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Urinary gamma glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT) and leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), renal tubular brush border enzymes, have been shown to be sensitive indicators of renal tubular functions. This study documents circadian rhythms in the urinary activity of GGT and LAP, statistically validated and quantified by the cosinor method, in 15 male Wistar rats standardized to a LD 12:12 illumination schedule (light from 0800 hr to 2000 hr) and fed ad libitum. The acrophase of the circadian rhythms in urinary GGT and LAP activity occurred at the end of the rest span of the animals: between 1730 and 1915 for GGT (depending on the mode of expression of the activity) and between 1700 and 1910 for LAP. Of striking resemblance in their timing, both these rhythms were also of large amplitude (about 50% of the mesor for urinary GGT activity and about 45% for LAP one). The circadian acrophases of urinary GGT and LAP activity led in timing the circadian rhythms in urine volume and creatinine excretion by about 13hr. Such findings consistent with the circadian variations found by other investigators in GGT in kidney homogenates or in LAP in human urine thus reflect a periodicity in renal tubular function. The reasons for these circadian variations, still unknown at this time, are discussed. The influence recently demonstrated of the hormonal context on protein and enzyme synthesis at the tubule, and its phase relations to urinary enzyme excretion emphasize how much the circadian rhythm in urinary GGT and LAP activity is well included in the murine time structure. Therefore it should be of interest to consider the circadian rhythm in urinary GGT and LAP release as a marker rhythm of predictive value as to the side effects of nephrotoxic drugs.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in the crayfish Procambarus clarkii during ontogeny under constant darkness and light-dark (LD 12:12) conditions were studied in 132 juvenile crayfish, aged 10-140 days, divided in four groups. All animals were individually monitored with a motor activity recording system. Activity was quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed. All ages showed a circadian rhythm, although the probability of its appearance increased with age. Period values oscillated between 25.0 h in group I (2-4-week-old animals) and 24.3 h in group IV (16-20-week-old animals with more than 6 molts), but always with a high standard deviation. Groups II (5-10-week-old animals) and IV showed a statistically significant bimodal nonrandom synchrony of phases. The activity/ rest relationship diminishes as development progresses and is most uniform in group IV. We discuss the possibility that the pacemaker system responsible for this rhythm might be present from the moment of eclosion, but the coupling strength of this system with the effectors might change along development. The results presented in this work seem to indicate that the central pacemakers responsible for the activity and the ERG rhythm are not the same.  相似文献   

Schedules of limited daily access to food result in 'anticipatory' activity preceding each daily feeding. It is well-established that such food-anticipatory activity depends on a food-entrainable circadian timing mechanism. In the present study, we sought to extend the generality of these results by maintaining rats in running wheels under schedules which provided access to salt solutions or to salty food for 2 hr each day. The animals were subjected to dietary, pharmacological and surgical treatments that promote salt appetite. However, we found no evidence for daily salt-anticipatory wheel running activity in any condition.  相似文献   

N-Acetyltransferase (NAT) is an enzyme whose rhythmic activity in the pineal gland and retina is responsible for circadian rhythms in melatonin. The NAT activity rhythm has circadian properties such as persistence in constant conditions and precise control by light and dark. Experiments are reported in which chicks (Gallus domesticus), raised for 3 weeks in 12 h of light alternating with 12 h of dark (LD12:12), were exposed to 1-3 days of light-dark treatments during which NAT activity was measured in their pineal glands. (a) In LD12:12, NAT activity rose from less than 4.5 nmol/pineal gland/h during the light-time to 25-50 nmol/pineal gland/h in the dark-time. Constant light (LL) attenuated the amplitude of the NAT activity rhythm to 26-45% of the NAT activity cycle in LD12:12 during the first 24 h. (b) The timing of the increase in NAT activity was reset by the first full LD12:12 cycle following a 12-h phase shift of the LD12:12 cycle (a procedure that reversed the times of light and dark by imposition of either 24 h of light or dark). This result satisfies one of the criteria for NAT to be considered part of a circadian driving oscillator. (c) In less than 24-h cycles [2 h of light in alternation with 2 h of dark (LD2:2), 4 h of light in alternation with 4 h of dark (LD4:4), and 6 h of light in alternation with 6 h of dark (LD6:6)], NAT activity rose in the dark during the chicks' previously scheduled dark-time but not the previously scheduled light-time of LD12:12. In a cycle where 8 h of light alternated with 8 h of dark (LD8:8), NAT activity rose in both 8-h dark periods, even though the second one fell in the light-time of the prior LD12:12 schedule.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Schedules of limited daily access to food result in 'anticipatory' activity preceding each daily feeding. It is well-established that such food-anticipatory activity depends on a food-entrainable circadian timing mechanism. In the present study, we sought to extend the generality of these results by maintaining rats in running wheels under schedules which provided access to salt solutions or to salty food for 2 hr each day. The animals were subjected to dietary, pharmacological and surgical treatments that promote salt appetite. However, we found no evidence for daily salt-anticipatory wheel running activity in any condition.  相似文献   

Rogers W. P. and Brooks F. 1978. Leucine aminopeptidase in exsheathing fluid of north American and Australian Haemonchus contortus. International Journal for Parasitology8: 55–58. Juveniles of Haemonchus contortus from north America and Australia produced exsheathing fluid containing leucine aminopeptidase when stimulated in tetraborate-carbon dioxide medium. Exsheathment in this medium was inhibited by 1, 10-phenanthroline, 10?3M, and this inhibition was largely reversed by Zn2+, 10?3M. This supports the view that the enzyme is produced by the juveniles and that it is concerned in exsheathment.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(4-5):613-630
The toxicity of irinotecan (CPT-11), a topoisomerase-I inhibitor largely used in cancer patients, was investigated as a function of the circadian time of its administration in mice, with mortality, body weight loss, leukopenia, neutropenia, intestinal lesions, and bone marrow cell cycle phase distribution as end points. Four experiments were performed on a total of 773 male mice standardized with 12 h light/12 h darkness. Irinotecan was administered daily for 4 or 10 consecutive days (D1-4 and D1-10, respectively, in different experiments) at one of six circadian stages expressed in hours after light onset (HALO). The survival curves differed significantly as a function of the dosage and circadian time of drug administration by the D1-10 schedule, with 70% survival at 7 or 11 HALO and 51% at 19 or 23 HALO ( p = 0.039 from log rank test). CPT-11 administration at 19 or 23 HALO resulted in (1) greatest mean body weight loss at nadir; (2) most severe colic and bone marrow lesions and/or slowest recovery; and (3) deepest neutropenia nadir and/or slowest hematologic recovery. These circadian treatment time-related differences were statistically validated. The bone marrow cell cycle data revealed a four to eight-fold larger G2-M phase arrest following irinotecan administration at 19 or 23 HALO in comparison to the other times of drug administration, apparently representative of the repair of more extensive DNA damage ( p < 0.001 from ANOVA) when the medication was given at these circadian times. Overall, CPT-11 was better tolerated by mice treated during the light (animals’ rest) span. The results support the administration of CPT-11 to cancer patients in the second half of the night, during sleep, in order to improve drug tolerability.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(5-6):425-432
We have previously developed simple models that enable the exogenous and endogenous components of the circadian rhythm of body temperature to be separated. The present paper extends the method to urinary data. First, we have shown that the basic superiority of the two-component model over the one-component model persists when temperature data are converted into a format that is appropriate for urine sampling (that is, a single overnight sample and two-hourly samples during waking). Second, we provide normative endogenous data for urinary sodium, potassium and urate, data obtained from about 80 constant routines. These data are required for the two-component model. Third, we have compared the rate of adjustment to a simulated eastward time-zone transition of 8hr in 8 subjects. This showed that the rate of adjustment assessed by the two-component model was significantly less than that assessed by the one-component model and much closer to that assessed in separate experiments (n=15 subjects) using constant routines. We conclude that the two-component model can be used upon urinary data to give a closer approximation to the shift of the endogenous component, as assessed by constant routines, than can estimates that do not take into account the problem of masking caused by exogenous factors.  相似文献   

We have previously developed simple models that enable the exogenous and endogenous components of the circadian rhythm of body temperature to be separated. The present paper extends the method to urinary data. First, we have shown that the basic superiority of the two-component model over the one-component model persists when temperature data are converted into a format that is appropriate for urine sampling (that is, a single overnight sample and two-hourly samples during waking). Second, we provide normative endogenous data for urinary sodium, potassium and urate, data obtained from about 80 constant routines. These data are required for the two-component model. Third, we have compared the rate of adjustment to a simulated eastward time-zone transition of 8hr in 8 subjects. This showed that the rate of adjustment assessed by the two-component model was significantly less than that assessed by the one-component model and much closer to that assessed in separate experiments (n=15 subjects) using constant routines. We conclude that the two-component model can be used upon urinary data to give a closer approximation to the shift of the endogenous component, as assessed by constant routines, than can estimates that do not take into account the problem of masking caused by exogenous factors.  相似文献   

Circadian changes in renal hemodynamics and urinary glycosaminogly-can (GAG) excretion were studied in normal Sprague-Dawley rats to further investigate rhythms in kidney function. Urinary water, protein, and GAG excretion, as well as glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and renal plasma flow (RPF), were determined every 4h over the 24h cycle in an attempt to characterize any temporal changes. Urinary flow rate and proteinuria peaked during the dark activity period of the animals, consistently at the same hour, whereas the lowest values were detected during the resting phase. GAG are mucopolysaccharides entering the constitution of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM), which is the key component in the process of glomerular filtration. Similarly, the urinary excretion rate of GAG showed a circadian rhythmicity in phase with urinary water and protein excretion, with markedly increased values observed during the nocturnal phase of the animals. Moreover, GFR and RPF were demonstrated to exhibit large circadian variations in phase with renal excretory rhythmicity, showing nighttime values significantly greater compared to daytime ones. Strong correlations were found between GFR and RPF rhythms, as well as between GAG and GFR, and GAG and RPF rhythms, although the latter were not statistically significant. This pattern suggests that the circadian rhythmicity in urinary excretion rate of GAG in physiological conditions could presumably be secondary to the temporal changes in renal hemodynamics. In this respect, knowledge of renal chronobiology helpfully contributes to increase our understanding of renal physiology.  相似文献   

Rogers W.P. and Brooks F. 1978. Leucine aminopeptidase and exsheathing activity in preparations from Haemonchus contortus. International Journal for Parasitology 8: 449–452. Exsheathing activity relative to leucine aminopeptidase activity (LAP) was greater in exsheathing fluid of infective juveniles of Haemonchus contortus than extracts of homogenates of the same organism. In both preparations the biological and enzyme activities were precipitated with acetone 20 v/v and ammonium sulphate, 40% saturation. Broad peaks of exsheathing and LAP activities obtained by sucrose density-gradient centrifugation and on Sephadex G150 overlapped but the peak of biological activity was always found on the low mol. wt. side of the LAP peak. LAP in exsheathing fluid was separated into two sharp peaks in polyacrylamide gradient-pore electrophoresis. In four experiments the major peak gave a mol. wt. within the limits 345,000–354,500. A minor peak was obtained at 1,800,000. Exsheathing activity remained broadly distributed but fell mostly on the low mol. wt. side of the major LAP peak.It is concluded that LAP cannot be the sole agent involved in exsheathment a lipase may be necessary to expose the substrate attacked by LAP.  相似文献   

The early and late strains for phase angle difference (Φ) of adult locomotor activity in Drosophila rajasekari were developed by artificial selection; these strains differed in Φ, activity pattern, activity level, free-running period (τ) in constant darkness (DD) and light induced phase shifts from those of the wild type (Joshi, 1998). The present studies were designed to determine whether or not the psi-mutations for adult locomotor activity rhythm had also altered the fundamental properties of the eclosion rhythms in these strains. The circadian rhythms of eclosion have been studied in the wild type, the early and late strains. In contrast to the effects on the locomotor activity rhythms in the early and late strains, the psi-mutations have no apparent effect on the eclosion median in light-dark cycles of 12 : 12 h, on τ in DD, light induced phase shifts or subjective light sensitivity in these strains. Thus the psi-mutations for the adult locomotor activity rhythms in D. rajasekari appear to be rhythm-specific mutations altering the locomotor rhythms but not the eclosion rhythms.  相似文献   

The ocular circadian rhythm of compound action potential frequency in Bulla gouldiana is driven by rhythmic changes in the membrane potential of putative circadian pacemaker cells. Changes in the membrane potential of these neurons is required for light-induced phase shifts of the rhythm. We have tested the proposition that these changes in membrane potential reflect underlying changes in ionic conductances. We have found that: 1. Membrane conductance in the dark is highest during the subjective night when the cells are hyperpolarized, decreases as the cells depolarize spontaneously near projected dawn and is lowest during the subjective day. The changes in membrane potential and conductance follow a similar time course. 2. Long pulses of light delivered to eyes during their subjective night produce a characteristic response: There is initially a large, phasic depolarization accompanied by a burst of CAPs; this is followed by a repolarizing phase during which CAP activity is reduced to zero; and finally a tonic depolarization develops that is accompanied by a resumption of CAP activity at a steady rate. 3. During the subjective night, the tonic depolarization is accompanied by a decrease in conductance compared to the previous dark value. However, light pulses of similar duration delivered to eyes during their subjective day causes tonic depolarizations and increased CAP activity, but no measurable change in conductance. 4. Membrane responses to light are sensitive to agents that reduce Ca2+ flux. Light pulses during the subjective night produce a phasic depolarization, but the repolarization phase is eliminated in low Ca2+/EGTA seawater and is reduced in 5 mM Ni2+.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Some infants show a free-running rhythm in their rest-activity. We do not know why, nor do we know exactly what the entrainment factors are for the development of the normal 24-h rest-activity rhythm. Actigraphic recordings on 10 primiparae during late pregnancy and these mothers and their infants during the 2nd, 6th, and 12th wks after birth were made over 3–5 continuous days to investigate maternal and infant entrainment. One infant showed a free-running rest-activity circadian rhythm. In late pregnancy, the period in the autocorrelogram of the mother with the free-running infant was longer than the significant period of the mean autocorrelogram of the mothers with non-free-running infants. The finding of this study indicates the free-running rhythm of infant is not reset by maternal entrainment factors. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Variation in four characteristics of the circadian locomotor activity rhythm was investigated in 24 true-breeding strains of Drosophila melanogaster with a view to establishing methods of phenotypic measurement sufficiently robust to allow subsequent biometric analysis. Between them, these strains formed a representative sample of the genetic variability of a natural population. Period, phase, definition (the degree to which a rhythmic signal was obscured by noise), and rhythm waveform were all found to vary continuously among the strains, although within each strain the rhythm phenotype was remarkably consistent. Each characteristic was found to be sufficiently robust to permit objective measurement using several different methods of quantification, which were then compared.  相似文献   

Variation in four characteristics of the circadian locomotor activity rhythm was investigated in 24 true-breeding strains of Drosophila melanogaster with a view to establishing methods of phenotypic measurement sufficiently robust to allow subsequent biometric analysis. Between them, these strains formed a representative sample of the genetic variability of a natural population. Period, phase, definition (the degree to which a rhythmic signal was obscured by noise), and rhythm waveform were all found to vary continuously among the strains, although within each strain the rhythm phenotype was remarkably consistent. Each characteristic was found to be sufficiently robust to permit objective measurement using several different methods of quantification, which were then compared.  相似文献   

The zinc-dependent leucine aminopeptidase from Pseudomonas putida (ppLAP) is an important enzyme for the industrial production of enantiomerically pure amino acids. To provide a better understanding of its structure-function relationships, the enzyme was studied by X-ray crystallography. Crystal structures of native ppLAP at pH 9.5 and pH 5.2, and in complex with the inhibitor bestatin, show that the overall folding and hexameric organization of ppLAP are very similar to those of the closely related di-zinc leucine aminopeptidases (LAPs) from bovine lens and Escherichia coli. At pH 9.5, the active site contains two metal ions, one identified as Mn2+ or Zn2+ (site 1), and the other as Zn2+ (site 2). By using a metal-dependent activity assay it was shown that site 1 in heterologously expressed ppLAP is occupied mainly by Mn2+. Moreover, it was shown that Mn2+ has a significant activation effect when bound to site 1 of ppLAP. At pH 5.2, the active site of ppLAP is highly disordered and the two metal ions are absent, most probably due to full protonation of one of the metal-interacting residues, Lys267, explaining why ppLAP is inactive at low pH. A structural comparison of the ppLAP-bestatin complex with inhibitor-bound complexes of bovine lens LAP, along with substrate modelling, gave clear and new insights into its substrate specificity and high level of enantioselectivity.  相似文献   

Behavioral rhythms of the Nile tilapia were investigated to better characterize its circadian system. To do so, the locomotor activity patterns of both male and female tilapia reared under a 12:12 h light-dark (LD) cycle were studied, as well as in males the existence of endogenous rhythmicity under free-running conditions (DD and 45 min LD pulses). When exposed to an LD cycle, the daily pattern of activity differed between individuals: some fish were diurnal, some nocturnal, and a few displayed an arrhythmic pattern. This variability would be typical of the plastic circadian system of fish. Moreover, reproductive events clearly affected the behavioral rhythms of female tilapia, a mouth-brooder teleost species. Under DD, 50% (6 of 12) of male fish showed circadian rhythms with an average period (τ) of 24.1±0.2 h, whereas under the 45 min LD pulses, 58% (7 of 12) of the fish exhibited free-running activity rhythms with an average τ of 23.9±0.5 h. However, interestingly in this case, activity was always confined to the dark phase. Furthermore, when the LD cycle was reversed, a third of the fish showed gradual resynchronization to the new phase, taking 7–10 days to be completely re-entrained. Taken together, these results suggest the existence of an endogenous circadian oscillator that controls the expression of locomotor activity rhythms in the Nile tilapia, although its anatomical localization remains unknown.  相似文献   

Alterations in circadian rhythms have previously been associated with estrous and seasonal changes in reproductive state. In the present study we explored the effects of the reproductive events of pregnancy and parturition on free-running circadian activity rhythms in the rat. Free-running rhythms were monitored before mating, during pregnancy, and following parturition and removal of pups. Systematic and long-lasting alterations of the period of the free-running activity rhythm were seen following parturition. The effects of estrous, seasonal, and gestational reproductive states on circadian rhythms may be mediated by the endocrine events which accompany these states.  相似文献   

Alterations in circadian rhythms have previously been associated with estrous and seasonal changes in reproductive state. In the present study we explored the effects of the reproductive events of pregnancy and parturition on free-running circadian activity rhythms in the rat. Free-running rhythms were monitored before mating, during pregnancy, and following parturition and removal of pups. Systematic and long-lasting alterations of the period of the free-running activity rhythm were seen following parturition. The effects of estrous, seasonal, and gestational reproductive states on circadian rhythms may be mediated by the endocrine events which accompany these states.  相似文献   

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