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1 Species-pairs from woody dicot lineages were chosen as phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs) to represent evolutionary divergences along gradients of rainfall and nutrient stress, and within particular habitat types, in New South Wales, Australia. Seedlings were grown under controlled, favourable conditions and measurements were made for various growth, morphological and allocation traits.
2 Trait correlations across all species were identified, particularly with respect to seedling relative growth rate (RGR) and specific leaf area (SLA), a fundamental measure of allocation strategy that reflects the light-capture area deployed per unit of photosynthate invested in leaves.
3 Across all species, SLA, specific root length (SRL) and seed reserve mass were the strongest predictors of seedling RGR. That is, a syndrome of leaf and root surface maximization and low seed mass was typical of high RGR plants. This may be a high-risk strategy for individual seedlings, but one presumably mitigated by a larger number of seedlings being produced, increasing the chance that at least one will find itself in a favourable situation.
4 Syndromes of repeated attribute divergence were identified in the two sets of gradient PICs. Species from lower resource habitats generally had lower SLA. Thus, in this important respect the two gradients appeared to be variants of a more general 'stress' gradient.
5 However, trends in biomass allocation, tissue density, root morphology and seed reserve mass differed between gradients. While SLA and RGR tended to shift together along gradients and in within-habitat PICs, no single attribute emerged as the common, primary factor driving RGR divergences within contrasts. Within-habitat attribute shifts were of similar magnitude to those along gradients.  相似文献   

Prior studies of a broad array of seed plants have reported strong correlations among leaf life span, specific leaf area, nitrogen concentration, and carbon assimilation rates, which have been interpreted as evidence of coordinated leaf physiological strategies. However, it is not known whether these relationships reflect patterns of evolutionary convergence, or whether they are due to contrasting characteristics of major seed plant lineages. We reevaluated a published data set for these seven traits measured in over 100 species, using phylogenetic independent contrasts calculated over a range of alternative seed plant phylogenies derived from recent molecular systematic analyses. In general, pairwise correlations among these seven traits were similar with and without consideration of phylogeny, and results were robust over a range of alternative phylogenies. We also evaluated relationships between these seven traits and lamina area, another important aspect of leaf function, and found moderate correlations with specific leaf area (0.64), mass-based photosynthesis (0.54), area-based nitrogen (−0.56), and leaf life span (−0.42). However, several of these correlations were markedly reduced using independent contrasts; for example, the correlation between leaf life span and lamina area was reduced to close to zero. This change reflects the large differences in both these traits between conifers and angiosperms and the absence of a relationship between the traits within these groups. This analysis illustrates that most interspecific relationships among leaf functional traits, considered across a broad range of seed plant taxa, reflect significant patterns of correlated evolutionary change, lending further support to the adaptive interpretation of these relationships.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism describes substantial differences between male and female phenotypes. In spiders, sexual dimorphism research almost exclusively focuses on size, and recent studies have recovered steady evolutionary size increases in females, and independent evolutionary size changes in males. Their discordance is due to negative allometric size patterns caused by different selection pressures on male and female sizes (converse Rensch's rule). Here, we investigated macroevolutionary patterns of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in Argiopinae, a global lineage of orb‐weaving spiders with varying degrees of SSD. We devised a Bayesian and maximum‐likelihood molecular species‐level phylogeny, and then used it to reconstruct sex‐specific size evolution, to examine general hypotheses and different models of size evolution, to test for sexual size coevolution, and to examine allometric patterns of SSD. Our results, revealing ancestral moderate sizes and SSD, failed to reject the Brownian motion model, which suggests a nondirectional size evolution. Contrary to predictions, male and female sizes were phylogenetically correlated, and SSD evolution was isometric. We interpret these results to question the classical explanations of female‐biased SSD via fecundity, gravity, and differential mortality. In argiopines, SSD evolution may be driven by these or additional selection mechanisms, but perhaps at different phylogenetic scales.  相似文献   

In this study, we compare the relative growth rate (RGR) and biomass allocation of 10 woody species (5 deciduous and 5 evergreen) from the Mediterranean region using phylogenetic independent contrasts (PICs) to test if these two functional groups differ in these traits. In general, the results were similar when using PICs or without taking into account phylogenetic relations. Deciduous species had a higher RGR than evergreen species, due to the higher net assimilation rate (NAR). Deciduous species had a higher specific leaf area (SLA) but a lower leaf mass ratio (LMR), resulting in a similar LAR for deciduous and evergreen species (LAR = SLA x LMR). In some cases, the use of PICs revealed patterns that would not have appeared if phylogeny had been overlooked. For example, there was no significant correlation between RGR and final dry mass (after 4 months of growth) but PICs revealed that there was a positive relation between these two variables in all deciduous-evergreen pairs. In general, RGR decreased with time and this temporal variation was due primarily to NAR variations (r = 0.79, p < 0.01), and also to variations in LAR (r = 0.69, p < 0.05). Considering the phylogeny, the only variable constantly different for all deciduous-evergreen pairs was SLA. This result, and the fact that SLA was the best correlated variable with RGR (r = 0.81, p < 0.01), reinforce the value of SLA as a variable closely associated to growth and to the functional groups (deciduous vs. evergreen).  相似文献   

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