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We have previously shown that treatment of bovine endothelial cell (EC) monolayers with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) leads to the thinning of cortical actin ring and rearrangement of the cytoskeleton into a grid-like structure, concomitant with the loss of endothelial barrier function. In the current work, we focused on caldesmon, a cytoskeletal protein, regulating actomyosin interaction. We hypothesized that protein kinase C (PKC) activation by PMA leads to the changes in caldesmon properties such as phosphorylation and cellular localization. We demonstrate here that PMA induces both myosin and caldesmon redistribution from cortical ring into the grid-like network. However, the initial step of PMA-induced actin and myosin redistribution is not followed by caldesmon redistribution. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that short-term PMA (5 min) treatment leads to the weakening of caldesmon ability to bind actin and, to the lesser extent, myosin. Prolonged incubation (15-60 min) with PMA, however, strengthens caldesmon complexes with actin and myosin, which correlates with the grid-like actin network formation. PMA stimulation leads to an immediate increase in caldesmon Ser/Thr phosphorylation. This process occurs at sites distinct from the sites specific for ERK1/2 phosphorylation and correlates with caldesmon dissociation from the actomyosin complex. Inhibition of ERK-kinase MEK fails to abolish grid-like structure formation, although reducing PMA-induced weakening of the cortical actin ring, whereas inhibition of PKC reverses PMA-induced cytoskeletal rearrangement. Our results suggest that PKC-dependent phosphorylation of caldesmon is involved in PMA-mediated complex cytoskeletal changes leading to the EC barrier compromise.  相似文献   

Coordinated actin microfilament and microtubule dynamics is required for salivary gland development, although the mechanisms by which they contribute to branching morphogenesis are not defined. Because LIM kinase (LIMK) regulates both actin and microtubule organization, we investigated the role of LIMK signaling in mouse embryonic submandibular salivary glands using ex vivo organ cultures. Both LIMK 1 and 2 were necessary for branching morphogenesis and functioned to promote epithelial early- and late-stage cleft progression through regulation of both microfilaments and microtubules. LIMK-dependent regulation of these cytoskeletal systems was required to control focal adhesion protein–dependent fibronectin assembly and integrin β1 activation, involving the LIMK effectors cofilin and TPPP/p25, for assembly of the actin- and tubulin-based cytoskeletal systems, respectively. We demonstrate that LIMK regulates the early stages of cleft formation—cleft initiation, stabilization, and progression—via establishment of actin stability. Further, we reveal a novel role for the microtubule assembly factor p25 in regulating stabilization and elongation of late-stage progressing clefts. This study demonstrates the existence of multiple actin- and microtubule-dependent stabilization steps that are controlled by LIMK and are required in cleft progression during branching morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Members of the cadherin family of cell adhesion molecules participate in calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesions that are necessary for the cell sorting events that regulate early developmental processes. Although individual cadherin molecules have been shown to participate in tissue histogenesis, the regulation of function of these receptors in cell differentiation has been more difficult to identify. We have determined that N-cadherin linkage to the cytoskeleton is correlated with lens cell differentiation in vivo. Through the use of a chick embryo lens culture system that mimics differentiation in vivo, we have determined that N-cadherin linkage to the cytoskeleton is altered and lens differentiation is blocked by function-blocking antibodies to N-cadherin. In the presence of the N-cadherin function-blocking antibody, NCD-2, both N-cadherin and filamentous actin are prevented from organizing at the cortical membranes. This correlates with an inhibition of lens morphogenesis and differentiation. These results are paralleled by changes in the expression of the molecular components of the cadherin-catenin complex and their linkage to the actin cytoskeleton. In the presence of NCD-2, expression of N-cadherin, alpha-catenin, and beta-catenin is inhibited and their association with the cytoskeleton blocked. Overall cadherin expression, however, remains unchanged as demonstrated by studies with a pan-cadherin antibody. This is accompanied by an increase in expression of the cadherin cytoskeletal protein plakoglobin. Although the cells have tried to compensate for the loss of N-cadherin by up-regulation of another cadherin(s) and plakoglobin, this is unable to compensate for N-cadherin function. The data strongly suggest that N-cadherin and its associated cytoskeleton play an important role in the differentiation process that leads to the formation of the crystalline lens.  相似文献   

Ena/VASP is required for endothelial barrier function in vivo   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Enabled/vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (Ena/VASP) proteins are key actin regulators that localize at regions of dynamic actin remodeling, including cellular protrusions and cell–cell and cell–matrix junctions. Several studies have suggested that Ena/VASP proteins are involved in the formation and function of cellular junctions. Here, we establish the importance of Ena/VASP in endothelial junctions in vivo by analysis of Ena/VASP-deficient animals. In the absence of Ena/VASP, the vasculature exhibits patterning defects and lacks structural integrity, leading to edema, hemorrhaging, and late stage embryonic lethality. In endothelial cells, we find that Ena/VASP activity is required for normal F-actin content, actomyosin contractility, and proper response to shear stress. These findings demonstrate that Ena/VASP is critical for actin cytoskeleton remodeling events involved in the maintenance of functional endothelia.  相似文献   

The cellular mechanisms that drive growth and remodeling of the early intestinal epithelium are poorly understood. Current dogma suggests that the murine fetal intestinal epithelium is stratified, that villi are formed by an epithelial remodeling process involving the de novo formation of apical surface at secondary lumina, and that radial intercalation of the stratified cells constitutes a major intestinal lengthening mechanism. Here, we investigate cell polarity, cell cycle dynamics and cell shape in the fetal murine intestine between E12.5 and E14.5. We show that, contrary to previous assumptions, this epithelium is pseudostratified. Furthermore, epithelial nuclei exhibit interkinetic nuclear migration, a process wherein nuclei move in concert with the cell cycle, from the basal side (where DNA is synthesized) to the apical surface (where mitosis takes place); such nuclear movements were previously misinterpreted as the radial intercalation of cells. We further demonstrate that growth of epithelial girth between E12.5 and E14.5 is driven by microtubule- and actinomyosin-dependent apicobasal elongation, rather than by progressive epithelial stratification as was previously thought. Finally, we show that the actin-binding protein Shroom3 is crucial for the maintenance of the single-layered pseudostratified epithelium. In mice lacking Shroom3, the epithelium is disorganized and temporarily stratified during villus emergence. These results favor an alternative model of intestinal morphogenesis in which the epithelium remains single layered and apicobasally polarized throughout early intestinal development.  相似文献   

Interaction of p120 with juxtamembrane domain (JMD) of VE-cadherin has been implicated in regulation of endothelial cell-cell adhesion. We used a number of approaches to alter the level of p120 available for binding to VE-cadherin as a means to investigate the role of p120-VE-cadherin interaction in regulation of barrier function in confluent endothelial monolayers. Expression of an epitope-tagged fragment corresponding to JMD of VE-cadherin resulted in a decrease in endothelial barrier function as assessed by changes in albumin clearance and electrical resistance. Binding of JMD-Flag to p120 resulted in a decreased level of p120. In addition to decreasing p120 level, expression of JMD also decreased level of VE-cadherin. Expression of JMD also caused an increase in MLC phosphorylation and rearrangement of actin cytoskeleton, which, coupled with decreased cadherin, can contribute to loss of barrier function. Reducing p120 by siRNA resulted in a decrease in VE-cadherin, whereas increasing the level of p120 increased the level of VE-cadherin, demonstrating that p120 regulates the level of VE-cadherin. Overexpression of p120 was, however, associated with decreased barrier function and rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton. Interestingly, expression of p120 was able to inhibit thrombin-induced increases in MLC phosphorylation, suggesting that p120 inhibits activation of Rho/Rho kinase pathway in endothelial cells. Excess p120 also prevented JMD-induced increases in MLC phosphorylation, correlating this phosphorylation with Rho/Rho kinase pathway. These findings show p120 plays a major role in regulating endothelial barrier function, as either a decrease or increase of p120 resulted in disruption of permeability across cell monolayers.  相似文献   

In self-renewing tissues such as the skin epidermis and the bone marrow, Myc proteins control differentiation of stem cells and proliferation of progenitor cell types. In the epithelium of the small intestine, we show that c-Myc and N-Myc are expressed in a differential manner. Whereas c-Myc is expressed in the proliferating transient-amplifying compartment of the crypts, N-Myc is restricted to the differentiated villus epithelium and a single cell located near the crypt base. c-Myc has been implicated as a critical target of the canonical Wnt pathway, which is essential for formation and maintenance of the intestinal mucosa. To genetically assess the role of c-Myc during development and homeostasis of the mammalian intestine we induced deletion of the c-myc(flox) allele in the villi and intestinal stem cell-bearing crypts of juvenile and adult mice, via tamoxifen-induced activation of the CreER(T2) recombinase, driven by the villin promoter. Absence of c-Myc activity in the juvenile mucosa at the onset of crypt morphogenesis leads to a failure to form normal numbers of crypts in the small intestine. However, all mice recover from this insult to form and maintain a normal epithelium in the absence of c-Myc activity and without apparent compensation by N-Myc or L-Myc. This study provides genetic and molecular evidence that proliferation and expansion of progenitors necessary to maintain the adult intestinal epithelium can unexpectedly occur in a Myc-independent manner.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells is comprised of a complex network of distinct but interconnected filament systems that function in cell division, cell motility, and subcellular trafficking of proteins and organelles. A gap in our understanding of this dynamic network is the identification of proteins that connect subsets of cytoskeletal structures. We previously discovered a family of cytoskeleton-associated proteins that includes GAS11, a candidate human tumor suppressor upregulated in growth-arrested cells, and trypanin, a component of the flagellar cytoskeleton of African trypanosomes. Although these proteins are intimately associated with the cytoskeleton, their function has yet to be determined. Here we use double-stranded RNA interference to block trypanin expression in Trypanosoma brucei, and demonstrate that this protein is required for directional cell motility. Trypanin(minus sign) mutants have an active flagellum, but are unable to coordinate flagellar beat. As a consequence, they spin and tumble uncontrollably, occasionally moving backward. Immunofluorescence experiments demonstrate that trypanin is located along the flagellum/flagellum attachment zone and electron microscopic analysis revealed that cytoskeletal connections between the flagellar apparatus and subpellicular cytoskeleton are destabilized in trypanin(minus sign) mutants. These results indicate that trypanin functions as a cytoskeletal linker protein and offer insights into the mechanisms of flagellum-based cell motility.  相似文献   

The acyl-CoA binding protein (ACBP) is a 10 kDa intracellular protein expressed in all eukaryotic species. Mice with targeted disruption of Acbp (ACBP(-/-) mice) are viable and fertile but present a visible skin and fur phenotype characterized by greasy fur and development of alopecia and scaling with age. Morphology and development of skin and appendages are normal in ACBP(-/-) mice; however, the stratum corneum display altered biophysical properties with reduced proton activity and decreased water content. Mass spectrometry analyses of lipids from epidermis and stratum corneum of ACBP(+/+) and ACBP(-/-) mice showed very similar composition, except for a significant and specific decrease in the very long chain free fatty acids (VLC-FFA) in stratum corneum of ACBP(-/-) mice. This finding indicates that ACBP is critically involved in the processes that lead to production of stratum corneum VLC-FFAs via complex phospholipids in the lamellar bodies. Importantly, we show that ACBP(-/-) mice display a ~50% increased transepidermal water loss compared with ACBP(+/+) mice. Furthermore, skin and fur sebum monoalkyl diacylglycerol (MADAG) levels are significantly increased, suggesting that ACBP limits MADAG synthesis in sebaceous glands. In summary, our study shows that ACBP is required for production of VLC-FFA for stratum corneum and for maintaining normal epidermal barrier function.  相似文献   

A recently proposed model for proton leakage across biological membranes [Prog. Lipid Res. 40 (2001) 299] suggested that hydrocarbons specifically in the center of the lipid bilayer inhibit proton leaks. Since cellular membranes maintain a proton electrochemical gradient as a principal energy transducer, proton leakage unproductively consumes cellular energy. Hydrocarbons in the bilayer are widespread in membranes that sustain such gradients. The alkaliphiles are unique in that they contain up to 40 mol% isoprenes in their membranes including 10-11 mol% squalene [J. Bacteriol. 168 (1986) 334]. Squalene is a polyisoprene hydrocarbon without polar groups. Localizing hydrocarbons in lipid bilayers has not been trivial. A myriad of physical methods including fluorescence spectroscopy, electron-spin resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance as well as X-ray and neutron diffraction have been used to explore this question with various degrees of success and often contradictory results. Seeking unambiguous evidence for the localization of squalene in membranes or lipid bilayers, we employed neutron diffraction. We incorporated 10 mol% perdeuterated or protonated squalane, an isosteric analogue of squalene, into stacked bilayers of dioleoyl phosphatidyl choline (DOPC) doped with dioleoyl phosphatidyl glycerol (DOPG) to simulate the negative charges found on natural membranes. The neutron diffraction data clearly show that the squalane lies predominantly in the bilayer center, parallel to the plane of the membrane.  相似文献   

Lipid phosphate phosphatases (LPPs) are integral membrane enzymes that regulate the levels of bioactive lipids such as sphingosine 1-phosphate and lysophosphatidic acid. The Drosophila LPPs Wunen (Wun) and Wunen-2 (Wun2) have a well-established role in regulating the survival and migration of germ cells. We now show that wun has an essential tissue-autonomous role in development of the trachea: the catalytic activity of Wun is required to maintain septate junction (SJ) paracellular barrier function, loss of which causes failure to accumulate crucial luminal components, suggesting a role for phospholipids in SJ function. We find that the integrity of the blood-brain barrier is also lost in wun mutants, indicating that loss of SJ function is not restricted to the tracheal system. Furthermore, by comparing the rescue ability of different LPP homologs we show that wun function in the trachea is distinct from its role in germ cell migration.  相似文献   

Schwann cells elaborate myelin sheaths around axons by spirally wrapping and compacting their plasma membranes. Although actin remodeling plays a crucial role in this process, the effectors that modulate the Schwann cell cytoskeleton are poorly defined. Here, we show that the actin cytoskeletal regulator, neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASp), is upregulated in myelinating Schwann cells coincident with myelin elaboration. When N-WASp is conditionally deleted in Schwann cells at the onset of myelination, the cells continue to ensheath axons but fail to extend processes circumferentially to elaborate myelin. Myelin-related gene expression is also severely reduced in the N-WASp-deficient cells and in vitro process and lamellipodia formation are disrupted. Although affected mice demonstrate obvious motor deficits these do not appear to progress, the mutant animals achieving normal body weights and living to advanced age. Our observations demonstrate that N-WASp plays an essential role in Schwann cell maturation and myelin formation.  相似文献   

Using monolayers of human intestinal (Caco-2) cells, we showed that epidermal growth factor (EGF) protects intestinal barrier integrity against oxidant injury by protecting the microtubules and that protein kinase C (PKC) is required. Because atypical PKC-zeta isoform is abundant in wild-type (WT) Caco-2 cells, we hypothesized that PKC-zeta mediates, at least in part, EGF protection. Intestinal cells (Caco-2 or HT-29) were transfected to stably over- or underexpress PKC-zeta. These clones were preincubated with low or high doses of EGF or a PKC activator [1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG)] before oxidant (0.5 mM H(2)O(2)). Relative to WT cells exposed to oxidant, only monolayers of transfected cells overexpressing PKC-zeta (2.9-fold) were protected against oxidant injury as indicated by increases in polymerized tubulin and decreases in monomeric tubulin, enhancement of architectural stability of the microtubule cytoskeleton, and increases in monolayer barrier integrity toward control levels (62% less leakiness). Overexpression-induced protection was OAG independent and even EGF independent, but EGF significantly potentiated PKC-zeta protection. Most overexpressed PKC-zeta (92%) resided in membrane and cytoskeletal fractions, indicating constitutive activation of PKC-zeta. Stably inhibiting PKC-zeta expression (95%) with antisense transfection substantially attenuated EGF protection as demonstrated by reduced tubulin assembly and increased microtubule disassembly, disruption of the microtubule cytoskeleton, and loss of monolayer barrier integrity. We conclude that 1) activation of PKC-zeta is necessary for EGF-induced protection, 2) PKC-zeta appears to be an endogenous stabilizer of the microtubule cytoskeleton and of intestinal barrier function against oxidative injury, and 3) we have identified a novel biological function (protection) among the atypical isoforms of PKC.  相似文献   

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