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Abstract: Twenty‐nine species of bryozoans from the Upper Ordovician–Lower Silurian Pin Formation (Spiti, India) have been identified. Eight of these are new: Trematopora minima, Ulrichostylus bhargavai, Ptilodictya exiliformis, Phaenopora ordinarius, Oanduellina himalayaica, Pesnastylus? vesiculosum, Ralfina? originalis and Pinocladia triangulata. The fossil record and facies analyses of the area investigated indicate shallow‐water conditions within the subtropical–tropical realm. The distribution pattern of fossils among the Ordovician/Silurian succession on the Northern Gondwana shelf and the influence of the Late Ordovician cooling phases on marine organisms are distinctive owing to a dramatic reduction in diversity globally. As far as the bryozoan taxa of Spiti are concerned, only one (Helopora fragilis) of the 29 species was recorded above the Ordovician/Silurian boundary. Observed bryozoan communities are very similar to faunas of Laurentia, the Baltic, Siberia and southern China of early–late Ordovician age.  相似文献   

Summary The Upper Cretaceous exposures in east central Sinai are represented by carbonate-dominated successions interbedding few sandstone, chert, shale and marl horizons. The recognised rock units are correlated with their counterparts commonly used in the Gulf of Suez region and central Sinai including from base to top: the Raha Formation, Abu Qada Formation, Wata Formation, Matulla Formation and the Sudr Chalk. Twelve limestone microfacies are encountered and are categorised as mudstones (pelmicrite and ostracod micrite), wackestones (pelagic biomicrite and foraminiferal biomicrite), grainstones (foraminiferal biopelsparite and oosparite), boundstones (bindstone and framestone), floatstones (coated-grained biomicrudite, rudist biomicrudite and shelly biomicrudite) and rudstones (shelly biosparudite). The dolostone microfacies include fine-medium crystalline ostracod dolostones and shelly dolostones. These microfacies have been compared with the Standard Microfacies Types and their depositional environments are discussed. The encountered litho- and biofacies suggest that the Cenomanian shallow transgressive sea had covered east central Sinai as far south as the Dahab region. By the advent of the Turonian, open marine subtidal conditions prevailed. This was followed by transitional conditions with shoals and tidal bars in the Late Turonian pointing to a regressive phase more pronounced at the southern localities. The rocks of the Matulla Formation were deposited in an oscillating environment of shallow subtidal to intertidal conditions during Coniacian-Santonian. In the Late Santonian and during most of the Campanian-Maastrichtian, sedimentation was influenced by open marine conditions with low sedimentation rates; local shallow subtidal regressive events occurred.  相似文献   

The Upper Ordovician (late Whiterockian to Mohawkian) Lourdes Formation represents a narrow (tens of kilometers), short-lived [∼5–7 million years (my)], open-ocean (high-energy) mixed siliciclastic-carbonate ramp that onlapped allochthonous strata along the orogen side of the local Taconic foreland basin. Platform development followed a 6–8 my hiatus during which weathering had concentrated chemically mature siliciclastics that were admixed with initial carbonate sediments. A cross-platform facies gradient contains paleokarst and peritidal carbonates and sandstones, shallow-ramp carbonate bioherms and skeletal shoals, and deeper ramp calcareous shales. Transgressive systems tracts are marked by ramp-wide sheets and shoals of skeletal grainstone and low accumulation rates, and highstand systems tracts are marked by significant admixture and interbedding of siliciclastics with cross-ramp carbonate facies. Platform demise coincides with increased siliciclastic input, which is likely tectonically influenced. The Lourdes platform is equivalent to epicontinental foreland ramps along eastern Laurentia, but its narrower width precluded formation of oceanographically restricted platform-interior facies.  相似文献   

In southern Ontario, ooids are associated with two distinct facies associations in the Queenston Formation, the final stage of Late Ordovician (Ashgill) Taconic basin fill. One facies consists of thin ooid and bioclastic grainstones interbedded with mudrock, and lies near the base of the formation, and, in southwestern Ontario, also forms a local NW-thickening wedge near the middle of the formation. Ooids have radial-fibrous and radial-concentric fabrics (Type A), with chamosite, illite, and Fe-oxide laths at intercrystalline sites. Vertical lithologic and ooid abundance patterns indicate that thresholds to carbonate production were sensitive to changes in terrigenous sediment supply, sea level, circulation, accommodation space, and tectonism.

Ooids in the second facies association are admixed with abraded fragments of open-marine biota, or occur burrow fills, within a <30-cm-thick interval of mudrock near the top of the preserved Queenston succession, a few metres below the Ordovician–Silurian unconformity. Ooids have radial concentric and crosscutting patchy microcrystalline fabrics (Type B). This unit may represent a transgressive or stillstand deposit modified by bioturbation.

The extent of preserved fabric suggests that both ooid types were originally magnesian calcite, but Type A ooids underwent greater burial alteration. This is shown by crystalline mosaics that cross-cut relict primary fabrics; δ13C values (−1.82‰ to +0.67‰) and δ18O values (−4.46‰ to −10.57‰) more negative than marine calcite of similar age; Mn and Fe concentrations more elevated above expected marine values; and a luminescence similar to that of intergranular cements. Burial meteoric diagenesis was likely promoted by excellent permeability of the host sand. We interpret authigenic chamosite and Fe-oxide to reflect diagenesis of iron-bearing and clay detritus trapped during ooid growth. Type B ooids suffered less alteration: δ13C (+1.1‰ to +6.64‰) and δ18O (−3.04‰ to −4.81‰) values overlap the expected marine range, including 13C enrichment that occurs within the Hirnantian (latest Ordovician) excursion. Although Mn and Fe values are still higher than those of modern calcitic ooids, negligible luminescence suggests that recrystallization occurred in the presence of marine-derived pore fluids. Further burial alteration was inhibited due to low permeability of the host mud.

Type A ooid facies in the Queenston Formation forms an ancient analogue for lesser known Quaternary ooid shoals peripheral to tropical deltaic systems. The facies of Type B ooids, while more enigmatic, may preserve a geochemical herald of latest Ordovician climate change. The presence of minor chamosite in Type A ooids defines a possible distal facies of the well-known oolitic ironstones of similar age in the mid-continental USA.  相似文献   

Detailed facies analysis and event stratigraphy of an Upper Ordovician (Rocklandian–Edenian) cratonic ramp succession in eastern North America yields insights into eustatically driven sequence architecture and localized tectonic instability. Seven, predominantly subtidal, mixed carbonate-siliciclastic depositional sequences (3rd order) are identified and correlated across the length of a 275-km ramp–to–basin profile. Within the larger depositional sequences (3rd order) at least two smaller orders (4th and 5th) of cyclicity are recognizable. Three systems tracts occur within each sequence (transgressive, TST; highstand, HST; regressive, RST) and are considered in terms of their component parasequences (5th order). Generally, TSTs are composed of skeletal grainstone–rudstone facies, HSTs are dominated by shaly nodular wacke-packstone facies, and RSTs are mostly calcarenite facies. Systems tracts, sequence boundaries and their correlative conformities, maximum flooding surfaces, and forced regression surfaces were traced from shallow shelf to basinal settings. This high-resolution framework also provides insight into the timing of tectonic fluctuations on this cratonic ramp during the Taconic Orogeny and documents the relative influence of tectonism on lateral facies distributions and eustatically derived cyclicity.  相似文献   

Archaeopteris notosaria sp. nov. based on one fertile and numerous sterile leafy branches is described from the Grahamstown By-Pass locality, Witpoort Formation (Witteberg Group) Upper Devonian, and represents the first unequivocal record of the genus in southern Africa. This occurrence is used, in its palaeogeographical context, to support the suggestion that climatic gradients in Late Devonian times were less steep than they are at present.  相似文献   

A Darriwilian (late Middle Ordovician) brachiopod fauna from the Lower Formation of the Chiatsun Group at Jiacun, northern Nyalam, southern Tibet, consists of ten brachiopod species, forming a distinct AporthophylaParalenorthis Association. Its taxonomic composition is typical of the Aporthophyla Fauna that occupied lower BA2 to upper BA3 benthic environments on sandy lime mud substrates. The occurrence of Paralenorthis in southern Tibet is confirmed for the first time, represented by Pcostata sp. nov. Numerical analyses (PCA and CA) of 18 Darriwilian brachiopod faunas from ten palaeoplates or terranes indicate that: (1) the Aporthophyla Fauna was confined to a specific latitudinal belt although it had a wide lateral distribution from the large palaeocontinents of Gondwana to Laurentia; (2) the Saucrorthis Fauna, a typical late Middle Ordovician regional fauna, is limited to a much smaller area, marginal to the Gondwana supercontinent; (3) the strong provincialism persistent in the late Middle Ordovician contributed to increased gamma biodiversity during the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event.  相似文献   

Summary The Middle Ordovician Duwibong Formation (about 100 m thick), Korea, comprises various lithotypes deposited across a carbonate ramp. Their stacking patterns constitute several kinds of meter-scale, shallowing-upward carbonate cycles. Lithofacies associations are grouped into four depositional facies: deep- to mid-ramp, shoal-complex, lagoonal, and tidal-flat facies. These facies are composed of distinctive depositional cycles: deep subtidal, shallow subtidal, restricted marine, and peritidal cycles, respectively. The subtidal cycles are capped by subtidal lithofacies and indicate incomplete shallowing to the peritidal zone. The restricted marine and peritidal cycles are capped by tidal flat lithofacies and show evidence of subaerial exposure. These cycles were formed by higher frequency sea-level fluctuations with durations of 120 ky (fifth order), which were superimposed on the longer term sea-level events, and by sediment redistribution by storm-induced currents and waves. The stratigraphic succession of the Duwibong Formation represents a general regressive trend. The vertical facies change records the transition from a deep- to mid-ramp to shoal, to lagoon, into a peritidal zone. The depositional system of the Duwibong Formation was influenced by frequent storms, especially on the deep ramp to mid-ramp seaward of ooid shoals. The storm deposits comprise about 20% of the Duwibong sequence.  相似文献   

A palynological investigation of Cambro-Ordovician stratal sequences in the High Zagros Mountains of southern Iran permits the definition of a series of successive acritarch assemblage zones of chronostratigraphic significance, much improving the current knowledge of the Lower Palaeozoic stratigraphy of this important area for oil exploration. The five acritarch assemblage zones can be readily correlated with previously established palynostratigraphic schemes constrained by co-occurrence of independent age evidence, confirming the utility of organic-walled microfossils for the detailed biostratigraphic characterization of sedimentary units. The proposed biozonation will facilitate accurate dating of the southern Iranian Cambrian sequences during future drilling of deep test oil wells. Acritarch assemblage zone I (Middle Cambrian), occurs at the base of Member C of the Mila Formation; assemblages zone II (late Middle to earliest Late Cambrian) extends through the middle and upper part of the same lithostratigraphic unit; zone III (early Late Cambrian in age) characterizes the lower part of the Ilebeyk Formation; zone IV (middle Late Cambrian up to Cambrian/Ordovician transitional levels) occurs in the middle and upper part of the Ilebeyk Formation; finally, acritarch assemblage zone V ranges through the basal part of the Zardkuh Formation and proves an early Tremadocian age for the latter unit. The Mid-Late Cambrian acritarch associations show a marked Avalonian palaeobiogeographical affinity, also sharing a high proportion of taxa with typical Baltican and North Africa–Gondwanan assemblages; on the other hand, they are clearly different from known Laurentian (North America) fossil microphytoplankton suites. These results are in general agreement with current palaeogeographical models which place Avalonia, Baltica, and the North African part of Gondwana, all at relatively high southern palaeolatitudes, in contrast with the sub-equatorial position of Laurentia. However, the presence of many typical “Avalonian” taxa in the Iranian Mid-Late Cambrian assemblages would suggest a closer position of Iran to Avalonia than currently envisaged. The observed breakdown of acritarch biogeographic differentiation in earliest Ordovician times possibly represents a major disruption of oceanic current patterns and a lessened palaeolatitudinal thermal gradient.  相似文献   

In the Alnif region of the Eastern Atlas (Morocco), seven fossiliferous horizons within the Lower-Ktaoua and Upper-Tiouririne formations (Ktaoua Group), as well as in the glaciomarine microconglomeratic shales of the Upper Formation of the Second-Bani Group have yielded biostratigraphically significant brachiopods and other taxa, such as trilobites and echinoderms. Several brachiopod species with short stratigraphic ranges, well-known in south-western Europe, allow a precise chronostratigraphic control of a succession that displays important lateral lithological and facies changes, when compared with the type sections in the Central Anti-Atlas. They have also permitted a better consensus between the macrofauna-determined age and that based on micropaleontological analyses. For the first time, the occurrence of a Hirnantia Fauna within the microconglomeratic shales of the Upper Formation of the Second Bani Group is reported. The biostratigraphic conclusions restrict the age of the Latest Ordovician glaciation to the early Hirnantian.  相似文献   

The Upper Ordovician (uppermost Caradoc-Ashgill) section of western Estonia consists of a series of seven open-shelf carbonate sequences. Depositional facies grade laterally through a series of shelf-to-basin facies belts: grain-supported facies (shallow shelf), mixed facies (middle shelf), mud-supported facies (deep shelf and slope) and black shale facies (basin). Locally, a stromatactis mud mound occurs in a middle-to-deep shelf position. Shallow-to-deep shelf facies occur widely across the Estonian Shelf and grade laterally through a transitional (slope) belt into the basinal deposits of the Livonian Basin.

Each sequence consists of a shallowing-upward, prograding facies succession. Sequences 1 (Upper Nabala Stage) and 2 (Vormsi Stage) record step-wise drowning of underlying shelf units (lower Nabala) that culminated in the deposition of the most basinal facies (Fjäcka Shale) in the Livonian Basin. Sequences 3–6 comprise the overlying Pirgu Stage and record the gradual expansion of shallow and middle-shelf facies across the Estonian Shelf. The Porkuni Stage (sequence 7) is bracketed by erosional surfaces and contains the shallowest-water facies of the preserved strata. The uppermost part of the section (Normalograptus persculptus biozone) is restricted to the Livonian Basin, and includes redeposited carbonate and siliciclastic grains; it is the lowstand systems tract of the lowest Silurian sequence 8. Sequence 7 and the overlying basinal redeposited material (i.e., the lowstand of sequence 8) correspond to the latest Ordovician (Hirnantian) glacial interval, and the bracketing unconformities are interpreted as the widely recognized early and late Hirnantian glacial maximums.

The sequences appear correlative to Upper Ordovician sequences in Laurentia. Graptolite biozones indicated that the Estonian sequences are equivalent to carbonate ramp sequences in the western United States (Great Basin) and mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sequences in the eastern United States (Appalachian Basin–Cincinnati Arch region). These correlations indicate a strong eustatic control over sequence development despite the contrasting tectonic settings of these basins.  相似文献   

Due to a long-term transgression since the Early Cambrian, an extensive shallow-water carbonate platform was developed in the entire Tarim Basin (NW China). During the deposition of the Yingshan Formation (Early-Middle Ordovician), a carbonate ramp system was formed in the intrashelf basin in the Bachu-Keping area of the western basin. Four well-exposed outcrop sections were selected to investigate their depositional facies, cycles, and sequences, as well as the depositional evolution. Detailed facies analyses permit the recognition of three depositional facies associations, including peritidal, semi-restricted subtidal, and open-marine subtidal facies, and eleven types of lithofacies. These are vertically arranged into meter-scale, shallowing-upward peritidal, semi-restricted subtidal, and open-marine subtidal cycles, in the span of Milankovitch frequency bands, suggesting a dominant control of Earth’s orbital forcing on the cyclic sedimentation on the platform. On the basis of vertical facies (or lithofacies) and cycle stacking patterns, as well as accommodation changes illustrated graphically by Fischer plots at all studied sections, six third-order depositional sequences are recognized and consist of lower transgressive and upper regressive parts. In shallow depositional settings, the transgressive packages are dominated by thicker-than-average, shallow subtidal cycles, whereas the regressive parts are mainly represented by thinner-than-average, relatively shallow subtidal to peritidal cycles. In relatively deep environments, however, the transgressive and regressive successions display the opposite trends of cycle stacking patterns, i.e., thinner-than-average subtidal cycles of transgressive packages. Sequence boundaries are mainly characterized by laterally traceable, transitional zones without apparent subaerial exposure features. Good correlation of the long-term changes in accommodation space inferred from vertical facies and cycle stacking patterns with sea-level fluctuations elsewhere around the world suggests an overriding eustatic control on cycle origination, platform building-up and evolution during the Early-Middle Ordovician, although with localized influences of syndepositional faulting and depositional settings.  相似文献   

Summary Late Arenigian biohermal reef mounds and biostromes within the shallow-marine platform facies of the upper San Juan Formation of the Precordillera (Western Argentina) represent a new Early Ordovician reef type. The meter-sized reefs are dominated byZondarella communis n.g. n. sp. The new taxon is characterized by domical, bulbous and laminar morphotypes exhibiting growth layers and thin horizontal and vertical as well as intermingled skeletal elements included within different sets. The fossil maybe compared with stromatolites and stromatoporoids but an interpretation as primitive stromatoporoids is favoured.  相似文献   

Revision of the lithostratigraphy of Ordovician deposits in southern and southeastern Turkey led to a re-evaluation of the age assignments of formations identified in the subsurface and at outcrop. Previous datings were based on macrofauna (mainly trilobites and graptolites). The present paper focuses exclusively on organic-walled microfossils (chitinozoans and acritarchs), which provide numerous chronostratigraphical improvements, especially in successions barren or poor in macrofossils. Close to 200 samples were collected in the Taurus chain (i.e. from Kemer, Seydisehir, Ovacik, Kozan, to Sariz regions in southern Turkey) and in the Border Folds (Mardin and Hakkari regions), usually regarded as part of the Arabian Plate in palaeogeographical reconstructions. Many samples are productive and yield chitinozoans and/or acritarchs of extremely variable preservation, depending on their geographical and geological location. In the Taurus chain, the material is “coalified” and frequently fragmented whereas, in the Border Folds, maturation of the organic matter is much lower and preservation of the microfossils is good to excellent. Several Ordovician chitinozoan biozones (northern Gondwana zonation) as well as diagnostic acritarch assemblages are identified in southern and southeastern Turkey. These Ordovician formations are assigned here to the new global stages of the Ordovician chronostratigraphical scale. The Seydisehir (upper part), Sobova, and Kilgen Lake (lower part) formations are referred to the Darriwilian. The Kilgen Lake (upper part), Sort Tepe, and Bedinan formations are attributed to the Sandbian and to the Katian, and the Halevikdere Formation (glacio-marine part) is assigned to the Hirnantian. Reworking of Early Ordovician acritarchs is documented in pre-glacial and in glacial Late Ordovician deposits. They indicate that active erosive processes occurred during the Middle and Late Ordovician sedimentation. The organic-walled microfossils recorded in the Ordovician of south and southeastern Turkey belong to the northern Gondwana realm. Interestingly however, some Baltoscandian influences are noted in the Border Folds during Early Late Ordovician.  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous Fahliyan Formation, part of the Khami Group, unconformably overlies the Hith Formation and is conformably overlain by the Gadvan Formation in the study area in southern Iran. The Fahliyan Formation is a reservoir rock in Zagros Basin. This formation was investigated by a detailed petrographic analysis in order to clarify the depositional facies and sedimentary environment in the Kuh-e Siah Anticline in Boushehr Province. Petrographic studies led to the recognition of 25 microfacies that were deposited in four facies belts: tidal flat, lagoon, and shoal in inner ramp and shallow open-marine in mid-ramp environment. An absence of turbidite deposits, reefal facies, and gradual facies changes indicate that the Fahliyan Formation was deposited on a carbonate ramp. Calcareous algae and benthic foraminifera are abundant in the shallow marine carbonates of the Fahliyan Formation. These skeletal grains have been studied in order to increase the understanding of their distributions in time and space. A total of ten genera belonging to different groups of calcareous algae and 16 genera of benthic foraminifera are recognized from the Fahliyan Formation at Kuh-e Siah section.  相似文献   

Epitomyonia is characterized by various types of dorsal ridges, which may be transverse, longitudinal, or highly convoluted and probably served as skeletal supports for lophophores of various complexity. Multivariate analyses suggest that the Epitomyonia-bearing brachiopod associations lived in relatively shallow-water environment in the Late Ordovician, and inhabited mainly deep-water environments in the early Wenlock. The temporal and spatial change in the faunal distribution may be explained by three alternative scenarios: (1) Epitomyonia followed the broad evolutionary trend of the Palaeozoic Evolutionary Fauna to shift from shallow- to deeper-water settings over time; (2) the dicoelosiid communities could not compete with the large-shelled pentameride communities in continental shelf settings during the Early Silurian; or (3) only the shallow-water Epitomyonia died out in the Late Ordovician mass extinction event, whereas some poorly known deep-water Late Ordovician forms survived into the Early Silurian. Epitomyonia paucitropida n. sp. from the lower Whittaker Formation (late Katian) of the Mackenzie Mountains, northwestern Canada, is reported as the first known Ordovician species of Epitomyonia from the palaeocontinent of Laurentia, characterized by a small shell with weak, transverse dorsal ridges that are most primitive for the genus.  相似文献   

Li Yue  Steve Kershaw 《Facies》2003,48(1):269-284
Summary Early Silurian reef reconstruction on the Yangtze Platform, in the northern part of the South China Block, is preceded by a combination of regional and global processes. During most of Ashgill time (Late Ordovician), the area was dominated by Wufeng Formation deep water graptolitic black shales. Reefs largely disappeard in the middle of the Ashgill Stage, from the northwestern margin of Cathaysian Land (southeastern South China Block), in advance of the Late Ordovician glaciation and mass extinction, due to regional sea-level changes and regional uplift, unrelated to the mass extinction itselt. Late Ordovician microbial mudmound occurrence is also found in the western margin of the Yangtze Platform, its age corresponding to theDicellograptus complexus graptolite biozone of pre-extinction time. On the Yangtze Platform, a thin, non-reef-bearing carbonate, the Kuanyinchiao Formation (=Nancheng Formation in some sites), thickness generally no more than 1m, occurs near several landmasses as a result of Hirnantian regression. Reappearance of the earliest Silurian carbonates consisting of rare skeletal lenses in the upper part of Lungmachi Formation, are correlated to theacensus graptolite biozone, early Rhuddanian of Shiqian, northeastern Guizhou, near Qianzhong Land. Carbonate sediments gradually developed into beds rich in brachiopods and crinoids in the lower part of Xiangshuyuan Formation, middle Rhuddanian. In the middle part of Xiangshuyan Formation, biostromes, containing abundant and high diversity benthic faunas such as corals, crinoids and brachiopods, show beginnings of reconstruction of reef facies. Substantial reef recovery occurred in the upper part of Xiangshuyuan Formation, lower Aeronian, as small patch reefs and biostromes. During the late Aeronian, carbonate sediments, especially reefs and reef-related facies, expanded on the upper Yangtze Platform, and radiation of reefs occurred in Ningqiang Formation, upper Telychian. The long period of reef recovery, taking several million years, remains difficult to explain, because redistribution of any refugia faunas would be expected to take place soon after the extinction. Reefs and reef-related facies subsequently declined after Telychian time due to regional uplift of the major portion of the Yangtze Platform. Carbonate facies are therefore uncommon in South China during the rest of Silurian time.  相似文献   

Markus Wilmsen  Emad Nagm 《Facies》2012,58(2):229-247
The Cenomanian–Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) Galala and Maghra el Hadida formations of the Southern Galala Plateau in Wadi Araba (northern Eastern Desert, Egypt) represent marine depositional systems developing in response to the early Late Cretaceous transgression at the southern margin of the Neotethyan Ocean in tropical paleolatitudes. A facies analysis (litho-, bio- and microfacies) of these successions shows the presence of 22 facies types (FTs, six are related to the Galala Formation, while the Maghra el Hadida Formation is represented by 16 FTs). The Galala Formation was deposited in a fully marine lagoonal environment developing in response to a latest Middle to early Late Cenomanian transgression. The rich suspension- and deposit-feeding macrobenthos of the Galala Formation indicate meso- to eutrophic (i.e., green water) conditions. The facies types of the uppermost Cenomanian–Turonian Maghra el Hadida Formation suggest deposition on a homoclinal carbonate ramp with sub-environments ranging from deep-subtidal basin to intertidal back-ramp. Major and rapid shifts in depositional environments, related to (relative) sea-level changes, occurred in the mid-Late Cenomanian, the Early–Middle Turonian boundary interval, the middle part of the Middle Turonian and the Middle–Late Turonian boundary interval.  相似文献   

Worldwide Late Cambrian—Silurian lithofacies patterns indicate that the platforms of that time were sites of accumulation of two essentially different rocks suites: the platform carbonate rocks and the platform terrigenous rocks. Most of the platform rocks accumulated as sediments in shallow marine environments similar to those of the present but far more widely spread.Present-day marine benthic faunas are distributed in depth zones which are primarily controlled by temperature. Faunas tend to occur in substrate-related discrete clusters (communities) within each life zone; similar substrates in different depth zones commonly have different faunal associations. Individual phyletic stocks may encounter environmental optimum or near-optimum conditions in certain areas, that commonly are revealed by an abundance of species and individuals within species in each stock. Environmental optimum conditions depend upon availability of food that may be utilized, modes of feeding of the animals present, water motion, and substrate, among other factors. Organisms in past seas were distributed in patterns similar to those of the present.Carbonate platforms were particularly widespread during the latest Cambrian—Early Ordovician. Intertidal environments spread widely across those platforms during that time and characteristic faunal associations developed in them. Saukiid and related tribolites dominated latest Cambrian carbonate platform intertidal faunas. The Early Ordovician carbonate platform intertidal was dominated by archeogastropod-nautiloid cephalopod faunas. These animals were joined by tabulate corals and certain brachiopods during the latter part of the Ordovician and Silurian as prominent faunal elements in the carbonate platform intertidal—shallow subtidal. Cruziana and related trace fossils, bivalves, and certain tribolites (notably homalonotids and dalmanitids) dominated most terrigenous platform intertidal—shallow subtidal faunas of the Ordovician and Silurian.Articulate brachiopods (primarily orthoids, strophomenoids, and rhynchonelloids) appear to have been relatively prominent during the Early Ordovician in shallow subtidal environments on both carbonate and terrigenous platforms and to have spread down the bathymetric gradient into increasingly deeper subtidal areas of both platforms during the latter part of the Ordovician. Tribolites dominated faunas in relatively moderate to deep subtidal environments on both platforms during the early part of the Ordovician. They were gradually replaced by brachiopods in first the shallower, and later the deeper subtidal as dominant members of the faunas. Brachiopods (primarily pentameroids and spiriferoids) dominated nearly all Silurian warm-water subtidal environments from the shallow subtidal to the edges of the platforms.Platform uplifts in the Middle Ordovician and glacio-eustatic sea-level fluctuations in the Late Ordovician caused environmental changes across the platforms that were accompanied by marked replacements among marine benthic faunas in all environments. The distribution of Ordovician carbonate platforms and glacial deposits suggests that an Ordovician polar region may have been close to present-day equatorial Africa and that Ordovician warm temperate-tropical regions lay close to the present-day North Pole.  相似文献   

The facies development and onlap pattern of the lower Danubian Cretaceous Group (Bavaria, southern Germany) have been evaluated based on detailed logging, subdivision, and correlation of four key sections using an integrated stratigraphic approach as well as litho-, bio-, and microfacies analyses. Contrary to statements in the literature, the transgressive onlap of the Regensburg Formation started in the Regensburg–Kelheim area already in the early Early Cenomanian Mantelliceras mantelli ammonite Zone and not in the Late Cenomanian. In the Early Cenomanian, nearshore glauconitic-bioclastic sandstones prevailed (Saal Member), followed by Middle to lower Upper Cenomanian mid-shelf siliceous carbonates intercalated with fine-sandy to silty marls (Bad Abbach Member). Starting in the mid-Late Cenomanian (Metoicoceras geslinianum ammonite Zone), a considerable deepening pulse during the Cenomanian–Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) initiated the deposition of the deeper shelf silty marls of the Eibrunn Formation, which range into the early Early Turonian. During the CTBE transgression, also the proximal Bodenwöhrer Senke (ca. 40 km NE of Regensburg) was flooded, indicated by the onlap of the Regensburg Formation onto Variscan granites of the Bohemian Massif, overlain by a thin tongue of lowermost Turonian Eibrunn Formation. A detailed record of the positive δ13C excursion of the global Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 2 has been retrieved from this shallow-water setting. An integrated approach of bio-, event-, carbon stable isotope and sequence stratigraphy was applied to correlate the sections and to decipher the dynamics of this overall transgressive depositional system. The Cenomanian successions show five prominent unconformities, which correlate with those being known from basins in Europe and elsewhere, indicating their eustatic origin. The rate of sea-level rise during the CTBE suggests glacio-eustasy as a driving mechanism for Late Cenomanian sea-level changes. The Regensburg and Eibrunn formations of the lower Danubian Cretaceous Group are highly diachronous lithostratigraphic units. Their regional distribution and northeast-directed onlap pattern onto the southwestern margin of the Bohemian Massif can readily be explained by the lateral movements of roughly coast-parallel (i.e., NW/SE-trending) facies belts of a graded shelf system transgressing on a northeastward-rising substrate. It took the Cenomanian coastline ca. 6 Ma to transgress from southwest of Regensburg to the topographically elevated granite cliffs southeast of Roding in the Bodenwöhrer Senke (=60 km distance).  相似文献   

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