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Field and laboratory experiments were designed to determine the differential growth and toxin response to inorganic and organic nitrogen additions in Pseudo-nitzschia spp. Nitrogen enrichments of 50 μM nitrate (KNO3), 10 μM ammonium (NH4Cl), 20 μM urea and a control (no addition) were carried out in separate carboys with seawater collected from the mouth of the San Francisco Bay (Bolinas Bay), an area characterized by high concentrations of macronutrients and iron. All treatments showed significant increases in biomass, with chlorophyll a peaking on days 4–5 for all treatments except urea, which maintained exponential growth through the termination of the experiment. Pseudo-nitzschia australis Frenguelli abundance was 103 cells l−1 at the start of the experiment and increased by an order of magnitude by day 2. Particulate domoic acid (pDA) was initially low but detectable (0.15 μg l−1), and increased throughout exponential and stationary phases across all treatments. At the termination of the experiment, the urea treatment produced more than double the amount of pDA (9.39 μg l−1) than that produced by the nitrate treatment (4.26 μg l−1) and triple that of the control and ammonium treatments (1.36 μg l−1 and 2.64 μg l−1, respectively). The mean specific growth rates, calculated from increases in chlorophyll a and from cellular abundance of P. australis, were statistically similar across all treatments.These field results confirmed laboratory experiments conducted with a P. australis strain isolated from Monterey Bay, CA (isolate AU221-a) grown in artificial seawater enriched with 50 μM nitrate, 50 μM ammonium or 25 μM of urea as the sole nitrogen source. The exponential growth rate of P. australis was significantly slower for cells grown on urea (ca. 0.5 day−1) compared to the cells grown on either nitrate or ammonium (ca. 0.9 day−1). However the urea-grown cells produced more particulate and dissolved domoic acid (DA) than the ammonium- or nitrate-grown cells. The field and laboratory experiments demonstrate that P. australis is able to grow effectively on urea as the primary source of nitrogen and produced more pDA when grown on urea in both natural assemblages and unialgal cultures. These results suggest that the influence of urea from coastal runoff may prove to be more important in the development or maintenance of toxic blooms than previously thought, and that the source of nitrogen may be a determining factor in the relative toxicity of west coast blooms of P. australis.  相似文献   

Over the past decade diatom blooms of domoic acid (DA)-producing Pseudo-nitzschia spp. have been responsible for numerous marine mammal and bird mortalities in Monterey Bay, CA. One possible toxin vector is the market squid, Loligo opalescens, a small pelagic mollusk that plays an important role in the near-shore food web of the California Current ecosystem as a favored vertebrate prey species. This study examined the trophic link between toxic Pseudo-nitzschia and L. opalescens using toxin and stomach content analyses of animals collected from Monterey Bay, CA in 2000. Receptor binding assay data (confirmed by tandem mass spectrometry), demonstrated the presence of DA in squid during a toxic Pseudo-nitzschia event, with P. australis frustules observed in stomach samples. Though DA levels were low (<0.5 μg DA g−1 tissue) in L. opalescens during the study period, it is now clear that this potent neurotoxin can occur in squid and is likely delivered through its krill prey species, which are known to retain DA after feeding on toxic Pseudo-nitzschia. Our findings suggest that further study of the relationship between Pseudo-nitzschia blooms and DA contamination of squid is warranted to better evaluate the potential health risk to humans and wildlife associated with this major commercial seafood species and important prey item.  相似文献   

The morphology and toxicity of the four ubiquitous species belonging to the genus Pseudo-nitzschia found in mixed blooms of phytoplankton from northern Chilean waters were studied. The phytoplankton samples and cultures obtained were identified by scanning electron microscopy, revealing the presence of Pseudo-nitzschia australis, P. calliantha, P. pseudodelicatissima and P. subfraudulenta. This is the first report of P. calliantha in northern Chile. Toxin analyses using the LC–MS method confirmed the presence of domoic acid in P. australis and P. calliantha. Domoic acid was not detected in cultures of P. subfraudulenta. This study therefore confirms P. australis and P. calliantha as an unequivocal source of domoic acid in Chilean waters. P. australis is probably the most important producer of amnesic shellfish toxin in view of its domoic acid content. However, more research is needed to evaluate the potential for toxin production in P. pseudodelicatissima.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Pseudo-nitzschia in relation to environmental factors was investigated from March 2002 to July 2008 in Lim Bay, in the north-eastern Adriatic Sea. Domoic acid was monitored in the breeding population of Mytilus galloprovincialis from 2005 to 2008. The principal-component analysis of environmental parameters showed that the system is mostly temperature driven. The phytoplankton community was mainly composed of diatoms. Pseudo-nitzschia was the dominant diatom, present in 60% of samples, with a maximum (1.6 × 106 cells L−1) contribution up to 97% of the total diatom abundance. Morphological analysis revealed Pseudo-nitzschia manii and potentially toxic Pseudo-nitzschia pseudodelicatissima, Pseudo-nitzschia pungens, Pseudo-nitzschia fraudulenta and Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha as the dominant species in blooms. Pseudo-nitzschia abundance positively correlated to temperature, phosphate and ammonia in accordance with its maximal abundance in the summer/autumn period when fish farms had a maximum impact on the environment. Domoic acid was detected in M. galloprovincialis in concentrations below regulatory limits, ranging from 0.097 to 0.8721 μg g−1 in five cases from April to October 2005 in Lim Bay, but so far it is not clear which of the species was responsible for DA production. This study is also the first record of P. manii, P pungens and P. fraudulenta species in the Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

我国沿海拟菱形藻属的2新记录种及其产毒特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为澄清我国沿海拟菱形藻属(Pseudo-nitzschia)的物种多样性,并确认中国海域拟菱形藻属是否具有产生多莫酸(Domoicacid)的能力,采用毛细管显微操作技术从我国沿海水体中分离、纯化拟菱形藻细胞,建立了单克隆培养株系,并基于核糖体转录间隔区ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 序列构建了分子系统树。结果表明,结合在光学显微镜和透射电镜下观察的形态学特征和分子系统发育分析数据,鉴定到我国拟菱形藻属的2新记录种:银河拟菱形藻(P. galaxiae Lundholm & Moestrup)和微孔拟菱形藻(P. micropora Priisholm, Moestrup & Lundholm),对其形态学特征进行了详细描述,并与相似种类进行了比较研究。利用高效液相色谱(HPLC)技术对多莫酸特征进行了检测,结果表明培养株系并不产生多莫酸。这些为我国拟菱形藻属物种多样性和产毒特征研究提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

Clonal cultures of plankton are widely used in laboratory experiments and have contributed greatly to knowledge of microbial systems. However, many physiological characteristics vary drastically between strains of the same species, calling into question our ability to make ecologically relevant inferences about populations based on studying one or a few strains. This study included 19 non-axenic strains of three species of the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia isolated primarily from the mid-Atlantic coastal region of the United States. Toxin (domoic acid) production and growth rates were measured in cultures using different nitrogen sources (NH4+, NO3 and urea) and growth irradiances. The strains exhibited broad differences in growth rate and toxin content even between strains isolated from the same water sample. The influence of bacteria on toxin production was not investigated. Both P. multiseries clones produced toxin, yet preferentially used different nitrogen sources. Only two of nine P. calliantha and two of five P. fraudulenta isolates were toxic and domoic acid content varied by orders of magnitude. All three species had variable intraspecies growth rates on each nitrogen source, but P. fraudulenta strains had the broadest range. Light-limited growth rate and maximum growth rate in P. fraudulenta and P. multiseries varied with species. These findings show the importance of defining intra- and interspecies variability in ecophysiology and toxicity. Ecologically relevant functional diversity in the form of ecotypes or cryptic species appears to be present in the genus Pseudo-nitzschia.  相似文献   

为了挖掘农作物病害生物防治新资源,以药用植物马齿苋(Portulaca oleracea)为材料,通过培养基种植法分离和纯化其根、茎、叶中的内生菌,以青枯菌(Ralstonia solanacearum)的抑菌试验评价其活性,采用菌落形态观察和ITS序列分析鉴定菌种。结果表明,从马齿苋筛选出2种具有抑制青枯菌的内生菌橘青霉(Penicillium citrinum)和波兰青霉(P. polonicum),采用液相与四极杆飞行时间串联质谱(UPLC-QTOF-MS)鉴定2种内生菌的主要活性物质为橘霉素,其对青枯菌的抑制效果比链霉素更好。因此,这为植物青枯病的生物防治提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Blooms of domoic acid (DA) producing Pseudo-nitzschia, regularly occur off the coast of California. Although it has been hypothesized that these blooms are increasing in frequency, the lack of historical records limits our understanding of potential causal mechanisms. In this study, an 15-year time-series (1993–2008) of sediment trap samples collected from the Santa Barbara Basin (SBB) at 540 m were analyzed for Pseudo-nitzschia (n = 196, microscopy and SEM) and DA (n = 206, LC–MS/MS) concentrations and fluxes. Results suggest that there was an abrupt shift towards greater frequency and higher magnitude Pseudo-nitzschia blooms and toxic DA flux events in the SBB after the year 2000. SEM analysis of sediment trap material indicates that these events were mainly blooms of P. australis, with cell fluxes increasing by an order of magnitude from a maximum of 4.5 × 106 cells m−2 d−1 pre-2000, to as high as 3.2 × 108 cells m−2 d−1 thereafter. Similarly, sediment trap DA fluxes increased by an average of 13.4 μg m−2 d−1, with only one large event (>5 μg m−2 d−1) from 1993 to 1999 versus 16 large DA events from 2000 to 2008. While the causes of this abrupt shift remain ambiguous, we suggest that this shift may be related to natural climate variability associated with a change in phase of the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO) and its potential influence on the composition and magnitude of waters that are upwelled into the SBB.  相似文献   

We report here the results of an 8-year study of the growth and population dynamics of Quercus mongolica ssp. crispula in a Pinus densiflora stand in a state of succession. In 1998, there were 169 Q. mongolica ssp. crispula individuals in a 400-m2 plot under the P. densiflora canopy. This number remained nearly constant between 1998 and 2005. Mean recruitment of new individuals was 11 year−1, while mean mortality was 12 year−1. Of the 35 individuals ≥60 cm in height existing in 1998, 30 were still surviving in 2005. We were able to represent the height growth of Q. mongolica ssp. crispula individuals as H=30 [1+21.96 exp(−0.0839t)]−1, with t = years since 1998 and H = height in meters. Using this equation we predict that by 2015 the mean height of Q. mongolica ssp. crispula trees in the stand will exceed those of understory trees, such as Rhus trichocarpa and Prunus maximowiczii. Once above the understory stratum, the Q. mongolica ssp. crispula trees can be expected to grow more rapidly due to the better light conditions, thereby rapidly reaching the canopy stratum of the P. densiflora stand.  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):171-173
头序赤车的特征在于其具花序托和总苞的雌头状花序,根据此一特征即可将它与赤车属的其它所有种区别开。因此,在2002年被错误归并为异名的此赤车属进化种,以及根据其建立的单种进化组头序赤车组在该文中予以恢复。  相似文献   

Domoic acid (DA), the neurotoxin produced by diatoms such as Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries is water-soluble and can bioaccumulate, causing mass death of birds and marine mammals worldwide. Humans eating contaminated shellfish most commonly suffer from memory loss but mortalities have been recorded. The fate of particulate and dissolved DA released from the cells or added as standards was studied when incubated with different bacterial abundances, copepod faecal pellets, mussel pseudo-faeces and bottom sediment. Strains of P. multiseries from Canada and Brazil were grown in non-axenic continuous monocultures with different nutrient conditions, or in a follow-up mesocosm experiment. Incubation lasted up to 75 days in the dark under quiescent conditions after the cells had been killed. Release of DA from decaying cells did not depend on bacterial abundance when the bacterial source was cultures of P. multiseries, and the dissolved toxin was stable with bacteria from P. multiseries cultures (at least 20 days with 1× or 4× bacterial concentration), or with a naturally occurring density of bacteria from surface waters of a known P. multiseries bloom area (35 days). However, four-fold concentration of the natural bacterial consortium from the bloom site reduced the onset of DA degradation to 16 days. Thus, this study suggests that when testing toxin degradation by bacteria, it is important to use bacterial consortia from known bloom areas of Pseudo-nitzschia. Copepod faecal pellets did not affect DA degradation, whereas the presence of mussel pseudo-faeces and bottom sediment rapidly removed most of the toxin. We believe that the rapid removal of DA in the two latter treatments was due to higher bacterial abundance and the presence of enzymes from the mussels and/or associated bacteria that are important for the degradation process. The mechanisms underlying the observed effects on DA degradation with mussel pseudo-faeces and sediment require further research, but suggest interesting possibilities as a potential future mitigation technique.  相似文献   

Natural hybridisation between the taxa from Pinus mugo complex and P. sylvestris was postulated in several sympatric populations of the species in Europe. However, due to the absence of precise methods for identification of hybrid seeds and hybrid trees, the frequency of hybridisation and its influence on the genetic structure of relict P. mugo populations has not been clarified so far. In the present study, the species-specific chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) marker and isozymes were applied to test the hybridisation hypothesis in a postulated hybrid swarm population of the species from “Bór na Czerwonem” reserve at the northern foothills of Tatra Mts., Poland. The cpDNA marker was used to identify hybrids within two groups of polycormic (multi-stemmed) and monocormic (single-stemmed) pines from this population. Allelic frequencies at isozyme loci from both groups were compared to frequencies found in allopatric populations of the species. Additionally, cpDNA haplotypes of seedlings derived from open pollinated seeds were studied to detect the possibility of successful cross-pollination. The mixture of seedlings with P. sylvestris and P. mugo cpDNA haplotypes was derived from one parental tree that indicates hybridisation. However, all the mature polycormic pines had cpDNA haplotypes species specific to P. mugo and the isozyme frequencies were similar to frequencies found in three allopatric populations of P. mugo from Tatra Mts. (mean genetic distance, Dn=.027). The differences were much larger in comparisons with monocormic pines from this area (Dn=.085) and two P. sylvestris samples from distant allopatric populations (Dn=.077). Nearly all monocormic pines had cpDNA species specific to P. sylvestris and isozyme frequencies similar to other populations of this species (mean Dn=.004). Only one P. sylvestris-like monocormic tree had cpDNA of P. mugo and can be considered as a hybrid. The results do not provide evidence supporting the hybrid swarm hypothesis. Rather, the results suggest that mature hybrids have a low frequency within this population and (rare) hybridisation is not reciprocal but unidirectional with P. mugo as pollen donor.  相似文献   

张华杰  李庆军 《广西植物》2017,37(2):153-161
中甸灯台报春和鹅黄灯台报春在形态上较为相似,通常被认为是亲缘关系较近的物种。该研究选取核基因ITS序列和叶绿体trn L-F为分子标记,利用贝叶斯的方法构建系统树,在用两种分子标记构建的系统树中,两种报春均以0.81的支持率聚成一个分支,明确了两种报春的姐妹种关系。首先,通过选取两个物种的五个形态学性状,进行主成分分析,聚类结果中两种报春各自的个体分别聚在两块区域,表明两种报春的形态学性状产生了明显的分化,且中甸灯台报春的花部各性状值明显大于鹅黄灯台报春,表明花部综合征和繁育系统间的相关联系。然后,通过用8对SSR分子标记对两种报春进行STRUCTURE聚类分析,结果检测K的最适值为2,此时中甸灯台报春和鹅黄灯台报春的个体各自以不同颜色聚成界限清晰的两块区域,揭示了两种报春在分子水平上也产生了显著而稳定的分化,通过Ima2软件,依据叶绿体联合序列,计算了两种报春的分化时间大约是在更新世,推测这两个姐妹种的物种分化受更新世气候动荡和一些地质历史事件的影响。最后,运用maxent软件分析两个物种的生态位差异,结果表明最干季节降水量、年均降水量和季节性降水量对中甸灯台报春的分布有重要影响,最冷季节平均温度、最干月降水量、年均降水量和季节性降水量对鹅黄灯台报春的分布有重要影响,两个物种间的生态位产生了分化。由此推测,这种生态位的差异是物种分化的结果,同时也是物种间系统演化的重要驱动力。  相似文献   

Host preferences in both sexes of Pseudacteon tricuspis Borgmeier (Jaguariuna biotype) and Pseudacteon curvatus Borgmeier (Formosa biotype) and their relative attraction to the imported fire ants (IFA), Solenopsis invicta Buren (red IFA), Solenopsis richteri Forel (black IFA) and S. invicta × S. richteri hybrids (hybrid IFA) were investigated in two separate experiments utilizing multiple choice flight bioassays. The results of both experiments clearly showed that both sexes of the Jaguariuna biotype of P. tricuspis could distinguish among the three IFA species and demonstrated greater preference for hybrid IFA and red IFA. This conclusion is supported by a variety of data collected on the number of fly visits, attack rate, and hovering duration (Experiment 1), and on the number of trapped flies (Experiment 2), which showed that black IFA is the least preferred of the three species. Similar results were recorded for the Formosan biotype of P. curvatus, although the data were not as strongly conclusive. Females of this biotype spent a significantly greater amount of time in hovering mode over red IFA and hybrid IFA compared to black IFA, but the other data were not significant. The red IFA is the natural host of both phorid fly biotypes and our results suggest that both biotypes may have evolved a specialized relationship with red IFA including an ability to discriminate it from related fire ants. These results are discussed in relation to the possible role of fire ant chemicals in mediating host preferences in phorid flies, contributions of male phorid flies to fire ant biocontrol, and the practical implications of the key findings.  相似文献   

郭英兰  刘锡琎 《菌物学报》1992,11(Z1):99-108
本文报道中国假尾孢属的16个种,其中有3个新种:藤山柳假尾孢(Pseudocercospora clematoclethrae),仙茅假尾孢(P. curculiginis,),豆付柴假尾孢(P. premnicola), 8个新组合:金粟兰假尾孢(P. chloranthe), 榅桲假尾孢(P. cydoniae),福岗假尾孢(P. fukuokaensis),土连翘假尾孢(P. hymenodictyonis),南五味子假尾孢(P. kadsurae), 野岛假尾孢(P. nojimae).绣线菊假尾孢(P. spiraeicola),球形假尾孢(P. sphaeriiformis)和3个中国新纪录。文中对新种进行了描述并绘图。研究的标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMAS)。  相似文献   

庄剑云  魏淑霞 《菌物学报》1995,14(Z1):153-157
本文报告采自四川西部的三种柄锈菌新记录.它们是披针苔草Carex lanceolata Boott上的栗褐苔草柄锈菌Puccinia caricis-brunneae Dietel,苔草Carex sp.上的小堆柄锈菌Pucciniamicrosora Koernicke ex Fuckel以及阳荷Zingiber strialatum Dicls上的姜黄柄锈菌Puccinia curcumae T.S. Ramakrishnan & Sundaram。每个种有简要讨论并附线条图.标本保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMAS)。  相似文献   

Abundances of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and concentrations of particulate domoic acid (DA) were determined in the Southern California Bight (SCB) along the coasts of Los Angeles and Orange Counties during spring and summer of 2003 and 2004. At least 1500 km2 were affected by a toxic event in May/June of 2003 when some of the highest particulate DA concentrations reported for US coastal waters were measured inside the Los Angeles harbor (12.7 μg DA L−1). Particulate DA levels were an order of magnitude lower in spring of 2004 (February and March), but DA concentrations per cell at several sampling stations during 2004 exceeded previously reported maxima for natural populations of Pseudo-nitzschia (mean = 24 pg DA cell−1, range = 0–117 pg DA cell−1). Pseudo-nitzschia australis dominated the Pseudo-nitzschia assemblage in spring 2004. Overall, DA-poisoning was implicated in >1400 mammal stranding incidents within the SCB during 2003 and 2004. Ancillary physical and chemical data obtained during our regional surveys in 2004 revealed that Pseudo-nitzschia abundances, particulate DA and cellular DA concentrations were inversely correlated with concentrations of silicic acid, nitrogen and phosphate, and to specific nutrient ratios. Particulate DA was detected in sediment traps deployed at 550 and 800 m depth during spring of 2004 (0.29–7.6 μg DA (g sediment dry weight)−1). The highest DA concentration in the traps was measured within 1 week of dramatic decreases in the abundances of Pseudo-nitzschia in surface waters. To our knowledge these are the deepest sediment trap collections from which DA has been detected. Sinking of the spring Pseudo-nitzschia bloom may constitute a potentially important link between DA production in surface waters and benthic communities in the coastal ocean near Los Angeles. Our study indicates that toxic blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia are a recurring phenomenon along one of the most densely populated coastal stretches of the SCB and that the severity and magnitude of these events can be comparable to or greater than these events in other geographical regions affected by domoic acid.  相似文献   

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