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韩建新 《化石》2011,(1):51-57,82
嘉荫恐龙国家地质公园位于嘉荫县城西11公里处,中俄界河黑龙江的南岸,于2001年建成,总面积为38.44平方公里。嘉荫是我国发现最早并具有详实科学记录的恐龙化石挖掘地。1902年俄罗斯古生物学家在这里发现了恐龙骸骨化石,并把挖掘的恐龙化石组装成一具高4.5米、长8米的完整骨架,定名为“黑龙江满洲龙”,至今陈列在俄罗斯圣彼得堡地质博物馆内,是我国出土的第一具恐龙化石骨架,被世人称为“神州第一龙”。  相似文献   

董枝明 《化石》2005,(4):9-9
2005年8月6日,嘉荫县委、县人民政府在位于黑龙江畔嘉荫县的龙骨山恐龙化石产地举行了“嘉荫恐龙国家地质公园”隆重开园式。  相似文献   

我国是一个恐龙大国,云南的禄丰、四川的自贡及山东、内蒙、新疆等地都出土了大量的恐龙化石。但中国第一条科学命名的恐龙化石出土地点是在黑龙江省嘉荫县渔亮子。1902年,由于黑龙江水的长期侵蚀,恐龙化石不断地被冲刷出来,暴露在江边的河滩上。当地渔民非常惊奇地发现了这些大骨头化石,但不知是何种动物的骨头这样粗大。这一消息被当时的俄国军官打听到,他们前来调查采集,将采到的大骨头化石误认为是猛犸象,并在俄国伯力地方报纸上作了报道。这一报道引起俄国地质学家的注意。1915年至1917年,俄国地质工作者连续三年来我国进行大规模的调查与发掘,采集了一些恐龙化石。他们配上三分之一的石膏,装成了一具鸭嘴龙化石,高4.5米,长约8米,定名为鸭嘴龙科满洲龙属,陈列在彼得堡地质博物馆里。鸭嘴龙是恐龙家族中的晚辈,生活在距今6500万年前的晚白垩世。嘉荫出土的这些化石大多呈暗褐色  相似文献   

据四川省盐业钻井大队杜仲祥工程师报告:四川盐业钻井大队资中第一井附近约200米处发现足印化石。1981年3月27日我们到现场进行了调查发掘。据当地社员介绍,现保留足印化石的晒场原为一小山包,1966年将山包挖去后,足印化石就裸露于地表,当地群众称之为“金鸡脚印”。经我们调查,在约400平方米面积的晒场上,发现有大小不同的四种类型足印化石,较清楚的共有48个,其中两类足印化石保存良好,一类为四趾型(见照片),一类为三趾型。据钻井大队杜工程师介绍,该地区地处四川盆地南部,基底岩层属中生代中侏罗世早期凉高山砂岩。足印化石就保留在该地区凉高山黄色砂岩上部。根据上述特点及足印的大小、形态,初定为恐龙足印化石,而且至少是四个不同种属的恐龙在这里活动过。在约400平方米面积上发现成群的、不同属种的恐龙足印化石,在我国还是少见的。这一发  相似文献   

黑龙江晚白垩世化石木及其古环境研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了3种出自黑龙江省嘉荫县晚自垩世的化石木:嘉荫柏型木(Cupressinoxylon jiayinense WangR.F.,Wang Y.F.et Chen Y.Z.)、柳杉型木(Taxodioxylon cryptomeria Schonfeld)和黑龙江原始云杉型木(Protopiceoxylon amurense DU N.Z.)。它们分别与现存的柏木属(Cupressus)、柳杉属(Cryptomeria)和油杉属(Keteleeria)有较近的亲缘关系。综合化石本研究与其现存近缘3属的地理分布区的环境分析和已有的植物叶大化石及孢粉的研究成果,黑龙江嘉荫地区晚自垩世的植被类型为针阔叶混交林,植物群由松柏类和阔叶树种组成,大多数是亚热带-暖温带分子,少量是温带分子。同时,嘉荫柏型木中真菌菌丝的侵入生长指示湿热生境的存在。上述证据表明黑龙江省嘉荫县晚自垩世为温暖、湿润的亚热带-暖温带气候。  相似文献   

黑龙江嘉荫县渔亮子组是我国最早发现爬行动物化石的层位,盛产鸭嘴龙等爬行类化石,前人认为,该组在层位上相当于北美晚白垩世马斯特里赫特期Edmonton群,HellCreek和Lance组,但孢粉化石资料提示,渔亮子组中的被子植物花粉尚未发展至上述群(组)的阶段,其层位应较之低,大致相当于北美的坎佩尼期BellyRiver群(组)或相当层位。  相似文献   

<正>2017年9月2日至3日,中国恐龙发现115周年纪念学术研讨会暨首届嘉荫化石保护论坛在黑龙江省嘉荫县举行。来自我国20余个省(区)市的30余所大学、科研机构及自然类博物馆的百余名专家学者及化石保护部门的代表应邀出席。国家古生物化石专家委员会办公室、中国古生物学会、中国化石保护基金会、黑龙江省国土资源厅等单位参加了会议。我国著名地质学家刘嘉麒院士、古植物学家孙革、恐龙学家董枝明及徐星等应邀出席了会  相似文献   

长春市郊首次发现鸭嘴龙化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 一九八八年夏天,山东民工在长春市南郊红嘴子挖砂子时,发现一较大骨骼化石,出土时风化严重,但两端关节面保存完好。经董枝明先生鉴定,该化石属于鸟臀目(Ornithischia)鸟脚亚目(Ornithopoda)鸭嘴龙科(Hadrosauridae)。鸭嘴龙是鸟脚亚目在进化过程中最后分化出来的一群,生活在晚白垩世,且十分繁盛,以北美和亚洲分布最多。在我国山东、黑龙江和内蒙都发现过较完整的鸭嘴龙化石,在吉林省刘房子也发现过零星的骨骼化石,但在长  相似文献   

恐龙是地球历史上最为成功的一类爬行动物 ,它的起源、演化和绝灭一直是古生物研究领域的热点问题。我国恐龙化石的发现和研究在世界上占有重要的地位。从恐龙化石的产出情况来看 ,中国是一个当之无愧的恐龙大国 :恐龙化石分布地理范围广泛 ,西起新疆 ,东到辽宁 ,南起广东 ,北到内蒙 ;恐龙化石分布层位齐全 ,从恐龙开始初步繁盛的早侏罗世地层 ,到世界上恐龙化石非常贫乏的中侏罗世地层 ,从恐龙第一次大繁盛的晚侏罗世地层到恐龙走向绝灭的晚白垩世地层 ,恐龙属种都非常丰富 ,从原蜥脚类恐龙到体形巨大的蜥脚类恐龙 ,从凶猛的兽脚类恐龙到植…  相似文献   

王烁 《化石》2003,(3):17-18
在博物馆里展出的很多恐龙化石已被大家所熟悉 ,但恐龙足印化石却鲜为人知 ,这是因为恐龙足印化石的形成过程复杂 ,形成条件极为苛刻。爬行动物足印化石同其它足印化石一样是动物的遗迹 ,这就区别于骨骼等实体化石。实体化石可经受一定的风吹雨淋 ,而足印化石则很容易受到地表侵蚀而消失。所以 ,足印化石的形成一般认为需要具备以下几个条件 :(一 )要有适于脚印形成的地方。大多数的足印都保留在泥质或沙质岩石上 ,这就意味着足印形成在含水丰富松软适当的地带。一般来讲 ,松软的湖岸或海岸是形成足印的理想场所。 (二 )需要有适当的时间。…  相似文献   

Oxalis jiayinensis, sp. nov., is described from the Late Cretaceous (TuronianSenonian) in Jiayin County, Heilongjiang Province, northeastern China. The seed is about 1 mm long, less than 1 mm in diameter, crescentic with obtuse apices and 9~10 transverse ribs. The seed wall is composed of equiaxial, strongly thickened sclereids. The fossil repre-sents the oldest occurrence of the family Oxalidaceae in the world.  相似文献   

The most commonly preserved soft tissues associated with ornithischian dinosaurs are skin remains. The apparent resistance of hadrosaur skin to decay, and its abundance in the fossil record relative to that of other tetrapods, has been attributed to factors such as thickness and composition. Here we report additional intrinsic factors within hadrosaur skin: 3D-preserved eumelanin-bearing bodies, dermal cells and blood vessel fragments in an organic matrix composed of protein fossilization products. The skin is much thinner than that of living mammals of similar size. It is likely that the preservation of hadrosaur skin is related to the arrangement of the layers composing it.  相似文献   

A diverse assemblage of dinosaur and bird tracks from Niobrara County, Wyoming, represents the first vertebrate ichnofauna reported from the bone-rich Lance Formation (Maastrichtian, Upper Cretaceous). The ichnofauna includes a hadrosaur track with skin impressions; three theropod track types, including the tetradactyl track Saurexallopus zerbsti (ichnosp. nov.); a tridactyl dinosaur footprint with a fusiform digit III; possible Tyrannosaurus tracks; four distinctive avian ichnites; and invertebrate traces. The footprints are generally well-preserved and so offer a unique insight into the ecology of a small river valley during the Maastrichtian.

Saurexallopus zerbsti ichnosp. nov. from the Lance is similar to Saurexallopus lovei recently reported from the Maastrichtian, Harebell Formation, of northwestern Wyoming, but is represented by much better material, facilitating amendment of the ichnogenus. Skeletal equivalents for Saurexallopus are not currently known. Similarly, the tridactyl track with fusiform digit III is similar to footprints reported from the coeval Laramie Formation of Colorado and may also be similar to ichnogenus Ornithomimipus from the Edmonton Group of Alberta (though not necessarily of ornithomimid affinity). The hadrosaurian track with the skin impression is reminiscent of a similar ichnite reported from the Maastrichtian, St. Mary River Formation in Alberta, which is herein named Hadrosauropodus langstoni as part of a reassessment of Cretaceous ornithopod track ichnotaxonomy. Such correlations demonstrate the utility of tracks for local or regional biostratigraphy (palichnostratigraphy) in western North America. It is also clear that tracks add to our knowledge of the composition and distribution of dinosaurian and avian components of Maastrichtian faunas. In particular the bird tracks indicate a diversity of at least four species, one of which was a semi-palmate form, hitherto unknown in the ichnological record and named Sarjeantichnus semipalmatus.  相似文献   

The skeletal record of tyrannosaurids is well-documented, whereas their footprint record is surprisingly sparse. There are only a few isolated footprints attributed to tyrannosaurids and, hitherto, no reported trackways. We report the world’s first trackways attributable to tyrannosaurids, and describe a new ichnotaxon attributable to tyrannosaurids. These trackways are from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian - Maastrichtian) of northeastern British Columbia, Canada. One trackway consists of three tridactyl footprints, and two adjacent trackways consist of two footprints each. All three trackways show animals bearing southeast within an 8.5 meter-wide corridor. Similarities in depth and preservation of the tyrannosaurid tracks indicate that these three trackways were made by track-makers walking concurrently in the same direction. These trackways add significantly to previous osteology-based hypotheses of locomotion and behavior in Tyrannosauridae by providing ichnologic support for gregariousness in tyrannosaurids, and the first record of the walking gait of tyrannosaurids.  相似文献   

Specimens of Metasequoia from the Late Cretaceous or Early Tertiary collected from the Wuyun Formation, Jiayin County, Heilongjiang Province, north-east China, include shoots, female and male cones. Vegetative and reproductive features as well as details of leaf cuticle are described. Comparative studies on fossil and living specimens of the genus suggest a new approach to the classification of species of Metasequoia. Our investigations indicate that extant M. glyptostroboides is distinct from all of the recognized fossil species. The specimens described here, in addition to those previously regarded as M. disticha, M. japonica, M. chinensis, M. cuneata, M. papillapollenites, M. miocenica, M. kimurae, M. onukii, M. europaea, M. asiatica and M. nathorstii , are now considered to belong to a single species, namely M. occidentalis. A further valid species is M. milleri , which can be distinguished from M. occidentalis by the morphology of the male cones and the vegetative organs.  相似文献   

The relationship between body weight and footprint area of modern avians was derived and used to estimate the body weights of non‐avian theropods taxa from the Triassic to Cretaceous and extinct avian taxa from the Cretaceous periods. Geometric information, such as the area and shape of fossil tracks of extinct avians and non‐avian theropods, was used to estimate body weight and habitat type. The percentage prediction and standard error of estimates indicated that the body weight estimated from track area is comparable with body weight estimated from body fossils bones. Therefore, this approach is useful when the fossilized track record is richer than the fossilized skeletal record. The data sets for avians and reptiles were combined and used to derive a body weight–area relationship that may be applicable to a broader range of organisms, such as plantigrade quadrupeds and digitigrade bipeds. Additionally, scatter plots of the relationship between habitat type and footprint shape of modern avians were used to infer the habitat type of extinct avians. This finding suggests that the pes of animals, living in areas characterized by fluctuating water levels, and under conditions facilitating the preservation of footprints, were similar in form to those of extant semi‐aquatic avians.  相似文献   

Spencer G. Lucas 《Ichnos》2013,20(1-2):5-38
Tetrapod footprints have a fossil record in rocks of Devonian-Neogene age. Three principal factors limit their use in biostratigraphy and biochronology (palichnostratigraphy): invalid ichnotaxa based on extramorphological variants, slow apparent evolutionary turnover rates and facies restrictions. The ichnotaxonomy of tetrapod footprints has generally been oversplit, largely due to a failure to appreciate extramorphological variation. Thus, many tetrapod footprint ichnogenera and most ichnospecies are useless phantom taxa that confound biostratigraphic correlation and biochronological subdivision. Tracks rarely allow identification of a genus or species known from the body fossil record. Indeed, almost all tetrapod footprint ichnogenera are equivalent to a family or a higher taxon (order, superorder, etc.) based on body fossils. This means that ichnogenera necessarily have much longer temporal ranges and therefore slower apparent evolutionary turnover rates than do body fossil genera. Because of this, footprints cannot provide as refined a subdivision of geological time as do body fossils. The tetrapod footprint record is much more facies controlled than the tetrapod body fossil record. The relatively narrow facies window for track preservation, and the fact that tracks are almost never transported, redeposited or reworked, limits the facies that can be correlated with any track-based biostratigraphy.

A Devonian-Neogene global biochronology based on tetrapod footprints generally resolves geologic time about 20 to 50 percent as well as does the tetrapod body fossil record. The following globally recognizable time intervals can be based on the track record: (1) Late Devonian; (2) Mississippian; (3) Early-Middle Pennsylvanian; (4) Late Pennsylvanian; (5) Early Permian; (6) Late Permian; (7) Early-Middle Triassic; (8) late Middle Triassic; (9) Late Triassic; (10) Early Jurassic; (11) Middle-Late Jurassic; (12) Early Cretaceous; (13) Late Cretaceous; (14) Paleogene; (15) Neogene. Tetrapod footprints are most valuable in establishing biostratigraphic datum points, and this is their primary value to understanding the stratigraphic (temporal) dimension of tetrapod evolution.  相似文献   

A new Lower Cretaceous dinosaur footprint locality named the Mujiaowu tracksite in the Xiaoba Formation, Sichuan Province, has yielded a new assemblage containing the didactyl deinonychosaurian ichnogenus Velociraptorichnus. This is the eleventh report in the global record, the seventh from Asia and the fifth from China. All, except for an isolated report from Europe, occur in Lower Cretaceous deposits. Unlike previous reports of the ichnogenus, the Mujiaowu site has yielded both didactyl Velociraptorichnus tracks and tridactyl tracks which we interpret as a different expression of this same ichnogenus, caused by registration of digit II, either due to special substrate conditions or to less claw retraction. These tridactyl Velociraptorichnus footprints are assigned to the new ichnospecies Velociraptorichnus zhangi. Such tridactyl deinonychosaurid footprint morphology is predictable, but based on current ichnological evidence appears to be the exception rather than the rule.  相似文献   

在黑龙江省嘉荫县乌云镇古新世乌云植物群中新发现的Woodwardia bureiensis, Dryopteris sp. 和 Osmunda sachalinensis在中国也是新记录。Woodwardia bureiensis Fedotov与其他种的主要区别是小羽片排列紧密且边缘彼此靠合。Osmunda sachalinensis小羽片基部宽楔, 而以前乌云植物群所报道的Osmunda greenlandica小羽片基部平展。  相似文献   

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