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Humpback whales, unlike most mammalian species, learn new songs as adults. Populations of singers progressively and collectively change the sounds and patterns within their songs throughout their lives and across generations. In this study, humpback whale songs recorded in Hawaii from 1985 to 1995 were analyzed using self-organizing maps (SOMs) to classify the sounds within songs, and to identify sound patterns that were present across multiple years. These analyses supported the hypothesis that recurring, persistent patterns exist within whale songs, and that these patterns are defined at least in part by acoustic relationships between adjacent sounds within songs. Sound classification based on acoustic differences between adjacent sounds yielded patterns within songs that were more consistent from year to year than classifications based on the properties of single sounds. Maintenance of fixed ratios of acoustic modulation across sounds, despite large variations in individual sounds, suggests intrinsic constraints on how sounds change within songs. Such acoustically invariant cues may enable whales to recognize and assess variations in songs despite propagation-related distortion of individual sounds and yearly changes in songs.  相似文献   

Humpback whales sing long, complex songs on their wintering grounds. On 25 August 1979 and 3 September 1981, we made recordings of humpback whale songs in southeastern Alaska, showing that humpback whales also sing on the summer feeding grounds. Both these Alaskan samples are songs in that they are repeating cyclical sound patterns and follow the known structure for humpback whale song. The Alaskan songs contain all the same material sung in the same order as that heard off Mexico and Hawaii in the surrounding wintering seasons. However, song, theme and some phrase durations are abbreviated in the Alaskan songs. The recording of these two songs represents the full sample of song recorded from 155 days over five years of attempting to record humpback whale song in Alaskan waters.  相似文献   

Logbook data from California shore whaling stations at Moss Landing (1919–1922 and 1924) and Trinidad (1920 and 1922–1926) are analyzed. The logs for the two stations record the taking of 2,111 whales, including 1,871 humpbacks, 177 fin whales, 26 sei whales, 3 blue whales, 12 sperm whales, 7 gray whales, 1 right whale, 1 Baird's beaked whale, and 13 whales of unspecified type (probably humpbacks). Most whales were taken from spring to autumn, but catches were made in all months of some years. The sex ratios of humpback, fin, and sei whales (the three species with sufficient sample sizes to test) did not differ from parity. Primary prey, determined from stomach contents, included sardines and euphausiids for both humpback and fin whales, and 'plankton' (probably euphausiids) for sei whales. The prevalence of pregnancy was 0.46 among mature female humpbacks and 0.43 among mature female fin whales, although these values are reported with caution. Information on length distribution for all species is summarized. Analysis of the catch data for this and other areas supports the current view that humpback whales along the west coast of the continental United States comprise a single feeding stock and also suggests that the present population is well below pre-exploitation levels.  相似文献   

Abstract: This is the first report of recordings of sounds from the pygmy right whale, Caperea marginata . The recordings were obtained in the presence of a juvenile in the harbor at Portland, on the southeastern corner of the Australian continent. Only one type of sound was heard-a short thump-like pulse or tone burst with a downsweep in frequency and decaying amplitude, with most energy between 60 and 120 Hz. The pulses occurred predominantly in pairs and once in a trio. The sounds are simpler than those of most baleen whales, but they show some similarity in characteristics. Source levels are in the lower end of the range determined for other species. There was no evidence to indicate the purpose of these sounds.  相似文献   

Humpback whales are renowned for the complex structured songs produced by males. A second, relatively understudied area of humpback acoustic communication concerns un-patterned sounds known as "social sounds," produced by both males and females. These include vocalizations as well as sounds produced at the surface of the water as a result of surface behaviors ( e.g. , breaching, pectoral slapping). This study describes a portion of the non-song social sound repertoire of southward migrating humpbacks in Australian waters, and explores the social relevance of these sounds. On migration, humpback whales travel in social groups of varying compositions. These social groups are not stable in that humpback whales continually change group composition by splitting from, or joining with, other groups. The results of this study suggest that "breaching" and "slapping" have a communicative function. Other sounds such as "underwater blows" and "cries" were heard mainly in competitive groups while other low-frequency sounds such as "grumbles,""snorts,""thwops," and "wops" may function in intra- or inter-group communication. Particular sounds ("grunts,""groans," and "barks") were almost exclusive to joining pods suggesting a role in social integration. Social sounds in humpbacks may have specific social and behavioral functions relating to social group composition, and the mediation of interactions between these social groups.  相似文献   

Australian waters are home to a number of vocal species of fish. Cataloguing the acoustic characteristics and temporal patterns of choruses and their locations can provide significant information for long-term monitoring of vocal fishes and their ecosystems. In coastal waters off Port Hedland, Western Australia, two seafloor positioned sea-noise loggers, located 21.5 km apart in 8 and 18 m of water, recorded for an 18-month period. Numerous sound sources were detected, including mooring and vessel noise, humpback whale song and a large variety of fish signal types. Seven fish choruses were identified, occurring predominantly between late spring and early autumn (wet season) and displaying energy from 50 Hz to >4 kHz. Many of these choruses exhibited acoustic characteristics similar to choruses previously reported elsewhere, for some of which the source species or families have been identified. Distinct diurnal patterns in the choruses were observed, associated with sunrise or sunset and in some cases, both. While choruses were predominantly recorded on different days, there were at total of 80 days when more than one chorus was present at the same site. Some pairs of choruses present on the same day exhibited various combinations of temporal and frequency partitioning, while others displayed predominant overlap in both spaces.  相似文献   

Hearing mechanisms in baleen whales (Mysticeti) are essentially unknown but their vocalization frequencies overlap with anthropogenic sound sources. Synthetic audiograms were generated for a fin whale by applying finite element modeling tools to X-ray computed tomography (CT) scans. We CT scanned the head of a small fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) in a scanner designed for solid-fuel rocket motors. Our computer (finite element) modeling toolkit allowed us to visualize what occurs when sounds interact with the anatomic geometry of the whale’s head. Simulations reveal two mechanisms that excite both bony ear complexes, (1) the skull-vibration enabled bone conduction mechanism and (2) a pressure mechanism transmitted through soft tissues. Bone conduction is the predominant mechanism. The mass density of the bony ear complexes and their firmly embedded attachments to the skull are universal across the Mysticeti, suggesting that sound reception mechanisms are similar in all baleen whales. Interactions between incident sound waves and the skull cause deformations that induce motion in each bony ear complex, resulting in best hearing sensitivity for low-frequency sounds. This predominant low-frequency sensitivity has significant implications for assessing mysticete exposure levels to anthropogenic sounds. The din of man-made ocean noise has increased steadily over the past half century. Our results provide valuable data for U.S. regulatory agencies and concerned large-scale industrial users of the ocean environment. This study transforms our understanding of baleen whale hearing and provides a means to predict auditory sensitivity across a broad spectrum of sound frequencies.  相似文献   

Ranging, the ability to judge the distance to a sound source, depends on the presence of predictable patterns of attenuation. We measured long-range sound propagation in coastal waters to assess whether humpback whales might use frequency degradation cues to range singing whales. Two types of neural networks, a multi-layer and a single-layer perceptron, were trained to classify recorded sounds by distance traveled based on their frequency content. The multi-layer network successfully classified received sounds, demonstrating that the distorting effects of underwater propagation on frequency content provide sufficient cues to estimate source distance. Normalizing received sounds with respect to ambient noise levels increased the accuracy of distance estimates by single-layer perceptrons, indicating that familiarity with background noise can potentially improve a listening whale's ability to range. To assess whether frequency patterns predictive of source distance were likely to be perceived by whales, recordings were pre-processed using a computational model of the humpback whale's peripheral auditory system. Although signals processed with this model contained less information than the original recordings, neural networks trained with these physiologically based representations estimated source distance more accurately, suggesting that listening whales should be able to range singers using distance-dependent changes in frequency content.  相似文献   

Beaked whales respond to simulated and actual navy sonar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Beaked whales have mass stranded during some naval sonar exercises, but the cause is unknown. They are difficult to sight but can reliably be detected by listening for echolocation clicks produced during deep foraging dives. Listening for these clicks, we documented Blainville's beaked whales, Mesoplodon densirostris, in a naval underwater range where sonars are in regular use near Andros Island, Bahamas. An array of bottom-mounted hydrophones can detect beaked whales when they click anywhere within the range. We used two complementary methods to investigate behavioral responses of beaked whales to sonar: an opportunistic approach that monitored whale responses to multi-day naval exercises involving tactical mid-frequency sonars, and an experimental approach using playbacks of simulated sonar and control sounds to whales tagged with a device that records sound, movement, and orientation. Here we show that in both exposure conditions beaked whales stopped echolocating during deep foraging dives and moved away. During actual sonar exercises, beaked whales were primarily detected near the periphery of the range, on average 16 km away from the sonar transmissions. Once the exercise stopped, beaked whales gradually filled in the center of the range over 2-3 days. A satellite tagged whale moved outside the range during an exercise, returning over 2-3 days post-exercise. The experimental approach used tags to measure acoustic exposure and behavioral reactions of beaked whales to one controlled exposure each of simulated military sonar, killer whale calls, and band-limited noise. The beaked whales reacted to these three sound playbacks at sound pressure levels below 142 dB re 1 μPa by stopping echolocation followed by unusually long and slow ascents from their foraging dives. The combined results indicate similar disruption of foraging behavior and avoidance by beaked whales in the two different contexts, at exposures well below those used by regulators to define disturbance.  相似文献   

Male humpback whales produce complex sounds known as songs during their breeding season. Previous studies have shown diel patterns of song in their breeding areas, but there had been no similar studies in the breeding area around Okinawa, Japan. To study diel patterns of song and the behavior of humpback whales in Okinawa, we conducted 24 hr recording with a fixed hydrophone in 2007, and vessel-based sighting surveys during 2014–2017. Song was monitored for 15 days, with peaks at sunrise and around 2200. Singing activity declined significantly between sunrise and sunset, then increased until 2200. Activity levels at night were higher and more stable than during the day. During 278 days of sighting surveys, 2,551 whales in 1,382 groups were observed. 79 individuals were confirmed as singers, all of which were lone whales. In six cases, singing individuals stopped singing before joining a group or began singing after leaving a group. Previous studies have shown that group size of humpback whales increases through the day. Considering the results from our study and the former studies, the decrease in singing activity as the day progresses may be a result of aggregation increasing, thus reducing the number of lone singers during the day.  相似文献   

Entanglements of large whales in commercial fisheries in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, have been consistently recorded since 1979, as part of a program aimed at releasing captured animals and reducing costs to fishermen. This data set represented an opportunity to identify fisheries posing particular entanglement risks to local whale populations. Data were assessed over the periods 1979–1992 and 1993–2008, corresponding to distinct phases in fisheries distribution and intensity. Between 1979 and 2008, 1,209 large whale entanglements were recorded in Newfoundland and Labrador. These were mostly humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae; 80%) and minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata; 15%). Dramatic declines in reported inshore whale entanglement rates were observed following the 1992 moratorium on Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) fisheries. Recently, more entanglements have been reported further offshore, largely due to expansion of fisheries targeting snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio). For all whale species, entanglement rates and associated mortality rates varied considerably in different fishing gear. Fractions of humpback and minke whales found dead in different fishing gear differed substantially, with minke whales far more likely to be found dead than humpback whales.  相似文献   

As part of their social sound repertoire, migrating humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) perform a large variety of surface‐active behaviors, such as breaching and repetitive slapping of the pectoral fins and tail flukes; however, little is known about what factors influence these behaviors and what their functions might be. We investigated the potential functions of surface‐active behaviors in humpback whale groups by examining the social and environmental contexts in which they occurred. Focal observations on 94 different groups of whales were collected in conjunction with continuous acoustic monitoring, and data on the social and environmental context of each group. We propose that breaching may play a role in communication between distant groups as the probability of observing this behavior decreased significantly when the nearest whale group was within 4,000 m compared to beyond 4,000 m. Involvement in group interactions, such as the splitting of a group or a group joining with other whales, was an important factor in predicting the occurrence of pectoral, fluke, and peduncle slapping, and we suggest that they play a role in close‐range or within‐group communication. This study highlights the potentially important and diverse roles of surface‐active behaviors in the communication of migrating humpback whales.  相似文献   

The negative effects of human activities within the ecological space of whales remains an issue of concern to marine ecologists. The accurate detection and subsequent classification of whale species are vital in mitigating these negative effects. Automatic detection techniques have come in handy for the efficient detection of the various whale species without human error. Hidden Markov model (HMM) remains one the most efficient detectors of whale species. However, its performance efficiency is greatly influenced by the feature vectors adapted with it. In this work, we propose the use of the kernel dynamic mode decomposition (kDMD) algorithm as a tool to extract features of baleen whale species, which are then adapted with HMM for their detection. Dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) is an eigendecomposition-based algorithm that is capable of extracting latent underlying features of non-linear signals such as those vocalised by whales. However, the underlying cost of DMD is the singular value decomposition (SVD), which adds significant complexity to the modes derivation steps. Thus, this work is introducing the kernel method into the DMD, in order to find a more efficient way of computing DMD without explicitly using the SVD algorithm. Furthermore, the feature formation steps in the original DMD was modified (mDMD) in this work, to make it more generic for datasets with sparse whale sound samples. The performance of the detectors was tested on datasets containing sounds of southern right whales (SRWs) and humpback whales. The results obtained show a high true positive rate (TPR), high precision (PREC) and low error rate (ERR) for both species. The performance of the three DMD-based feature-extraction methods were compared. The kDMD-HMM generally performed better than the mDMD-HMM and DMD-HMM detectors. The methods proposed here can be tailored for the automatic detection and classification of other vocalising animal species through their sounds.  相似文献   

The low-frequency, powerful vocalizations of blue and fin whales may potentially be detected by conspecifics across entire ocean basins. In contrast, humpback and bowhead whales produce equally powerful, but more complex broadband vocalizations composed of higher frequencies that suffer from higher attenuation. Here we evaluate the active space of high frequency song notes of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) in Western Greenland using measurements of song source levels and ambient noise. Four independent, GPS-synchronized hydrophones were deployed through holes in the ice to localize vocalizing bowhead whales, estimate source levels and measure ambient noise. The song had a mean apparent source level of 185±2 dB rms re 1 µPa @ 1 m and a high mean centroid frequency of 444±48 Hz. Using measured ambient noise levels in the area and Arctic sound spreading models, the estimated active space of these song notes is between 40 and 130 km, an order of magnitude smaller than the estimated active space of low frequency blue and fin whale songs produced at similar source levels and for similar noise conditions. We propose that bowhead whales spatially compensate for their smaller communication range through mating aggregations that co-evolved with broadband song to form a complex and dynamic acoustically mediated sexual display.  相似文献   


Whales living within seismically active regions are subject to intense disturbances from strong sounds produced by earthquakes that can kill or injure individuals. Nishimura & Clark (1993) relate the possible effects of underwater earthquake noise levels in marine mammals, adducing that T-phase source signal level (10- to 30- Hz range) can exceed 200 dB re: 1 μPa at 1 m, for a magnitude 4–5 earthquake, sounds audible to fin whales which produce low frequency sounds of 16–20/25–44 Hz over 0.5–1s, typically of 183 dB re: 1 μPa at 1 m. Here we present the response of a fin whale to a 5.5 Richter scale earthquake that took place on 22 February 2005, in the Gulf of California. The whale covered 13 km in 26 min (mean speed = 30.2 km/h). We deduce that the sound heard by this whale might have triggered the costly energy expenditure of high speed swimming as a seismic-escape response. These observations support the hypothesis of Richardson et al. (1995) that cetaceans may flee from loud sounds before they are injured, when exposed to noise in excess of 140 dB re: 1 μPa 1 m.  相似文献   

Male humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) produce complex, patterned songs that are traditionally recorded on their breeding grounds. In this work, we report results from the first continuous acoustic monitoring of a humpback whale feeding ground off southern Chile, Corcovado Gulf. Using an autonomous continuously recording system anchored to the seafloor and an automatic signal detector, we used the units within a song to analyze the temporal distribution and diel patterns of humpback whales. Acoustic recordings were made at the end of the austral summer and autumn of 2012. Songs occurred over the entire 130 d monitoring period, from 1 February to 15 June 2012. The percentage of units detected increased throughout the monitored period with the highest detections in the last recorded month (June), despite recording for fewer days that month. Furthermore, songs were detected during all light regimes studied, but most frequently during darkness. This study provides further evidence that, far from being rare or sporadic, humpback whale songs occur commonly at a feeding ground in high latitudes over different light conditions and in all months, with a peak in autumn.  相似文献   

Seasonal and spatial variations of blue ( Balaenoptera musculus ) and fin whale ( B. physalus ) calls were analyzed from recordings collected with Acoustic Recording Packages (ARPs) deployed between January 2003 and July 2004 at four circumpolar locations: the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP), the Scotia Sea (SS), Eastern Antarctica (EA), and the Ross Sea (RS). Call characteristics were compared among sites using the average pressure spectrum levels from 1 month of data at each location. Presence of calls was analyzed using automatic call detection and acoustic power analysis methods. Blue whale calls were recorded year-round, with the highest detections in February–May and November. This suggests that the blue whale population may not migrate synchronously, and may indicate long duration calls are more common during migrations. Fin whale calls were detected only during February–July. Two distinct fin whale call types were recorded, suggesting a possible separation into two populations. The calls at the EA site had a secondary frequency peak in the pressure spectrum at 99 Hz and the calls at the WAP and the SS sites had a peak at 89 Hz. No fin whale calls were detected at the RS site. Acoustics are a good tool to monitor large whales in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Humpback whale use of areas off eastern Canada is poorly understood, a knowledge gap that could impact future conservation efforts. We describe the acoustic occurrence of humpback whales in and around the Gully Marine Protected Area (MPA), an eastern Scotian Shelf submarine canyon. Near‐continuous acoustic recordings sampling at 16 kHz were collected from the MPA and nearby slope areas from October 2012 to September 2014 using near‐bottom recorders. In an offshore region where humpbacks were thought to be rare, we observed calls from October to June with a peak in song and nonsong calls in December and January. This suggests that some individuals occur in Canadian waters in winter and the Gully region may be a North Atlantic humpback whale migratory corridor. Calls were predominantly songs indicating potential mating activities. Song and nonsong calls occurred more at sunset and during hours of darkness than during daylight. This study improves our understanding of the seasonal occurrence of humpback whales on the Scotian Slope and, more specifically, their use of an offshore protected area.  相似文献   

Reports of killer whales (Orcinus orca) preying on large whales have been relatively rare, and the ecological significance of these attacks is controversial. Here we report on numerous observations of killer whales preying on neonate humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) off Western Australia (WA) based on reports we compiled and our own observations. Attacking killer whales included at least 19 individuals from three stable social groupings in a highly connected local population; 22 separate attacks with known outcomes resulted in at least 14 (64%) kills of humpback calves. We satellite‐tagged an adult female killer whale and followed her group on the water for 20.3 h over six separate days. During that time, they attacked eight humpback calves, and from the seven known outcomes, at least three calves (43%) were killed. Overall, our observations suggest that humpback calves are a predictable, plentiful, and readily taken prey source for killer whales and scavenging sharks off WA for at least 5 mo/yr. Humpback “escorts” vigorously assisted mothers in protecting their calves from attacking killer whales (and a white shark, Carcharodon carcharias). This expands the purported role of escorts in humpback whale social interactions, although it is not clear how this behavior is adaptive for the escorts.  相似文献   

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