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The dietary stress conditions such as starvation influenced Na+K+-ATPase activity which increased steadily above normal fed levels between the starvation periods of 24--48 hr. Also, an increased enzyme level was observed in alloxan diabetic rats and administration of insulin to diabetic rats led to a tendency towards a lowering of Na+K+-ATPase. Adrenalectomy brought about a lowering of Na+K+-ATPase activity from those of normals while the administration of hydrocortisone induced an enhancement. The results indicate that both starvation and diabetic conditions might cause a stress-like activation of adrenal cortex resulting in increased levels of glucocorticoids which in turn activate the intestinal Na+K+-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

1. Metabolite contents were determined in freeze-clamped kidney from acidotic and starved rats in order to elucidate the rate-controlling steps which are responsible for the acceleration of gluconeogenesis in these situations. 2. In the kidney of rats which were made mildly acidotic by replacing drinking water with 1.5% ammonium chloride for 7 to 10 days (when the plasma bicarbonate concentration was 20mm) the content of phosphoenolpyruvate was increased from the control value of 35 to 63nmol/g and that of 3-phosphoglycerate from 85 to 154nmol/g. 3. Similar but smaller changes in these metabolites occurred in the kidney of starved rats but there were no such changes in the kidney of rats 12h after an infusion of 0.25m-hydrochloric acid, although plasma bicarbonate concentration fell to about 10mm on this treatment. 4. The renal concentration of glucose 6-phosphate was not raised in rats that received ammonium chloride, but was increased in starved and acutely acidotic rats. 5. The concentrations of alpha-oxoglutarate, malate and citrate were less than half the normal value in the kidney of both groups of acidotic rats. These changes can be accounted for on the basis of equilibrium relationships among reversible reactions, particularly as a result of the rise in intracellular ammonia content. A less marked decrease in alpha-oxoglutarate and malate was found in the kidney of starved rats. 6. The renal cortical cytoplasmic oxaloacetate concentration was calculated to be decreased in acidotic and starved rats. 7. These results are discussed in the light of the known enhancement by acidosis and starvation of renal gluconeogenesis. In particular they support the suggestion that the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase reaction is a site of control of gluconeogenesis in kidney in these conditions.  相似文献   

The total activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex in rat hind-limb muscle mitochondria was 76.4 units/g of mitochondrial protein. The proportion of complex in the active form was 34% (as isolated), 8-14% (incubation with respiratory substrates) and greater than 98% (incubation without respiratory substrates). Complex was also inactivated by ATP in the presence of oligomycin B and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. Ca2+ (which activates PDH phosphatase) and pyruvate or dichloroacetate (which inhibit PDH kinase) each increased the concentration of active PDH complex in a concentration-dependent manner in mitochondria oxidizing 2-oxoglutarate/L-malate. Values giving half-maximal activation were 10 nM-Ca2+, 3 mM-pyruvate and 16 microM-dichloroacetate. Activation by Ca2+ was inhibited by Na+ and Mg2+. Mitochondria incubated with [32P]Pi/2-oxoglutarate/L-malate incorporated 32P into three phosphorylation sites in the alpha-chain of PDH; relative rates of phosphorylation were sites 1 greater than 2 greater than 3, and of dephosphorylation, sites 2 greater than 1 greater than 3. Starvation ( 48h ) or induction of alloxan-diabetes had no effect on the total activity of PDH complex in skeletal-muscle mitochondria, but each decreased the concentration of active complex in mitochondria oxidizing 2-oxoglutarate/L-malate and increased the concentrations of Ca2+, pyruvate or dichloracetate required for half-maximal reactivation. In extracts of mitochondria the activity of PDH kinase was increased 2-3-fold by 48 h starvation or alloxan-diabetes, but the activity of PDH phosphatase was unchanged.  相似文献   

C Jayashree 《Life sciences》1975,17(7):1159-1165
The activity levels of Aspartate aminotransferase (AAT) and Alanine aminotransferase (A1AT) in the cerebrum, Cerebellum, optic lobes and medulla oblongata of normal and alloxan-diabetic rats were determined. The Heterogeneity of aminotransferases in the cerebral and cerebellar regions of normal and alloxan-diabetic rats was studied via agar gel electrophoresis. In general, the activities of the two aminotransferases increased in the brain of alloxan-diabetic rats. Cerebral and cerebellar distribution, sub-unit pattern and relative electrophoretic mobility of the isozymes of AAT and A1AT of normal and diabetic rats are described.  相似文献   

The rate of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle is greatly decreased in response to diabetes and starvation. Analysis of polyribosome profiles indicates that polypeptide-chain initiation is impaired under these conditions. To identify the step in initiation that is affected, we assayed the incorporation of [35S]methionyl-tRNAfMet into [35S]methionyl-tRNAfMet . 40S-ribosomal-subunit initiation complexes in cell-free extracts based on postmitochondrial supernatants prepared from gastrocnemius muscle. Extracts from either starved or diabetic rats were 30-40% less active in forming these complexes compared with those derived from fed or insulin-maintained controls respectively. This change could be reversed by treatment of either starved or diabetic rats with insulin in vivo 30 min before death. Formation of 40S initiation complexes by extracts from either fed or starved rats could be stimulated by the addition of exogenous purified initiation factor eIF-2, but extracts from starved or diabetic rats were more sensitive than controls to stimulation by low concentrations of the factor. These results provide evidence for the acute regulation by insulin of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle at the level of polypeptide-chain initiation, and suggest that in this tissue, as in certain other eukaryotic systems, control of initiation appears to be mediated by changes in the activity of initiation factor eIF-2.  相似文献   

The regulation of phosphofructokinase in the colonic mucosa of 48 h-starved and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats was investigated. The specific activities of phosphofructokinase from colonic mucosa of starved and diabetic rats were found to be diminished compared with normal controls. The enzyme obtained from the colonic mucosa of normal, diabetic and starved rats showed sigmoidal velocity curves with respect to fructose-6-phosphate, with apparent Km values of 0.6, 0.62 and 0.7 mM, respectively. However, the present results indicated that phosphofructokinase from the epithelial cells of rat colon is not regulated in a manner similar to that of the intestinal enzyme, which was shown to be highly regulated.  相似文献   

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