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The impact of Phaeocystis globosa population decline on the microbial community was studied during a mesocosm experiment, with irradiance regime and inorganic N:P ratios (4, 16, and 44) as controlling factors. Heterotrophic bacterial activity was closely related to enhanced (viral) lysis rates of P. globosa cells and disintegration of the colonies. Up to 85% of the bacterial C demand could be supplied by P. globosa-specific cellular C release. The bacterial populations with high DNA content became dominant (>70% of total). The bacterial community showed a rapid shift in composition to take advantage of the changing conditions during the demise of the P. globosa bloom. Members of the Alphaproteobacteria and the Bacteroidetes group emerged directly upon bloom decay. Multidimensional scaling analysis in conjunction with DGGE fingerprinting implied that clustering was more related to the availability of organic carbon (the collapse of the P. gobosa bloom) than to the nature of the phytoplankton growth-controlling nutrient. Reduced irradiance delayed the development of the P. globosa population and subsequently changes in the bacterial community composition. Disintegration of P. globosa colonies resulted in the formation of transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) and aggregates, more so under P-depletion than under N-deficient conditions. The colonial matrix transformed into big aggregates under P-depleted conditions but remained largely as ghost colonies under N-depleted conditions. In the mesocosm with initial nitrogen and phosphorus supplied in the Redfield ratio, features intermediate to conditions with either N- or P-depletion were observed. It was hypothesized that TEP affected microbial population dynamics directly through bacterial colonization and indirectly through scavenging of predators and viruses.  相似文献   

霍铱萍  王小冬  王艳 《生态学报》2020,40(16):5834-5843
浮游动物的摄食信息能增大棕囊藻囊体体积,囊体形成被认为是棕囊藻的诱导性防御机制。利用桡足类火腿伪镖水蚤和异养甲藻海洋尖尾藻释放的摄食信息,研究了诱导性防御对球形棕囊藻和布氏双尾藻的竞争的影响。结果表明,球形棕囊藻接收了火腿伪镖水蚤和海洋尖尾藻释放的摄食信息之后形成更大的囊体。防御启动后的球形棕囊藻比未接收摄食信息的球形棕囊藻更快地形成囊体,且囊体维持的时间更长。对照组和火腿伪镖水蚤摄食信息诱导的球形棕囊藻的生物体积比布氏双尾藻更高,且球形棕囊藻在竞争中占优势;而海洋尖尾藻摄食信息诱导的球形棕囊藻生物体积低于布氏双尾藻,且球形棕囊藻相对布氏双尾藻的竞争力下降。微型浮游动物海洋尖尾藻摄食信息导致球形棕囊藻相对硅藻布氏双尾藻的竞争力的下降,有利于解释硅藻先于棕囊藻发生藻华。  相似文献   

球形棕囊藻(Phaeocystis globosa)是近年来北部湾常见的有害藻华原因种,涠洲岛海域作为广西沿海藻华的高发区之一,目前仍缺乏关于该海域球形棕囊藻藻华过程的相关研究。为探究涠洲岛海域球形棕囊藻藻华过程中营养盐的状况及藻华的发生对浮游植物群落组成的影响,对2017年3月下旬涠洲岛周边发生的球形棕囊藻藻华区域进行取样调查。结果表明,藻华期间水体中溶解有机磷含量与细胞及囊体密度呈显著正相关。本次藻华主要受水体中溶解态无机氮含量影响,多个调查站点的无机氮/无机磷(DIN/DIP)<10,且硅酸盐/无机氮(SiO32–/DIN)>1,表明这些站点存在氮限制现象,而氮限制可能是本次藻华消亡的主要因素。调查区域共鉴定出浮游植物4门58种,球形棕囊藻细胞密度最高可达1.04×108 cells/L,占浮游植物总细胞密度的98.28%。球形棕囊藻细胞密度与物种多样性指数存在显著的负相关关系。在营养缺乏条件下,有利于球形棕囊藻成囊的链状硅藻种类具有相对较大的细胞密度。  相似文献   

We investigated if (1) dissolved compounds excreted by Phaeocystis globosa and (2) transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) formed from carbohydrates excreted into the water affect the feeding of nauplii and females of the calanoid copepod Temora longicornis during a P. globosa bloom. Copepod grazing on the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii in the presence of these possible grazing deterrents was measured during three successive weeks of a mesocosm study, simulating the development of a P. globosa bloom. Our results demonstrate no indication for the presence of feeding deterrents in the dissolved phase, but a strong inhibitory effect of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) on the consumption of algae by both nauplii and adult copepods. The inhibitory effect of TEP was connected to the accumulation of DOM during the progress of the bloom. We suggest that a reduction in the grazing pressure of zooplankton may increase the survival of the liberated single cells during disruption of colonies and allow seeding populations to persist. Furthermore, P. globosa reduces the trophic efficiency of the food web not only by withdrawal of its colonies from grazing but also by a relaxation of the grazing pressure on co-occurring phytoplankton and by alteration of the food web structure via TEP production.  相似文献   

Selective grazing of a calanoid copepod Temora longicornis was measured during different stages of a Phaeocystis globosa bloom, in order to reveal (1) if T. longicornis feeds on single cells and/or colonies of P. globosa in the presence of alternative food sources, (2) if copepod food selection changes during the initiation, maintenance, collapse and decay of a P. globosa bloom and (3) if P. globosa dominated food assemblage provides a good diet for copepod egg production. Our results show low but constant feeding on small colonies of P. globosa, irrespective of the type or concentration of alternative food sources. In contrast, feeding on single cells was never significant, and the total contribution of P. globosa to carbon ingestion of T. longicornis was minor. T. longicornis fed most actively on the decaying colonies, whereas during the peak of the bloom copepods selected against P. globosa. Mostly, T. longicornis fed unselectively on different food particles: before the bloom, the major part of the diet consisted of diatoms, whereas during and after the bloom copepod diet was dominated by dinoflagellates and ciliates. Egg production was highest during the decay of the bloom, coinciding with highest proportional ingestion of heterotrophic organisms, but was not seriously reduced even during the peak of the bloom. We conclude that P. globosa blooms should not threaten survival of copepod populations, but the population recruitment may depend on the type (and concentration) of the dominant heterotrophs present during the blooms. Due to relatively unselective grazing, the impact of T. longicornis to the initiation of a Phaeocystis bloom is considered small, although grazing on decaying colonies may contribute to the faster termination of a bloom.  相似文献   

The concentration of transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) was monitored during Phaeocystis globosa blooms that developed in mesocosms under different initial N:P ratios (from N- to P-limited conditions). TEP concentration was measured using the microscopic (TEPmicro, ppm) and the colorimetric (TEPcolor, Xanthan equiv. L−1) methods. TEP concentrations varied from 5 to >75 ppm and from 60 to >1500 μg Xanthan equiv. L−1, and were relatively low until the mesocosms reached nutrient (either N or P) depletion and then increased abruptly. From the TEPmicro versus TEPcolor concentrations comparison and from their relation to chlorophyll a concentrations, two phases for the dynamics of TEP production were identified: (1) production through active release of precursors during the growth phase of P. globosa — defined as TEP1 — and their integration into the TEP pool through coagulation processes; (2) release of large TEP from the mucilaginous matrix of P. globosa colonies subsequent to disruption caused by nutrient depletion — defined as TEP2 — and their direct integration into the TEP pool outside the constraint of coagulation. The formation of a multiorigin TEP pool during P. globosa blooms may have implications for the fate of the blooms, due to difference in TEP bioreactivity according to their source and to difference in timing and intensity of TEP1 versus TEP2 production according to N- or P-depletion. For P. globosa blooms developing under N-limiting conditions, the transition from the first source (i.e. TEP1) to the second one (i.e. TEP2) was a slow and continuous process. In contrast, the P. globosa bloom developing under P-limiting conditions showed the sudden formation of heavy mucous aggregates when P became depleted, that may have been caused by a massive release of TEP2. Our study suggests that the nutrient regime may control the export vs. retention balance during P. globosa blooms, via production of a multiorigin TEP pool.  相似文献   

In order to study the influence of nutrients on the growth characteristics of the dominant dinoflagellates, Ceratium furca and Ceratium fusus, in the temperate coastal area of Sagami Bay, Japan, we conducted field monitoring from January 2000 to December 2005 and performed laboratory culture experiments. In the field study, population densities of C. furca and C. fusus were high, even in low nutrient concentrations (N: 1.58 μM, P: 0.17 μM). Both species were more abundant in the surface and sub-surface layers than in the bottom layers during the stratification periods. In the laboratory study, the specific growth rates of C. furca and C. fusus increased gradually along with increasing nutrients up to the T5 (N: 5 μM, P: 0.5 μM) and T10 (N: 10 μM, P: 1 μM) concentration levels, after which the growth rate plateaued at the T50 (N: 50 μM, P: 5 μM) concentration level. In contrast, the nutrient uptake rates of both species continuously increased, indicating “luxury consumption”, i.e., excessive cellular storage not related to growth rate. The half-saturation constants (Ks) of C. furca for nitrate (0.49 μM) and phosphate (0.05 μM) were slightly higher than C. fusus (0.32 and 0.03 μM, respectively). We offer two reasons why the two Ceratium population densities were maintained at high levels in low nutrient conditions. First, these two species have a competitive advantage over other algal species because of low Ks values and specific characteristics for nutrient uptake such as luxury consumption. Their ability to obtain nutrients through alternative methods, such as phagotrophy, might contribute to bloom formation and population persistence. Second, the cell densities of both Ceratium species increased along with nitrate concentrations in the media even when phosphorus was held constant. In particular, the growth of C. furca was directly supported by various nitrogen sources such as nitrate, ammonium, and urea, although the highest growth rates were observed only in the nitrate-enriched cultures. Our field and laboratory results revealed that the growth rates of the two Ceratium species increased readily in high N:P nutrient conditions (i.e., conditions of P limitation) indicating an advantage over other algal species in phosphorus-limited environments such as Sagami Bay.  相似文献   

The present study reports on effects of different light:dark periods, light intensities, N:P ratios and temperature on the specific growth rate of flagellated cells of Phaeocystis pouchetii in culture. The specific growth rate was estimated by diel changes in cellular DNA content. The cellular DNA content and cell cycle of flagellated cells of P. pouchetii are shown, and the importance of light:dark period in cell division is demonstrated. Diel patterns of the cellular DNA content showed that cell division was confined to the dark period. The cells dealt with more than one division per day by rapid divisions shortly after each other.The specific growth rates (μDNA) based on the DNA cell cycle model were in close agreement with specific growth rates (μCell) determined from cell counts. The temperature affected the specific growth rates (multiple regression, p < 0.01) and were higher at 5 °C (μ ≤ 2.2 d−1) than at 10 °C (μ ≤1.6 d−1). Increasing the light:dark period from 12:12 h to 20:4 h affected the specific growth rate of P. pouchetii at the lower temperature tested (5 °C) (multiple regression, p < 0.01), resulting in higher specific growth rates than at 10 °C. At 10 °C, the effect of light:dark period was severely reduced. Neither light nor nutrients could compensate the reduction in specific growth rates caused by elevated temperature. The specific growth rates was not affected by the N:P ratios tested (multiple regression, p = 0.21). The experiments strongly suggest that the flagellated cells have a great growth potential and could play a dominating role in northern areas at increased day length.  相似文献   

Studies of the phytoplankton ecology in different localities in north-Norwegian fjords, the White Sea and the Barents Sea were carried out in spring and early summer to investigate the contribution of single and colonial stages of Phaeocystis pouchetii to phytoplankton abundance. Three different types of flagellated and four colonial cells were observed in all localities. P. pouchetii was rare under the ice of the Barents and White Seas, but their abundance increased rapidly during ice retreat. Single cell C dominated over colonial cell C, often by 50 times or more. The highest share of colonial cells was encountered in April in northern Norwegian fjords, in May in the Barents Sea and in May–June in the White Sea. At times the single cell dominated the total P. pouchetii biomass in Balsfjord (April 1999, 2001) with hardly any colonies present. In the White Sea colonies of P. pouchetii were less abundant than in the other regions. Cell carbon of P. pouchetii colonies appears never to be as dominating in the north-eastern North Atlantic as P. globosa blooms in coastal regions such as the southern North Sea. However, the lobal matrix of P. pouchetii colonies appears to be less solid than that of P. globosa and partly dissolution of the colony matrix during handling and storage of fixes samples induces uncertainty about the absolute numbers of P. pouchetii colonial cell counts. Despite of that, single cells of P. pouchetii seem to dominate significantly over colonial cell biomass at most sites and during some years and in some regions colonial cells seem rare. We speculate that top-down regulation of Phaeocystis spp. blooms possibly determines the ratio between single and colonial cells.  相似文献   

Peristenus digoneutis Loan (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was introduced to the US for biological control of the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) (Hemiptera: Miridae), and has since spread through much of the northeast. The purpose of this study was to determine if P. digoneutis and a native congener, Peristenus pallipes (Curtis), parasitize L. lineolaris in strawberry (where it is a key pest), and what factors relate to parasitism levels. During 1997–1999 we monitored parasitism on 17 strawberry farms in 14 counties in eastern and western New York State. We found that in eastern NY (where P. digoneutis has been established since the early 1990s), overall mean parasitism was 19.7% (ranging from 0 to 70%), mostly by P. digoneutis. Mean parasitism was significantly lower (12.3%, ranging from 0 to 58%) in western NY (where P. digoneutis was first recorded in 1999), and was mostly by P. pallipes. P. pallipes parasitism was significantly lower in eastern than western NY, suggesting the potential for competitive interaction with P. digoneutis. The insecticide regime of a farm was an important factor influencing parasitism rate, which was 5- to 6.5-fold higher on organic or casually sprayed farms than on intensely treated farms, though pest density under these three regimes was not significantly different. L. lineolaris density, and parasitism rate in nearby alfalfa and abandoned fields were also significant factors for parasitism in strawberry.  相似文献   

A mechanistic model of dinoflagellate physiology, previously developed and parameterised to simulate paralytic shellfish poison (PSP) content and cell growth for Alexandrium fundyense in response to N and P nutrition, was operated within a vertical water structure in which the organism migrated. Simulations showed the expected development of vertical migration behaviour in response to light and mineral nutrient interactions. Growth in a N-limited water column resulted in a continual, though low level, PSP production with a large population biomass. A sequence of P-stress and nutrient re-feeding during vertical migration stimulated an enhancement of PSP content even with only moderately elevated supply of N:P ratios. This was exacerbated by low absolute P concentrations below the nutricline as well as by the N:P ratio. Although the final biomass was lower in these P-limited simulations, the total toxin production was much higher. The simulations suggest that vertical migration in stratified waters in even moderately high N:P waters could result in the formation of highly toxic populations of Alexandrium. One may expect a similar enhancement of toxicity in other harmful algal species that are engaged in vertical migration, where nutrient supply ratios affect toxin production.  相似文献   

A strain of Ulocladium botrytis isolated from diseased Orobanche crenata shoots caused disease on the parasitic weed in pathogenicity tests. The potential of the fungus to be developed as a mycoherbicide for Orobanche spp. was further investigated. Although the fungus significantly decreased O. crenata germination in vitro by 80%, it did not generally lead to a decreased number of O. crenata shoots or tubercles in inoculated root chambers or pots. However, the number of diseased or dead tubercles and underground shoots was significantly increased compared to the noninoculated treatments. Postemergence inoculation of O. crenata shoots with a conidial suspension resulted in the death of almost all inoculated plants 14 days after application under greenhouse conditions. In preliminary host-range studies, the pathogen caused disease on Orobanche cumana on sunflower whereas on Orobanche aegyptiaca shoots parasitizing tomato only minimal disease symptoms could be detected after postemergence inoculation. Based on the results of our investigations, we conclude that Ulocladium botrytis has only a limited potential to be used as a biocontrol agent against Orobanche spp.  相似文献   

【目的】豚草是一种重要的入侵杂草,严重危害农业生产和人类健康。广聚萤叶甲和豚草卷蛾是豚草的专一性天敌。研究这2种天敌在永州的种群动态及其对豚草的控制效果,可以为永州豚草的防控及这2种天敌的有效利用提供依据。【方法】在湖南省永州市江永县豚草大面积发生区域,人工释放广聚萤叶甲和豚草卷蛾,调查这2种天敌在释放区和扩散区的种群动态和对豚草的防治效果,以及这2种天敌在扩散区的越冬情况。【结果】广聚萤叶甲和豚草卷蛾的扩散能力强。释放1个月后,在释放区,广聚萤叶甲各虫态及豚草卷蛾虫瘿均被发现。整体上,随时间延长,广聚萤叶甲各虫态虫口密度先增后减,而豚草卷蛾虫瘿密度呈逐渐降低趋势。释放2个月后,在距释放区边缘10 km的豚草发生区,发现了广聚萤叶甲和豚草卷蛾,且成功建立了种群并顺利越冬。释放区豚草株高几乎没有增加,且叶片最终被取食精光,几乎全部死亡;扩散区豚草株高略有增加,最终近75%叶片被取食。【结论】广聚萤叶甲和豚草卷蛾可在永州成功建立种群并安全越冬,还能自行扩散,可持续控制野外豚草的发生。  相似文献   

The plant Pluchea indica is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, anti-pyretic, hypoglycemic, diuretic and anti-microbial activities besides many other pharmacological activities. We have isolated and purified seven compounds from the methanolic root extract of this plant by column chromatography. The compounds were identified by spectroscopic analyses. The anti-amoebic activities of the pure compound R/J/3 was investigated against the HM1 strain of Entamoeba histolytica. The compound, R/J/3 showed the most pronounced anti-proliferative activity at a dose of 50 microg/ml. It also showed a marked activity on cell lysis of trophozoites, 4h after administration. The cell lytic activity was compared with metronidazole (5 microg/ml) as positive control.  相似文献   

【背景】由病原菌Sclerotium denigrans侵染引起的平贝母菌核病是其主要的鳞茎病害之一,给平贝母种植产业带来了巨大的损失。【目的】筛选出对平贝母菌核病具有拮抗效果的木霉菌株。【方法】以平贝母菌核病作为靶标菌,采用平板对峙试验、平板对扣法、圆盘滤膜法与发酵液抑菌试验筛选对平贝母菌核病具有拮抗效果的木霉菌株。采用顶空固相微萃取的方法检测拮抗效果较好的木霉菌挥发性成分;二硝基水杨酸(dinitrosalicylic acid, DNS)比色法测定木霉菌的β-1,3葡聚糖酶的活性;室内防效试验验证其对平贝母菌核病的防治效果。【结果】平板对峙试验发现木霉菌F1、F2和D6对平贝母菌核病菌的生长具有较强的抑制作用,其抑菌率分别为91.06%、87.00%和86.12%;平板对扣法发现木霉菌E17和A26对菌核病菌的抑制效果最为明显,抑菌率分别为74.96%和75.86%;圆盘滤膜法发现菌核病菌在F2、C6、D3、F4、A26、B30、D4和D6的琼脂培养基上均不生长,抑菌率达100%;发酵液抑菌试验表明木霉菌D3抑制效果最强,可完全抑制菌核病菌的生长,抑菌率为100%;对A26、D4、E8、E17和D3这5株木霉进行GC/MS挥发性产物分析,在E17发现了具有抗真菌活性的6-戊基-2H-吡喃-2-酮等活性物质;DNS比色法发现β-1,3葡聚糖酶活性最高的木霉菌为F1;室内防效试验测定发现D3能明显抑制平贝母鳞茎菌核病的病变,对平贝母菌核病具有潜在的生防活性。【结论】木霉菌D3在防治平贝母菌核病中是极具开发价值的菌种。  相似文献   

Natural hybridisation between the taxa from Pinus mugo complex and P. sylvestris was postulated in several sympatric populations of the species in Europe. However, due to the absence of precise methods for identification of hybrid seeds and hybrid trees, the frequency of hybridisation and its influence on the genetic structure of relict P. mugo populations has not been clarified so far. In the present study, the species-specific chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) marker and isozymes were applied to test the hybridisation hypothesis in a postulated hybrid swarm population of the species from “Bór na Czerwonem” reserve at the northern foothills of Tatra Mts., Poland. The cpDNA marker was used to identify hybrids within two groups of polycormic (multi-stemmed) and monocormic (single-stemmed) pines from this population. Allelic frequencies at isozyme loci from both groups were compared to frequencies found in allopatric populations of the species. Additionally, cpDNA haplotypes of seedlings derived from open pollinated seeds were studied to detect the possibility of successful cross-pollination. The mixture of seedlings with P. sylvestris and P. mugo cpDNA haplotypes was derived from one parental tree that indicates hybridisation. However, all the mature polycormic pines had cpDNA haplotypes species specific to P. mugo and the isozyme frequencies were similar to frequencies found in three allopatric populations of P. mugo from Tatra Mts. (mean genetic distance, Dn=.027). The differences were much larger in comparisons with monocormic pines from this area (Dn=.085) and two P. sylvestris samples from distant allopatric populations (Dn=.077). Nearly all monocormic pines had cpDNA species specific to P. sylvestris and isozyme frequencies similar to other populations of this species (mean Dn=.004). Only one P. sylvestris-like monocormic tree had cpDNA of P. mugo and can be considered as a hybrid. The results do not provide evidence supporting the hybrid swarm hypothesis. Rather, the results suggest that mature hybrids have a low frequency within this population and (rare) hybridisation is not reciprocal but unidirectional with P. mugo as pollen donor.  相似文献   

We describe the population dynamics, growth of dominant species and plant biomass production in an ecosystem undergoing succession from Pinus densiflora dominance to Quercus mongolica ssp. crispula dominance. The diameter at breast height (DBH) was recorded for a period of 31 years. As DBH increased, the tree density decreased. We estimated the net biomass production of the canopy trees, the biomass of the understory and the average amount of litter. These results suggest that the biomass production of an ecosystem depends on its species composition. In order to estimate future ecosystem productivity, it is necessary to predict temporal changes in species composition.  相似文献   

Marine planktonic diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia Peragallo have been responsible for amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) events worldwide through the production of the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA). The appearance and toxicity of Pseudo-nitzschia species is variable throughout the year and potentially linked to changes in environmental parameters; many ASP events occur in relatively high latitudes where day length is particularly variable with season. In UK waters, shellfish monitoring has prevented any impact on human health but has led to long-term closures of fisheries, with severe economic consequences. Laboratory experiments on two Pseudo-nitzschia species typically found in Scottish West Coast waters during spring (short photoperiod (SP)) and summer (long photoperiod (LP)) conditions were conducted to determine the influence of photoperiod on their growth and toxicity. Results indicated that non-toxic P. delicatissima (Cleve) Heiden achieved a greater cell density under SP (9-h light:15-h dark (L:D) cycle). For toxin-producing P. seriata (Cleve) H. Peragallo, a LP (18-h L:6-h D cycle) resulted in an enhanced growth rate, cell yield and total toxin production, but it decreased the toxin production per cell. A better understanding of the response of Pseudo-nitzschia species to photoperiod and other foreseeable environmental variables may help predict the appearance of toxic strains.  相似文献   

The organistic constitution of genetic tumors probably causes the constituent cells to undergo genetic change from normal growth to abnormal, a relatively undifferentiated proliferation. We report here that the cyclin GTcyc gene, isolated from genetic tumors yielded notably intense bands while those from the parental DNA were less expressed. In a similar fashion, Northern blot analysis revealed that the genetic tumors expressed high levels of GTcyc relative to non-tumor hybrid tissues. Furthermore, RAPD data showed that the genetic relationships between tumor tissues and their parents did not present a highly corresponding match, suggesting that tumor growth may relate to the genetic modification or hybridization-related genome reorganization. Taken together, the cyclin gene performs a critical role in cell cycle progression, and this particular gene (GTcyc) may be a potential factor in tumor formations, resulting in gene alterations or gains, or changes to specific genomic regions.  相似文献   

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