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Stem cells are generally characterised as clonogenic and undifferentiated cells with the capacity of self-renewal and plasticity. Over the past few years, the adult stem cells have been derived from various types of tissues including the skeletal muscle. The main goal of the present study was the isolation, in vitro expansion and characterisation of muscle-derived stem cells (MDSCs). Thereby obtained results showed that MDSCs have a fibroblast-like shape with a large nucleus having one to four nucleoli. The cytoplasm was transparent without any signs of vacuolisation. TEM analysis showed an ultrastructure of cells with high proteosynthetic activity. MDSCs had a large and irregular nucleus with variable number of nucleoli. The cytoplasm contained a richly developed and rough endoplasmic reticulum, prominent Golgi apparatus cisterns as well as transport vesicles containing glycogen granules and variable microvilli and filopodia. They expressed alpha-actin and desmin. Results of the phenotypic characterization showed that the analyzed cells were positive for CD29, CD34, CD44, CD90, CD105 and HLA Class I. They did not express CD14, CD45, CD235a, HLA Class II and human fibroblast surface protein. According to these results it should be emphasised that MDSCs after performing the detailed studies focused on their immunological properties and differentiation potential may be used in the cell therapy of many degenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue seems to be a rich and safe source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The present study was aimed to investigate the biological and morphological characteristics of human adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ATSCs). Light and transmission electron microscopy were used. Course of proliferation was analyzed by growth curve. Expression of surface antigens was assessed by flow cytometry. Chondrogenic potential was assessed by immunohistochemistry. Obtained results showed morphology typical of fibroblastoid cells. TEM analysis proved ultrastructural morphology similar to MSCs from other sources. ATSCs reflected their proteosynthetic and metabolic activity. Each cell had irregular shape of nucleus with noticeable nucleoli. Abundant cisterns of rough endoplasmic reticulum were present in their cytoplasm. Karyotype mapping showed normal count of human chromosomes (46,XX). The growth curve revealed high capability for proliferation and population doubling time was 27.36 hours. ATSCs were positive for CD13, CD29, CD44, CD73, CD90, CD105 and CD106, but did not express CD14, CD34, CD45 and HLA-DR. It was also proved that ATSCs underwent chondrogenic differentiation in vitro. On the basis of obtained results it should be emphasized that ATSCs are typical MSCs and after further investigations they may be used in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) cultured outside the body are the fundamental component of a wide range of cellular and gene therapies. Recent efforts have achieved > 200‐fold expansion of functional HSCs, but their molecular characterization has not been possible since the majority of cells are non‐HSCs and single cell‐initiated cultures have substantial clone‐to‐clone variability. Using the Fgd5 reporter mouse in combination with the EPCR surface marker, we report exclusive identification of HSCs from non‐HSCs in expansion cultures. By directly linking single‐clone functional transplantation data with single‐clone gene expression profiling, we show that the molecular profile of expanded HSCs is similar to proliferating fetal HSCs and reveals a gene expression signature, including Esam, Prdm16, Fstl1, and Palld, that can identify functional HSCs from multiple cellular states. This “repopulation signature” (RepopSig) also enriches for HSCs in human datasets. Together, these findings demonstrate the power of integrating functional and molecular datasets to better derive meaningful gene signatures and opens the opportunity for a wide range of functional screening and molecular experiments previously not possible due to limited HSC numbers.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering with muscle-derived stem cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Tissue engineering and cell therapy approaches aim to take advantage of the repopulating ability and plasticity of multipotent stem cells to regenerate lost or diseased tissue. Researchers continue to investigate stem cells in mature tissues and demonstrate the potential ability of organ-specific cells to differentiate into multiple lineages. One stem cell that displays such promise is the muscle-derived stem cell (MDSC). Data supporting the existence of MDSCs have emerged as part of investigations to improve myoblast cell transplantation for the treatment of muscular dystrophies. As these efforts continue, the potential for MDSC-based therapy for other musculoskeletal injuries, as well as for cardiac and smooth muscle injuries, is currently being explored.  相似文献   

刘晶  宋琳  邹伟  诸葛栋  崔占峰 《生物工程学报》2010,26(12):1629-1635
间充质干细胞(Mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)具有多向分化潜能、免疫抑制能力、来源充足、可避免伦理学争议等优点,使其有望成为种子细胞,应用于临床干细胞移植治疗多种难治性疾病。目前通过生物反应器等方法已能实现MSCs的大规模体外扩增,使体外获取足量移植用MSCs成为可能,但扩增MSCs应用于临床移植前还存在着一个急需解决的问题,即MSCs扩增后的安全性和移植有效性评价,目前国内外对这方面研究尚不系统,未建立起有效评价体系,经检索还未发现有就扩增MSCs有效性和安全性的总结性资料。在全面检索相关文献基础上,就MSCs扩增后临床应用有效性、移植安全性两大方面的研究进展作一综述,希望对今后扩增MSCs临床移植提供参考。  相似文献   

Long-term self-renewal of postnatal muscle-derived stem cells   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
The ability to undergo self-renewal is a defining characteristic of stem cells. Self-replenishing activity sustains tissue homeostasis and regeneration. In addition, stem cell therapy strategies require a heightened understanding of the basis of the self-renewal process to enable researchers and clinicians to obtain sufficient numbers of undifferentiated stem cells for cell and gene therapy. Here, we used postnatal muscle-derived stem cells to test the basic biological assumption of unlimited stem cell replication. Muscle-derived stem cells (MDSCs) expanded for 300 population doublings (PDs) showed no indication of replicative senescence. MDSCs preserved their phenotype (ScaI+/CD34+/desmin(low)) for 200 PDs and were capable of serial transplantation into the skeletal muscle of mdx mice, which model Duchenne muscular dystrophy. MDSCs expanded to this level exhibited high skeletal muscle regeneration comparable with that exhibited by minimally expanded cells. Expansion beyond 200 PDs resulted in lower muscle regeneration, loss of CD34 expression, loss of myogenic activity, and increased growth on soft agar, suggestive of inevitable cell aging attributable to expansion and possible transformation of the MDSCs. Although these results raise questions as to whether cellular transformations derive from cell culturing or provide evidence of cancer stem cells, they establish the remarkable long-term self-renewal and regeneration capacity of postnatal MDSCs.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that the number and differentiating potential of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) decrease with age. Therefore, the search for alternative sources of MSCs is of significant value. In the present study, MSCs were isolated from umbilical cord blood (UCB) by combining gradient density centrifugation with plastic adherence. Cultured cells were treated with ascorbate acid-2-phosphate, dexamethasone, beta-glycerophosphate dexamethasone, insulin, 1-methyl-3-isobutylxamthine, indomethacin, beta-mercaptoethanol, butylated hydroxyanisole, FGF-4 and HGF. Differentiating characterization of UCB-derived MSCs were detected by cytochemistry, immunocytochemistry, radioimmunoassay, RT-PCR and urea assay. The results showed UCB-derived MSCs could differentiate into osteoblasts, adipocytes and neuron-like cells. When MSCs were cultured with FGF-4 and HGF, approximately 63.6% of cells became small, round and epithelioid on day 28 by morphology. Compared with the control, levels of AFP in the supernatant liquid increased significantly from day 12 and were higher on day 28 (P<0.01). Albumin increased significantly from day 16 (P<0.01). Urea was first detected on day 20 (P<0.01), and continued to increase on day 28 (P<0.01). Cells first expressed CK-18 on day 16 through immunocytochemistry analysis. RT-PCR analysis showed that differentiated cells could express a number of hepatocyte-specific genes in a time-dependent manner. Glycogen storage was first seen on day 24. Our results suggest that UCB-derived MSCs can differentiate not only into osteoblasts, adipocytes and neuron-like cells, but also into hepatocytes. Human UCB-derived MSCs are a new source of cell types for cell transplantation and therapy.  相似文献   

肌源干细胞研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前已证实肌肉是具有多向分化潜能的成体干细胞的一个储存库。研究者认为骨骼肌中至少有两种干细胞:肌卫星细胞(muscle satellite cells)和肌源干细胞(muscle-derived stem cells, MDSCs),并且使用几种方法从肌肉中分离获得不同类群的MDSCs。研究发现分离这些细胞的方法影响干细胞的特征。本文对MDSCs的行为、生物学特征、分离、分化及其在治疗组织器官修复和再生中应用的可能性等作一概括介绍。  相似文献   

Satellite cells represent a specific lineage of myogenic progenitors that allow skeletal muscle postnatal growth and repair. They have been described as being heterogeneous in nature, a characteristic associated with functional disparities. Here, we aimed at determining whether the morphometric characteristics of freshly extracted turkey muscle-derived cells (MDC) could represent a distinctive criterion between them and could also be associated with their behavioural features. Morphometric analysis showed that MDC displayed wide cell size diversity, from 4 to 10 μm. Lineage marker analysis was performed on MDC sorted by their size using counterflow centrifugal elutriation and showed that the cell size was associated with the specific expression of myogenic markers, revealing different commitment levels. In vitro, the smallest MDC exhibited limited myogenic activity while larger MDC displayed a myogenic potential that increased with their size. Ultrastructural analysis revealed that the smallest MDC shared quiescent cell features, whereas the other cells displayed metabolic activity that also increased as a function of their size. Collectively, our results demonstrate that the size of freshly extracted MDC is indicative of their respective progression towards myogenic differentiation lineage. This criterion could be useful for the early separation of more or less committed cells in the myogenic programme.Gregory Jouvion and Karl Rouger contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   



Mesenchyme-derived airway cell populations including airway smooth muscle (ASM) cells, fibroblasts and myofibroblasts play key roles in the pathogenesis of airway inflammation and remodeling. Phenotypic and functional characterisation of these cell populations are confounded by their heterogeneity in vitro. It is unclear which mechanisms underlie the creation of these different sub-populations.The study objectives were to investigate whether ASM cells are capable of clonal expansion and if so (i) what proportion possess this capability and (ii) do clonal populations exhibit variation in terms of morphology, phenotype, proliferation rates and pro-relaxant or pro-contractile signaling pathways.


Early passage human ASM cells were subjected to single-cell cloning and their doubling time was recorded. Immunocytochemistry was performed to assess localization and levels of markers previously reported to be specifically associated with smooth muscle or fibroblasts. Finally functional assays were used to reveal differences between clonal populations specifically assessing mitogen-induced proliferation and pro-relaxant and pro-contractile signaling pathways.


Our studies provide evidence that a high proportion (58%) of single cells present within early passage human ASM cell cultures have the potential to create expanded cell populations. Despite being clonally-originated, morphological heterogeneity was still evident within these clonal populations as assessed by the range in expression of markers associated with smooth muscle cells. Functional diversity was observed between clonal populations with 10 μM isoproterenol-induced cyclic AMP responses ranging from 1.4 - 5.4 fold cf basal and bradykinin-induced inositol phosphate from 1.8 - 5.2 fold cf basal.


In summary we show for the first time that primary human ASM cells are capable of clonal expansion and that the resulting clonal populations themselves exhibit phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Here, we report the isolation of progenitor cells from pig skeletal muscle tissue fragments. Muscle progenitor cells were stimulated to migrate from protease-digested tissue fragments and cultured in the presence of 5 ng/ml basic fibroblast growth factor. The cells showed a sustained long-term expansion capacity (>120 population doublings) while maintaining a normal karyotype. The proliferating progenitor cells expressed PAX3, DESMIN, SMOOTH MUSCLE ACTIN, VIMENTIN, CD31, NANOG and THY-1, while MYF5 and OCT3/4 were only expressed in the lower or higher cell passages. Myogenic differentiation of porcine progenitor cells was induced in a coculture system with murine C2C12 myoblasts resulting in the formation of myotubes. Further, the cells showed adipogenic and osteogenic lineage commitment when exposed to specific differentiation conditions. These observations were determined by Von Kossa and Oil-Red-O staining and confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR analysis. In conclusion, the porcine muscle-derived progenitor cells possess long-term expansion capacity and a multilineage differentiation capacity.  相似文献   



Expansion of beta cells from the limited number of adult human islet donors is an attractive prospect for increasing cell availability for cell therapy of diabetes. However, attempts at expanding human islet cells in tissue culture result in loss of beta-cell phenotype. Using a lineage-tracing approach we provided evidence for massive proliferation of beta-cell-derived (BCD) cells within these cultures. Expansion involves dedifferentiation resembling epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Epigenetic analyses indicate that key beta-cell genes maintain open chromatin structure in expanded BCD cells, although they are not transcribed. Here we investigated whether BCD cells can be redifferentiated into beta-like cells.

Methodology/Principal Finding

Redifferentiation conditions were screened by following activation of an insulin-DsRed2 reporter gene. Redifferentiated cells were characterized for gene expression, insulin content and secretion assays, and presence of secretory vesicles by electron microscopy. BCD cells were induced to redifferentiate by a combination of soluble factors. The redifferentiated cells expressed beta-cell genes, stored insulin in typical secretory vesicles, and released it in response to glucose. The redifferentiation process involved mesenchymal-epithelial transition, as judged by changes in gene expression. Moreover, inhibition of the EMT effector SLUG (SNAI2) using shRNA resulted in stimulation of redifferentiation. Lineage-traced cells also gave rise at a low rate to cells expressing other islet hormones, suggesting transition of BCD cells through an islet progenitor-like stage during redifferentiation.


These findings demonstrate for the first time that expanded dedifferentiated beta cells can be induced to redifferentiate in culture. The findings suggest that ex-vivo expansion of adult human islet cells is a promising approach for generation of insulin-producing cells for transplantation, as well as basic research, toxicology studies, and drug screening.  相似文献   

In the present study, human neonatal fibroblasts were isolated from a two-month-old human male. The purpose of the present investigation was the analysis of the morphology (light and transmission electron microscopy), karyotype and growth characteristics of the human neonatal fibroblast cell culture B-HNF-1. Moreover, STR typing and mitochondrial DNA amplification and sequencing was also performed. Analysis of chromosomes count showed that B-HNF-1 cell culture is diploid and has normal male karyotype 46, XY, which was stable during cultivation. The transmission electron microscopy demonstrated the ultra-structure of the B-HNF-1 cells; they have typical morphological features of proteosynthesis-active cells. Large number of fibroblasts bearing different shapes and surface characteristics adhered to the substrate with microvilli and filopodia. Our in vitro expanded fibroblasts have a large and irregular nucleus with prevalence of euchromatin. One to three nucleoli are present in each nucleus. The cytoplasm contains a richly developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and prominent Golgi apparatus cisterns. The result of the fragment analysis is a DNA profile defined as multiplex of STR markers and sex determining system. Sequencing analysis of hypervariable segments of control region of mitochondrial DNA showed haplotype that belongs to haplogroup W. In this study, we complexly characterized a new cell culture of human neonatal fibroblasts B-HNF-1 from different points of view. This culture should be used for further biomedical experiments.  相似文献   

In vitro and in vivo characterization of neural stem cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Neural stem cells are defined as clonogenic cells with self-renewal capacity and the ability to generate all neural lineages (multipotentiality). Cells with these characteristics have been isolated from the embryonic and adult central nervous system. Under specific conditions, these cells can differentiate into neurons, glia, and non-neural cell types, or proliferate in long-term cultures as cell clusters termed "neurospheres". These cultures represent a useful model for neurodevelopmental studies and a potential cell source for cell replacement therapy. Because no specific markers are available to unequivocally identify neural stem cells, their functional characteristics (self-renewal and multipotentiality) provide the main features for their identification. Here, we review the experimental and ultrastructural studies aimed at identifying the morphological characteristics and the antigenic markers of neural stem cells for their in vitro and in vivo identification.  相似文献   

目的体外分离培养流产4h、八月龄男胎的骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSCs),并观察BMSC在精原细胞培养条件下的生物学特征,探讨人骨髓间充质干细胞诱导分化为精原细胞的可行性,为BMSCs作为"种子细胞"开辟新的途径。方法分离培养、鉴定人BMSCs,研究其在精原细胞培养条件下诱导培养BMSCs并观察其生物学特征。结果 BMSCs具有间充质细胞的特征;实验组细胞形态发生变化,免疫组化显示Oct-4和C-kit染色阳性;对照组细胞则无。结论人胎儿BMSCs有较强的增殖能力;人胎儿BMSCs在精原细胞培养条件下诱导培养,能表现出精原细胞的一些生物学特征。  相似文献   



A new method was presented to prepare clinical-grade human adipose-derived stromal stem cells (ASCs) and its safety in vitro, such as biological characteristics and genetic features alteration were investigated.


The morphology of the ASCs which were cultured in vitro using serum-free medium was observed. Cell cycle and CD markers profile were tested by flow cytometry, while karyotype was analyzed by the chromosome G-banding technology. Growth factors expression was tested by ELISA and tumor-related genes were analyzed by the real-time PCR, respectively.


ASCs were adult stem cells with spindle shape. The proliferation ratio of ASCs began to slow down after 10 passages, and was significant after 15 passages. Cell cycle analysis revealed that the percentage of G2 phase and S phase cells was stable. There was no obvious missing, translocation or dislocation in terms of karyotype. Expression level of tumor relevant genes and cytokines at different passages had no significant difference.


The clinical-grade ASCs prepared with this new method, less than ten passages, was safe for clinical trials.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of human mammary stem cells   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Since stem cells are present throughout the lifetime of an organism, it is thought that they may accumulate mutations, eventually leading to cancer. In the breast, tumours are predominantly oestrogen and progesterone receptor-positive (ERalpha/PR+). We therefore studied the biology of ERalpha/PR-positive cells and their relationship to stem cells in normal human mammary epithelium. We demonstrated that ERalpha/PR-positive cells co-express the putative stem cell markers p21(CIP1/WAF1), cytokeratin (CK) 19 and Musashi-1 when examined using dual label immunofluorescence on tissue sections. Next, we isolated a Hoechst dye-effluxing 'side population' (SP) from the epithelium using flow cytometry and demonstrated them to be undifferentiated cells by lack of expression of myoepithelial and luminal cell-specific antigens such as CALLA and MUC1. Epithelial SP cells were shown to be enriched for the putative stem cell markers p21(CIP1/WAF1), Musashi-1 and ERalpha/PR-positive cells. Lastly, SP cells, compared to non-SP, were highly enriched for the capacity to produce colonies containing multiple lineages in 3D basement membrane (Matrigel) culture. We conclude that breast stem cells include two populations: a primitive ERalpha/PR-negative stem cell necessary for development and a shorter term ERalpha/PR-positive stem cell necessary for adult tissue homeostasis during menstrual cycling. We speculate these two basic stem cell types may therefore be the cells of origin for ERalpha-positive and -negative breast tumours.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells derived from amniotic fluid have become one of the most potential stem cell source for cell-based therapy for the reason they can be harvested at low cost and without ethical problems. Here, we obtained amniotic fluid stem cells (AFSCs) from ovine amniotic fluid and studied the expansion capacity, cell markers expression, karyotype, and multilineage differentiation ability. In our work, AFSCs were subcultured to passage 62. The cell markers, CD29, CD44, CD73 and OCT4 which analyzed by RT-PCR were positive; CD44, CD73, CD90, CD105, NANOG, OCT4 analyzed by immunofluorescence and flow cytometry were also positive. The growth curves of different passages were all typically sigmoidal. The different passages cells took on a normal karyotype. In addition, AFSCs were successfully induced to differentiate into adipocytes, osteoblasts and chondrocytes. The results suggested that the AFSCs isolated from ovine maintained normal biological characteristics and their multilineage differentiation potential provides many potential applications in cell-based therapies and tissue engineering.  相似文献   

It is unclear whether green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression is maintained during the course of multilineage differentiation of muscle-derived stem cells (MDSCs). We isolated MDSCs from GFP-transgenic mice and transferred them to chondrogenic, neurogenic or myogenic media. Multilineage differentiation was examined by morphological observation, histological staining, immunocytochemical staining, real-time RT-PCR and Western blot. Both differentiated cells and non-differentiated cells maintained stable GFP expression until the cells exhibited a senescent phenotype. Thus, MDSCs from GFP-transgenic mice have multilineage potential in vitro and that GFP expression does not influence the multilineage potential of MDSCs (or vice versa).  相似文献   

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