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The correlation between autonomous cyclic activity of the cytoplasm (cytoplasmic cycle) and the cleavage cycle was studied by using animal and vegetal half fragments of newt eggs formed by bisecting the uncleaved eggs after those eggs had been rotated through 90° off the vertical axis so as to alter the allocations of the cytoplasmic content in the two halves. When the bisection was made shortly after the rotation (Early Bisection), the resulting vegetal fragment showed 1.5 times longer intervals in the cytoplasmic cycle than its animal partner when cleavage was prevented by injection of colchicine, while when the bisection was made 30 min after the rotation (Late Bisection), the resulting pair of halves displayed equal intervals in the cytoplasmic cycle. The intervals of cell division of vegetal halves formed by the two kinds of bisection in the absence of colchicine were then examined. In these conditions, the vegetal half formed by Early Bisection still showed 1.5 times longer intervals in the cleavage cycle than its counterpart, and the half formed by Late Bisection displayed the same intervals in the cleavage cycle as its animal partner.  相似文献   

When fertilized Xenopus laevis eggs were pricked just beneath the marginal zone with a thick glass needle prior to the first cleavage, a small amount of cytoplasm escaped into the exudate. Those eggs were placed in a poly L-lysine-coated plastic dish filled with 10% Ficoll solution. The location of the sperm entrance site (SES) of each egg was marked by scratching the surface of the plastic dish. The pricked embryos were anchored to the dish through poly L-lysine, and developed, therefore, without changing their original position. Consequently, development of the dorsalventral polarity was conveniently monitored with respect to the location of the SES. Embryos which developed from eggs pricked on the side opposite the SES showed modification of the dorsal-ventral polarity: Semi-quantitative studies showed that an exudation approximately 1.5–12.5% of the whole egg contents from the presumptive dorsal side caused a reversal of the dorsal-ventral polarity. That is, the dorsal lip of the blastopore formed on the same side of the SES, whereas the dorsal lip formed on the side opposite the SES in the normal control and sham-operated embryos. Half of the embryos which had larger cytoplasmic exudates more than 12.5% of the whole egg contents failed to form the dorsal lip by the time all controls and the embryos with smaller exudates showed normal dorsal lip formation. When eggs were pricked on the SES side, the normal topographic relationship between the SES and future dorsal lip side was reinforced.  相似文献   

The third cleavage plane in typical Xenopus embryos is horizontal. However, there are numbers of cases in which the third cleavage plane slants and yet the embryo develops normally. Pairs of animal-dorsal (AD) blastomeres of eight-cell stage Xenopus embryos with horizontal or oblique third cleavage plane were marked by intracellular injection of fluorescein dextran amine in order to locate their progeny. In neurulae, progeny of AD blastomeres was found mainly along the dorsal midline forming longitudinal clonal bands along the midline in the neural plate and the mesoderm underneath. AD blastomeres with oblique third cleavage plane further yielded the ventral endo-mesoderm in the head. On the other hand, they formed narrower clonal bands in the anterior ectoderm compared with AD blastomeres with horizontal third cleavage plane. Thus the fates of animal-dorsal brastomeres of eight-cell stage Xenopus embryos vary according to the specific patterns of the third cleavage plane. This indicates that the third cleavage in the Xenopus embryo does not affect the normal fate of each region of the embryo presumed at the eight-cell stage.  相似文献   

Frequency response functions were measured between the cells of Xenopus laevis embryos during the first two cleavage stages. Linear systems theory was then used to produce electronic models which account for the electrical behavior of the systems. Coupling between the cells may be explained by models which have simple resistive elements joining each cell to its neighbors. The vitelline, or fertilization, membrane which surrounds the embryos has no detectable resistance to the passage of electric current. The electrical properties of the four-cell embryo can only be explained by the existence of individual junctions linking each pair of cells. This arrangement suggests that electrotonic coupling is important in the development of the embryos, at least until the four-cell stage.  相似文献   

The first 12 cleavage divisions in Xenopus embryos provide a natural experiment in size scaling, as cell radius decreases ∼16-fold with little change in biochemistry. Analyzing both natural cleavage and egg extract partitioned into droplets revealed that mitotic spindle size scales with cell size, with an upper limit in very large cells. We discuss spindle-size scaling in the small- and large-cell regimes with a focus on the “limiting-component” hypotheses. Zygotes and early blastomeres show a scaling mismatch between spindle and cell size. This problem is solved, we argue, by interphase asters that act to position the spindle and transport chromosomes to the center of daughter cells. These tasks are executed by the spindle in smaller cells. We end by discussing possible mechanisms that limit mitotic aster size and promote interphase aster growth to cell-spanning dimensions.How components and processes within cells scale in size and rate with the size of the cell has become a topic of considerable interest in recent years (reviewed in Chan and Marshall 2012; Goehring and Hyman 2012; Levy and Heald 2012). For molecular machines with precise architectures (e.g., ribosomes), size is invariant, but rates of assembly and function, which depend on regulation and energy, might scale. For assemblies whose dimensions are not hard wired (e.g., cytoskeleton assemblies and organelles), both size and rate might scale. For pathways involving distributed biochemical change (e.g., the cell-cycle oscillator), size is not well defined, but rate might scale in interesting ways. Here, we will address only size scaling, and refer the reader to interesting recent progress on cell-cycle timing in early Xenopus embryos (Chang and Ferrell 2013; Tsai et al. 2014).Size-scaling relationships, which are part of the science of allometry, have long informed on whole organism physiology. Explicitly seeking them at the subcellular level is a newer endeavor, which in our mind holds two kinds of promise. It can inform on mechanism at the level of integrated cell physiology (e.g., on establishment of cleavage plane geometry). It can also inform on molecular processes involved in assembly growth and dynamics, and perhaps help us discern logic in often frustratingly complex molecular architectures. It is not obvious, for example, why ∼100 protein complexes are required to build a mitotic spindle in higher eukaryotes (Hutchins et al. 2010), when bacteria can segregate plasmids with far fewer (Salje et al. 2010). Part of the answer is the need for higher fidelity in the eukaryotic process. Gerhart and Kirschner (1997) also emphasized the need for highly adaptable processes in the evolution of higher eukaryotes. At least part of the complexity of subcellular assemblies might reflect the need for adaptable scaling of size, shape, and timing.Vertebrate embryos derived from large eggs provide a natural experiment in size scaling (Fig. 1). A Xenopus laevis egg, for example, is ∼1.2 mm in diameter. Following fertilization, it cleaves completely ∼12 times at an approximately constant rate of ∼2 divisions/h (most rates in early development are temperature dependent, and can vary up to about eightfold over the tolerated range). These divisions generate a quasispherical array of quasispherical cells that are, on average, smaller by 212-fold in volume, or 24-fold in radius. The first 12 divisions occur with little gene expression and little change in cell physiology, and it may be reasonable to assume approximately constant biochemistry (discussed below), other than periodic cell-cycle regulation. After the 12th division, cell physiology changes dramatically as part of the midblastula transition (MBT) (discussed below), which provides a natural cut-off for size-scaling investigations. An interesting and potentially informative complication is that cleaving amphibian embryos develop a gradient in blastomere sizes, with larger cells at the vegetal pole where yolk is more abundant (evident in Fig. 1C,D). Larger blastomeres tend to divide more slowly, which gradually eliminates division synchrony (Gerhart 1980).Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Spindle-size scaling in Xenopus laevis. AD show confocal images of eggs and early embryos fixed at different stages, stained for tubulin (red) and DNA (green), cleared and imaged by confocal microscopy. Embryos containing metaphase spindles were selected for analysis. (A) Unfertilized egg with meiosis-II spindle (blue arrow). (B) First mitosis. Note scaling mismatch between the spindle and egg. (C,D) Cleavage stages. (E) Spindle lengths and cell lengths derived from confocal images like AD. Note spindle length is approximately constant in the large-cell regime and scales with cell size in the small-cell regime. (F) Spindle assembled in a droplet of unfertilized egg extract containing fluorescent probes suspended in oil and imaged live. aNuMA, anti-nuclear mitotic apparatus. (AE from Wühr et al. 2008; adapted, with permission, from the author; F is an unpublished image provided by Jesse Gatlin, University of Wyoming, which is similar to images in Hazel et al. 2013.)Embryos from different species have pros and cons for experimental analysis of size scaling during early divisions. Amphibian eggs provide a large dynamic range in cell size, complete division, and quasispherical geometry of both cells and embryos. In the minus column, they are opaque unless fixed and cleared and difficult to manipulate using genetics. Undiluted, cell-free extracts from Xenopus eggs and early embryos provide access to live imaging and molecular analysis and recapitulate the biology of intact eggs, including scaling relationships (Wilbur and Heald 2013), but it is important to go back to the intact embryo to check validity of key findings where possible. Zebrafish eggs provide a transparent, genetically tractable vertebrate system with very large cells but incomplete cleavage at early stages. Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila embryos have excellent imaging and genetics, which are advantages for scaling analysis, especially rate scaling (e.g., Carvalho et al. 2009; Hara and Kimura 2013), but these embryos start smaller, so they provide a lower dynamic range for analyzing size-scaling behavior.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (Bmp) are major players in the formation of the vertebrate body plan due to their crucial role in patterning of the dorsal-ventral (DV) axis. Despite the highly conserved nature of Bmp signalling in vertebrates, the consequences of changing this pathway can be species-specific. Here, we report that Bmp plays an important role in epiboly, yolk syncytial layer (YSL) movements, and anterior-posterior (AP) axis formation in embryos of the self-fertilizing mangrove killifish, Kryptolebias marmoratus. Stage and dose specific exposures of embryos to the Bmp inhibitor dorsomorphin (DM) produced three distinctive morphologies, with the most extreme condition creating the splitbody phenotype, characterised by an extremely short AP axis where the neural tube, somites, and notochord were bilaterally split. In addition, parts of caudal neural tissues were separated from the main body and formed cell islands in the posterior region of the embryo. This splitbody phenotype, which has not been reported in other animals, shows that modification of Bmp may lead to significantly different consequences during development in other vertebrate species.  相似文献   

During the early development of Xenopus laevis embryos, the first mitotic cell cycle is long (∼85 min) and the subsequent 11 cycles are short (∼30 min) and clock-like. Here we address the question of how the Cdk1 cell cycle oscillator changes between these two modes of operation. We found that the change can be attributed to an alteration in the balance between Wee1/Myt1 and Cdc25. The change in balance converts a circuit that acts like a positive-plus-negative feedback oscillator, with spikes of Cdk1 activation, to one that acts like a negative-feedback-only oscillator, with a shorter period and smoothly varying Cdk1 activity. Shortening the first cycle, by treating embryos with the Wee1A/Myt1 inhibitor PD0166285, resulted in a dramatic reduction in embryo viability, and restoring the length of the first cycle in inhibitor-treated embryos with low doses of cycloheximide partially rescued viability. Computations with an experimentally parameterized mathematical model show that modest changes in the Wee1/Cdc25 ratio can account for the observed qualitative changes in the cell cycle. The high ratio in the first cycle allows the period to be long and tunable, and decreasing the ratio in the subsequent cycles allows the oscillator to run at a maximal speed. Thus, the embryo rewires its feedback regulation to meet two different developmental requirements during early development.  相似文献   

Embryos of Xenopus laevis , Rana temporaria and Triturus vulgaris exposed to radioactive pregnenolone have been found to convert it to progesterone. Incubations with radioactive progesterone showed that it was actively metabolized by oocytes and embryos.
In Xenopus incubations progesterone was converted to 5α-pregnane-3,20-dione, 17α-hydroxy-4pregnen-3-one, 4-androstene-3,17-dione and 17α,20α:-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one, indicating 5α-reductase, 17α-hydroxylase, 19–20-desmolase and 20α-hydroxylase activities. In oocytes of Triturus and Rana no evidence of 19–20-desmolase was found. In Rana oocytes were also not evidence of 17α-hydroxylase activity. All identified activities except 20α-hydroxylase were common to embryos of all three species.
It is suggested that the steroid enzyme activities present in the embryos are not solely derived from the oocytes but synthetized during early development. Possible meaning of this kind of metabolism during differentiation remains open.  相似文献   



A long-standing conventional view of radiation-induced apoptosis is that increased exposure results in augmented apoptosis in a biological system, with a threshold below which radiation doses do not cause any significant increase in cell death. The consequences of this belief impact the extent to which malignant diseases and non-malignant conditions are therapeutically treated and how radiation is used in combination with other therapies. Our research challenges the current dogma of dose-dependent induction of apoptosis and establishes a new parallel paradigm to the photoelectric effect in biological systems.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We explored how the energy of individual X-ray photons and exposure time, both factors that determine the total dose, influence the occurrence of cell death in early Xenopus embryo. Three different experimental scenarios were analyzed and morphological and biochemical hallmarks of apoptosis were evaluated. Initially, we examined cell death events in embryos exposed to increasing incident energies when the exposure time was preset. Then, we evaluated the embryo''s response when the exposure time was augmented while the energy value remained constant. Lastly, we studied the incidence of apoptosis in embryos exposed to an equal total dose of radiation that resulted from increasing the incoming energy while lowering the exposure time.


Overall, our data establish that the energy of the incident photon is a major contributor to the outcome of the biological system. In particular, for embryos exposed under identical conditions and delivered the same absorbed dose of radiation, the response is significantly increased when shorter bursts of more energetic photons are used. These results suggest that biological organisms display properties similar to the photoelectric effect in physical systems and provide new insights into how radiation-mediated apoptosis should be understood and utilized for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

Eggs of Xenopus laevis undergo a postfertilization cortical rotation that specifies the position of the dorso-ventral axis and activates a transplantable dorsal-determining activity in dorsal blastomeres by the 32-cell stage. There have heretofore been no reported dorso-ventral asymmetries in endogenous signaling proteins that may be involved in this dorsal-determining activity during early cleavage stages. We focused on β-catenin as a candidate for an asymmetrically localized dorsal-determining factor since it is both necessary and sufficient for dorsal axis formation. We report that β-catenin displays greater cytoplasmic accumulation on the future dorsal side of the Xenopus embryo by the two-cell stage. This asymmetry persists and increases through early cleavage stages, with β-catenin accumulating in dorsal but not ventral nuclei by the 16- to 32cell stages. We then investigated which potential signaling factors and pathways are capable of modulating the steady-state levels of endogenous β-catenin. Steadystate levels and nuclear accumulation of β-catenin increased in response to ectopic Xenopus Wnt-8 (Xwnt-8) and to the inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3, whereas neither Xwnt-5A, BVg1, nor noggin increased β-catenin levels before the mid-blastula stage. As greater levels and nuclear accumulation of β-catenin on the future dorsal side of the embryo correlate with the induction of specific dorsal genes, our data suggest that early asymmetries in β-catenin presage and may specify dorso-ventral differences in gene expression and cell fate. Our data further support the hypothesis that these dorso-ventral differences in β-catenin arise in response to the postfertilization activation of a signaling pathway that involves Xenopus glycogen synthase kinase-3.  相似文献   

为了评价利用不同冷冻保护剂冷冻早期卵裂期胚胎的效果,用小鼠为实验动物,采用慢速冷冻、快速融解的冷冻技术,比较丙二醇、二甲基亚砜和甘油作冷冻保护剂对小鼠2-细胞、4-细胞、8-细胞胚胎冷冻后胚胎存活率和囊胚形成率的影响。发现以丙二醇和蔗糖为冷冻保护剂冷冻4-细胞、8-细胞胚胎,解冻后胚胎成活率和囊胚形成率显著高于以二甲基亚砜或甘油为冷冻保护剂。结果表明,丙二醇是一种冷冻早期卵裂期小鼠胚胎有效的冷冻保护剂。  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to elucidate detailed event of early embryogenesis in chicken embryos using a noninvasive egg retrieval technique before oviposition. White Leghorn intrauterine eggs were retrieved from 95 cyclic hens aged up to 54-56 weeks and morphogenetic observation was made under both bright field and fluorescent image in a time course manner. Differing from mammals, asymmetric cleavage to yield preblastodermal cells was observed throughout early embryogenesis. The first two divisions occurred synchronously and four polarized preblastodermal cells resulted after cruciform cleavage. Then, asynchronous cleavage continued in a radial manner and overall cell size in the initial cleavage region was smaller than that in the distal area. Numerous sperms were visible, regardless of zygotic nuclei formation. Condensed sperm heads were present mainly in the perivitelline space and cytoplasm, and rarely in the yolk region, while decondensed sperm heads were only visible in the yolk. In conclusion, apparent differences in sperm dynamics and early cleavage events compared with mammalian embryos were detected in chick embryo development, which demonstrated polarized cleavage with penetrating supernumerary sperm into multiple regions.  相似文献   

Occludin is the only known integral membrane protein localized at the points of membrane– membrane interaction of the tight junction. We have used the Xenopus embryo as an assay system to examine: (a) whether the expression of mutant occludin in embryos will disrupt the barrier function of tight junctions, and (b) whether there are signals within the occludin structure that are required for targeting to the sites of junctional interaction. mRNAs transcribed from a series of COOH-terminally truncated occludin mutants were microinjected into the antero–dorsal blastomere of eight-cell embryos. 8 h after injection, the full-length and the five COOH-terminally truncated proteins were all detected at tight junctions as defined by colocalization with both endogenous occludin and zonula occludens-1 demonstrating that exogenous occludin correctly targeted to the tight junction. Importantly, our data show that tight junctions containing four of the COOH-terminally truncated occludin proteins were leaky; the intercellular spaces between the apical cells were penetrated by sulfosuccinimidyl-6-(biotinamido) Hexanoate (NHS-LC-biotin). In contrast, embryos injected with mRNAs coding for the full-length, the least truncated, or the soluble COOH terminus remained impermeable to the NHS-LC-biotin tracer. The leakage induced by the mutant occludins could be rescued by coinjection with full-length occludin mRNA. Immunoprecipitation analysis of detergent-solubilized embryo membranes revealed that the exogenous occludin was bound to endogenous Xenopus occludin in vivo, indicating that occludin oligomerized during tight junction assembly. Our data demonstrate that the COOH terminus of occludin is required for the correct assembly of tight junction barrier function. We also provide evidence for the first time that occludin forms oligomers during the normal process of tight junction assembly. Our data suggest that mutant occludins target to the tight junction by virtue of their ability to oligomerize with full-length endogenous molecules.  相似文献   

Mutations in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) tumor suppressor gene are linked to both familial and sporadic human colon cancer. So far, a clear biological function for the APC gene product has not been determined. We assayed the activity of APC in the early Xenopus embryo, which has been established as a good model for the analysis of the signaling activity of the APC-associated protein β-catenin. When expressed in the future ventral side of a four-cell embryo, full-length APC induced a secondary dorsoanterior axis and the induction of the homeobox gene Siamois. This is similar to the phenotype previously observed for ectopic β-catenin expression. In fact, axis induction by APC required the availability of cytosolic β-catenin. These results indicate that APC has signaling activity in the early Xenopus embryo. Signaling activity resides in the central domain of the protein, a part of the molecule that is missing in most of the truncating APC mutations in colon cancer. Signaling by APC in Xenopus embryos is not accompanied by detectable changes in expression levels of β-catenin, indicating that it has direct positive signaling activity in addition to its role in β-catenin turnover. From these results we propose a model in which APC acts as part of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, either upstream of, or in conjunction with, β-catenin.  相似文献   

In honeybees, the haplodiploid sex determination system promotes a unique embryogenesis process wherein females develop from fertilized eggs and males develop from unfertilized eggs. However, the developmental strategies of honeybees during early embryogenesis are virtually unknown. Similar to most animals, the honeybee oocytes are supplied with proteins and regulatory elements that support early embryogenesis. As the embryo develops, the zygotic genome is activated and zygotic products gradually replace the preloaded maternal material. The analysis of small RNA and mRNA libraries of mature oocytes and embryos originated from fertilized and unfertilized eggs has allowed us to explore the gene expression dynamics in the first steps of development and during the maternal-to-zygotic transition (MZT). We localized a short sequence motif identified as TAGteam motif and hypothesized to play a similar role in honeybees as in fruit flies, which includes the timing of early zygotic expression (MZT), a function sustained by the presence of the zelda ortholog, which is the main regulator of genome activation. Predicted microRNA (miRNA)-target interactions indicated that there were specific regulators of haploid and diploid embryonic development and an overlap of maternal and zygotic gene expression during the early steps of embryogenesis. Although a number of functions are highly conserved during the early steps of honeybee embryogenesis, the results showed that zygotic genome activation occurs earlier in honeybees than in Drosophila based on the presence of three primary miRNAs (pri-miRNAs) (ame-mir-375, ame-mir-34 and ame-mir-263b) during the cleavage stage in haploid and diploid embryonic development.  相似文献   

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