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Thiocyanate catalyzes myeloperoxidase-initiated lipid oxidation in LDL   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is evidence that LDL oxidation may render the lipoprotein atherogenic. The myeloperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide (MPO/H2O2) system of activated phagocytes may be involved in this process. Chloride is supposed to be the major substrate for MPO, generating reactive hypochlorous acid (HOCl), modifying LDL. The pseudo-halide thiocyanate (SCN-) has been shown to be a suitable substrate for MPO, forming reactive HOSCN/SCN*. As relatively abundant levels of SCN- are found in plasma of smokers--a well-known risk group for cardiovascular disease--the ability of SCN- to act as a catalyst of LDL atherogenic modification by MPO/H2O2 was tested. Measurement of conjugated diene and lipid hydroperoxide formation in LDL preparations exposed to MPO/H2O2 revealed that SCN- catalyzed lipid oxidation in LDL. Chloride did not diminish the effect of SCN- on lipid oxidation. Surprisingly, SCN inhibited the HOCl-mediated apoprotein modification in LDL. Nitrite--recently found to be a substrate for MPO--showed some competing properties. MPO-mediated lipid oxidation was inhibited by heme poisons (azide, cyanide) and catalase. Ascorbic acid was the most effective compound in inhibiting the SCN- -catalyzed reaction. Bilirubin showed some action, whereas tocopherol was ineffective. When LDL oxidation was performed with activated human neutrophils, which employ the MPO pathway, SCN- catalyzed the cell-mediated LDL oxidation. The MPO/H2O2/SCN- system may have the potential to play a significant role in the oxidative modification of LDL--an observation further pointing to the link between the long-recognized risk factors of atherosclerosis: elevated levels of LDL and smoking.  相似文献   

Simultaneously produced superoxide/nitric oxide radicals (O2*-/NO*) could form peroxynitrite (OONO-) which has been found to cause atherogenic, i.e. oxidative modification of LDL. Aromatic hydroxylation and nitration of the aspirin metabolite salicylate by OONO- has been reported. Therefore we tested if salicylate may be able to protect LDL from oxidation by O2*-/NO* by scavenging the OONO reactive decomposition products. When LDL was exposed to simultaneously produced O2*-/NO* using the sydnonimine SIN-1, salicylate exerted an inhibitory effect on LDL oxidation as measured by TBARS and lipid hydroperoxide formation and alteration in electrophoretic mobility of LDL. The cytotoxic effect of SIN-1 pre-oxidised LDL to endothelial cells was also diminished when salicylate was present during SIN-1 treatment of LDL. Spectrophotometric analysis revealed that salicylate was converted to dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHBA) derivatives in the presence of SIN-1. 2,3- and 2,5-DHBA were even more effective to protect LDL from oxidation by O2*-/NO*. Because O2*-/NO* can occur in vivo, the results may indicate that salicylate could act as an efficacious inhibitor of O2*-/NO* initiated atherogenic LDL modification, thus further supporting the rationale of aspirin medication regarding cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin synthase (EC, 8,11,14-eicosatrienoate, hydrogen-donor:oxygen oxidoreductase), commonly referred to as cyclooxygenase, was inhibited irreversibly upon application of a fixed oxidative potential (+0.4 V versus saturated calomel electrode) in the presence of the aspirin metabolite gentisic acid (2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid). Electrolyses were carried out at 0 degrees C in a phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.2, 0.1 M) using a carbon felt electrode. This electroinactivation process was time-dependent and pseudo first-order with respect to gentisic acid at concentrations up to 300 microM. These concentrations of gentisic acid are below those normally reported to be inhibitory. The enzyme was stable to this applied potential in the absence of gentisic acid. Similar treatment of apoenzyme (heme-removed) revealed no loss in catalytic activity after reconstitution to the holoenzyme. Oxyphenbutazone, a nonoxidizable competitive inhibitor of cyclolooxygenase, was observed to protect the enzyme from electrolytic inactivation mediated by gentisic acid. Radiolabeling studies indicated the covalent attachment of approximately 1 eq of gentisic acid/subunit of enzyme. These studies support the possible role of quinonoid intermediates in the observed anti-inflammatory action of salicylate derivatives.  相似文献   

Endothelial Chlamydia pneumoniae infection promotes oxidation of LDL   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The bacterium Chlamydia pneumoniae chronically infects atheromatous lesions and is linked to atherosclerosis by modifying inflammation, proliferation, and the lipid metabolism of blood monocytes. As continuous LDL modification in the vascular intima is crucial for atherogenesis we investigated the impact of endothelial infection on LDL oxidation. HUVEC were infected with a vascular C. pneumoniae strain. Supernatants of infected cells but not cell lysates increased lipid peroxidation products (6.44 vs 6.14 nmol/ml, p<0.05) as determined by thiobarbituric acid reacting substances assay. Moreover, supernatants rendered human LDL more susceptible to oxidation as shown in a copper-ion catalysed LDL oxidation assay by a 16% reduction of LDL resistance against pro-oxidative stimuli (p<0.05). Chlamydial infection of vascular endothelial cells releases acellular components that convert LDL to its proatherogenic form and reduce its resistance against oxidation. Foci of chronic endothelial chlamydial infection may thus continuously contribute to the dysregulated lipid metabolism that promotes atherogenesis.  相似文献   

Synergistic inhibition of LDL oxidation by phytoestrogens and ascorbic acid   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Increasing evidence indicates that oxidative modification of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is an important determinant in atherogenesis, and following menopause, the incidence of coronary heart disease is as prevalent in women as it is in men. Estrogen has been demonstrated to inhibit the susceptibility of LDL to be oxidized, and more recently the use of phytoestrogens has been considered for estrogen replacement therapy. In this study the antioxidant activity of the three major phytoestrogens: genistein, daidzein, and equol were measured in terms of LDL oxidative susceptibility. Increasing levels of genistein, daidzein, and equol inhibited LDL oxidation, and this inhibitory effect was further enhanced in the presence of ascorbic acid. The synergism exhibited by these compounds is of clinical importance to phytoestrogen therapy since the efficacy of phytoestrogens as effective antioxidants is evident at concentration well within the range found in the plasma of subjects consuming soy products. However, this synergism, combined with the low reactivity of the phytoestrogens with peroxyl radicals, suggests that an antioxidant mechanism other then free radical scavenging reactions account for the phytoestrogen antioxidant effect. A structural basis for inhibition of LDL oxidation involving interaction of the phytoestrogens with apoB-100 is postulated.  相似文献   

Ether extracts of lactic acid bacteria were analyzed for prevention of the oxidation of erythrocyte membrane and human low-density lipoprotein in vivo. Streptococcus thermophilus 1131 and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus 2038, yogurt starters, were chosen as test-strains, and ether extracts of these cultures were used as samples. Both strain 1131 and strain 2038 produced radical scavengers and inhibited oxidation of erythrocyte membranes and low-density lipoproteins. The antioxidative activity of strain 2038 was higher than that of strain 1131.  相似文献   

1. A number of tissues, in particular, brain, liver, and kidney, incubated aerobically in vitro as slices or ground suspensions produce a compound which combines with p-aminobenzoic acid in acid solution to form a yellow color. 2. A study of this reaction in rat brain has shown that this compound can be produced when washed boiled brain protein is incubated aerobically with ascorbic acid. The latter acts as a catalyst to break the linkage between the protein and the compound. Oxygen is taken up in the process. 3. A number of aromatic hydroxy compounds such as epinephrine and catechol inhibit the reaction. Cyanide has little or no effect. No reaction occurs anaerobically. 4. The occurrence of the reaction in some animals has been described.  相似文献   

Human macrophages stimulated with interferon-γ generate neopterin and 7,8-dihydroneopterin which interfere with reactive species involved in LDL oxidation. While neopterin was found to have pro-oxidative effects on copper-mediated LDL oxidation, the influence of 7,8-dihydroneopterin is more complex. This study provides detailed information that 7,8-dihydroneopterin reveals both pro-oxidative and anti-oxidative effects on copper mediated LDL oxidation. 7,8-dihydroneopterin inhibited the oxidation of native LDL effectively monitored by (i) formation of conjugated dienes, (ii) relative electrophoretic mobility (EM) and (iii) specific oxidized epitopes. Using minimally oxidized LDL (mi-LDL) or moderately oxidized LDL (mo-LDL) 7,8-dihydroneopterin changed its antioxidative behavior to a strongly pro-oxidative. Incubation of 7,8-dihydroneopterin with native LDL, mi-LDL or mo-LDL in the absence of copper ions showed that formation of conjugated dienes was more increased in mo-LDL than in mi-LDL while no diene formation was observed with native LDL.

We suggest that 7,8-dihydroneopterin is a modulator for LDL oxidation in the presence of copper ions depending on the “oxidative status” of this lipoprotein.  相似文献   

Hypercholesterolemic human LDL contains oxidized subfractions that have atherogenic properties. Paradoxically, atherosclerosis incidence is low in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), a disease characterized by marked increases in plasma LDL, including the LDL subfraction lipoprotein-X (Lp-X). To investigate the mechanisms underlying this paradox, we first examined the propensity to oxidation of unfractionated LDL isolated from PBC patients. After prolonged incubation with copper, PBC-LDL failed to increase the oxidation index or electrophoretic mobility noted in control LDL. An admixture of PBC-LDL or Lp-X with control LDL prevented oxidation of the latter in a dose-dependent manner. PBC-LDL was also noncompetitive against copper-oxidized LDL (oxLDL) for binding with a murine monoclonal anti-oxLDL antibody in a competitive ELISA. OxLDL exerts its proapoptotic and antiangiogenic effects in part by inhibiting fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) expression. Preincubation of oxLDL with PBC-LDL, but not control LDL, attenuated the inhibitory effects of oxLDL on FGF2 expression in cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells (ECs). The antioxidant and prosurvival properties of PBC-LDL diminished after the patients underwent orthotopic liver transplantation. These results suggest that Lp-X reduces LDL atherogenicity by preventing LDL oxidation to protect EC integrity in the presence of hypercholesterolemia. They also suggest that altering LDL composition may be as important as reducing LDL concentration in preventing or treating atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the efficiency of the pentagalloic acid compound in inhibiting the metal ions and cell lines that mediate in low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation. Pentagalloic acid prolonged the lag time preceeding the onset of conjugated diene formation. In chemically induced LDL oxidation by Cu2+ plus hydrogen peroxide or peroxyl radical generated by 2, 2′-azo-bis (2-amidino propane) hydrochloride (AAPH), pentagalloic acid inhibited LDL oxidation as monitored by measuring the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), malondialdehyde (MDA), and gel electrophoretic mobility. The physiological relevance of the antioxidative activity was validated at the cellular level where pentagalloic acid inhibited mouse macrophage J774 and endothelial cell-mediated LDL oxidation. When compared with several other antioxidants, pentagalloic acid showed a much higher ability than naturally occuring antioxidants, α-tocopherol and ascorbic acid, and the synthetic antioxidant, probucol.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species have been proposed to play important roles in atherosclerosis. To investigate the protective role of extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD), its inhibition of endothelial-cell-mediated LDL oxidation was examined. We constructed the recombinant adenovirus AxCAEC-SOD expressing human EC-SOD by CAG promoter. Infection of endothelial cells with AxCAEC-SOD resulted in EC-SOD protein secretion in a dose-dependent manner and a decrease of endothelial-cell-derived superoxide production. Moreover, it was proven to coexist with heparan sulfate by immunohistochemical staining. Endothelial-cell-mediated LDL oxidation enhanced by ferric-sodium EDTA was inhibited by 47% in TBARS formation by AxCAEC-SOD infection. In agarose gel electrophoresis, AxCAEC-SOD decreased the negative charge of oxidized LDL by 50% and suppressed fragmentation of apolipoprotein B. These results suggested that human EC-SOD localized in the extracellular space and reduced endothelial-cell-mediated LDL oxidation. In subendothelial space, EC-SOD bound on heparan sulfate might suppress LDL oxidation through reduction of superoxide anion.  相似文献   

The antioxidant effect of 5-Aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) on copper-mediated LDL oxidation was followed either by the emitted chemiluminiscence (CL) or by UV-vis spectroscopy. 5-ASA addition extends the lag phase in a concentration-dependent manner without changes in the rate of the process in the autoaccelerated phase. The antioxidant behavior of 5-ASA was very similar to that of Trolox, a very efficient water soluble antioxidant. The copper-binding capacity of 5-ASA was evaluated by UV-visible spectroscopy. The addition of copper to a 5-ASA solution increases the absorbance at 332 nm and generates a new band at 298 nm. These changes in the UV-vis spectra indicate formation of a complex between 5-ASA and copper. However, LDL protection by 5-ASA is unrelated to its copper chelating capacity.  相似文献   

In the present study, we isolated modified LCAT (m-LCAT) by hydroxyapatite column chromatography after incubation of crude LCAT (after DEAE SephadexA-50 column chromatography, penultimate step of LCAT purification) with oxidized LDL (oxLDL) at 37 degrees C for 1 h. The activity was found to be about 30% lower than that of native LCAT (n-LCAT). When activity was determined in the presence of oxLDL, m-LCAT was less inhibited than n-LCAT by oxLDL. Treatments of purified LCAT either at 56 degrees C for 30 min, at 100 degrees C for 10 min, or with 6 mM 5-5' -dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid or 9 mM diisopropyl fluorophosphates (each at 37 degrees C for 30 min) resulted in the loss of its cholesterol-esterifying activity. When examined for their ability to detoxify oxLDL, native LCAT and LCAT treated at 56 degrees C for 30 min were found to detoxify oxLDL. These results indicate that oxidation product(s) of LDL is transferred and bound to LCAT in a way that does not depend on its cholesterol-esterifying activity, but rather on the availability of the sulfhydryl group of cysteine residue and the hydroxyl group of serine residue.  相似文献   

We have studied the role of three Mn(III)porphyrins differing in charge, alkyl substituent length and reactivity, on LDL exposed to low fluxes of peroxynitrite (PN) in the presence of uric acid. Mn(III)porphyrins (5 microM, MnTE-2-PyP(5+), MnTnOct-2-PyP(5+), and MnTCPP(3-)) plus uric acid (300 microM) inhibited cholesteryl ester hydroperoxide formation, changes in REM as well as spared alpha- and gamma-tocopherol. MnTnOct-2-PyP(5+), the more lipophilic compound, was the most effective in protecting LDL lipids, while MnTCPP(3-) exerted the lesser protection. Mn(III)porphyrins react fast with PN ( approximately 10(5)-10(7) M(-1) s(-1)) to yield a O=Mn(IV) complex. The stoichiometry of uric acid consumption was approximately 1.7 moles per mol of PN, in agreement with reactions with both the O=Mn(IV) complex and nitrogen dioxide. A shift from an anti- to a pro-oxidant action of the Mn(III)porphyrin was observed after uric acid was significantly consumed, supporting competition reactions between LDL targets and uric acid for the O=Mn(IV) complex. Overall, the data is consistent with the catalytic reduction of PN in a cycle that involves a one electron oxidation of Mn(III) to Mn(IV) by PN followed by the reduction back to Mn(III) by uric acid. These antioxidant effects should predominate under in vivo conditions having plasma uric acid concentration range between 150 and 500 microM.  相似文献   

Radiolytic degradation of radiolabeled compounds is a major challenge for the development of new therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. The goal of this study is to explore the factors influencing the solution stability of a (90)Y-labeled DOTA-peptide conjugate (RP697), including the amount of total activity, the activity concentration, the stabilizer concentration, and the storage temperature. In general, the rate of radiolytic decomposition of RP697 is much slower at the lower activity concentration (<4 mCi/mL) than that at the higher concentration (>10 mCi/mL). RP697 remains relatively stable at the 20 mCi level and room temperature while it decomposes rapidly at the 100 mCi level under the same storage conditions. Radical scavengers, such as gentisic acid (GA) and ascorbic acid (AA), were used in combination with the low temperature (-78 degrees C) to prevent the radiolytic decomposition of RP697. It was found that RP697 remains stable for at least 2 half-lives of (90)Y when GA or AA (10 mg for 20 mCi of (90)Y) is used as a stabilizer when the radiopharmaceutical composition is stored at -78 degrees C. The stabilizer (GA and AA) can be added into the formulation either before or after radiolabeling. The post-labeling approach is particularly useful when the use of a large amount of the stabilizer interferes with the radiolabeling. The radiopharmaceutical composition developed in this study can also apply to other (90)Y-labeled DOTA-biomolecule conjugates. The amount of the stabilizer used in the radiopharmaceutical composition and storage temperature should be adjusted according to the sensitivity of the radiolabeled DOTA-biomolecule conjugate toward radiolytic decomposition.  相似文献   

Recent data suggest an inverse epidemiological association between intake of flavanol-rich cocoa products and cardiac mortality. Potential beneficial effect of cocoa may be attributed to flavanol-mediated improvement of endothelial function, as well as to enhancement of bioavailability and bioactivity of nitric oxide in vivo. ( - )-Epicatechin is one bioactive flavanol found in cocoa. This review deals with protective actions of ( - )-epicatechin on two key processes in atherogenesis, oxidation of LDL and damage to endothelial cell by oxidized LDL (oxLDL), with emphasis on data from this laboratory. ( - )-Epicatechin not only abrogates or attenuates LDL oxidation but also counteracts deleterious actions of oxLDL on vascular endothelial cells. These protective actions are only partially shared by other vasoprotective agents such as vitamins C and E or aspirin. Thus, ( - )-epicatechin appears to be a pleiotropic protectant for both LDL and endothelial cells.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to determine, as a function of [Cu(2+)]/[LDL] ratios (0.5 and 0.05) and of oxidation phases, the extent of LDL oxidation by assessing the lipid and apo B oxidation products. The main results showed that: (i) kinetics of conjugated diene formation presented four phases for Cu(2+)/LDL ratio of 0.5 and two phases for [Cu(2+)]/[LDL] ratio of 0.05; (ii) oxidation product formation (cholesteryl ester and phosphatidylcholine hydroperoxides, apo B carbonyl groups) occurred early in the presence of endogenous antioxidants, under both copper oxidation conditions; (iii) apo B carbonylated fragments appeared when antioxidants were totally consumed at [Cu(2+)]/[LDL] ratio of 0.5; and (iv) antioxidant concentrations were stable, oxysterol formation was negligible, and no carbonylated fragment was detected at [Cu(2+)]/[LDL] ratio of 0.05. Depending on the copper/LDL ratio, oxidized LDL differ greatly in the nature of lipid peroxidation product and the degree of apo B fragmentation.  相似文献   

Interactions between uric acid and physiologically relevant fluxes of nitric oxide ((?)NO) during copper-mediated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation were evaluated. In the absence of (?)NO, a dual pro- and antioxidant action of uric acid was evident: low concentrations of uric acid enhanced lipid oxidation and alpha-tocopherol consumption, while its protective role was observed at higher concentrations. The prooxidant effects of uric acid were mostly related to its copper-reducing ability to form Cu(+), an initiator of lipid oxidation processes. While the prooxidant action of uric acid was completely inhibited by (?)NO, the antioxidant action of (?)NO was slightly counterbalanced by uric acid. Enhancement of alpha-tocopherol consumption by uric acid was inhibited in the presence of (?)NO while additive antioxidant effects between (?)NO and uric acid were observed in conditions where uric acid spared alpha-tocopherol. Altogether, these results suggest that in the artery wall, the (?)NO/uric acid pair may exert antioxidant actions on LDL, even if increased amounts of redox active copper were available at conditions favoring prooxidant activities of uric acid.  相似文献   

Levuglandin (LG) E2, a secoprostanoic acid levulinaldehyde derivative, is a product of free radical oxidation that forms covalent adducts with lysyl residues on proteins. Treatment of LDL with LGE2 leads to uptake and degradation by mouse peritoneal macrophages. Oxidized LDL, but not acetyl LDL efficiently competed for binding and uptake of LGE2-modified 125I-LDL. This result suggests that LGE2-modified LDL was recognized by a class of scavenger receptor that demonstrated ligand specificity for oxidized LDL but not for acetyl LDL.  相似文献   

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