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结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)是引起结核病的病原菌。其处于持续生存的休眠状态时,可导致长期无症状感染,称为结核潜伏感染。研究显示,结核分枝杆菌染色体中存在大量 “毒素-抗毒素系统”(toxin-antitoxin system,TAS),某些TAS在潜伏感染中发挥作用,可调节细菌生长和诱导细菌进入休眠状态;某些TAS参与生物膜形成和应激反应,但其影响生物膜形成的机制尚未阐明。生物膜中的结核分枝杆菌对多种抗结核药物耐药,且能抵抗宿主免疫系统防御;休眠状态的结核分枝杆菌对抗结核药物通常也是耐受的,给结核病治疗带来了巨大挑战。本文就近年来结核分枝杆菌TAS与生物膜的研究及抗结核药物对生物膜形成的影响进行综述。  相似文献   

【目的】鉴定结核分枝杆菌基因组上MazF同源蛋白基因与其上游基因是否组成毒素-抗毒素系统,阐明毒素蛋白的作用机理,并初步探讨毒素-抗毒素系统在营养缺乏时的表达调控。【方法】在大肠杆菌和耻垢分枝杆菌中将MazF同源蛋白单独表达或与其对应的抗毒素蛋白共同表达,鉴定MazF同源蛋白对细菌生长的抑制作用以及其对应的抗毒素蛋白能否消除这种生长抑制;通过体外RNA切割实验,检测MazF同源蛋白是否具有RNA切割活性;检测正常生长条件下和饥饿条件下毒素-抗毒素系统的启动子活性,探讨其在应激条件下的表达调控。【结果】结核分枝杆菌MazF同源蛋白中,Rv0659c、Rv1495和Rv1942c不具有抑制细菌生长的毒素蛋白活性,Rv1991c、Rv2801c、Rv1102c和mtPemK能够抑制细菌生长,而且它们的抑制作用可以分别被其对应的抗毒素Rv1991a、Rv2801a、Rv1103c和mtPemI解除。Rv1991c、Rv2801c和Rv1102c具有RNA切割活性,mtPemK则不能切割RNA。Rv1991a-1991c和Rv2801a-2801c系统的启动子在饥饿条件下活性显著升高。【结论】结核分枝杆菌基因组上Rv1991a-1991c、Rv2801a-2801c、Rv1103c-1102c和mtPemI-mtPemK是毒素-抗毒素系统。毒素蛋白Rv1991c、Rv2801c和Rv1102c通过切割RNA发挥抑菌或杀菌活性,mtPemK具体作用机理目前还不清楚。Rv1991a-1991c和Rv2801a-2801c系统可能参与结核分枝杆菌在营养匮乏条件下的生长调控。  相似文献   

酵母海藻糖酶缺失突变株的构建及其耐性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吕烨  肖冬光  和东芹  郭学武 《微生物学报》2008,48(10):1301-1307
[目的]构建酵母海藻糖酶缺失突变株,并进行耐性分析,进一步研究海藻糖与酵母耐性之间的关系,为商业生产打下一定的基础.[方法]利用同源重组的方法,敲除了编码酸性海藻糖酶的ATH1基因和中性海藻糖酶的NTH1基因,构建了酸性海藻糖酶缺失突变株(△ath1)、中性海藻糖酶缺失突变株(△nth1)和双缺失突变株(△ath1△nth1),并进行了耐性分析.[结果]结合PCR和Southernblot的结果,验证了突变株构建的正确.所有突变株的海藻糖积累量和细胞密度均高于亲本,冷冻、高温、高糖和酒精耐性提高了.[结论]说明海藻糖含量与酵母耐性有一定的相关性.突变株耐性的改善,表明它们在酿造和烘焙产业中具有潜在的商业价值.  相似文献   

细菌毒素-抗毒素系统的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毒素-抗毒素系统(toxin-antitoxin system,TA)由两个共表达的基因组成,其中一个基因编码不稳定的抗毒素蛋白(antitoxin),另一个基因编码稳定的毒素蛋白(toxin).毒素-抗毒素系统最早发现于一些低拷贝的质粒,用来维持低拷贝质粒在菌群中的稳定存在.随后的研究表明,毒素-抗毒素系统广泛存在于细菌,包括一些致病菌的染色体上.在营养缺乏等不良生长条件下,由于基因表达的抑制和蛋白酶的降解作用,不稳定的抗毒素蛋白减少,从而产生游离的毒素蛋白,导致细菌的生长抑制和死亡.毒素-抗毒素系统的生理功能目前还存在争议,有学者认为细茼染色体上的毒素-抗毒素系统可以在不良生长状况下介导细菌的死亡,即细茼程序性细胞死亡(baeterial programmedcell death).但也有证据显示,毒素-抗毒素系统的功能更偏向于应激状态下的生理调节方面,即只起应激状态下的抑菌作用而不是杀菌作用.对细菌生长调控中毒素-抗毒素系统的作用机理进行综述,并探讨毒素-抗毒素系统研究的理论和应用价值.  相似文献   

毒素-抗毒素系统(toxin-antitoxin system,简称TA系统)广泛存在于原核生物(细菌和古菌)的基因组中,通常TA系统由毒素和抗毒素两部分组成,毒素发挥毒性抑制细菌生长,抗毒素可以解除抑制,它们通过体内的调控作用来对细菌或古菌的生长活动进行调节。研究发现,TA系统根据其性质及抗毒素中和毒素的方式不同可以分为8种类型Ⅰ~Ⅷ,不同类型的TA系统之间又存在着错综复杂的交互作用,而且此系统在细菌中发挥的作用也一直是近年来学者们研究的热点。现就TA系统的最新分类、TA系统的功能以及应用作一概述。  相似文献   

孙瑞  宁德刚 《微生物学通报》2016,43(12):2714-2719
细菌毒素-抗毒素系统(Toxin-antitoxin system,TA)由稳定的毒素和不稳定的抗毒素构成,几乎存在于所有细菌中。已证明染色体编码的II型TA系统作为胁迫反应因子,通过毒素作用于不同的细胞靶点来调控重要的细胞活动过程,使细菌适应不同的环境胁迫。因此,毒素活性的调控是II型TA系统介导细菌适应性胁迫反应的关键。本文总结了II型TA系统毒素活性调控机制的研究进展,并介绍了作者近年来对模式蓝藻Synechocystis sp.PCC6803中II型TA毒素活性调控的研究结果。  相似文献   

毒素-抗毒素系统是广泛存在于细菌和真菌细胞内的一对小型遗传控制元件,毒素基因编码稳定的蛋白质分子,抗毒素基因编码的则是稳定性较差的蛋白质或者是具有调控功能的RNA.人们对于毒素分子在细胞内的生物靶标、分子结构与功能、体内调节机制等进行了大量的研究,不仅揭示了毒素-抗毒素的生理功能,而且为多种生物技术中的应用提供了新的素材.目前发现共有5大类型的毒素-抗毒素系统,其中Ⅰ型毒素-抗毒素系统的抗毒素分子为调节型RNA,可以通过多种不同途径与毒素蛋白质的mRNAs结合从而中和毒素的细胞毒性.Ⅰ型毒素-抗毒素系统以其独特的调节性RNA的调控方式,成为目前毒素-抗毒素研究中的重要热点.本文将对目前Ⅰ型毒素-抗毒素系统的研究进展进行综述,并对其可能的应用前景进行展望.  相似文献   

毒素-抗毒素(toxin-antitoxin,TA)系统是广泛存在细菌基因组上的由两个基因组成的操纵子,分别编码稳定的毒素蛋白和不稳定的抗毒素,其中毒素蛋白具有多种生物学功能。持留菌是指能够耐受高浓度抗生素或不利环境的一类细菌,它们同样具有TA系统。现就毒素-抗毒素系统介导持留菌形成机制的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

李百元  陈丹 《微生物学通报》2022,49(8):3492-3499
毒素-抗毒素系统(toxin-antitoxin system,TA)由具有杀菌或抑菌作用的毒素和能中和毒素毒性的抗毒素组成,在细菌和古菌的染色体和可移动遗传元件中分布广泛。TA系统具有结构和功能的多样性,目前分为八大类型(Ⅰ-Ⅷ型)。研究发现TA系统与细菌生物膜的形成、细菌毒力、耐药性细菌感染、质粒拷贝数的调控及原噬菌体切离后在细胞中的稳定维持等相关。文章综述了近年来TA系统的最新分类、TA系统的功能及抗毒素的其他调控功能等进展,并对TA领域的应用做了简要描述。  相似文献   

毒素-抗毒素系统(toxin-antitoxin system,TAS)广泛存在于细菌染色体及质粒上,是细菌中含量丰富的小型遗传元件。TAS通常由两个紧密相连的基因组成,分别编码毒素(toxin)和抗毒素(antitoxin),稳定的毒素能够损伤宿主细胞,不稳定的抗毒素能够保护宿主细胞免于毒素的损伤作用。依据其性质和作用方式,目前已经发现三种型别的TAS。TAS具有多种生物学作用,如诱导程序性细胞死亡(programmed cell death,PCD),应激条件下介导持留菌形成(persistence),稳定基因大片段等。本文就近几年TAS在应激条件下的生物学作用的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

Zhao L  Zhang J 《FEBS letters》2008,582(5):710-714
In the present paper, we report the biochemical characterization of a chromosomal toxin-antitoxin (TA) system in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, consisting of the Rv1991c gene and its upstream open reading frame (ORF) termed Rv1991a. Rv1991c was characterized as a toxin with ribonuclease activity and Rv1991a as the antitoxin against Rv1991c. Rv1991a interacted with Rv1991c to form a complex. A promoter located immediately upstream of Rv1991a was identified. Both Rv1991a and the Rv1991a-Rv1991c complex were able to bind to the promoter region of the Rv1991a-Rv1991c operon, indicating that the expression of the Rv1991a-Rv1991c operon can be autoregulated.  相似文献   

EF4是一个由 lepA 基因编码的与蛋白质翻译密切相关的延伸因子,在细菌中高度保守,但其确切功能和分子机制尚不清楚,在结核分枝杆菌中的功能至今未见报道。为探索EF4在结核分枝杆菌中的功能,需构建一株结核分枝杆菌 lepA 基因敲除株。本研究以结核分枝杆菌H37Ra全基因组DNA为模板,设计并通过聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)扩增 lepA 基因左、右臂,连接到p0004S质粒,构建同源重组质粒p0004S-Δ lepA 。然后,通过噬菌体体外包装,将p0004S-Δ lepA 质粒连接到phAE159质粒,构建phAE159-Δ lepA 噬菌体包装质粒。在耻垢分枝杆菌mc 2155中大量扩增噬菌体并受结核分枝杆菌侵染进行同源重组,筛选阳性克隆,从基因组和蛋白质表达水平检测该突变株中 lepA 基因及EF4蛋白表达。PCR结果显示,敲除株基因组中 lepA 基因已被潮霉素抗性基因成功替换,蛋白免疫印迹结果显示该敲除株中无EF4表达,表明其为成功构建的Ra Δ lepA 。生长曲线分析显示,正常培养条件下,结核分枝杆菌野生株与敲除株生长趋势一致。敲除株与野生株在菌落形态上有一定差异,相比于野生株,Ra Δ lepA 菌落颜色发黄,凸起偏厚,生长过程中生物膜皱褶较少。耐胁迫能力分析显示,与野生株相比,Ra Δ lepA 耐热、抗去垢剂、抗氧化能力无显著差异,但耐酸性环境能力明显增强。本研究利用噬菌体介导的重组法成功构建了结核分枝杆菌 lepA 基因敲除株,为后续研究结核分枝杆菌EF4的功能提供了重要基础。  相似文献   

The devR-devS two-component system of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was identified earlier and partially characterized in our laboratory. A devR::kan mutant of M. tuberculosis was constructed by allelic exchange. The devR mutant strain showed reduced cell-to-cell adherence in comparison to the parental strain in laboratory culture media. This phenotype was reversed on complementation with a wild-type copy of devR. The devR mutant and parental strains grew at equivalent rates within human monocytes either in the absence or in the presence of lymphocytic cells. The expression of DevR was not modulated upon entry of M. tuberculosis into human monocytes. However, guinea pigs infected with the mutant strain showed a significant decrease in gross lesions in lung, liver and spleen; only mild pathological changes in liver and lung; and a nearly 3 log lower bacterial burden in spleen compared to guinea pigs infected with the parental strain. Our results suggest that DevR is required for virulence in guinea pigs but is not essential for entry, survival and multiplication of M. tuberculosis within human monocytes in vitro. The attenuation in virulence of the devR mutant in guinea pigs together with DevR-DevS being a bona fide signal transduction system indicates that DevR plays a critical and regulatory role in the adaptation and survival of M. tuberculosis within tissues.  相似文献   

In this cross-sectional study, mycobacteria specimens from 189 tuberculosis (TB) patients living in an urban area in Brazil were characterised from 2008-2010 using phenotypic and molecular speciation methods (pncA gene and oxyR pseudogene analysis). Of these samples, 174 isolates simultaneously grew on Löwenstein-Jensen (LJ) and Stonebrink (SB)-containing media and presented phenotypic and molecular profiles of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, whereas 12 had molecular profiles of M. tuberculosis based on the DNA analysis of formalin-fixed paraffin wax-embedded tissue samples (paraffin blocks). One patient produced two sputum isolates, the first of which simultaneously grew on LJ and SB media and presented phenotypic and molecular profiles of M. tuberculosis, and the second of which only grew on SB media and presented phenotypic profiles of Mycobacterium bovis. One patient provided a bronchial lavage isolate, which simultaneously grew on LJ and SB media and presented phenotypic and molecular profiles of M. tuberculosis, but had molecular profiles of M. bovis from paraffin block DNA analysis, and one sample had molecular profiles of M. tuberculosis and M. bovis identified from two distinct paraffin blocks. Moreover, we found a low prevalence (1.6%) of M. bovis among these isolates, which suggests that local health service procedures likely underestimate its real frequency and that it deserves more attention from public health officials.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which Mycobacterium tuberculosis survives and persists in phagocytic cells remain poorly understood. To study the question, a convenient and safe host-vector system is indispensable. In this study it has been shown that, in contrast with M . smegmatis strain mc2155 which has been widely used for molecular analysis, M. smegmatis strain J15cs is able to survive even at day 6 post-infection in a murine macrophage cell line, J774. The survivability of J15cs was found to depend on the culture medium used for the bacteria prior to infection. Bacteria precultured on nutrient agar medium showed a high survivability and a characteristic cell wall ultrastructure. A plasmid vector, pYT923hyg, was developed from an Escherichia coli - mycobacterium shuttle vector pYT923 (previously constructed in our laboratory) to obtain three drug resistant genes (amp-, hyg- and km-resistant gene) and cloning sites in the km resistant gene. The vector pYT923hyg exerted no influence on in vitro growth of J15cs and intracellular survival in J774 cells, and was stably retained in J15cs after serial subculturing (three subcultures) in Luria-Bertani broth and at day 5 post-infection into J774 cells. Furthermore, using this system, the possibility of a relationship between some seemingly essential genes of M. tuberculosis and intracellular growth was demonstrated.
In this study, M. smegmatis strain J15cs and pYT923hyg were found to be capable of serving as an appropriate host-vector system for molecular study of the intracellular growth of M . tuberculosis in phagocytic cells; this system may be useful as a screening tool for M . tuberculosis genes.  相似文献   

The gene for dihydrofolate reductase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from M. tuberculosis H37Rv strain genomic DNA. The protein was expressed in inclusion bodies in high yield in Escherichia coli under the control of the T7 promoter. Active enzyme was obtained by refolding from guanidine HCl and after a single chromatography step the sample was > 99% homogeneous with a specific activity of approximately 15.5 micromol min(-1) mg(-1). Mass spectrometry analysis confirmed the expected mass of 17.6 kDa. Gel filtration of the enzyme indicated that it was a monomer. Steady-state kinetic parameters were determined and the effect of pH and KCl on the enzyme examined. Methotrexate and trimethoprim inhibited the enzyme.  相似文献   

To better understand the protein secretion mechanisms involved in the growth and pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, we examined the secA gene from M. tuberculosis (tbsecA; cosmid sequence accession No. z95121.gb_ba). We generated plasmids containing the full-length tbsecA gene or a fusion containing the 5' sequence from the M. tuberculosis secA gene and the remainder from the Escherichia coli secA gene and evaluated the ability of each construct to complement the defective SecA protein in E. coli MM52ts when grown at the non-permissive temperature. The full-length tbsecA gene was unable to compensate for the temperature-sensitive defect, whereas E. coli MM52ts that has been transformed with plasmid pMF8TB226 containing a chimeric secA gene was able to grow at 42 degrees C. This work confirms that the topography of SecA and its ATP binding sites are highly conserved, whereas its membrane insertion domains are species specific.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis are responsible for tuberculosis in humans and animals, respectively. Both species are closely related and belong to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC). M. tuberculosis is the most ancient species from which M. bovis and other members of the MTC evolved. The genome of M. bovis is over >99.95% identical to that of M. tuberculosis but with seven deletions ranging in size from 1 to 12.7 kb. In addition, 1200 single nucleotide mutations in coding regions distinguish M. bovis from M. tuberculosis. In the present study, we assessed 75 M. tuberculosis genomes and 23 M. bovis genomes to identify non‐synonymous mutations in 202 coding sequences of regulatory genes between both species. We identified species‐specific variants in 20 regulatory proteins and confirmed differential expression of hypoxia‐related genes between M. bovis and M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

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