of L. humile are comparatively rare. To gain a better understanding of the mechanisms by which Argentine ants displace native ants we examined the aggressive interactions between the Argentine ants and the odorous house ant, Tapinoma sessile in four different aggression assays: (1) worker dyad interactions, (2) symmetrical group interactions, (3) intruder introductions into an established resident colony, and (4) a resource competition assay which focused on competition for food and nesting space. Our results demonstrate a clear disparity between worker-level and colony-level fighting ability of Argentine ants and provide behavioral evidence to explain the superior interference ability of Argentine ants in group assays. Argentine ants experienced mixed success in fighting against odorous house ants in dyad interactions, but gradually gained a numerical advantage in symmetrical group interactions by active cooperation among nestmates. Results of the resource competition assay indicate that Argentine ants recruit rapidly, numerically dominate food and nesting sites, and aggressively displace T. sessile from baits. Taken together, the results of these assays allow us to pinpoint the behavioral mechanisms responsible for the remarkable competitive ability of Argentine ants.  相似文献   

Heller NE  Sanders NJ  Shors JW  Gordon DM 《Oecologia》2008,155(2):385-395
Climate change may exacerbate invasions by making conditions more favorable to introduced species relative to native species. Here we used data obtained during a long-term biannual survey of the distribution of ant species in a 481-ha preserve in northern California to assess the influence of interannual variation in rainfall on the spread of invasive Argentine ants, Linepithema humile, and the displacement of native ant species. Since the survey began in 1993, Argentine ants have expanded their range into 74 new hectares. Many invaded hectares were later abandoned, so the range of Argentine ants increased in some years and decreased in others. Rainfall predicted both range expansion and interannual changes in the distribution of Argentine ants: high rainfall, particularly in summer months, promoted their spread in the summer. This suggests that an increase in rainfall will promote a wider distribution of Argentine ants and increase their spread into new areas in California. Surprisingly, the distribution of two native ant species also increased following high rainfall, but only in areas of the preserve that were invaded by L. humile. Rainfall did not have a negative impact on total native ant species richness in invaded areas. Instead, native ant species richness in invaded areas increased significantly over the 13 years of observation. This suggests that the impact of Argentine ants on naïve ant communities may be most severe early in the invasion process.  相似文献   

We used x-ray computed tomography to study the elaboration of nest structures in small sand-filled nest boxes by Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) colonies composed of 10, 100, and 1000 workers. The pattern of nest growth was consistent with a process of density-dependent stimulation of excavation, which subsided as nests grew and the density of digging stimuli declined. Thus, nest excavation would be auto-regulating, and final nest size should be adjusted to colony size. We found that excavation rates and final nest sizes increased with colony size, but were not tenfold greater in 1000-worker colonies than in 100-worker colonies. In the largest colonies, the internal surface area scaled allometrically with volume, so that more surface was obtained relative to volume excavated as the nest grew. Although the gross features of Argentine ant nests, such as total size, seem explicable by a simple, self-organized regulatory process, other features of the nest architecture will require further investigation. Received 3 March 2005; revised 26 April 2005; accepted 3 May 2005.  相似文献   

Summary The hypothesis that ants (Pheidole minutula) associated with the myrmecophytic melastome Maieta guianensis defend their host-plant against herbivores was investigated in a site near Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. M. guianensis is a small shrub that produces leaf pouches as ant domatia. Plants whose ants were experimentally removed suffered a significant increase in leaf damage compared with control plants (ants maintained). Ants patrol the young and mature leaves of Maieta with the same intensity, presumably since leaves of both ages are equally susceptible to herbivore attack. The elimination of the associated ant colony, and consequent increase in herbivory, resulted in reduced plant fitness. Fruit production was 45 times greater in plants with ants than in plants without ants 1 year after ant removal.  相似文献   

Thirteen Polynesian islands, including five true atolls, an uplifted atoll, and seven high volcanic islands of varying ages, were surveyed for ants by hand collecting techniques. Ten of the thirteen islands had been surveyed previously, and more and species were found in the present survey than were known from all earlier surveys combined, with two exception (Ducie Atoll and Easter Island).This represents the first report of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile Mayr, from Easter Island. L. humile is a very successful pest species which has only recently invaded Easter Island, and is now very abundant and widespread, occurring at 16 of the 17 sample sites scattered across the island. The introduction of this species is almost certainly responsible for the apparent decline in species richness on Easter Island.In general, more species were present on high islands than atolls of a similar size, and elevation was significant while log (area) and latitude were not in a multiple linear regression with ant species number as the dependent variable. Not enough time was spent on the islands to survey their ant faunas completely, and extrapolations from species effort curves and jackknife estimators of earlier, thorough surverys for ants in the society Islands suggest that only about 50% of the total species were collected in the present survey, at least on the high islands. My collections were probably more complete on the atolls. The increase in species numbers from the present survey relative to known species richnesses (particularly when a large fraction of the species actually present were probably not included in the present survey) supports the hypothesis that remote Polynesian islands are not as depauperate in terms of ant species numbers as previously thought.  相似文献   

Rowles AD  O'Dowd DJ 《Oecologia》2009,158(4):709-716
The indirect effects of biological invasions on native communities are poorly understood. Disruption of native ant communities following invasion by the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is widely reported to lead indirectly to the near complete collapse of seed dispersal services. In coastal scrub in southeastern Australia, we examined seed dispersal and handling of two native and two invasive alien plant species at Argentine ant-invaded or -uninvaded sites. The Argentine ant virtually eliminates the native keystone disperser Rhytidoponera victoriae, but seed dispersal did not collapse following invasion. Indeed, Argentine ants directly accounted for 92% of all ant-seed interactions and sustained overall seed dispersal rates. Nevertheless, dispersal quantity and quality among seed species differed between Argentine ant-invaded and -uninvaded sites. Argentine ants removed significantly fewer native Acacia retinodes seeds, but significantly more small seeds of invasive Polygala myrtifolia than did native ants at uninvaded sites. They also handled significantly more large seeds of A. sophorae, but rarely moved them >5 cm, instead recruiting en masse, consuming elaiosomes piecemeal and burying seeds in situ. In contrast, Argentine ants transported and interred P. myrtifolia seeds in their shallow nests. Experiments with artificial diaspores that varied in diaspore and elaiosome masses, but kept seed morphology and elaiosome quality constant, showed that removal by L. humile depended on the interaction of seed size and percentage elaiosome reward. Small diaspores were frequently taken, independent of high or low elaiosome reward, but large artificial diaspores with high reward instead elicited mass recruitment by Argentine ants and were rarely moved. Thus, Argentine ants appear to favour some diaspore types and reject others based largely on diaspore size and percentage reward. Such variability in response indirectly reduces native seed dispersal and can directly facilitate the spread of an invasive alien shrub.  相似文献   

Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) in their native South American range, like most other ant species, form spatially restricted colonies that display high levels of aggression toward other such colonies. In their introduced range, Argentine ants are unicolonial and form massive supercolonies composed of numerous nests among which territorial boundaries are absent. Here we examine the role of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) in nestmate recognition of this highly damaging invasive ant using three supercolonies from its introduced range. We conducted behavioral assays to test the response of Argentine ants to workers treated with colonymate or non-colonymate CHCs. Additionally, we quantified the amount of hydrocarbons transferred to individual ants and performed gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) to qualitatively characterize our manipulation of CHC profiles. The GC/MS data revealed marked differences in the hydrocarbon profiles across supercolonies and indicated that our treatment effectively masked the original chemical profile of the treated ants with the profile belonging to the foreign individuals. We found that individual workers treated with foreign CHCs were aggressively rejected by their colonymates and this behavior appears to be concentration-dependent: larger quantities of foreign CHCs triggered higher levels of aggression. Moreover, this response was not simply due to an increase in the amount of CHCs applied to the cuticle since treatment with high concentrations of nestmate CHCs did not trigger aggression.The results of this study bolster the findings of previous studies on social insects that have implicated CHCs as nestmate recognition cues and provide insight into the mechanisms of nestmate recognition in the invasive Argentine ant. Received 6 February 2007; revised 31 May and 27 July 2007; accepted 16 August 2007.  相似文献   

Summary In central Portugal, 28 species of ants were found in oak, 25 in pine, 35 in eucalyptus and 12 in arable habitats, a total of 43 species. They include five numerically dominant species, the exotic Argentine ant.Linepithema (Iridomyrmex) humile and four native species,Crematogaster scutellaris, Pheidole pallidula, Tapinoma nigerrimum andTetramorium hispanicum. L. humile occurred in 34% of sampled sites. When present, it was abundant in all three arboreal habitats, where it was associated with strikingly decreased ant species richness and equitability. Such diversity was greater inL. humile-colonised arable habitats, where the ant was much less abundant than in the arboreal habitats.WhereL. humile was absent,C. scutellaris andP. pallidula were usually co-dominants in oak and pine, andT. nigerrimum andT. hispanicum in the arable habitat, but all were absent or rare in eucalyptus. Ants were numerically least abundant in eucalyptus but, in the absence ofL. humile, species richness was greater and the community more equitable than in the other habitats.L. humile-absent arable habitats supported the poorest and least equitable ant community.  相似文献   

1. The consequences to plants of ant–aphid mutualisms, particularly those involving invasive ants, are poorly studied. Ant–aphid mutualisms may increase or decrease plant fitness depending on the relative cost of herbivory by ant‐tended aphids versus the relative benefit of increased ant suppression of other (non‐aphid) herbivores. 2. We conducted field and greenhouse experiments in which we manipulated the presence and absence of cotton aphids (Aphis gossypii) on cotton plants to test the hypothesis that a mutualism between cotton aphids and an invasive ant, the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), benefits cotton plants by increasing fire ant suppression of caterpillars. We also manipulated caterpillar abundance to test whether the benefit of the mutualism varied with caterpillar density. 3. We found that more fire ants foraged on plants with cotton aphids than on plants without cotton aphids, which resulted in a significant reduction in caterpillar survival and caterpillar herbivory of leaves, flower buds, and bolls on plants with aphids. Consequently, cotton aphids indirectly increased cotton reproduction: plants with cotton aphids produced 16% more bolls, 25% more seeds, and 10% greater seedcotton mass than plants without aphids. The indirect benefit of cotton aphids, however, varied with caterpillar density: the number of bolls per plant at harvest was 32% greater on plants with aphids than on plants without aphids at high caterpillar density, versus just 3% greater at low caterpillar density. 4. Our results highlight the potential benefit to plants that host ant–hemipteran mutualisms and provide the first experimental evidence that the consequences to plants of an ant–aphid mutualism vary at different densities of non‐aphid herbivores.  相似文献   

Introduction experiments may prove useful in understanding the mechanisms underlying the successful establishment of invasive ant species into new areas. These manipulative introductions could be particularly helpful in exploring the interactions between invasive species and the local fauna and flora. However, the inherent risk of accidental establishment in such experiments poses unacceptable ethical concerns. Some of the worst invasive species are tramp ant species, which can adversely affect biodiversity and community structure after establishment. We conducted laboratory and field experiments investigating a safe methodology for carrying out introduction experiments using the sterile workers of the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, as a model. We found no difference in foraging rate between worker-only colonies of L. humile and complete colonies, containing queens, workers and brood. Worker-only L. humile colonies showed the same exploitative and interference ability as complete colonies in bait dominance trials with the odorous house ant, Tapinoma sessile, in both laboratory and field trials. We suggest that for those invasive ant species with sterile workers, worker-only colonies may be substituted for complete colonies in short-term field experiments in new areas. Received 18 January 2007; revised 19 June 2007; accepted 22 June 2007.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Invasive plants can be released from specialist herbivores and encounter novel generalists in their introduced ranges, leading to variation in defence among native and invasive populations. However, few studies have examined how constitutive and induced indirect defences change during plant invasion, especially during the juvenile stage.


Constitutive extrafloral nectar (EFN) production of native and invasive populations of juvenile tallow tree (Triadica sebifera) were compared, and leaf clipping, and damage by a native specialist (Noctuid) and two native generalist caterpillars (Noctuid and Limacodid) were used to examine inducible EFN production.

Key results

Plants from introduced populations had more leaves producing constitutive EFN than did native populations, but the content of soluble solids of EFN did not differ. Herbivores induced EFN production more than simulated herbivory. The specialist (Noctuid) induced more EFN than either generalist for native populations. The content of soluble solids in EFN was higher (2·1 times), with the specialist vs. the generalists causing the stronger response for native populations, but the specialist response was always comparable with the generalist responses for invasive populations.


These results suggest that constitutive and induced indirect defences are retained in juvenile plants of invasive populations even during plant establishment, perhaps due to generalist herbivory in the introduced range. However, responses specific to a specialist herbivore may be reduced in the introduced range where specialists are absent. This decreased defence may benefit specialist insects that are introduced for classical biological control of invasive plants.  相似文献   

Neurotoxic pesticides, such as neonicotinoids, negatively affect the cognitive capacity and fitness of non-target species, and could also modify interspecific interactions. We tested whether sublethal contamination with neonicotinoid could affect foraging, colony fitness and the outcome of behavioural interactions between a native (Monomorium antarcticum) and an invasive ant species (Linepithema humile). The foraging behaviour of both ants was not affected by neonicotinoid exposure. Colonies of the invasive species exposed to the neonicotinoid produced significantly fewer brood. In interspecific confrontations, individuals of the native species exposed to the neonicotinoid lowered their aggression towards the invasive species, although their survival probability was not affected. Exposed individuals of the invasive species interacting with non-exposed native ants displayed increased aggression and had their survival probability reduced. Non-exposed individuals of the invasive species were less aggressive but more likely to survive when interacting with exposed native ants. These results suggest that non-target exposure of invaders to neonicotinoids could either increase or decrease the probability of survival according to the exposure status of the native species. Given that, in any community, different species have different food preferences, and thus different exposure to pesticides, non-target exposure could potentially change the dynamics of communities and influence invasion success.  相似文献   

The fitness advantage provided by caulinary domatia to myrmecophytes has never been directly demonstrated because most myrmecophytic species do not present any individual variation in the presence of domatia and the removal of domatia from entire plants is a destructive process. The semi-myrmecophytic tree, Humboldtia brunonis (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae), is an ideal species to investigate the selective advantage conferred by domatia because within the same population, some plants are devoid of domatia while others bear them. Several ant species patrol the plant for extra-floral nectar. Fruit production was found to be enhanced in domatia-bearing trees compared to trees devoid of domatia independent of the ant associate. However, this domatium effect was most conspicuous for trees associated with the populous and nomadic ant, Technomyrmex albipes. This species is a frequent associate of H. brunonis, inhabiting its domatia or building carton nests on it. Ant exclusion experiments revealed that T. albipes was the only ant to provide efficient anti-herbivore protection to the leaves of its host tree. Measures of ant activity as well as experiments using caterpillars revealed that the higher efficiency of T. albipes was due to its greater patrolling density and consequent shorter lag time in attacking the larvae. T. albipes also provided efficient anti-herbivore protection to flowers since fruit initiation was greater on ant-patrolled inflorescences than on those from which ants were excluded. We therefore demonstrated that caulinary domatia provide a selective advantage to their host-plant and that biotic defence is potentially the main fitness benefit mediated by domatia. However, it is not the sole advantage. The general positive effect of domatia on fruit set in this ant–plant could reflect other benefits conferred by domatia-inhabitants, which are not restricted to ants in this myrmecophyte, but comprise a large diversity of other invertebrates. Our results indicate that mutualisms enhance the evolution of myrmecophytism.  相似文献   

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