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Parallel flow cytometric (FCM) cell DNA studies and cytogenetic studies were performed on clinical samples from twenty human solid tumors of various types and on cell lines established in tissue culture from three of these tumors. Six of twenty clinical samples (30%) showed concordance between flow cytometry and cytogenetics with respect to the presence or absence of aneuploidy. Among the fourteen cases with discrepancies between the two methods, 8 (40% of all cases) showed hypodiploidy by cytogenetics and had diploid DNA histograms. Three cases (15%) had prominent discrete peaks in the triploid to tetraploid region by cytogenetics but had only barely discernible corresponding peaks in the DNA histogram. In two cases (10%) cytogenetic studies revealed diffuse aneuploidy. Cytogenetic studies demonstrated near-tetraploidy in three samples, but only one of these was detected by FCM; all three cases exhibited other numerical chromosomal abnormalities. In one case aneuploidy was demonstrated by FCM and not by cytogenetics. Among the tumor cell lines established in culture, the DNA Index was often higher than the cytogenetic index. Overall, 13/20 or 65% of patients with solid tumors in this study had numerical chromosomal abnormalities that were not detected by flow cytometry. Eleven of these patients had distant metastases at the time of tumor sampling, and nine of these died of their disease within 1-11 months of the time of study.  相似文献   

The paper presents cytogenetic data available in literature concerning results of the study of malignant somatic cells at chromosomal and genetic levels in the pretumour period and in advanced tumours.  相似文献   

Adipose derived stem cells (ADSCs) are MSC-like cells which could be easily used for regenerative medicine. Here, the morphology and proliferative capacity of human ADSCs is discribed. ADSCs were analyzed after one month of cultivation at a density of 10 cells/cm2. 21 colonies were counted. Few atypical cells (huge nuclei and cytoplasm) were found in 9 out of 17 colonies analyzed. ANOVA demonstrated that colonies also differed (P = 0.0025) in nuclei dimensions and scatter in the dimensions in each colony. Nuclei dimensions and cell density logarithms correlated in reverse proportion (-0.7; P = 0.002). Thus, ADSCs were heterogeneous and represented two types of cells: small highly proliferative and large low proliferative cells. Cell heterogeneity observed in some colonies might be due to cells registered at different cell cycle phases. Stable and typical morphology, colony-formation capability and high proliferative capacity of cells indicate visceral adipose tissue as a rich source of ADSCs.  相似文献   

Certain bacteriophages have been found in live virus vaccines, while a few others have been associated with disease states. Some of these phages have produced abnormal growth of eukaryotic tissue cultures. For this reason bacteriophages phiX-174, MS2, T2 and an isolate from live virus vaccines, phiV-1, were incubated with human cell cultures for examination of chromosomal effects, cell proliferation and viability. Mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes and human embryonic kidney tissue cultures showed no increase in chromosomal abnormalities for high doses of phage-infected versus control cultures. Tritiated-thymidine uptake, correlated with mitotic indices for phage-treated lymphocyte cultures, indicated a reduction in cell division, while 51-chromium release studies showed no cell death occurring in these cultures. This suggested that inhibition of DNA synthesis was occurring in some cells. The presence of phage in the supernate of cells that were exposed to phage suggested the possibility of phage attachment to the plasma membranes of lymphocytes, which may in turn affect the suppression of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Certain bacteriophages have been found in live, virus vaccines, while a few others have been associated with disease states. Some of these phages have produced abnormal growth of eukaryotic tissue cultures. For this reason bacteriophages ϕX-174, MS2, T2 and an isolate from live virus vaccines, ϕV-1, were incubated with human cell cultures for examination of chromosomal effects, cell proliferation and viability. Mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes and human embryonic kidney tissue cultures showed no increase in chromosomal abnormalities for high doses of phage-infected versus control cultures. Tritiated-thymidine uptake, correlated with mitotic indices for phage-treated lymphocyte culture, indicated a reduction in cell division, while 51-chromium release studies showed no cell death occurring in these cultures. This suggested that inhibition of DNA synthesis was occurring in some cells. The presence of phage in the supernate of cells that were exposed to phage suggested the possibility of phage attachment to the plasma membranes of lymphocytes, which may in turn affect the suppression of DNA synthesis. This work was supported by HEW/FDA Grant No. 223-73-1171.  相似文献   

Histopathological examination of solid tumors frequently reveals pronounced tumor cell heterogeneity with regards to cell organization, cell morphology, cell size, nuclei morphology, etc. Analyses of gene expression patterns by immunohistochemistry or in situ hybridization techniques further strengthen the actual presence of phenotypic heterogeneity, often demonstrating substantial diversity within a given tumor. The molecular mechanisms underlying the phenotypic heterogeneity are very complex with genetic, epigenetic and environmental components. Hypoxia, shortage in oxygen, greatly influences cellular phenotypes by altering the expression of specific genes, and is an important contributor to intra- and inter-tumor cell diversity as revealed by the pronounced but non-uniform expression of hypoxia-driven genes in solid tumors (reviewed in [Semenza GL. Targeting HIF-1 for cancer therapy. Nat Rev Cancer 2003;3:721-32; Harris AL. Hypoxia--a key regulatory factor in tumour growth. Nat Rev Cancer 2002;2:38-47.]). The oxygen pressure in solid tumors is generally lower than in the surrounding non-malignant tissues, and tumors exhibiting extensive hypoxia have been shown to be more aggressive than corresponding tumors that are better oxygenized [Vaupel P. Oxygen transport in tumors: characteristics and clinical implications. Adv Exp Med Biol 1996;388:341-51; Vaupel P, Thews O, Hoeckel M. Treatment resistance of solid tumors: role of hypoxia and anemia. Med Oncol 2001;18:243-59.]. We recently observed that hypoxic neuroblastoma cells and breast cancer cells lose their differentiated gene expression patterns and develop stem cell-like phenotypes [J?gi A, ?ra I, Nilsson H, Lindeheim A, Makino Y, Poellinger L, et al. Hypoxia alters gene expression in human neuroblastoma cells toward an immature and neural crest-like phenotype. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2002;99:7021-6; Helczynska K, Kronblad A, J?gi A, Nilsson E, Beckman S, Landberg G, et al. Hypoxia promotes a dedifferentiated phenotype in ductal breast carcinoma in situ. Cancer Res 2003;63:1441-4.]. As low stage of differentiation in neuroblastoma and in breast cancer is linked to poor prognosis, hypoxia-induced dedifferentiation will not only contribute to tumor heterogeneity but could also be one mechanism behind increased aggressiveness of hypoxic tumors. The effect(s) of hypoxia on tumor cell differentiation status is the focus of this review.  相似文献   

Summary The majority of lymphocytes separated from tumor cell suspensions were T cells. Conjugates of T lymphocytes and tumor cells were often seen. Variable numbers of T cells exhibited signs of activation such as the ability to form stable E rosettes and attachment to normal and malignant cells (a phenomenon designated natural attachment: NA). A proportion of T cells activated in vitro by allogeneic stimulation regularly exhibit these properties. The T cell-tumor conjugates in the suspensions may represent the NA phenomenon, but they could also be the product of T cells that adhere on the basis of specific recognition of cell surface antigens.Abbreviations BBS balanced salt solution - E rosettes rosettes formed with sheep erythrocytes - EA rosettes rosettes formed with ox erythrocytes coated with anti-ox IgG - FCS fetal calf serum - MLC mixed lymphocyte cultures - NA natural attachment - PBL peripheral blood lymphocytes - SRBC sheep erythrocytes - T lymphocytes thymusderived lymphocytes  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Heterogeneity in human malignant tumors is a well-described phenomenon and of interest with regard to subpopulations with differences in clonality, metastatic potential, and response to therapy under different treatment regimes. The aim of this study was the simultaneous characterization of surface markers and DNA content of solid tumors to identify tumor cell subpopulations and to study the association between the expression of antigens and DNA content. METHODS: In the present study, six different malignant tumors grown as xenografts in nude mice were characterized by five-parameter flow cytometry. Immunophenotyping was performed using a variety of direct fluorescence-conjugated antibodies. In all cases, simultaneous detection of DNA content was done after staining with 7-aminoactinomycin D. RESULTS: Tumor cells were characterized by light scatter properties, antigen expression, and DNA content. Tumor cell heterogeneity, subpopulations, and DNA content-dependent antigen expression were identified. CONCLUSIONS: This method offers the possibility of characterizing solid tumors according to their immunophenotype and DNA content. The results obtained can be used to identify changes in immunophenotypic and DNA profiles of tumor cell populations before and after therapy and might be useful to define parameters predictive for response to therapy.  相似文献   

Summary Immunophenotyping of cultured cancer cells requires intact antigenic structures; these are mostly destroyed by conventional chromosome preparation techniques. Thus, the simultaneous cytogenetic and immunocytochemical characterization of solid tumor cells appears unfeasible. Here, we describe a novel method that allows in situ chromosome preparation from monolayer cultures of solid tumor cells without affecting their immunological features. Using this technique, it is possible to achieve detailed cytogenetic data including chromosome banding together with the demonstration of cytoplasmic and nuclear antigens within the same tumor cell.  相似文献   

Considering that tumors are maintained by clonogenic cells, and that the primary target in the therapy of cancer is the clonogenic cell, the density of clonogens in a tumor could become an important parameter in quantitating the response to therapy. Indirect methods for determining the density of clonogenic cells in human tumors based on the response of tumors to radiation suggest there are circa 1 X 10(5) clonogens per gram with a large range. Direct methods, based on the measurement of cloning efficiency of enzymatically disaggregated biopsies of human tumors in soft agar, suggest a clonogen density of approximately 1,500 clonogens per gram. As this value is inconsistent with the prior data, we chose to determine the density of clonogenic cells in human tumors by assaying the enzyme digest of biopsies of human tumors for clonogenic cells using an enriched monolayer clonogenic assay. We determined the average clonogen density to be 1.12 x 10(5) clonogens per gram with a large range. The agreement with the indirect method suggests that the enriched monolayer clonogenic assay supports the proliferation of the cell population responsible for maintaining the tumor.  相似文献   

Peptides deriving from tumor-associated antigens and recognized by patient T cells have been firstly defined in the early 90's, and then used as vaccine in animal models and in cancer patients. Early trials showed a variable, often even high frequency of patients developing peptide-specific T-cell mediated immune response usually accompanied by a lower frequency of clinical response. Modified, long peptides could be synthesized with a higher in vitro binding to the corresponding HLA allele that only seldom translated into a clear improvement in the tumor response. However, we show here that more recent studies of multipeptide-based vaccines resulted in a higher and more robust T cell response causing also a more effective clinical response particularly in melanoma and prostate cancer patients. In this article, we also used some of the recent patents describing different inventions related to pre-clinical and clinical aspects of peptide based vaccines against human solid tumors.  相似文献   

Growth and functional activity within the prostate gland is known to be regulated by androgens whose effects are thought to be mediated via androgen receptors. This concept has been derived in large part through analysis of whole organ homogenates, an approach which ignores potential heterogeneity of biological activity within the gland and the importance of cell-cell interactions. In this review recent findings are summarized which demonstrate that growth of the prostatic ductal network during prepubertal periods, as well as during prostatic regeneration in androgen-treated adult castrates, is nonuniform, with ductal growth being highest at the ductal tips and much lower in proximal ducts closer to the urethra. Androgen dependency for maintenance of ductal architecture following castration follows a similar pattern in that castration results in total destruction of distal ductal architecture, while proximal ducts are maintained albeit in an atrophic state. Thus, striking differences in biological properties are found in distal versus proximal prostatic ducts. Morphogenesis, growth, and secretory cytodifferentiation within the developing prostate is elicited by androgens which act via mesenchymal-epithelial interactions. Through analysis of chimeric prostates constructed with androgen-receptor-positive wild-type mesenchyme and androgen-receptor-negative Tfm (testicular feminization) bladder epithelium, it is now evident that androgenic effects can be elicited in androgen-receptor-deficient (androgen-insensitive) Tfm prostatic epithelium, provided that the connective tissue component of the chimeric prostate is wild type. This observation has been made for both the developing and adult prostate. From this data it is evident that certain androgenic effects (ductal morphogenesis, epithelial growth, and secretory cytodifferentiation) do not require the presence of intraepithelial androgen receptors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A limiting dilution analysis (LDA) was used to assess the functional profiles of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) recovered from 15 human solid tumors. The microculture system applied in this study has been shown to allow virtually all normal peripheral blood T lymphocytes (PBL-T) to undergo clonal proliferation and was applied to obtain estimates of the frequency of both proliferating and cytolytic cells among the TIL population. A total of 624 microcultures proliferating in the presence of irradiated allogeneic spleen cells and interleukin 2 (IL 2) were expanded for clonal analysis. These TIL microcultures were assessed for surface antigen phenotype, IL 2 production (helper function) and for their cytolytic capabilities against the human erythroleukemic line K562 (natural killer (NK)-like activity) and P815, a mouse mastocytoma line, in the presence of phytohemagglutinin (PHA), i.e., lectin-dependent cell cytotoxicity (LDCC) which allows the detection of cytolytic activity irrespective of the antigenic specificity of the effector cells. Whenever feasible, cytolytic activity against autologous and allogeneic tumor cells was tested. LDA first demonstrated that the proliferative potential was decreased in T lymphocytes infiltrating human solid tumors (approximately 1 in 50 to 1 in 2 proliferating T lymphocyte precursors (PTL-P) in this series) as compared to normal PBL-T (1 in 2 to 1 in 1 PTL-P). The growth pattern in the titration cultures showed a remarkable agreement with the single-hit Poisson model implying that third party cells are unlikely to be involved in the reduced proliferative potential. Quantitative estimates of functional precursors showed that, in spite of reduced proliferative potential, cytolytic T lymphocyte precursors (CTL-P) against unknown antigens (LDCC-reactive) accounted for a considerable part of the microcultures in many cases. The precursor frequency of T lymphocytes with NK-like activity was usually low in situ (with the exception of glioma), whereas it was in the normal range in the patient's autologous PBL-T. In four evaluable cases, quantitative assessment showed that 1 in 200 to 1 in 1000 T lymphocytes from TIL was cytolytic against allogeneic tumor cells, which is in the range of alloreactive cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) generated in the mixed lymphocyte culture from normal PBL. Cytolytic activity against autologous target cells could not be quantitatively estimated but out of 88 clones from 4 patients, 3 clones originating from 2 glioma patients showed high lytic values against autologous tumor.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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Karyotyping of noncultivated cells of 60 first-trimester spontaneous abortions (blighted ova and missed abortions) was carried out using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with centromere-specific DNA probes for all chromosomes of the karyotype. Conventional cytogenetic study of these abortions was impossible because of cell culture failures. The algorithm is proposed for molecular cytogenetic FISH analysis of interphase karyotypes. Chromosome abnormalities were found in 32 fetuses (53.3%). In groups of missed abortions and blighted ova, the frequency of numerical chromosome abnormalities was 50 and 60%, respectively. Both the numerical chromosome abnormalities typical of spontaneous human abortions (autosomal trisomies, sex chromosome aneuploidy, and polyploidy) and a relatively rare type of genomic imbalance unidentifiable by standard cytogenetic analysis (autosomal monosomies 7, 15, 21, and 22 in mosaic state) were observed. The frequency of these type of chromosome abnormalities comprised 19% of all known karyotype abnormalities determined in spontaneously perished embryos. Note that the level of confined placental mosaicism in embryos with low cell proliferative activity was 25%, which is substantially higher than the corresponding parameter (1-2%) determined by prenatal diagnosis of chromosome abnormalities in developing embryos. The results of interphase FISH analysis of cells with low proliferative activity in vitro suggest that the pathology of early fetal development and missed abortion in humans are associated with a wider spectrum of chromosome abnormalities.  相似文献   

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