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G Meuret  M Fopp  V de Fliedner  H Senn 《Blut》1976,32(2):79-86
More than 10(10) viable granulocytes are necessary for a therapeutical effective granulocyte transfusion. This number of cells can be harvested from normal donors by two techniques basing on different principles: continuous flow centrifugation (CFC) and filtration leucapheresis (FL). Our studies demonstrated that, under certain special conditions, the separation potentials of both methods are comparable yielding 2.5 to 3.0 X 10(10) granulocytes within 4 hrs. Granulocyte collection rate was optimal if donors were treated with dexamethasone during 16 hrs prior to the state of the procedure. However, the costs of CFC exceed those of FL by a factor of about two. The increased occurrence of side effects attributed to the transfusion of FL-granulocytes can be reduced to the level of CFC-granulocytes by repetitive filtration-elution leucapheresis minimizing cell damage. The studies define the efficiency spectrum of CFC which in addition to granulocyte separation includes collection of thrombocytes, cells for immunotherapy, and plasmapheresis.  相似文献   

Background aimsThe ability to predict how many CD34+ cells a donor will collect on a given day is vital for efficient leukapheresis.MethodsWe validated a formula to predict daily CD34+ cell collections by leukapheresis, calculated as follows: (peripheral blood CD34+ cells/L) × (adjusted collection efficiency of 30%)/body weight (kg), multiplied by the number of liters processed. This validation was performed from 234 donors undergoing 30 L large volume leukapheresis (LVL) and 162 donors undergoing smaller collections (non-LVL). The LVL group consisted of 811 collection events (625 multiple myeloma, 186 non-myeloma). The non-LVL group consisted of 224 collection events (196 multiple myeloma, 28 non-myeloma). All predicted and observed CD34+ cell collection numbers were plotted (predicted versus observed) and assessed using linear regression analyses. Linear correlation coefficients (r-values), slopes and intercepts of the regression lines were evaluated.ResultsPredicted versus observed data points across all quantities of CD34+ cells/kg collected by both LVL and non-LVL had strong r-values of 0.947 and 0.913, respectively, demonstrating near perfect positive linear correlations. Data for LVL collections subgrouped by number of cells collected (poor, intermediate and good), mobilization regimen, collection day and diagnosis were analyzed the same way and showed consistent findings.ConclusionsWe have validated a formula with a strong ability to predict collection of CD34+ cells/kg that would allow for individualization of collection for any donor once the peripheral blood CD34+ cell count and optimal goal of collection were known; to date this has not been published by other groups.  相似文献   

Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) undergoes receptor-mediated internalization into target cells which are normally restricted to neutrophilic granulocytes and their committed progenitor cells, suggesting that it may be applicable as a myeloid cell-targeting vehicle. To test this notion, we constructed a cDNA encoding a human G-CSF/murine stem cell factor (mSCF) chimeric molecule in a mammalian expression vector and transfected NIH3T3 cells with this plasmid. The resulting chimeric cytokine consisted of the entire G-CSF sequences fused to Lys148 of mSCF. It can be released from the surface membrane of NIH3T3 transformants through proteolytic cleavage at Ala164 of mSCF. The culture media conditioned by a number of stable transformants, which were confirmed by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to secrete an hG-CSF derivative, were examined for their ability to stimulate CFU-G-derived colony formation as well as the proliferation of G-CSF-dependent NFS-60 cells. The results indicated that this C-terminus modified version of hG-CSF is as potent as recombinant hG-CSF in both assays.  相似文献   

Propionibacterium freudenreichii strain DSM 20271 was grown in a mineral medium containing 0.1% (w/v) yeast extract. Acetate was oxidized by growing cells with potassium hexacyanoferrate as electron acceptor, which was oxidized by a three-electrode poised-potential system at a redox potential of +510 mV. Growth with acetate under these conditions followed linear rather than expenential kinetics, whereas growth with other substrates such as lactate under the same conditions was exponential. Cell-free extracts of P. freudenreichii cells grown with acetate contained all enzymes of the classical citric acid cycle except 2-oxoglutarate-oxidizing activity. No activity of anaplerotic reactions such as isocitrate lyase or malate synthase was found. Instead, moderate activities of glutamate decarboxylase, 4-aminobutyrate:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase, and succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase were detected. In short-term radiolabeling experiments with U-14C-acetate, 4-aminobutyrate was identified as a major early intermediate in acetate oxidation by these cells. These findings allow the construction of a modified citric acid cycle that compensates the lack of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase by a subcycle through glutamate, 4-aminobutyrate, and succinate semialdehyde. Lack of anaplerotic reactions explains subexponential growth kinetics during growth with acetate.  相似文献   

A reductive transformation of the peroxide products of ozonolysis of derivatives of 3β-O-acetyl-22(17→28)-abeo-lupa-17(28),20(29)-diene and the subsequent intramolecular ketalization led to a compound with a trioxane fragment. This is a new approach to a skeletal modification of triterpenoid cycle E. An activity of the synthesized compounds was found toward the viruses of type A influenza and herpes simplex.  相似文献   

A reductive transformation of the peroxide products of ozonolysis of derivatives of 3beta-O-acetyl-22(17-->28)-abeo-lupa-17(28),20(29)-diene and the subsequent intramolecular ketalization led to a compound with a trioxane fragment. This is a new approach to a skeletal modification of triterpenoid cycle E. An activity of the synthesized compounds was found toward the viruses of type A influenza and herpes simplex.  相似文献   

The fractionation of gradients in sedimentation analysis of proteins is a time-consuming operation. This operation can be performed more rapidly by using a multichannel peristaltic pump and two or more fraction collectors. Specifically designed fraction collectors are available for multiple fraction collection, notably the Slave Micro-Fractionator (Model SFC-80)1 from Gilson Medical Electronics, Inc. Use of multiple fraction collectors during the fractionation of gradients has the disadvantage that these units occupy considerable space and are expensive. In addition, the total number of fractions collected from one gradient is often considerably less than the capacity of most fraction collectors. To offset the space and expense disadvantages, we have devised a modification for the Gilson Micro-Fractionator (Model FC-80H)1 which permits three sets of 25 fractions each to be collected simultaneously from 3 gradients using only 1 fraction collector. A multichannel peristaltic pump is employed, and an attachment which permits three drop tubes to be positioned above the rack of fraction tubes is secured to the drop detector head1 of the Micro-Fractionator. One drop tube is clamped in the normal manner in the drop detector head, and fraction size is determined by counting drops in the normal manner. Fractions from the other two drop tubes are not counted. Alternatively, fraction size can be determined by adjusting the pump speed and using the timer on the fraction collector.  相似文献   

The effect of dilution and temperature on the antibacterial properties of potassium sorbate was determined. The time taken to kill a standard inoculum of Escherichia coli was increased considerably after either dilution of the preservative or lowering of the temperature. The value for the concentration exponent, eta, was approximately 3 and that for the temperature coefficient, Q10, was 2.3.  相似文献   

The first step in the biosynthesis of glutathione is the formation of gamma-glutamyl-cysteine by the enzyme glutamyl-cysteine synthetase. Since this enzyme is not specific for cysteine, different gamma-glutamylamino acids may be formed in vivo which represent potential substrates for the enzymes gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase; in this way 5-oxo-L-proline and free amino acid are formed. We investigated in membrane-free hemolysate the competition between the biosynthesis of glutathione or ophthalmic acid and the degradation of gamma-glutamyl peptides by measuring the formation of 5-oxoproline. The endogenous rate of 5-oxoproline production was 0.13 muM/min. This increased to 2muM/min after addition of 2-aminobutyrate, and to 10muM/min after addition of glutamate and 2-aminobutyrate to hemolysate. Addition of cysteine resulted in an increased oxoproline production only under conditions where glutamyl-cysteine accumulated. In addition, it was shown that for glutamyl-2-aminobutyrate the degradation to 5-oxoproline is faster than the utilization for the tripeptide synthesis. This was not the case for glutamyl-cysteine. Since membrane-free hemolysate (which lacks gamma-glutamyltransferase) is able to produce 5-oxoproline starting from glutamate, it is concluded that this 5-oxoprolinent amino acid transport via a modified gamma-glutamyl cycle.  相似文献   

The eight enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle are encoded by at least 15 different nuclear genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have constructed a set of yeast strains defective in these genes as part of a comprehensive analysis of the interactions among the TCA cycle proteins. The 15 major TCA cycle genes can be sorted into five phenotypic categories on the basis of their growth on nonfermentable carbon sources. We have previously reported a novel phenotype associated with mutants defective in the IDH2 gene encoding the Idh2p subunit of the NAD+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD-IDH). Null and nonsense idh2 mutants grow poorly on glycerol, but growth can be enhanced by extragenic mutations, termed glycerol suppressors, in the CIT1 gene encoding the TCA cycle citrate synthase and in other genes of oxidative metabolism. The TCA cycle mutant collection was utilized to search for other genes that can suppress idh2 mutants and to identify TCA cycle genes that display a similar suppressible growth phenotype on glycerol. Mutations in 7 TCA cycle genes were capable of functioning as suppressors for growth of idh2 mutants on glycerol. The only other TCA cycle gene to display the glycerol-suppressor-accumulation phenotype was IDH1, which encodes the companion Idh1p subunit of NAD-IDH. These results provide genetic evidence that NAD-IDH plays a unique role in TCA cycle function.  相似文献   

5,6-Epoxy-, 4-methoxy-, 4-hydroxy-, and 3,4-dehydrobacteriorhodopsins can generate delta psi coupled to a photochemical cycle with intermediate M. The kinetics of delta psi comprises three main electrogenic phases: the fast small negative, the microsecond, and the millisecond positive phases. The photocycle efficiency is lower in all the analogs. The photocycle is modified insignificantly only in 3,4-dehydrobacteriorhodopsin. In the other pigments the decay of the flash-induced bleaching in the chromophore main absorption band is slower than the decay of M or long-wave intermediates, especially in the 4-hydroxy analog. In the latter analog, such distinctions, according to delta pH measurements, are partly due to deceleration of the decay of the novel intermediate (P). In 5,6-epoxybacteriorhodopsin, at all wavelengths, the decay of the intermediates takes seconds upon M formation. According to our and literature data, no bacteriorhodopsin analogs are known to have a cycle which preserves the M-intermediate and does not transport a proton.  相似文献   

We describe here a unique anti-HIV-1 membrane, derived from a chemically modified porous polypropylene (PP) membrane, which lowers viral infectivity upon the filtration of HIV-1 suspension. A cationic polymer, polyethyleneimine (PEI) was graft-polymerized onto the PP filter membrane (PP-PEI), and infectious HIV-1(HTLV-IIIB) derived from MOLT-4/HIV-1(HTLV-IIIB) cells (HIV-1(HTLV-IIIB(MOLT-4)) was applied. When a viral suspension of high titer (10(3.93) TCID50 ml(-1) was filtered, efficient reduction (>99%) of gag p24 antigen levels and infectious titer resulted. In a viral suspension of medium titer (10(2.37) TCID50 ml(-1), a significant decrease in the p24 antigen did not occur, although the titer was markedly reduced (>95%). Electron microscopic observation suggested that PEI induced viral aggregations under high titer conditions, and under medium titer conditions, PEI deprived HIV-1(HTLV-IIIB(MOLT-4)) of its infectivity alone to avoid virus adsorption. In contrast, HIV-1 propagated in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) such as HIV-1(HTLV-III(PBMC)) was more efficiently trapped by PP-PEI at lower titers as compared with HIV-1(HTLV-IIIB(MOLT-4)) from MOLT-4/HIV-1(HTLV-IIIB) cells. These data suggest host cell modification in the interactions between PP-PEI and HIV-1 strains. Since HIV-1(HTLV-IIIB(MOLT-4)) and HIV-1(HTLV-IIIB(PBMC)) were almost electrically neutral and negative, respectively, we concluded that the divergent effect of PEI on each HIV-1(HTLV-IIIB) resulted from their different electrical characteristics.  相似文献   

Background aimsGranulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) promotes vessel formation through several molecular signaling pathways. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have an important role in neovasculogenesis during ischemia because they release pro-angiogenic paracrine factors, pro-survival and immunomodulatory substances and can differentiate into endothelial cells. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether there is synergy between GM-CSF and MSCs in recovering ischemic limbs.MethodsMSCs from mouse bone marrow were transduced with a lentiviral vector expressing GM-CSF and injected into animals with surgically induced limb ischemia, with unmodified MCSs used as control. The evolution of limb necrosis was evaluated for 1 month. Muscle strength was assessed on the 30th day, and the animals were euthanized to determine the muscle mass and to perform histological analyses to determine the degree of cellular infiltration, capillary and microvessel densities, fibrosis, necrosis and tissue regeneration.ResultsBoth treatments were able to ameliorate ischemia, decrease the areas of fibrosis, necrosis, adipocytes and leukocyte infiltrates and increase the number of capillaries. The addition of GM-CSF promoted the formation of larger vessels, but it also resulted in more fibrosis and less muscle mass without affecting muscle force.ConclusionsBoth treatments resulted in a remarkable amelioration of ischemia. More fibrosis and less muscle mass produced by the overexpression of GM-CSF did not affect muscle functionality significantly. Importantly, MSCs overexpressing GM-CSF produced larger vessels, which is an important long-term advantage because larger vessels are more efficient in the reperfusion of ischemic tissues physiologically.  相似文献   

The essential amino acid leucine serves as a signal that activates protein synthesis. A new study by She et al. (2007) in this issue of Cell Metabolism shows that raising circulating leucine by blocking leucine breakdown drives a futile cycle of protein synthesis and degradation that contributes to higher-energy expenditure, resistance to dietary obesity, and improved insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   

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