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结构基因组学研究与核磁共振   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
各种生物的基因组DNA测序计划的完成,将结构生物学带入了结构基因组学时代.结构基因组学是对所有基因组产物结构的系统性测定,它运用高通量的选择、表达、纯化以及结构测定和计算分析手段,为基因组的每个蛋白质产物提供实验测定的结构或较好的理论模型,这将加速生命科学各个领域的研究.生物信息学、基因工程、结构测定技术等的发展为结构基因组学研究提供了保证.近年来核磁共振在技术方法上的进展,使其成为结构基因组学高通量结构分析中的一个关键方法.  相似文献   

Structural genomics (also known as structural proteomics) aims to generate accurate three-dimensional models for all folded, globular proteins and domains in the protein universe to understand the relationship between protein sequence, structure and function. NMR spectroscopy of small (<20 kDa) proteins has been used successfully within several large-scale structural genomics projects for more than six years now. Recent advances coming from traditional NMR structural biology laboratories as well as large scale centers and consortia using NMR for structural genomics promise to facilitate NMR analysis making it even a more efficient and increasingly automated procedure.  相似文献   

Structural genomics can be defined as structural biology on a large number of target proteins in parallel. This approach plays an important role in modern structure-based drug design. Although a number of structural genomics initiatives have been initiated, relatively few are associated with integral membrane proteins. This indicates the difficulties in expression, purification, and crystallization of membrane proteins, which has also been confirmed by the existence of some 100 high-resolution structures of membrane proteins among the more than 30,000 entries in public databases. Paradoxically, membrane proteins represent 60–70% of current drug targets and structural knowledge could both improve and speed up the drug discovery process. In order to improve the sucess rate for structure resolution of membrane proteins structural genomics networks have been established.  相似文献   

Structural genomics programs are distributed worldwide and funded by large institutions such as the NIH in United-States, the RIKEN in Japan or the European Commission through the SPINE network in Europe. Such initiatives, essentially managed by large consortia, led to technology and method developments at the different steps required to produce biological samples compatible with structural studies. Besides specific applications, method developments resulted mainly upon miniaturization and parallelization. The challenge that academic laboratories faces to pursue structural genomics programs is to produce, at a higher rate, protein samples. The Structural Biology and Genomics Department (IGBMC – Illkirch – France) is implicated in a structural genomics program of high eukaryotes whose goal is solving crystal structures of proteins and their complexes (including large complexes) related to human health and biotechnology. To achieve such a challenging goal, the Department has established a medium-throughput pipeline for producing protein samples suitable for structural biology studies. Here, we describe the setting up of our initiative from cloning to crystallization and we demonstrate that structural genomics may be manageable by academic laboratories by strategic investments in robotic and by adapting classical bench protocols and new developments, in particular in the field of protein expression, to parallelization.  相似文献   

One hundred years ago, we knew very little about biological macromolecules and had no tools available to study their structure. Structural biology is now a mature science. New structures are being solved at an ever-increasing rate and there are important new initiatives to determine all the protein folds that are used by biological systems (structural genomics). This article traces some of the key developments in the field.  相似文献   

The Protein Structural Initiative (PSI) at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) is funding four large-scale centers for structural genomics (SG). These centers systematically target many large families without structural coverage, as well as very large families with inadequate structural coverage. Here, we report a few simple metrics that demonstrate how successfully these efforts optimize structural coverage: while the PSI-2 (2005-now) contributed more than 8% of all structures deposited into the PDB, it contributed over 20% of all novel structures (i.e. structures for protein sequences with no structural representative in the PDB on the date of deposition). The structural coverage of the protein universe represented by today’s UniProt (v12.8) has increased linearly from 1992 to 2008; structural genomics has contributed significantly to the maintenance of this growth rate. Success in increasing novel leverage (defined in Liu et al. in Nat Biotechnol 25:849–851, 2007) has resulted from systematic targeting of large families. PSI’s per structure contribution to novel leverage was over 4-fold higher than that for non-PSI structural biology efforts during the past 8 years. If the success of the PSI continues, it may just take another ~15 years to cover most sequences in the current UniProt database.  相似文献   

Structural genomics projects are providing large quantities of new 3D structural data for proteins. To monitor the quality of these data, we have developed the protein structure validation software suite (PSVS), for assessment of protein structures generated by NMR or X-ray crystallographic methods. PSVS is broadly applicable for structure quality assessment in structural biology projects. The software integrates under a single interface analyses from several widely-used structure quality evaluation tools, including PROCHECK (Laskowski et al., J Appl Crystallog 1993;26:283-291), MolProbity (Lovell et al., Proteins 2003;50:437-450), Verify3D (Luthy et al., Nature 1992;356:83-85), ProsaII (Sippl, Proteins 1993;17: 355-362), the PDB validation software, and various structure-validation tools developed in our own laboratory. PSVS provides standard constraint analyses, statistics on goodness-of-fit between structures and experimental data, and knowledge-based structure quality scores in standardized format suitable for database integration. The analysis provides both global and site-specific measures of protein structure quality. Global quality measures are reported as Z scores, based on calibration with a set of high-resolution X-ray crystal structures. PSVS is particularly useful in assessing protein structures determined by NMR methods, but is also valuable for assessing X-ray crystal structures or homology models. Using these tools, we assessed protein structures generated by the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium and other international structural genomics projects, over a 5-year period. Protein structures produced from structural genomics projects exhibit quality score distributions similar to those of structures produced in traditional structural biology projects during the same time period. However, while some NMR structures have structure quality scores similar to those seen in higher-resolution X-ray crystal structures, the majority of NMR structures have lower scores. Potential reasons for this "structure quality score gap" between NMR and X-ray crystal structures are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen the establishment of structural genomics centers that explicitly target integral membrane proteins. Here, we review the advances in targeting these extremely high-hanging fruits of structural biology in high-throughput mode. We observe that the experimental determination of high-resolution structures of integral membrane proteins is increasingly successful both in terms of getting structures and of covering important protein families, for example, from Pfam. Structural genomics has begun to contribute significantly toward this progress. An important component of this contribution is the set up of robotic pipelines that generate a wealth of experimental data for membrane proteins. We argue that prediction methods for the identification of membrane regions and for the comparison of membrane proteins largely suffice to meet the challenges of target selection for structural genomics of membrane proteins. In contrast, we need better methods to prioritize the most promising members in a family of closely related proteins and to annotate protein function from sequence and structure in absence of homology.  相似文献   

Automation of protein purification for structural genomics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A critical issue in structural genomics, and in structural biology in general, is the availability of high-quality samples. The additional challenge in structural genomics is the need to produce high numbers of proteins with low sequence similarities and poorly characterized or unknown properties. 'Structural-biology-grade' proteins must be generated in a quantity and quality suitable for structure determination experiments using X-ray crystallography or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The choice of protein purification and handling procedures plays a critical role in obtaining high-quality protein samples. The purification procedure must yield a homogeneous protein and must be highly reproducible in order to supply milligram quantities of protein and/or its derivative containing marker atom(s). At the Midwest Center for Structural Genomics we have developed protocols for high-throughput protein purification. These protocols have been implemented on AKTA EXPLORER 3D and AKTA FPLC 3D workstations capable of performing multidimensional chromatography. The automated chromatography has been successfully applied to many soluble proteins of microbial origin. Various MCSG purification strategies, their implementation, and their success rates are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Structural genomics and its importance for gene function analysis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Structural genomics projects aim to solve the experimental structures of all possible protein folds. Such projects entail a conceptual shift from traditional structural biology in which structural information is obtained on known proteins to one in which the structure of a protein is determined first and the function assigned only later. Whereas the goal of converting protein structure into function can be accomplished by traditional sequence motif-based approaches, recent studies have shown that assignment of a protein's biochemical function can also be achieved by scanning its structure for a match to the geometry and chemical identity of a known active site. Importantly, this approach can use low-resolution structures provided by contemporary structure prediction methods. When applied to genomes, structural information (either experimental or predicted) is likely to play an important role in high-throughput function assignment.  相似文献   

The dramatically increasing number of new protein sequences arising from genomics 4 proteomics requires the need for methods to rapidly and reliably infer the molecular and cellular functions of these proteins. One such approach, structural genomics, aims to delineate the total repertoire of protein folds in nature, thereby providing three-dimensional folding patterns for all proteins and to infer molecular functions of the proteins based on the combined information of structures and sequences. The goal of obtaining protein structures on a genomic scale has motivated the development of high throughput technologies and protocols for macromolecular structure determination that have begun to produce structures at a greater rate than previously possible. These new structures have revealed many unexpected functional inferences and evolutionary relationships that were hidden at the sequence level. Here, we present samples of structures determined at Berkeley Structural Genomics Center and collaborators laboratories to illustrate how structural information provides and complements sequence information to deduce the functional inferences of proteins with unknown molecular functions.Two of the major premises of structural genomics are to discover a complete repertoire of protein folds in nature and to find molecular functions of the proteins whose functions are not predicted from sequence comparison alone. To achieve these objectives on a genomic scale, new methods, protocols, and technologies need to be developed by multi-institutional collaborations worldwide. As part of this effort, the Protein Structure Initiative has been launched in the United States (PSI; www.nigms.nih.gov/funding/psi.html). Although infrastructure building and technology development are still the main focus of structural genomics programs [1–6], a considerable number of protein structures have already been produced, some of them coming directly out of semi-automated structure determination pipelines [6–10]. The Berkeley Structural Genomics Center (BSGC) has focused on the proteins of Mycoplasma or their homologues from other organisms as its structural genomics targets because of the minimal genome size of the Mycoplasmas as well as their relevance to human and animal pathogenicity (http://www.strgen.org). Here we present several protein examples encompassing a spectrum of functional inferences obtainable from their three-dimensional structures in five situations, where the inferences are new and testable, and are not predictable from protein sequence information alone.  相似文献   

The process of experimental determination of protein structure is marred with a high ratio of failures at many stages. With availability of large quantities of data from high-throughput structure determination in structural genomics centers, we can now learn to recognize protein features correlated with failures; thus, we can recognize proteins more likely to succeed and eventually learn how to modify those that are less likely to succeed. Here, we identify several protein features that correlate strongly with successful protein production and crystallization and combine them into a single score that assesses "crystallization feasibility." The formula derived here was tested with a jackknife procedure and validated on independent benchmark sets. The "crystallization feasibility" score described here is being applied to target selection in the Joint Center for Structural Genomics, and is now contributing to increasing the success rate, lowering the costs, and shortening the time for protein structure determination. Analyses of PDB depositions suggest that very similar features also play a role in non-high-throughput structure determination, suggesting that this crystallization feasibility score would also be of significant interest to structural biology, as well as to molecular and biochemistry laboratories.  相似文献   

Structural biology and structural genomics are expected to produce many three-dimensional protein structures in the near future. Each new structure raises questions about its function and evolution. Correct functional and evolutionary classification of a new structure is difficult for distantly related proteins and error-prone using simple statistical scores based on sequence or structure similarity. Here we present an accurate numerical method for the identification of evolutionary relationships (homology). The method is based on the principle that natural selection maintains structural and functional continuity within a diverging protein family. The problem of different rates of structural divergence between different families is solved by first using structural similarities to produce a global map of folds in protein space and then further subdividing fold neighborhoods into superfamilies based on functional similarities. In a validation test against a classification by human experts (SCOP), 77% of homologous pairs were identified with 92% reliability. The method is fully automated, allowing fast, self-consistent and complete classification of large numbers of protein structures. In particular, the discrimination between analogy and homology of close structural neighbors will lead to functional predictions while avoiding overprediction.  相似文献   

Structural genomics has the goal of obtaining useful, three-dimensional models of all proteins by a combination of experimental structure determination and comparative model building. We evaluate different strategies for optimizing information return on effort. The strategy that maximizes structural coverage requires about seven times fewer structure determinations compared with the strategy in which targets are selected at random. With a choice of reasonable model quality and the goal of 90% coverage, we extrapolate the estimate of the total effort of structural genomics. It would take approximately 16,000 carefully selected structure determinations to construct useful atomic models for the vast majority of all proteins. In practice, unless there is global coordination of target selection, the total effort will likely increase by a factor of three. The task can be accomplished within a decade provided that selection of targets is highly coordinated and significant funding is available.  相似文献   

The 2nd EMSL Workshop on Structural Genomics was held on 28th and 29th July 2000 at the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, WA. The workshop focused on four topics: 1. The role for NMR in structural and functional genomics; 2. The technical challenges NMR faces for structural and functional genomics; 3. The potential need for a national NMR center for structural and functional genomics in the United States; and 4. Organization of the NMR community. This report summarizes the workshop proceedings and conclusions reached regarding the role of NMR in the emerging fields of structural and functional genomics.  相似文献   

The discovery of biochemical and cellular functions of unannotated gene products begins with a database search of proteins with structure/sequence homologues based on known genes. Very recently, a number of frontier groups in structural biology proposed a new paradigm to predict biological functions of an unknown protein on the basis of its three-dimensional structure on a genomic scale. Structural proteomics (genomics), a research area for structure-based functional discovery, aims to complete the protein-folding universe of all gene products in a cell. It would lead us to a complete understanding of a living organism from protein structure. Two major complementary experimental techniques, X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy, combined with recently developed high throughput methods have played a central role in structural proteomics research; however, an integration of these methodologies together with comparative modeling and electron microscopy would speed up the goal for completing a full dictionary of protein folding space in the near future.  相似文献   

The ultimate goal of structural biology is to understand the structural basis of proteins in cellular processes. In structural biology, the most critical issue is the availability of high-quality samples. "Structural biology-grade" proteins must be generated in the quantity and quality suitable for structure determination using X-ray crystallography or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The purification procedures must reproducibly yield homogeneous proteins or their derivatives containing marker atom(s) in milligram quantities. The choice of protein purification and handling procedures plays a critical role in obtaining high-quality protein samples. With structural genomics emphasizing a genome-based approach in understanding protein structure and function, a number of unique structures covering most of the protein folding space have been determined and new technologies with high efficiency have been developed. At the Midwest Center for Structural Genomics (MCSG), we have developed semi-automated protocols for high-throughput parallel protein expression and purification. A protein, expressed as a fusion with a cleavable affinity tag, is purified in two consecutive immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) steps: (i) the first step is an IMAC coupled with buffer-exchange, or size exclusion chromatography (IMAC-I), followed by the cleavage of the affinity tag using the highly specific Tobacco Etch Virus (TEV) protease; the second step is IMAC and buffer exchange (IMAC-II) to remove the cleaved tag and tagged TEV protease. These protocols have been implemented on multidimensional chromatography workstations and, as we have shown, many proteins can be successfully produced in large-scale. All methods and protocols used for purification, some developed by MCSG, others adopted and integrated into the MCSG purification pipeline and more recently the Center for Structural Genomics of Infectious Diseases (CSGID) purification pipeline, are discussed in this chapter.  相似文献   

The Protein Data Bank Japan (PDBj) curates, edits and distributes protein structural data as a member of the worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB) and currently processes approximately 25-30% of all deposited data in the world. Structural information is enhanced by the addition of biological and biochemical functional data as well as experimental details extracted from the literature and other databases. Several applications have been developed at PDBj for structural biology and biomedical studies: (i) a Java-based molecular graphics viewer, jV; (ii) display of electron density maps for the evaluation of structure quality; (iii) an extensive database of molecular surfaces for functional sites, eF-site, as well as a search service for similar molecular surfaces, eF-seek; (iv) identification of sequence and structural neighbors; (v) a graphical user interface to all known protein folds with links to the above applications, Protein Globe. Recent examples are shown that highlight the utility of these tools in recognizing remote homologies between pairs of protein structures and in assigning putative biochemical functions to newly determined targets from structural genomics projects.  相似文献   

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