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During January 2002, 3 specimens of an undescribed species of Oochoristica Lühe, 1898, were collected in Ctenosaura pectinata (Wiegmann, 1834) from Santa Mará Mixtequilla, Oaxaca, Mexico. Oochoristica leonregagnonae n. sp. differs from 71 of 82 species of the genus by its large number of testes (78-112 [95] vs. less than 65 per proglottid, respectively). In addition, the numerous ovarian lobes (31-79 [51]) possessed by the new species distinguish it from the other 10, with a maximum of 20 ovarian lobes. The new species differs from Oochoristica acapulcoensis Brooks, Pérez-Ponce de León and García-Prieto, 1999, which also infects C. pectinata in Mexico, by the presence of numerous staining granules throughout the parenchyma of the scolex in the latter species; likewise, testes in O. acapulcoensis reach and even overpass the excretory canals, whereas in the new species they are limited to the central region between these tubules.  相似文献   

Acleotrema Johnston & Tiegs, 1922 is resurrected and its diagnosis amended. A. girellae Johnston & Tiegs, 1922 is redescribed based on the lectotype from the Australian Museum (Sydney, Australia). A. kyphosi Yamaguti, 1968 is considered a junior synonym of A. girellae. Heteroplectanum Rakotofiringa, Oliver & Lambert, 1987 is considered a junior synonym of Acleotrema. The nine species of the latter genus are transferred to Acleotrema as: A. diplobulbus (Yamaguti, 1968) n. comb., A. nenue (Yamaguti, 1968) n. comb., A. spiculare (Yamaguti, 1968) n. comb., A. yamagutii (Oliver, 1983) n. comb., A. nenuoides (Rakotofiringa, Oliver & Lambert, 1987) n. comb., A. parastromatei (Rakotofiringa, Oliver & Lambert, 1987) n. comb., A. serrulopenis (Rakotofiringa, Oliver & Lambert, 1987) n. comb., A. tamatavense (Rakotofiringa, Oliver & Lambert, 1987) n. comb. and A. oliveri (León-Règagnon, Pérez-Ponce de León & Garcia- Prieto, 1997) n. comb. An historical account of the species of Acleotrema is presented.  相似文献   

Paracreptotrema heterandriae n. sp. (Trematoda: Allocreadiidae) is described from the intestine of the freshwater fish Heterandria bimaculata (Teleostei: Poeciliidae) from the upper basin of Río La Antigua, in Veracruz, Mexico. The new species is distinguished from the 3 others in the Paracreptotrema Choudhury, Pérez-Ponce de León, Brooks, and Daverdin, 2006 , mainly by having a feeble membranous cirrus sac containing an uncoiled seminal vesicle, instead of a well-developed muscular cirrus sac that encloses coiled seminal vesicle, pars prostatica, and ejaculatory duct as in the previously 3 nominal species. Moreover, eggs of the new species are larger than all others ([measurements in micrometers] eggs of P. heterandriae n. sp. 72.5 [70-75] × 40 [35-41]; P. blancoi 55.4 [52.5-62.5] × 38.5 [32.5-42.5]; P. mendezi 46 × 37; P. profundulusi 57 [52-60] × 27.8 [25-30]).  相似文献   

Five out of ten ocellated skinks (Chalcides ocellatus) examined in Dubai between 2007 and 2010 were infected with cestodes of the genus Oochoristica. Out of the 36 collected tapeworms seven specimens were used to describe a new species. Oochoristica chalcidesi n. sp. belongs to the group of species with 25 to 35 testes arranged in two clusters. The lobes of the ovary are subdivided into 4-5 lobules in a similar way as O. ubelakeri described from Agama atra in Namibia. Both species differ in the presence of a neck, a lower number of mature segments in O. chalcidesi n. sp. and a different position of the cirrus pouch in relation to the ovary, as well as in the distribution of uterine capsulae in gravid segments.  相似文献   

Martin Lockley 《Ichnos》2013,20(3-4):125-127
Dinosaurios: rutas por el Jurásico de Asturias, José Carlos Martínez García Ramos, José Lires and Laura Piñuela, illustrated by Arturo de Miguel and Raúl Martín, 2002. Group Zeta in conjunction with La Voz de Asturias, Polígono de Puente Nora, 4, 33420 Lugones Asturias, Spain (www.elperiódico.com/asturias), 204 p., Deposito legal: AS-1.669/2002 (no ISBN number).  相似文献   

The influence of nitrate and ammonium assimilation on the flow of recently fixed carbon has been determined in intact Anacystis nidulans cells actively fixing CO2. Assimilation of nitrate or ammonium resulted in substantial increases in the incorporation of carbon into acid-soluble metabolites, the magnitude of the effect being dependent on the irradiance. The radiolabel in sugar phosphate was virtually unaffected by nitrogen assimilation, whereas that in organic acids and, in particular, in amino acids was markedly increased. Enhancement of carbon incorporation into amino acids induced by nitrogen assimilation was not accompanied by parallel increases in the size of the amino acid pools. This resulted in an appreciable increase of the specific radioactivity of most amino acids under conditions of nitrogen assimilation. The data indicate that nitrate and ammonium assimilation induce an enhancement of carbon flow through the glycolytic and the tricarboxylic-acid pathways to oxaloacetate and α-ketoglutarate, as well as a stimulation of amino-acid turnover. These effects were more pronounced at saturating irradiance. We thank the Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica, Spain (research grant PB88-0019) and the Plan Andaluz de Investigación (grupo 3101) for financial support, and P. Pérez de León for excellent secretarial assistance.  相似文献   

The seed coat furnishes protection with a thick cuticle, tannin cells, mucilage, and a hard sclerotesta. The external layer of the seed coat is a sarcotesta; a thick cuticle covers the external walls of its epidermal cells. This epidermis bears stomates and, in the early stages, trichomes. The subepidermal cells have druses. Starch grains are abundant in the sarcotesta from June through August, but they disappear during dispersal in September. The parenchyma is interrupted by mucilage canals lined by epithelial cells. Tannin cells are found in the sarcotesta, sclerotesta, and pachychalaza. Ten sectors of an areole in the sclerotesta around the micropyle may correspond to the tips of the integumentary segments in some fossil plants, such asGenomosperma kidstonii.
Resumen  La cubierta seminal le imparte protección a la semilla mediante una cutícula gruesa, células de taninos, mucílago, y una esclerotesta dura. La capa externa de la cubierta seminal es la sarcotesta; una cutícula gruesa cubre las paredes externas de las células epidérmicas. Esta epidermis presenta estomas y, en etapas tempranas, tricomas. Cuando la esclerotesta se endurece, los tricomas desaparecen. Las células subepidérmicas presentan drusas. En la sarcotesta los granos de almidón son abundantes desde junio hasta agosto, pero desaparecen durante la dispersión en septiembre. El parénquima se interrumpe por canales de mucílago forrados por células epiteliales. Las células de taninos se encuentran en la sarcotesta, esclerotesta, y paquicálaza. Diez sectores de una areola en la esclerotesta alrededor del micrópilo podrían corresponder a los apéndices del tegumento en algunas plantas fósiles, comoGenomosperma kidstonii.

The main objective of this study was to look into the phenotypic plasticity of the semi-deciduous Mediterranean shrub, Halimium halimifolium. We studied morphological, allocation and physiological traits to determine which characters were more plastic and contribute in a greater extent to the acclimation ability of the species.We present a phenotypic plasticity index for morphological, physiological and allocation traits, which we have applied in the most contrasted plant communities where the species grows naturally. Data published by Díaz Barradas, M.C., García Novo, F. [1987. The vertical structure of Mediterranean scrub in Doñana National Park (SW Spain). Folia Geobotanica Phytotaxonomica 22, 415–433; 1988. Modificación y extinción de la luz a través de la copa en cuatro especies de matorral en el Parque Nacional de Doñana. Monografias Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologia 4, 503–516; 1990. Seasonal changes in canopy structure in two mediterranean dune shrubs. Journal of Vegetation Science 1, 31–40.], Díaz Barradas, M.C., Zunzunegui, M., García Novo, F. [1999a. Autoecological traits of Halimium halimifolium in contrasted habitats under Mediterranean type climate. Folia Geobotanica 34, 189–208.] and Zunzunegui et al. [Zunzunegui, M., Díaz Barradas, M.C., García Novo, F. 1997. Autoecological notes of Halimium halimifolium. Lagascalia 19, 725–736. Sevilla, Spain; Zunzunegui, M., Díaz Barradas, M.C., Fernández Baco, L., García Novo, F. 1999. Seasonal changes in photochemical efficiency in leaves of Halimium halimifolium a Mediterranean semideciduous shrub. Photosynthetica 36, 17–31; Zunzunegui, M., Díaz Barradas, M.C., García Novo, F. 2000. Different phenotypic response of Halimium halimifolium in relation to groundwater availability. Plant Ecology 148, 165–174; Zunzunegui, M., Díaz Barradas, M.C., Aguilar, F., Ain-Lhout, F., Clavijo, A., García Novo, F. 2002. Growth response of Halimium halimifolium at four sites with different soil water availability regimes in two contrasted hydrological cycles. Plant and Soil 247, 271–28.] have been re-appraised and combined with original data.Phenotypic plasticity index showed that the highest plasticity of the species was physiological, and especially for the traits related with water control. This high physiological plasticity appears mainly between seasons (September–November) rather than between sites. Plasticity in allocation traits showed intermediate values between physiological and morphological traits.  相似文献   

The following Bulimulinae are re-described: Discoleus aguirrei (Doering), D. ameghinoi (Ihering), Plectostylus mariae Brooks, Scutalus (Kuschelenia) tupacii (Orb.) and Simpulopsis (Eudioptus) willineri (Hylton Scott). The nepionic micro-sculpture of D. aguirrei, a typical species of this genus, is re-described and shows similarity with that present in the genus Bostryx Troschel. The species' distribution areas are indicated in a map, and informations on the kind of environment inhabited and some additional bionomic features are given. Se re-describen los siguientes Bulimulinae: Discoleus aguirrei (Doering), D. ameghinoi (Ihering), Plectostylus mariae Brooks, Scutalus Kuschelenia) tupacii (Orb.) y Simpulopsis (Eudioptus) willineri (Hylton Scott). Se re-describen la microesculturación nepiónica de D. aguirrei (especie t¡pica del género), señalándose su similitud con aquella presente en el género Bostryx Troschel. Se mapean las áreas de distribución de las entidades, anotándose el tipo de ambiente en el que se desarrollan y sus rasgos bionómicos particulares.  相似文献   

Dion edule is distributed through the Sierra Madre Oriental from Veracruz to Nuevo León and in dijunct stations in Tamaulipas. The most significant variation consists in the reduction of leaflet width from the south northwards. On this basis, two varieties are recognized:D. edule var.edule, characterized by wide leaflets and a distribution in Veracruz, Hidalgo, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí and southern Tamaulipas, andD. edule var.angustifolium, with narrow leaflets and a distribution in central-northern Tamaulipas and Nuevo León.  相似文献   

We describe the advertisement calls of four species of glassfrogs (Centrolenidae) of the genus Nymphargus, Rulyrana and Centrolene known to occur in the upper Manu National Park, on the eastern slopes of the Andes in southern Peru. Glassfrogs inhabit a harsh acoustic environment, because they call and reproduce along noisy mountain streams and rivers. We found extensive variation in the structure, temporal and spectral characteristics of the recorded calls. Although sample sizes were small, our data indicate that intraspecific variation is small. Interspecific variation in calls involved temporal as well as spectral traits. We observed two divergent call structures from a hypothetical simple model of the advertisement call. This simple model consists of a well-pulsed and moderate-frequency modulated call, such as the call emitted by N. pluvialis. The two divergent modifications encountered in our study included the further simplification of the call structure, such as the loss of amplitude and frequency modulation (encountered in R. spiculata), and repetition of a given temporal structure and the production of redundant signals (in Centrolene sp.). We discuss how acoustic properties of glassfrog calls could be modified in order to better transmit information through the noisy environment of waterfalls and running water.

Describimos el canto nupcial de cuatro especies de ranitas de cristal (Centrolenidae) en los géneros Centrolene, Rulyrana y Nymphargus conocidas de la parte alta del Parque Nacional del Manu, en la vertiente oriental de los Andes en el sur de Perú. Las ranitas de cristal viven en ambientes acústicos difíciles, porqué cantan y se reproducen a lo largo de quebradas y ríos montanos ruidosos. Encontramos una variación considerable en la estructura y características temporales y espectrales de los cantos nupciales. A pesar del bajo numero de muestras, nuestros datos sugieren que la variación intraespecífica es limitada. Encontramos variación interespecífica tanto en los aspectos temporales como en los espectrales. Observamos dos estructuras divergentes de un modelo hipotético simple de canto nupcial. Este modelo simple consiste en un canto con una secuencia de impulsos y con modulación de frecuencia moderada, como en el caso de N. pluvialis. Las dos modificaciones divergentes encontradas en nuestro estudio fueron por un lado la simplificación de la estructura del canto, como ocurre con la pérdida de modulación de frecuencia y amplitud en R. spiculata, y por otro lado la repetición de una estructura temporal específica y la producción de señales auditivas redundantes, como en el canto de Centrolene sp. Discutimos cómo las propiedades acústicas de las ranitas de cristal pueden modificarse para mejorar la transmisión de información en el entorno ruidoso de cascadas y aguas corrientes.  相似文献   

During a study on the helminth fauna of Liophis anomalus specimens deposited in the Reptile Collection of the Secci6n Zoología Vertebrados, Facultad de Ciencias, Uruguay, a new genus of Opisthogoniminae was found. Paracotyletrema n. gen. is described from the buccal cavity and esophagus of specimens from Departamento de Flores, Uruguay. This new genus differs from the other 2 Opisthogoniminae, Opisthogonimus and Westella, by having much smaller body size; maximum width at level of posterior end of oral sucker; oral sucker length more than one-fourth of body length; oral sucker and acetabulum separated by a distance of about the diameter of pharynx; cirrus pouch length more than half of body length; and testes in completely coincident zones. The type and only species, Paracotyletrema poncedeleoni n. gen., n. sp., is defined by the following diagnostic characters: mean oral sucker length one-third to one-half of body length; cirrus pouch of about body length, contorted, mainly acetabular; large, round testes in nearly adjacent fields, and an ovary nearly adjacent to right testis. Besides the type locality, Paracotyletrema poncedeleoni has been found in L. anomalus specimens from the Departamentos of Artigas and Treinta y Tres; therefore, it has a widespread distribution in Uruguay.  相似文献   

Clara Inés Orozco 《Grana》2013,52(6):245-255
Pollen grains of 24 species of Brunellia were examined with LM and SEM, in order to find additional taxonomic information for phylogenetic analysis. The pollen grains were found to be 3- colporate, tectate and to have variable exine pattern. Five types of exine pattern were observed: striate-reticulate (large lumina and high muri) to finely reticulate, modified reticulate (muri and lumina irregular in shape and at various levels), modified rugulate (irregular and with protruding tectal elements) and punctate (the lumina are smaller and rounded to slit-shaped). With reference to indication of taxonomic relationships the exine pattern is not informative at all; however it is useful, for defining taxonomic species as it is correlated to vegetative, inflorescence and fruit characteristics. It seems that the punctate type could be a plesiomorphic character while modified reticulate is a synapomorphy. Relationships in the pollen morphology of Brunellia and certain genera of Cunoniaceae are discussed. El polen de 24 especies de Brunellia fue examinado en el microscopio de luz (ML) y el microscopio electrónico (MES) para encontrar información taxonómica adicional y usar esta información en el estudio de relaciones filogenéticas. El grano de polen es 3-colporado, tectado y con una alta variabile ornamentación de la exina. Se observaron cuatro categorías en la ornamentación de la exina del grano de pollen: reticulado estriado (luminas grandes y muros altos) a finamente reticulado, reticulado modificado (muros y lúminas de forma irregular y en varios niveles), rugulada modificada (irregular y proyectando elementos tectales) y la ornamentación de tipo punteado (las lúminas son pequen~as redondeadas o en forma de líneas). Desde el punto de vista de relaciones filogenéticas la ornamentación de la exina es parcialmente un carácter informativo. Sin embargo, la ornamentación es útil para definir las especies taxonomicamente por la correlacion de este carácter con caracteres vegetativos, de inflorescencia o del fruto. El tipo de ornamentación punteado parece ser el estado plesiomórfico, mientras que la ornamentación modificada reticulada es una sinapomorf´ L a. Se discuten las relaciones del grano de polen de Brunellia y ciertos géneros de Cunoniaceae.  相似文献   

In the Caribbean region, the Melastomataceae are represented by about 450 species (from 28 genera), close to 400 of them endemic. The majority of these endemic species (approximately 330) belong to the tribe Miconieae, a monophyletic group characterized by flowers with inferior or partly inferior ovaries that develop into baccate fruits, stamens with no or only poorly developed connective appendages, and the absence of megastyloids and imbricate bracts at the base of the flowers. A phylogenetic analysis of 460 accessions from 450 species of the tribe Miconieae, including 139 present in the Antilles (103 of these endemic), was performed based on nuclear (nrITS) and plastid (ndhF) DNA sequence data. This analysis shows that most of the Caribbean endemics are the product of five radiation events: (1) a clade containing the Caribbean endemic (or near-endemic) genera Pachyanthus, Calycogonium, Tetrazygia and Charianthus, as well as a few representatives of Miconia and Leandra. (2) The genus Mecranium. (3) The Caribbean species of Miconia section Chaenopleura (which are probably not the sister group of Andean Chaenopleura). (4) The Greater Antillean species of Clidemia and Ossaea (including Sagraea). (5) The Lesser Antillean representatives of Clidemia. Caribbean endemics that are more closely related to mainland species, rather than other Caribbean species are rare, and these often are segregates of widespread continental species. Because of a lack of resolution at the base of several clades, it is currently not possible to determine which mainland groups are the closest relatives of these Caribbean endemics, thus preventing us from establishing unequivocally the geographical origins of these species.
Resumen  En la región del Caribe la familia Melastomataceae está representada por cerca de 450 especies (de 28°géneros), 400 de ellas endémicas. La mayoría de estas especies (approximately 330) pertenecen a la tribu Miconieae, un grupo monofilético caracterizado por flores con ovario parcial o totalmente ínfero que se desarrollan en frutos bayados, estambres con apéndices ausentes o poco desarrollados, ausencia de mega estiloides, y la ausencia de brácteas imbricadas en la base del as flores. Se realizó un análisis filogenético basado en secuencias nucleares (nrITS) de cloroplasto (ndhF) para la tribu Miconieae. El análisis incluyó 460 individuos, representando 450 especies de la tribu, de las cuales 139 están presentes en el Caribe (103 de estas endémicas). El análisis muestra que la mayoría de las especies endémicas del Caribe son producto de cinco eventos de radiación: (1) Un clado que contiene los géneros endémicos (o casi endémicos) Pachyanthus, Calycogonium, Tetrazygia y Charianthus, así como representantes de Miconia y Leandra. (2) El género Mecranium. (3) las especies Antillanas de Miconia sección Chaenopleura. (4) Las especies de las Antillas mayores de Clidemia y Ossaea (incluyendo Sagraea). (5) Las especies de las Antillas menores de Clidemia. Especies endémicas del Caribe que son hermanas o que están cercanamente relacionadas con especies del continente, y no con especies de la región son raras, y generalmente son segregadas de especies de amplia distribución. Debido a la falta de resolución en la base de muchos de estos clados en este estudio, en este momento no es posible determinar con precisión que grupos presentes en el continente son hermanos a los grupos del Caribe, por lo que no es posible establecer los orígenes geográficos de la mayoría de grupos endémicos.

Freshwater mussels in the Tocantins River are exploited for their shells to make buttons. Data were collected on mussel density, size frequency distribution, habitat and exploitation level at five sites. The most abundant species is Paxyodon syrmatophorus (Meuschen, 1781) and is preferred by fishermen. Mean harvested shell size is larger than that of randomly sampled mussels for all species. No individuals below 30 mm were found among harvested shells. Exploitation level varied among sites. Mussel density and mean shell size were correlated with exploitation level and with some habitat parameters. The results are discussed in relation to strategies for the management of existing stocks. Bivalves de água doce no rio Tocantins são explorados pelas conchas para a confecção de bot[otilde]es. Em cinco sítios, dados foram obtidos sobre densidade, distribuição em tamanho, hábitat e nível de exploração dos moluscos. O bivalve mais abundante e mais preferido pelos coletadores de conchas foi Paxyodon syrmatophorus (Meuschen, 1781). O tamanho em média das conchas coletadas é maior do que o das conchas amostradas aleatóriamente. Só indivíduos acima de 30 mm em tamanho foram encontrados entre conchas coletadas. O nível de exploração variou entre sítios. Densidade e tamanho média das conchas foram relacionados com o nível de exploração e alguns parâmetros de hábitat. Os resultados são discutidos em relação às estratégias de manejo dos estoques já existentes.  相似文献   

Quinolizidine alkaloids were surveyed using gas chromatography (GC) and combined mass spectroscopy (MS) in bark or leaves of eleven species ofOrmosia Jackson as well as inClathrotropis macrocarpa Ducke from tropical forests in Latin America. A list of detected alkaloids, with their MS fragmentation patterns and GC retention indices, is given, as are the distribution of alkaloids among the samples and their detected concentrations. Alkaloid diversity inOrmosia was high, and the taxonomic distribution of specific alkaloids was not congruent with morphological taxonomic criteria: Of 143 alkaloids apparent in 14 samples, 65 were observed in only one sample, and no single alkaloid was common to all samples. Within a species, alkaloid concentrations were inconsistent and therefore cannot be used as a taxonomic character. This was shown for leaf alkaloid concentrations of two neighboring conspecific trees in the same habitat. Hemos analizado mediante cromatografia de gases (CG) y espectrometría de masas (EM) la composición en alcaloides quinolizidínicos de muestras de corteza y hojas de once especies deOrmosia Jackson y deClathrotropis macrocarpa Ducke, procedentes de las selvas de Latinoamérica. Presentamos una lista completa de los alcaloides detectados incluyendo sus fragmentos en EM y su índice de retención en CG. También presentamos la distribución de los alcaloides en las muestras y su concentración. La variedad de alcaloides era alta y su distribución por especies no se ajustó con criterios taxonómicos morfológicos: De los 143 alcaloides detectados en 14 muestras, 65 alcaloides estaban presentes en una sola muestra y ningún en todas las muestras. La concentración de los alcaloides en una especie no fue consistente y por lo tanto no puede utilizarse como carácter taxonómico. Esta conclusión proviene del análisis de la concentración de alcaloides en hojas de dos árboles de la misma especie en el mismo hábitat.  相似文献   

We describe and illustrate the male, female, and pupa of two new species of Neocorynura from the Colombian Andes, and provide information on their nesting behavior, host plants and social organization. Nests of Neocorynura iguaquensis sp. nov. Smith‐Pardo & Gonzalez and N. muiscae sp. nov. Smith‐Pardo & Gonzalez were found in flat or vertical banks, and contained one to three adult females. The percentage of multi‐female nests varied considerably from 8.3% to 40% of the total of dissected nests at different times in 2000 and 2003. The ovarian development, wing and mandibular wear of females in the nests with two or more females indicated that they were the offspring that remained in the nest before dispersal or a mother and a newly emerged daughter. Pollen taken from the nest cells and scopae of museum specimens showed that both species rely heavily on pollen of asteraceans and may be active year‐round. Details on the nest architecture and comments on the phylogenetic placement of both species are also provided. Direct observations on the multi‐female nests are required to determine whether or not such nests contain temporary assemblages or truly semisocial colonies.


Describimos e ilustramos el macho, hembra y pupa de dos especies nuevas de Neocorynura de los Andes colombianos, y proporcionamos información sobre su biología de nidificación, plantas hospederas y organización social. Los nidos de Neocorynura iguaquensis sp. nov. Smith‐Pardo & Gonzalez y N. muiscae sp. nov. Smith‐Pardo & Gonzalez fueron encontrados en el suelo, en áreas planas o barrancos verticales, y tenían de una a tres hembras adultas. El porcentaje de nidos con más de una hembra varió considerablemente desde 8.3% al 40% del total de nidos disectados a diferentes meses en el año 2000 y 2003. El desarrollo ovárico, desgaste de las alas y mandíbulas de las hembras en los nidos con dos o más hembras indicaron que ellas fueron las crías que permanecieron en el nido antes de dispersarse o una madre con la hija recién nacida. El polen tomado de las celdas de cría y escopas de especimenes de museo mostró que ambas especies dependen principalmente de asteraceas y que podrían estar activas todo el año. También oferecemos detalles de la arquitectura del nidos y comentarios sobre la posición filogenética de ambas especies. Observaciones directas de los nido con más de una hembra son necesarias para determinar si tales nidos son agrupaciones temporales o verdaderas colonias semisociales.  相似文献   

Two new species of Coronigoniella Young are described and illustrated: C. osborni, sp. n., from SE. and S. Brazil (Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and Paraná states), and C. formosa, sp. n., from central W. and SE. Brazil (Goiás and Minas Gerais states, and the Distrito Federal). The presence of a sclerotized plate from the abdominal sternum VIII is reported in females of Coronigoniella for the first time. Taxonomic and morphological notes are given for C. spinosa (Osborn) based on specimens from its type-locality in Mato Grosso State. Tettigonia ruficaput (Walker), a species from Colombia previously considered of uncertain taxonomic position, is transferred to Coronigoniella. Possible host plants of C. osborni, sp. n. are Coleus sp. (Lamiaceae), Symphytum sp. (Boraginaceae), and Vernonia sp. (Asteraceae). The genus Coronigoniella is newly recorded from Alagoas, Bahia, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Paraná, and São Paulo states, as well as from the Distrito Federal, Brazil. A map showing the known geographic distribution of the two new species is presented. Resumo Duas novas espécies de Coronigoniella Young são descritas e ilustradas: C. osborni, sp. n., do sudeste e sul do Brasil (estados do Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro e Paraná), e C. formosa, sp. n., do centro-oeste e sudeste do Brasil (estados de Goiás e Minas Gerais, assim como o Distrito Federal). A presença de uma placa esclerosada do esterno abdominal VIII é registrada em fêmeas de Coronigoniella pela primeira vez. Notas taxonômicas e morfológicas sobre C. spinosa (Osborn) são fornecidas, com base em espécimes provenientes da sua localidade-tipo no Estado do Mato Grosso. Tettigonia ruficaput (Walker), uma espécie da Colômbia anteriormente considerada como de posição taxonômica incerta, é transferida para Coronigoniella. Coleus sp. (Lamiaceae), Symphytum sp. (Boraginaceae) e Vernonia sp. (Asteraceae) são possíveis plantas hospedeiras de C. osborni, sp. n. O gênero Coronigoniella é pela primeira vez registrado nos estados de Alagoas, Bahia, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Paraná e São Paulo, assim como no Distrito Federal, Brasil. Um mapa mostrando a distribuição geográfica conhecida das duas novas espécies é apresentado.  相似文献   

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